MGT4760 Course Outline

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INTERNATIONAL Senate endorsement ref.

Senate endorsement
MALAYSIA Version no:
Version effective date:

1. Course Title: Strategic Management

2. Course Code: MGT 4760

3. Credit Value: 3

4. MQF Level: 6

5. Affected Batch: No

6. Centre of Studies: Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences

7. Department/Unit: Business Administration

8. Course Synopsis:
This course is designed to test the students skills and abilities developed during their first
three years in the Business Administration program. The concepts covered in management,
marketing, finance, human resource, organizational behavior, accounting, operations research
and information systems are finally integrated into a course and students begin to see the real
life situations that they would face as managers. Unlike the individual courses mentioned
above, strategic management requires students to be competent in all the areas of business.
This course emphasizes rigorous case studies and analysis; and serves as a capstone course in
the area of management.

9. Course Classification within the Curriculum: Core course for Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Accounting (BACC)

10. Prerequisite(s) (if any): MGT 3050, MKG 3050, FIN 3011

11. Course Learning Outcomes:

No Outcomes Blooms Soft skills Programme

Taxonomy (KI) Outcomes
C A P (PO)
1 Explain the strategic 1 CS1 1
management process and
discuss the essentials of
strategic management from
both the conventional
perspectives and the Islamic

2 Use the relevant skills learnt 2 LL1 2,7
from principles in strategic
management for real-life
3 Cooperate with team members 2 TS1, EM1 3,5
and apply high ethical values
in corporate decision-making.
4 Develop communication skills 2 LS1 5,9
with people from various
background and displaying
leadership qualities in handling
strategic issues.
5 Analyze real-life business 1 CTPS1 6
cases using quantitative and
qualitative information and
theories and demonstrate
skillful problem-solving
capabilities in business.
6 Apply managerial and 1 ES1 8
entrepreneurial skills in
making decisions at
operational, functional,
business and corporate levels.

12. LO - Instruction Method - Assessment Alignment:

Outcomes Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods

LO1 Lecture Final examination
LO2 Lecture and Problem-based learning (SCL) Assignment, final
LO3 Problem-based learning (SCL) Assignment
LO4 Case Seminar Oral examination
LO5 Case Seminar Oral examination, final
LO6 Lecture, Problem-based learning (SCL) Assignment, final

13. Assessment Methods Weightage:

Methods Percentage
Case Presentation 10
Case Discussion 5
Quiz 10
Peer Evaluation 10
Group Project 25
Final examination 40

14. Student Learning Time:

1.Instruction Component Total Allocated Hours

1.1.Teacher-oriented methods
Lecture 30
1.2.Student-oriented methods
Problem-based learning 12
Total Instructor Contact Hours: 42
2.Independent Learning Component Total Estimated Hours
2.1. Reading and revision
Learning hours to grasp prescribed topics 33
2.2.Estimated hours for preparation towards assessments
Assignment 20
Oral examination 12
Final examination 10
3.Assessment Outside Instruction Hours Total Allocated Hours
Final examination 3

15. Course Contents and Related SLT:

Week Topics Face to Self-Learning

Face Hours Hours
1 Strategic Management Essentials
Stages of Strategic Management
Integrating Intuition and Analysis
The Strategic Management Model
Benefits of Engaging in Strategic
Management 3 2
Why some firms do no strategic
Pitfalls of strategic planning
Comparing business and military

2 Outside-USA strategic planning

The nature of doing business globally
Advantages and disadvantages of doing
business globally
The global challenge
3 2
Tax rate and tax inversions
American versus foreign business
Business cultures across counties
Business climates across counties

3 Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Why Good ethics is good business
Whistle-blowing, bribery and workplace
romance 3 2
Social responsibility and policy
Environmental sustainability
Wildlife welfare

4 Types of Strategies
Long term objectives
Types of strategies
3 2
Integration strategies
Intensive strategies
Diversification strategies

5 Types of Strategies
Defensive strategies
Michael Porters five generic strategies
Means for achieving strategies 3 2
Tactics to facilitate strategies
Strategic management in non-profit,
governmental and small firms

6 Mission and Vision Analysis
Vision statements: What do we want to
Mission statements: What is our
The process of developing vision and
mission statements 3 3
The importance(benefits) of vision and
mission statements
Characteristics of a mission statement
Components of a mission statement
Evaluating and writing mission

7 The Internal Audit
The nature of an internal audit
Integrating strategy and culture
Finance and Accounting
Productions/Operations 3 3
Research and development
Management Information systems
Value chain analysis
The internal factor evaluation matrix


8 The External Audit

The purpose and nature of an external
Ten external forces that affect
3 2
Porters five forces model
Sources of external information
Forecasting tools and techniques
The external factor evaluation matrix
The competitive profile matrix

9 Strategy Generation and Selection

The strategy analysis and choice process
The strategy-formulation analytical
The SWOT matrix
The strategic position and action 3 3
evaluation (SPACE) matrix
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
The Internal-External Matrix

10 Strategy Generation and Selection
The Grand Strategy Matrix
The Decision Stage: The quantitative
Strategic planning matrix (QSPM)
3 3
Cultural aspects of strategy analysis and
The politics of strategy and choice
Board of directors: Governance issues

11 Strategy Implementation
Strategic marketing issues
Social media marketing
Market segmentation
Product positioning and perpetual 3 1
Strategic finance / accounting issues
EPS/EBIT analysis: Acquired needed

12 Strategy Implementation
Projected financial statements
Corporate valuation
IPOs, cash management and corporate
Strategic research and development 3 3
(R&D) issues
Strategic Management Information
(MIS) issues


13 Strategy Execution
Transitioning from formulating to
implementing strategies
The need for clear annual objectives
The need for clear policies
Allocate resources and manage conflict
Match structure with strategy
Types of organizational structure 3 3
Dos and donts in developing
organizational charts
Strategic production/operations issues
Strategic human resource issues



14 Strategy Monitoring
The strategy-evaluation process, criteria
and methods
The three strategy-evaluation activities
The balanced scorecard
Published sources of strategy evaluation
Characteristics of an effective strategy 3 2
evaluation system
Contingency planning
Twenty-First Century challenges in
strategic management


42 33

16. References:

16.1. Required

David, F. R. and David, F. R. (2017). Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage

Approach, Concepts and Cases (16th Edition / Global Edition.). Pearson.

16.2. Recommended

Beere, R. (2016). Strategic Management: text and cases: positioning, devising and
implementing effective strategy. Cengage Learning, Hampshire.

Fontaine, R. & Ahmad, K. (2013). Strategic Management from an Islamic Perspective: Text
and Cases. Wiley.

Hesterly, W., & Barney, J. B. (2015). Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage
Concepts and Cases. Pearson Higher Ed

Suhaimi Mhd Sarif & Yusof Ismail (2016). Mengurus Dasar & Strategi. Organisasi secara
Islam. Akademi Pengurusan YaPeim, Kuala Lumpur.

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Dr Izhairi Bt Ismail Deputy Dean (Academics) Dean
Department of Business KENMS KENMS
Administration, KENMS


I. Course Instructor Details

Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2017/2018

No. Name Email/Contact Department

1 Dr. Izhairi Bt Ismail Department of Business
Administration, KENMS

2 Dr Nurita Juhdi Department of Business

Administration, KENMS

3 Br. Yusof Ismail Department of Business

Administration, KENMS

II. Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programmes, students are expected to be able to:

No. Outcomes Outcome Domain

1 Demonstrate familiarity with established knowledge in Knowledge
the field of strategic management and awareness of
current development therein.
2 Use relevant skills learnt in functional areas related to Practical Skills
strategic management for professional and personal

3 Cooperate with others and apply knowledge in a Social Skills and
socially responsible manner for the progress of the Responsibilities
nation and the ummah.
4 Demonstrate commitment to ethics, autonomy and Values, Attitudes and
professionalism in the workplace and everyday life. Professionalism
5 Communicate with people from a diverse range of Communication,
backgrounds with empathy and showing leadership Leadership and Team
qualities. Skills
6 Analyse issues and demonstrate skillfulness in Problem solving and
planning, executing and evaluating strategies and Scientific Skills
action plans.
7 Use the necessary learning skills in information Information Management
management and apply effective strategies for lifelong and Lifelong Learning
self-improvement. Skills
8 Apply basic managerial and entrepreneurship skills in Managerial and
relevant fields. Entrepreneurial Skills
9 Use Islamic principles to analyse and evaluate ideas, Islamisation
theories in modern disciplines.
10 Integrate Islamic teachings in strategic management for Integration of knowledge
the purpose of improving students attitude and

Additional Information:


Students will be divided into 6 groups. Each group will analyse 2 textbook cases. Two groups
are assigned to discuss a case each time. One group will present the case (P) and the other
group will become discussant of the case (D). The presentation group will be given 25
minutes to complete their presentation. Anything that is said beyond the 25-minute
presentation will not be considered in the evaluation. Therefore, please plan your presentation
thoroughly. All members should present their parts in this activity and all members will be
rewarded based on group marks.

The roles of the discussants are to a) give constructive comments on the analysis of the
presenting group and to b) discuss how their analysis is different from the presenting group.
All members of the discussant group are expected to give inputs during the discussions. The
discussant group has 10 to 15 minutes to complete their tasks. Both the Presentation (P) and
the Discussant (D) groups are not required to submit written reports, however, the group must
hand in the slides / notes on presentation to the instructor prior to the presentation and
discussion. These notes can be in the form of power-point slides.

The cases and questions are as follows:
For each of the cases presented and discussed in class, students are expected to complete
the following tasks:

1. Introduction:
Identify the vision and mission statements of the company. Create your own vision
and mission statements for the company to reflect the improvements (if needed)
2. Conduct the Input Stage:
a. Identify the external Opportunities and Threats of the company. Make a list of
these items. Create EFE Matrix
b. Identify internal Strengths and Weaknesses of the company. Make a list of these
items. Create IFE Matrix.
c. Construct a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
3. Conduct the Matching Stage
a. SWOT Matrix
b. SPACE Matrix
c. IE Matrix
4. Conduct the Decision Stage
Prepare a Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
5. State and explain your Recommendations
6. State your Conclusions

Case 1 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, 2015.

Case 5 FedEx Corporations, 2015.

Case 11 Facebook, Inc., 2015.

Case 13 Ford Motor Company, 2015.

Case 17 Apple Inc., 2015.

Case 26 Revlon Inc., 2015.

The tentative schedule of presentations are as stated in the table below. The instructor
has the right to change the dates of presentations if necessary.

Presentation Discussant
Group (P) Group (D)

27 Nov
Case 1 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts,
2015. P1 D2

29 Nov
Case 5 FedEx Corporations, 2015. P3 D4

4 Dec
Case 11 Facebook, Inc., 2015. P5 D6

6 Dec
Case 13 Ford Motor Company, 2015. D1

13 Dec
P4 D3
Case 17 Apple Inc., 2015.

18 Dec P6 D5
Case 26 Revlon Inc., 2015


Group project is a strategic management case that students prepare through company
documents, internet and/or other secondary data sources on a company of their choice,
except those that have been assigned in the case analysis. The final group projects marks will
be based on the groups written report, nonetheless students are advised to give full
participation and cooperation on the tasks assigned because PEER EVALUATION will be
used. Please inform your instructor about the company of your choice by the fourth week of
class (12TH October 2017).

The length of the project paper should be between 25 to 30 pages of A-4 size. Please use
Times New Roman, font size 12 for main text with justified alignment. Line spacing should
be 1.5 and please utilize sub-headings if necessary. The teams do not have to make any oral
presentations for this activity, The group project is due on 15 DECEMBER 2017

The outline of the report is as follows. Your report should include ALL of these

1. Introduction
a. Mission, vision, values and objectives
b. Background of the company.

2. The Input Stage

a. The IFE matrix
b. The EFE Matrix
c. The CPM
d. The Financial Report / Ratio Analysis

3. The Matching Stage

a. The SWOT matrix
b. The SPACE Matrix
c. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix
d. The IE Matrix
e. The Grand Strategy Matrix

4. The Decision Stage

a. The QSPM

5. Identification of Strategies and Discussions

6. Implementation Issues

7. Recommendations

8. Conclusion


1. Please adhere to IIUM dress code at ALL TIMES (especially when you are
conducting a case presentation in class).
2. Do not use your SMART or NON-SMART HANDPHONES or ipad at any time in
my class. If you need to answer your phone, texting messages, using Whatsapp,
Wechat, Snapchat, Twitter or looking at your face in Facebook and Instagram, please
do so during the break. If I catch you doing those activities while Im teaching, your
smart and non-smart gadgets become my property and will not be returned to you
3. If you miss 3 classes without any valid reasons, your attendance will be 0, thus you
will get a WARNING letter from the kulliyyah. An excuse of NOT receiving the
letter is not acceptable and not going to be entertained by anybody in the kulliyyah,
therefore do not bother whining about it.
4. If you miss 6 classes or more without any valid reasons, you will definitely get a
BARRING letter, which will give you an automatic Y grade, which is equivalent to
F grade. You are not allowed to take the Final Examination. As a result, you have to
repeat this course and may have to lengthen you study period without financial
supports. Any appeal to revoke the barring letter will not be entertained at all. Any
persistence to see me after I have issued barring letters will be regarded as
HARRASSMENT and will not be tolerated. It is useless to bring along your parents /
guardian and begging for help because I will not change my mind after I have made a
decision. You will only end up embarrassing yourself and wasting your time.
5. I will lock the door after I have entered the classroom, thus you have to be punctual.
Late comers are those who will miss out the valuable knowledge from this class.
Shifting the blame to your lecturer, your best friend, the weather, your transport, your
favourite cat or your gold fish is not acceptable.
6. If I catch you doing unethical and illegal activities, your case will be forwarded to the
legal unit. Examples of unethical and illegal activities are: copying your seniors
group project and claim the work is yours, cheating in ANY quizzes and
examinations; signing attendance for your friends; asking your friends to sign your
attendance; plagiarism and others. If you are found guilty of those offences, you will
be dismissed from the university, so dont even think about doing any of them.
7. Make full use of your time at this university by being an excellent student, after all
you only live once. You should be grateful for the opportunity to learn at this
university. Do not spoil your chances to succeed in life by being ignorant and
arrogant. You are a good student, so act like one.



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