EBCS 11 Annex
EBCS 11 Annex
EBCS 11 Annex
The design conditions in this code are provided for those locations for which long-term hourly
observations were available (at least 10 years of data).
Warm-season temperature and humidity conditions correspond to annual percentile values of
0.4, 1.0, and 2.0. Cold-season conditions are based on annual percentiles of 99.6 and 99.0. The
use of annual percentiles to define the design conditions ensures that they represent the same
probability of occurrence anywhere, regardless of the seasonal distribution of extreme
temperature and humidity. The summary table for environmental design condition includes the
following information as:
a) Station name
b) Dry-bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0%, and 2.0% annual cumulative
frequency of occurrence and the mean coincident wet-bulb temperature (warm)
c) Wet-bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0%, and 2.0% annual cumulative
frequency of occurrence and the mean coincident dry bulb temperature
d) Dew-point temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0%, and 2.0% annual cumulative
frequency of occurrence and the mean coincident dry-bulb temperature and the humidity
ratio (calculated for the dew-point temperature at the standard atmospheric pressure at
the elevation of the station)
e) Mean daily range, which is the mean of the difference between daily maximum and
minimum dry-bulb temperatures for the warmest month (highest average dry-bulb
Values of ambient dry-bulb, dew-point, and wet-bulb temperature corresponding to the various
annual percentiles represent the value that is exceeded on average by the indicated percentage
of the total number of hours in a year (8760). The 0.4%, 1.0%, 2.0%, and 5.0% values are
exceeded on average 35, 88, 175, and 438 h per year, respectively, for the period of record.
The 99.0% and 99.6% (cold) values are defined in the same way but are usually viewed as the
values for which the corresponding weather element is less than the design condition for 88 and
35 h, respectively. Mean coincident values are the average of the indicated weather element
occurring concurrently with the corresponding design value. These design conditions were
calculated from the frequency distribution analyzed from data sets observed over several years.
Generally, the annual cumulative frequency distribution was constructed from the relative
frequency distributions compiled for each month. Each individual months data were included if
they met screening criteria for completeness and unbiased distribution of missing data. Although
the minimum period of record selected for this analysis was 10 years, some variation and gaps
in observing programs meant that some months data were unusable due to incompleteness.
A stations design conditions were included in this code only if there were data from at least 8
months that met the screening criteria from the period of record for each month of the year. The
design conditions in this code explicitly represent the same annual probability of occurrence in
any location, regardless of locations or general climatic conditions. Tables A1.1 and A1.2
represent the outdoor design condition for both cooling and heating respectively at different
locations in Ethiopia.
Table A1.1: Outdoor Design Condition for Cooling
Table A1.2 Outdoor Design Condition for Heating
their respective surface temperatures increase for a given radiant input and thus governs the
relationship between the radiant portion of heat gain and its corresponding part of the space
cooling load. The thermal storage effect is critically important in differentiating between
instantaneous heat gain for a given space and its cooling load at that moment. Predicting the
nature and magnitude of this phenomenon in order to estimate a realistic cooling load for a
particular combination of circumstances has long been a subject of interest to design engineers.
The radiant time series (RTS) method, which is a simplified method directly related to and
derived from the HB calculation procedure.
The transfer function method (TFM), for example, required many calculation steps. Also, this
method was originally designed for energy analysis with emphasis on daily, monthly, and annual
energy use and, thus, was more oriented to average hourly cooling loads than peak design
The total equivalent temperature differential method with time averaging (TETD/TA) has been a
highly reliableif subjective method of load estimating since its initial presentation in the 1967
ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals. Originally conceived as a manual method of calculation, it
proved suitable only as a computer application because of the need to calculate an extended
profile of hourly heat gain values from which the radiant components had to be averaged over a
time perceived to represent the general mass of the building involved. Because this perception
of thermal storage characteristics of a given building was almost entirely subjective, with little
specific information for the user to judge variations, the TETD/TA methods primary usefulness
has always been to the experienced engineer.
The cooling load temperature differential method with solar cooling load factors (CLTD/CLF)
was an attempt to simplify the two-step TFM and TETD/TA methods into a single-step technique
that allowed proceeding directly from raw data to cooling load without the intermediate
conversion of radiant heat gain to cooling load.
A series of factors were taken from cooling load calculation results (produced by more
sophisticated methods) as equivalent temperature differences for use in traditional conduction
( ) equations. The results, however, are approximate cooling load values rather than
simple heat gain values. T. This method uses tabulated results from transfer function method
solutions for common building construction. Calculation is based on:
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient
A = Net Surfacearea
Based on standard recommendations and accuracy of the process, the heat balance (HB) or
equivalent methods (Transfer function method, Radiant Time Series) are the appropriate
procedure to be used in Ethiopian building code practice. Accordingly; the theoretical and
mathematical description of heat balance method is discussed here under in order to make the
procedure understandable by the reader during application of the heat balance method using
software packages.
A2.3 Heat Balance Method Of Cooling Load Calculation
The estimation of cooling load for a space involves calculating a surface-by-surface conductive,
convective, and radiative heat balance for each room surface and a convective heat balance for
the room air.
This zone consists of four walls, a roof or ceiling, a floor, and a thermal mass surface. Each
wall and the roof can include a window (or skylight in the case of the roof). This makes a total of
12 surfaces, any of which may have zero area if it is not present in the zone to be modeled.
The heat balance processes for this general zone are formulated for a 24 h steady-periodic
condition. The variables of the problem are the inside and outside temperatures of the 12
surfaces plus either the HVAC system energy required to maintain a specified air temperature
or the air temperature, if the system capacity is specified. This makes a total of 25 x 24 or 600
variables. While it is possible to set up the problem for a simultaneous solution of these
variables, the relatively weak coupling of the problem from one hour to the next permits a
double iterative approach. One iteration is through all the surfaces in each hour, and the other
iteration is through the 24 h of a day. This procedure automatically reconciles the nonlinear
aspects of the surface radiative exchange and the other heat flux terms.
The general expression for 12 equations applicable in each time step solved for is given as:
= outside air temperature
= zone air temperature
=outside convection coefficient, introduced by using
Figure A2.1 Heat balance at outside surface of wall
A2.3.3.1 outside Face Heat Balance
The heat balance on the outside face of each surface is
= absorbed direct and diffuse solar radiation flux , W/m2
= net long-wave radiation flux exchange with air and surroundings, W/m2
= convective exchange flux with outside air, W/m2
= outside conduction transfer function (CTF), j = 0, 1 ...nz
= cross conduction transfer function, j = 0, 1 ...nz
= inside conduction transfer function, j = 0, 1 ..nz
= flux conduction transfer function, j = 1, 2 .....nq
= time
= time step
= inside face temperature, 0C
= outside face temperature, 0C
= conductive heat flux on inside face, W/m2
= conductive heat flux on outside face, W/m2
The subscript following the comma indicates the time period for the quantity in terms of the time
step. Also, the first terms in the series have been separated from the rest in order to facilitate
solving for the current temperature in the solution scheme. The two summation limits nz and nq
depend on wall construction and depend somewhat on the scheme used for calculating the
CTFs. If nq = 0, the CTFs are generally referred to as response factors, but then theoretically nz
is infinite. The values for nz and nq are generally set to minimize the amount of computation.
The heart of the heat balance method is the internal heat balance involving the inside faces of
the zone surfaces. This heat balance has many heat transfer components, and they are all
coupled. Both long-wave (LW) and short-wave (SW) radiation are important, as well as wall
conduction and convection to the air. The inside face heat balance for each surface can be
written as follows:
= net long-wave radiant flux exchange between zone surfaces, W/m2
= net short-wave radiation flux to surface from lights, W/m2
= long-wave radiation flux from equipment in zone, W/m2
= conductive flux through the wall, W/m2
= transmitted solar radiative flux absorbed at surface, W/m2
= convective heat flux to zone air, W/m2
= cooling load, j = 1, .24
Solar Gain through glass.
Internal Heat gains
Heat gain through walls.
Heat gain through roof.
Ventilation and/ or infiltration gains.
The heat gain through the glass windows is divided into two parts since there is a heat gain due
to temperature difference between outside and inside and another gain due to solar radiation
shining through windows. Heat gains through solid ground floors are minimal and can be
= Sensible heat gain through glass (W)
= Area of glass (m2)
Loads from, Lighting (Average power density from light fixtures), Electrical equipment ( PCs
and Monitors , Laser Printers and Photocopiers , Electric Motors ,Lift Motors) , Cooking
equipment can be calculated based on Ashrae Fundamentals 2001, Load calculation principles.
Q int. = Heat from Occupants + Heat from Lighting + Heat from Electrical Equipment +
Heat from Cooking
Sol-Air Temperature
In the calculation of this heat flow use is made of the concept of sol-air temperature, which is
defined as the value of the outside air temperature which would, in the absence of all radiation
exchanges, give the same rate of heat flow into the outer surface of the wall as the actual
combination of temperature difference and radiation exchanges.
= sol-air Temperature (oC)
= outside air temperature (oC)
= absorption coefficient of surface
= intensity of direct solar radiation on a surface at right angles to the rays
of the sun. (W/m )
= solar altitude (degrees)
= wall-solar azimuth angle (degrees)
= intensity of scattered radiation normal to a surface (W/m )
= external surface heat transfer coefficient (W/m oC)
= Heat transfer to the wallll
= Area of wall (m )
= Outside convective film coeffcient (W/m oC)
The calculation is, therefore, again split into two components.
Q = Heat gain from wall
= area of wall (m )
= Inide convective film coeffcient (W/m oC)
The heat gain through a roof i similar to the rooml as shown below.
Latent heat gains are required to size Chillers. Latent heat gains are comprised of latent gain
from occupants and from natural infiltration fresh air. Latent heat gains from occupants can be
obtained from standrads. The following formula gives the infiltration latent heat gain.
= Infiltration latent heat gain (W)
= Number of air changes per hour (h-1)
= Room volume (m3)
= Moisture content of outside air (g/kg d.a.) from psychrometric chart.
= Moisture content of room air (g/kg d.a.) from psychrometric chart.
In the majority of cases, by far the greatest external fluctuating component is the solar heat gain
through the windows.Therefore, it will be this gain which determines when the total heat gain to the
room is a maximum. Heat gains may be calculated and displayed in table form as shown below.
A2.5.1. Space Cooling Load
To calculate a space cooling load, detailed building design information and weather data at
selected design conditions are required. Generally, the following steps should be followed.
A2.5.1.2. Configuration
Determine building location, orientation, and external shading from building plans and
specifications. Shading from adjacent buildings can be determined by a site plan or by visiting
the proposed site but should be carefully evaluated as to its probable permanence before it is
included in the calculation. The possibility of abnormally high ground-reflected solar radiation
(i.e., from adjacent water, sand, or parking lots) or solar load from adjacent reflective buildings
should not be overlooked.
A2.5.1.6. Additional Considerations
The proper design and sizing of all-air or air-and-water central air-conditioning systems require
more than calculation of the cooling load in the space to be conditioned. The type of air-
conditioning system, fan energy, fan location, duct heat loss and gain, duct leakage, heat
extraction lighting systems, and type of return air system all affect system load and component
sizing. Adequate system design and component sizing require that system performance be
analyzed as a series of psychrometric processes.
b) Select the indoor air temperature to be maintained in each space during design weather
d) Select or compute heat transfer coefficients for outside walls and glass; for inside walls,
non basement floors, and ceilings if these are next to unheated spaces; and for the roof
if it is next to heated spaces.
e) Determine the net area of outside wall, glass, and roof next to heated spaces, as well as
any cold walls, floors, or ceilings next to unheated spaces. These determinations can be
made from building plans or from the actual building, using inside dimensions.
f) Compute transmission heat losses for each kind of wall, glass, floor, ceiling, and roof in
the building by multiplying the heat transfer coefficient in each case by the area of the
surface and the temperature difference between indoor air and outdoor air or adjacent
lower temperature spaces.
h) Select unit values, and compute the energy associated with infiltration of cold air around
outside doors, windows, porous building materials, and other openings. These unit
values depend on the kind or width of crack, wind speed, and the temperature difference
between indoor and outdoor air. An alternative method is to use air changes.
i) When positive ventilation using outdoor air is provided by an air-heating or air-
conditioning unit, the energy required to warm the outdoor air to the space temperature
must be provided by the unit. The principle for calculation of this load component is
identical to that for infiltration. If mechanical exhaust from the space is provided in an
amount equal to the outdoor air drawn in by the unit, the unit must also provide for
natural infiltration losses. If no mechanical exhaust is used and the outdoor air supply
equals or exceeds the amount of natural infiltration that can occur without ventilation,
some reduction in infiltration may occur.
j) The sum of the coincidental transmission losses or heat transmitted through the
confining walls, floor, ceiling, glass, and other surfaces, plus the energy associated with
cold air entering by infiltration or the ventilation air required to replace mechanical
exhaust, represents the total heating load.
k) Include the pickup loads that may be required in intermittently heated buildings using
night thermostat setback. Pickup loads frequently require an increase in heating
equipment capacity to bring the temperature of structure, air, and material contents to
the specified temperature.
Annex III Duct Work Design
A3.1 Pressure Drop in a Duct
= Density of air
D = Duct equivalent diameter
v = Air velocity (m/s)
= Dynamic viscosity of air
The friction factor of a duct is read from moody diagram or determined by Colebrook formula in
iterative way as function of Reynolds number and relative roughness of duct ( )
( )
= Duct surface roughness
D = Equivalent diameter of duct
f = Friction factor
Re = Reynolds no
Figure A3.1 Duct sizing diagram.
To facilitate duct design using Colebrook formula and Darcy-Weisbach equations plots of
constant diameter and velocity lines were made on volume flow rate versus pressure drop
diagram. The diagram facilitates determination of equivalent diameter for specified volume flow
rate and pressure drop per meter length.
For conventional ductwork the equal friction method is recommend to be used. In this method,
the average pressure or resistance to flow per unit length is kept at a constant.
However, 1.0 Pa/m is recommended for pressure drop calculation for straight duct for
accounting deviation from actual case. The design procedure can be summarizes as follows
1. Choose a rate of pressure drop and keep this constant for the whole system.
2. Size ductwork using duct sizing chart or duct sizing programs if the volume flow rate of
air is known. This will give the duct equivalent diameter.
3. Determine the equivalent size of rectangular duct if required by calculation, using tables
or duct sizing programs and round.
5. Determine pressure drop in straight duct assuming pressure drop of about 1pa/m.
a) Determine the velocity pressure factors (C) for the fittings) in each section of ductwork
as given in the following section or ASHRAE fittings database.
b) Determine the velocity pressure (dynamic pressure) by calculation or using the following
= Density of air
c) Read the duct loss coefficient (C factors) for fitting from data given in the following
sections or ASHRAE database and multiply C factors with velocity pressure( )to
determine pressure drop across the fitting.
8. Read pressure drop across filters, dampers, grills, sound attenuators etc from
9. Determine total pressure drop in each duct section consisting of pressure loss in
straight duct and pressure loss for fittings and air distribution and control devices in that
9. Determine total pressure drop in the duct system by summing up the pressure drops in
the sections using excel sheet similar to table A3.2
Table A3.1 Dimension of Equivalent rectangular duct to a circular duct of given diameter
Table A3.2 Duct Sizing Sheet
A3.3 Duct Leakage
The specific duct leakage shall be calculated as follows by assuming leakage class ( CL )
according duct type and construction from the following table to determine the leakage that shall
be added.
Aluminium 11 0.4 42 1.5
Non-metal 17 0.62 30 1.5
Fibrous glass
Round 4 0.14
Rectangular 8 0.29
Common duct fitting database is given in this section. The fittings are numbered (coded) as
shown in the following table.
Table A3.4 System for coding of duct fittings and accessories
9. Dampers
10. Hoods