Summarizing Lesson Plan

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EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template for SLO

(40 points)


Name: Megan Daroshefski

Lesson Day
Date: October 25, 2017
Grade: 3
Topic: Guided Reading- Summarizing
Grouping: Small Group (6)
Time: 32 minutes
Why do we summarize?
How will this lesson support the learning goal?
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
(1 point)

1. Students will be able to read Too Much Stuff! with accuracy and fluency,
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
including appropriate rate and expression.
(2 points)
2. Students will be able to answer inferential comprehension questions when
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the objective(s) of reading Too Much Stuff! through discussion.
this lesson that will support progress toward the learning goal. 3. Students will be able to summarize the events in Too Much Stuff! using a
graphic organizer.
Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do or 4. Students will be able to identify the purpose of a summary and the different
accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured), and target a parts of a summary using an exit ticket.
specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User Guide for the ABCD
method or I CAN statements that can be used as a guide.

PA Standards (2 points) or 1. Standard - CC.1.3.3.C
Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the
sequence of events.
2. Standard - CC.1.1.3.E
Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: Read on-level text with
purpose and understanding. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate
rate, and expression on successive readings. Use context to confirm or self-correct
word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

ISTE Standards (if applicable) N/A

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 1

Technology Materials/ Resources
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) 1. Cohen, Richard, and Caroline Hu. Too Much Stuff! Harcourt Achieve Inc.,
(2 points) 2008.
a. I will have the students read Too Much Stuff because the author
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?
nicely lays out the problem and solution which is a large part of the
How do the materials align with the learning objective(s)? If
summarizing activity.
appropriate, what educational technology will be used to support the
2. Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then, Finally Summarizing graphic
learning outcomes of this lesson? How do the resources support the
learning objectives?
a. I will use this summarizing sheet because it guides students through
Cite publications and any web resources. each of the different parts of a summary.
3. Summarizing graphic organizer with guiding questions
a. I will use this version of the graphic organizer with two students to
focus their attention by providing them with the guiding questions to
ask themselves for each part of the summary.
4. Mini dry erase board and marker
a. I will use this to guide students through the different parts of the
Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then, Finally graphic organizer.
5. Post-it Notes
a. I will have students write a prediction at the end of chapter 2 about
what they think is going to happen next.
*Materials are found at the end of the lesson
1. Who has heard of the word summary before? Give me a thumb up if you
Anticipatory Set
have or a thumb down if you havent.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
2. Do you know what summary means? Turn and talk to the person next to you
(2 points)
and tell them what a summary is. Listen to students as they talk to one
__4__ minutes another and see if they know what a summary is. Bring up any important
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why todays points that the students made while talking.
lesson is important to them as learners? 3. A summary helps us retell the main parts of the story after reading to help us
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson topic? understand what the story was about. Today while reading Too Much
How will you build on students prior knowledge? Stuff! we are going to practice our summarizing skills.
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? 4. Before we begin reading today, turn and talk to the person next to you and
tell them what happened yesterday in chapter one. Listen to students as they
Provide very detailed steps.
talk to see if they remember what happened. Bring up anything important for
them to remember that they may have missed in their discussions.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 2

1. Students will have stopped at chapter 2 from the day before. Yesterday when
Instructional Activities
we stopped reading Yolanda had said she was going to call a family
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy;
meeting. Turn and talk to the person next to you and make a prediction
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
about what you think is going to happen at the family meeting. Give students
(15 points)
a minute to explain their prediction to their partner. Lets continue reading to
_25_ minutes see if our predictions match what actually happens. Remember, as we read
today think about the different questions we ask ourselves when
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts?
How will you model or provide explicit instruction? You MUST include
2. Choose a student to read. Have student read page 10.
a teacher think-aloud using student-friendly language here.
3. Choose another student to read. Have student read page 11.
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they 4. Did your prediction match what actually happened? Put a thumb up if it did
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with and a thumb down if it didnt. How is the family going to solve their problem
teacher support)? of having too much stuff? Turn and talk to the person next to you. Give
students a minute to talk to the person next to them. Listen to what students
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these
are saying and bring up any important points that the students make.
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you monitor
5. Choose another student to read. Have student read page 12.
and provide feedback?
6. Have any of you ever went through any of your old stuff and had a garage
sale. Put a thumb up if you have, a thumb down if you havent.
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where appropriate.
7. Choose another student to read. Have student read page 13.
8. Choose another student to read. Have student read page 14.
9. Why do you think Yolanda is the only one with stuff in her box? Have a few
students share their answer and call on other students to see if they agree and
why or if they have anything else to add.
10. Choose another student to read. Have student read page 15.
11. Do you have a hard time getting rid of old toys? Give a thumb up if you do
and a thumb down if you dont. Make a prediction. Do you think Yolanda
will make her family get rid of their stuff? How? Write your prediction on
your post-it note and we will continue reading tomorrow to find out what
happens. Give students a minute to write their predictions.
12. Even though we didnt finish reading the story yet, we can fill in the first few
parts of our graphic organizer. Our first section is Somebody. Remember,
for this part we ask ourselves who is the main character. Hmmm, who was
the main character of our story? Put finger to your chin to show that you are
thinking. I know, the main character of our story is Yolanda. Under the tab
that says Somebody I am going to write Yolanda. Lift the tab that says
Somebody on the graphic organizer (which is clipped to the mini dry erase
board) and write Yolanda. Fill in Yolanda under Somebody on your
graphic organizers. Give students a few seconds to fill in their graphic
13. The next section on our graphic organizer is Wanted. Who remembers
what question we ask ourselves here? Call on a student. Right, we ask
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 3
ourselves what did the character want? Who remembers what Yolanda
wants? Turn and talk to the person next to you. Give students a minute to
talk. Listen as students are talking and bring up any important points that
they made. Im hearing many of you say that Yolanda wanted to have a
sleepover with her best friends. Give a thumb up if you agree that thats
what Yolanda wanted or a thumb down if you disagree. If a student
disagrees, have them explain their reasoning. So under Wanted we are
going to write that Yolanda wanted to have a sleepover with her best friends.
Lift the tab that says Wanted on the graphic organizer and write Yolanda
wanted to have a sleepover with her best friends. Give students a few
seconds to fill in their graphic organizer.
14. The next section on our graphic organizer is But. Who remembers what
question we ask ourselves here? Call on a student. Right, we ask ourselves
what was the problem? Who remembers what the problem was? Call on a
student to answer. Yes, the problem was that there was too much stuff all
over their house. Give a thumb up if you agree that that was the problem or
a thumb down if you disagree. If a student disagrees, have them explain their
reasoning. So under But we are going to write there was too much stuff all
over their house. Lift the tab that says But on the graphic organizer and
write there was too much stuff all over their house. Give students a few
seconds to fill in their graphic organizer.
15. The next section on our graphic organizer is So. Who remembers what
question we ask ourselves here? Call on a student. Right, we ask ourselves
how did the character try to solve the problem? I want you to try this one
on your own. Think about how Yolanda tried to solve the problem. Write
your answer under the tab that says So. Give students a minute or two to
think about how Yolanda tried to solve the problem and write their answers.
Call on a few students to share and see if the other students agree or
disagree. So, Yolanda and her family are going to clean out their area of the
house and have a garage sale with the stuff they get rid of. Write this under
the So tab.
16. Once students have the first four sections of the graphic organizer in, Now
we are going to read what we have written so far to summarize the first part
of our story. Starting under Somebody, Yolanda wanted to have a
sleepover with her best friends, but there was too much stuff all over their
house, so Yolanda and her family decided to clean out their house and have
a garage sale. We can see from our summary so far the main points of what
has happened in our story.
17. We cant answer the last two questions yet because we havent finished
reading. As we continue to read the next few days, think about our last two
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 4
1. Students will fill out an exit ticket. Today we talked about summarizing and
the different parts of a summary. On your paper, you are going to write why
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
we summarize stories and you are going to match the different parts of a
(2 points)
summary to the questions we ask ourselves when thinking about each part.
_3_ minutes Give students a few minutes to fill out the exit ticket.
How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so and
clarify key concepts?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?
The students in this group are on a third-grade reading level. The text that was read is
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
leveled text at their current reading level. Gradual release was used in the lesson to
(2 points)
meet the needs of the learners.
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose
academic development is below or above the current grade level? Two students will have a different version of the graphic organizer, differentiating
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or the process. See below in accommodations for details.
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs of all of
your students?
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including English
Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, cultural, and
experiential resources that they bring to their learning?
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and
There are two students who will have a different version of the graphic organizer.
Accommodations ** (see note below)
Their copy of the graphic organizer will have the guiding questions below the word
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
so that students know what to ask themselves for each of the different sections. For
(1 points)
example, instead of the tab on the graphic organizer just saying Somebody it will
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to increase say Somebody and then under that it will say Who is the main character?. It will
curriculum access for students identified with special education needs be like this for each section of the graphic organizer to help guide students thinking.
or 504? The one student has trouble focusing and maintaining attention for a sustained period
of time so having these questions will help to focus his thinking and keep him on
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
task. The other student works at a slower pace than others in the group so having
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
these questions will help guide her thinking so that she doesnt have to think of the
(avoid using actual names of students).
guiding question and then answer it, which would cause her to fall behind the others.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 5

Modifications**(see note below) N/A- The students in this group are on grade level and therefore do not require any
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) modifications at this time.
(1 points)
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the participation
of students identified with special education needs?
Assessment (Formal or Informal) 1. The turn and talks during the reading will serve as formative assessment.
(1f: Assessing Student Learning) The teacher will be able to see if students are understanding the story, and if
(3 points) they are understanding some of the different story elements that go into a
How will you and the students assess where the learning objectives, summary, such as the problem and solution. The teacher will also be able to
listed above, were met? see if the students are comprehending based on listening to students answers
to questions while reading.
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is aligned 2. The exit ticket will also serve as formative assessment. The teacher will be
to the above objective(s). able to see if students understand the purpose of a summary and if students
know the different parts of a summary and the questions to ask themselves
for each part. This will also allow the teacher to see which areas of the
summary might need to be reviewed the following day.
3. Listening to the students as they read will also serve as formative
assessment. The teacher will be able to see how accurately and fluently,
appropriate rate and expression, the students are reading.
4. The graphic organizer will serve as summative assessment. The teacher will
be able to see if students can identify the different parts of a summary in the
story. The teacher will also be able to see which parts of the summary
students have mastered and which parts they may need more help with.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 6

Reflection on Instruction
Overall, this lesson went well, and all students grasped the concept of what a
(7 points)
summary is and the different parts of a summary by the end of the lesson. There were
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. The six students in my group. We completed part of the graphic organizer together and
reflection should go beyond simply answering the question Was this a then part of it on their own. For the parts of the graphic organizer that we did
good lesson? Below are some questions to assist you in your reflective together, I had the students turn and talk and discuss the answer before we filled it in
process (Danielson, 2008): together on the graphic organizer. I was able to tell that students could accurately
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your identify the different parts of the summary that I was asking from the story by
students have met or are progressing towards the learning listening to the conversations that they had with their partner. I also gave the students
outcomes/objectives? an exit ticket at the end of the lesson which allowed me to see whether students
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the grasped what a summary was and the different parts of a summary. Overall, all
students level of engagement and comprehension? students grasped the concept of why we summarize. Their answers varied but they
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you all related to either telling the main parts of the story or to get an idea or remember
teach this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, if any, do what the story is about. The second part of the exit ticket was to match each part of
you need to clarify before teaching the next lesson? the summary to the question that we ask ourselves when thinking about each part.
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? Five of the six students were able to correctly match all six parts. The one student
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and mixed up two of the parts, so-how did the character try to solve the problem? and
your use of physical space. To what extent did these contribute then-what was the resolution to the problem?. This shows me that I might need to
to student learning? review those two parts with her a little more, but that overall, she had a good grasp
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery on summarizing.
(e.g., activities, grouping of students, materials/resources I had a high level of student engagement throughout the entire lesson. While reading,
utilized). To what extent were they effective? I would have the students turn and talk to a partner after asking a question and listen
to the students thoughts as they were talking to one another to see whether they
were comprehending the story. At other points, I would have one student answer, but
I would get other students involved by asking them if they agreed or not and getting
them to elaborate more on what the other student had said. There were a few times
throughout the reading that I also had the students make personal connections. This
also kept engagement high because the students were able to relate parts of their
lives to what we were reading, which excited them. I also used thumb up and thumb
down a few times, whether it was to see if their prediction matched what happened
or to see if they agreed with another students response, to hold all students
accountable and to see who was following along and understanding.
For the most part, I did not stray away from my lesson plan. There were a few slight
changes here and there that I had to make on the spot, but nothing major with the
flow of what I had planned. I had planned for the students to write their predictions
at the end of the chapter on post-it notes. I handed out the post-it notes and asked my
question of what they were supposed to predict, and a few students put the post-it
note in their book to save the page and began writing their predictions in their
notebook. Since some students had already begun to write their predictions in their
notebook, I said to them write your predictions in your notebook and we will look
back at them tomorrow before we begin reading so that we can see if what happens
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 7
matches our predictions. If I were to teach this lesson again, I would make sure to
tell students as I passed out the post-it notes that they would be writing their
prediction on the post-it note. I knew in my head that that was what I wanted them to
do with the post-it note, but I didnt make it clear to them. Something similar also
happened at the end when I gave students the exit ticket. I handed the exit ticket out
to each student and had expected them to begin answering the questions. After a few
seconds, I noticed that the students were looking at me a little confused. I realized
that they dont normally use exit tickets and didnt know what to do with it. It was
then that I explained what they were supposed to do for each part. Immediately after
explaining, the confusion went away and they all went to work. In future lessons, I
need to make sure that I explain all directions clearly so that my students know what
I expect them to do. Just because I know what I wanted them to do doesnt mean that
they do unless it is explicitly stated to them. Other than those few issues with
directions, I didnt stray much from the lesson plan.
During instruction, I previewed the graphic organizer with the students before
reading so that they knew what to focus on. This seemed beneficial to them because
they were able to fill it in easily with a little guidance after reading. The one student
even commented that we wouldnt be able to fill in all the parts yet since we didnt
get to the end of the story. Also, at one point during the reading one student skipped
the second half of a sentence. I waited to see if he would self-correct, but when he
just continued reading on I stepped in and told him to go back and reread. I know in
my last lesson I corrected the student too quickly by giving them the word, so I made
sure to give the student the opportunity to self-correct first this time. I also had a
transition in this lesson from the reading to the activity. Students had to make a
prediction at the end of reading before we moved on to the graphic organizer. I gave
students a warning before transitioning, which seemed to help them stay on-task and
focused. I told them that they had another minute to finish up their prediction and
then when I saw that most of them were done I said, lets take a few more seconds
to finish up what were writing. Last, giving two of the students the graphic
organizer with the guiding questions helped these two students stay focused and on-
task and keep pace with the group. This graphic organizer is something that I will
utilize in future lessons.
There were a few times throughout the lesson where a student would be off-task or
not following along. I recognized this quickly and would redirect the student by
pointing to where we were in their book. They would immediately begin following
along. There was also a point when we were filling out the graphic organizer that one
student jumped ahead and said he knew how to do the whole thing. I stopped him
from filling out the whole graphic organizer on his own because I wanted him to
participate in the discussion that we were having and listen to the responses that his
peers were giving. I also stopped him because I noticed that what he wrote for some
of the parts was incorrect and I didnt want him to go off with information that
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 8
wasnt accurate. Last, classroom management was a little bit of a struggle at times.
There was one student who was chatty, didnt know where some of his supplies
were, and was very distracted. There were many times where I had to give him
friendly reminders to follow along or focus or stop talking. Also, sometimes when I
asked a question or asked if everyone agreed with another students response, some
students would call out or talk over the more soft-spoken students. In the future, I
need to make clear how I want students to answer, whether its raising their hand,
giving a thumb up or thumb down, or doing a turn and talk. This will not only help
me maintain the noise level of the group, but keep control over the conversation and
keep the group on task.

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general curriculum. Both are essential to
consider when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities. Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material
but they do not change knowledge content. With accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or
express knowledge in different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may include
adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User Guide and SLO template for additional

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the accommodations
or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of
the lesson plan template.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 9

Graphic Organizer:

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 10

Exit Ticket:

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 11

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