Drilling & CHP applications
Gas turbine generator sets
The legendary KG2 gas turbine was first installed sions. The product has proven itself in many instal-
in 1972. Since then, close to 1,000 units have lations, clocking more than 25 million operating
been installed in 62 countries worldwide, onshore hours with 99% availability. Some engines have
and offshore, in continuous duty operations in all been running more than 245,000 hours of con-
types of environments. The versatile gas turbine tinuous duty and achieved a lifetime of more than
generator sets are used for a variety of base load 30 years of run time.
and emergency power generation applications
from fixed and floating installations offshore, to
onshore oil fields, on rooftops, and integrated into
buildings for simple cycle and combined heat and
power (CHP) duties.
Two KG2 gas turbine generator sets installed on the Dutch Unocal Helm platform.
The newly released KG2-3G gas turbine is the third single-stage radial compressor and turbine wheel),
generation of this legendary product. It is based Dresser-Rand has refined the design and materi-
upon the same architecture as its earlier ratings, als. With significant improvements in the air-foil
but is equipped with advanced fuel efficiency and design, the efficiency of the KG2-3G gas turbine
dry-low emission (DLE) combustion technologies has increased by 50% compared to the previous
to meet todays evermore demanding emission KG2 rating. This represents the highest efficiency
regulations. available for comparably sized gas turbine genera-
tor sets. The KG2-3G turbines four DLE combus-
While the turbine is still composed of the same tors allow for operation below 24 ppm NOx and CO,
proven engine parts (a compact rotor and a without any catalytic exhaust remediation.
The KG2-3G gas turbine is designed to meet future efficiency and emissions requirements.
We maintained the simplicity of the earlier KG2 The compressor and turbine sections are mounted
models, while adding state-of-the-art turbine ma- back-to-back. The rotor assembly is cantilevered
terials and combustion technology. This allows so that both rotor bearings are located in the cold
KG2 gas turbine users to operate their equipment end of the gas turbine. As there are no hot bear-
with minimum maintenance and high availability. ings in the KG2-3G gas turbine, the bearings are
Maintenance intervals for the KG2-3G gas turbine effectively designed without life limitation. The
are 8,000 hours between inspections and 40,000 speed-reduction gearbox is an integral part of the
hours between major overhauls. gas turbine and reduces the output speed of the
gas turbine to match the generator, while driving
the lubrication system and liquid fuel pumps.
KG2 users benefit from the turbines capability to Additional operating benefits include the
accept a wide variety of fuels, ranging from pipe- following:
line quality natural gas to low heating value gas
(e.g., well head or synthetic gas fuel with signifi- Requires a low fuel gas supply pressure of
cant hydrogen content). With the capability of ac- 12 bar for operation (and even lower pressure
cepting fuel gas with 1.5% H2S as standard (high- at start-up)
er levels are subject to review), the KG2-3G gas Allows for major load changes of up to 100%
turbine offers a reliable source of electrical power with insignificant change in generator
from associated gas otherwise flared at the well frequency
head. Able to operate with a heat recovery unit to
produce more than 6 tons of steam at 12 bar;
operating the installation in CHP mode, overall
efficiency may exceed 90%.
The new KG2-3G gas turbine features highly competitive technical data.
Note for operation below -40C (-40F), additional inlet and package heating is required.
Three KG2 gas turbine generator sets are running on dual Four KG2 gas turbine generator sets deliver power to a
fuel on the Doyon onshore drilling site in Alaska. Dubai Petroleum Company platform.
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This document comprises a general overview of the products described herein. It is solely for informational purposes, does not
represent a warranty or guarantee of the information contained herein, and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or a solicita-
tion to buy. Contact Dresser-Rand for detailed design and engineering information suitable to your specific applications. Dresser-
Rand reserves the right to modify its products and related product information at any time without prior notice.