Summarizing Lesson Plan
Summarizing Lesson Plan
Summarizing Lesson Plan
(40 points)
1. Students will be able to read Too Much Stuff! with accuracy and fluency,
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
including appropriate rate and expression.
(2 points)
2. Students will be able to answer inferential comprehension questions when
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the objective(s) of reading Too Much Stuff! through discussion.
this lesson that will support progress toward the learning goal. 3. Students will be able to summarize the events in Too Much Stuff! using a
graphic organizer.
Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do or 4. Students will be able to identify the purpose of a summary and the different
accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured), and target a parts of a summary using an exit ticket.
specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User Guide for the ABCD
method or I CAN statements that can be used as a guide.
PA Standards (2 points) or 1. Standard - CC.1.3.3.C
Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the
sequence of events.
2. Standard - CC.1.1.3.E
Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: Read on-level text with
purpose and understanding. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate
rate, and expression on successive readings. Use context to confirm or self-correct
word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the accommodations
or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of
the lesson plan template.