Atractomorpha Crenulata
Atractomorpha Crenulata
Atractomorpha Crenulata
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Pyrgomorphidae
Genus: Atractomorpha
Atractomorpha crenulata has a body consisting of head, thorax, and abdomen, the thorax
consists of a single pair of compound eyes, a pair of antennae, and a pair of mouth tools
(mandible, maxilla, and labium), all body parts are green. Collection of these organs is useful for
chewing food, perceptual senses, coordination of body activities, and maintain body coordination
The head is tapered and there is a seta and a pair of antennas that act as sensory devices to smell,
guide, hearing, and other senses. A pair of compound eyes is the main light receiver
(photoreceptor) which serves to see from all directions. Each light receiver consists of a single
receiver called ommatidia. Chest consists of three segments, namely protoraks, mesotoraks, and
metatoraks. One pair of spiracles that open to the respiratory system is between protoraks and
mesothorax and one pair between mesothorax and metastax.
Two thoracic segments, namely mesotoraks and metatoraxes, can each have one pair of wings
that function for flying or self-protection. Type of mouth in the form of chewing type, is a simple
type of mouth. At the end of the mandible structure has a thick layer of sclerotin and the edges
for cutting. While the base is to grind or chew. In the abdomen consists of 9 segments. The eight
front segments of the abdomen usually have one pair of spiracles.
Atractomorpha crenulata is a pest insect that feeds on planted leaves, and it is also a food for
predatory insects such as locusts.