Length Power Dynamic Viscosity Heat Flux

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Length Power Dynamic Viscosity Heat Flux

in 8 hp 1800 lb / ft3
centipoise 1 Btu / hr . ft2 1
ft 0.66666667 ton (refrig.) 381.67074 lb / ft . sec 0.00067197 watt / m2 3.154591

Volume Energy Kinematic Viscosity Specific Energy

ft 3 1 Btu 13650 centistoke 1 Btu / lb 1
yard 3 0.03703704 kW . hr 4.00042052 m2 / sec 0.000001 joule / kg 2326

Molar Flowrate Mass Mass Flowrate Specific Heat

lb-mol / hr 1 kg 45 lb / hr 1 Btu / lb . F 1
Mscf / hr 0.3786675 kg 45 kg / min 0.00755987 joule / kg . C 4186.8

Volumetric Flowrate Density Heat Transfer Coefficient

m 3 / hr 490 lb / ft3 62.4 Btu / hr . ft2 . F 1
ft 3 / min 288.402964 SG (liquid) 0.9995519 watt / cm2 . C 0.00056783

Pressure Area Thermal Conductivity

psi 14.7 m2 6000 Btu / hr . ft . F 1 PROCESS ENGINEERING TOOLKIT
kg / cm2 1.03351231 ft2 64583.4625 watt / cm . C 0.01730735 PROCESS & CONTROL SYSTEMS DEPT.



Please contact mehryar.beyk@aramco.com if you have any suggestions to improve this program.
Conversion Calculator
Metric to English English to Metric
Millimeters= Inches Inches= Millimeters
Centimeters= Inches Inches= Centimeters
Meters= Feet Feet= Meters
Meters= Yards Yards= Meters
Kilometers= Miles Miles= Kilometers
Celsius= Fahrenheit Fahrenheit= Celsius
Grams= Ounces Ounces= Grams
Kilograms= Pounds Pounds= Kilograms
Liters= Quarts Quarts= Liters
Liters= Gallons Gallons= Liters

Radians= Degrees Degrees= Radians

From To
Abampere <<<>>> Ampere
Select the desired conversion from the drop down list above.
Enter the amount to convert in the white cell to the left.
The multiplier will automatically appear here.
This is where the conversion is calculated.
Right Triangle Solver
Enter ONLY TWO known pieces of information
a b c Y Z

X= 90
Degree Converter
Degrees entered as a decimal will be converted to Deg, Min, Sec
6Degrees 6 6 Degrees
Y ###Minutes 25 #VALUE! Minutes
Seconds #VALUE! Seconds
c #VALUE! Angle as a decimal
a NOTE: The Degree Converter above has
no influence on the Right Triangle
Z calculations.
X b
Tap Drill Size For Inch & Metric 60 Degree Threads
Use the chart to the right to obtain the correct diameter for number screws

Cold Form Screw Screw

INCH Tap Drill Size Tap Drill Size Number Diameter
Screw Diameter inches inches inches 000 .034
Threads per inch mm mm 00 .047
Percent Thread 75 % 0 .060
1 .073
Drill Inches Drill Inches 2 .086
3 .099
Closest Inch Drill Bits
4 .112
5 .125
Closest Millimeter Drill Bits
6 .138
7 .151
Cold Form 8 .164
METRIC Tap Drill Size Tap Drill Size 9 .177
Screw Diameter mm mm mm 10 .190
Thread Pitch mm inches inches 12 .216
Percent Thread 75 % 14 .242
Approximate Threads Per Inch
Drill Inches Drill Inches Note:
This will not work
Closest Inch Drill Bits
with Pipe Taps
Closest Millimeter Drill Bits
















.0400 60 .1220 3.10 15/64 .2344 3/8 .3750 29/32 .9062
.0410 59 1/8 .1250 .2362 6.00 .3770 V 59/64 .9219
.0413 1.05 .1260 3.20 .2380 B .3780 9.60 .9252 23.50
.0420 58 .1280 3.25 .2402 6.10 .3819 9.70 15/16 .9375
.0430 57 .1285 30 .2420 C .3839 9.75 .9449 24.00
.0433 1.10 .1299 3.30 .2441 6.20 .3858 9.80 61/64 .9531
.0453 1.15 .1339 3.40 .2460 D .3860 W .9646 24.50
.0465 56 .1360 29 .2461 6.25 .3898 9.90 31/32 .9688
3/64 .0469 .1378 3.50 .2480 6.30 25/64 .3906 .9843 25.00
.0472 1.20 .1405 28 1/4 .2500 E .3937 10.00 63/64 .9844
.0492 1.25 9/64 .1406 .2520 6.40 .3970 X 1 1.0000
.0512 1.30 .1417 3.60 .2559 6.50 .4040 Y 1.0039 25.50
.0520 55 .1440 27 .2570 F 13/32 .4062 1-1/64 1.0156
.0531 1.35 .1457 3.70 .2598 6.60 .4130 Z 1.0236 26.00
.0550 54 .1470 26 .2610 G .4134 10.50 1-1/32 1.0312
.0551 1.40 .1476 3.75 .2638 6.70 27/64 .4219 1.0433 26.50
.0571 1.45 .1495 25 17/64 .2656 .4331 11.00 1-3/64 1.0469
.0591 1.50 .1496 3.80 .2657 6.75 7/16 .4375 1-1/16 1.0625
.0595 53 .1520 24 .2660 H .4528 11.50 1.0630 27.00
.0610 1.55 .1535 3.90 .2677 6.80 29/64 .4531 1-5/64 1.0781
1/16 .0625 .1540 23 .2717 6.90 15/32 .4688 1.0827 27.50
.0630 1.60 5/32 .1562 .2720 I .4724 12.00 1-3/32 1.0938
.0635 52 .1570 22 .2756 7.00 31/64 .4844 1.1024 28.00
.0650 1.65 .1575 4.00 .2770 J .4921 12.50 1-7/64 1.1094
.0669 1.70 .1590 21 .2795 7.10 1/2 .5000 1.1220 28.50
.0670 51 .1610 20 .2810 K .5118 13.00 1-1/8 1.1250
.0689 1.75 .1614 4.10 9/32 .2812 33/64 .5156 1-9/64 1.1406
.0700 50 .1654 4.20 .2835 7.20 17/32 .5312 1.1417 29.00
.0709 1.80 .1660 19 .2854 7.25 .5315 13.50 1-5/32 1.1562
.0728 1.85 .1673 4.25 .2874 7.30 35/64 .5469 1.1614 29.50
.0730 49 .1693 4.30 .2900 L .5512 14.00 1-11/64 1.1719
.0748 1.90 .1695 18 .2913 7.40 9/16 .5625 1.1811 30.00
.0760 48 11/64 .1719 .2950 M .5709 14.50 1-3/16 1.1875
.0768 1.95 .1730 17 .2953 7.50 37/64 .5781 1.2008 30.50
5/64 .0781 .1732 4.40 19/64 .2969 .5906 15.00 1-13/64 1.2031
.0785 47 .1770 16 .2992 7.60 19/32 .5938 1-7/32 1.2188
.0787 2.00 .1772 4.50 .3020 N 39/64 .6094 1.2205 31.00
.0807 2.05 .1800 15 .3031 7.70 .6102 15.50 1-15/64 1.2344
.0810 46 .1811 4.60 .3051 7.75 5/8 .6250 1.2402 31.50
.0820 45 .1820 14 .3071 7.80 .6299 16.00 1-1/4 1.2500
.0827 2.10 .1850 13 4.70 .3110 7.90 41/64 .6406 1.2598 32.00
.0846 2.15 .1870 4.75 5/16 .3125 .6496 16.50 1-17/64 1.2656
.0860 44 3/16 .1875 .3150 8.00 21/32 .6562 1.2795 32.50
.0866 2.20 .1890 12 4.80 .3160 O .6693 17.00 1-9/32 1.2812
.0886 2.25 .1910 11 .3189 8.10 43/64 .6719 1-19/64 1.2969
.0890 43 .1929 4.90 .3228 8.20 11/16 .6875 1.2992 33.00
.0906 2.30 .1935 10 .3230 P .6890 17.50 1-5/16 1.3125
.0925 2.35 .1960 9 .3248 8.25 45/64 .7031 1.3189 33.50
.0935 42 .1969 5.00 .3268 8.30 .7087 18.00 1-21/64 1.3281
3/32 .0938 .1990 8 21/64 .3281 23/32 .7188 1.3386 34.00
.0945 2.40 .2008 5.10 .3307 8.40 .7283 18.50 1-11/32 1.3438
.0960 41 .2010 7 .3320 Q 47/64 .7344 1.3583 34.50
.0965 2.45 13/64 .2031 .3346 8.50 .7480 19.00 1-23/64 1.3594
.0980 40 .2040 6 .3386 8.60 3/4 .7500 1-3/8 1.3750
.0984 2.50 .2047 5.20 .3390 R 49/64 .7656 1.3780 35.00
.0995 39 .2055 5 .3425 8.70 .7677 19.50 1-25/64 1.3906
.1015 38 .2067 5.25 11/32 .3438 25/32 .7812 1.3976 35.50
.1024 2.60 .2087 5.30 .3445 8.75 .7874 20.00 1-13/32 1.4062
.1040 37 .2090 4 .3465 8.80 51/64 .7969 1.4173 36.00
.1063 2.70 .2126 5.40 .3480 S .8071 20.50 1-27/64 1.4219
.1065 36 .2130 3 .3504 8.90 13/16 .8125 1.4370 36.50
.1083 2.75 .2165 5.50 .3543 9.00 .8268 21.00 1-7/16 1.4375
7/64 .1094 7/32 .2188 .3580 T 53/64 .8281 1-29/64 1.4531
.1100 35 .2205 5.60 .3583 9.10 27/32 .8438 1.4567 37.00
.1102 2.80 .2210 2 23/64 .3594 .8465 21.50 1-15/32 1.4688
.1110 34 .2244 5.70 .3622 9.20 55/64 .8594 1.4764 37.50
.1130 33 .2264 5.75 .3642 9.25 .8661 22.00 1-31/64 1.4844
.1142 2.90 .2280 1 .3661 9.30 7/8 .8750 1.4961 38.00
.1160 32 .2283 5.80 .3680 U .8858 22.50 1-1/2 1.5000
.1181 3.00 .2323 5.90 .3701 9.40 57/64 .8906 1-33/64 1.5156
.1200 31 .2340 A .3740 9.50 .9055 23.00 1.5157 38.50
















.0059 97 0.15 .0453 1.15 .1378 3.50 .2520 6.40 13/32 .4062
.0063 96 0.16 .0465 56 .1405 28 .2559 6.50 .4130 Z
.0067 95 0.17 3/64 .0469 9/64 .1406 .2570 F .4134 10.50
.0071 94 0.18 .0472 1.20 .1417 3.60 .2598 6.60 27/64 .4219
.0075 93 0.19 .0492 1.25 .1440 27 .2610 G .4331 11.00
.0079 92 0.20 .0512 1.30 .1457 3.70 .2638 6.70 7/16 .4375
.0083 91 0.21 .0520 55 .1470 26 17/64 .2656 .4528 11.50
.0087 90 0.22 .0531 1.35 .1476 3.75 .2657 6.75 29/64 .4531
.0091 89 0.23 .0550 54 .1495 25 .2660 H 15/32 .4688
.0094 0.24 .0551 1.40 .1496 3.80 .2677 6.80 .4724 12.00
.0095 88 .0571 1.45 .1520 24 .2717 6.90 31/64 .4844
.0098 0.25 .0591 1.50 .1535 3.90 .2720 I .4921 12.50
.0100 87 .0595 53 .1540 23 .2756 7.00 1/2 .5000
.0102 0.26 .0610 1.55 5/32 .1562 .2770 J .5118 13.00
.0105 86 1/16 .0625 .1570 22 .2795 7.10 33/64 .5156
.0106 0.27 .0630 1.60 .1575 4.00 .2810 K 17/32 .5312
.0110 85 0.28 .0635 52 .1590 21 9/32 .2812 .5315 13.50
.0114 0.29 .0650 1.65 .1610 20 .2835 7.20 35/64 .5469
.0115 84 .0669 1.70 .1614 4.10 .2854 7.25 .5512 14.00
.0118 0.30 .0670 51 .1654 4.20 .2874 7.30 9/16 .5625
.0120 83 .0689 1.75 .1660 19 .2900 L .5709 14.50
.0125 82 .0700 50 .1673 4.25 .2913 7.40 37/64 .5781
.0126 0.32 .0709 1.80 .1693 4.30 .2950 M .5906 15.00
.0130 81 .0728 1.85 .1695 18 .2953 7.50 19/32 .5938
.0134 0.34 .0730 49 11/64 .1719 19/64 .2969 39/64 .6094
.0135 80 .0748 1.90 .1730 17 .2992 7.60 .6102 15.50
.0138 0.35 .0760 48 .1732 4.40 .3020 N 5/8 .6250
.0142 0.36 .0768 1.95 .1770 16 .3031 7.70 .6299 16.00
.0145 79 5/64 .0781 .1772 4.50 .3051 7.75 41/64 .6406
.0150 0.38 .0785 47 .1800 15 .3071 7.80 .6496 16.50
1/64 .0156 .0787 2.00 .1811 4.60 .3110 7.90 21/32 .6562
.0157 0.40 .0807 2.05 .1820 14 5/16 .3125 .6693 17.00
.0160 78 .0810 46 .1850 13 4.70 .3150 8.00 43/64 .6719
.0165 0.42 .0820 45 .1870 4.75 .3160 O 11/16 .6875
.0173 0.44 .0827 2.10 3/16 .1875 .3189 8.10 .6890 17.50
.0177 0.45 .0846 2.15 .1890 12 4.80 .3228 8.20 45/64 .7031
.0180 77 .0860 44 .1910 11 .3230 P .7087 18.00
.0181 0.46 .0866 2.20 .1929 4.90 .3248 8.25 23/32 .7188
.0189 0.48 .0886 2.25 .1935 10 .3268 8.30 .7283 18.50
.0197 0.50 .0890 43 .1960 9 21/64 .3281 47/64 .7344
.0200 76 .0906 2.30 .1969 5.00 .3307 8.40 .7480 19.00
.0210 75 .0925 2.35 .1990 8 .3320 Q 3/4 .7500
.0217 0.55 .0935 42 .2008 5.10 .3346 8.50 49/64 .7656
.0225 74 3/32 .0938 .2010 7 .3386 8.60 .7677 19.50
.0236 0.60 .0945 2.40 13/64 .2031 .3390 R 25/32 .7812
.0240 73 .0960 41 .2040 6 .3425 8.70 .7874 20.00
.0250 72 .0965 2.45 .2047 5.20 11/32 .3438 51/64 .7969
.0256 0.65 .0980 40 .2055 5 .3445 8.75 .8071 20.50
.0260 71 .0984 2.50 .2067 5.25 .3465 8.80 13/16 .8125
.0276 0.70 .0995 39 .2087 5.30 .3480 S .8268 21.00
.0280 70 .1015 38 .2090 4 .3504 8.90 53/64 .8281
.0292 69 .1024 2.60 .2126 5.40 .3543 9.00 27/32 .8438
.0295 0.75 .1040 37 .2130 3 .3580 T .8465 21.50
.0310 68 .1063 2.70 .2165 5.50 .3583 9.10 55/64 .8594
1/32 .0312 .1065 36 7/32 .2188 23/64 .3594 .8661 22.00
.0315 0.80 .1083 2.75 .2205 5.60 .3622 9.20 7/8 .8750
.0320 67 7/64 .1094 .2210 2 .3642 9.25 .8858 22.50
.0330 66 .1100 35 .2244 5.70 .3661 9.30 57/64 .8906
.0335 0.85 .1102 2.80 .2264 5.75 .3680 U .9055 23.00
.0350 65 .1110 34 .2280 1 .3701 9.40 29/32 .9062
.0354 0.90 .1130 33 .2283 5.80 .3740 9.50 59/64 .9219
.0360 64 .1142 2.90 .2323 5.90 3/8 .3750 .9252 23.50
.0370 63 .1160 32 .2340 A .3770 V 15/16 .9375
.0374 0.95 .1181 3.00 15/64 .2344 .3780 9.60 .9449 24.00
.0380 62 .1200 31 .2362 6.00 .3819 9.70 61/64 .9531
.0390 61 .1220 3.10 .2380 B .3839 9.75 .9646 24.50
.0394 1.00 1/8 .1250 .2402 6.10 .3858 9.80 31/32 .9688
.0400 60 .1260 3.20 .2420 C .3860 W .9843 25.00
.0410 59 .1280 3.25 .2441 6.20 .3898 9.90 63/64 .9844
.0413 1.05 .1285 30 .2460 D 25/64 .3906 1 1.0000
.0420 58 .1299 3.30 .2461 6.25 .3937 10.00 1.0039 25.50
.0430 57 .1339 3.40 .2480 6.30 .3970 X 1-1/64 1.0156
.0433 1.10 .1360 29 1/4 .2500 E .4040 Y 1.0236 26.00
Bolt Circle Calculator
Hole # X= Y= Degrees Hole # X= Y= Degrees
Enter First X & Y as
or Absolute
from Bolt CircleCenter
First X =
First Y =
# of Holes =

Bolt Circle Center
X Center = 0.0000
Y Center = 0.0000

Precision = 0.0001

The calculated
coordinates are

Each hole is apart by:




X= - X= +
+ +
Y= + Y= +
- X= - X= + -
Y= - Y= -

Spiral Calculator
Hole # X= Y= Degrees Hole # X= Y= Degrees Hole # X= Y= Degrees Hole # X= Y= Degrees
Enter First X & Y
First X =
First Y =

Seperation Per Hole

Degrees =

Spiral Offset
Per Hole =
Per Rev =

Number of
Revolutions =

Precision = 0.0001

Each hole is apart by:





X= - X= +
+ +
Y= + Y= +
- X= - X= + -
Y= - Y= -

Rotation of an " X & Y " coordinate
A negative Angle of Rotation is equal to a counter clockwise rotation

Original X = Degrees Move New X New Y

Original Y =
Angle of Rotation (in degrees) =
Number of times rotated = 1 15 max.
Rotating Axis Absolute X Center = 0.0000
Rotating Axis Absolute Y Center = 0.0000
- X +

The Original X & Y X= - X= +
should be entered + Y= + Y= + +
taken from the - X= - X= + -
center of the Y= - Y= -
rotating axis.
The New X & Y will
be ABSOLUTE. - X +
This will help you to layout a cone on a flat surface.
NOTE: This does not allow for material thickness.

Inside Outside Segment Segment Inside Outside Cone Cone

Radius Radius Angle Width Diameter Diameter Length Angle
Inside Diameter
Outside Diameter
Cone Angle
Cone Length
Segment Width
Degrees in Cone Segment 360
Overlap in Degrees 0
Circle Segment Calculator
Enter TWO knowns

a c h r
Angle in degrees a=
Chord Length c=
Height h=
Radius r=


a r
Polygon Solver
Must enter NUMBER OF EQUAL SIDES and one other

Number of Equal Sides ES=
Inner Circle Diameter IC=
Outer Circle Diameter OC=

Although a square is drawn, this will
work with 3 equal sides and greater. IC IC

Values of a Trigonometric Function
You can enter DEGREES as a decimal and it will be converted to DEG,MIN,SEC.
Degrees #VALUE! Degrees Sine = #VALUE!
Minutes #VALUE! Minutes Cosine = #VALUE!
Seconds #VALUE! Seconds
#VALUE! Angle as a decimal Tangent = #VALUE!
Total Cotangent = #VALUE!
Sine bar length = inches
Sine bar length = millimeters Secant = #VALUE!
NOTE: Enter the sine bar length above. Cosecant = #VALUE!
The required height needed under one end
of the sine bar to obtain the desired angle. Radians = #VALUE!

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