Discursive Essay
Discursive Essay
Discursive Essay
Also known as for and against essay, discursive essays are usually about a controversial issue. It presents both
sides of the issue and then concludes by supporting one of the sides.
On the one hand, home schooling means that parents are able to cater
their childrens individual needs. For instance, parents can encourage 2nd paragraph: arguments for
their children to explore their own interests. In addition, parents can one side of the issue, with
include important subjects that are often neglected in normal schools, supporting details and
such as art or music. Moreover, parents can project their children from
bullying and teasing.
On the other hand, children who are home schooled often have fewer 3rd paragraph: arguments for
opportunities to participate in team sports and in other extra-curricular the other side of the issue,
with supporting details and
activities. Furthermore, since home-schooled children are exposed to
fewer kids, they many not learn their social skills that are necessary if
they want to live peaceably with others.
Despite the numerous benefits of home schooling, I believe most Conclusion: summary of the
children should go to school. The lack of opportunities for social issue and the writers opinion.
interaction may prove to be problematic in later life.