Ifádivination:Amethod: Ofdiagnosingandtreating Chronicillnesses/Àmódiamong Yorubapeople
Ifádivination:Amethod: Ofdiagnosingandtreating Chronicillnesses/Àmódiamong Yorubapeople
Ifádivination:Amethod: Ofdiagnosingandtreating Chronicillnesses/Àmódiamong Yorubapeople
I f D i v i n at i o n : A M e t h o d
o f D i a g n o s i n g a n d T r e at i n g
C h r o n i c I l l n e s s e s / m d i a m o n g
Yo r u b a P e o p l e
Akinmayowa Akin-Otiko
The possibility of illness is a human reality that we face daily and has created
in every culture methods of responding to illnesses. This reality moves from
the realm of ordinary reality when an illness does not follow the expected
course or lasts longer than anticipated. In the Western biomedical paradigm,
such a course may be labeled chronic. But for the Yoruba, such a course
is not labeled chronic; it is rather labeled as having a supernatural cause.
It is at this point that a Yoruba traditional healer turns to If divination.
This conceptualization is not unique. Many cultures incorporate the idea that
suffering during an illness may be the result of some spiritual imbalance just
as the relief from suffering may come from the same spiritual source.
Traditional Yoruba are usually reluctant to begin any undertaking without
rst consulting If. Idowu (1996) noted that before a betrothal, marriage
contract, birth of a child, after the birth of a child, at every successive stage in
a persons life, before a king is appointed, before a journey is made, in times
of crisis, in times of sickness, at any time and at all times, If is consulted for
guidance and assurance (p. 78).
For the Yoruba, reality is rooted in both the physical and the spiritual
worlds. Yoruba traditional healers may relate to the physical/natural world
of reality without the need for supernatural intervention. But there is the
belief and practice of employing If divination/spiritual help when there is
the feeling of need for spiritual intervention and this can be for any aspect of
life including health.