Decolonising Design Manifesto
Decolonising Design Manifesto
Decolonising Design Manifesto
Much of the academic and professional discourse within the design disciplines over the last century has been
bereft of a critical reflection on the politics of design practice, and on the politics of the artifacts, systems and
practices that designerly activity produces. Our premise is that notwithstanding important and valued
exceptionsdesign theory, practice, and pedagogy as a whole are not geared towards delivering the kinds of
knowledge and understanding that are adequate to addressing longstanding systemic issues of power.
These issues are products of modernity and its ideologies, regimes, and institutions reiterating, producing
and exerting continued colonial power upon the lives of oppressed, marginalized, and subaltern peoples in
both the developed and developing world. This planet, shared and co-inhabited by a plurality of peoples,
each inhabiting different worlds, each orienting themselves within and towards their environments in
different ways, and with different civilizational histories, is being undermined by a globalized system of
power that threatens to flatten and eradicate ontological and epistemological difference, rewriting histories
and advance visions of a future for a privileged few at the expense of their human and nonhuman others.
To date, mainstream design discourse has been dominated by a focus on Anglocentric/Eurocentric ways of
seeing, knowing, and acting in the world, with little attention being paid to alternative and marginalized
discourses from the non Anglo-European sphere, or the nature and consequences of design-as-politics today.
This narrowness of horizons and deficiency in criticality is a reflection of the limitations of the institutions
within which design is studied and practiced, as well as of the larger socio-political systems that design is
institutionally integrated into.
We believe that a sharper lens needs to be brought to bear on non-western ways of thinking and being, and
on the way that class, gender, race, etc,. issues are designed today. We understand the highlighting of these
issues through practices and acts of design, and the (re)design of institutions, design practices and design
studies (efforts that always occur under conditions of contested political interests) to be a pivotal challenge in
the process of decolonisation. We also want to move beyond academic discourse to critique and think around
the ideas and practices that circulate through the work of professional designers embedded in the various
sectors of production that stimulate and sustain the modern/colonial world economy.
Our goal is ontological rather than additive change. It is not sufficient for design institutions to simply include
a greater diversity of actors or perspectives. This only goes to serve a delaying and offsetting demands for
radical systemic change. While we support and defend measures to include marginalized subjects and
our/their concerns in spaces from which we/they have been excluded or remain precarious, we also believe
there is little point to diversifying institutions, practices, and processes that ultimately sustain colonial
imperatives. Our aim is not to direct our efforts to prop up existing power structures, or to sustaining them
through ameliorative measures. Rather, our aim should be nothing less than to seek the radical
transfiguration of these structures through the critical eye of the programmatic imagination that dares to
identify the possibilities and conditions that will give us alternatives to the now.
Our objectiveas design scholars and practitionersis to transform the very terms of present day design
studies and research. Designers can put to task their skills, techniques, and mentalities to designing futures
aimed at advancing ecological, social, and technological conditions where multiple worlds and knowledges,
involving both humans and nonhumans, can flourish in mutually enhancing ways. For us, decolonisation is
not simply one more option or approach among others within design discourse. Rather, it is a fundamental
imperative to which all design endeavors must be oriented.
It is with the aim of providing an outlet for voices from the fringes, the voices of the marginal and the
suppressed in design discourse, that we have opened this platform. We welcome all of those who work
silently and surely on the edges and outskirts of the discipline to join and contribute to conversations that
question and critique the politics of design practice today, where we can discuss strategies and tactics
through which to engage with more mainstream discourse, and where we can collectively experiment with
alternatives and reformulations of contemporary practice.
We encourage and seek decentralized dialogues, in which different voices can coexist in their difference
rather than in an assimilated narrative. In this platform we welcome:
Contributions from designers working at the intersections of materiality and culture, postcoloniality,
decoloniality, gender studies, race studies, and other areas of human thought and action which seek to
analyze, question and challenge the relations of power in the world today;
New curatorial practices of designerly knowledge, that seek to challenge and disrupt colonial understandings
in the field and develop knowledge and understanding of how designs for decolonisation might be presented,
discussed, published, disseminated, and so on;
Reviews, interviews, debates, podcasts and other forms of discussion and debate beyond the confines of
academic language. We also invite formats that are generally devalued within academic contexts such as
visual essays, audio papers, performance works, etc.
Possibilities for the dissemination of critical thinking in design well beyond the canons of the discipline (e.g.
design studies and/as epistemic disobedience);
Critical pieces written originally in languages other than English; as well as potential translations into
languages other than English;
Critical pieces written by researchers, practitioners, independent scholars, and students in the process of
completing their degrees and/or who feel they are marginalised or poorly supported by academic
institutions. In other words, we welcome incomplete ideas, work-in-progress, and other forms of dealing with
the questions above outlined, thus amplifying discourses outside the remit of institutes, which may or may
not be projects enfolded in academic work.
Moreover, we seek to connect with already existing endeavors within and beyond the design field for a
decolonisation of not only academia, but all professional practices and pedagogies, to connect and foster
exchanges of knowledge that speak from, cross, and remain in the borderlands of design and
coloniality. Through this platform, and in collaboration with like minded others, we hope that we can make a
substantial commitment to contributing to the continued existence, vitality and diversity of human presence
on this planet.
Ahmed Ansari
Danah Abdulla
Ece Canli
Mahmoud Keshavarz
Matthew Kiem
Pedro Oliveira
Luiza Prado
Tristan Schultz