Reflex Arc Lab
Reflex Arc Lab
Reflex Arc Lab
2. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to test the reflexes of the patellar, Achilles, babinski, and
triceps to test their condition of the nervous system. With these reflex tests, we can test if the
reflex are distorted, exaggerated, or absent. Those results could possibly be because of brain or
spinal injuries.
3. Background: Reflexes are very rapid in the human body. The reason we have reflexes is
because of reflex arcs. Reflex arcs are made up of five components: a receptor , sensory
neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and the eectors (which can be muscle fibers). Reflexes can
be automatic or somatic reflexes. Automatic reflexes are uncontrollable in which the brain
doesn't control the reflex. Somatic reflexes require skeletal muscles for the reflex to be possible.
4. Hypothesis: I believe if someone who has never had a brain or spinal injury, then their reflex arc
will work perfectly and there will be no delays of their reflexes compared to someone who has
those injuries.
6. Procedure:
A. Patellar reflex
a. Make person sit down on table with legs dangling o the table relaxed.
b. Use the patellar tendon just below the knee cap for both right and left knees
B. Babinski
a. Make person lay supine on table with feet relaxed (make sure feet are o the table)
C. Achilles
a. Make person lay prone on table with feet o the table and relaxed
D. Triceps
b. Lift the persons arm to their shoulder with all the muscles in their arm relaxed ( it
should look like a 90 degree angle)
7. Data:
Right Left
Yes (very strong) Yes (very strong)
Yes (very strong)
Yes (very strong)
Yes (weak) Yes (weak)
Yes (very strong) Yes (very strong)
Yes (moderate)
8. Analysis: After the lab my two partners results were very dierent. For partner 1, all of the right
side reflexes happened and were very quick and strong reflexes. For partner 2, it was dierent.
Some of Partner 2's results were weak reflexes and the right tricep didn't show a reflex. For the left
side reflexes, partner one showed all strong reflexes while for partner two, all his results varied.
9. Conclusion: After the experiment, it turns out that my hypothesis is correct. For partner 1, he
had no brain or spinal injuries in his life. With that his reflexes were not delayed or absent in the
tests. For partner 2 he also proved my hypothesis because he did the exact opposite of partner 1.
Partner 2 has had brain and spinal injuries throughout his life. With these injuries, a lot of his
reflexes were delayed, weakened, or absent throughout the tests. The neurological damage could
eect the nerves in which they wouldn't complete the reflex action properly.