Studies On The Production of Defatted Sunflower Meal With Low Polyphenol and Phytate Contents and Its Nutritional Profile
Studies On The Production of Defatted Sunflower Meal With Low Polyphenol and Phytate Contents and Its Nutritional Profile
Studies On The Production of Defatted Sunflower Meal With Low Polyphenol and Phytate Contents and Its Nutritional Profile
the Production of Defatted Sunflower Meal with Low Polyphenol and Phytate Contents 97
Technical Paper
Studies on the Production of Defatted Sunflower Meal with Low
Polyphenol and Phytate Contents and its Nutritional Profile
Abstract: A simple process was developed for making low poly phenol and phytate sunflower
meal. This meal contains 58% proteins, 0.2% phytates and 0.3% poly phenols. This meal may be
used directly for food fortification to enrich the nutritional profile of traditional diets and also a
feeding stock for protein isolation.
Table 1 Table 3
Physicochemical characteristics Polyphenols in sunflower meal after processing
of sunflower seeds
Treatment mg (100g)-1
Characters Values
Control 4270
Crude Protein, % 21.0 Absolute ethanol 530
Crude Fat, % 56.0 Sodium sulphite, 1% 220
Crude Fiber, % 16.0 Deionized water 1740
Ash, % 3.0 Sodium bicarbonate, 0.5% 2594
Moisture content (wb), % 7.0 Sodium chloride, 5% 1995
1000 grain weight 31.4 Calcium hydroxide, 1% 2905
Bulkdensity, m3 0.61 Methanol 445
Kernel, % 75.3 Acetone aqueous 40
Hulls, % 24.7 Hydrochloric acid, 0.5M 50
Size, mm Dry heating 150
Width 4.7 Autoclaving 100
Length 9.2
Thickness 3.1 (100g)-1
Calcium 50.0 Table 4
Magnesium 48.0 Levels of phytates in sunflower meal after
Phosphorus 844.0 washing with water of various pH
Zinc 0.04
Manganese 0.14 Treatment (pH) mg/100g
Iron 0.16
Copper 0.02 Control 1200.00
Potassium 0.4 pH 2.0 0.97
pH 2.5 0.94
pH 3.0 0.80
Table 2 pH 3.5 0.66
Proximate composition of sunflower meal pH 4.0 0.43
pH 4.5 0.23
Constituents Values (%) pH 5.0 0.09
pH 5.5 0.09
Crude Protein 57.4 pH 6.0 0.66
Crude Fat 0.8
Crude Fiber 21.0
Ash 6.4
Phytates 1.2 Table 5
Polyphenols 4.27 Composition of sunflower meal after lowering
poly phenols and phytates
was achieved at pH 5.0 - 5.5. The results concur Crude Protein 58.0
with those of Bulmaga et al. (1989). The Crude Fat 0.7
sunflower meal with the optimized treatments Crude Fiber 18.0
was analyzed for its proximate composition, Ash 7.6
phytates and poly phenols. The results as Phytates 0.2
shown in Table 5 reveal that the meal contains Polyphenols 0.3
58% crude protein, and 0.7% crude fat. The determination. Journal of Agriculture and
residual poly phenols and phytates were 0.3 Food Chemistry, 28:1313-1315.
and 0.2% respectively.
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