Calculation For Cluster DS (O) 16

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Calculation for Cluster DS(O)16

Instrumentation & Monitoing Settlement Assessment Report Appendix E1- 31

Portion B- DS(O)15 to 20 (CH0+450 to 1+102)


Project Made By

Location Portion B - DS(O)16 : Analysis of Monitoring Data Date 28 Jun 2016

Design Notes and Assumption

1. Design Soil Parameters are listed below:

Vertical Coefficient of Consolidation, c v (m /yr) 1.3 2
Horizontal Coefficient of Consolidation, c h (m /yr) 2.6 4
Compression Ratio, CR 0.29 0.11
Recompression Ratio, RR 0.029 0.011
Overconsolidation Ratio, OCR 1 1
Coefficient of Secondary Compression (OC), C ae 0.6% 0.5%
Coefficient of Secondary Compression (NC), C ae 1.5% 1.0%
Thickness of Soil Layer, H (m) 23 19
Length of Drainage Path, H dr (m) 23 9.5

2. Design Information are listed below:

Mean Sea Level, MSL = 1.2 mPD

Seabed Level, SBL = -3 mPD
Final Formation Level = 5.5 mPD
Surcharge Level = 11.5 mPD
Future Imposed Load = 20 kPa
gw = 10.25 kN/m

3. Adopted Fill Parameters are listed below:

Bulk Unit Weight, Logarithmic Creep

Type of Fill Material
g fill (kN/m3) Compression Ratio, a
Type A Untreated 0.65%
Type B/D Treated 0.20%
Surcharge Treated 0.20%
Rock Fill (Average) 0.20%
DS(O)16 - Theoretical staged settlement calculation

Sub- Corrected Total Overall Calculated

Initial Max. Corrected Time Primary
Assumed Primary layer Time for Time for Effective Degree Primary
Formation Level Effective Past for Vertical Consolidation
(7) of
Consolidation Settlement Thicknes z Construction Radial Stress Consolidation
Stage FL Soil Strata Sub-layer Stress Pressure Duo(8) Drainage Tv(5) Th(6) Uv(1) Uh(2) Uf(3) Increment Consolid
Settlement Remarks
sp(a) (kPa) s (mPD) t Drainage Settlement
(mPD) svo' sp' (kPa) tv sp
(m) Hi (Months) th Dsv' ation sp
(kPa) (kPa) (months) (10) (m)
(m) (months) (kPa) Uoverall (m)

1 2.3 -4.15 5.5 6 0.18

2 2.3 -6.45 16.4 16 0.07
3 2.3 -8.75 27.3 27 0.05
4 2.3 -11.05 38.2 38 0.03
5 2.3 -13.35 49.2 49 0.03
MD 65.8 3.7 0.003 0 0.00 7.3% 0% 7.3% 4.8 7.3%
1: Fill to +2.5mPD 2.5 0.5 65.8 6 2.3 -15.65 60.1 60 7.4 0.02 0.47
7 2.3 -17.95 71 71 0.02
8 2.3 -20.25 81.9 82 0.02
9 2.3 -22.55 92.9 93 0.01
10 2.3 -24.85 103.8 104 0.01
ALL - 19 -35.5 192.4 192.4 65.8 3.7 0.0068 0 0 9.7% 0% 9.7% 6.4 9.7% 0.03
1 2.3 -4.15 5.5 6 0.26
2 2.3 -6.45 16.4 16 0.12
3 2.3 -8.75 27.3 27 0.08
4 2.3 -11.05 38.2 38 0.06
5 2.3 -13.35 49.2 49 0.04
MD 63.7 0.3 0.0002 0 0.00 5.2% 0% 5.2% 8.1 11.8%
PVD installation 2.5 0.8 68.5 6 2.3 -15.65 60.1 60 7.7 0.04 0.75
7 2.3 -17.95 71 71 0.03
8 2.3 -20.25 81.9 82 0.03
9 2.3 -22.55 92.9 93 0.02
10 2.3 -24.85 103.8 104 0.02
ALL - 19 -35.5 192.4 192.4 62.1 0.3 0.0006 0 0 5.5% 0% 5.5% 9.8 14.3% 0.05
1 2.3 -4.15 5.5 6 0.65
2 2.3 -6.45 16.4 16 0.39
3 2.3 -8.75 27.3 27 0.29 Installation of RB67-
4 2.3 -11.05 38.2 38 0.23 SM1-1 (readings
5 2.3 -13.35 49.2 49 0.19 before 17-Jun-14 are
MD 76.1 1.3 0.0011 1.3 0.18 5.9% 47% 50.1% 46.2 54.9%
4: MD consolidation 2.5 2.6 84.2 6 2.3 -15.65 60.1 60 9 0.17 2.50 discounted due to
7 2.3 -17.95 71 71 0.15 incongruence of
8 2.3 -20.25 81.9 82 0.13 readings during tube
9 2.3 -22.55 92.9 93 0.12 extension)
10 2.3 -24.85 103.8 104 0.11
ALL - 19 -35.5 192.4 192.4 74.4 1.3 0.0024 0 0 6.8% 0% 6.8% 14.9 17.7% 0.07
1 2.3 -4.15 5.5 6 0.78
2 2.3 -6.45 16.4 16 0.50
3 2.3 -8.75 27.3 27 0.38
4 2.3 -11.05 38.2 38 0.31
5 2.3 -13.35 49.2 49 0.27
MD 83.0 0.75 0.0006 0.75 0.10 5.5% 31% 34.8% 75.1 58.1%
4: Fill to +4.5mPD 4.5 3.4 129.2 6 2.3 -15.65 60.1 60 10.5 0.23 3.30
7 2.3 -17.95 71 71 0.21
8 2.3 -20.25 81.9 82 0.19
9 2.3 -22.55 92.9 93 0.17
10 2.3 -24.85 103.8 104 0.16
ALL - 19 -35.5 192.4 192.4 114.3 0.75 0.0014 0 0 6.1% 0% 6.1% 21.9 17.0% 0.10
1 2.3 -4.15 5.5 6 0.87
2 2.3 -6.45 16.4 16 0.58
3 2.3 -8.75 27.3 27 0.46
4 2.3 -11.05 38.2 38 0.38
5 2.3 -13.35 49.2 49 0.33
MD 88.3 2.08 0.0017 2.08 0.28 6.3% 64% 66.3% 104.7 77.8% Installation of
5: MD Consolidation 4.5 4 134.5 6 2.3 -15.65 60.1 60 11.8 0.29 3.94
7 2.3 -17.95 71 71 0.26
8 2.3 -20.25 81.9 82 0.24
9 2.3 -22.55 92.9 93 0.22
10 2.3 -24.85 103.8 104 0.20
ALL - 19 -35.5 192.4 192.4 119.6 2.08 0.0038 0 0 7.8% 0% 7.8% 24.2 18.0% 0.11
Calculation for Cluster DS(O)17 - DS(O)19

Instrumentation & Monitoing Settlement Assessment Report Appendix E1- 31

Portion B- DS(O)15 to 20 (CH0+450 to 1+102)


Project Made By

Location Date

Design Notes and Assumption

1. Design Soil Parameters are listed below:

Vertical Coefficient of Consolidation, c v (m /yr) 1.3 2
Horizontal Coefficient of Consolidation, c h (m /yr) 2.6 4
Compression Ratio, CR 0.29 0.11
Recompression Ratio, RR 0.029 0.011
Overconsolidation Ratio, OCR 1 1
Coefficient of Secondary Compression (OC), C ae 0.6% 0.5%
Coefficient of Secondary Compression (NC), C ae 1.5% 1.0%
Thickness of Soil Layer, H (m) 26 16
Length of Drainage Path, H dr (m) 13 8

2. Design Information are listed below:

Mean Sea Level, MSL = 1.2 mPD

Seabed Level, SBL = -3 mPD
Final Formation Level = 5.5 mPD
Surcharge Level = 11.5 mPD
Future Imposed Load = 20 kPa
gw= 10.25 kN/m3

3. Adopted Fill Parameters are listed below:

Bulk Unit Weight, Logarithmic Creep

Type of Fill Material
g fill (kN/m3) Compression Ratio, a
Type A Untreated 0.65%
Type B/D Treated 0.20%
Surcharge Treated 0.20%
Rock Fill (Average) 0.20%
DS(O)17 to 19 - 22m to 50m from SOL - Theoretical staged settlement calculation

Corrected Corrected Total Calculated

Sub-layer Initial Max. Overall Primary
Assumed Primary Time for Time for Time for Effective Primary
Formation Level Thicknes Effective Past Degree of Consolidation
Consolidation Settlement Dsv'(fill)(7) z Construction Vertical Radial Stress Consolidation
Stage FL Soil Strata Sub-layer s Stress Pressure Duo(8) Tv(5) Th(6) Uv(1) Uh(2) Uf(3) Increment
Consolid Settlement Remarks
sp(a) (kPa) (mPD) t Drainage Drainage Settlement
(mPD) Hi svo' sp' (kPa) ation sp(4)
(m) (Months) tv th Dsv' sp
(m) (kPa) (kPa) Uoverall(10) (m)
(months) (months) (kPa) (m)

1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.18

2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.07
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.04
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.03
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.02
MD 65.0 3.7 0.0024 0 0.00 6.8% 0% 6.8% 4.4 6.8%
1: Fill to +2.5mPD 2.5 0.4 65.0 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 7.4 0.02 0.45
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.02
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.02
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.01
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.01
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 65.0 3.7 0.0096 0 0 11.3% 0% 11.3% 7.3 11.2% 0.03
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.27
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.12
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.07
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.05
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.04
MD 62.8 0.7 0.0004 0 0.00 5.4% 0% 5.4% 7.8 11.6%
PVD installation 2.5 0.66 67.2 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 8.1 0.04 0.73
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.03
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.03
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.02
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.02
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 59.9 0.7 0.0018 0 0 6.4% 0% 6.4% 11.1 16.5% 0.04
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.44
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.22
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.15
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.11
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.09
MD 74.7 0.9 0.0006 0.9 0.03 5.5% 8% 13.1% 17.6 21.3%
4: MD consolidation 2.5 2.4 82.5 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 9 0.08 1.37
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.06
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.06
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.05
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.05
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 71.4 0.9 0.0023 0 0 6.8% 0% 6.8% 16.0 19.4% 0.06
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.65
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.37
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.27
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.21
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.17
MD 86.9 3.9 0.0025 3.86666667 0.13 6.9% 31% 35.8% 38.9 41.1% Installation of
6: MD Consolidation 2.5 3.8 94.7 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 12.0 0.15 2.33
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.13
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.11
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.10
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.09
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 83.6 3.86666667 0.0101 0 0 11.5% 0% 11.5% 20.7 21.9% 0.08
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.67
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.39
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.28
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.22
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.19
MD 86.9 4.56666667 0.0029 4.56666667 0.16 7.2% 35% 39.7% 42.3 44.7% Installation of
7: MD Consolidation 2.5 3.8 94.7 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 12.7 0.16 2.46
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.14
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.12
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.11
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.10
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 83.6 4.56666667 0.0119 0 0 12.4% 0% 12.4% 21.5 22.7% 0.08
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.69
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.40
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.30
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.23
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.19
MD 87.8 5.03333333 0.0032 5.03333333 0.17 7.4% 38% 42.6% 45.2 47.3% Installation of
8: MD Consolidation 2.5 3.9 95.6 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 13.1 0.17 2.57
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.15
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.13
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.12
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.11
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 84.5 5.03333333 0.0131 0 0 13.0% 0% 13.0% 22.1 23.1% 0.08
DS(O)17 to 19 beyond 50m from SOL - Settlements at SM initialisation dates

Corrected Corrected Total Overall Calculated

Sub-layer Initial Max. Primary
Assumed Primary Time for Time for Time for Effective Degree Primary
Formation Level Thicknes Effective Past Consolidation
Consolidation Settlement Dsv'(fill)(7) z Construction Vertical Radial Stress of Consolidation
Stage FL Soil Strata Sub-layer s Stress Pressure Duo(8) Tv(5) Th(6) Uv(1) Uh(2) Uf(3) Settlement Remarks
sp(a) (kPa) (mPD) t Drainage Drainage Increment Consolid Settlement
(mPD) Hi svo' sp' (kPa) sp(4)
(m) (Months) tv th Dsv' ation sp
(m) (kPa) (kPa) (10) (m)
(months) (months) (kPa) Uoverall (m)

1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.05

2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.02
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.01
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.01 Installation of
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.01 RB118SM1-1,
MD 18.6 1.6 0.001 0 0.00 5.8% 0% 5.8% 1.1 5.9%
1: Fill to -1.0mPD -1.0 0.12 18.6 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 3.2 0.01 0.12 RB150-SM1-1 and
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.00 RB170-SM1-1,
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.00 RB48SM1-1
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.00
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.00
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 18.6 1.6 0.0042 0 0 8.1% 0% 8.1% 1.5 8.1% 0.01
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.06
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.02
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.01
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.01
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.01
MD 18.6 2.3 0.0015 0 0.00 6.2% 0% 6.2% 1.2 6.5% Installation of
Consolidation -1.0 0.13 18.6 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 3.9 0.01 0.13
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.00
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.00
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.00
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.00
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 18.6 2.3 0.006 0 0 9.2% 0% 9.2% 1.7 9.1% 0.01
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.06
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.02
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.01
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.01
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.01
MD 18.9 2.4 0.0015 0 0.00 6.2% 0% 6.2% 1.2 6.3%
Consolidation -1.0 0.16 18.9 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 4 0.01 0.13
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.00
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.00
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.00
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.00
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 18.9 2.4 0.0063 0 0 9.4% 0% 9.4% 1.8 9.5% 0.01
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.19
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.08
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.05
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.04
Installation of
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.03
MD 65.1 1.7 0.0011 0 0.00 5.9% 0% 5.9% 5.0 7.5% RB80SM1-1 and
1: Fill to +2.5mPD 2.5 0.55 66.3 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 7.4 0.02 0.51
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.02
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.02
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.02
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.01
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 64.5 1.7 0.0044 0 0 8.2% 0% 8.2% 7.1 10.7% 0.03
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.29
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.13
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.08
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.06
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.05
MD 63.5 2.4 0.0015 0 0.00 6.2% 0% 6.2% 8.9 13.0%
PVD installation 2.5 0.8 68.5 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 8.1 0.04 0.81
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.03
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.03
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.03
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.02
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 61.4 2.4 0.0063 0 0 9.4% 0% 9.4% 12.9 18.8% 0.05
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.62
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.35
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.25
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.19
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.16
MD 71.8 3.9 0.0025 3.9 0.13 6.9% 31% 35.8% 34.6 42.9%
5: MD Consolidation 2.5 2.2 80.7 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 12.0 0.13 2.17
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.12
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.10
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.09
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.08
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 67.8 3.9 0.0102 0 0 11.6% 0% 11.6% 20.8 25.8% 0.08
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.66
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.38
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.27
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.22
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.18
MD 77.2 0.25 0.0002 0.25 0.01 5.2% 2% 7.1% 40.1 35.9%
6: Fill to +4.0mPD 4.0 2.5 111.8 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 12.5 0.15 2.42
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.13
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.12
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.11
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.10
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 91.0 0.25 0.0007 0 0 5.6% 0% 5.6% 25.9 23.2% 0.10
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.71
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.42
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.31
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.25
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.20 2.7 ->
MD 79.0 1.35 0.0009 1.35 0.05 5.7% 12% 17.1% 48.1 42.3%
5: MD Consolidation 4.0 2.7 113.6 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 13.6 0.18 2.69 Recalculation is
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.15 not required
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.14
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.12
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.11
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 92.8 1.35 0.0035 0 0 7.6% 0% 7.6% 27.9 24.6% 0.10
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.75
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.45
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.33
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.27
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.23
MD 97.5 0.25 0.0002 0.25 0.01 5.2% 2% 7.1% 55.0 37.8%
6: Fill to +5.5mPD 5.5 3.1 145.6 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 14.1 0.19 2.94
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.17
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.15
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.14
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.13
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 117.7 0.25 0.0007 0 0 5.6% 0% 5.6% 34.5 23.7% 0.13
1 2.6 -4.3 6.2 6 0.79
2 2.6 -6.9 18.5 19 0.48
3 2.6 -9.5 30.9 31 0.36
4 2.6 -12.1 43.2 43 0.29
5 2.6 -14.7 55.6 56 0.25 Installation of
MD 98.4 1.05 0.0007 1.05 0.04 5.6% 9% 14.1% 62.0 42.3%
5: MD Consolidation 5.5 3.2 146.5 6 2.6 -17.3 67.9 68 14.9 0.21 3.16 RB150-SM1-1 and
7 2.6 -19.9 80.3 80 0.19 RB170-SM1-1
8 2.6 -22.5 92.6 93 0.17
9 2.6 -25.1 105 105 0.15
10 2.6 -27.7 117.3 117 0.14
ALL - 16 -37 193.5 193.5 118.6 1.05 0.0027 0 0 7.1% 0% 7.1% 36.3 24.8% 0.13

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