Ansi b36 10 1979

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By Authority Of


Legally Binding Document
By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and
Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly
INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally
binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America.
HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance.

Document Name: ANSI B36.19: Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe

CFR Section(s): 24 CFR 3280.705(b)(1)

Standards Body: American National Standards Institute

Official Incorporator:


In March, 1927, the American Standards Association authorized the organization of a Sectional Commit
tee on Standardization of Dimensions aizd Material of Wrought Steel and Wrought Iron Pipe and Tubing, for
the purpose of unifying the standards of these commodities in force in this country. The American Society
for Testing and Materials and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers were designated as sponsors
and the first meeting of the sectional committee was held in Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 18,1928.
The dimensions of commercial pipe, in general use in the United States at the time, conformed rather
generally to, those recommended by the ASME Committee on Standard Pipe and Pipe Threads, published in
1886 (ASME Trans., vol. VIII, page 29). On these standards an enormous industry has been built and the
satisfactory use of this product proves the soundness of the original design and specification.
Increa:singly severe service demands at the time of the committee's organization, had been met by using
the nearest available pipe or tubing for heavier secfions, such as casing, mechanical tubing, etc., with result
ing uneconomical multiplicity of wall thicknesses.
Subsequently; the committee, with the cooperation of the industry, made a survey of existing practice as
the logical statting point for the development of an American Standard.
From this survey, a Table was designed to provide a selection of wall thicknesses of pipe to cover the
power piping requirements of industry where strength to resist internal pressure governs selection and was
later expanded to include pipe diameters and thicknesses used in other industries.
The original intent of the Committe.e was to establish a system of Schedule Numbers for pipe size/wall
combinations which would have an approximately uniform relationship equal to 1000 times the PIS expres
sion contained in the modified Barlow formula for pipe wall thickness as defined in the Appendix to this
standard. The resulting Numbers departed so far from existing wall tllicknesses in common use that the
original intent could not be accOlilplished. The Scheoule Numbers were th'E:n adopted strictly as a convenient
designation system for use in ordering.
In all cases, the designer must base his selection on the rules and allowable stresses set by the code which
goverIls his particular construction. The table is dimensionally complete for all sizes and wall thicknesses
within its scope, but some of the larger, heavier wall sections are beyond the capability of seamless mill
production and must be obtained from forged and bored billets or other sources.
The first issue, of this Standard was approved by letter ballot of the Sectional Committee in October
1934; by The American Society of Mechanic,al Engineers in November 1934, and by the AmericaIi Society
for Testing and Materials in February 1935. Formal approval was given with the designation American Stan
dard' "tentative," by the American Standards Association, November 1935.
Subsequent slight revisions to Table 1 and the footl\otes of the dimensional tables were approved in order
by the Sectional Committee, the Sponsors, and the Am~rican Standards Association, The latter changed the
designation to American Standard; date of approval April 28, 1939.
Further revisions have been made by the Sectional Committee and approved by the Sponsors and the
American Standards Association. The list of specifications in Table I has been revised where necessary and
slight revisions in wall thicknesses of some of the large sizes of the heavy schedules have been made where
PIS values were out of line.
It was the hope in 1939 that the designations of pipe used commercially by all industry as standard
weight, extra strong, and double extra strong would gradually be replaced by Schedule Number designation.
However, owing to customs of over fifty years' standing, demand and production of pipe to these traditional
dimensions is undiminished. Consequently. in response to a demand from users, accepted practice for
dimensions and weights of commercial wrougllt steel and welded wrought iron pipe, were added.
These changes in the Standard were approved by the Sectional Committee, the Sponsors, and the Amer
ican Standards Association, and it was designated an American Standard on February 23. 1950.

Subcommittee No.1 was reorganized in 1957 to revise and bring the Standard up to date. In addition to
the necessary editorial.changes, a simplified format was selected for the tables of weights and dimensions so
as to include and to identify the sizes and weights of API Standards 5L and 5 LX. The decimal wall thick-
nesses and plain end weights were established by a uniform procedure recognized by the tubular industry,
and for some sizes the decimal wall thicknesses and plain end weights shown may vary slightly from those
shown in the tables of previous issues of this Standard.
These changes were approved by the Sectional Committee, the Sponsors, and the American Standards
Association, and it was designated an American Standard on December 21,1959.
This Standard was revised in 1969 to bring it up to date. A uniform method to calculate the plain end
weight of steel pipe was included, and minor adjustments were made in the tabulated weights of steel pipe
in Table 2 to conform to this new method. Additional sizes and thicknesses of steel pipe which have come
into common use were also added to Table 2.
Inasmuch as API Standard 5L no longer included wrought iron pipe, reference to this API Standard was
deleted from Table 3.
These changes in the Standard were approved by the Standards Committee, the Sponsors, and the Amer-
ican National Standards Institute, and it was designated an American National Standard on February 3,
Further revisions were made .(0 this Standard in 1975. Additional sizes and thickness of steel pipe which
had been added to API Specifications were added to Table 2. Table 3, Dimensions and Weights of Welded
Wrought Iron Pipe was deleted in its entirety, since wrought iron pipe is no longer produced.
These changes in the Standard were approved by the Standards Committee, the Secretariat, and the
American National Standards Institute, and it was designated an American National Standard on June 5,
1975. ..
This Standard was revised in 1978 to include SI metric dimensions. The outside diameter and wall thick-
nesses were converted to mm by multiplying the inch dimensions by 25.4. Outside diameters larger than
16" were rounded to' the nearest mm, and outside diameter 16" and smaller were rounded to the nearest
0.1 mm. Wall thicknesses were rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI metric
dimensions were adde.d to Table 2.' A formula to calculate the SI metric plain end mass', kg/m, using SI
metric diameters and thicknesses was adde.d to SectionS. TheSI metric plain end mass was calculated for
each size and thickness, and was added to Table 2.
These changes in the Standard were approved by the Standards Committee. the Secretariat, and the
American National Standards Institute, and it was designed an American National Standard on July 18,1979
1 Reprinted by permission of the 'American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017.

ANSI 836.10-1979



This Standard covers the standardization of dimen- The nominal weights of steel pipe are calculated
sions of welded and seamless wrought steel pipe, for values and are tabulated in Table 2.
high or low temperatures and pressures. The nominal plain end weights, lbs./ft., are cal
The word pipe is used as distinguished from tube to culated using the following formula:
apply to tubular products of dimimsions commoil1y Wpe = 10.68 (D - t) t
used for pipelin.e and piping systems. Pipe dimensions
of sizes 12 inch and smaller have ou'tside diameters where
numerically larger than corresponding sizes. In con- Wpe = nominal plain end weight rounded to the
trast, the outside diameters of tubes are numerically nearest 0.01 lb./ft.
identical to the size number for all sizes. D = outside diameter to the nearest 0.001 in .
. (The symbol D is to be used for 00 only in
:1. SIZE h1athematical equations or fomulas.)
The size of all pipe is iden tified by the nominal pipe = specified wall thickness rounded to the
size. nearesfD.OOl in:
The manufacture of pipe in the nominal sizes of 1/8
The nominal plain _end mass, kg/m, is calculated
inch to 12 inches inclusive is based on a standardized
using the following formula:
outside diameter (OD). This OD was originally selected
so that pipe with a standard OD and having a wall Wpe = 0.02466 (D - /) /
thickness which was typical of the period would have where
an inside diameter (ID) approximately equal to the
Wpe = nominal plain end mass rounded to the
nominal size. Although there is no such relation be-
nearest 0.0 1 kg/m
tween the existing standard thickness-OD and nomi-
nal size-these nominal sizes and standard ODs con- D = outside diameter (0 the nearest 0.1 mm for

tinue in use as "standard." outside diameters which are 16 in. and

The manufacture of pipe in nominal sizes of 14 inch smaller and 1.0 mm for outside diameter
OD and larger. proceeds on the basis of an OD corre- larger than 16 in. (The symbol D is to be
sponding to the nominal size. used for OD only in mathematical equations
or formulas).
3. MATERIALS specified wall thickness rounded to the
The dimensional standards for pipe described here ncarest 0.0 I mm.
arc for products covered in the ASTM and API specifi
cations listed in Table 1. 6. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS
Variations in dimensions differ depending upon the
4. WALL THICKNESS method of manufacture cmployed in maldng the pipe
The nominal wall thicknesses are given in Table 2. to the various specifications listed in Table 1. Permis'
Table 2 also indicates wall thicknesses listed in API sible variations for dimensions are indicated in each
Standards 5L, 5LX and 5LS. specification.


7. PIPE THREADS Pipe'of sizes and wall thickness other than those of
Unless otherwise specified, the threads of threaded Standard, ExtraStrong, Double Extra Strong, and
pipe shall conform to ANSI B2.l Pipe Threads (Ex Schedule Number were adopted from API Standards
cept Drysea/). 5L, 5LX and 5LS. It was not considered practical to
establish Schedule Numbers nor new designations for
The wall thickness designations "Standard",
"ExtraStrong", and Double ExtraStrong" have been When the selection of wall thickness depends pri-
commercially used designations for many years. As ex marily upon capacity to resist internal pressure under
plained in the Foreword, the Schedule Numbers were given conditions, the designer shall compute the exact
subsequently added as a convenient designation for use value of wall thickness suitable for conditions for
in ordering pipe. Standard and Schedule 40 are iden which the pipe is required as prescribed in detail in the
tical for nominal pipe sizes up to 10 inch inclusive. All ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ANSI B3l
larger sizes of Standard have 3/8 inch wall thickness. Code for Pressure Piping, or other similar codes,
ExtraStrong and Schedule 80 are identical for nom whichever governs the construction. A thickness shall
inal pipe sizes up to 8 inch inclusive. All larger sizes of be selected from Table 2 to suit the value computed
ExtraStrong have 1/2 inch wall thickness. to fulflll the conditions for which the pipe is desired.


Table 1 Specifications for Pipe with ANSI Designations and Titles of Standard Specifications


Designation Designation Title

ASTM A53 8125.1 Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe

ASTM A106 8125.30 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service

ASTM A120 8125.2 81ack and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe
for Ordinary Uses

ASTM A134 8125.55 Electri~-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over)

ASTM A135 8125.3 Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe

ASTM A139 8125.31 Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 4 in. and Over)

ASTM A155 8125.4 Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service

ASTM A211 8122.56 Spiral-Welded Steel or Iron Pipe

ASTM A312 8125.16 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe

ASTM A333 8125.17 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for LowTemperature Service

ASTM A335 8125.24 Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service

ASTM A358 8125.57 Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe :or High-
Temperature Service

ASTM A369 8125.27 Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and 80red Pipe for High-Temperature

ASTM A376 8125.25 Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central-Station Service

ASTM A381 8125.35 Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Transmission Systems

ASTM A405 8125.26 Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe Specially Heat Treated for HighTemperature

ASTM A523 G62.5 Plain End Seamless and Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel P;pe for High Prec:;sure
Pipe-Type Cable Circuits

ASTM A524 8125.37 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Process Piping

ASTM A530 8125.20 General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe

API 5L Line Pipe

API5LX High-Test Line Pipe

API5LS Spiral Weld Line Pipe


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe

Inch Units 51 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall En,d Standard (STD) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API Xstrong (X) 'Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Statu5
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

'/. 0.405 0.068 0.24 5L STD 40 10.3 1.73 0.37

'/. 0.405 0.095 0.31 5L XS 80 10.3 2.41 0.47

Yo 0.540 0.088 0.42 5L STD 40 13.7 2.24 0.63

Yo 0.540 0.119 0.54 5L XS 80 13.7 3.02 0.80

'/. 0.675 0.091 0.57 5L STD 40 17.1 2.31 0.84

% 0.675 0.126 0.74 5L XS 80 17.1 3.20 1.10

y, 0.840 0.109 0.85 5L STD 40 21.3 2.77 1.27

y, 0.840 0.147 1.09 5L XS 80 21.3 3.73 1.62
y, 0.840 0.188 1.31 160 21.3 4.78 1.95
y, 0.840 0.294 1.71 5L XXS 21.3 7.47 2.55

% 1.050 0.113 1.13 5L STD 40 26.7 2.87 1.69

% 1.050 0.154 1.47 5L, XS 80 26.7 3.91 2.20
% 1.050 0.219 1.94 160 26.7 5.56 2.90
% 1,050 0.308 2.44 5L XXS 26.7 7.82 3.64

1.315 0.133 1.68 5L STD 40 33.4 3.38 2.50

1.315 0.179 2.17 5L XS 80 33.4 4.55 3.24
1.315 0.250 2.84 160 33.4 6.35 4.24
1.315 0.358 3.66 5L XXS 33.4 9.09 5.45

1Y4 1.660 0.140 2.27 5L STD 40 42.2 3.56 3.39

1% 1.660 0.191 3.00 5L XS 80 42.2 4.85 4.47
1% 1.660 0.250 3.76 160 42.2 6.35 5.61
1% 1.660 0.382 5.21 5L XXS 42.2 9.70 7.77

1% 1.900 0.145 2.72 5L STD 40 48.3 3.68 4.05

1% 1.900 0.200 3.63 5L XS 80 48.3 5.08 5.41
1% 1.900 0.281 4.86 160 48.3 7.14 7.25
1% 1.900 0.400 6.41 5L XXS 48.3 10.15 9.56

2.375 0.083 2.03 5L5LX 60.3 2.11 3.03

2 2.375 0.109 2.64 5L5LX . 60.3 2.77 3.93
2 2.375 0.125 3.00 5L5LX 60.3 3.18 4.48
2 2.375 0.141 3.36 5L5LX 60.3 3.58 5.01
2 2.375 0.154 3.65 5L5LX STD , . 40 60.3 '3.91 5.44
2.375 0.172 4.05 5L5LX 60.3 4.37 6.03
2 2.375 0.188 4.39 5L5LX 60.3 4.78 6.54
2 2.375 0.218 5.02 5L5LX XS 80 60.3 5.54 7.48
2 2.375 0.250 5.67 5L5LX 60.3 6.35 8.45
2 2.375 0.281 6.28 5L5LX 60.3 7.14 9.36
2 2.375 0.344 7.46 60.3 8.74 11.11
2 2.375 0.436 9.03 5L5LX XXS 60.3 11.07 13.44

N-Item not shown in ANSI 836.10-1975 which has been added to API Specifications.
C-Corrected listing for an item that 'was incorrectly listed in ANSI 836.10-1975.
No Code Letter-Item correctly listed in ANSI 836.10-1975.


Table,2 Dimensions arid Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch UnitS 81 Units

Plain Plain
Incn Outside Wall End Standard (STDJ Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XX'strong (XXSJ No. mm mm kg/m

2% 2.875 0.083 2.47 5L5LX 73.0 2.11 3.69

2% 2.875 0.109 3.22 5L5LX 73.0 2.77 4.80
2% 2.875 0.125 3.67 5L5LX 73.0 3.18 5,48
2% 2.875 0.141 4.12 5L 5LX 73.0 3.58 6.13
2% 2.875 0.156 4.53 5L5LX 73.0 3.96 6.74
2~ 2.875 0.172 4.97 5L5LX 73.0 4.37 7,40
2Ya 2.875 0.188 5,40 5L5LX 73.0 4.78 8.04
2% 2.875 0.203 5.79 5L 5LX STD 40 73.0 5.16 8.63
2% 2.875 0.216 6.13 5L 5LX 73.0 5,49 9.14
2% .. 2.875 0.250 7eOl 5L 5LX 73.0 6.35 10.44
2% 2.875 0.276 7.66 5L 5LX XS 80 nO 7.01 11,41
2% 2.875 0.375 . 10.01 160 73.0 9.53 14.92
2% 2.875 0.552 13.69 5L 5LX XXS 73.0 14.02 20.39

3 3.500 0.083 3.03 5L 5LX 88.9 2.11 4.52

3 3.500 0.109 3.95 5L 5LX 88.9 2.77 5.88
3 3.500 0.125 4.51 5L 5LX 88.9 3.18 6.72
3 3.500 0.141 5.06 5L 5LX 88.9 3.58 7.53
3 3.500 0.156 5.57 5L 5LX 88.9 3.96 8.29
--:;3_ _ _-:3,:.;.5;.:0"'0_ _.,,0'-:.1"'72, 6.11 5L 5~L",X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 88.9 4.37 9.11
3 3.500 0.188 6.65 5L 5 LX -88.9 4.78 9.92
3 3.500 0.216 7.58 5L5LX STD 40 88.9 5.49 11.29
3 3.500 0.250 8.68 5L 5LX 88.9 6.3:,,5'--_712~.~~_ _ __
3.500 0.281 9.66 5L 5LX 88.9 7.14 14,40
3 3.500 0.300 10.25 S L 5 LX XS 80 88.9 7.62 15.27
3 3.500 0,438 14.32 160 88.9 11.13 21.35
3 3.S00 0.600 18.58 5L 5LX XXS 88.9 15.24 27.68

3~ 4.000 0.083 3,47 5L 5LX 101.6 2.11 5.18

3~ 4.000 0.109 4.53 SL5LX 101.6 2.77 6.75
~3Y.~'____~4~.0~0~0~__~0~'iI2~5~__~5~.~'7~~5~L~5~L~X~_________________________':0'.6 3.18 7.72
3~ 4.000 0.141 5.81 5LSLX 101.6 3.58 8.65
3~ 4.000 0.156 6,40 5L 5LX 101.6 3.96 9.53
3~ 4.000 0.172 7.03 5L 5LX 101.6 4.37 10,48
3~ 4.000 0.188 7.65 5L 5LX 101.6 4.78 11,41
3~ 4.000 0.226 9.11 5L5LX STD 40 101.6 5.74 13.57
3~ 4.000 0.250 10.01 5L 5LX 101.6 6.35 14.92
3~ 4.000 0.281 11.16 5L5LX 101.6 7.14 16.63
3~ 4.000 0.318 12.50 5L 6LX XS 80 101.6 8.08 18.63

4 4.500 0.083 3.92 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 .2.11 5.84

4 4.500 0.109 5.11 5L 5LS 114.3 2.77 7.62

~:-------=:;:':~"'~S~~--~~;;::.;.~~T.~;----'~;;::~~:~---;~~~'-:~:';~"'~~~:=:~~~----------------------:.'-:'~~ H
3.18 8.71
3.58 9.77
4 4.500 0.156 7.24 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 3.96 10.78
4 4.500 0.172 7.95 5L5LX5LS 114.3 4.37 11.85
4 4.500 0.188 8.66 5L5LX5LS 114.3 4.78 12.91
4 4.500 0.203 9.32 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 516 13.89
4 4.500 0.219 10,01 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 5.56 14.91
4 4.500 0.237 10.79 5L 5LX 5LS STD 40 114.3 6.Q2 16.07


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STOI Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Waight API X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thicknt:ss Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXSI No. mm mm kg/m

4 4.500 0.250 11.35 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 6.35 16.90

4.500 0.281 12.66 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 7.14 18.87
4 4.500 0.312 13.96 5L 5LX 5LS 114.3 7.92 20.78
4 4.500 0.337 14.98 5L 5LX 5LS XS 80 114.3 8.56 22.32
4 4.500 0.438 19.00 5L 5LX 5LS 120 114.3 11.13 28.32
4 4.500 0.531 22.51 5L 5LX 5LS 160 114.3 13.49 33.54
4 4.500 0.674 27.54 5L 5LX 5LS XXS 114.3 17.12 41.03

"5.563. 0.083 4.86 5L 5LS 141.3 2.11 7.24

5.563 0.125 7.26 5L 5LS 141.3 3.18 10.83
5.563 0.156 9.01 5L 5LS 141.3 3.96 13.41
5 5.563 0.188 10.79 5L 5LS 141.3 4.78 16.09
5 5.563 0.219 12.50 5L 5LS 141.3 5.56 18.61
5 5.563 .0.258 14.62 5L 5LS STO 40 .141.3 6.55 21.77
5 5.563 0.281 15.85 5L 5LS 141.3 7.14 23.62
5 5.563 0.312 17.50 5L 5LS 141.3 7.92 26.05
5 5.563 0.344 19.17 5L 5LS 141.3 8.74 28.57
5 5.563 0.375 20.78 5L XS 80 141.3 9.53 30.97 c
5 5.563 0.500 27.04 5L 5LS 120 141.3 12.70 40.28
5 5.563 0.625 32.96 5L 5LS 160 141.3 15.88 49.11
5.563 0.750 38.55 5L XXS 141.3 19.05 57.43

6 6.625 0.083 5.80 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 ,2.11 8.65

6 6.625 0.109 7.59 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 2.77 11.31
6 6.625 0.125 8.68 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 3.18 12.95
6 6.625 0.141 9.76 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 3.58 14.54
6 6.625 0.156 10.78 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 3.96 16.05
6 6.625 0.172 11.85 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 4.37 17.67
6 6.625 0.188 12.92 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 4.78 19.27
6 6.625 0.203 13.92 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 5.16 20.76
6 6.625 0.219 14.98 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 5.56 22.31
6 6.625 0.250 17.02 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 6.35 25.36
6 6.625 0.280 18.97 5L 5LX 5LS STO 40 168.3 7.11 28.26
6 6.625 0.312 21.04 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 7.92 31.32
6 6.625 0.344 23.08 5L5LX 5LS 168.3 8.74 34.39
6 6.625 0.375 25.03 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 9.53 37.31
6 6.625 0.432 28.57 5L 5LX 5LS XS 80 168.3 10.97 42.56
6 6.625 0.500 32.71 5L 5LX 5LS 168.3 12.70 48.73
6 6.625 0.562 36.39 5L 5LX 5LS 120 168.3 14.27 54.20
6 6.625 0.625 40.05 5L 5LX tLS 168.3 15.88 59.69
6 6.625 0.719 45.35 5L 5LX 5LS 160 168.3 18.26 67.56
6 6.625 0.864 53.16 5L XXS 168.3 21.95 79.22

8 8.625 0.125 11.35 5L5LX 5LS 219.1 3.18 16.93

8 8.625 0.156 14.11 5L5LX 5LS 219.1 3.96 21.01
~8~_-,-_8~.:!.62~5,-__0~'c'.1",88~_..!.-"16.94 5L 5LX 5LS _~~.1_ _~4~."7,8~_-=2~5~.2~6_ _ ___
8 8.625 0.203 18.26 5LX 5LS 219.1 5.16 27.22
8 8;625 0.219 19.66 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 5.56 29.28
8 8.625 0.250 22.36 5L 5LX 5LS 20 219.1 6.35 33.31
8 8.625 0.277 24.70 5L 5LX 5LS 30 219.1 7.04 36.81


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 51 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Out'side Wall End Standard (STD) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X~strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass ,Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm kgim

8 8.625 0.312 .27.70 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 7,92 41.24

8 8.625 0.322 78.55 5L 5LX 5LS STD 40 219.1 8.18 42.55
8 8.625 0.344 3Q.42 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 8;74 45.34
8 8.625 0.375 33.04 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 9.53 49.25
8 8.625 0;406 35.64 60 219.1 10.31 53.08
8 8.625 .0.438 38.30 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 11.13 57.08
8 8.625 0.500 43.39 5L 5LX 5LS XS 80' 219 ..1 '12.70 64.64
8 8.625 0.562 48.40 5L 5LX 5LS 219.1 14.27 72.08
8 8.625 0.594 50.95 100 219.1 15.09 75.92
8 8.625 0.625 53.40 5L 5LX 5LS 219.. 1 15.88 79.58
8 '.8.625 0.719 60.71 5L 5LX 5LS 120 219.1 18.26 90.44
8 8.625 . 0.812 67.76 140 219.1 20.62 100.92
8 8.625 0.875 72.42 5L XXS 219.1 22.23 107.92
8 8.625 0.906 74.69 160 219.1 23.01 111.27

10 10.750 0.156 1.7.65 5L 5LX 5LS 273.1 3.96 26.28

10 10.750 0.188 21..21 5L 5LX 5LS 273.1 4.78 31.63
10 10.750 0.203 22.87 5 LX 5 LS 273.1 S.16 34.09
10 10.750 0.219 24.1>3 5L 5LX SLS 273.1 5.56 36.68
10 10.750 0.250 28.04 SL SLX SLS 20 273,1 6.35 41.77
10 10.750 0.279 31.20 5L 5LXSLS 2}3.1 7.09 46.51
10 10.750 0.307 34.24 5L 5LX 5LS 30 273.1 7.80 51.03
10 10.750 0.344 38.23 5L 5LX 5LS 273.1 8.74 56.98
10 10.750 0.365 40.48 5L 5LX 5LS STD 40 273.1 9.27 60.31
10 10.750 0.438 48.24 5L 5LX 5LS 273.1 11.13 71.90
10 10.750 0.500 ", 54.74 5L 5LX 5LS XS 60 273.1 12.70 81.55
10 10,750 0.562 61.15 5L5LX5LS 273.1 14.27 91.08
10 10.750 0.594 64-.43 80 273.1 15.09 96.01
10 10.750 0.625 67.58 5L 5LX 5LS 273.1 15.88 100.73
10 10.750 0.719 77.03 5L SLX 5LS 100 273.1 18.26 114.75
10 10.750 0.812 86.18 5L 5LS 273.1 20.62 128.38
10 10.750 0.844 89.29 120 273.1 21.44 133.06
10 10.750 1.000 104.13 XXS 140 273.1 25.40 155.15
10 10.750 1.125 115.64 160 273.1 28.58 .172.33

12 12.750 0.172 23.11 5L 5LX 5LS 323.9 4.37 34.43

12 12.750 0.188 25.22 5L 5LX 5LS 3.23.9 4.78 37.62
12 12.750 0.203 27.20 5LX 5LS 323.9 5.16 40.56
12 12.750 0.219 29.31 5L 5LX 5LS 323.9 5.56 43.65
12 12,750 0.250 33.38 5L 5LX 5LS 20 323.9 6.35 49.73
12 12.750 0.281 37.42 5L 5LX 5LS 323.9 7.14 5S.77
12 12.7S0 0.312 _41.4S SL SLX 5LS 323.9 7.92 61.71
12 12.7S0 0.330 43.77 SL SLX SLS 30 323.9 8.38 65.20
12 12.7S0 0.344 45.58 SL SLX 5LS 323.9 8.74 67.93
12 12.750 0.375 49.S6 5L SLX 5LS STD 323.9 9.S3 73.88
12 12.750 0.406 53.S2 5LX 5LS 40 323.9 10.31 79.73
12 12.750 0.438 S7.59 5L SLX SLS 323.9 11.13 85.84
12 12.7S0 0.600 65.42 5L 5LX SLS XS 323.9 12.70 97.46
12 12.7S0 0.562 73.15 5L5LXSLS 60 323.9 14.27 108.96
12 12.750 0.625 80.93 5L SLX SLS 323.9 lS.88 120.62


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units SI Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STDI Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXSI No. mm mm kg/m

12 12.750 0.G88 88.63 5L 5LX 5LS 80 323.9 17,48 132.08

12 12.750 0.750 96.12 5L 5LX5LS 323.9 19.05 143.21
12 12.750 0.812 103.53 5L 5LX 5LS 323.9 20.62 154.21
12 12.750 0.844 107.32 100 323.9 21.44 159.91
12 12.750 0.875 110.97 5L5LX5LS 323.9 22.23 165.37
12 12.750 1.000 125,49 XXS 120 323.9 25,40 186.97
12 12.750 1.125 139.67 140 323.9 28.58 208.14
12 12.750 1.312 160.27 160 323.9 33.32 238.76

14 14.000 0.188 27.73 5L5LX5LS 355.6 4.78 41.35

14 14.000 0.203 29.91 5L 5LS 355.6 5.16 44.59
14 14.000 0.210 30.93 5 LX 5 LS 355.6 5.33 46.04
14 14.000 0.219 32.23 5LX 5LS 355.6 5.56 47.99
14 14.000 0.250 36.71 5L 5LX 5LS 10 355.6 6.35 54.69
14 14.000 0.281 41.17 5L5LX5LS 355.6 7.14 61.35
14 14.000 0.312 45.61 5L 5LX 5LS 20 355.6 7.92 67.90----
14 14.000 0.344 50.17 5L5LX5LS 355.6 8.74 74.76
14 14.000 0.375 54.57 5L 5LX 5LS STD 30 355.6 9.53 81.33
14 14.000 0,406 58.94 5 LX 5 LS 355.6 10.31 87.79
14 14.000 0.438 63,44 5L 5LX 5LS 40 355.6 11.13 94.55
14 14.000 0,469 67.78 5LX 5LS 355.6 11.91 100.94
14 14.000 0.500 72.09 5L 5LX 5LS XS 355.6 12.70 107.39
14 14.000 0.562 80.66 5L 5LX 5LS 355.6 14.27 120.11
--'1_'_4_~__'1_'_4:;:.0.:;0=_0_-:;0.594 85.05 60 355.6 15.09 126.71
14 14.000 0.625 89.28 5L 5LX 5LS 355.6 15.88 133.03
14 14.000 0.688 97.81 5L5LX5LS 355.6 17,48 145.75
14 14.000 0.750 106.13 5L 5LX 5LS 80 355.6 19.05 158.10
14 14.000 0.812 114.37 5L5LX5LS 355.6 20.62 170.33
14 14.000 0.875 122.65 5L 5LX 5LS 355.6 22.23 182.75
14 14.000 0.938 130.85 5L 5LX 5LS 100 355.6 23.83 194.96
14 14.000 1.094 150.79 120 355.6 27.79 224.65
14 14.000 1.250 170.21 140 355.6 31.75 253.56
14 14.000 1.406 189.11 160 355.6 35.71 281. 70
14 14.000 2.000 256.32 355.6 50.80 381.83
14 14.000 2.125 269.50 355.6 53.98 '401.50
14 14.000 2.200 277.25 355.6 55.88 413.01
14 14.000 2.500 307.05 355.6 63.50 457.40

16 16.000 0.188 31.75 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 4.78 47.34

16 16.000 0.203 34.25 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 ~16 51~6

16 16.000 0.219 36.91 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 5.56 54.96

16 16.000 0.250 42.05 5L 5LX 5LX 10 . 406.4 6.35 62.64
16 16.000 0.281 47.17 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 7.14 70.30
16 16.000 0.312 52.27 5L 5LX 5LS 20 406.4 '7.92 77.83
16 16.000 0.344 57.52 5L5LX5LS 406.4 8.74 85.71
16 16.000 0.375 62.58 5L 5LX 5LS STD 30 406.4 9.53 93.27
16 16.000 0,406 67.62 5LX 5LS 406.~.4_ _ _1~0~.3~1~_~1~0~0~.7~0~_ ___
16 16.000 0.438 72.80 5L5LX5LS 406.4 11.13 108.49
16 16.000 0.469 77.79 5LX 5LS 406.4 11.91 115.86
16 16.000 0.500 82.77 5L 5LX 5LS XS 40 406.4 12.70 123.30


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard ISTD) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (XI Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XX-strong IXXS) No. mm mm kg/m

16 16.000 0.562 92.66 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 14.27 137.99

16 16.000 0.625 102.63 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 15.88 152.93
16 16.000 0.656 107.50 60 406.4 16.66 160.12
16 16.000 0.688 112.51 5L5LX5LS 406.4 17.48 167.65
16 16.000 0.750 122.15 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 19.05 181.97
16 16.000 0.812 131.71 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 20.62 196.16
16 16.000 0.844 136.61 80 406.4 21.44 203.53
16 16.000 0.875 141.34 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 22.23 210.60
16 16.000 0.938 150.89 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 23.83 224.82
16 16.000 1.000 160.20 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 25.40 238.64
16 16.000 1.031 164.82 100 406.4 26.19 245.56
16 16.000 1.062 169.43 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 26.97 252.35
16 16.000 1.125 178.72 5L 5LX 5LS 406.4 28.58 266.28
16 16.000 1.219 192.43 120 406.4 30.96 286.64
16 16.000 1.438 223.64 140 406.4 36.53 333.19
16 16.000 1.594 245.25 160 406.4 40.49 365.35

18 18.000 0.188 35.76 5L 5LX 5LS 457 4.78 53.31

18 18.000 0.219 41.59 5L5LX5LS 457 5.56 61.90
18 18.000 0.250 47.39 5L 5LX 5LS 10 457 6.35 70.57
18 18.000 0.281 53.18 5L5LX5LS 457 7.14 79.21
18 18.000 0.312 58.94 5L 5LX 5LS 20 457 7.92 87.71
18 18.000 0.344 64.87 5L 5LX 5LS 457 8.74 96.61
18 18.000 0.375 70.59 5L 5LX 5LS STD 457 9.53 105.16
18 18.000 0.406 76.29 5LX 5LS 457 10.31 113.57
18 18.000 0.438 .82.15 5L5LX5LS 30 457 11.13 122.38
18 18.000 0,459 87.81 5LX 5LS 457 11.91 130.72
18 18.000 0.500 93.45 5L 5LX 5LS XS 457 12.70 139.15
18 18.000 0.562 104.67 5L 5LX 5LS 'lU 457 _ _--'-'4"'.=.27'c---__'''''5'''5'''.8'''0'---_ __
18 18.000 0.625 115.98 5L5LX5LS 457 15.88 172.74
18 18.000 0.688 127.21 5L 5LX 5LS 457 17.48 189.46
18 18.000 0.750 138.17 5L 5LX 5LS 60 457 19.05 205.74
18 18.000 0.812 149.06 5L 5LX 5LS 457 20.62 221.89
18 18.000 0.875 160.03 5L 5LX 5LS 457 22.23 238.34
18 18.000 0.938 170.92 5L 5LX 5LS 80 457 23.83 254.55
18 18.000 1.000 181.56 5L 5LX 5LS 457 25.40 270.34
18 18.000 1.062 192.11 5L 5LX 5LS 457 26.97 286.00
18 18.000 1.125 202.75 5L 5LX 5LS 457 28.58 301.94
18 18.000 1.156 207.96 100 457 29.36 309.62
18 18.000 1.188 213.31 5L 5LX 5LS 457 30.18 317.66
18 18.000 1.250 223.61 5L 5LX 5LS 457 31.75 332.95
18 18.000 1.375 244.14 120 457 34.93 363.56
18 18.000 1.562 274.22 140 457 39.67 408.26
18 18.000 1.781 308.50 160 457 45.24 459.37

20 20.000 0.219 46.27 5L 5LX 5LS 508 5.56 68.89

20 20.000 0.250 52.73 5L 5LX 5LS 10 508 6.35 78.55
20 20.000 0.281 59.18 5L 5LX 5LS 508 7.14 88.19
20 20.000 0.312 65.60 5L 5LX 5LS 508 7.92 97.67
20 20.000 0.344 72.21 5L 5LX 5LS 508 8.74 107.60


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 51 Units

Plain Plain
I nch Outside Wall End Standard (STD) OutSide Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. . in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

20 20.000 0.375 78.60 SL SLX 5 LS STD 20 508 9.53 '117.15

20 20.000 0.406 84.96 SLX SLS S08 10.31 126.S3
20 20.000 0.438 91.S1 SLSLX SLS S08 11.13 136.37
20 20.000 0.469 97.83 S LX S LS S08 11.91 145.70
20 20.000 0.500 104'.13 SL SLX SLS XS 30508 12.70 155.12
__~2~0_ _~2~0.~0~0~0_ _~0.~S~627-~1~1~6~.6~7_~S~L~S~L~X~S=LS~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~S.08 ___~1~4.~2~7--~1~73~.~74~_ __
20 20.000 0.S94 123.11 40 508 15.09 183.42
20 20.000 0.625 129.33 SL SLX SLS 508 lS.88 192.71
20 20.000 0.688 141.90 SL SLX SLS 508 17.48 211.44
20 20.000 0.750 154.19 SL SLX SLS 508 19.05 229.70
20 20.000 0.812166.40 SLSLXSLS 60' 508 20.62 247.83
20 20.000 0.875 178.72 SL SLX SLS 508 22.23 266.29
20 20.000 0.938 190.96 SL SLX SLS 508 23.83 284.52
20 20.000 1.000 202.92 SL SLX SLS 508 25.40 302.28
20 20.000 1.031208.87 80 508 26.19 311.17
20 20.000 1.062 214.80 SL SLX SLS 508 26.97 319.92
20 20.000 1.12S 226.78 SL SLX SLS 508 28.58 337.89
20 20.000 1.188 238.68 SL SLX SLS 508 30.18 355.61
20 20.000 1.250 250.31 SL SLX SLS 508 31.75 372.88
20 20.000 1.281 256.10 100 508 32.54 381.53
20 20.000 1.312 261.86 SL SLX SLS 508 33.32 390.03
--"-20:--....::.20"'."'0~00:---1;.:.~37="5:---,:2:;:.73;.51 5L SLX 5 LS:------------.,:S:-=0"'8--~3"'4"'.::'.93"----=40"'7::.;.;:;49:-----
20 20.000 1.500 296.37 120 508 38.10 441.d9
20 20.000 1.750 341.09 140 508 44.45 508.11
--;:.20:c----;020"'.~00;;:0:c---::-1.96;o9--..;3:;:7;;9c:.l;::7:------~---~~-------:1 60-'--508 50,01 564.81

22 22.000 . 0.219 50.94 5L 5LX 5LS. 559 5:56 75.88"

22 22.000 0.250 58.07 SL SLX 5LS 10 559 6.35 86.54
22 22.000 0.281 65.18 SLSLX5LS 559 7.14 97.17
22 22.000 0.312 72.27 SL SLX SLS SS9 7.92 107.63
22 22.000 0.344 79.56 SL SLX SLS 559 8.74 118.60
22 22.000 0.375 86.61 SL SLX SLS STD 20 559 9.53 129.13 c
-2"'2:----:2"'2--:.0"'O-O:O---,OAo6 93.63 SLX SLS 559 10.31 139.50
22 22.000 0.438 100.86 SL SLX SLS 559 ":13 150.37
22 22.000 0.469 107.85 SLX SLS 559 11.91 160.68
-2~2:---722~.-O:OO~0:--~0~.S~0~0:-~17147.~8~1- SL5=LX~S~L~S---~X~S~----~3~0---=SS"'9:--~1~2.~7~0-----1--:7~1--:.0:-;;9~----
22 22.000 0.562 128.67 SL SLX SLS 559 14.27 191.69
22 22.000 0.62S 142.68 SL SLX SLS 559 15.88 212.69
22 22.000 0.688 156.60 SL SLX SLS S59 17.48 233.43
22 22.000 0.7S0 170.21 SL SLX SLS S59 19.05 2S3.65
22 22:000 0.812 183.7S SL SLX 5LS . SS9 20.62 273.76
22 22.000 0.87S 197.41 SL 5LX 5LS 60 SS9 22.23 294.25
22 22.000 0.938 211.00 SL5LX SLS 559 23.83 314.49
22 22.000 1.000 224.28 SL SLX SLS 559 25.40 334.23
22 22.000 1.062 237.48 SL 5LX SLS SS9 26.97 353.84
22 22.000 1.12S 250.81 5L SLX SLS 80 559 28.58 373.83
22 22.000 1.188 264.06 5L SLX 5LS SS9 30.18 393.S7
22 22.000 1.2S0 277,01 SLSLX SLS 559 31.75 412.81
22 22.000 1.312 289.88 SL SLX SLS SS9 33.32 431.94
22 22.000 1.37S 302.88 SL SLX S LS 100 5S9 34.93 4S1.42


Table 2 DimensiQns and Weights Qf Welded and S~amless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

IflCh Units SI Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STDI Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Ttlickness Weight API Xstrong (Xl Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXSI No. mm mm kg/m

22 22.000 1,438 31S.79 SL SLX SLS SS9 36.S3 470.66

22 22.000 1.S00 328.'-1 SL SLX SLS SS9 38.10 489,41
22 22.000 1.62S 3S3.61 120 559 41.28 527.02
22 22.000 1.87S 403.00 140 559 47.63 600.63
22 22.000 2.125 4S1.06 160 559 S3.98 672.26

'24 24.000 0.2S0 63.41 SL SLX SLS 10 610 ii.35 94.53

24 24.000 0.281 71.18 SL SLX SLS 610 7.14 106.15 C
24 24.000 0.312 78.93 SL SLX 5LS 610 7.92 117.59
24 24.000 0.344 86.91 SL SLX SLS 610 8.74 129.59
24 24.000 0.37S 94.62 SL SLX 5LS STD 20 610 9.S3 141.12
24 24.000 0,406 102.31 SLX SLS 610 10.31 1S2.47
24 24.000 0,438 110.22 5L SLX SLS 610 11.13 164.37
24 24.000 0.4S9 117.86 SLX SLS 610 11.91 175.66
24 24.000 O.SOO 12S.49 SL SLX SLS XS 610 12.70 187.06
24 24.000 0.S62 14Q.68 SL SLX 5LS 30 610 14.27 209.64
24 24.000 0.625 156.03 5L 5LX 5LS 610 15.88 232.66
24 24.000 0.688 171.29 5L 5LX SLS 40 610 17.48 255.41
24 24.000 0.750 186.23 5L 5LX 5LS 610 19.05 277.61
24 24.000 0.812 201.09 5L 5LX 5LS 610 20.62 299.69
24 24.000 0.875 216.10 SL 5LX 5LS 610 22.23 322.21
24 24.000 0.938 23'1.03 5L 5LX 5LS 610 23.83 344.46
24 24.0 00 0.969 238.35 60 610 24.61 35S.26
24 24.000 1.000 24S.64 SL SLX SLS 610 2S,40 366.17
24 24.000 1.062 260.17 5L 5LX SLS 610 26.97 ,'387.76
24 24.000 1.12S 274.84 SL SLX SLS 610 28.58 409.77
24 24.000 1.188 289,44 SL 5LX SLS 610 30.18 431.S2
24 24.000 1.219 296.S8 80 610 30.96 442.08
24 24.000 1.2S0 303.71 SL SLX SLS 610 31.7S 4S2.74
24 24.000 1.312 317.91 SL SLX SLS 610 33.32 473.84
24 24.000 1.37S 332.25 SL SLX SLS 610 34.93 49S.35
24 2,4.000 1.438 346.S0 SL SLX 5LS 61 0 36.53 S16.80
24 24.000 1.500 360.4S SL 5LX SLS 610 38.10 S37.33
24 24.000 1,S31 367.39 100 610 38.89 547.71
24 24.000 l.S62 374.31 5L 5LX 5LS 610 39.67 SS7,43
24 24.000 1.812 429.39 120 610 46.02 640.03
24 24.000 2.062 483.12 140 610 52.37 720.15
24 24.000 2.344 542.13 160 610 S9.S4 808.22

26 26.000 0.250 68.7S 5L 5LX SLS 660 6.3S 102.36

26 26.000 0.281 77.18 SL 5LX SLS 660 7.14 114.9S
'26 26.000 0.312 8S.60 SL 5LX SLS 10 660 7.92 127.36
26 26.000 0.344 94.26 SL SLX SLS 660 8.74 140.37
26 26.000 0.375 102.63 SL SLX SLS STD 660 9.53 152.87
26 26.000 0,406 110.98 SLX SLS 660 10.31 16S.18
26 26.000 0.438 119.57 SL SLX SLS 660 11.13 178.09
26 26000 0.469 127.88 SLX SLS 660 11.91 190.34
26 26.000 O.SOO 136.17 5L SLX SLS XS 20 660 12.70 202.72
26 26.000 0.S62 1S2.68 SL 5LX 5LS 660 14.27 227.23
26 26.000 0.62S 169.38 SL 5LX 5LS 660 1S.88 2S2.24

Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units SI Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STOI Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. l!l/ft Specs XXstrong (XXSI No. mm mm kg/m

26 26.000 0.688 185.99 5L 5LX 5LS 660 17.48 276.96

26 26.000 0.750 202.25 5L 5LX 5LS 660 19.05 301.1 0
26 26.000 0.812 218.43 5L 5LX 5LS 660 20.62 325.12
26 26.000 0.875 234.79 5L 5LX 5LS 660 22.23 349.62
26 26.000 0.938 251.07 5L 5LX 5LS 660 23.83 373.84
26 26.000 1.000 267.00 5L5LX5LS 660 25.40 397.49

28 28.000 0.250 74.09 5L 5LX 5LS 711 6.35 110.34

28 28.000 0.281 83.19 5L5LX5LS 711 7.14 123.93
28 28.000 0.312 92.26 5L 5LX 5LS 10 711 7.92 137.32
28 28.000 0.344 101.61 5LX 5LS 711 8.74 151.36
28 28.000 0.375 110.64 5L5LX5LS STO 711 9.53 164.85
28 28.000 00406 119.65 5LX 5LS 711 10.31 178.15
28 28.000 00438 128.93 5L 5LX 5LS 711 11.13 192.09
28 28.000 00469 137.90 5LX 5LS 711 11.91 205.32
28 28.000 0.500 146.85 5L 5LX 5LS XS 20 711 12.70 218.69
28 28.000 0.562 164.69 5L5LX5LS 711 14.27 245.18
28 28.000 0.625 182.73 5L 5LX 5LS 30 711 15.88 271.21
28 28.000 0.688 200.68 5L 5LX 5LS 711 17.48 298.95
28 28.000 0.750 218.27 5L5LX5LS 711 19.05 325.06
28 28.000 0.812 235.78 5L5LX5LS 711 20.62 351.05
28 28.000 0.875 253048 5L 5LX 5LS 711 22.23 377.58
28.000 0.938 271.10 5L5LX5LS 711 23.83 403.81
28.000 1.000 288.36 5L 5LX 5LS 711 25.40 429.44

30 30.000 0.250 79043 5L 5LX 5LS 762 6.35 118.33

30 30.000 0.281 89.19 5L5LX 5LS 762 7.14 132.91
30 30.000 0.312 98.93 5L 5LX 5LS 10 762 7.92 147.28
30 30.000 0.344 108.95 5LX 5LS 762 8.74 162.35
30 30.000 0.375 118.65 5L 5LX 5LS STO 762 9.53 176.84
30 30.000 00406 128.32 5 LX 5 LS 762 10.31 191.1 1
30 30.000 00438 138.29 5L 5LX 5LS 762 11.13 206.09
30 30.000 00469 147.92 5LX 5LS 762 11.91 220.30
30 30.000 0.500 157.53 5L 5LX 5LS XS 20 762 12.70 234.67
30 30.000 0.562 176.69 5L 5LX 5LS . 762 14.27 263.12
30 30.000 0.625 196.08 5L 5LX 5LS 30 762 15.88 292.18
30 30.000 0.688 215.38 5L 5LX 5LS 762 17048 320.93
30 30.000 0.750 234.29 5L 5LX 5LS 762 19.05 349.02
30 30.000 0.812 253.12 5L 5LX 5LS 762 20.62 376.98
_-=3~0_ _..;3:;0::.:.0:;0~0_ _::0.~8",75~---:2:::7~2",.1:-;7_.-o57'-L-::5"'L.,-;x..,5,.,L'''S------------ 762 22.23 405.54
30 30.000 0.938 291.14 5L 5LX 5LS 762---23.83--4:;:3"'3;:.7"'8':-----
30 30.000 1.000 309.72 5L 5LX 5LS 762 25040' 461.38
30 30.000 1.125 346.93 5L 5LX 5LS 762 28.58 516.90 N
30 30.000 1.188 365.56 5L 5LX 5LS 762 30.18 544.65 N
30 30.000 1.250 383.81 5L 5LX 5LS ~62 31.75 571.75 N

32 32.000 0.250 84.77 5L 5LX 5LS 813 6.35 126.31

32 32.000 0.281 95.19 5L 5LX 5LS 813 7.14 141.89
32 32.000 0.312 105.59 5L5LX5LS 10. 813 7.92 157.24


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STD) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (Xl Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/tt Specs XX-strong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

32 32.000 0.344 116.30 5LX5LS 813 8.74 173.34

32 32.000 0.375 126.66 5L 5LX 5LS STD 813 9.53 188.82
32 32.000 00406 136.99 5LX 5LS 813 10.31 204.08
32 32.000 0.438 147.64 5L 5LX 5LS 813 11.13 220.08
32 32.000 00469 157.94 5LX 5LS 813 11.91 235.28
32 32.000 0,500 168.21 5L 5LX 5LS XS 20 813 12.70 250.64
32 32.000 0.562 188.70 5L SLX 5LS 813 14.27 281.07
32 32.000 0.62S 209043 5L 5LX 5LS 30 813 15.88 312.15
32 32.000 0.688 230.08 SL SLX 5LS 40 813 17.48 342.91
32 32.000 0.750 250.31 5L 5LX 5LS 813 19.05 372.98
32 32.000 0.812 270.47 5L SLX SLS 813 20.62 402.92
32 32.000 0.875 290.86 SL 5LX 5LS 813 22.23 433.49
32 32.000 0.938 311.17 SL5LX5LS 813 23.83 463.7S
32 32.000 1.000 331.08 SL 5LX 5LS 813 25.40 493.32
32 32.000 1.062 350.90 5L 5LX SLS 813 26.97 S22.77
32 32.600 1.12S 370.96 SL SLX SLS 813 28.S8 SS2.8S N
32 32.000 1.188 390.94 5L 5LX 5LS 813 30.18 S82.61 N
32 32.000 1.2S0 410.S1 SL SLX SLS 813 31.75 611.68 N

34 34.000 0.250 90.11 5L SLX SLS 864 6.35 134.30

34 34.000 0.281 101.19 SL SLX SLS 864 7.14 lS0.87
34 34.000 0.312 112.2S SLSLXSLS 10 864 7.92 167.20
34 34.000 0.344' 123.6S SLX SLS 864 8.74 184.33
34 34.000 0.37S 134.67 SL 5LX SLS STD 864 9.53 200.31
34 34.000 0.406 14S.67 SLX SLS 864 10.31 217.0S
24 34.000 0.438 157.00 5L SLX 5LS 864 11.13 234.08
34 34.000 0.469 167.9S SLX 5LS 864 11.91 2S0.26
34 34'.000 O.SOO 178.89 5L 5LX 5LS XS 20 864 12.70 266.61
34 34.000 0.562 200.70 SL 5LX 5LS 864 14.27 299.02
34 34.000 0.625 222.78 5L 5LX SLS 30 864 lS.88 332.12
34 34.000 0.688 244.77 5L 5LX SLS 40 864 17.48 364.90
34 34.000 0.750 266.33 5L 5LX SLS 864 19.0S 396.93
34 34.000 0.812 287.81 5L SLX SLS 864 20.62 428.8S
34 34.000 0.875 309.55 SL 5LX SLS 864 22.23 461.4S
34 34.000 0.938 331.21 5L 5LX SLS 864 23.83 493.72
34 34.000 1.000 352.44 5L 5LX SLS 864 2S.40 S2S.27
34 34.000 1.062 373.59 SL 5LX SLS 864 26.97 556.69 N
34 34.000 1.125 394.99 5L 5LX SLS 864 28.S8 588.79 N
34 34.000 1.188 416.31 5L5LXSLS 864 30.18 620.56 N
34 34.000 1.250 437.21 5L SLX SLS 864 31.75 651.61 N

36 36.000 0.250 9S.45 SL 5LX 5LS 914 6.35 142.13

36 36.000 0.281 107.20 SL 5LX SLS 914 7.14 159.67
36 36.000 0.312 118.92 5LSLXSLS 10 914 7.92;.-_-71,::76='."'96;-_ __
36 36.000 0.344 131.00 5LX 5LS 914 8.74 19S.11
36 3Q.000 0.375 142.68 5L 5LX 5LS STD 914 9.S3 212.S6
36 36.000 0.406 154.34 5LX SLS 914 10.31 229.76
36 36.000 0.438 166.3S 5L SLX SLS 914 11.13 247.31
36 36.000 0.469 177.97 SLX SLS 914 11.91 264.94
36 36.000 O.SOO 189.S7 SL SLX SLS XS 20 914 12.70 282.27


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units SI Units

Plain Plain
I nch Outside Wall End St;ndard (STO) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API Xstrong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

36 36.000 0.562 212.70 5L 5LX 5LS 914 14.27 316.11

36 36.000 0.625 236.13 5L5LX5LS 30 914 15.88 351.70
36 36.000 0.688 259.47 5L 5LX 5LS 914 17.48 386.45
36 36.000 0.750 282.35 5L 5LX 5LS 40 914 19.05 420.42
36 36.000 0.812 305.16 5L 5LX 5LS 914 20.62 454.27
36 36.000 0.875 328.24 5L 5LX 5LS 914 22.23 488.86
36 36.000 0.938 351.25 5L 5LX 5LS 914 23.83 523.11
36 36.000 1.000 373.80 5L 5LX 5LS 914 25.40 556.59
36 36.000 1.062 396.27 5L 5LX 5LS 914 26.97 589.95 N
36 36.000 1.125 419.02 5L 5LX 5LS 914 28.58 624.03 N
36 36.000 1.188 441.69 5L5LX5LS 914 30.18 657.77 N
36 36.000 1.250 463.91 5L 5LX 5LS 914 31.75 690.76 N

38 38.000 0.312 125.58 5L5LX5LS 965 7.92 186.92

38 38.000 0.344 138.35 5L 5LX 5LS 965 8.74 206.10
38 38.000 0.375 150.69 5L5LX5LS STO 965 9.53 224.54
38 38.000 0.406 163.01 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 965 10.31 242.72
38 38.000 0.438 175.71 5L 5LX 5LS 965 11.13 261.80
38 38.000 0.469, 187.99 5L 5LX 5LS 965 11.91 279.92
38 38.000 0.500 200.25 5L 5LX 5LS XS 965 12.70 298.24
38 38.000 0.562 224.71 5L 5LX 5LS 965 14.27 334.56
38 38.000 0.625 249.48 5L 5LX 5LS 965 15.88 371.68
38 38.000 0.688 274.16 5L5LX5LS 965 17.48 408.43
38 38.000 0.750 298.37 5L 5LX 5LS 965 19.05 444.38
38 38.000 0.812 322.50 5L 5LX 5LS 965 20.62 480.21
38 38.000 0.875 346.93 5L 5LX 5LS 965 22.23 516.82
38 38.000 0.938 371.28 5L 5LX 5LS 965 23.83 553.08
38 38.000 1.000 .395.16 5L5LX5LS 965 25.40 588.53
38 38.000 1.062 418.96 5L 5LX 5LS 965 26.97 623.87 N
38 .38.000 1.125 '443.05 5L5LX5LS 965 28.58 659:97 N
38 38.000 1.188 467.06 5L 5LX 5LS 965 30.18 695.73 N
38 38.000 1.250 490.61 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 965 31.75 730.69 N

40 40.000 0.312 132.25 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 7.92 196.89

40 40.000 0.344 145.69 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 8.74 217.09
40 40.000 0.375 158.70 5L 5LX 5LS STO 1016 9.53 236.53
40 40.000 0.406 171.68 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 10.31 255.69
40 40.000 0.438 185.06 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 11.13 275.80
40 40.000 0.469 198.D1 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 11.91 294.90
40 40.000 0.500 210.93 5L 5LX 5LS XS 1016 12.70 314.22
40 40.000 0.562 236.71 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 14.27 352.51
40 40.000 0.625 262.83 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 15.88 391.65
40 40.000 0.688 288.86 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 17.48 430.42
40 40.000 0.750 314.39 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 19.05 468.34
40 40.000 0.812 339.84 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 20.62 506.14
40 40.000 0.8 75 365.62 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 22.23 544.78
40 40.000 0.938 391.32 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 23.83 583.05
40 40.000 1.000 416.52 5L 5LX 5LS . 1016 25.40 620.48
40 40.000 1.062 441.64 5L5LX5LS 1016 26.97 657.78 N
40 40.000 1.125 467.08 5L 5LX 5LS 1016 28.58 695.92 N


Table 2 Dimensions and:,V'ieights ,o~ Welded and Seamless Wrought :iteel Pipe (Continuec;l)

Inch U,nits 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall ,End Standard (STD) Outside - Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight, API X-strong (Xi) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Staw~,
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (X1(S) No. mm rnm kg/m

40 40.000 1.188 492.44 SL SLX SLS 1016. 30.18 733.68 N

40 40.000 1.2S0 S17,31 SL SLX SLS 1016 31.75 770.62 N

42 42.000 0.344 153.04 SL SLX SLS 1067 8.74 228.09

42 42.000 0.37S 166.71 5L 5LX SLS STD 1067 9.53 248.52
42 42.000 0.406 180.35 5L 5LX 5LS 1067 10.31 268.66
42 42.000 0.438 194.42 SL 5LX SLS 1067 11.13 289.80
42 42.000 0.469 208,03 SL 5LX SLS 1067 11.91 309.88
42 42.000 O.SOO 221.61 5L 5LX 5LS XS 1067 12.70 330.19
42 42.000 0.562 248.72 SL SLX SLS 1067 14.27 370.4S
42 42.000 0.62S 276.18 SL SLX SLS 1067 1S.88 411.62
42 42.000 .0.688 303.5S SL SLX SLS 1067 17.48 452.40
42 42.000 0.7S0 330.41 SL SLX SLS 1067 19.0S 492.30
42 42.000 0.812 3S7.19 SL SLX SLS 1067 20.62 S32.07
42 42.000 .0.87S 384.31 SL SLX SLS 1067 22.23 S72. 73
42 42.000 0.938 411.3S SL SLX SLS 1067 23.83 613.02
42 42.000 1.000 437.88 SL SLX SLS 1067 25.40 652.42
42 42.000 1.062 4,64.32 SLSLXSLS 1067 26.97 691.70 N
42 42.000 1.12S 491.11 SLSLX SLS 1067 28.58 731,86 N
42 42.000 1.188 S17.82 SL SLX SLS 1067 30.18 771.64 N
42 42000 1.2S0 S44.01 SL SLX SLS 10E!7 31.75 810.55 N

44 A4.000 0.344 160.39 SL SLX SLS 1118 8.74 239.08

44 44.090 0.375 174.72 SL SLX 5LS STD 1118 9.53 260,50
44 44.000 0.406 189.03 SL 5LX 5LS 1118 10.31 281.62
44 44.000 0.438 203.78 SL SLX SLS 1118 11-13 303,80
44 44.000 0,4S9 218.04 SL SLX SLS 1118 11.91 ,324.80
44 44.000 O.SOO 232.29 SL SLX SLS XS 1118 12.70 G46.16
44 44.000 0.S62 260.72 SL SLX SLS 1118 14.27 388.40
44 44.000 0.62S 289.S3 SL SLX SLS 1118 1S.88 431.S9
44 44.000 0.688 318.2S SL SLX SLS 1118 17.48 474.37
44 4.4.000 0,7S0 346.43 SL SLX SLS 1118 19.05 S16.26
44 44.000 0.812 374.S3 SL SLX SLS 1118 20.62 SS8.00
44 44.000 0.87S 403.00 SL SLX SLS 11.18 22.23 600.69
44 44.000 0.938 ~31.39 SL SLX SLS 1118 23.83 642.99
44 44.000 1.000 4S9.24 SL SLX SLS 1118 25.40 684.37
44 44.000 1.062 487.01 SL SLX SLS 1118. 26.97 725.62
44 44.000 1.125 S15.14 SL SLX SLS 1118 28.58 767.80 N
44 44.000 ,.188 543.19 SL SLX SLS 1118 30.18 809.60 N
44 44.000 1.2S0 S70.71 SL SLX SLS 1118 31.75 850.48 N

46 46.000 0.344 167.74 SL SLX SLS 1168 8.74 249.85

46 46.000 0.37S 182.73 SL SLX 5LS STD 1168 9.S3 272.25
46 46.000 0.406 197.70 SL SLX SLS 1168 10.31 294.34
46 46.000 0,438 213.13 5L 5LX SLS 1168 11.13 317.52
46 46.000 0,4S9 . 228.06 SL SLX SLS 1168 11.91 339.S4
46 46.000 O.SOO 242.97 SL SLX SLS XS 1168 12.70 3S1,82
46 46.000 0.562 272.73 5L 5LX SLS 1168 .14.27 406.00
46 46.000 0.625 302.88 SL eLX 5LS 1168 1S.88 451.17
46 46.000 0.688 332.95 SL SLX SLS 1168 17,48 49S.94


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall end Standard (STD) Outside Wall. End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API Xstrong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm k~im

46 46.000 0.750 362.45 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 19.05 539.76

46 46.000 0.812 391.88 5L 5LS 5LS 1168 20.62 583.43
46 46.000 0.875 421.69 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 22.23 628.10
46 46.000 0.938 451.42 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 23.83 672.37
46 46.000 1.000 480.60 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 25.40 715.68
46 46.000 1.062 509.69 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 26.97 758.88 N
46 46.000 1.125 539.17 SL SLX 5LS 1168 28.58 803.04 N
46 46.000 1.188 568.S7 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 30.18 846.81 N
46 46.000 1.250 597.41 5L 5LX 5LS 1168 31.75 889.63 N

48 48.000 0.344 175.08 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 8.74 260.85

48 48.000 0.375 190.74 5L 5LX 5LS STD 1219 9.53 284.24
48 48.000 0.406 206.37 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 10.31 307.30
48 48.000 0.438 222.49 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 11.13 331.S2
48 48.000 0.469 238.08 SL 5LX 5LS 1219 11.91 354.52
48 48.000 0.500 253.65 5L 5LX 5LS XS 1219 12.70 377.79
48 48.000 0.562 284.73 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 14.27 423.94
48 48.000 0.625 316.23 SL SLX SLS 1219 lS.88 471.14
48 48.000 0.688 374.64 SL 5LX SLS 1219 17.48 517.92
48 48.000 0.7S0 378.47 5LSLXSLS 1219 19.05 563.70
48 48.000 0.812 409.22 SL 5LX 5LS 1219 20.62 609.36
48 48.000 0.875 440.38 SL SLX SLS 1219 22.23 656.06
48 48.000 0.938 471.46 SL 5LX 5LS 1219 23.83 702.34
48 48.000 1.000 501.96 5L SLX SLS 1219 25.40 747.63 _
48 48.000 1.062 S32.38 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 26.97 792.80 N
48 48.000 1.125 563.20 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 28.58 838.99 N
48 48.000 1.188 593.94 5L 5LX 5LS 1219 30.18 884.77 N
48 48.000 1.250 624.11 5L5LX5LS 1219 31.75 929.56 N

52 52.000 0.375 206.76 5L 5LX 5LS 132" 9.53 308.21 N

S2 52.000 0.406 223.72 5L 5LX 5LS 1321 10.31 333.24 iii
_:::S2~__5:::2~.0~0~0;_--;:0.438c---;2;;:4",1~.2~0--;5:-;:L:.;5~L~X:-:5",L::;Sc-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_1~32~1;_-__:_1_:_1:.;.1:;3_ _.-;3o;5;::9::.;.5",1:-__:_N,:-_
52 52,000 0.469 258.115L5LX5LS 1321 11.91 384.48 N
52 52.000 0.500 275.01 SL 5LX 5LS 1321 12.70 409.64 N
S2 52.000 0.562 308.74 SL 5LX 5LS 1321 14.27 459.84 N
52 52.000 0.625 342.93 5L 5LX 5LS 1,32" 15.88 511.09 N
S2 52.000 0.688 377.03 SL 5LX 5LS 1321 17.48 S61.89 N
S2 S2.000 0.7S0 410.S1 SLSLXSLS 1321 19.05 611.62 N
52 52.000 0.812 443.91 5L 5LX 5LS 1321 20.62 661.23 N
52 52,000 0.875 477.76 5L 5LX 5LS 1321 22.23 711.98 N
52 52.000 0.938 511.53 5L 5LX 5LS 1321 23.83 762.28 N
52 52.000 1.000 544.68 ,SL 5LX 5LS 1321 25.40 811.52 N
<;2 52.000 1.062 577.75 5L 5LX SLS 1321 26.97 860.63 N
52 52.000 1.125 611.26 5L5LX 5LS 1321 28.58 910.88 N
52 52.000 1.188 644.69 5L 5LX SLS 1321 30.18 g60.68 N
52 52.000 1.250 677.51 5L SLX 5LS 1321' 31.7S 1009.42 N

56 56.000 0.375 222.78 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 9.53 331.94 r. .

56 56.000 0.406 241.06 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 10.31 358.91 N
56 56.000 0.438 259.91 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 11.13 387.24 N


Table.2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless-Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units 81 Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STD) OutsWe Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API. X-strong (X) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. In. Ib/ft Specs XXstrong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

56 56.000 0.459 278.15 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 11.91 414.14 N

56 56.000 0.500 296.37 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 12.70 441.37 N
_~56:;-_-;5=-;6~.0=-;0",0_ _",0.",56:::;2:;---,;.;332.75 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 14 .. 27.---:4:::9~5'"=3,,.8-~N_
56 56.000 0.625 369.63 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1422 15.88 550.54 N
56 56.000 0.688 406.42 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 17.48 605.43 N
56 56,000 0.750 442.55 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 19.05 659.07 N
56 56.000 0.812 478.60 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 20.62 712.59 N
56 56.000 0.875 515.14 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 22.23 767.34 N
56 56'.000 0.938 551.60 5L 5LX 5LS 1422_ _ .23.,~~ _ _!3.1.:!'3_ _ _ N_
56 56.000 1.000 587.40 5L5LX5LS 1422 25.40 875.78 N
56 56.000 1.062 623.12 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 26.97 927.81 N
56 56.000 1.125 659.32 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 28,58 982.06 N
56 56.000 1.250 730.91 5L 5LX 5LS 1422 31.75 1088.50 N

60 60.000 0.375 238.80 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 9.53 355.92 N

60 60.000 0.406 258.40 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 10.31 384,85 N
60 60.000 0.438 278.62 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1524 11.13 415.23 N
60 60.000 0.469 298.19 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 11.91 444.10 N
6'0 60.000 0.500 317.73 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 12.70 473.31 N
60 .60.000 0.562356.76 5L5LX5LS 1524 14.27 531.27 N
60 6.0.000 0.625 396.33 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1524 15.88 590.58 N
60 60.000 0.688 435.81 5L 5LX 5Ls 1524 17.48 6.49.40 N
60 60.000 0,750 474.59 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 .19.0;;.5~--=7~067'.98 N
-~60~~~6~Q.~0~00~---0~;"'8~12~~5~1~3~.2~9-~5~L~5~L~X~5~LS-----------~1~52~4~ 20.62 764.45 N
60 60.000 0.875 552.52 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1524 22.23 823.26 N
60 60.000 0.938 591.67 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 23.83 881.57_ _N_
60 60.000 1.000 630.12 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 25.40 938.67 N
60 60.000 1.062 668.48 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 26.97 995.64 N
60 60.000:-__-'1."'.1'=2~5--_c7:,.:07 .38 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1524 28.58 1053.. 95 N
60 60.000 1.188 746.20 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 30.18 1111.76 N
60 60.000 1.250 784.31 5L 5LX 5LS 1524 31.75 1168.36 N

64 64.000 0.375 254.82 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 379.89

9.53 N
64 64.000 0.406 275.75 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 10.31
410.78 N
64 64.000 . 0.438 297.33 5 L 5 LX 5 LS 1626 11.13
443.23 N
64 64.000 0.469 318.22 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 474.06
11.91 N
64 64,000 0.500 339.09 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 12.70
505.26 N
_~647--~6~~."=0~00~--0~.~5~62~~3~8~0~.7~6~~5~L~5~LX~57L~S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~16~---~~7- 567.16 N
64 64.000 0.625 423 ..03 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 lS.88 630.52 N
64 64;000 0.688 46S.21 5L SLX SLS 1626 17.48 693.36 N
_~647--~6"'~"=;0~0"'0--0~."'7::_50~___c5;_'0~6::;.6~3:_-~5~L~5~LX~57L~S-----------__::16.?------1~OS- .254 .90____N__
64 64.000 0.812 547.98 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 20.62 .816.32 N
64 64.000 0'.875 589.90 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 22.23 879.17 N
64 64.000 0.938 631174 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 23.83:-__,..,90-:4::,:1-',:.51____N
64 64.000 1.000 672.84 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 25.40 1002.56 N
64 64.000. 1.062 713.85 5L5LX 5LS 1626 26.97 1063.48 N
64 64.000 1.125 755M 5L 5LX 5LS 1...6.26___ ~~.&IL_..!.1-"'12"'5"'.8"'3'____:..N'___
64 64.000 1.188 796.95 5L 5LX 5 LS 1626 30.18 1187.67 N
64 64.000 1.250 837.71 5L 5LX 5LS 1626 31.75 1248.23 N

Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Continued)

Inch Units SI Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (SrO) Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API Xstrong IX) Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Siz8 in. in. Ib/ft Specs XX-strong (XXS) No. mm mm kg/m

68 68.000 0.469 338.26 SL SLX SLS 1727 11.91 S03.72 N

68 68.000 O.SOO 360.4S SL SLX 5LS 1727 12.70 S36.89 N
68 68.000 0.S62 404.77 SL SLX SLS 1'727 14.27 602.71 N
68 68.000 0.625 449.73 SL SLX 5LS 1727 lS.88 670.08 N
68 68.000 0.688 494.60 5 L S LX 5 LS 1727 17.48 736.90 N
68 68.000 0.750 S38.67 SL SLX SLS 1727 19.0S' 802.35 N
68 68.000 0.812 582.66 SL SLX SLS 1727 20.62 867.68 N
68 68.000 0.87S 627.28 SL SLX 5LS 1727 22.23 934.S4 N
68 68.000 0.938 671.82 SL SLX 5LS 1727 23.83 1000.86 N
68 68.000 1.000 71S.S6 SLSLXSLS 1727 25.40 106S.82 N
68 68.000 1.062 7S9.22 SL SLX 5LS 1727 26.97 1130.66 N
68 68.000 1.12S 803:S0 SLSLXSLS 1727 . 28.S8 1197.02 N
68 68.000 1.188 847.70 SL SLX SLS 1727 30.18 1262.84 N
68 68.000 1.2S0 891.11 SL 5LX 5LS 1727 31.7S 1327.30 N

72 72.000 0.500 381.81 SL SLX SLS 1829 12.70 S68.83 N

72 72.000 0.562 428.78 SL SLX SLS 1829 14.27 638.60 N
72 72.000 0.62S. 476.43 SL SLX 5LS 1829 lS.88 710.02 N
72 72.000 0.688 523.99 SL SLX SLS , 1829 17.48 780.87 N
72 72.000 0.7S0 S70.71 SL SLX SLS 1829 19.0S 8S0.29 N
72 72.000 0.812 617.3S SL SLX SLS 1829 20.62 919.S4 N
72 72.000 0.87S 664.66 SL SLX SLS 1829 22.23 990.46 N
72 72.000 0.938 711.89 5LSLXSLS 1829 23.83 1060.80 N
72 72.000 1.000 7S8.28 5L SLX SLS 1829 25.40 1129.7~1_--:-;N_
72 72.000 1.062 804.S9 SL SLX 5LS 1829 26.97 1198.49 N
72 72.000 1.12S 8S1.S6 SL SLX 5LS 1829 28.58 1268.91 N
72 72.000 1.188 898.4S SL SLX 5LS 1829 30.18 1338.7S N
72 72.000 1.2S0 944.51 5L SLX 5LS 1829 31.75 1407.17 N

76 76.000 O.SOO 403.17 SL SLX SLS 1930 12.70 600.46 N

76 76.000 0.S62 4S2.79 SL SLX SLS 1930 14.27 674.14 N
76 76.000 0.62S S03.13 SLSLXSLS 1930 15.88 749.S7 N
76 76.000 0.688 SS3.38 SL SLX SLS 1930 17.48 824.40 N
76 76.000 0.7S0 602.7S SL SLX SLS 1930 19.0S 897.71 N
76 76.000 0.812 6S2.04 SL SLX SLS 1930 20.62 970.90 N
76 76.000 0.87S 702.04 5L 5LX SLS 1930 22.23 104S.82 N
76 76.000 0.938 7S1.96 SL SLX 5LS 1930 23.83 1120.16 N
76 76.000 1.000 801.00 SL SLX 5LS 1930 2S.40 1192.97 N
76 76.000 1.062 849.96 SL SLX 5LS 1930 26.97 126S.67 N
76 76.000 1.12S 899.62 SL SLX SLS 1930 28.58 1340.09 N
76 76.000 1.188 949.20 5L 5LX 5LS 1930 30.18 1413.92 N
76 76.000 1.2S0 997.91 SL SLX SLS 1930 31.7S 1486.24 N

80 80.000 0.S62 476.80 SL SLX SLS 2032 14.27 710.04 N

80 80.000 0.62S S29.83 SL SLX 5LS 2032 1S.88 789.51 N
80 80.000 0.688 S82.77 SL SLX SLS 2032 17.48 868.37 N
80 80.000 0.750 634.79 SL SLX SLS 2032 19.0S 94S.63 N
80 80.000 0.812 686.73 SL SLX 5LS 2032 20.62 1022.76 N
80 80.000 0.87S 739.42 SL SLX 5LS 2032 22.23 1101.74 N
80 80.000 0.938 792.03 SL SLX SLS 2032 23.83 1180.10 N


Table 2 Dimensions and Weights of Welded and S~amless Wrought Steel ~ipe (Continued)

Inch Units SI Units

Plain Plain
Inch Outside Wall End Standard (STDI Outside Wall End Previous
Nominal Diameter Thickness Weight API X-strong (XI Schedule Diameter Thickness Mass Status
Size in. in. Ib/lt Specs XX-strong (XXSI No. mm mm kg/m

80 80.000 1.000 843.72 5L 5LX 5LS 2032 25.40 1256.86 N

80 80.000 1.062 895.33 5L 5LX 5LS 2032 26.97 1333.50 N
80 80.000 1.125 947.68 5L 5LX 5LS 2032 28.58 1411.97 N
80 80.000 1.188 999.95 5L 5LX 5LS 2032 30.18 1489.83 N
80 80.000 1.250 1051.31 5L 5LX 5LS 2032 31.75 1566.11 N


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