Final Report Pūpūkahi Papahana
Final Report Pūpūkahi Papahana
Final Report Pūpūkahi Papahana
Submitted by the Organizing Committee: Kahele Dukelow, Trina Ishikawa,
Khealani Naeole, Kili Namauu and Sesame Shim
The cover graphic is the mural created by keiki who attended Ppkahi I Holomua. Each child created an ia
design that was pieced together to create the mural.
E Hooulu Lhui Hawaiian Studies Program, University of Hawaii Maui College
Hui No Ke Ola Pono
N Leo Kkoo o Maui
N Leo Plama
Papa Ola Lkahi
Pnana Leo o Maui
Native Hawaiian Education Council
Conference Committees
Child Care - Kaimi Hanohano & Kealohi Matsuura
Conference Materials - Kili Namauu
Finances - Trina Ishikawa
Program and Workshops - Kahele Dukelow
Public Relations - Sesame Shim
Registration & Logistics - Khea Naeole
A total of 188 participants pre-registered for the summit. The pre-registration breakdown
is shown below.
Walk in registration was held the morning of the summit and an additional 40 people
attended for a total of 228 participants.
N Kula Kaiapuni o Maui Educational Summit
9am - 4pm, August 26, 2017
Pilina Building,University of Hawaii Maui College
*Conference Summary and Post Evaluation Survey will be sent out via email.
Ten workshops were held at the summit. The goal of the workshops was to provide opportunities
for participants to engage in a spectrum of lelo experiences including moolelo, second language
learning, classroom applications and technology.
(Haole) Ao Website - DOE OHE - In celebration of 30 years since the establishment of Ka Papahana
Kaiapuni, schools will be painting murals across the the pae ina. Led by John "Prime" Hina and his
team from 808 Urban, students will paint murals depicting the moolelo of Kalapana while weaving
their own school's history into the scene. Kalae Akioka and Mlia Melemai, Kaiapuni resource
teachers, will be sharing resources created to encourage kumu, haumna and mkua to read and learn
about Kalapana and learn about their school's moolelo to celebrate our accomplishments throughout
the 30 years. E ola n iwi. (This session will be conducted in English. )
Participants were instructed to form groups of five to 10 people. They could choose to
organize the groups however they desired, by role group, school, etc. They were given the
instructional sheet below. The purpose of this session was to encourage participants to reflect
upon and develop their commitment to Kaiapuni education based upon their own actions and
The following is a compilation of the work each group did. The reflections, responses and
comments definitely met our goal.
100 children participated in the Child Care at Ppkahi. They engaged in a variety of
activities including art, an obstacle course, a bouncer, moolelo, dental screening, snacks, lunch
and movie time.
In one of the art activities, each keiki painted a fish that was strung together to create the
mural shown below.
The dental screenings were provided by Mauis Hui No Ke Ola Pono. Each student was
examined and parents received a report with recommended dental care.
Child care was organized by Kaimi Hanohano and Kealohi Matsuura who are staff at
the college. There were 15 volunteers that included UH Maui students, Kaiapuni students and
other Kaiapuni ohana.
When asked how relevant the sessions were, 30 of the 34 respondents said that they were
Extremely Useful/Relevant. Please see the list of sessions below:
Extremely Somewhat
Session Useful/Relevant Useful/Relevant
1. Keynote: Hiapo Perreira 30 4
2. Hailelo Mkua (Parent Panel) 30 4
3. Office of Hawaiian Education, DOE: Kaui Sang 30 4
4. OHE, DOE, Keena Kaiapuni: Kalehua Krug 30 4
5. Kaiapuni Assessment Project: Phai Kkea-Schultz 30 4
6. Workshop 1 30 4
7. Workshop 2 30 4
8. Kuleana Action Group Session 30 4
9. Childcare 30 4
When asked what presentation or experience at Ppkahi I Holomua inspired you, Hiapo
Perreiras keynote and the Makua Panel were noted most often.
When asked what presentation or experience was helpful, the responses were as follows:
The last question on the evaluation survey asked for any other thoughts about
Ppkahi. Please see the responses below:
Based on parent feedback, the overall goals of Ppkahi I Holomua were met and in
some cases exceeded. We are very encouraged by the activities of the day and the feedback we
We would like to thank all the many volunteers and organizations that sponsored and
helped with the event. Most of all we would like to thank all the ohana and extended ohana
that took the time to reflect upon, deepen and grow their commitment to Kula Kaiapuni.