Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector: 3.1 Overview
Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector: 3.1 Overview
Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector: 3.1 Overview
3.1 Overview
State Bank of Pakistan derives its goal of financial stability from its legal mandate, as specified in the
State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956, responsible for securing monetary stability and soundness of the
financial system. Financial stability is defined in terms of the need to ensure and promote, in a
lasting way, and without major disruptions, an efficient allocation of savings to investment
opportunities1. Generally, maintaining financial stability depends on effective financial regulations
which aim to provide the right set of incentives for the prudential conduct of, and risk behavior by
financial institutions. The primary objective of financial stability policies and assessment is to
provide early warning signals for crisis prevention as distinct from crisis mitigation. Stability of the
financial system promotes: (i) a smooth and efficient financial intermediation processes that allocate
savings to profitable investment opportunities, (ii) balanced development of different segments of the
financial system, and (iii) proper transmission of monetary policy, whose effective conduct and
implementation in turn facilitates price stability.
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the central bank and primary regulator of the financial sector, given its
dual mandate of monetary policy and financial regulation and supervision, is in a unique position to
conduct financial stability. SBP has a finger on the pulse of the economy and as such is able to
decipher the monetary transmission mechanism and its impact on the economy and the financial
sector. At the same time, vigilance on banking sector helps SBP to understand the financial
transmission mechanism which helps in the formulation of the overall policy stance.
SBP has now been conducting financial stability analysis for the last 5 years or so. However, the
framework for financial stability is still evolving. Starting in 2002, SBP conducted annual Financial
Sector Assessment Program dovetailed with quarterly and annual Banking Surveillance Report.
Integrating these reports, in 2007, SBP launched its first comprehensive Financial Stability Review
(FSR) that offers a rich assessment of risks and vulnerabilities of financial sector and macroeconomic
With the objective of institutionalizing financial stability analysis, there was a need to have a
designated department which can spearhead independent analysis and research, make policy
recommendations, and monitor financial stability issues on an ongoing basis, as done in other central
banks around the globe. Hence in February 2008, a separate Financial Stability Department was
established in the Monetary Policy and Research Cluster, tasked with providing independent, policy-
induced research on the financial sector to enable State Bank of Pakistan to achieve its objective of
financial stability. The Financial Stability Department works in close coordination with both Banking
Policy and Regulations Department (BPRD) and Banking Surveillance Department (BSD), in order to
achieve its objectives.
With this overview in mind, the rest of the chapter is dedicated to discussing the various regulatory
measures taken by the SBP during FY08 to ensure the stability of the financial sector.
implementation of Basel -II. State Bank has always encouraged banks to adopt international best
practices, develop systems and human resource skills. It has adopted a two-pronged approach for
capacity building of the banking sector. SBP arranged a seminar on Basel II with the help of Standard
Chartered Bank, UK to enhance the knowledge base of local bankers especially those related to the
execution of Basel II. In addition, a SAARCFINANCE Seminar on Basel-II was held in Islamabad
from June 26-28, June 2008.The purpose of the seminar was to share country experiences of Basel II
implementation. State Bank has also arranged several trainings / presentations / seminars on different
topics under Basel II for internal stakeholders. These programs helped SBP human resources to learn
different techniques adopted under Basel II and grasp the intricacies involved in its implementation.
Six cross functional teams have been deployed to address the issues pertaining to various areas i.e. (i)
Credit Risk Standardized Approach (ii) Credit Risk Advanced Approaches (iii) Operational Risk
(iv) Market Risk (v) Pillar II (Supervisory Review Process) and (vi) Pillar III (Disclosure
Requirements). Members of these teams have diversified experience. Banking Inspection staff share
their practical knowledge and industry practices to assist the back office functions of the Banking
Surveillance Department.
To facilitate Islamic banking, the Islamic banks and branches were allowed to include their cash in
hand and balance with National Bank of Pakistan held in current account towards SLR. To further
encourage the Islamic Financial Products, GoP announced the Sukuks issued by Karachi Shipyard and
Engineering Works (KSEW) and WAPDA as SLR eligible. Presently the required level of CRR is
same for Islamic banks / branches and conventional banks, these are:-
Weekly average of 9% (subject to daily minimum of 8%) of total Demand Liabilities
(including Time Deposits with tenor of less than 1 year).
Time Liabilities with tenor of 1 year and above does not require any cash reserve.
Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector
Whereas SLR for commercial banks is 19% (excluding CRR) of total time and demand liabilities and
Islamic banks/Branches are required to maintain SLR at 9% of their time and demand liabilities.
Moreover, Special Cash Reserve Requirements (SCRA) against FE-25 deposits, maintainable against
US dollar equivalent amount, was lowered for from 15% to 5% for commercial banks and for Islamic
banks/branches the same was dropped from 6% to 2%. In June 2008, however, with overall
improvement in foreign exchange market liquidity, threshold for SCRR against FE-25 deposits was
raised to its original position. In addition to SCRA, all banks are required to maintain cash reserve
against their FE-25 deposits in US dollar equivalent amount at the rate of 5%.
SBP is also working on the recapitalization of First Women Bank Limited (FWBL). SBP, in
consultation with the Ministry of Finance (MoF), engaged IFC to conduct a study on FWBL, and
formulate a roadmap, containing various options and main steps to be taken by the Board and
Management of the bank, to attract potential investment in FWBL. After thorough deliberations MoF
delegated SBP to take necessary steps to restructure and privatize FWBL. SBP initiated the process of
recapitalization of FWBL and transfer of management to a Strategic Investor in the light of IFCs
recommendation and engaged Financial Advisors for the transaction through a transparent and
competitive process. The process is at final stages and transaction structure will be finalized shortly.
The restructuring process of IDBP is also on the anvil. SBP has forwarded a complete financial
restructuring plan for IDBP to the federal government. An independent valuation of the bank has been
carried out and SBP is coordinating with the federal government for the best option. Once a decision
is made by the government, SBP will process the transaction on fast track basis. Khushhali Bank
State Bank of Pakistan Annual Report 2007-2008
Limited has been successfully restructured by changing its legal structure and the process of its
strategic sale to a strategic investor with appropriate interest and capacity to develop microfinance.
During the last 7 years, SBP has processed 10 acquisitions and 40merger transactions. Most of the
transactions were merger of investment banks with commercial banks and banks with other banks
while other transaction involved merger of DFIs/leasing companies with commercial banks. The
exercise so far, has had a mixed color with both local and foreign stakeholders taking ownership of
the banks. The recent transactions have witnessed higher foreign participation wherein ownership and
management have been entrusted to the new acquirers after regulatory clearance granted.
To streamline consolidations, SBP took many important policy measures. A number of amendments
were made in the legal framework to facilitate the process. Section 48 was amended to allow merger
of NBFCs with banks under provisions of BCO, 1962. Foreign banks operating in branch mode has
been defined as foreign banking companies in BCO 1962. To facilitate merger of foreign banking
companies with other banks, Section 48 of BCO 1962 has been amended, wherein such scheme
approved by the foreign banking companys head office can be sanctioned by SBP. SBP also
proposed amendment in Income Tax Ordinance like section 57-A which was incorporated to carry
forward of tax losses both amalgamated (target) and amalgamating (surviving) institutions.
These initiatives adopted by SBP resulted in reducing the number of banks from 46 in 1997 to 39 in
the 2008, despite the fact that SBP issued new licenses to four Islamic banks and one foreign bank.
The consolidation process has also contributed in strengthening the capital position of most of the
merged entities. Moreover, consolidation also added to the development of a healthy competitive
environment among bigger and stronger financial institutions. The number of foreign banking
companies operating in branch mode decreased from 20 in 2000 to 7 in June 2008 due to change in
their business strategies, resulting in selling of their business to locally incorporated banks and/or
conversion of branch status to locally incorporated subsidiary. Going forward, if the process of
consolidation continues, more stable banking system can be expected in the country.
NBP GDRs are in process and will be completed shortly. To facilitate the issuance of NBP GDR, the
Bank Nationalization Act was amended on the recommendations of SBP. A financial adviser has
been hired however; the transaction could not be started due to liquidity crisis in the international
markets and some other reasons. The transaction is expected to be completed this year.
3.3.7 Protection of Borrowers and Depositors - Instructions on Lending and Deposit Rates
Depositors and bank borrowers are the two arms of flow of funds in the financial sector. To protect
the interest of the depositors SBP advised all banks to pay a minimum of 5 percent profit to all
depositors regardless of their account balances. On the other hand, to protect the interests of the
borrowers, SBP advised the banks to ensure transparency and adequacy in re-pricing of loans, loan
frequencies and loan documentation by linking the loan re-pricing to the relevant KIBOR rates. Banks
were also advised to make complete disclosure of the lending and deposit rates of all consumer
products offered by them and to clarify the pricing structure of the loan in the loan agreement.
customer service and will also contribute to financial inclusion and modernization. In the recent past,
number of reputable international financial institutions like Temasek Holding Singapore, ABN
AMRO Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, SAMBA Financial Group of Saudi Arabia, DEG Germany,
Nomura European Investment, International Finance Corporation, etc have acquired strategic stake in
various banking institutions. Entry of such strong foreign banks is a harbinger of the confidence of
international business community in Pakistans economy generally and banking sector particularly.
During 2007-08, three Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) viz Pak Iran Joint Investment
Company Limited, Pak China Investment Company and Pak Brunei Investment Company were
allowed to start their operation in the country. The permission was granted mainly to strengthen DFI
sector and to enhance regional cooperation among the countries having their stake in these
institutions. Through entry of these new players the number of DFIs operating in the country
increased from 5 to 8.
State Bank of Pakistan is also playing a leading role towards promotion and development of Islamic
banking in the country. Establishing a full-fledged Islamic Banking Department at SBP to focus on all
Islamic Banking issues provided the industry with the necessary impetus to grow and emerge as a
preferred choice of the public. SBPs drive to promote Islamic banking as a parallel system, operating
on a level playing field with commercial
banking, is aimed at building a broad based Table 3.1: Trends in Islamic Banking in Pakistan
financial system in the country to enable all billion rupees
segments of the population to access financial Financing & Total
services and play their due role in the overall invest. assets
economic development. Up till June 2008, six Jun-04 13.2 13.1 18.8
full fledge Islamic banks were operating in the
Jun-05 37.8 37.2 54.0
country. Due to merger of Prime Commercial
Bank Limited and ABN Amro Bank N.V the Growth (%) 188 184 187
total number of conventional banks having Jun-06 59.7 57.9 87.6
dedicated Islamic banking branches now stands
at 12. The total assets of the Islamic banking Growth (%) 58 56 62
industry are around Rs. 230 billions which Jun-07 107.4 89.2 157.9
accounts for a market share of about 4.5
Growth (%) 80 54 80
percent (see Table 3.1). Total branch network
of the industry comprises of 359 branches with Jun-08 163.1 163.4 229.6
presence in over 50 cities and towns and Growth (%) 52 83 45
covering all the four provinces of the country
and AJK (see Table 3.2).
These numbers are as on September 1st 2008.
Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector
To introduce world class regulations and be part of the global Islamic banking industry, a process
has been put in place to introduce these standards in Pakistan. This process includes exposure of
the stakeholders of this industry and public to the draft guidelines / regulations. After necessary
adjustments, based on the feedback, laws and other regulatory considerations these standards are
being rolled out. In this regard, Risk Management (RM) guidelines for Islamic Banking
Institutions (IBIs) have been formulated with a view to further strengthens the regulatory
framework in the area of risk management for IBIs. Similarly, SBP is in the process of
implementing capital adequacy standard issued by IFSB in Pakistan and is carrying out an impact
study for the said purpose. The implementation of IFSB capital adequacy standard in Pakistan
will be another milestone in ensuring proper risk management in IBIs in line with international
standards recognizing the peculiar risk profile of Islamic banking products and services.
State Bank of Pakistan Annual Report 2007-2008
Also there have been some major taxation issues in Islamic banking industry due to its very nature
of asset backed / trade based modes of financing. SBP, along with other relevant bodies took up
relevant issues with Central Board of Revenue for resolution of tax problems being faced by the
industry. Lately in the Finance Bill 2007 it has now been ensured that taxation of Shariah
compliant Islamic banking would be treated at par with conventional banking.
During 2007-08, some major enhancements have been made in the existing IRAF mechanism to
reflect more precise risk rating of the financial institutions. Self assessment questionnaires were
restructured in the new system and instead of only two options available to financial institutions either
Yes or No they can now respond to every question on a scale of 1 (fully compliant) to
5(noncompliant). This allows a certain degree of flexibility to the financial institutions to evaluate and
reflect their actual degree of compliance. Similarly, different standards have been set for more
objective evaluation of market information and intelligence component. Likewise, weightages
assigned to different components and subcomponents have been revisited according to their
importance. Moreover, IRAF has also been upgraded to encompass emerging fields of development
finance like Islamic banking and agriculture finance.
Ensuring Soundness of Financial Sector
State Bank of Pakistan continued to bring improvement in its various supervisory processes in place
for financial institutions under its purview. Arrangements have been made to enable reporting
institutions upload online, through Data Acquisition Gateway (DAG) portal, their Weekly Statement
of Position under the Reporting Chart of Accounts (RCOA). As a further development, the reporting
institutions may now be able to upload online Quarterly Report of Conditions (QRC) in addition to
the Weekly Statement of Position (WSP) as mentioned above. This will significantly reduce paper
work and the time involved in the transmission of returns in hard copies. Besides, this will relieve the
burden of reporting institutions in meeting overlapping requirements of various departments of State
Bank of Pakistan and also minimize the time involved in processing and analyzing the submitted
information for decision making.
Any trouble in another group entity could affect the stability of the bank/DFI. Such other
group entity could be a subsidiary of the bank (i.e. downstream of risk) or parent of the bank
or affiliate under the control of parent (i.e. upstream risk).
Bank/DFI together with other group entities under its control could take exposures on single
borrower, borrowing group, or sector that are beyond prudential limits.
Increasing complexities in the ownership and managerial structure of a group can make the
supervision of financial institutions in the group difficult.
Possibilities of regulatory arbitrage and non-arm length dealings in intra group transactions.
Cognizant of its responsibilities as a supervisor of the banking sector, which is facing a complex and
dynamic environment and in order to ensure compliance with the core principle (No. 24) for effective
banking supervision, the State Bank initiated a project in 2006 to formulate a framework for
consolidated supervision of the financial sector. This framework will enable State Bank to supervise
the banks / deposit taking institutions on consolidated basis. The framework envisages extending the
SBPs supervisory ambit to banking group level. Initially a framework was internally drafted by SBP
in 2007 and extensively discussed at different forums within the bank. In order to ensure that the
framework fulfills the intended objectives in line with the established standards and core principles,
the services of a renowned consultant have also been acquired by SBP. Further, legal amendments in
the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, required to enable SBP to carry out effective consolidated
supervision, are being deliberated upon amongst various internal and external stakeholders. Besides,
consultation process with external stakeholders is also underway to disseminate the supervisors
thought process as well as to gather their feedback. Once the recommendations from the consultant
are received and the required legal changes are enacted SBP would be able to implement the
consolidated supervision framework in line with the principles of effective banking supervision.
State Bank of Pakistan Annual Report 2007-2008
During 2007-08, the department has conducted full scope inspections of 35 banks/DFIs, 38 exchange
companies (both A and B categories). In addition to the full scope inspection, department has under
taken 3 IS inspection, 20 special inspections of banks/DFIs/exchange companies and handled more
than 500 complaints. To improve and strengthen its capabilities, and to meet the emerging supervisory
challenges, BID undertook some major initiatives as detailed below:
transactions an offence punishable with imprisonment and fine. The tools and methodology developed
will help in assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of policies, procedures and controls relating to
anti-money laundering and identify the weaknesses and deficiencies that should be worked upon to
effectively tackle anti-money laundering risk.