Management of Technology Innovation (SLM)
Management of Technology Innovation (SLM)
Management of Technology Innovation (SLM)
2015, Author
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1.0 Aims and Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Technology Management
1.3 Technology and Environment
1.4 Technology and Society
1.5 Technology Impact Analysis
1.6 Methods and Techniques for Analysis: Steps Involved
1.7 Let Us Sum Up
1.8 Key Terms
1.9 Test Questions
1.10 Suggested Readings
Science and technology have profoundly influenced the course of human civilization. Science
has provided us remarkable insights into the world we live in. The scientific revolutions of
the 20th century have led to the emergence of many technologies, which promise to herald
wholly new eras in many fields. As we stand at the beginning of a new century, we have to
ensure the fullest use of these developments for the well being of our people.
Technology is rapidly changing our world. It is bringing us advantages beyond our
grandparents' wildest dreams. It seems that with each year the pace of change quickens.
Each new process or invention makes even further advances possible. Such 19th and
20th century inventions such as the telephone, the phonograph, the wireless radio, the
motion picture, the automobile, and the airplane only to enhanced served only to add to
the nearly universal respect that society in general felt for technology.
Technology Management With the development of assembly-line mass production of automobiles and household
appliances, and the building of ever taller skyscrapers, acceptance of innovations became
not only a fact of everyday life but also a way of life in itself. Society was being rapidly
transformed by increased mobility, rapid communication, and a deluge of available
information from mass media. Since the 1950s, technology in R&D activities has also
advanced significantly.
There are numerous factors that have contributed to these changes. Rothwell and Zegveld
(1985) (Reindustrialization and Technology, Longman, London) identify three important
Technology Explosion: Both authors surmise that 90% of our present technical
knowledge has been generated during the last 55 years.
Shortening of the Technical Cycle: The technology cycle includes scientific and
technological developments prior to the traditional products life cycle. These cycles have
been slowly shortening, forcing companies to focus their efforts on product development.
As a result, the market life of a model of a motor cycle has reduced drastically. Earlier,
a model proved to be a cash cow for an organization for years. But today companies are
launching new models every next year, sometimes even within the same financial year.
Globalization of Technology: Countries of the Pacific Rim have demonstrated the
ability to acquire and assimilate technology into new products. This has resulted in a
substantial increase in technology transfer in the form of licensing and strategic alliances.
1.1.1 Defining Technology
Technology denotes the utilisation of the materials and processes necessary to transform
inputs into outputs. People create technology and technology affects people in turn,
especially through the goods it produces and the working conditions it creates. Technology
may be described as a set of specialised knowledge applied to achieving a practical
The term technology is applied widely to objects as diverse as manufacturing hardware,
search procedures, or anything found 'inside one's brain' or skills possessed by people.
Technology has been defined in many ways. It has been defined as 'the ensemble of
forces by which one uses available resources on order to achieve certain valued ends'
and as 'any tool or technique, any products or process, any physical equipment or method
of doing or making, by which human capacity is extended.' It is also defined as 'the
systematic modification of the physical environment for human needs' as 'the sum of
ways in which a social group provides itself with the material objects of its civilization.'
(Random House Dictionary, 2nd edition).
The definitions mentioned covers widely diversified aspects. Putting all these aspects
together we can say that technology encompasses the hardware (machines) and software
(technique), which are meant for particular purposes. Besides this, it also includes certain
skills and knowledge, though often not mentioned, as they are essential to ensure the
effective and efficient use to technology. Technology is embodied in tangible products
such as machinery or industrial complexes, or in legal documents such as patents, licenses
or know-how contracts. It may also be expressed in the form of a skill, practice, or even
a 'technology culture,' which is sometimes so diffused that it is difficult to notice.
A definition that appears suitable was proposed by UNCTAD (1979), 'technology means
a process or the rendering of a service, including any integrally associated managerial
and marketing techniques.' Thus technology is particle knowledge of how to do and Technology Management
make things. Storper & Walker (1989) defined technology as 'technology refers to the
general capabilities of human societies to transform nature into useful products for human
Technology can be defined through the following understandings:
1. Technology is more than the hardware or the non-natural objects manufactured
by humans.
2. Technology includes know-how, i.e., having the information, skills and procedures
necessary to design, produce or use technology. Such know-how is not sufficient
in itself.
3. Technology is the process of manufacturing the hardware, which includes the
economic, social and political environments that make this manufacture possible
(for example, an important part of understanding a technological development is
understanding how and, as a consequence, why it is funded).
4. Technology is the use of hardware and people in order to extend human capabilities
(For example, the use of automobiles leads to a system of roads, gas stations and
driving laws. It is this combined system that extends the human capability of moving
5. Technology is an ordered, rational effort to solve definable problems.
Technology enriches and eases daily life, but can carry with it unanticipated side effects.
It is important to consider the benefits compared with the costs--in terms of resources,
value and money--before and during the development of a technology. There is always
a degree of risk involved, because of the difficulty in predicting all the effects of a
particular technological development.
Technology involves four main elements:
1. General theoretical and practical understanding of how to do things (social
2. Objects (goods).
3. Installed techniques of production (processes).
4. The personal know-how and abilities of workers (skills).
Technology applies to all - from marketing to communications, product developments,
process innovations, etc. And through technology management, one can see the way,
how to harness technology development and innovation to create value for one's company,
giving one the edge to compete, providing him competitive advantage over his/her rivals.
Technology thereby becomes an imperative factor that one needs to incorporate in the daily
carrying on of one's professional life. It is a very important tool, together with the values that
go along with it - innovation, creativity, efficiency - in the conduct of one's business.
Types of Technology
From an R&D perspective the company's technology can be of the following types:
1. Core Technologies
2. Complementary Technologies
3. Peripheral Technologies
4. Emerging Technologies
Core Technologies: The core technology is usually central to all or most of the company's
products, like, for instance, diesel engine technology is central to Mahindra &Mahindra.
Complementary Technologies: Complementary technologies are additional technologies
that are essential in product development. For example, designing, shockers, deferential
are complementary technologies for automotive companies.
Peripheral Technologies: Peripheral technology is defined as technology that is not
10 necessarily incorporated into the product but whose application contributes to the business.
Computer software, or microprocessor technology are peripheral technologies for Technology Management
Mahindra & Mahindra.
Emerging Technology: These are new to the company but may have long term
significance for the product. Alternative fuel technology is an emerging technology for
Mahindra & Mahindra.
It is important to mention that what is today an emerging technology will be a peripheral
technology in the future. Similarly, what is today a peripheral technology can become a
core technology tomorrow. As alternative fuels (bio-diesel, solar, etc.) may be an emerging
technology today but in the future as the prices of fossil fuel will rise, alternative fuel
technology will certainly become the core technology for the industry.
Low and middle income countries are usually regarded as developing or underdeveloped
countries, and high income countries as developed countries. But this is not always true.
Countries like Kuwait, Iran, UAE, etc., fall in high-income countries but are considered
as developing countries.
In fact, there is a significant difference between growth and development. GDP is a
measure of economic growth which reveals about country's real output of goods and
services in terms of currency. But economic development is a much more comprehensive
concept. It implies progressive changes in the socio-economic structure of a country.
Economic development should generally entail a steady decline in agriculture's share in
GNP and a corresponding increase in the share of industries, trade, banking, construction,
and services. The process of development is far more extensive. Apart from rise in
output, it involves changes in the composition of the output as well as shift in the allocation
of productive resources so as to ensure social justice. It is thus quite obvious that growth
and development are not the same thing.
Measuring of Economic Development
Economic development is measured in four ways:
1. GNP: According to this, economic development is measured as an increase in the
economy's real national income over a long period of time. But GNP figures do not
reveal the costs to society from environmental pollution, industrialisation and
population growth. They tells us nothing about the distribution of income.
2. GNP per capita: Meier defines economic development as, "the process whereby
the real per capita income of a country increases over a long period of time. But
such an indicator doesn't mention any thing about the distribution of income, structure
of society, resource patterns, etc.
3. Welfare: According to Okun and Richardson, economic development is a "sustained,
secular improvement in material well being, which may be considered to be reflected
in an increasing flow of goods and services."
4. Social Indicators: Social indicators include health, food and nutrition, education,
literacy and skills, employment, working conditions, consumption of basic necessities,
transportation, housing, household amenities, clothing, recreation and entertainment,
social security, etc. All these indicators emphasise the quality of the process of
Of all the above methods, GNP is the easiest to calculate. Organisations like UN use the
GNP method to measure development. But from the point of view of business decisions,
welfare and social indicators, as well as structure of the economy (as in the share of
services and industries in GNP) are of critical importance. Only on the basis of these
indicators can an organization forecast or create demand.
Developing economies are basically agrarian economies. In these economies, the services
and industrial sectors may have a large share in GDP as in India, but most of the population
is dependent on agriculture for its livelihood.
Developing economies are generally characterised by low GNP per capita. In India, this
was $471 in 2000 and there is widespread poverty. There is a scarcity of capital in
Technology Management developing economies. When the absolute income is high, the ability to save is high,
leading to higher capital formation.
On the other hand, in developing economies, formation of capital is low because of low
levels of income and sway of consumption. A developing economy is also characterised
by rapid population growth, low levels of productivity, technological backwardness, high
level of unemployment and underemployment, lower level of human well being and wide
income inequalities.
On the other hand there are developing economies, which have witnessed rapid
industrialisation and rapid growth in GNP over the last 20 years. These are the new Asian
tigers, i.e., Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand etc. The
above-mentioned countries are affluent and their GNP is no lesser than some of the developed
nations. Because of their strategic location and core competency in specific industries,
they are likely to play a decisive role in the global economy in the years to come.
Some economies are referred to as transition economies. These are former centralized/
socialist economies, which are moving to market economies such as Russia, China,
eastern European nations, and India. These transition economies are very big in size in
every respect. As they are the largest markets in terms of PPP, they are the cheapest
manufacturing and services producing hub, and have substantial and, in few cases, the
largest natural resources. From the angles of both demand and supply, they are very rich
and will be the playground for all global organizations in the coming era.
The level of income may be low in these economies but even then they are a big market.
Only thing is that organizations have to develop products that these economies can afford.
Like HLL developed an ice cream cone worth Rs. 5 after a year of research, which
soon became a hot selling brand.
The political leadership has to take into consideration needs (as arising from geographic,
climactic or living conditions) for technological progress in society. The long dry months
that most regions of India had to deal with led to numerous innovations. Today Indians
are dictating terms to global IT industry. NRI venture capitalists are well established in
the Silicon Valley. IT firms like TCS, INFOSYS and WIPRO are global brands.
India's nuclear programme really took off during the tenure of Indira Gandhi. In
international geopolitics might is always right, so India aimed to project its force through
nuclearisation of weapons. At the same time all Indian politicians pleaded for global
nuclear disarmament from the international forums. India was not ready for nuclear
blackmailing. Besides pursuing the nuclear energy option, India has also boosted research
in alternative sources of energy. Several hundred-wind power generation farms have
been established. Within next ten years India may emerge as top five countries in the
world in wind power generation. India may rank only second to China in biogas generation.
India was one of the few countries to recognize the potential of biotechnology in 1982.
After 25 years the biotechnology industry has seen an unprecedented boom in India.
The business has crossed more than a billion dollars. Pharma companies like Reddy's,
Cipla, Ranbaxy are giving a run for their money to global pharma majors. A few small
drug companies were producing a minor range of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines in
1947. Today India is competing with China in marketing herbal drugs. But still there is a
huge gap. Ayurvedic formulations are in high demand.
The most amazing revolution in India after Independence is in telecommunications. In
1947 it was considered a miracle to get a long distance trunk call booked within half an
hour. In 1957, the waiting list for landline telephone connections had millions of names.
In 1977 there was uncertainty over colour television. The picture changed after the
dynamic Rajiv Gandhi took over the prime ministership in 1984. He brought in Sam Technology Management
Pitroda, a visionary and a go getter personality. Post Pitroda India witnessed a sea
change in telecom sector, which was further accelerated by Dayanidhi Maran and D.
Raja the later on telecom ministers. Global telecom giants consider India as one of the
top five fastest growing market for mobile telephony. The number of mobile handsets in
India may soon cross hundred millions. Mobiles are now penetrating deeper in rural
India. India's experiment with e-chaupal met with stupendous success from the farmers
and villagers. India's remote sensing satellite programme and the INSAT series of satellites
have shown to the world that we have finally arrived as equals to the superpowers. The
launching of a powerful Military satellite would be a force multiplier for Indian defence
forces. Future wars would be fought electronically and in cyberspace. But as compared
to 1947, India is fully prepared for any eventuality. India's all round scientific progress
was possible because of service and sacrifices of thousands of scientists and technicians
who worked with meagre salaries. Indian government has announced a large number of
incentives to attract young students to science, technology and engineering. The future
of Indian science, 62 years after Independence is very bright. That's why many IITians
are returning from abroad to serve their country. The brain drain of the past would be
brain grain of the future.
Today Indians are dictating terms to global IT industry. NRI venture capitalists are well
established in the Silicon Valley. IT firms like TCS, INFOSYS and WIPRO are global
brands. There is a huge demand for skilled Indian IT professionals. This is natural for
our country because we gifted the game of Chess and the concept of Zero to the world.
India's nuclear programme really took off during the tenure of Indira Gandhi. It is further
accelarated by PM Manmohan Singhs Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008, in international
geopolitics might is always right, so India aimed to project its force through nuclearisation
of weapons. At the same time all Indian politicians pleaded for global nuclear disarmament
from the international forums. India was not ready for nuclear blackmailing. Besides
pursuing the nuclear energy option, India has also boosted research in alternative sources
of energy. Several hundred-wind power generation farms have been established. Within
next ten years India may emerge as top five countries in the world in wind power
generation. India may rank only second to China in biogas generation. India was one of
the few countries to recognise the potential of biotechnology.
The biotechnology industry has seen an unprecedented boom in India. Today India is
competing with China in marketing herbal drugs. But still there is a huge gap. Ayurvedic
formulations are in high demand.
Probability of Actions
High Medium Low
Technology Management Strategic Planning
The manager provides support in establishing long-term goals, laying out strategies to
achieve them, and identifying key intermediate objectives along the way, analyse the
capabilities to reach them, and work on performance evaluation, and formulate technology
strategies for product development.
Business Development Consultancy
Then the next very important point is the role of the top leader/manager of the
organisation, who delivers advice and counsels upon critical issues to support business
plans, transforming business, and to help drive the business towards a position of
leadership. He investigates the business logic of high-tech/high-risk projects, and devises
business plans to ensure continuity in delivering great science and technology, faster,
while generating sales.
Marketing Campaign Development
In this step the manager develops strategy for raising the brand profile even higher,
delivering the plan that will raise awareness, create demand and generate sales. He
defines and executes winning technology marketing strategies, including support in ad
placement efforts, positioning, messaging, conference and workshop participation,
organization of workshops and industry briefings, and development of presentations. It is
also the duty of the manager to provide the full range of dissemination & communication
activities including messaging managing the delivery of marketing messages that
communicate highly technical content in a concise, compelling manner, building flash
sheets, technical reports, press releases, whitepapers, newsletters, and circulate them
among the target market through selected channels. It is well known that Internet is
having a paramount impact on the practice of marketing in both the research and high-tech
environments. The manager needs to deliver innovative web-based marketing and
dissemination services as e-briefings, webcasts, webminars, and B2B marketing techniques.
Risk Analysis
The next important step is to conduct technology/business risk assessment. The manager
needs to identify technology/business risks associated with concept scope, estimate their
probability of occurrence, estimate the project impact of each risk, and create a risk
mitigation, monitoring and management plan RM3.
Mergers and Acquisition of Firms Advisory
This step includes partner search and attraction, negotiations brokering, analysis/creation
of technical, cultural and management balance, partnership/merger of equals' creations.
Technical Due Diligence
This step includes the measurement of value and performance of science & technology
associated with a firm. The manager gathers and analyzes information to provide a
thorough understanding of a firm's technological & scientific value - the full ensemble of
technical and knowledge assets that account for a part of a firm's value. Analysis of
drivers & performance and identification of the critical information to manage a company
and value its shares: assessment of the underlying science and technology and its potential,
intellectual property issues; market potential; strategy; risks; intangible assets; analysis
of the hidden value of firms people, products, ideas, reputation and research; and any
other information needed to provide a corporate performance measurement.
Financial Due Diligence Technology Management
This step includes the analysis and assessment of the financial, management and
operational conditions of a firm, organisation or project.
Policy Studies and Analyses
This step includes analysis of public policy issues related to scientific and technological
Technology Reports
Then the technology analyst prepares study reports providing all relevant and powerful
information about a specific technology topic, as well as its business and management
aspects surrounding it. The reports can contain technology tutorials, in-depth technology
status information, application analysis, commercial logic analysis, marketability prospects,
analysis of players and their strategies, facts and figures, worldwide context examination,
forecasts, opportunities, weaknesses, risks, regulatory issues, and all the specific
information required to gain a thorough understanding of the technology value, invest,
make strategic decisions and ensure productivity gains.
Development of Educational and Promotional/Marketing Material
It is also the duty of the technology analyst to ensure development of technical information
documents, tutorials on latest advances and rapidly breaking areas of research and
development, communication/documentation, presentations, publications, search of
reference material, editorial/publishing work, and web-based activities to disseminate
knowledge/technology produced. The management should also endeavour for the
development of supplements and whitepapers for use as internal sales tools and for
distribution to the broader market for education and product positioning purposes.
Education and Training
It is the duty of the organisation to take necessary education and training initiatives with
the introduction of any new technology or equipment or machinery. Sometimes, it is
pertinent to provide training courses for research managers, investors, industrial executives
and potential users of advanced technology; CDs, and information delivered to the desktop
through e-learning on-line tools.
Think Forward and Empower your Business
The next important step is to think forward and empowering the business by providing
benchmark research, insightful analysis, forecast, incisive advice, and all the required
key information to invest, make strategic decisions that create long-term value, and
ensure productivity gains. The managers need to get thorough understanding of market
applications and its viability, of technology developments, industry participants and
government policies. The managers need to convert information into usable knowledge,
and excel at delivering analyses and further follow up of action.
Select the Strategic Methodology
The manager should be committed to provide cost effective, high standards. Market,
technology, and any other specific requirements are analyzed rigorously, accessing and
efficiently analysing all critical sources and players involved, making intelligent interviews,
and applying specific methodologies for each case using a rigorous approach. Forecasts
are derived from state of the art rigorous forecasting techniques. The technology analyst
Technology Management combines demonstrated scientific and technology strengths with those of strategic thinking,
management, business, and social sciences to develop a new spectrum of solutions for
contemporary engineering, technology, and business problems. He is able to assess and
analyze the multi- disciplinary, inter- disciplinary, and trans - disciplinary aspects of a problem.
Build Trust
The manager should be equipped with innovative and aggressive programmes, as he is
uniquely positioned to provide solutions performing at top hierarchy, thus building trust
regarding the new technology adopted or to be adopted in the organisation.
Write a study note on the scope, components and overview of technology management.
2.0 Aims and Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Technology Policy Strategy
2.3 Science and Technology Policy of India
2.4 Implications to Industry
2.5 Let Us Sum Up
2.6 Key Terms
2.7 Test Questions
2.8 Suggested Readings
Practising managers need usable, useful and worthwhile tools to assist them with the
development of their strategy and management of their technology. This lesson outlines
the action research methodology used to develop and test tools and processes for doing
this; provide an example of one such tool for the identification of core competencies and
capabilities; and give an interactive demonstration of how this tool is used in companies
through involving the delegates in a participative study. The lesson also highlights the key
features of the Indian technology policy strategy, with views of key Indian recent policy-
makers, with the same it also highlights the key features of the science and technology
policy 2003. The lesson also shadows on the implications of the new science and technology
policy on the growth and emancipation of the Indian industry, with the advent of the era
of liberalization, globalization and privatization.
3.0 Aims and Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Need for Technology Forecasting
3.3 Methodology and Methods
3.4 Trend Analysis
3.5 Analogy Technique
3.6 Delphi Method
3.7 Soft System Methodlogy
3.8 Let Us Sum Up
3.9 Key Terms
3.10 Test Questions
3.11 Suggested Readings
The process of technology forecasting includes conducting market research for new and
innovative products and draw a conclusion or forecast predictions about the would be
technology in the long run or at a span of time in the future. This forecasting is complicated
by the fact that customers have no experience with them. In this paper we will argue
how a conjoint analysis can be used to measure the gap between the intended value map
of the company and the desired value map of its customers to predict market success of
new products and services. For this study a customer value model has been developed
that describes how customers choose between products and how a company can base
its business development activities on these choices. To test the customer value model, a
case study has been conducted at a large R&D intensive company in office equipment to
augment a technical product with additional services.
Technology Management In a conjoint analysis different service offers were simulated as in a real-world purchase
situation. Based on the results, types of newly designed services that increase the expected
value to the customers could be brought forward. For the company at issue, the current
findings have been the starting point for a new way of looking at business development,
monitoring changes in customers perceptions, and adapting the offered customer value
to these changes.
Forecasting is designed to help decision making and planning in the present. Forecasts
empower people because their use implies that we can modify variables now to alter (or
be prepared for) the future. A prediction is an invitation to introduce change into a system.
1. There is no way to state what the future will be with complete certainty. Regardless
of the methods that we use there will always be an element of uncertainty until the
forecast horizon has come to pass.
2. There will always be blind spots in forecasts. We cannot, for example, forecast
completely new technologies for which there are no existing paradigms.
3. Providing forecasts to policy-makers will help them formulate social policy. The new
social policy, in turn, will affect the future, thus changing the accuracy of the forecast.
Technological Forecasting (TF) focuses on predicting what future technologies are likely
to emerge and when they are likely to be economically feasible (Balachandra). In an era
when technological innovations have become the rule rather than the exception, managers Technology Forecasting
2. R Bright ed, Technological Forecasting for Industry and Government: Method and
Applications (Englewood Cliffs, N J: Prentice-Hall, 1968.)
3.1.2 Features
l Use current knowledge to build the future: The primary role of TF is to evaluate
todays knowledge systematically, thereby identifying what can be achieved and how
one technological advance in conjunction with another would satisfy human needs.
Box 3.2: Identifying Specific Technology Gaps
l Active interaction with market forces, foreign companies, consultancy agencies etc.
Technology Management l Specific scientific refinement: TF puts exclusive emphasis on a specific
development (in terms of threats, opportunities or innovations) rather than undertaking
a macro level study of various factors which ultimately may derail the study.
Such a concentrated effort, of course, is generally preceded by a broad investigation
to ensure that the effort is being allocated to the right task.
l Promises to serve some useful function: TF is basically guided by market needs.
As one study indicated real needs result in accelerated technological growth. In
TF, it is always necessary to draw the distinction between what could happen
because of mans capabilities and what is likely to occur because of what he wants.
Practical objectives are essential for technological progress and this can come only
when TF takes market requirements into account sincerely.
l Quantitative conclusions to guide judgement: TF offers useful quantitative data,
based on which executives can take informed, reliable decisions.
Technological forecasting, it must be mentioned here, cant help the decision maker to
predict the future with certainty, but it can assist him in refining his judgements. The
value of forecasting is highly dependent on the quality of informational inputs to the
forecasting process (information from the past plus the knowledge of the present) and
the calibre of the minds applied to it. Forecasting techniques can only be aids to the
process and care should, therefore, be taken to see that TF does not absorb greater
resources than can be justified in economic terms.
* Robert R. Andrews is medical division manager for the commercial group at Foster-Miller Inc., a QinetiQ
company. He has more than 25 years of medical device experience managing product development and operations.
He has 11 issued U.S. medical device patents. He received an MBA from Bryant College and Bachelors and
Masters degrees in plastics engineering from The University of Lowell. He can be contacted at (781) 684-4639
70 or
Step 1 - Identify and Prioritize Customer Needs Technology Forecasting
The incorporation of new technologies into a product must satisfy a real market need or
it will do nothing for a companys bottom line. Customer research can effectively identify
unmet needs. Then, resources can be allocated to finding innovative technologies to
create new solutions to meet these needs, instead of being allocated to modifying existing
products for line extensions, which are usually less profitable.
Due to a growing elderly population and rising healthcare costs, the need to monitor
patients from their homes became more evident. The advancement of wireless technology
made possible the development of cost-effective devices for convenient and efficient
patient home care. Now, patients with low mobility can be medically diagnosed and
treated inexpensively in the comfort of their own homes.
There are a number of tools that can enable you to understand market needs, each with
its own distinct advantages. These include one-on-one interviews, focus groups, telephone
surveys, and conjoint and factor analyses. Conjoint analysis, for example, allows you to
understand how customers value product attributes individually and in a group, providing
meaningful insight into how tradeoffs are made between competing characteristics. If
optimizing one attribute impinges on the second, it is useful to know which of the two
characteristics is deemed more important. Factor analysis on the other hand allows you
to create different bundles of product characteristics and determine which of the bundles
would attract the greatest number of users. Finally, focus groups are very helpful in idea
concept testing and understanding the hospital environment, which have a major impact
on the success of a product.
In order to identify market niches that a given company may be able to fill, these tools must
be employed by a firm that can objectively canvass the field and is familiar with the process
and medical technology and devices. An external research and development firm fits this
profile for several reasons. First, a third-party firm has objectivity with no financial interest
in one technology or device. An experienced partner will also have the resources and
contacts to successfully obtain customer feedback and this will maintain your companys
anonymity. In addition, your partners medical knowledge will facilitate the identification of
industry trends and future needs. Lastly, because R&D firms generally have wide-ranging
knowledge in other industries, they can uncover technology-based business opportunities
that may not be apparent to a firm focused solely on the medical industry.
Once market needs are uncovered, it is important to prioritize these needs according to
urgency. This will provide an estimate of the price the end-user is willing to pay for a
solution, which will further guide resource allotment. The list should be again refined to
include only those needs that can be solved within the scope of your companys goals.
Companies should look to outside resources to fill gaps in core competencies needed to
execute the development program. This may involve partnering with or acquiring another
medical entity or working with an engineering firm. It is important for the firm to identify
how it is going to create and capture value from its innovation activities.
Market needs analysis helps you understand the competition by identifying customer
dissatisfaction with current products. Learn from your competitors mistakes and strive
to better serve customers with a novel product.
For example, drugs administered to cancer patients in conventional chemotherapy
treatments must diffuse across cell membranes to attack cancer cells. However, this
method has several drawbacks, including its lengthy treatment process and large drug
dosage requirement, which often harms normal cells and tissue. Advancements in
nanotechnology will make drug delivery via nanoparticles an option. This new treatment
Technology Management will be a vast improvement over current chemotherapy treatments because it will cause
less damage to healthy cells and be more effective against tumor growth.
Step 2 - Ideate
Group ideation sessions can produce innovative solutions to unmet market needs. The
ideation process utilizes brainstorming, forward-looking vision and multidisciplinary
knowledge to furnish truly novel solutions. The end result will be product concepts that
can potentially solve customer problems and dominate the market long-term.
Ideation sessions work best with a diverse team able to tap into industry-spanning skills.
If an R&D firm will lead this session, it is important to select a partner with medical
industry knowledge complemented by multidisciplinary expertise. Only partners with
deep and wide-ranging experience will be able to bring appropriate physicians, field
professionals, academic experts and skilled engineers to the table to devise ideal solutions.
Once several concepts have been formulated, additional research must be conducted.
This should serve to narrow down the idea pool to include only those that are feasible
and in line with the companys marketing plan.
Step 3 - Search for Promising New Technologies
Because new technologies turn product concepts into reality and can create competitive
advantages, the need to search for emerging technologies cannot be overstated.
For example, the advancement of bio-electromagnetic resonance technology has the
potential to drastically change the blood glucose monitoring process for diabetics. This
technology utilizes an external device to detect changes in a persons electrical impedance
in response to a glucosespecific electromagnetic wave that it emits. This non-invasive
procedure avoids the discomfort and inconvenience associated with traditional monitoring
procedures, which require diabetics to draw blood to test blood sugar levels. This
improvement in patient care can be leveraged as a competitive advantage.
It is imperative that you align yourself with a well-connected and experienced R&D firm
on the forefront of scientific advances that has a wealth of contacts and relationships
with institutions working on emerging technologies. This will widen the search parameters
to ensure that you are kept abreast of the latest technological developments, which will
in turn facilitate efforts to bring possible solutions to fruition.
Because all technologies pass through a maturity curve, it is helpful to plot them on a
timeline. Older technologies are mature today and newer ones are becoming mature
over time. Categorizing technologies in time horizons according to their development
stage will indicate at what point these technologies may impact your business and be
integrated into product development.
An example of time horizon groupings is described below:
l Short Term Horizon: This segment should include technologies that are estimated
to impact the market in 1 to 2 years. These technologies usually have already been
applied in industry. These technologies can be used in line extensions or product
modifications to keep pace with the competition.
l Medium-Term Horizon: Often still in the research stage, technologies included in
this horizon might need 2 to 5 years of development to be utilizable. Technologies in
this category can deliver products that create a competitive advantage.
l Long-Term Horizon: Technologies that are just evolving and may take 5 to 10 Technology Forecasting
years or more to hit the market are included in this category. These technologies
can enable breakthrough products that alter the competitive landscape.
Step 4 - Analyze Solutions Impact on the Company
Novel solutions are only successful if practical for your company. It is extremely costly
to dedicate resources to initiatives that fail. This is especially true in the increasingly
competitive medical device industry where profit margins are diminishing and R&D
costs are three times or more the overall average for all manufacturers. Thus, it is
imperative that projects be evaluated extensively before embarking on lengthy and costly
development programs. Refine the product strategy by eliminating ideas that could fall
prey to the common causes of failure discussed below.
First, make sure that short-term projects consist of product concepts that fall within core
competencies available to the company. Many manufacturers have failed by hastily
entering markets without the necessary skills to support the product. This not only
jeopardizes new product success but also diverts resources away from areas of expertise
and dilutes brand recognition. Utilize a multidisciplinary partner to supplement skills in
diverse areas, but only embark on developing solutions in the near-term whose main
focuses fall within your firms scope. This will allow you to capitalize on your firms
strengths and skill sets to create a competitive advantage.
It should be noted that projects on the fringe of your companys expertise need only be
excluded from short-term plans. If a strong opportunity exists for future product
development, efforts can begin in the present to develop expertise to support the project.
Adding to your companys core competency without the pressure of short-term project
time constraints can serve to strengthen your market position. Competencies can be
grown internally, which may be time consuming, or obtained by partnering with engineering
companies, academic institutions, or other medical companies.
In addition, measure new ideas against criteria such as budgets, staff limitations, resource
availability and project timeliness to test project feasibility. Evaluate early on the estimated
project completion length and estimate funds that may be required. Projects that place
intense strain on your firms finances or staff have a higher risk and greater cost of failure.
To be successful, the proposed solution should also be differentiated and proprietary to
you. A novel technology must reduce cost, improve patient care or create significant
improvement to be market leading.
Any solution that poses a strong threat of failure based on the abovementioned factors
should be eliminated from the product strategy. Only the most effective and feasible
concepts should be included in strategic planning, the next step of technology forecasting.
Step 5 - Develop a Strategic Plan
A refined and focused product strategy will guide the formation of a strategic plan,
presenting different implications for each of the time horizons (short-, medium- and long-
term). This plan will dictate product development direction and must be kept in line with
the companys marketing objectives.
Technologies in the Short-Term Horizon can be included in concrete product development
plans. Because these advancements are finalized, there is minimal risk that these
technologies will alter the device development timeline. However, to secure maximum
Technology Management advantage, medical device companies must work quickly to incorporate technologies in
this horizon, before the competition does.
Technologies in the Medium-Term and Long-Term Horizons should not be included in
nearterm product development programs. There is no guarantee that these technologies
will be completed in accordance with your projects timeline, and it is costly and time-
consuming to sink resources into developing the technology and the product concurrently.
Moreover, technologies not fully finalized are often modified. These alterations can
considerably affect and delay product development. Relying on unrefined technologies
for short-term product development is very risky.
However, technologies in the Medium-Term and Long-Term Horizons do require some
degree of planning. You must stay abreast of developments and continually conduct
research. Again, it is useful to call on an outsourced partners relationships with research
institutions developing these technologies to be updated on advancements.
Mapping out the direction of research and development efforts in accordance with time
horizons and updating plans continually can help companies shape strategy. Resources
can be properly allocated, with heavy resources dedicated to near-term technologies.
Staffing decisions are also impacted. If a medium-term technology can revolutionize the
development of a device with market-leading potential, companies may plan to staff up
to complete the project. Or, companies may look to outsource to provide quick and
disposable staff support to near-term projects that need a bolstered workforce.
Tip - Continually Monitor the Competition
Bringing a novel medical device to market will not be profitable if the competition is
launching a better product using a newer and more efficient technology. It is imperative
that medical device firms continuously monitor their competitors and search for
technologies that may disrupt their path to market leadership. Be aware of new patent
filings, read institutional research publications and technical journals to stay in the know
on industry happenings.
If a medical device company does succeed and attains market leadership, precautions
must be taken to protect this innovation. Only work with an outsourced partner that
readily agrees to assign project intellectual property rights to your company. Signing
exclusive agreements with research institutions that are developing potentially useful
technologies will also help protect your proprietary advantage.
Roadmap to Success
Whether your company aims to attain or maintain market leadership, technology
forecasting must be a core aspect of organizational culture. By identifying emerging
technologies and their estimated availability, this methodology creates a roadmap that
provides direction to important strategic decisions. By predicting and preparing for future
advancements, medical firms can be first to integrate pioneering technologies. Marrying
these breakthroughs with customer needs will lead to the development of highly demanded,
differentiated and innovative medical products, leading to profitable market dominance.
3.2.2 Six Tips for Effective Technology Forecasting
1. Identify and prioritize customer needs to uncover potential market niches.
2. Hold ideation sessions to find solutions to meet these unsatisfied needs.
3. Search for promising new technologies to facilitate development of devised solutions.
4. Evaluate the impact new solutions will have on your company. Technology Forecasting
Gillette dominates the world market for wet shave products, specialty razors and razor
blades. A series of timely innovations has kept the company ahead of its rivals in shaving
systems, disposable blades and double edge blades. Since 1990, its products, Sensor and
Sensor Excel razors, have grabbed nearly 30 per cent share of the US market and sales in
other countries are also very strong. Gillette launched a successor to Sensor, the Mach 3, a
triple-bladed razor that is expected to generate $1 billion in annual revenues. The oral-B
division also is a cash cow. With the purchase of Duracell, the leading producer of alkaline
batteries, Gillette added yet another potential cash cow to its portfolio. The company is
spending heavily on R&D to improve its market share in other segments: toiletries, writing
instruments (parker pen range) etc.
Later the Delphi method was applied in other areas, especially those related to public
policy issues, such as economic trends, health and education. It was also applied
successfully and with high accuracy in business forecasting. For example, in one case
reported by Basu and Schroeder (1977), the Delphi method predicted the sales of a new
product during the first two years with inaccuracy of 3-4% compared with actual sales.
Quantitative methods produced errors of 10-15%, and traditional unstructured forecast
methods had errors of about 20%.
Overall the track record of the Delphi method is mixed. There have been many cases
when the method produced poor results. Still, some authors attribute this to poor application
of the method and not to the weaknesses of the method itself. It must also be realized
that in areas such as science and technology forecasting the degree of uncertainty is so
great that exact and always correct predictions are impossible, so a high degree of error Technology Forecasting
is to be expected.
Another particular weakness of the Delphi method is that future developments are not
always predicted correctly by consensus of experts. Firstly, the issue of ignorance is
important. If panelists are misinformed about a topic, the use of Delphi may add only
confidence to their ignorance. Secondly, sometimes unconventional thinking of amateur
outsiders may be superior to expert thinking.
One of the initial problems of the method was its inability to make complex forecasts
with multiple factors. Potential future outcomes were usually considered as if they had
no effect on each other. Later on, several extensions to the Delphi method were developed
to address this problem, such as cross impact analysis, that takes into consideration the
possibility that the occurrence of one event may change probabilities of other events
covered in the survey. Still the Delphi method can be used most successfully in forecasting
single scalar indicators.
To improve on the intuitive and consensus methods, the Rand Corporation developed the
"Delphi Procedure," in which a panel of experts (like the consensus method) arrive at a
consensus but, eliminating the regulating of committee bias by employing a series of
questionnaires. The first phase asks for the panels' forecasts. The replies are compounded.
The second phase requests comments on the Phase I compound forecast. Phase III is a
derivative of Phase I based on the results of Phase II. A typical process might include
five or six phases. A forecast convergence is the goal of this multi-phase process.
Figure 3.2 shows the convergence of a hypothetical date for a certain even based on a
multi-phase Delphi process:
Technology Forecasting
Gerard H. Gaynor, Handbook of Technology Management, Mc-GrawHill.
Noori H & Radford R.W., Reading and cases in the Management of New Technology,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall, 1990.
Bowonder B. and Miyake T., Technological forecasting, Methodologies and Case
Technology Management
4.0 Aims and Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mathematical Models
4.3 Simulation
4.4 System Dynamics
4.5 Let Us Sum Up
4.6 Key Terms
4.7 Test Questions
4.8 Suggested Readings
In this paper we propose a methodology to model innovation processes. The modelling is
based upon interviews with a number of experienced managers. The knowledge of these
managers is codified using cognitive mapping techniques. Subsequently these cognitive
maps are translated into causal diagram and ultimately in a computer model. To keep the
essentials of the non-linear behaviour of the innovation process intact during the modelling
process of simplification, special attention is given to recognize the various non-linear
mechanisms and driving forces. After each step, feedback is asked from the interviewed
managers. Furthermore, the model is validated using some typical cases. Up until now
the methodology is applied in cooperation with two companies, one in the steel industry
and one in the food industry. Both companies have decided to continue the exercise and
after further elaboration use them as support tools.
The most common mathematical models involve various forms of weighted smoothing
methods. Another type of model is known as decomposition. This technique mathematically
separates the historical data into trend, seasonal and random components. A process
known as a "turning point analysis" is used to produce forecasts. ARIMA models such as
adaptive filtering and Box-Jenkins analysis constitute a third class of mathematical model,
92 while simple linear regression and curve fitting is a fourth.
Mathematical Models for
4.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Technology Forecasting
E m p irica l Th eo re tical
R e se arch
P re -a ction
M athe m a tica l
A ction
M od el
R e -A ctio n
Fo re ca st
R e alm R e alm
O ld
M aturity Age
S tag e
R a pid
G ro w th
Fu nction al Th e ne w te chn ical
P e rfo rm an ce syste m is inven te d S tag e Th e pe rfo rm an ce
In de x in d ex o f th e syste m
a pp roa che s a lim it
In fa ncy
S tag e M ajor pro blem s
a ssociate d w ith the
n ew techn ica l system
a re o verco m e
N u m b e r of In ve n tio ns
2 20
R e ar
2 00 e ng in e
1 80
S pe ed , m p h
1 60
1 40
Fro n t
1 20 e ng in e
1 00
1 90 0 1 92 0 1 94 0 1 96 0 1 98 0 2 00 0
Ye ar
1 00 0
.0 1
.0 01
.0 00 1
.0 00 01
1 70 0 1 80 0 1 90 0 2 00 0
Ye ar
FBT T Tra nsp ort aircraft
1 00
1 93 0 1 94 0 1 95 0 1 96 0 1 97 0 1 98 0 1 99 0
Ye ar
X 4 80
1 05
To tal D o m e stic A irlin e P asse n ge r M iles (m illion s)
1 04 1 00 0
1 03 1 00
A ve . S eatin g cap acity
1 02
1 93 0 1 94 0 1 96 0 1 98 0 2 00 0
Ye ar
1 00 0 A ssum ed L im it = 69 6.9
N u m b er of Te lep h on es p er 1000 p erso ns
1 00
0 .1
1 88 0 1 90 0 1 92 0 1 94 0 1 96 0 1 98 0 2 00 0
Ye ar
Several mathematical models can be used to generate growth curves. The choice of Mathematical Models for
Technology Forecasting
model is subjective, depending largely on the analyst's judgment about which of the
functional forms most closely approximates the underlying reality of the technical growth
under consideration. When using growth curves, the forecaster must be sure that the
data are self-consistent-that is, that all data come from the same data set or population.
The forecaster must also remember not to confuse accuracy with precision. It is possible
to develop precise capability/time estimates, but their accuracy is illusory. We might read
Figure 5 as "697 phones per 1000 population as of 1997," but "about 700 between 1990
and 2000" is a better reflection of the scatter in the data underlying the curve. Finally, the
forecaster must remember that growth curves reflect a single technological approach, a
given way of achieving a capability. Extrapolation cannot go beyond the saturation level
of that specific technological approach. It cannot predict a decline or future rebirth of
the growth pattern.
Envelope Curves
A serious constraint on growth curves is overcome by appropriate specification of the
capability to be forecast. For example, Figure 4.10 shows a growth curve for the speed
of propeller-driven aircraft. As noted earlier, possible input for Figure 4.10 must be carefully
screened to make sure it includes all available data for propeller-driven aircraft, and only
data for propeller-driven aircraft.
A ir S pee d (m ph)
Technology Management
S p ace craft
600 0
500 0
400 0
A ir S p eed (m p h)
300 0
P rop eller-d rive n
190 0 192 0 194 0 196 0 198 0 200 0
(We could also have included data on balloons and gliders if we wished.) if we generalize
the capability even more to "speed of travel," we get Figure 4.12, a series of specific
growth curves superimposed on one chart and enveloped by a single curve, termed an
envelope curve. Fundamentally, envelope curves are a combination of growth curve and
trend analysis.
600 0
500 0
400 0
A ir S p eed (m p h)
200 0
150 0 J et-propelled
R oc ke t-pro pelled
100 0 airc raft
E n velope cu rv e
P rop eller-d rive n
190 0 192 0 194 0 196 0 198 0 200 0
2. Once a substitution progresses, it will proceed to completion.
3. The rate of substitution of new for old is proportional to the remaining amount of Mathematical Models for
Technology Forecasting
the old left to be substituted.
Experience shows that substitutions tend to proceed exponentially in the early years, and
to follow an S-shaped trend curve. When a substitution begins, the new process, products,
or service begins to demonstrate its advantages over the past process, products, or
service. As the new technology is able to take over some of the market, the pace of
substitution increases markedly, and then tapers off as it approaches saturation.
Examples abound in the area of industrial processes in the steel industry, the replacement
of "hot dip" tin-plating by the electrolytic process, the replacement of open hearth furnaces
by basic oxygen furnaces, and the replacement of the reversible, single-stand hot rolling
mill by the multistand mill are among the many technological substitutions that conform
to the S-shaped pattern.
The substitution model can prove useful for several types of investigation-for example,
early recognition of technical obsolescence. The major advantage of this model is that it
is simple to construct. Like all numeric data-based models, it is fatalistic in that it projects
a specific and undeviating future based on past events; it implies that a particular
progression of events is inevitable.
4.2.6 Structural Modeling
Structural modeling is an attempt to develop a mathematical or analytical model of a
technology-generation process. As with mathematical models of any process, the purpose
for model construction is to identify certain key elements, identify the functional aspects
of those elements and express these functional aspects symbolically or mathematically.
Structural models tend to be abstract and reductionist in their approach in removing what
are denied to be non-essential functions. (See Figure below.)
Simulation methods involve using analogs to model complex systems. These analogs can
take on several forms. A mechanical analog might be a wind tunnel for modeling aircraft
performance. An equation to predict an economic measure would be a mathematical
analog. A metaphorical analog could involve using the growth of a bacteria colony to
describe human population growth. Game analogs are used where the interactions of the
players are symbolic of social interactions.
Mathematical analogs are of particular importance to futures research. They have been
extremely successful in many forecasting applications, especially in the physical sciences.
In the social sciences however, their accuracy is somewhat diminished. The extraordinary
complexity of social systems makes it difficult to include all the relevant factors in any
model. Clarke reminds us of a potential danger in our reliance on mathematical models.
As he points out, these techniques often begin with an initial set of assumptions, and if
these are incorrect, then the forecasts will reflect and amplify these errors.
One of the most common mathematical analogs in societal growth is the S-curve. The
model is based on the concept of the logistic or normal probability distribution. All processes
experience exponential growth and reach an upper asymptopic limit. Modis has
hypothesized that chaos like states exist at the beginning and end of the S-curve. The
disadvantage of this S-curve model is that it is difficult to know at any point in time
where you currently are on the curve, or how close you are to the asymtopic limit. The
advantage of the model is that it forces planners to take a long-term look at the future.
Another common mathematical analog involves the use of multivariate statistical
techniques. These techniques are used to model complex systems involving relationships
between two or more variables. Multiple regression analysis is the most common
technique. Unlike trend extrapolation models, which only look at the history of the variable
being forecast, multiple regression models look at the relationship between the variable
being forecast and two or more other variables.
Multiple regression is the mathematical analog of a systems approach, and it has become
the primary forecasting tool of economists and social scientists. The object of multiple
regression is to be able to understand how a group of variables (working in unison)
102 affect another variable. The multiple regression problem of collinearity mirrors the practical
problems of a systems approach. Paradoxically, strong correlations between predictor Mathematical Models for
Technology Forecasting
variables create unstable forecasts, where a slight change in one variable can have
dramatic impact on another variable. In a multiple regression (and systems) approach,
as the relationships between the components of the system increase, our ability to predict
any given component decreases.
Gaming analogs are also important to futures research. Gaming involves the creation of
an artificial environment or situation. Players (either real people or computer players)
are asked to act out an assigned role. The "role" is essentially a set of rules that is used
during interactions with other players. While gaming has not yet been proven as a
forecasting technique, it does serve two important functions. First, by the act of designing
the game, researchers learn to define the parameters of the system they are studying.
Second, it teaches researchers about the relationships between the components of the
5.0 Aims and Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Technology Choice and Evaluation
5.3 Methods of Analysing Alternate Technologies
5.4 Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies
5.5 Need for Multi-Criteria Considerations such as, Social, Environmental and Political
5.6 Let Us Sum Up
5.7 Key Terms
5.8 Test Questions
5.9 Suggested Readings
From the beginning of the industrial revolution, the priority has been to adopt as much
new technology as possible, and as quickly as possible. Our attention goes to four common-
sense criteria for choosing technologies: utility, environment, autonomy and quality. Because
we have used technology indiscriminately for so long, it will be easy to explain what
these criteria mean by finding examples of technologies that violate them - technologies
that are either useless or destructive.
The choice of evaluation methods depends on a number of factors, including: Which
evaluation areas are most important in the light of the objectives for evaluation? What
kind of information is required? For example, what is the objective of the intervention
project or programme? What is the aim of the evaluation, and who is the target audience
for results (e.g., donors, beneficiaries, implementing organization)? Are the data intended
to produce statistically significant results? Evaluation is often time-consuming, expensive
Technology Management and requires skill in planning, data collection, analysis and reporting. Many organizations
may find it necessary to develop their human resources further through training, to
partner with organizations with more evaluation experience or to involve specialists,
such as healthcare workers or university researchers. It is paramount in evaluation planning
to ensure that:
1. the right amount of data is collected, avoiding wasting resources by collecting neither
too much nor too little data; and
2. the right type of data is collected, avoiding omitting essential data or linkages, and
avoiding gathering irrelevant data.
Almost all the evaluation methods produce either quantitative or qualitative data.
Quantitative methods track changes in 'quantifiables', while qualitative methods reveal
perspectives, perceptions or behaviours. Broadly, quantitative approaches are more
suited to medium- or large-scale evaluations, where information can be standardized
and where respondents are likely to give accurate answers to questionnaires. They
are particularly suited to more technology-focused interventions and include performance
testing, monitoring and questionnaires based on closed questions. Qualitative approaches
include in-depth open-ended interviews with groups or individuals, observations and
the use of participatory methods, such as focus group discussions. These are useful
for understanding what kind of issues to consider in any evaluation. Qualitative
approaches can be used alone, as well as play an important role in developing
quantitative approaches, and in providing contextual data to explain the results of
quantitative analysis. It should be noted that quantitative data analysis and qualitative
data analysis are very different and require distinct skills. For example, an expert in
analysing emissions or exposure data may not be skilled to analyse interview transcripts
on women's welfare or empowerment.
Technological forces require that management keep abreast of the latest developments
and where possible, incorporate advancements to maintain the organisations
competitiveness. The right technology at the right time would bring in the requisite benefits.
For example, Aetnas Hartford based small business market group, which sells life and
health insurance to small businesses, started using laptop computers and new software
to enroll prospective members at the customers site and print out ID cards instantly.
The on-site process is accomplished in less than half a day. This process saved Aetna
$20 million in 1992 (G Rifkin, 1993). Marutis success in the automobile sector is
attributable to a large extent, to the right choice of technology employed in producing a
low-cost, fuel-efficient car in India. Companies like Telco, Tisco, Ashok Leyland, L&T,
Ranbaxy, Crompton Greaves, etc., have gone for reengineering their work processes
long back with a view to serve the customers more efficiently (M Thomas 1994).
Box 5.1: Reengineering Work Processes
Reengineering focuses on creating new ways to get results. It involves the redesign of
processes related to logistics, manufacturing and distribution. The objective is to design
the most effective process for delivering a product or service. Effective processes are those
that cost the least while at the same time producing services of excellent quality rapidly.
Thus, the starting point is to assess current processes from the customers point of view.
Reengineering requires both managers and employees to think across functions. When
applied to business, reengineering demands management to start everything with a clean
sheet of paper rethinking and redesigning those processes by which the organisation
creates value and does work, ridding itself of operations that have become outdated in the
computer age. The focus is on core processes rather than functions (processes that transform
material, capital, information and labour into products and services that the customer values).
The emphasis is on distinctive competencies of an organisation (what it is that the
organisation is more superior at delivering than its competition) such as higher quality
products (Gilette shaving system), a more efficient distribution system (Bata), a more
knowledgeable sales personnel (HLL, P&G) or superior technical support (Carrier Aircon,
Whirlpool etc). According to R E Crompton, the following guidelines should be kept in
mind while reengineering any company:
l The wrong answer rarely kills you. What it does is waste time.
l Once people catch on to reengineering, you cant hold them back. It is a lifetime
Technology is strategic in the sense that decisions regarding its choice are irreversible
and costly. The impact can be quite serious, for, a wrong choice, a small mistake may
spell the end of a business. Businesses that failed to see the writing on the wall quickly
and move with the times using efficient processes and latest technologies had to
draw the shutters down. History is replete with horror stories of this kind-e.g. Ambassador
cars, Fiats, Bullets are relics of the past now. Steel companies, jute manufacturers, 111
Technology Management pharma companies, sugar units, auto-component suppliers have paid a heavy price for
reposing their faith in antiquated technologies in India. Market forces, as we all know,
ruthlessly crush those firms that do not run with the times and change their processes
rapidly in line with global trends. This requires strategic thinking, advance planning and
timely actions.
Technology Acceptance Model
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is an information systems theory that
models how users come to accept and use a technology. The model suggests that when
users are presented with a new technology, a number of factors influence their decision
about how and when they will use it, notably:
l Perceived Usefulness (PU): This was defined by Fred Davis as the degree to
which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job
l Perceived Ease-Of-Use (PEOU): Davis defined this as the degree to which a
person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort (Davis,
TAM is one of the most influential extensions of Ajzen and Fishbeins theory of reasoned
action (TRA) in the literature. It was developed by Fred Davis and Richard Bagozzi
(Bagozzi et al., 1992; Davis et al., 1989). TAM replaces many of TRAs attitude measures
with the two technology acceptance measuresease of use, and usefulness. TRA and
TAM, both of which have strong behavioural elements, assume that when someone
forms an intention to act, that they will be free to act without limitation. In the real world
there will be many constraints, such as limit the freedom to act (Bagozzi et al., 1992).
Bagozzi, Davis and Warshaw say:
Because new technologies such as personal computers are complex and an element of
uncertainty exists in the minds of decision makers with respect to the successful adoption
of them, people form attitudes and intentions toward trying to learn to use the new
technology prior to initiating efforts directed at using. Attitudes towards usage and
intentions to use may be ill-formed or lacking in conviction or else may occur only after
preliminary strivings to learn to use the technology evolve. Thus, actual usage may not
be a direct or immediate consequence of such attitudes and intentions. (Bagozzi et al.,
Earlier research on the diffusion of innovations also suggested a prominent role for
perceived ease of use. Tornatzky and Klein (1982) analysed the adoption, finding that
compatibility, relative advantage, and complexity had the most significant relationships
with adoption across a broad range of innovation types. Eason studied perceived usefulness
in terms of a fit between systems, tasks and job profiles, using the terms task fit to
describe the metric (quoted in Stewart, 1986)
Criticisms of TAM as a theory include its lack of falsifiability, questionable heuristic
value, limited explanatory and predictive power, triviality, and lack of any practical value.
Independent of TAM, Scherer developed the Matching Person & Technology Model in
1986 as part of her National Science Foundation-funded dissertation research. The MPT
Model is fully described in her 1993 text, Living in the State of Stuck, now in its 4th
edition. The MPT Model has accompanying assessment measures used in technology
selection and decision-making, as well as outcomes research on differences among
112 technology users, non-users, avoiders, and partical/reluctant users.
Technology Choice and
The methods of analysing alternate technologies basically depend on the technology
strategy and business goals of the organisation concerned. For example, ERP
Technology strategy is basically concerned with choices between alternative new
technologies, the manner in which they are implemented into new products and processes
and the utilisation of resources that will allow their successful implementation. It cuts
across such functional policies as finance, manufacturing, marketing, R&D, as well as
corporate-wide policies regarding product-market focus, personnel, resource allocation,
and control.
Technology strategy is an important but often ignored link in the strategy formulation
process. This is not to state that technology is thoroughly discounted by technology-
intensive companies, but it generally comes in a fragmented, piecemeal fashion as part
of other functional strategies such as marketing. This is understandable, as the concept
of technological strategy is relatively new and is yet to take firm roots in the strategic
management skills set. With new technologies making serious inroads into the
manufacturing processes of most industries in recent times, a technological strategy
needs to be given proper weightage and due importance. To develop such a strategy,
several major issues should be considered thoroughly.
l Developing generic strategies for technology-based businesses in corporate portfolio.
l Choosing product-market combinations in the light of their evolving technological
l Understanding sources of technologically-based synergies and technological
Box 5.2: Fundamental Technology-related Questions
l How should those technologies be embodied into products. What criteria or guidelines
should we use to design our products?
Source: R A Burgelman and M A Maidique, Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, Irwin,
Homewood, Ilinois, 1988.
While making choices regarding technology, a firm has to pay special attention to the
following issues (Maidique and Frevola).
Technology Management Figure 5.1: Technological Policy Framework
Inv R
es & D
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n olo me
R&D Timing
New products
organisation and of
and processes
policies entry
a nd
syn thesis (design)
n olo
tec ing s
w s r
Ne icen etito s
L mp nt
l o l t a
C nsu es
l hr i
l New
Technology Management Messages
The announcements by public officials on the issues relating to technology can be
extremely influential in communicating on a whole range of social and economic issues.
Statements in the Legislature, news conferences, speeches at meetings, committee and
task-force reports, all can convey both mood and substance regarding the choice of. In
this regard technology policy is not an exception.
The articulation of goals on the level of national commitment to R&D can serve as a
guideline for both government agencies and the private sector. Meetings and conferences
can provide major public forums for policy-makers to exchange information amongst
themselves, and alert the public about trends and events of importance. Task forces can
take an in-depth look at the complex factors affecting technological change, so that a
better understanding is achieved on which to base future programs. From a complementary
perspective, messages from the electorate can feed back to public officials by way of
inquiries and commissions, and through opinion polls. This too can serve as a basis for
policy pronouncements in response to wider concerns, especially when adjustment to
technological change will require considerable co-operation from those affected.
It is government, which can take an active part in helping promote sales of technology-
intensive goods and services. Such promotion efforts as trade and technology fairs, the
trade commissioner service, and government-supported trade associations and
corporations, by increasing demand, can assist the support for, and utilization of on-going
innovation. Government representatives abroad are often in a unique position to acquire
knowledge about the social conditions, political climate and market prospects regarding
the countries to which they are posted. Such information can prove to be invaluable to
the efforts to increase sales to these countries, provided it is made available in a timely
and cogent manner, to those who could benefit from its use. Such contacts can in turn,
carry the message of what has to be done to sell, thereby facilitating a match between
supply and demand for our commodities abroad.
Governments can negotiate mutual tariff reductions on the one hand, or mutually limit
market access on the other. The legal framework can also assist or constrain the flows
of funds, information or commodities to the best opportunities abroad. And the negotiation
of counter-trade arrangements, whereby payment is received in other commodities rather
than in currency, can also require government involvement.
[Source: ]
Write a study note on the need for multi-criteria considerations such as, social, environmental
and political.
save labor, but avoid the technological consumerism that makes them waste their time Technology Choice and
in useless getting and spending. Some choices of technology must be required by law,
such as limits on off-road vehicles, and others should be voluntary, such as reduction
of the time we spend watching television. Both political and personal choice of
technology will come when the policy makers finally realize how destructive their
failure to choose technologies has been.
The people have been using technology indiscriminately for so long that their lives are
cluttered with useless and destructive technologies. We would be much better off if we
got them out of our way. Lest they should get carried away with the promise of progress
however, it would be wise to also consider the moral context of innovation. The scope
and level of innovation is in part collectively determined: the lower the culture ranks
economic goals, productivity, efficiency, technology, science, and the higher it ranks social
cohesion, stability, and religion, the lower the scope and level of innovation. Since the
promise of innovation is the benefits will outweigh costs, those who advocate innovation
have a responsibility to prove their claims on a case by case basis. People should not be
morally at liberty to strike any old bargain they can with each other about their respective
tights and duties.
Feasibility Study: A feasibility study is a detailed analysis of a company and its operations
that is conducted in order to predict the results of a specific future course of action.
Technology Management Negative Feedback: It is useful to have provisions for discouraging some types of, or
aspects of innovations, because the effects of particular technologies cannot automatically
be assumed to always be benign. This is the role of negative feedback.
6.0 Aims and Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Analytic Hierarchy Method
6.3 Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making
6.4 Other Methods
6.5 Let Us Sum Up
6.6 Key Terms
6.7 Test Questions
6.8 Suggested Readings
Effective technology, i.e., management automation tools, can help connect all the other
dimensions. Appropriate technology helps make processes easier to execute, facilitates
timely information sharing, and enables consistent coordination between elements and
layers of the organization. It does this through the following:
l Automation of manual tasks
l Reporting
l Analytics for decision making
l Integration between management systems
The simple addition of technology to automate existing processes leaves most of its
potential value untapped. The largest gains result from the optimization of processes,
organizational structures, and information flows. The complexity of managing the business
technology function and increasing demands of an ever-evolving business climate require
more information transparency and operational synchronization than basic computing
tasks can provide. The appropriate use of technology should not only ease the development
Technology Management and reporting of information needed to fuel management processes across the organization,
but also to achieve consistent horizontal and vertical management integration.
Users of the AHP first decompose their decision problem into a hierarchy of more easily Analytic Hierarchy Method
comprehended sub-problems, each of which can be analyzed independently. The elements
of the hierarchy can relate to any aspect of the decision problemtangible or intangible,
carefully measured or roughly estimated, well- or poorly-understoodanything at all
that applies to the decision at hand.
Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically evaluate its various elements
by comparing them to one another two at a time. In making the comparisons, the decision
makers can use concrete data about the elements, or they can use their judgments about
the elements relative meaning and importance. It is the essence of the AHP that human
judgments, and not just the underlying information, can be used in performing the
The AHP converts these evaluations to numerical values that can be processed and
compared over the entire range of the problem. A numerical weight or priority is derived
for each element of the hierarchy, allowing diverse and often incommensurable elements
to be compared to one another in a rational and consistent way. This capability distinguishes
the AHP from other decision making techniques.
In the final step of the process, numerical priorities are calculated for each of the decision
alternatives. These numbers represent the alternatives relative ability to achieve the
decision goal, so they allow a straightforward consideration of the various courses of
6.2.1 Uses and Applications of AHP
While it can be used by individuals working on straightforward decisions, the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) is most useful where teams of people are working on complex
problems, especially those with high stakes, involving human perceptions and judgments,
whose resolutions have long-term repercussions. It has unique advantages when
important elements of the decision are difficult to quantify or compare, or where
communication among team members is impeded by their different specializations,
terminologies, or perspectives.
Decision situations to which the AHP can be applied include:
l Choice: The selection of one alternative from a given set of alternatives, usually
where there are multiple decision criteria involved.
l Ranking: Putting a set of alternatives in order from most to least desirable
l Prioritization: Determining the relative merit of members of a set of alternatives,
as opposed to selecting a single one or merely ranking them
l Resource allocation: Apportioning resources among a set of alternatives
l Benchmarking: Comparing the processes in ones own organization with those of
other best-of-breed organizations
l Quality management: Dealing with the multidimensional aspects of quality and
quality improvement
The applications of AHP to complex decision situations have numbered in the thousands,
and have produced extensive results in problems involving planning, resource allocation,
Technology Management priority setting, and selection among alternatives. Other areas have included forecasting,
total quality management, business process re-engineering, quality function deployment,
and the Balanced Scorecard. Many AHP applications are never reported to the world at
large, because they take place at high levels of large organizations where security and
privacy considerations prohibit their disclosure. But some uses of AHP are discussed in
the literature. Recently these have included:
l Deciding how best to reduce the impact of global climate change (Fondazione
Eni Enrico Mattei)
l Quantifying the overall quality of software systems (Microsoft Corporation)
l Selecting university faculty (Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania)
l Deciding where to locate offshore manufacturing plants (University of Cambridge)
l Assessing risk in operating cross-country petroleum pipelines (American Society
of Civil Engineers)
l Deciding how best to manage U.S. watersheds (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
AHP is sometimes used in designing highly specific procedures for particular situations,
such as the rating of buildings by historic significance. It was recently applied to a project
that uses video footage to assess the condition of highways in Virginia. Highway engineers
first used it to determine the optimum scope of the project, then to justify its budget to
Using AHP in Education and Scholarly Research
Though using the Analytic Hierarchy Process requires no specialized academic training,
it is considered an important subject in many institutions of higher learning, including
schools of engineering and graduate schools of business. It is a particularly important
subject in the quality field, and is taught in many specialized courses including Six Sigma,
Lean Six Sigma, and QFD.
Nearly a hundred Chinese universities offer courses in AHP, and many doctoral students
choose AHP as the subject of their research and dissertations. Over 900 papers have
been published on the subject in China, and there is at least one Chinese scholarly journal
devoted exclusively to AHP.
The International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP) holds biennial
meetings of academics and practitioners interested in the field. At its 2007 meeting in
Valparaiso, Chile, over 90 papers were presented from 19 countries, including the U.S.,
Germany, Japan, Chile, Malaysia, and Nepal. Topics covered ranged from Establishing
Payment Standards for Surgical Specialists, to Strategic Technology Roadmapping,
to Infrastructure Reconstruction in Devastated Countries.
6.2.2 The Procedure for using the AHP
A typical device for entering judgments in an AHP group decision making session.
As can be seen in the material that follows, using the AHP involves the mathematical
synthesis of numerous judgments about the decision problem at hand. It is not uncommon
for these judgments to number in the dozens or even the hundreds. While the math can
be done by hand or with a calculator, it is far more common to use one of several
computerized methods for entering and synthesizing the judgments. The simplest of these
involve standard spreadsheet software, while the most complex use custom software, Analytic Hierarchy Method
often augmented by special devices for acquiring the judgments of decision makers
gathered in a meeting room.
Factor Priority
Purchase Price 0.246
Safety 0.237
Passenger Capacity 0.181
Fuel Costs 0.127
Resale Value 0.081
Maintenance Costs 0.050
Style 0.042
Cargo Capacity 0.036
The next step is to evaluate each of the cars with respect to these factors. In the technical
language of AHP, we will pairwise compare the alternatives with respect to their covering
4. Comparing Alternatives
The family can evaluate alternatives against their covering criteria in any order they
choose. In this case, they choose the order of decreasing priority of the covering criteria.
That means Purchase Price first.
(i) Purchase Price
The family has established a budget of $25,000 for buying the new car, but they are
willing to consider alternatives whose price exceeds their budget. To refresh your mind,
here are the six cars they are consideringin AHP terminology, the six alternatives
along with their purchase prices:
The Jones Familys alternatives, with purchase prices.
Knowing that they will have a lot of pairwise comparisons to make, the family prepared
this worksheet to help them. It shows comparative information about the price and budget
status of each pair of cars:
The Jones familys purchase price worksheet: Now, what do they do?
Technology Management First they might compare the purchase price of the Accord Sedan to that of the Accord
Hybrid. If they stick purely to arithmetic, they could say that the Sedan is favored by 1.5,
since the Hybrids price is about 1.5 times that of the Sedan, and a lower price is better.
They could follow that pattern through all 15 of the comparisons, and it would give a
mathematically consistent set of comparisons.
But merely entering the numbers wouldnt take into account things like the $25,000
budget, or the value to the family of saving, say, $5,000 vs. $1,000 on a purchase. Things
like that can be highly important in making decisions, and their importance can vary
greatly with the situation and the people involved. Some families might never want to
exceed their budget. Others might be willing to exceed it by a few dollars or a few
percent, but very unwilling to go further. Still others might not care much if they spend
double their budget on the car. Because the AHP allows decision makers to enter their
judgments about the data, rather than just the data themselves, it can deal with all these
situations and more.
Lets say that the Jones family is willing to exceed their budget by up to $1,000, but
anything more is unacceptable. They never say never, howeverbudget-busting cars
will score as low as possible on purchase price, but wont be removed from the list of
alternatives. And for cars priced under budget, a $1,000 difference in price doesnt
matter much to the Joneses, but a $5,000 difference is strongly important, and a $10,000
difference is extreme. They might enter the following intensities into the AHP software
(throughout this example, the judgments of decision makers are shaded in green):
Purchase price judgments entered by the Jones family, with the rationale for their
choices. From the Fundamental Scale, 1 expresses that A and B are equally preferred, 3
that A is moderately preferred to B, 5 that A is strongly preferred, 7 that A is very
strongly preferred, and 9 that A is extremely preferred to B. Intensities 2, 4, 6, and 8
express intermediate values.
You can follow the familys thinking by looking at the rationale for each judgment.
Whenever a car that is under budget is compared with one that is over budget by more
than $1,000, the former is extremely preferred. For cars under budget, a $1,000 less
expensive car is slightly preferred, a $5,000 one is strongly preferred, and a $6,000 one
is even more strongly preferred. When both cars are well over budget (comparison #6),
they are equally preferred, which is to say they are equally undesirable. Because budget
status and absolute price difference are enough to make each comparison, the ratio of
prices never enters into the judgments.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Purchase Price:
Table 6.2: Priorities Regarding Purchase Price
The local priorities show how much the safety of each model contributes to the Criterion
of Safety. The global priorities show how much the Safety of each model contributes to
the overall goal of choosing the best car for the Jones family.
(iii) Passenger Capacity
This characteristic is easy to evaluate. The alternatives can carry either four or five or
eight passengers. Here are the figures:
Passenger Capacity of the Jones familys alternatives.
The family has decided that four is barely enough, five is perfect for their needs, and
eight is just a little bit better than five. Here are their judgments:
Passenger Capacity judgments entered by the Jones family: The rationale is that
four passengers is barely enough, five is perfect for their needs, and eight is just a little
bit better than five.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Passenger Capacity:
Table 6.4: Priorities Regarding Passenger Capacity
The local priorities show how much the passenger capacity of each model contributes to Analytic Hierarchy Method
the Subcriterion of Passenger Capacity. The global priorities show how much the passenger
capacity of each model contributes to the overall goal of choosing the best car for the
Jones family.
(iv) Fuel Costs
After careful consideration, the Jones family believes that no matter which car they buy,
they will drive it the same number of miles per year. In other words, there is nothing
about any of the alternatives, including the price of fuel or the cars fuel consumption per
mile, that would cause it to be driven more or fewer miles than any other alternative.
They also believe that the government MPG rating is an accurate basis on which to
compare the fuel consumption of the cars. Here is a worksheet showing the government
MPG ratings of the Jones family alternatives:
Fuel consumption figures for the Jones familys alternatives.
They believe, therefore, that the fuel cost of any alternative vs. any other depends
exclusively on the MPG ratings of the two cars. So the pairwise judgments they enter
for any two cars will be inversely proportional to their MPG ratings. In other words, if
car A has exactly twice the MPG rating of car B, the Fuel Cost for car B will be exactly
twice that of car A. This table shows the judgments they will enter for all the comparisons:
Fuel Cost judgments entered by the Jones family: Judgments are inversely proportional
to the MPG ratings of the cars being compared.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Fuel Cost:
Table 6.5: Priorities Regarding Fuel Cost
The local priorities show how much the fuel cost of each model contributes to the
subcriterion of Fuel Costs. The global priorities show how much the fuel cost of each
model contributes to the overall goal of choosing the best car for the Jones family.
(v) Resale Value
When the family researched Resale Value, they learned that lending institutions keep
statistics on the market value of different models after various time periods. These
estimated residual values are used for leasing, and are typically based on a limit of
12,000 miles (19,000 km) driven per year. Actual residual values depend on the condition
of the car, and can vary with market conditions.
Technology Management The Joneses are going to buy their car, not lease it, and they expect to drive it more than
12,000 miles per year, but they agree among themselves that the leasing figures are a
good basis on which to compare the alternatives under consideration. Their bank gave
them this table showing the residual value of each alternative after four years and
48,000 miles (77,000 km):
Four-year residual values: A value of 0.52 means that this model is worth 52% of its
original price.
As they look at the table of residual values, they see that the residual value of a CR-V is
25% higher than that of a Pilot (0.55 is 125% of 0.44). They reason that such a greatly
higher residual value is an indication of a better or more desirable car, so they want to
place a premium on cars with relatively high residual value. After some thought and
discussion, they decide that, when comparing residual values, they want to look at the
higher one as a percentage of the lower, and assign their intensities on that basis. Where
one model has a residual value that is less than 105% of another, they consider the
residual values as equal for all practical purposes. Where one model has a residual value
that is 125% of the residual value of another, they consider the former model as quite
strongly more important, desirable, valuable, etc., as indicated by its much higher resale
value. With a bit more thought and discussion, they decide to make their judgments on
this basis:
The Jones rationale for comparing residual values: It is based on the higher residual
value as a percentage of the lower one.
They realize that not every family would do it this way, but this way seems best for them.
This table shows the judgments they will enter for their Resale Value comparisons:
Resale Value comparisons entered by the Jones family: They are based on the
rationale shown above.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Resale Value:
Table 6.6: Priorities Regarding Resale Value
The local priorities show how much the resale value of each model contributes to the
Subcriterion of Resale Value. The global priorities show how much the resale value of
each model contributes to the overall goal of choosing the best car for the Jones family.
(vi) Maintenance Costs
The Jones family researched maintenance costs for the cars under consideration, but
they didnt find any hard figures. The closest they got was Consumer Reports magazine,
which publishes 17 separate maintenance ratings for every car on the market. Their
Hondas ranked very well, with all ratings Much Better Than Average, except for a Analytic Hierarchy Method
few on the Pilot and Odyssey. The Pilot got Better Than Average for its audio system
and the user rating, and Average for body integrity. The Odyssey got Better Than
Average for body hardware and power equipment, and Average for brakes, body
integrity, and user rating.
The Joneses also asked their favorite mechanic to evaluate the maintenance costs for
their six cars. Using tire prices and mileage estimates, he came up with figures for tire
costs over 60,000 miles (97,000 km) of driving. He didnt have figures for brake costs,
but he said theyd be about twice as much for the SUVs and minivans as they would for
the sedans. He also cautioned them that the battery in the Accord Hybrid was an expensive
repair item, and that the engine placement on the Odyssey made it a more expensive car
to work on.
The family created this worksheet to keep track of all their information about maintenance
Jones family worksheet for Maintenance Costs: Plus signs indicate good maintenance
history; the more plus signs, the lower the maintenance costs.
Even though every column on the worksheet contains a different type of information, the
Joneses can use it to make reasonable, rational judgments about Maintenance Costs.
Here are the judgments they will enter:
Maintenance Cost judgments entered by the Jones family: From the Fundamental
Scale, 1 means that A and B are equally preferred, 3 that A is moderately preferred, and
5 that A is strongly preferred. Intermediate numbers express intermediate preferences.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Maintenance Costs:
Table 6.7: Priorities Regarding Maintenance Costs
The local priorities show how much the projected maintenance cost of each model
contributes to the subcriterion of Maintenance Costs. The global priorities show how
much the maintenance cost of each model contributes to the overall goal of choosing the
best car for the Jones family.
(vii) Style
The family decided that Style is important to them, but how can they determine the
style of each of the six alternatives? Style is a pretty subjective conceptit can
truly be said that style is in the eye of the beholder. Yet through the method of pairwise
comparison, the AHP gives the Jones family a way to evaluate the style of the cars
they are considering. 145
Technology Management Hondas web site provides photos of each of the alternatives. It also has videos,
commercials, rotatable 360 views, color chips, and more, all available to help family
members evaluate the Style of each car. The family can compare their alternatives two-
by-two on Style, using the tools on the web site to help them make their judgments. They
did just that, and here is the record of their judgments:
Style judgments entered by the Jones family: The family looked at each pair of cars
as shown in detail on a web site, decided which of the two they preferred, then entered
the intensity of their preference according to the Fundamental Scale.
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following
local priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Style:
The local priorities show how much the style of each model contributes to the Style
Criterion. The global priorities show how much the Style of each model contributes to
the overall goal of choosing the best car for the Jones family.
Table 6.8: Priorities Regarding Style
When the judgments shown above are entered, the AHP software returns the following Analytic Hierarchy Method
local priorities for the six alternatives with respect to Cargo Capacity:
Table 6.9: Priorities Regarding Cargo Capacity
The local priorities show how much the cargo capacity of each model contributes to the
subcriterion of Cargo Capacity. The global priorities show how much the cargo capacity
of each model contributes to the overall goal of choosing the best car for the Jones
Make the Decision
In the end, the AHP software arranges and totals the global priorities for each of the
alternatives. Their grand total is 1.000, which is identical to the priority of the goal. Each
alternative has a global priority corresponding to its fit to all the familys judgments
about all those aspects of Cost, Safety, Style and Capacity. Here is a summary of the
global priorities of the alternatives:
Global priorities for the Jones family car buying decision: Note that the priorities for
each group of children total that of their parent.
The Odyssey Minivan, with a global priority of 0.220, is the alternative that contributes
the most to the goal of choosing the best car for the Jones family. The Accord Sedan is
a close second, with a priority of 0.213. The other models have considerably less priority
than those two. In descending order, they are CR-V SUV, Accord Hybrid, Element
SUV, and Pilot SUV.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process has shown the Joneses that the Odyssey Minivan best
satisfies all their criteria and judgments, followed closely by the Accord Sedan. The
other alternatives fall significantly short of meeting their criteria. The familys next step
is up to them. They might just go out and buy an Odyssey, or they might use the AHP or
other means to refine their decision between the Odyssey and the Accord Sedan.
6.2.3 Criticisms of AHP
The AHP is now included in most operations research and management science textbooks,
and is taught in numerous universities; it is used extensively in organizations that have
carefully investigated its theoretical underpinnings. While the general consensus is that it
is both technically valid and practically useful, the method does have its critics.
In the early 1990s a series of debates between critics and proponents of AHP was
published in Management Science and The Journal of the Operational Research
Society. These debates seem to have been settled in favor of AHP:
Technology Management l An in-depth paper discussing and rebutting the academic criticisms of AHP was
published in Operations Research in 2001.
l A 2008 Management Science paper reviewing 15 years of progress in all areas of
Multi-criteria Decision Making showed that AHP publications have far outnumbered
those in any other area, characterizing their growth as enormous.
l Also in 2008, the major international society for operations research and the
management sciences formally recognized AHPs broad impact on its fields.
Occasional criticisms still appear. A 1997 paper examined possible flaws in the verbal
(vs. numerical) scale often used in AHP pairwise comparisons. Another from the same
year claimed that innocuous changes to the AHP model can introduce order where no
order exists. A 2006 paper found that the addition of criteria for which all alternatives
perform equally can alter the priorities of alternatives.
Most of the criticisms involve a phenomenon called rank reversal, discussed in the
following section.
Rank Reversal
Many people hear about rank reversal and assume that there is some sort of proven
principle about it that needs to be upheld in making decisions. That assumption has led to
much misunderstanding of AHP and other decision making techniques. In actuality, rank
reversal is a complex matter about which there are many conflicting ideas and opinions.
This section offers a simplified explanation of the situation.
Decision making involves ranking alternatives in terms of criteria or attributes of those
alternatives. It is an axiom of some decision theories that when new alternatives are
added to a decision problem, the ranking of the old alternatives must not change. But in
the real world, adding new alternatives CAN change the rank of the old ones. These
rank reversals do not occur often, but the possibility of their occurrence has substantial
logical implications about the methodology used to make decisions, the underlying
assumptions of various decision theories, etc.
A simple example will demonstrate the phenomenon of rank reversal:
Consider a pretty girl in a small town. Shes having a party next week, and she wants to
buy a dress that will impress her guests. She visits the towns only dress store and goes
to the rack of party dresses. There are five such dresses, and after long consideration
she ranks them by desirability as follows:
Table 6.10: Rank Reversal
Now imagine that she enters the back room and sees the stores entire inventory of
dresses. The dresses she has looked at in Styles B, C, and D are the only ones of their
kind, but there are four more Style A dresses in green and eight more Style A dresses in Analytic Hierarchy Method
blue. In the language of decision science, these dresses are copies of the existing
alternatives. In our one-store small town scenario, theres a reasonable chance that one
or more party guests would buy and wear one of the copies.
When made aware of these new alternatives, our fashion-conscious girl might rank her
choices in a different order. Considering her great embarrassment if a guest were to
wear the same dress that she did, she might rank her choices like this:
Table 6.11: Change in Rank of Choice
Notice that the rankings of the two Style A dresses have reversed (since there are more
copies of the blue dress than of the green one). Not only that, but Style A has gone from
the most preferred style to the least preferred. Rank reversal has occurred. Axioms of
decision theories have been violated. Scholars and researchers can cry foul, or impugn
the method by which the girl has made her choice, but there is no denying that in the
world of our example, ranks have been reversed. There is no doubt that the reversal is
due to the introduction of additional alternatives that are no different from the existing
The above is but one example of rank reversal. Rank reversal can also occur when
additional alternatives are added/removed that are not copies of the original alternatives
(e.g., red and yellow dresses in completely different styles). Another example of rank
reversal occurred in the 2000 U.S. presidential election. Ralph Nader was an irrelevant
alternative, in that he was dominated by both the Democrat and Republican candidates.
However, since he attracted more votes from those who would have voted Democrat
rather than Republican, his presence caused the ranks to reverse. Put another way, if
Nader were not in the race, it is widely accepted that Al Gore would have won.
There are two schools of thought about rank reversal. One maintains that new alternatives
that introduce no additional attributes should not cause rank reversal under any
circumstances. The other maintains that there are both situations in which rank reversal
is not reasonable as well as situations where they are to be expected. The current
version of the AHP can accommodate both these schools its Ideal Mode preserves
rank, while its Distributive Mode allows the ranks to change. Either mode is selected
according to the problem at hand.
Rank reversal and the ideal alternative are extensively discussed in the previously-
mentioned Operations Research paper as well as a chapter entitled Rank Preservation
and Reversal, in the current basic book on AHP. The latter presents published examples
of rank reversal due to adding copies and near copies of an alternative, due to intransitivity
of decision rules, due to adding phantom and decoy alternatives, and due to the switching
phenomenon in utility functions. It also discusses the Distributive and Ideal Modes of the
Technology Management 6.2.4 Softwares of AHP
Expert Choice Software
Expert Choice 2000 is built especially around the AHP because of this methodology is
involved in the application development. After the user has decided about the structure
of his decision, he has to compare all listed alternatives in respect to every lowest criterion
and all criterion in respect to their including top criterion. All gathered data is used as
expert choice software input and entered to this software. After input proceed is done,
all processing and calculation is completed by software, the output of this software is
Sensitivity Analysis Software
Sensitivity analysis is used to investigate the sensitivity of the alternatives to change in
the priorities of the criteria. The same comparison is true for alternatives. This software
offers a dynamic sensitivity analysis also which includes four different graphs. Nowadays
technology has a critical role at national development and other key core competency of
any country. Each country depends on technology level and R&D capability, can create
technologies nationally or acquire it from other foreign pioneer via technology transfer.
If TT is selected for technology acquisition, all steps of TT process required to be done
successfully. One of the most important steps is technology source selection which has
to be followed correctly. If the transferee failed at this phase, TT fails and technology
will not be accessed correctly or completely.
Jet Airways
A company that wants to get the most out of its technology must plan carefully to realise
the full market value of that technology at all stages of its Technology Life Cycle (TLC)
evolution. The TLC model generally identifies the various phases that product technologies
go through during their lifetimes. 153
Technology Management (a) Technology Development: This stage begins long before any production, when
research shows a potentially valuable technology. Since everything is in an embryonic
stage, the major focus will be on whether further development of technology should
take place. Normally, development takes place if (Ford and Ryan, 1981):
Penetration of
Low point
Technology development
Technology application
Application launch
Application growth
Technology maturity
Degraded technology
Stages of development
l Bajaj Auto puts product-development costs into departmental budgets to keep them
in check.
l Larsen & Turbo maintains a CAD database so as to not design every new product
from scratch.
l Marico gets every function involved in the design process to anticipate downstream
l Titan Industries ensures that marketing inputs go into design to reduce the chances
of rejection.
7.0 Aims and Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Technology Transfer
7.3 Technology Acquisition
7.4 Implications of Uruguay Round, and WTO
7.5 Bargaining Process
7.6 Transfer Opinion
7.7 MOU
7.8 Let Us Sum Up
7.9 Key Terms
7.10 Test Questions
7.11 Suggested Readings
The concept of technology transfer is not new. In the thirteen century Marco Polo
helped introduce to the Western world Chinese inventions such as the compass,
papermaking, printing, and the use of coal for fuel. In Islamic countries, knowledge of
the technology of manufacturing paper came in AD 751 following a battle between Arab
and Chinese forces in which the Chinese were defeated.
The Arab captured skilled Chinese paper manufacturers and began to produce a paper
in Samarkand. Technology transfer is infact the translocation of innovations arising in
one firm or country to others. In technology transfer, knowledge passes from the innovator
to one or more recipient, who thus avoids the need to conduct independent research, or
to develop projects, or to test and evaluate the outcomes of research.
Technology Management Technology transfer is the application of technology to a new use or user. It is the
process by which technology developed for one purpose is employed either in a different
application or by a new user. The activity principally involves the increased utilisation of
the existing science/technology base in new areas of applications as opposed to its
expansion by means of further research and development. (Languish et al, 1982, Wealth
from knowledge, Macmillan, London)
Seaton and Cordey-Hayes (1993), The development and application of interactive models
of technology transfer, Technovation, 13(1), 45-53 have defined technology transfer in
following manner:
The process of promoting technical innovation through the transfer of ideas, knowledge,
devices and artefacts from leading edge companies, R&D organizations and academic
research to more general and effective application in industry and commerce.
Point to Point technology transfer occurs when a single donor transfers technology to a
single recipient, e.g., firm to firm or from one research institute to another. Diffusion
conversely refers to the situation where there are many recipients, all having easy access
to technology.
Technology Management
7.4.1 Uruguay Round
The Uruguay Round was the 8th round of multilateral trade negotiations (MTN) conducted
within the framework of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), spanning
from 1986-1993 and embracing 110 countries as "contracting parties". The Round
transformed the GATT into the World Trade Organization.
The Round came into effect in 1995 and has been implemented over the period to 2000
(2004 in the case of developing country contracting parties) under the administrative
direction of the newly created World Trade Organization (WTO). The Uruguay Round
Agreement on Agriculture, administered by the WTO, brings agricultural trade more
fully under the GATT. It provides for converting quantitative restrictions to tariffs and
for a phased reduction of tariffs. The agreement also imposes rules and disciplines on
agricultural export subsidies, domestic subsidies, and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)
It took seven and a half years, almost twice the original schedule. By the end, 123
countries were taking part. It covered almost all trade, from toothbrushes to pleasure
boats, from banking to telecommunications, from the genes of wild rice to AIDS
treatments. It was quite simply the largest trade negotiation ever, and most probably the
largest negotiation of any kind in history. At times it seemed doomed to fail. But in the
end, the Uruguay Round brought about the biggest reform of the world's trading system
since GATT was created at the end of the Second World War. And yet, despite its
troubled progress, the Uruguay Round did see some early results. Within only two years,
participants had agreed on a package of cuts in import duties on tropical products -
which are mainly exported by developing countries. They had also revised the rules for
settling disputes, with some measures implemented on the spot. And they called for
regular reports on GATT members' trade policies, a move considered important for
making trade regimes transparent around the world.
The Seeds of the Uruguay Round
The seeds of the Uruguay Round were sown in November 1982 at a ministerial meeting
of GATT members in Geneva. Although the ministers intended to launch a major new
negotiation, the conference stalled on agriculture and was widely regarded as a failure.
In fact, the work programme that the ministers agreed formed the basis for what was to
become the Uruguay Round negotiating agenda.
Nevertheless, it took four more years of exploring, clarifying issues and painstaking
consensus-building, before ministers agreed to launch the new round. They did so in
September 1986, in Punta del Este, Uruguay. They eventually accepted a negotiating
agenda that covered virtually every outstanding trade policy issue. The talks were going
to extend the trading system into several new areas, notably trade in services and
intellectual property, and to reform trade in the sensitive sectors of agriculture and textiles.
All the original GATT articles were up for review. It was the biggest negotiating mandate
on trade ever agreed, and the ministers gave themselves four years to complete it.
Two years later, in December 1988, ministers met again in Montreal, Canada, for what
was supposed to be an assessment of progress at the round's half-way point. The purpose
was to clarify the agenda for the remaining two years, but the talks ended in a deadlock
that was not resolved until officials met more quietly in Geneva the following April.
Trade Policy Review Mechanism Technology Transfer and
Despite the difficulty, during the Montreal meeting, ministers did agree a package of
early results. These included some concessions on market access for tropical products -
aimed at assisting developing countries - as well as a streamlined dispute settlement
system, and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism which provided for the first
comprehensive, systematic and regular reviews of national trade policies and practices
of GATT members. The round was supposed to end when ministers met once more in
Brussels, in December 1990. But they disagreed on how to reform agricultural trade and
decided to extend the talks. The Uruguay Round entered its bleakest period.
Despite the poor political outlook, a considerable amount of technical work continued,
leading to the first draft of a final legal agreement. This draft "Final Act" was compiled
by the then GATT director-general, Arthur Dunkel, who chaired the negotiations at officials'
level. It was put on the table in Geneva in December 1991. The text fulfilled every part
of the Punta del Este mandate, with one exception - it did not contain the participating
countries' lists of commitments for cutting import duties and opening their services markets.
The draft became the basis for the final agreement.
Over the following two years, the negotiations lurched between impending failure, to
predictions of imminent success. Several deadlines came and went. New points of major
conflict emerged to join agriculture: services, market access, anti-dumping rules, and the
proposed creation of a new institution. Differences between the United States and
European Union became central to hopes for a final, successful conclusion.
Blair House Accord
In November 1992, the US and EU settled most of their differences on agriculture in a
deal known informally as the "Blair House accord". By July 1993 the "Quad" (US, EU,
Japan and Canada) announced significant progress in negotiations on tariffs and related
subjects ("market access"). It took until 15 December 1993 for every issue to be finally
resolved and for negotiations on market access for goods and services to be concluded
(although some final touches were completed in talks on market access a few weeks
later). On 15 April 1994, the deal was signed by ministers from most of the 123 participating
governments at a meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco.
The delay had some merits. It allowed some negotiations to progress further than would
have been possible in 1990: for example, some aspects of services and intellectual property,
and the creation of the WTO itself. But the task had been immense, and negotiation-
fatigue was felt in trade bureaucracies around the world. The difficulty of reaching
agreement on a complete package containing almost the entire range of current trade
issues led some to conclude that a negotiation on this scale would never again be possible.
Yet, the Uruguay Round agreements contain timetables for new negotiations on a number
of topics. And by 1996, some countries were openly calling for a new round early in the
next century. The response was mixed; but the Marrakesh agreement did already include
commitments to reopen negotiations on agriculture and services at the turn of the century.
These began in early 2000 and were incorporated into the Doha Development Agenda in
late 2001.
7.4.2 What Happened to GATT
The WTO replaced GATT as an international organization, but the General Agreement
still exists as the WTO's umbrella treaty for trade in goods, updated as a result of the
Uruguay Round negotiations. Trade lawyers distinguish between GATT 1994, the updated
Technology Management parts of GATT, and GATT 1947, the original agreement which is still the heart of GATT
1994. Confusing? For most of us, it's enough to refer simply to "GATT".
The Post-Uruguay Round built-in Agenda
Many of the Uruguay Round agreements set timetables for future work. Part of this
"built-in agenda" started almost immediately. In some areas, it included new or further
negotiations. In other areas, it included assessments or reviews of the situation at specified
times. Some negotiations were quickly completed, notably in basic telecommunications,
financial services. (Member governments also swiftly agreed a deal for freer trade in
information technology products, an issue outside the "built-in agenda".)
The agenda originally built into the Uruguay Round agreements has seen additions and
modifications. A number of items are now part of the Doha Agenda, some of them updated.
There were well over 30 items in the original built-in agenda. This is a selection of
l Maritime services: market access negotiations to end (30 June 1996, suspended to
2000, now part of Doha Development Agenda)
l Services and environment: deadline for working party report (ministerial conference,
December 1996)
l Government procurement of services: negotiations start
l Basic telecoms: negotiations end (15 February)
l Financial services: negotiations end (30 December)
l Intellectual property, creating a multilateral system of notification and registration
of geographical indications for wines: negotiations start, now part of Doha
Development Agenda
l Textiles and clothing: new phase begins 1 January
l Services (emergency safeguards): results of negotiations on emergency safeguards
to take effect (by 1 January 1998, deadline now March 2004)
l Rules of origin: Work programme on harmonization of rules of origin to be completed
(20 July 1998)
l Government procurement: further negotiations start, for improving rules and
procedures (by end of 1998)
l Dispute settlement: full review of rules and procedures (to start by end of 1998)
l Intellectual property: certain exceptions to patentability and protection of plant
varieties: review starts
174 l Agriculture: negotiations start, now part of Doha Development Agenda
l Services: new round of negotiations start, now part of Doha Development Agenda Technology Transfer and
l Tariff bindings: review of definition of "principle supplier" having negotiating rights
under GATT Art 28 on modifying bindings
l Intellectual property: first of two-yearly reviews of the implementation of the
agreement 2002
l Textiles and clothing: new phase begins 1 January
l Textiles and clothing: full integration into GATT and agreement expires 1 January
7.4.3 WTO
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) superseded the General Agreement on Trade &
Tariff (GATT) on January 1st, 1995. It is an international, multilateral organisation which
sets the rules for the global trading system and resolves disputes between its member
states, all of whom are signatories to its various agreements.
WTO headquarters is located on Rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland.
Pascal Lamy is the current Director-General, taking over from the previous Director-
General Supachai Panitchpakdi on September 1, 2005. He is the fifth Director-General
of the WTO. His appointment is for a four-year term. Dr Harsha Vardhana Singh is the
Deputy Director General of WTO. It had 151 members as on 27 July 2007. All WTO
members are required to grant one another most favoured nation status, such that (with
some exceptions) trade concessions granted by a WTO member to another country
must be granted to all WTO members (WTO, 2004c). Hitherto, it has proved both boon
and bane to several countries. WTO has been a major target for protests by the anti-
globalisation movement since its inception in 1995.
World War Two saw many political and economic changes. The Bretton Woods
Conference held in 1944 proposed the creation of an International Trade Organisation
(ITO). The objective of ITO was to establish rules and regulations for trade between
countries. The ITO charter was agreed at the UN Conference on Trade and Employment
in Havana in March 1948. It was, however, blocked by the U.S. Senate (WTO, 2004b)1.
As per some historians, the failure may have resulted from fears within the American
business community. They thought that the International Trade Organisation could be
used to regulate, rather than liberate, big business (Mira Wilkins, 19972).
Notwithstanding, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) survived - It was
the only element of the ITO to have survived. Seven rounds of negotiations occurred
under GATT before the eighth round the Uruguay Round concluded in 1995 with the
establishment of the WTO which replaced GATT. The GATT principles and agreements
were adopted by the WTO, which was charged with administering and extending them.
Unlike the GATT, the WTO has a substantial institutional structure.
The WTO aims to encourage smooth and free trade by promoting lowering of trade
barriers and providing a platform for the negotiation of trade and to resolve disputes
between member nations, when they arise. The goal is to help producers of goods and
services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.
Technology Management Principles of the Trading System
Trade rather than Aid has been the slogan of WTO for development. In pursuance
thereof WTO follows these fundamental principles of trading:
1. A trading system should be discrimination-free in a sense that a country cannot
favour another country or discriminate against foreign products or services.
2. A trading system should be free where there should be little trade barriers (tariffs
and non-tariff barriers).
3. A trading system should be predictable where foreign companies and governments
can be sure that trade barriers would not be raised and markets will remain open.
4. A trading system should be more competitive.
5. A trading system should be more accommodating for less developed countries,
giving them more time to adjust, greater flexibility, and more privileges.
All WTO members may participate in all councils, committees, etc., except Appellate
Body, Dispute Settlement panels, and plurilateral committees.
Highest level: Ministerial Conference
The topmost decision-making body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which
has to meet at least every two years. It brings together all members of the WTO, all of
which are countries or customs unions. The Ministerial Conference can take decisions
on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements.
Second Level: General Council
The daily work of the ministerial conference is handled by three groups The General
Council, The Dispute Settlement Body and The Trade Policy Review Body.
1. The General Council: The WTOs highest-level decision-making body in Geneva,
meets regularly to carry out the functions of the WTO. It has representatives
(usually ambassadors or equivalent) from all member governments and has the
authority to act on behalf of the ministerial conference which only meets about
every two years. The council acts on behalf of the Ministerial Council on all WTO
2. The Dispute Settlement Body: Made up of all member governments, usually
represented by ambassadors or equivalent.
3. The Trade Policy Review Body (TPRB): The WTO General Council meets as
the Trade Policy Review Body to undertake trade policy reviews of Members
under the TRPM. The TPRB is thus open to all WTO Members.
Third Level: Councils for Trade
The Councils for Trade work under the General Council. There are three councils -
Council for Trade in Goods, Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights, and Council for Trade in Services - each council works in different fields. Apart
from these three councils, six other bodies report to the General Council, reporting on
issues such as trade and development, the environment, regional trading arrangements
and administrative issues.
1. Council for Trade in Goods: The workings of the General Agreement on Tariffs Technology Transfer and
and Trade (GATT), which covers international trade in goods, are the responsibility
of the Council for Trade in Goods. It is made up of representatives from all WTO
member countries.
2. Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS):
Information on intellectual property in the WTO, news and official records of the
activities of the TRIPS Council, and details of the WTOs work with other
international organisations in the field.
3. Council for Trade in Services: The Council for Trade in Services operates under
the guidance of the General Council and is responsible for overseeing the functioning
of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Its open to all WTO
members, and can create subsidiary bodies as required.
Fourth Level: Subsidiary Bodies
There are subsidiary bodies under each of the three councils.
1. The Goods Council: Subsidiary under the Council for Trade in Goods. It has 11
committees consisting of all member countries, dealing with specific subjects such
as agriculture, market access, subsidies, anti-dumping measures and so on.
Committees include the following:
v Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Committee
v State Trading Enterprises
v Textiles Monitoring Body - Consists of a chairman and 10 members acting
under it
v Groups dealing with notifications - process by which governments inform the
WTO about new policies and measures in their countries.
2. The Services Council: This is a subsidiary under the Council for Trade in Services
which deals with financial services, domestic regulations and other specific
3. Dispute Settlement panels and Appellate Body: This is a subsidiary under the
Dispute Settlement Body to resolve disputes and the Appellate Body to deal with
Other Committees
l Committees on:
v Trade and Environment
v Trade and Development (Subcommittee on Least-Developed Countries)
v Regional Trade Agreements
v Balance of Payments Restrictions
v Budget, Finance and Administration
l Working parties on
v Accession 177
Technology Management l Working groups on
v Trade, debt and finance
v Trade and technology transfer
v Trade negotiations
While most international organisations operate on a one country, one vote or even a
weighted voting basis, many WTO decisions, such as adopting agreements (and revisions
to them) are officially determined by consensus of all member states. The advantage of
consensus decision-making is that it encourages efforts to find the most widely acceptable
decision. Main disadvantages include large time requirements and many rounds of
negotiation to develop a consensus decision, and the tendency for final agreements to
use ambiguous language on contentious points that make future interpretation of treaties
In reality, WTO negotiations proceed not by consensus of all members, but by a process
of informal negotiations between small groups of countries. Such negotiations are often
called Green Room negotiations (after the colour of the WTO Director-Generals
Office in Geneva), or Mini-Ministerials, when they occur in other countries. These
processes have been regularly criticised by many of the WTOs developing country
members which are often totally excluded from the negotiations.
Richard Steinberg (2002)3 argues that although the WTOs consensus governance model
provides law-based initial bargaining, trading rounds close through power-based bargaining,
favouring Europe and the United States, and may not lead to Pareto improvement. The
most notable recent failures of consensus, at the Ministerial meetings at Seattle (1999)
and Cancn (2003), were due to the refusal of some developing countries to accept
The WTO began the current round of negotiations, the Doha round, at the Fourth
Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar in November 2001. The talks have been highly
contentious and agreement has not been reached, despite continuing talks at Fifth
Ministerial Conference in Cancn in 2003 and at the Sixth Ministerial Conference in
Hong Kong on December 13 - December 18, 2005.
Dispute Resolution
Apart from hosting negotiations on trade rules, the WTO also acts as an arbiter of
disputes between member states over its rules. Unlike most other international organizations,
the WTO has significant power to enforce its decisions through the authorisation or
trade sanctions against members which fail to comply with its decisions.
Member states can bring disputes to the WTOs Dispute Settlement Body if they believe
another member has breached WTO rules.
Disputes are heard by a Dispute Settlement Panel, usually made up of three trade officials.
The panels meet in secret and are not required to alert national parliaments that their
laws have been challenged by another country. If decisions of the Dispute Settlement
Body are not complied with, it may authorise retaliatory measures - trade sanctions -
in favour of the member(s) which brought the dispute. While such measures are a strong
mechanism when applied by economically powerful states like the United States or the
European Union, when applied by economically weak states against stronger ones, they
can often be ignored. This has been the case, for example, with the March 2005 Appellate
178 Body ruling in case DS 267, which declared US cotton subsidies illegal.
Membership Technology Transfer and
A world map of WTO participation. Green indicates members, yellow/orange for
observers, and grey indicates countries that are neither. The countries of the European
Communities ( EU) are dually represented collectively and individually.
The Chairman of the Product Committee to review this quarterly status report and send it to
Director (Tech) for information of Corporate Management.
i. Name of Product/System
a Design
b Technology/manufacture
c Quality
a Design
c Quality
f Others
Contd... 183
Technology Management
III. Facilities:
Commissioned as on date:
Year-wise achievements:
Bought-out items ()
Know why ()
Explain the various ways through which transfer of technology could be affected
giving relevant examples in support of your argument(s).
Technology Management
8.0 Aims and Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Technology Adoption - Human Interactions
8.3 Organisational Design
8.4 Organisational Redesign
8.5 Organisational Reengineering
8.6 Organisational Restructuring
8.7 Technology Productivity
8.8 Let Us Sum Up
8.9 Key Terms
8.10 Test Questions
8.11 Suggested Readings
We are living in the era of globalization, economic liberalization and technological
innovation that are affecting all facets of life; for example, industries, education,
commerce and entertainment. The management of information is now of vital
importance for any business. There are now tremendous attempts to revolutionize
Industries using information technology (IT). In the growing knowledge-based economy,
firms need to produce required knowledge workers for economic development in the
21st century. The lesson analyses the importance of new technology; for example,
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) for improving productivity and benchmarking in
an organization. Technological development offers new possibilities to make people's
daily lives more healthy, safe, understandable, independent, fun and comfortable. New
Technologies provide us for instance with energy friendly and sustainable solutions in
188 order to improve the environment in which we live. It can also provide tools for elderly
people, so they can live longer on their own. Further, it provides us with new means of Technology Adoption and
communication and new ways of entertainment.
In the modern world where demand is uncertain, firms are likely to be unsure about
whether or not they can recoup the cost of adopting the new technology, or how long it
may take to recover the cost. As a result, it might not be worthwhile for them to adopt
even if the technology has the potential of improving productivity or product quality. In
the presence of customer commitment, however, firms can more accurately predict the
demand for their product and the profit from production, and this gives them incentives
to adopt a technology if it is profitable for them to do so. Helper, in her paper, proxies for
customer commitment by the length of contract between the automotive supplier and
their customer, and argues that customer commitment is important both directly and
indirectly through its interaction with market share. It directly affects adoption by providing
suppliers guaranteed demand that is ensured by contracts. It indirectly affects adoption
through market power since customers in a highly concentrated market do not have
many alternative sources of supply and as a result customers tend to stay with the firm.
The contribution of new technology to economic growth can only be realized when and
if the new technology is widely diffused and used. Diffusion itself results from a series
of individual decisions to begin using the new technology, decisions which are often the
result of a comparison of the uncertain benefits of the new invention with the uncertain
costs of adopting it.
Today, it is not the raw material or geographical proximity to the market which decides
the location of a unit, but the availability of human resources which now days play a
decisive role in settling down on the location of any establishment. Today ,when research, 189
Technology Management new product development, economies of scale, low production cost are the mantra to
success, trained and skilled human resource have become the critical success factors
for every industry.
But in developing nations like India, the state plays a critical role in developing human
resources as at the time of independence, the private sector was not in a position to
invest in higher and technical education. Unlike developed nations, the masses of India
were and still are not in a position to afford higher technical education. This is the reason
that the state invested heavily in higher technical education established premier education
like IITs, IIMs, IVRIs, AIMS, BHU and other universities.
Recently, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India announced an investment of
Rs 100 crore in a university in Bangalore to develop it as research house in science. Not
only this, thanks to Nehru India retained English as a medium of instruction in education.
Because of these efforts of the State, India is justifiably proud of its human resources .
Today many businesses such as BPO, software, electronics, are flourishing in India
because of its human resources and India is becoming a manufacturing hub for mobile
phones, pharmaceuticals, fundamental research etc. Technical and knowledge Level of
HR is also a critical input for the industry and the State plays a vital role in influencing
and deciding this.
These components and their relationship to organizational structure are shown in figure Technology Adoption and
8.1 below:
Contingency Factors:
STRATEGY Structure: Organizational
Functional Goals:
Divisional (Efficiency and
Hybrid effectiveness)
Source: Kathryn M Bartol and David C Martin, "Management", McGraw Hill Inc, New York (1991), page 371.
Technology Management 8.3.4 Contingency Factors Effecting Organization Structure
The classical theorists attempted to develop the ideal organization structure:
l Henri Fayol offered his ideas about unity of command and the scalar chain.
l Max Weber provided some concepts such as formalized rules and regulations.
Still, the one best way to organize proved elusive. Gradually, the contingency theory
began to emerge which came to recognize that the best structure for a given organization
depends on contingency factors such as:
1. Technology: Technology is the knowledge, tools, equipment and work techniques
used by an organization in delivering its product or service. Different organizations
require different structures because they use different technology. The two critical
aspects of technology are:
(a) Technological Complexity: British sociologist Joan Woodward and her team
conducted a study to highlight the importance of technology. After careful
study, Woodward determined that three different types of technology were
reasonably predictive of the structural practices of the firms in the study.
t In unit and small-batch production, products are custom-produced to
meet customer specifications. Example: diamond cutting.
t In large-batch and mass production, products are manufactured in large
quantities, frequently on an assembly line. Example: Microchips used in
t In continuous-process production, products are liquids, solids or gases
that are made through continuous process. Example: Petroleum products
and chemical products.
The research team noted that unit and small-batch production has the least
complex technology while the continuous-process production has the most
complex technology. The technological complexity explains the differences
in the structural practices used by the organization. Table 8.1 below tabulates
Woodward's findings.
Table 8.1: Woodward's Findings on Structural Characteristics and Technology
Structural Characteristics Small batch Mass production Continuous Process
Levels of Management 3 4 6
Executive span of control 4 7 10
Supervisory span of control 23 48 15
Industrial Workers vs Staff (ratio) 8:1 5.5:1 2:1
Formalization Low High Low
Centralization Low High Low
Note: Data are medians for the organizations within each technological category.
Source: Joan Woodward, "Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice", Oxford University Press, London
(1965) page 52-62.
The most important outcome of Woodward's research was the finding that Technology Adoption and
the more successful firms had structural characteristics that were close to
the median for their particular technology. In contrast, the less successful
firms had structural characteristics that deviated more significantly from the
median for their main technology. The implication of these results is that
appropriate structural characteristics depend (at least to some extent) on the
type of technology involved.
(b) Technological Interdependence: Technological interdependence is the
degree to which different parts of the organization must exchange information
and materials in order to perform their required activities.
There are three major types of technological interdependence:
i. Pooled interdependence: Under pooled interdependence, the unit
operates independently but their individual efforts are important to the
success of the organization as a whole. This type of technological
organization involves the least interdependence. For example: Branch
banking system.
ii. Sequential interdependence: In this type, one unit must complete its
work before the next unit in the sequence can begin to work. For example:
Process manufacturing where the output of Process A becomes input
of Process B.
iii. Reciprocal interdependence: In this type, one unit's output becomes
input to the other unit and vice versa. For example, in the airlines industry,
the flight crew hands over the aircraft to the maintenance crew after
the flight. The maintenance crew, after refuelling and routine servicing/
repairs, releases the plane to the next flight crew.
2. Size: Four recognizable trends have been identified by studies of size effects on
(a) As organizations grow, they are likely to add more departments and levels,
making their structures increasingly complex.
(b) Growing organizations tend to take on an increasing number of staff positions
in order to help top management cope with the expanding size.
(c) Growing companies have additional rules and regulations to accompany
organizational growth.
(d) As organizations grow, they tend to become more decentralized.
3. Environment: Firms have different characteristics, depending on whether they
operate in a stable environment or an unstable environment.
(a) If a firm operates in a stable environment, they tend to have relatively
mechanistic characteristics, such as high centralization of decision making,
many rules and regulations and mainly hierarchical communication channels.
(b) In contrast, firms that operate in highly unstable and uncertain environment
have relatively organic characteristics such as decentralization of decision
making, few rules and regulations and both hierarchical and lateral
communication channels.
Technology Management The characteristics of mechanistic and organic organizations are summarized in table
8.2 below.
Table 8.2: Characteristics of Mechanistic and Organic Organizations
Work is divided into narrow, specialized tasks. Work is defined in terms of general tasks.
Tasks are performed as specified unless changed Tasks are continually adjusted as needed through
by managers in the hierarchy. interaction with others involved in the task.
Structure of control, authority, and Structure of control, authority, and
communication is hierarchical. communication is a network.
Decisions are made by the specified hierarchical Decisions are made by individuals with relevant
level. knowledge and technical expertise.
Communication is mainly vertical, between Communication is vertical and horizontal, among
superior and subordinate. superiors, subordinates, and peers.
Communication content is largely instructions Communication content is largely information
and decisions issued by superiors. and advice.
Emphasis is on loyalty to the organization and Emphasis is on commitment to organizational
obedience to superiors. goals and possession of needed expertise.
Source: T. Burns and G.M Stalker, "The Management of Innovation", Tavistock, London (1961) Pages 119 - 122.
Vertical linkages are used to integrate activities up and down the organizational chain of Technology Adoption and
command. These include:
l Hierarchical referral when there is a problem that employees do not know how
to solve, it can be referred up the organization for consideration and resolution.
l Rules and procedures as well as plans and schedules, provide standing information
for employees without direct communication.
l Positions added to structure of the organization such as "assistant to" often reflects
growth and increasing complexity. This action tends to reduce the span of control,
thus allowing more communication and closer supervision.
l Management Information Systems (MIS) designed to process information up
and down the organization, also serve as vertical linkage mechanism.
The strongest method of horizontal integration is through teams. Horizontal teams cut
across existing lines of organizational structure to create new entities that make
organizational decisions.
The use of this linkage mechanism varies from organization to organization as well as
within areas of the same organization.
8.3.6 Five Structural Configurations
Building on the research about how contingency factors affect structure, Henry Mintzberg
has developed five common structural configurations. He also has outlined the contingency
conditions under which the various configurations are likely to be most effective.
Henry Mintzberg's Five Structural Configurations and their characteristics are detailed
in table 8.3 below.
1. Simple Structure: The simple structure is an organization with little technical and
support staff, strong centralization of decision making by top management and a
minimal middle level. This structure has minimum of vertical differentiation of
authority and minimum formalization. It achieves coordination through direct
supervision, often by the chief executive.
The simple structure is most widely practiced in small businesses in which the
manager and the owner are one and the same. The strength of the simple structure
lies in its simplicity. It's fast, flexible, inexpensive to maintain, and accountability is
clear. One major weakness is that it's difficult to maintain in anything other than
small organizations. It becomes increasingly inadequate as an organization grows
because its low formalization and high centralization tends to create information
overload at the top.
2. Machine Bureaucracy: The machine bureaucracy is an organization with a well-
defined technical and support staff differentiated from the line operations of the
organization, limited horizontal decentralization of decision making, and a well-defined
hierarchy of authority. The technical staff is powerful in a machine bureaucracy.
There is strong formalization through policies, procedures, rules and regulations.
Machine bureaucracies tend to fit best in situations in which the organization is
large, the technology involves large-batch and mass production and the organization
operates in a simple and stable environment. As a result, a machine bureaucracy is
Technology Management likely to be found in large, mature, mass-production companies, such as automobile
manufacturers, and in large mass-service organizations such as insurance
Table 8.3: Characteristics of Mintzberg's Five Structural Configurations
Characteristics Simple Machine Professional Divisional Adhocracy
Structure Bureaucracy Bureaucracy Form
Power Top CEO and Professionals Division Scientists,
concentration Executives designers of Executives technocrats,
work flow and middle
Key coordinating Direct Standardization Standardization Mutual
Standardization adjustment
mechanism supervision of work of skills of outputs
Age and size Young, Old, large Varies Old, very large Young, small
small to moderate
Technology Simple, Mass Complex; uses Divisible; Sophisticated,
custom production, standardized varies automated, or
large batch training. custom
Simple and Simple and Complex and Simple and Complex and
Environmental dynamic
complexity and dynamic stable stable stable at
dynamism divisions
Departmentalization Functional Functional Functional or Divisional or Matrix; uses
Hybrid hybrid integrators
Source: Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations", Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J (1983) page 280 - 281.
may have its own structural configuration. Each division is designed to respond to Technology Adoption and
the market in which it operates. This form of organization may have one division
that is a machine bureaucracy, one that is an adhocracy, and one that is a simple
structure. The heads of the divisions wield considerable power in the divisionalized
form. Since the divisions are created to operate somewhat separately, there is little
use of horizontal coordination between divisions, although such mechanisms may
be used within divisions. Top management maintains control by visiting the divisions
periodically, requiring that they receive top-level approval for some of their most
important decisions, and measuring standardized outputs.
5. Adhocracy: The adhocracy is a highly organic, rather than mechanistic, configuration
with minimal formalization and order. It is designed to fuse interdisciplinary experts
into smoothly functioning ad hoc project teams. Liaison devices are the primary
mechanism for integrating the project teams in an adhocracy through a process of
mutual adjustment. There is a high degree of horizontal specialization based on
formal training and expertise.
The adhocracy has numerous managers, such as functional managers and integrating
managers, who help with the extensive horizontal coordination necessary to tap required
expertise for particular projects and product areas: Organizations operating in the
aerospace, petrochemical and film-making industries are often adhocracies.
Why do structures differ? The basic design dimensions and the resulting structural
configurations play out in the context of the organization's internal and external
environments. Four contextual variables influence the success of an organization's design:
Size, technology, environment and strategy and goals. These variables provide a manager
with challenges in considering an organizational design, although they are not necessarily
determinants of structure.
8.3.7 The Major Forces
The major forces that have been identified as causes or determinants of an organization's
structure, are:
1. Organization Size: A quick glance at the organizations we deal with regularly in
our lives would lead most of us to conclude that size would have some bearing on
an organization's structure. The total number of employees is the appropriate
definition of size when discussing the design of organizational structure. This is
logical, because people and their interactions are the building blocks of structure.
Other measures, such as net assets, production rates and total sales, are usually
highly correlated with the total number of employees but may not reflect the
actual number of interpersonal relationships that are necessary to effectively
structure an organization.
Considerable evidence supports the idea that an organization's size significantly
affects its structure. For example, large organizations employing more than 1000
people tend to have more specialization, more departmentalization, more vertical
levels, and more rules and regulations than do small organizations.
When exploring structural alternatives, what should the manager know about
designing structures for large and small organizations? Table 19.4 below illustrates
the relationships among each of the design dimensions and organizational size.
Technology Management Table 8.4: Relationship between Organizational
Size and Basic Design Dimensions
Note 1: Formalization, specialization, and standardization all tend to be greater in large organizations
because they are necessary to control activities within the organization.
Note 2: By decentralizing decision making, the larger organization adds horizontal and vertical complexity.
Note 3: As size increases, complexity increases; thus, more levels are added to the hierarchy of authority.
This keeps the span of control from getting too large.
Source: Debra L Nelson and James Campbell Quick "Organizational Behaviour - foundations, realities and
challenges" (second edition), West Publishing Company, Minneapolis (1997) Page 455.
Figure 8.2 below summarizes Perrow's findings. Technology Adoption and
Task Variability
Craft Non-routine
1. Moderate 1. Low
Ill-defined and 2. Moderate 2. Low
Unanalyzable 3. Moderate 3. Low
Problem Analyzability
Routine Engineering
1. High 1. Moderate
Well-defined 2. High 2. Moderate
and Analyzable 3. Moderate 3. High
4. High 4. Moderate
5. Low 5. Moderate
6. High 6. Moderate
1. Formalization 4. Standardization
2. Centralization 5. Complexity
3. Specialization 6. Hierarchy of authority
Source: C. Perrow, "A Framework for the comparative analysis of organizations", American Sociological
Review, (April 1967) Page 194 - 208.
As the level of formalization increases, so does the probability of the following:
1. The strategic decision process will become reactive to crisis rather than proactive through
2. Strategic moves will be incremental and precise.
3. Differentiation in the organization will not be balanced with integrative mechanisms.
4. Only environmental crises that are in areas monitored by the formal organizational systems
will be acted upon.
As the level of centralization increases, so does the probability of the following:
1. The strategic decision process will be initiated by only a few dominant individuals.
2. The decision process will be goal-oriented and rational.
As the level of complexity increases, so does the probability of the following:
1. The strategic decision process will become more politicized.
2. The organization will find it more difficult to recognize environmental opportunities and
3. The constraints on good decision processes will be multiplied by the limitations of each
individual within the organization.
Source: J. Predrickson, "The strategic Decision Process and Organizational Structure," Academy of
Management Review (1986) Page 284.
Technology Adoption and
Several forces reshaping organizations are causing managers to go beyond the traditional
frameworks and to examine ways to make organizations more responsive to customers
needs. Some of these forces are explained below:
1. Shorter Life Cycles within Organization: Organizations are dynamic entities. They
have a life cycle that begins at birth, moves through growth and maturity to decline.
Organizational sub-units may have very similar life cycles. Hence, the sub-units that
compose the organization will change more rapidly than in the past. These shorter life
cycles enable the organization to respond quickly to external demands and changes.
Shorter life cycles put more pressure on the organization to be both flexible and
efficient at the same time. At each stage, the organization differs in its strategies and
goals as well as in its structural emphasis. The effective manager is able to use the
redesign process to keep abreast of the needs for structural change.
2. Globalization: The choice of structure for managing an international business is
generally based on choices concerning the following three factors:
(a) A hierarchy of authority must be created that clarifies the responsibilities of
both domestic and foreign managers.
(b) Foreign and domestic operations should be grouped in such a way that the
company effectively serves the needs of all customers.
(c) The global structure must allow decisions to be made in the most appropriate
area of the organization. However controls must be in place that reflect the
strategies and goals of the parent firm.
3. Changes in Information Processing Technologies: Changes in information-
processing technologies have allowed organizations to move into new product and
market areas more quickly. More integration and coordination is evident, because
managers can be world-wide connected through computerized networks. The impact
of advanced information-processing technologies on the basic design dimensions
have been affected as follows:
(a) The hierarchy of authority has been flattened.
(b) Managers can use technology to push information and decision making lower
in the hierarchy and thus decrease centralization.
(c) Less specialization and standardization are needed.
8.4.1 Matching Strategy and Structure
Danny Miller, using four of Mintzberg's configurations (simple structure, machine
bureaucracy, divisionalized form, and adhocracy) attempted to match strategies with
appropriate structures. The main strategies that Miller considered are:-
1. Niche Differentiation: The aim of this strategy is to distinguish one's products
and services from those of competitors for a narrow target market.
2. Cost Leadership: This strategy emphasizes organizational efficiency so that products
and services can be offered at prices lower than those of competitors.
3. Innovative Differentiation: The aim of this strategy is to distinguish one's products
and services from those of competitors by means of innovation. 201
Technology Management 4. Market Differentiation: This is a strategy aimed at distinguishing one's products
and services from those of competitors through advertising, prestige pricing and
market segmentation.
Miller's matches of structure and strategy are shown in table 8.6 below
Table 8.6: Major Matches of Structure and Strategy
Mintzbergs Type of
Configurations Departmentalization Strategy
Simple Structure Functional Niche differentiation or focus.
Machine bureaucracy Functional Cost leadership; possibly
Divisionalized form Divisional or Hybrid Market differentiation or cost leadership at
division level.
Adhocracy Matrix, integrators Innovative differentiation
Source: Danny Miller, "Relating Porter's Business Strategies to Environment and Structure: Analysis and
Performance Implications," Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 31, page 280 - 308.
Now, ever increasing demands for speed, flexibility and responsiveness are driving
companies to develop simple processes. Such processes can be created only by directly
connecting people who can - and must - perform complex, multi-disciplinary tasks.
8.5.3 When or Why should One Reengineer?
Each organisation must determine for itself if/when it is appropriate for them to reengineer.
Reengineering should be done only if it can help in achieving an enhanced strategic
It is, therefore, critical that an organisations strategy be clear before beginning
reengineering. Some strategic indicators of the need to reengineer might include:
l Realisation that competitors will have advantage in cost, speed, flexibility, quality or
l New vision or strategy: a need to build operational capabilities
l Need to reevaluate strategic options, enter new markets or redefine products/
l Core operating processes are based on outdated assumptions/technologies
l Strategic business objectives seem unreachable
l Change in the marketplace:
l Loss of market share
l New basis of competition/new competitors
l New regulations
l Shorter product life cycles
l New technologies in play
On the other hand, reengineering might not be appropriate for an organisation. An
organisations position in its industry can make a difference. Industries as a whole
periodically reinvent themselves. So, if the company is at the cutting edge of an industry
that has just undergone major changes, reengineering might not be appropriate. However,
if the organisation operates with old models instead of the new technology and approaches
used by others, reengineering may be urgently needed.
Reengineering is a strong medicine, but it may not always be the right prescription. If
technical performance is adequate, other improvements may be needed such as training, 205
Technology Management organisational change, leadership development, etc. The biggest problems facing many
organisations are strategic & not operational, in nature. It is therefore, especially important
that an organisations strategy be clear before reengineering. Otherwise, extraordinary
amounts of time and effort may be spent improving processes unimportant to a companys
strategic needs.
Table 8.8: Principles of Reengineering
Principle Description Objectives Example (s) Old
Organize around 1. have one person 1. Eliminate hand-offs, 1. Mutual Benefit life: 1. Oraganize around
outcomes, not perform all steps in a errors, misunders- case managers specialized labor
tasks. process. tandings, dely, and perform entire
rework application approval
process (reduced
cycle time by 80%)
2. Design a job 2. compress linear 2. Electronics 2. Sequential,
around an objective / processes. company: Filling assembly-line
outcome instead of a customer orders by approach
single task having one person
who oversees
whole process
3. compressed 3. Work cells in JIT 3. Organization
responsibility for the environment based on paper /
various steps are manual files or
reassigned to one information
4. One position / person 4. Small cross- 4. Each department
expedites and functional teams has a specific
coordinates the with broad roles, skill set, and only
process and skills, and decision- one department at
provides one point of making a time can do its
contact for customer responsibilities work.
5. Individual in a new 5. Self directed work
position may need to teams
Supported by: expert /
automated systems
Specialists as advisors
Factor Characteristics
Understand Understand business process fundamentals. Know what reengineering is.
reengineering Build a Differentiate and integrate process improvement approaches which have
business case necessary and sufficient business (mission and political delivery) reasons
for reengineering. Have the organizational commitment and capacity to
initiate and sustain reengineering. Secure and sustain political support for
Adopt a process Understand the organizational mandate and set mission strategic directions
management approach and goals cascading to process-specific goals and decision-making across
and down the organization. Define, model, and prioritize business
processes important for mission performance. Practice "hands on" senior
management ownership of process improvement through personal
responsibility, involvement, and decision-making. Adjust organizational
structures to better support process management initiatives. Create an
assessment program to evaluate process management
Measure and track Create organizational understanding of the value of measurement and how
performance it will be used. Tie performance management to customer and stakeholder,
continuously current and future expectations.
Practice change Develop human resources management strategies to support reengineering.
management and Build information resources management strategies and a technology
provide central framework to support process change. Create a central support group to
support assist and integrate reengineering efforts and other improvement efforts
across the organization. Create an overarching and project-specific internal
and external communication and education program.
Manage reengineering Have clear criteria to select what should be reengineered. Place the project
projects for results at the right level with a defined reengineering team purpose and goals. Use
a well-trained, diversified, expert team and facilitate its working. Follow a
structured, disciplined approach to reengineering.
Strategic/Business Planning
Strategic planning provides a set of business goals and defined requirements which are
expressed in terms of customer needs all within the context of mission, vision, values and
beliefs. A strategic plan defines what an organisation is all about, which it will serve,
what needs it will fulfill, and under what terms it will operate (values and beliefs).
Activity Modeling
Activity modeling is a technique that assists in understanding how a business process
really works. We use activity modeling to describe how things are (called AS-IS modeling),
and how we want them to be, based on our redesign criteria (called TO-BE modeling).
In activity modeling, we decompose a business process step-by-step into activities that
make up the process. This results in a multi-level diagram that corresponds to the way
we do work.
Data Modeling
Data modeling is a technique for accurately describing exactly what information you
need to perform each and every activity that makes up the business process you perform.
As with activity modeling, we produce an as-is model, describing the current data
environment, and then a to-be model showing what our data structures will need to be
to support our redesigned processes.
Technology Management Activity Based Costing
Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is a technique that allows us to determine the costs of
producing our primary products and services. ABC is an extension of activity modeling
and it requires a fair amount of work to produce the numbers.
Economic Analysis
Economic analysis gives us the capability to determine the costs and benefits associated
with alternative investment opportunities, taking into account the life cycle characteristics
of each investment. Economic analysis also presents the decision data in equally valued
rupees (taking the time value of money into consideration), as well as the risks associated
with making decisions about future conditions and performance.
8.5.6 What Results can be Expected?
The most direct benefit companies see from reengineering is significant (often 50% -
100%) process improvement. Costs are lowered while speed, quality, and service are
dramatically improved. Reengineering has a greater chance of success if it is viewed as
leading to growth and value-creation.
Table 8.10: Major Corporations that have undergone Reengineering
The Federal Government of Canada Nabisco Corporation
USM 3MUnitek
Technology Management AT&T
In September, 1995, AT&T, an U.S. telecommunications company with $75 billion dollars
in 1994 sales and 303,000 employees, announced a major restructuring. The restructuring
involved splitting the company into three new, fully independent companies:
1. A network service company that will retain the AT&T brand name and will
encompass about $50 billion of AT&Ts 1994 sales.
2. A communications equipment company encompassing $20 billion of AT&Ts 1994
3. A computer company, built around the 1990 acquisition of the computer company
NCR Corp., with 1994 sales of about $5 billion.
AT&T announced that the restructuring would involve the elimination of about 48,000
jobs. AT&T offered those employees losing their job a special severance package that
included lump sum payments and retraining opportunities.
Explanations for AT&Ts restructuring centered on the changing telecommunications
environment. Rapidly advancing computer and communications technology as well as a
worldwide regulatory push to promote private-sector competition in telecommunications
are raising new business challenges.
Separating AT&T into three independent businesses gives these businesses more flexibility
and focus. The split also avoids the necessity of ongoing bureaucratic resolution of business
conflicts and customer concerns arising from the fact that major customers of the AT&T
telecommunications equipment business are also emerging as competitors to the AT&T
network operations business.
Restructuring at Mahindra & Mahindra
To meet the new challenges of competition & globalisation, a need was felt to do away
with rigid functional departments, which result in a delayed response to the marketplace
and lack of accountability for business processes. The need arose to clearly define, and
focus on selected thrust areas of business, and to consolidate and build on strength in
those areas.
To achieve this goal, the Mahindra Group was restructured and a new organisational
model was developed on December 5, 1994. Under this restructuring, the Mahindra
Group of Companies has been divided into six sectors namely,
1. Farm Equipment Sector
2. Automotive Sector
3. Infrastructure Development Sector
4. Trade & Financial Service Sector
5. Telecom, Software & Exports Sector
6. Automotive Components Sector
Each sector constitutes companies in related businesses and is headed by a designated
President who is responsible for the performance of the sector. The Mission of these
business sectors very simply is to rank amongst the top three players in their respective
214 industries within India; and to become recognised participants in the global arena.
A Corporate Center presides over these six business sectors and is responsible for Technology Adoption and
formulating group strategy and policy, goal setting, raising and allocating financial resources,
performance measurement, consolidated accounting and group human resource
This new structure has enhanced the integrity of the product delivery process, increased
opportunities to recognise individual talents through unambiguous accountability and
provided space for collective contributions to excellence.
9.0 Aims and objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Technology Absorption and Innovation: Present Status in India
9.3 Need for New Outlook
9.4 Absorption Strategies for Acquired Technology
9.5 Creating New/Improved Technologies
9.6 Innovations
9.7 Innovations and Technological Change
9.8 Let Us Sum Up
9.9 Key Terms
9.10 Test Questions
9.11 Suggested Readings
Absorption of technology, especially in the form of import, is at the centre of developing
countries tryst with (technological) catching-up. The astounding success of the Japanese
in converting imported technology into a decisive advantage with adaptation and
improvements has apparently fuelled this ambition. India invested heavily in technology
absorption, with several policies/programmes in the lead. Various initiatives have been
taken by Government of India to facilitate absorption are summarized. There are the
reasons and causes for the difference in performance of Indian industry from that of the
Japanese industry.
Technological innovation includes the process right from R&D to successful
commercialization in the marketplace. Innovation is a process that covers systemss
Technology Management everything, from invention to its first commercial use, and includes improvement in existing
Innovation is market driven. Innovation can also involve improving the performance of
the products/systems technique by adopting a change or using alternative technologies.
An innovative product also makes a leap in the benefits-to-costs ratio. Innovation is a
systematic, organized, rational task usually carried out many stages like analysis, tests,
experiment, etc.
Schumpeter's theory argues that successful innovation brings about techno-economic
growth. He believes that innovation is necessarily linked to the entrepreneur who derives
new economic combinations by means of introducing five parallel types of changes:
1. Introducing new products
2. Introducing new production functions that reduce the input needed to produce a
given output
3. Providing new consumers by opening new markets
4. Exploiting new sources of materials and
5. Reorganizing an industry.
Companies that have established themselves as technical and market leaders have
displayed an ability to develop successful new products. Leaders in industries from
aerospace to pharmaceuticals and from motor cars to computers have demonstrated
their ability to innovate.
Table 9.1: Industry and Innovative Products
November 1977
May 1990
9.2.1 Science and Technology and Development of Indias Rural Technology Absorption and
An appreciable quantum of research has taken place in all sectors of agriculture including
crops, horticulture, natural resource management, livestock, fisheries and agricultural
engineering. The Technology-led developments in agriculture have made India self-sufficient
in food grains and a leading producer of several commodities in the world. The Green
Revolution in crops, yellow revolution in oilseeds, white revolution in milk production, blue
revolution in fish production and a golden revolution in horticulture bear testimony to the
contributions of agricultural research and development efforts undertaken in the country.
India has received worldwide acclaim in the field of agricultural research and education.
The agricultural research system has significantly contributed to growth in productivity
in almost all the sectors of agriculture. For instance, with reference to 1950, the gains in
productivity are nearly 3.3 times in food grains, 1.6 times in fruits, 2.1 times in vegetables,
5.6 times in fish (aquaculture), 1.8 times in milk and 6.4 times in eggs. Development of
about 3,200 high yielding improved varieties of different crops and their production
technologies and preservation of 2.2 lakh germplasm accessions of agri-horticultural
crops and their wild relatives for future use in breeding programmes, are some remarkable
achievements of the National Agricultural Research System.
It is also revealing to note that modern technologies have contributed to saving of the
area , other resources and in increasing revenues and exports. For instance, modern
varieties of rice saved nearly 39 million hectares and the wheat varieties saved about 37
million hectares of area.
Green Revolution: The Green Revolution, marked by increases in productivity through
the use of high yielding technology and modern inputs, has been instrumental in the
impressive gains of food grain output in India. Food grain production increased almost
four-fold from about 50 million at Independence to more than 198 million metric tonne in
1996-97. Per capita availability rose from 395 grams per day to 578 grams in the same
period. The High Yielding Varieties (HYVs) of seeds formed the core of modern
agricultural technology. In addition, over 500 private seed companies are engaged in
their own research and also supply seeds and planting material to the farmers.
White, Blue and Yellow Revolution: The third phase of agricultural growth emanates
from the diversification and commercialisation of agriculture to high value crops,
horticulture, floriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and sericulture. There has been
commendable progress in the field of dairy, oilseeds, sugarcane and cotton. With a 69
million tonne produce, India is one of the largest producers of milk in the world.
Milk production quadrupled from 17 million at Independence to 69 million metric tonne at
present (popularly known as the White Revolution). Fish production rose from 7.5 million
to nearly 50 million metric tonne during the last five decades (Blue Revolution). Oilseed
production increased five times from around 5 million to 25 million metric tonne since
Independence (Yellow Revolution). Today, India is the largest producer of fruits in the
world and the second largest producer of vegetables.
Liberalisation and technology-led development have opened new vistas for rural
development. Indian corporate is now investing in agricultural technology. Companies
like Pepsi, Macdonald's , Godrej, SriRam, HLL and ITC are investing heavily in agriculture.
What the Indian government couldn't do for India's rural economy in the last 55 years,
ITC has done with the help of information technology (for detail see the chapter Rural
Market). It uses information technology for:
Technology Management l Delivering real-time information and customise knowledge to improve farmers'
decision-making ability to align farm output to market demands and secure quality,
productivity, and improved price discovery.
l Aggregating demand in the nature of a virtual producers' cooperative to access
high quality farm inputs and knowledge at the lowest cost, and
l Setting a direct marketing channel virtually linked to the mandi system for the
purposes of price discovery, yet eliminating wasteful intermediation, multiple handling
and thus reducing transaction costs and making logistics efficient and cost effective.
Thus, modern technology is not only bringing wealth to India and its rural parts but is also
generating various business opportunities for the Indian corporate sector.
Table 9.2: Top 20 Innovative Companies in the World 2005 Poll of 940 Senior
Executive in 68 Countries by BCG (Boston Consultancy Group)
Computerisation of equipment and machinery in the last quarter century has brought
phenomenal changes in the market place and the speed of change is likely to continue to
accelerate in the 21st century. Among todays important information technologies are
computers and computer networks, telecommunication systems, broadcast and
entertainment systems, document reproductions systems, and satellite communication
systems. Skilful management of this dizzying array of information technologies is no
longer a question of choice. It is a matter of competitive survival. Information, over the
years, has become a valuable strategic resource. Organisations using appropriate
information technologies to get the right information to the right people at the right time
will enjoy a competitive advantage. K Madigan, [Masters of the Game] reported in
230 Business Week, October 1993 thus: By linking its more than 2000 drug stores with an
on-line computer network and satellite communication system, Walgreen company has Technology Absorption and
become a market leader in service, speed and quality. A Walgreen customer recently
wrote to the company with this anecdote; Escaping Hurricane Andrew, he forgot
several important prescriptions, so he went to a Walgreens in Bradenton and asked the
pharmacist to look up his record. Within minutes, the man had what he needed. The real
proof of the efficiency of Walgreens system. The mans last name is Smith! Information
technology, more importantly, creates innumerable alternatives, including the following
that simply were not feasible with older technologies:
Box 9.2: Information Technology Creates Options!
l Customers can shop via home pages on the Internet and electronic shopping malls
more easily than using the yellow pages and telephones.
l With on-line real-time financial management systems, managers can find profit and
loss positions daily, which was not possible with manual methods and earlier stages
of computer technology.
l Retail banking customers (of say HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Citi Bank) can perform
numerous banking functions from remote locations, without having to visit the bank.
l Soon telephone, fax and computing will be fully integrated in handheld devices. For
example in Sweden, Ericsson, telephone customers already have personal cards that
they can slip into such a device and receive calls anywhere in their calling areas.
Personal Communicators made by Toshiba, Sony and others permit phone, fax and
computing with a pen input screen.
l Companies like Maruti Udyog Ltd, Hero Honda, AT&T, General Electronic can now
develop, make and distribute their products in a fraction of the time it took them a
decade ago.
(M Lansiti and J West, Technology Integration HBR, May-June 1997; Rick Tetzeli, The Internet and your
Business, Fortune, March 7, 1994; D Hellriegel et al., Management, South Western, Cincinati, 1999).
BHEL has adopted the following strategies for adaptation and absorption of imported
l Buy few designs only: Buying only a few designs and models from the collaborator
and developing the remaining designs to cover the entire range through in-house
R&D efforts (by direct or reverse engineering).
Contd... 231
Technology Management
l Train personnel: Training BHEL engineers in identified areas, after familiarising them
with documents, reports, computer programmes etc., received from collaborators.
All the above steps are required for faster absorption of imported technology with an
ultimate goal of achieving self-reliance in technology.
F1. Entrepreneurial At the core of any innovation system are the entrepreneurs. These risk
Activities takers perform the innovative commercial experiments, seeing and
exploiting business opportunities.
F2. Knowledge Technology research and development (R&D) are prerequisites for
Development innovation. R&D activities are often performed by researchers, but
contributions from other actors are also possible.
F3. Knowledge Diffusion The typical organisational structure of an emergent innovation system
is the knowledge network, primarily facilitating information
F4. Guidance of the Search This system function represents the selection process that is necessary
to facilitate a convergence in development, involving, for example,
policy targets, outcomes of technical or economic studies and
expectations about technological options.
F5. Market Formation New technologies often cannot outperform established ones. In order
to stimulate innovation it is necessary to facilitate the creation of
(niche) markets, where new technologies have a possibility to grow.
F6. Resource Mobilisation Financial, material and human factors are necessary inputs for all
innovation system developments, and can be enacted through, e.g.,
investments by venture capitalists or governmental support
F7. Support from Advocacy The emergence of a new technology often leads to resistance from
Coalitions established actors. In order for an innovation system to develop,
actors needs to raise a political lobby that counteracts this inertia, and
supports the new technology.
9.2.4 Background
The concept of a Technological Innovation System was introduced as part of a wider
theoretical school, called the innovation system approach. The central idea behind this
approach is that determinants of technological change are not (only) to be found in
individual firms or in research institutes, but (also) in a broad societal structure in which Technology Absorption and
firms, as well as knowledge institutes, are embedded. Since the 1980s, innovation system
studies have pointed out the influence of societal structures on technological change, and
indirectly on long-term economic growth, within nations, sectors or technological fields.
The purpose of analysing a Technological Innovation System is to analyse and evaluate
the development of a particular technological field in terms of the structures and processes
that support or hamper it. Besides its particular focus, there are two, more analytical,
features that set the Technological Innovation System approach apart from other innovation
system approaches.
Firstly, the Technological Innovation System concept emphasises that stimulating
knowledge flows is not sufficient to induce technological change and economic
performance. There is a need to exploit this knowledge in order to create new business
opportunities. This stresses the importance of individuals as sources of innovation,
something which is sometimes overseen in the, more macro-oriented, nationally or
sectorally oriented innovation system approaches.
Secondly, the Technological Innovation System approach often focuses on system
dynamics. The focus on entrepreneurial action has encouraged scholars to consider a
Technological Innovation System as something to be built up over time. This was already
put forward by Carlsson and Stankiewicz:
'Technological Innovation Systems are defined in terms of knowledge/competence flows
rather than flows of ordinary goods and services. They consist of dynamic knowledge
and competence networks. In the presence of an entrepreneur and sufficient critical
mass, such networks can be transformed into development blocks, i.e. synergistic clusters
of firms and technologies within an industry or a group of industries.'
This means that a Technological Innovation System may be analysed in terms of its
system components and/or in terms of its dynamics. Both perspectives will be explained
9.2.5 Structures
The system components of a Technological Innovation System are called structures.
These represent the static aspect of the system, as they are relatively stable over time.
Three basic categories are distinguished:
l Actors: Actors involve organisations contributing to a technology, as a developer
or adopter, or indirectly as a regulator, financer, etc. It is the actors of a Technological
Innovation System that, through choices and actions, actually generate, diffuse and
utilise technologies. The potential variety of relevant actors is enormous, ranging
from private actors to public actors, and from technology developers to technology
adopters. The development of a Technological Innovation System will depend on
the interrelations between all these actors. For example, entrepreneurs are unlikely
to start investing in their businesses if governments are unwilling to support them
financially. Vice versa, governments have no clue where financial support is
necessary if entrepreneurs do not provide them with the information and the
arguments they need to legitimate policy support.
l Institutions: Institutional structures are at the core of the innovation system concept.
It is common to consider institutions as 'the rules of the game in a society, or, more
formally, (...) the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction'. A
Technology Management distinction can be made between formal institutions and informal institutions, with
formal institutions being the rules that are codified and enforced by some authority,
and informal institutions being more tacit and organically shaped by the collective
interaction of actors. Informal institutions can be normative or cognitive. The
normative rules are social norms and values with moral significance, whereas
cognitive rules can be regarded as collective mind frames, or social paradigms.
Examples of formal institutions are government laws and policy decisions; firm
directives or contracts also belong to this category. An example of a normative rule
is the responsibility felt by a company to prevent or clean up waste. Examples of
cognitive rules are search heuristics or problem-solving routines. They also involve
dominant visions and expectations held by the actors.
l Technological factors: Technological structures consist of artefacts and the
technological infrastructures in which they are integrated. They also involve the
techno-economic workings of such artefacts, including costs, safety, reliability. These
features are crucial for understanding the feedback mechanisms between
technological change and institutional change. For example, if R&D subsidy schemes
supporting technology development should result in improvements with regard to
the safety and reliability of applications, this would pave the way for more elaborate
support schemes, including practical demonstrations. These may, in turn, benefit
technological improvements even more. It should, however, be noted here that the
importance of technological features has often been neglected by scholars.
The structural factors are merely the elements that make up the system. In an actual
system, these factors are all linked to each other. If they form dense configurations they
are called networks. An example would be a coalition of firms jointly working on the
application of a fuel cell, guided by a set of problem-solving routines and supported by a
subsidy programme. Likewise, industry associations, research communities, policy
networks, user-supplier relations etc. are all examples of networks.
An analysis of structures typically yields insight into systemic features - complementarities
and conflicts - that constitute drivers and barriers for technology diffusion at a certain
moment or within a given period in time.
9.2.6 Dynamics of Technological Innovation Systems
Structures involve elements that are relatively stable over time. Nevertheless, for many
technologies, especially newly emerging ones, these structures are not yet (fully) in
place. For this reason, mostly, the scholars have recently enriched the literature on
Technological Innovation Systems with studies that focus on the build-up of structures
over time. The central idea of this approach is to consider all activities that contribute to
the development, diffusion, and use of innovations as system functions. These system
functions are to be understood as types of activities that influence the build-up of a
Technological Innovation System. Each system function may be 'fulfilled' in a variety of
ways. The premise is that, in order to properly develop, the system should positively fulfil
all system functions. Various 'lists' of system functions have been constructed. Authors
like Bergek et al., Hekkert et al., Negro and Suurs give useful overviews. These lists
show much overlap and differences reside mostly in the particular way of clustering
activities. An example of such a list is provided below.
Note that it is also possible that activities negatively contribute to a system function.
These negative contributions imply a (partial) breakdown of the system.
Seven System Functions Technology Absorption and
As an example, the seven system functions defined by Suurs are explained here:
l F1. Entrepreneurial Activities: The classic role of the entrepreneur is to translate
knowledge into business opportunities, and eventually innovations. The entrepreneur
does this by performing market-oriented experiments that establish change, both to
the emerging technology and to the institutions that surround it. The Entrepreneurial
Activities involve projects aimed to prove the usefulness of the emerging technology
in a practical and/or commercial environment. Such projects typically take the
form of experiments and demonstrations.
l F2. Knowledge Development: The Knowledge Development function involves
learning activities, mostly on the emerging technology, but also on markets, networks,
users etc. There are various types of learning activities, the most important categories
being learning-by-searching and learning-by-doing. The former concerns R&D
activities in basic science, whereas the latter involves learning activities in a practical
context, for example in the form of laboratory experiments or adoption trials.
l F3. Knowledge Diffusion/Knowledge Exchange: The characteristic organisation
structure of a Technological Innovation System is that of the network. The primary
function of networks is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between all the
actors involved in it. Knowledge Diffusion activities involve partnerships between
actors, for example technology developers, but also meetings like workshops and
conferences. The important role of Knowledge Diffusion stems from Lundvall's
notion of interactive learning as the raison-d'tre of any innovation system. The
innovation system approach stresses that innovation happens only where actors of
different backgrounds interact. A special form of interactive learning is learning-
by-using, which involves learning activities based on the experience of users of
technological innovations, for example through user-producer interactions.
l F4. Guidance of the Search: The Guidance of the Search function refers to
activities that shape the needs, requirements and expectations of actors with respect
to their (further) support of the emerging technology. Guidance of the Search refers
to individual choices related to the technology but it may also take the form of hard
institutions, for example policy targets. It also refers to promises and expectations
as expressed by various actors in the community. Guidance of the Search can be
positive or negative. A positive Guidance of the Search means a convergence of
positive signals - expectations, promises, policy directives - in a particular direction
of technology development. If negative, there will be a digression, or, even worse,
a rejection of development altogether. This convergence is important since, usually,
various technological options exist within an emerging technological field, all of
which require investments in order to develop further. Since resources are usually
limited, it is important that specific foci are chosen. After all, without any focus
there will be a dilution of resources, preventing all options from prospering. On the
other hand, too much focus may result in the loss of variety. A healthy Technological
Innovation System will strike a balance between creating and reducing variety.
l F5. Market Formation: Emerging technologies cannot be expected to compete
with incumbent technologies. In order to stimulate innovation, it is usually necessary
to create artificial (niche) markets. The Market Formation function involves activities
that contribute to the creation of a demand for the emerging technology, for example
Technology Management by financially supporting the use of the emerging technology, or by taxing the use of
competing technologies. Market Formation is especially important in the field of
sustainable energy technologies, since, in this case, there usually is a strong normative
legitimation for the intervention in market dynamics.
l F6. Resource Mobilisation: Resource Mobilisation refers to the allocation of
financial, material and human capital. The access to such capital factors is necessary
for all other developments. Typical activities involved in this system function are
investments and subsidies. They can also involve the deployment of generic
infrastructures such as educational systems, large R&D facilities or refuelling
infrastructures. In some cases, the mobilisation of natural resources, such as biomass,
oil or natural gas is important as well. The Resource Mobilisation function represents
a basic economic variable. Its importance is obvious: an emerging technology cannot
be supported in any way if there are no financial or natural means, or if there are
no actors present with the right skills and competencies.
l F7. Support from Advocacy Coalitions: The rise of an emerging technology
often leads to resistance from actors with interests in the incumbent energy system.
In order for a Technological Innovation System to develop, other actors must
counteract this inertia. This can be done by urging authorities to reorganise the
institutional configuration of the system. The Support from Advocacy Coalitions
function involves political lobbies and advice activities on behalf of interest groups.
This system function may be regarded as a special form of Guidance of the Search.
After all, lobbies and advices are pleas in favour of particular technologies. The
essential feature which sets this category apart is that advocacy coalitions do not
have the power, like for example governments, to change formal institutions directly.
Instead, they employ the power of persuasion. The notion of the advocacy coalition
is based on the work of Sabatier, who introduced the idea within the context of
political science. The concept stresses the idea that structural change within a
system is the outcome of competing interest groups, each representing a separate
system of values and ideas. The outcome is determined by political power.
9.2.7 Cumulative Causation
Since Carlsson and Stankiewicz introduced the concept of a Technological Innovation
System, an increasing number of scholars have started focusing on dynamics. A recurring
theme within their studies has been the notion of cumulative causation, closely related to
the idea of a virtuous circle or vicious circle, by Gunnar Myrdal.
In this context, cumulative causation is the phenomenon that the build-up of a Technological
Innovation System accelerates due to system functions interacting and reinforcing each
other over time. For example, the successful realisation of a research project, contributing
to Knowledge Development, may result in high expectations, contributing to Guidance of
the Search, among policy makers, which may, subsequently, trigger the start-up of a
subsidy programme, contributing to Resource Mobilisation, which induces even more
research activities: Knowledge Development, Guidance of the Search, etc. System
functions may also reinforce each other 'downwards'. In that case interactions result in
conflicting developments or a vicious circle! Recently scholars have increasingly paid
attention to the question of how cumulative causation may be established, often with a
particular focus on the development of sustainable energy technologies.
Governmental decisions to support some technologies and not others have a significant
impact on technological innovation. For instance, the decision to support the space program
236 had major impacts on miniaturization in the electronics industry, on the use of new materials
and styles in the garment industry, and even on the look of television commercials. The Technology Absorption and
federal government's decision not to support the SST affected the technology of air
transport in the United States. if technological forecasting predicts that a certain capability
is technologically within our reach in the near future, and if the government chooses to
support research in this area, it is much more likely that the technology will be developed-
for example, new approaches to the generation of electric power. if the government
decides to finance implementation of the desired innovation, there will probably be a
near-term impact on profits and the speed of diffusion of the new technology.
Drug discovery is a time-consuming, high-risk process. Globally, the money spent on a new
drug is as high as $800 million and upto seven years can elapse between the discovery and
the launch. To optimise its R&D spend, DRL restricts the research universe to its strength
areas which are organic chemistry and natural products. Second, the company collaborates
on research with laboratories in India and abroad besides outsourcing 50 per cent of its
toxicology that is, chemical development inputs. Finally, it stops short of clinical trials,
selling the technology to someone who is willing to do that (the clinical-trial costs are
prohibitively high). With investments of less than Rs 50 crore and around 230 scientists,
the company has successfully turned out 17 patents in the US during the last two decades.
The companys anti-diabetes molecule DRF-2593 has been licensed to NOVO Nordisk at
an attractive price. Normally, an average performing company files 2.5 patents for $10
million R&D spend; whereas DRL has filed 36 patents during the last 5 years! DRF-2593,
DRF-2725, DRF-1644 (anti-cancer molecules) are currently undergoing clinical trials and in
addition to $8 million that it has received as milestone payments for DRF-2593, it is expected
to receive $15 million very soon. On a projected turnover of Rs 1,000 crore for 2000.1 the
company spends less than 5 per cent on R&D and to further optimise the R&D expenditure
it has useful tie-ups with national (ISC, Bangalore; IICT, Hyderabad) and International
research outfits (NOVO Nordisk, National Cancer Institute, USA).
Historically, new product ideas have failed to yield good results not because they are
scientifically tested but because they failed to take note of customer preferences and
incorporate them in the product in appropriate measure. For example, the Maxwell House
Division of General Foods found that consumers wanted a brand of coffee that was bold,
vigorous and deep tasting. Its laboratory technicians spent over four months working with
various coffee brands and flavours to formulate a corresponding taste. It proved very
costly to produce and the company cost reduced the blind to meet the target manufacturing
cost. The change compromised the cost, however, the new coffee brand failed to sell in
adequate members in the marketplace. To avoid such costly mistakes companies usually
follow a stage gate system. The Minneapolis based 3M company makers of more than
6,000 products including sand paper, adhesives, floppy discs, contact lenses, overhead
projectors etc-uses this system. The company launches more than 200 new products every
year encouraging employees to become product champions by taking up projects of
personal interest. The innovation process is divided into distinct stages. At the end of each
stage is a gate or checkpoint. The project leader working with a cross-functional team
must bring a set of known deliverables (customer needs survey, technical analysis,
competitive analysis, other evidence, etc.) to each gate before the project is passed on to
the next stage. Senior managers act as gate keepers and review the criteria carefully to
judge whether the project can be moved to the next stage. The gate keepers make one of
the four decisions: go/kill/hold/recycle. The project leader and the leader know the criteria
they must meet at each stage. They are expected to drive the project from its beginning to
Technology Management the time it is launched or killed. Employees are given a free hand to experiment with ideas.
Laboratory staff, for example, are free to devote 15% of their time on developing personal
ideas; moreover they are free to work in their own preferred way. Technicians are
encouraged to talk with customers; internal networking is also fostered. The company
gives a $ 50,000 award each year to the scientist or group of scientists that develops the
biggest commercial breakthrough. One well known slogan at 3M is you have to kiss a lot
of frogs to find a prince (60% of creative ideas suggested do not succeed any way in the
market). Not surprisingly 3M generates, through its 40 divisions, at least 25% of its income
from products introduced within the preceding five years!
Box 9.6: Entrepreneurship Gives the Edge!
One way to keep innovation within the organisation is to create conditions in which
entrepreneurs can flourish. Entrepreneurship is the process whereby an individual sees the
need for innovation and promotes it within the organisation. As we all know, even the best
ideas need venturing, support and financing in an organisation. The following guidelines
help in creating an encouraging climate for promoting innovation within a company (Hodgetts).
l Encourage action
l Strip away rigid procedures and encourage personnel to go around red tape when
they find it
A common and effective external technology acquisition method is purchasing technology.
This is normally done in the form of buying a piece of production machinery with embedded
technology. This is generally the quickest form of technology transfer because the
technology is already packaged and ready to use. It is low risk because the equipment
has been proven to work technically and evidence can be acquired from other users to
back up the providing company's claims. In addition, the providing company can also
provide implementation support in the form of set-up and training. The costs will be
lower than developing the technology because the providing company is generally in the
business of providing the machines containing the technology to many users thereby
spreading the development costs over several customers.
Care must be taken to not overlook the costs of internal activities such as staff time
spent on training and the disruption of the present production that will happen during the
installation of the new equipment. The temptation will be to consider the price paid to the
provider to be the entire cost of the technology acquisition. It also must be understood
that the providing company is generally in the position of selling machinery to as many
users as possible which makes exclusivity highly unlikely. The acquiring company has
the same potential resistance problems discussed under Licensing. The implementation
project must be designed in a way that these risks are minimized. Technology acquisition
in this form also does little to build internal strength. This may not be an issue, as in the
case where the purchased production equipment is not the company's core technology.
They need only address maintenance and operation training which can be acquired from
the provider as part of the purchase.
Another form of purchasing technology is to pay for the know-how behind a technology
and the right to use it in the company's application. This is very similar to licensing,
except it is a one-time purchase rather than an ongoing relationship. It has all the same
risks and benefits of licensing a technology for a new application discussed in the Licensing
section. The major difference is in the areas of cash flow and risk. The purchasing
company generally pays for the technology in one or a very few payments. Licensing
normally has the bulk of the payments made in relation to the sales the acquiring company
makes using the technology. The payments in a purchasing situation are for an agreed
price and are not tied to any revenues the acquiring company receives with the technology.
The acquiring company is carrying more of the risk in hopes of greater returns in the
future because they do not have to be shared. As a result the price of technology
purchased in this fashion in generally lower.
Option 12 Joint Venture with Technology Provider...
Joint Venture with Technology Provider
Entering into a joint venture agreement with a technology provider is another form of
external acquisition that can be very effective. Typically this is a partnership between a
company with a technology and a company with market access. It can take the form of
the creation of a new company with each of the partners owning shares in the new
company in proportion to the value of their contribution to the new company. In this case,
production facilities are installed in the new company with the partners bringing technology
and market know-how along with capital investment into the new company. The distribution
and marketing of the product may use the system that the company with market access
has in place, or that company's know-how may be used to create a dedicated system for
the new company. 249
Technology Management Another version of this is very similar to licensing. The providing and acquiring companies
form a contractual agreement describing who provides what and how the revenues are
to be shared. The primary difference between this and licensing is the fact that the
technology provider has an expanded relationship with the acquiring company. They
make joint decisions about production and marketing even though the acquiring company
actually produces the product and provides it to the market. The advantage is that both
companies learn from each other. The disadvantage is that either company cannot make
decisions on its own, the partners have to agree.
Both forms of joint venture with a technology provider generally have the advantage of
low risk. The technology is proven and immediately-implementable technology (after
training and installation). The acquiring company will get exclusivity in a region. It will
have an ongoing relationship with the provider providing opportunity to learn from the
provider. There are some market risks. Even though the acquiring company will likely
have access to the market, the new product may not be accepted by the market. Joint
ventures typically have higher up-front costs than licensing, especially when a new
company is created. Both also have the constraint of the partners having to agree on
operational issues. This may be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on the situation.
Option 13 - Acquisition of a Company with the Technology...
Acquisition of a Company with the Technology
The final form of external technology acquisition to be discussed in this course is the
acquisition of a company that has the technology desired by the acquiring company. This
can happen when one company has a technological innovation that is impacting another
company's business. Rather than trying to duplicate or improve upon the first company's
innovation (which would take time and may not have the desired results), the second
company negotiates to purchase the entire company. This can result from a defensive
action as mentioned above or it can be a deliberate technology acquisition strategy. This
option has very little technical risk, and if the product is on the market and doing well, it
can also have low market risk.
Acquiring companies to get technology does have some areas of concern. If the acquired
technology is to be used in a different application, some internal R&D with its associated
risks and problems may be required. The acquired company may have other problems
such as an undisciplined work force or poor image with the public due to an unrelated
problem like an environmental spill. If the acquired and the acquiring companies have to
work together as one organization, there will be system integration issues to deal with.
There could be key members of the acquired company who resent the take-over, causing
them to leave and take key undocumented tacit knowledge with them.
The cost should be proportional to the value of the company's assets including the
technology. However, this is not always the case. The company's hard (physical)
assets may be of little value to the acquiring company which may increase the cost of
the acquisition above the value of the technology alone. On the other hand, the providing
company owners may be in a desperate financial situation, and willing to sell the entire
company for considerably less than its full market value. When negotiating such a
purchase, the acquiring company must have a full understanding of the value of the
things it wants. These would include the technology (including the impact of the reduced
time to market), and perhaps its market reputation and/or its production capabilities.
So long as the purchase price is less than the value of the desired components and this
plus the internal costs are affordable, technology acquisition via purchasing a company
is viable.
Technology Absorption and
Today, more than ever, companies need to create new and improved laboratory and
manufacturing processes to deliver increased productivity and reduced costs and to
increase quality and introduce flexibility. These factors lead to ever increasing product
and process complexity which conflict with shrinking times to implement the solutions.
The result is a significant challenge to transform and deliver scaleable manual, semi- and
fully-automated solutions that take advantage of the best current and emerging
technologies. Therefore the organisation should supports its clients from laboratory
R&D through to operational manufacturing, identifying opportunities for improvement or
transformation through the appropriate fusion of science, engineering, automation and
process optimisation. The management should realise technology solutions that address
many productivity and quality issues, enabling new and improved processes that deliver
competitive advantage.
Technological innovations play an important role in the future. The theory discusses
companies' growth by effectively leveraging technical innovations for two types of firms:
technical start-ups and large technology-intensive firms. It is argued that these two types
of companies are rapidly becoming more dependant on each other and that following the
precursor model of the biotechnological sector, firms will increasingly spin in, as well as
spin off innovation projects at various stages of maturity. The framework of a distributed
innovation system is presented, which involves a variety of actors. Firms indeed need to
organise accordingly and, for this, should learn from the practices of totally different
sectors, such as the entertainment industry; also, the mission of the Research and
Development (R&D) function will have to be redefined.
Innovation is a product of divergent and convergent thinking. The characteristic of
convergent thinking is that it is intellectual, digital, secondary, abstract, directed,
propositional, analytic, lineal, rational, sequential, and objective. In convergent thinking,
the information leads to one right answer or to a recognised best or conventional answer.
Divergent thinking in contrast, we think in different directions - searching or seeking
variety. According to Guilford, "Divergent thinking comes into play whenever there is
trial and error thinking"
Divergent thinking is essential to the novelty and design of an innovation, i.e., the first
stage in the process of innovation. Convergent thinking is fundamental to the second
stage, i.e., appropriateness and the implementation of the idea. During the first stage,
divergent thinking is predominant, but in the second stage the convergent thinking ability
has to be dominant. The result is a new product or process.
Innovations are a characteristic of the changes taking place in the business world today.
The rate of change has become so great that businesses feel their survival is threatened
if they do not do keep up with the changes. Innovations when they come from outside
the industry can cause the downfall of the entire industry. Innovations of this type, are
the most difficult to identify and to protect against.
The Swiss mechanical watch industry was nearly wiped out by the introduction of the
electronic watch. Established industries have seen this happen to them from time to
time. Manufacturers of typewriters did not see that their product would be replaced by
printers and word processors; manufacturers of radios must have been taken by shock
Technology Management when transistors took over their markets; even early manufacturers of motorcars would
not have believed that their products would completely replace carriages and bullock
carts in the transportation market. Manufacturers of gas lights did not foresee the invention
of the light bulb by Edison. According to a study conducted by Prof. Utterback of MIT,
three quarters of industry changing innovations that he examined came from outside the
industry itself.
Radical innovations can make industries obsolete. .and those who risk investing in
these ideas, can reap disproportionate benefits if the innovation is successful.
Box 9.7: Halloid
In 1935, Chester Carlson was working in the Patent Office of Mallory Company. Using his
technical background, he began experimenting with new ways to create a copying process.
His basic idea was to project the image of the typed paper on a blank sheet of paper coated
with dry ink, to hold the ink at the typed spaces using static electricity and finally melting
the ink by baking the paper. Carlson succeeded in obtaining a crude image, thereby
converting his idea to practice. By 1942, he had obtained the patent for the process.
Like most new ideas, it was not commercially efficient, cost effective or usable. It required
development. Development costs money, takes time, and requires skilled resources. Carlson
went from company to company seeking support. He was turned down, again and again.
Battelle Memorial Institute, which had a range of advanced technical research capabilities,
agreed to work on the development in return for a share of the potential royalties.
In 1945, a small company named Halloid learnt of Carlson's patents. Joseph Wilson, the
president, was looking for new products. Halloid produced the first copiers, using Carlson's
patent and Battelle's developments. The rest is history. The company became Xerox, creating
a new industry in office copying products. Xerox grew, keeping a technological and marketing
dominance over the industry for over three decades. Carlson became a multimillionaire.
Others, who supported him, reaped their rewards.
Innovations made in one industry will be the nucleus for the growth of many other new
industries. Radical innovations can be threatening, but also provides new opportunities to
those who have the vision and are prepared for the challenge. The computer provided
opportunities to accelerate the growth of new industries including the sophisticated space
industry, formed the basis for creating the World Wide Web that made possible a number
of internet based businesses, etc.
It is fortunate for firms when they participate in the technology development process,
especially if the innovation is radical. How many companies missed out on the Xerox
patents, described in Box 9.7. Why did it take an R&D outfit like Battelle to see the
potential in the process? How was it that Halloid saw this as an opportunity?
9.6.1 Defining Innovation
Innovation can be a new invention, discovery, new ways of doing things, a new product,
new ways of servicing, new uses of existing products, etc. Myers and Marquis (1969)
(Successful industrial innovation: Study of factors underlying innovation in selected firms,
National Science Foundation, NCF 69-17, Washington) have defined innovation as:
"Innovation is not a single action but a total process of interrelated subprocesses. It is not
just the conception of a new idea, nor the invention of a new device, nor the development
of a new market. The process is all these things acting in an integrated fashion."
The senior Vice President for research and development at 3M, defined innovation as: Technology Absorption and
1. Creativity: the thinking of novel and appropriate ideas.
2. Innovation: the successful implementation of those ideas within an organization.
Innovation can be of many types. It can be Product Innovation (development of a new
product), Process Innovation (new manufacturing process), Organizational Innovation
(new accounting procedure, new type of structure), Management Innovation (as Six
Sigma, TQM etc.), Production Innovation (new inventory management techniques, JIT),
Marketing Innovation (a new sales approach, new positioning strategy, innovation about
new advertisement spots), Service Innovation (Internet Banking).
The lexicon defines innovation as the act of introducing something new or unusual. In
the commercial sense it is better understood in the words of Peter F. Drucker. According
to him, innovation is "the task of endowing human and material resources with new and
greater wealth-producing capacity".
In the context of a developing country like India, this means a great deal. India has huge
resources and large human capital. Yet the capacities to transform these resources into
wealth- creating assets are often lacking. There is also a lack of innovative efforts to
improve capital output ratios which are far below the world standards.
List of Some Recent Inventions
Inventions in 2002
l Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical, 2002.
l Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill.
l Date Rape Drug Spotter invented by Francisco Guerra.
l Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich.
l Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB.
l ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder.
Inventions in 2004
l Adidas 1: The thinking shoes with a built-in microprocessor that decides how soft
or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the
best recreation invention of 2004.
l Translucent Concrete: Developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and
called LitraCon, it is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibres embedded
into concrete that can transmit light and colour from the outside.
l Kaon or Flower Sound: These plants that play music. Invented by Japan-based
Let's Corporation. Flower bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a
special vase that has electronics embedded in the base.
l Intel Express Chipsets: Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's
newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video
capacities for PCs, including the ability to do high definition video editing without
additional computer cards.
Technology Management l SonoPrep: Invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, it is a device that will deliver
medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical
Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies
low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound
temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered
or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.
9.6.2 Classification of Innovation
1. Related to Product/Technology: An innovation could be technology push or
demand pull or some combination of both. That is, did the idea originate with the
firm's R&D activities or did it emerge in what might be called the marketing activities
of the firm through the identification of the need or the market opportunity.
These innovations are generally related to the product itself. The Japanese are
leaders of technology and remain confident about the future because Japan has a
strong industrial base and a huge lead in R&D. The speed of innovation in Japan is
much faster than in any other country.
2. Related to Organization: Apart from the product or technology-related innovations,
there is one more important category of innovation which is more relevant to us
today. They are innovations which are initiated by a need identified by the
management within the organisation but where this need is not the customer's
need. These innovations are related not to the product itself but the process or
system, which makes the product available to the customer.
The organizations that do not accept new technologies and do not adapt themselves
to accept new technologies will fall behind.
3. Innovation Diffusion through International Alliances: Innovation diffusion means
the adoption and implementation of innovations. It is affected by the results in
changes within the organisation. Alliances between international companies over
the past few years are accelerating the innovation diffusion process in India. The
joining of foreign firms is creating stronger and more competitive companies through
the interaction of technical people, managers, manufacturing and research techniques.
An example is the automotive industry wherein global players are now entering
into license agreements, joint ventures, etc., with local Indian players. As a result
of these international alliances, the diffusion in international technologies (robotics),
management style (Total Quality Management-TQM), and inventory methods (Just
in Time-JIT) are taking place.
As a result of the opening up of the Indian economy, the country's industry has
gained from innovations and regained its competitiveness.
4. Related to Work Culture: There is no doubt that companies competing in today's
economic environment are forced to deal with changes almost on a daily basis.
Culture is a key ingredient for change that is inevitable when dealing with the
implementation and development of innovation.
How a company handles changes due to the adoption, implementation and
development of new products, ideas and techniques, determines how well that firm
will perform over time. Many traditional Indian corporate cultures are barriers to
increased speed. Speed is important for innovation because of the need to retain
existing customers, competitive market pressures, and changing consumer needs.
9.6.3 Organizational Characteristics that Facilitate the Innovative/ Technology Absorption and
Technological Process
To enhance innovation, an organization requires the following characteristics:
Growth Orientation: The companies whose objective is growth are innovation oriented.
Vigilance: These organizations always keep an eye on happenings in the external
Commitment to Technology: Innovative organizations are committed to new technology.
They exhibit patience in permitting ideas to germinate and develop over time. They
invest in promising ideas.
Acceptance: Every innovation is not a hit. Innovative firms have to be ready to take
that risk.
Cross Functional Co-operation: Inter -departmental conflict is a well-documented barrier
to innovation. A close functional co-operation is required between various department as
between R&D, production, and marketing for continuous innovation in the organization.
Receptivity: The capability of the organization to be aware of, identify and take effective
advantage of externally developed technology is the key to effective innovative strategy.
Adaptability: The organization must be adaptive to innovation, which may require changes
in the management styles, work culture and structure. If an organization is not adaptive,
the innovation may prove to be futile.
Diverse Range of Skills: Organizations require a diverse range of specialized skills and
knowledge in the form of experts.
Futuristic: Innovative organizations are future-oriented. They develop the strategies
and work on them for the distant future. They not only work on projects of current
importance but invest significantly on basic research for future-oriented innovations.
In a lecture given to the Royal Society in 1992, former chairman of Sony, Akio Morita,
suggested that unlike engineers, scientists are held high in esteem as science provides us
information which is previously unknown. Technology is an outgrowth of science that
fuels the industrial engine. And it is engineers and not scientists who make technology
In Japan, he argued, you will notice that almost every major manufacturer is run by an
engineer or technologist. However, in the UK , some manufacturing companies are run
by CEOs who do not even understand the technology that goes into their own products.
Indeed, many UK firms are headed by Chartered Accountants. With the greatest respect
to accountants, their central concern are statistics and figures of past performance.
How can an accountant reach out and grab the future if he or she is always looking at
the last quarter's results (Morita 1992,S does not equal T and T does not equal I,
Royal Society , February)
9.6.4 Competitive Advantage and Technology (Role/Importance of
It is through the process of innovation/technology that knowledge is converted into wealth.
Further, technology is an important factor for the competitiveness of both the service and
manufacturing sectors and hence the urgent need to put in place a system of innovation.
Technology Management Such a system would involve networking of firms, knowledge-producing institutions, bridging
institutions and customers/users in a value addition-creating production chain.
With such a consortium, the technology system would tap into the growing stock of
global knowledge, assimilate and adapt it to local needs, and finally create new knowledge
and technology. India and its organizations must evolve such systems to improve their
competitiveness in a global marketplace. Competitiveness emerges from the strength of
knowledge power, which is powered by technology that in turn is powered by capital.
In the coming years, competitiveness would be derived from the ability to recognise and
integrate all forms of knowledge leading to innovation in every area of human endeavour.
While talking about competitiveness and technology, the necessity of building innovation
systems is important.
Technology is reshaping the basics of business. Customer service, operations, product
and marketing strategies and distribution are heavily, or sometime even entirely, dependent
on technology. The technology that support these functions can be found on the desk, on
the shop floor, in the store, even brief cases.
Sustainable competitive advantage is an advantage that allows uninterrupted maintenance
and improvement of your enterprise's competitive position in the market. It is an advantage
that enables your business to survive against its competition over a long period of time.
Owning your competitive advantage will allow you to build upon it continuously, be more
flexible, and eliminate speed breakers.
"If I were to speak about competencies and assets of an organization that are
likely to remain valuable, I would restrict myself to one word 'Innovation'."
Ashwin Dani
Vice Chairman, Asian Paints (India) Limited)
Hypercompetition is a key feature of a the new economy. Not only is there more
competition, there is also tougher and smarter competition. "Hypercompetition" is a state
in which the rate of change in the competitive rules of the game are in such a state of
flux that only the most adaptive, fleet, and nimble organizations will survive. New customers
want it quicker and cheaper, and they want it their way. The fundamental quantitative
and qualitative shift in competition requires continuous innovations and improvement.
9.6.5 Technology: The Key to Competitiveness
The cold truth today is that a company can hold its competitive edge and stay ahead of
change only through innovation. Innovative companies are those that keep their collective
eyes and ears open to change and opportunity, and respond with ideas and actions that
keep them growing and profitable. Companies that compete through innovation know
that new (or borrowed) ideas apply not only to products, but also to quality, productivity,
service, financial discipline, employee attitudes and renewal. All are critical elements in
a company's competitive ability.
In recent years, the ability of firms to innovate is creating significant differences between
the best and the rest. A study of over 200 companies entitled "Winning New Products"
conducted by the Kellogg Graduate School of Management shows that successful
innovative firms were more likely to generate growth rates of 20% or more, compared
with the less successful ones.
There are mainly two options for achieving competitive advantage and forging ahead in
the race. Either to achieve product/service differentiation or cost differentiation, and if
possible, both. Each success in such differentiation is again short - lived. Hence innovation Technology Absorption and
is the call of the day to remain ahead with the differentiation.
Technology provides an edge over competitors on all the Four Ps of marketing:- Product,
Price, Place, Promotion.
Product: According to Philip Kotler, success doesn't lie in merely satisfying the customer
but in delighting him/her. If an organization doesn't delight the customer then someone
else will do so, and the d organization will lose the customer. Even under the best of
circumstances, staying competitive today is more difficult than ever before because the
conditions that determine competitive advantages change at an unparalleled speed.
Today's hot product may be tomorrow's flop; technological advances and increased
competition today rack the secure, stable market. Investment in technology can deliver
new and augmented products every time. Bajaj is classic example of this as it recently
launched new models at short intervals where each new model cannibalized its old model
because if they didn't do it, someone else would have.
The result was phenomenal as the companys sales surged rapidly. Successes such as LG,
Samsung, Hyundai and others have invested in a reasonable amount of product innovation.
P lace
P ro du ct
Differentiation Reduction
CMCs (Computer Maintenance Corporation, erstwhile PSU now acquired by TATA) online
passenger reservation system, designed to meet the specific requirements of the Indian
Railways, handles almost 100 million passengers a year in over 40 Indian cities. Imagine if
this was done without automation not a very appetising thought The system prints
tickets and reservation charts both in English and Hindi. March 1996 saw the celebration of
a decade of IMPRESS being in operation in the Northern Region. The impact of this is
manifold, but just to take one example today you can book a journey from Delhi to Simla
from Mumbai. This is a system that directly touches almost every traveller in India.
Technology thus provides competitive edge in all fields in all facets of business--Human Resource
258 Management, Sales Management, Manufacturing, Finance, Marketing, Training, etc.
Box 9.9: Technology and Innovation at Asian Paints Technology Absorption and
It would be appropriate to undertake a study of Asian Paints in this chapter, for its use of
technology through the years to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Today, the
company has formulated an entire range of decorative coatings through homegrown
technology. It has always given emphasis to R&D and continuously made investments in
this development of Information Technology. It has used IT as a tool to bring efficiencies
and streamline operations. The use of IT and R&D will continue to be important in the
future and Asian Paints will not hesitate in making investments in these areas to gain
advantages for the organization.
Continuous reconfiguration of activities in the value chain is a key task of all companies
aiming to remain competitive and to achieve the highest value-cost leverages. Given this
requirement, what were the key initiatives taken by Asian Paints during the last 5 years?
In last five years, reconfiguration of value chain activities to increase competitiveness has
been one of the major focus areas for Asian Paints. In fact, Asian Paints has transformed as
an organization. The sales and profit figures will reflect the strong financials of the company.
But most have important have been initiatives undertaken in all areas of operations to
increase efficiencies. Some of the key initiatives undertaken are:
l Sourcing efficiencies
Technology Management Producing soap more cost-effectively, for instance, may no longer be enough. It is more
important to produce soap with a novel usage proposition - just as, say, single-serve
sachets revolutionised the shampoo market in the early 1990s. Innovation can no longer
be considered an exception; it needs to become an integral driver of growth. In fact,
innovation is increasingly becoming a yardstick by which corporate performance is being
measured. For instance, a Fortune magazine study put "degree of innovativeness of the
company" as the strongest predictor of investment value. Hard data corroborates this.
Take the case of Reckitt Benckiser, where close to 40 % of the revenues are generated
from products introduced during the past three years.
Since the formation of the merged entity in 1999, Reckitt Benckiser has more than
doubled its net profit, and its operating margin has soared from just shy of 12 % in 1999,
to over 19 % in 2004. In fact, it is one of a mere handful of companies that meet
Accenture's definition of a high performance business globally. Most CEOs recognise
the strategic potential of innovation, and it remains a key strategy to lever competitive
advantage. It is no surprise that in an Accenture study, 83 % of senior executives surveyed
said innovation was vital to the future success of their company.
In brief , in order to work, innovation must be a collaborative initiative in which the top
management takes conspicuous ownership. According to Bart , "At Reckitt Benckiser,
innovative ideas are generated from consumers, from suppliers, from creative shops. In
fact, everybody in this organisation is there to generate ideas and to bring them to the
table. The more ideas I have, the better my chances of finding a winner."
Another Accenture study on entrepreneurship showed that the common barriers to
innovation are, in order of importance, aversion to risk and failure, lack of innate
entrepreneurial skills, slow decision-making, lack of resources and little readiness to
For successful FMCG companies, innovation becomes a holistic issue focused on building
the company-wide capability to develop a constant stream of innovative products and
bringing them to the market faster.
One way of achieving this is to create a structured process involving cross-functional
teams with distinct phases built on the themes of strategy, execution and capability-
building. The first phase should typically be planned around a number of key questions
such as:
l Which consumers do we want to serve and what do they value and need?
l What is the current portfolio and does it optimally align with overall strategy and
consumer needs?
l Where do innovation opportunities exist that meet consumer needs and are in line
with the portfolio strategy?
l Which innovation stream is required to meet shareholder value-creation targets?
Next, the target innovation stream and the required capabilities should be viewed in
conjunction to define a two-pronged execution plan. In this, a distinction must be made
between the specific capabilities needed to realise particular innovations and the generic
capabilities to become inherently more innovative.
In recent years, the ability of firms to innovate is creating significant differences between
the best and the rest. A study of over 200 companies entitled "Winning New Products"
260 conducted by the Kellogg Graduate School of Management shows that successful
innovation firms were more likely to generate growth rates of 20 % or more compared Technology Absorption and
with less successful ones.
(Ashish Nanda, Business Standard, Oct. 26 2005)
Every organisation has at least one technology for converting its resources into products
or services. Maruti Udyog Ltd, for instance, predominantly employs an assembly line
process to manufacture cars and management institutes use a number of instruction
technologies (lectures, cases, group discussions, programmed learning, experiential excises
etc.) to empower students with latest thinking in various disciplines. The important point
is to see how organisations tune their resources in line with changes in the environment,
produce eco-friendly and want-satisfying products and survive the onslaughts from
competitors. New technologies have changed the rules of the game completely, especially
during the last quarter-century, throwing well-established, sound businesses out of gear.
In fact as Kotler remarked, Every new technology is a force for creative destruction.
Transistors hurt the vacuum tube industry, xerography hurts the carbon-paper business,
autos hurt the rail roads, and television hurts the newspapers. The face of technology
can produce problems for organisations, even those on the cutting edge of technology.
Consider the dilemmas faced by IBM in late 80s. Technological advancements have so
quickly and substantially increased the power and capacity of personal computers that
desktop and laptop PCs have fast replaced large, mainframe computers in many
companies. IBMs mainframe sales accounted for 60 per cent of its profits and not
surprisingly, it took a painfully long time for IBM to recover from the shocks injected by
such rapid advances in technology.
Technology & Innovation Management will establish the direction of the third millennium.
To minimize possible undesired ecological effects along with manufacturing and utilization
of technology and products, "Sustainable Development" is well suited as a vision for
further development.
9.6.7 Nature of Innovations
As innovations form such an important part of the technological environment of the
business organization, the nature of innovations is discussed in this section.
Innovations are Self-Propagating: Innovations give rise to other innovations, creating
the nucleus for the growth of many new industries, sometimes the new industries are
related to the original innovation. Developments are taking place that combine technologies
and provide synergy to the original innovation and create a new emerging industry. For
example, information technology, based on the synergy created by other innovations
such as optical discs and fiber optics, has emerged with the potential to improve any
activity that involves storing or retrieving, processing, or communicating information to
either man or machine. Some estimates suggest that up to 50 percent of manufacturing
and some 80 percent of some services like banking involve information activities. Here,
the potential application in process renewal is enormous. The information-processing
aspects of all work can be reshaped through it. This synergy of innovations has created
a new business process outsourcing industry.
They Proliferate: And, sometimes the new innovation is not necessarily related to the
original innovation. The computer made possible a sophisticated space effort, created
the Internet, made possible computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, etc.
The consumer durable industry has been transformed by the microprocessor industry. It
has also changed the way consumers use many of their products. Pagers, mobile
telephones, automobiles, televisions, digital cameras, kitchen appliances, video games,
and toys, etc., are being fitted with special-purpose processors, controllers, and digital 261
Technology Management signal processors. These are either included or embedded in these consumer devices.
The list is endless.
Each new innovation permits the use of existing knowledge in new permutations and
combinations. As the number of innovations increases arithmetically, the number of
combinations rises exponentially. This also results in new models, new designs, better
packaging, or improved service. This is threatening the fortitude of some companies that
are not willing or hesitate to change with changes in the consumer's and market
expectations. Meeting this type of challenge requires new approaches to planning.
Sometimes, the challenge of change is of survival itself.
Create New Business Opportunities: Technological change is the basis for creation of
new business opportunities. It creates new products and services - hence new business
opportunities. It also contributes to the competitive edge of the firm, because a firm with
inferior technology cannot compete at the same price level with a firm superior in
technology. Armed with ever more sophisticated research technologies, more creative
work environments, and a continuing drive to harness nature everywhere, technological
changes have become more rampant. There is a quantum jump both in the qualitative
and quantitative measures of technological change.
Create Higher Technical Competence: The Stanford Research Institute, in a publication
on the life of various products introduced in the twentieth century, showed that in 1920 the
period between introduction and peak production of the products investigated was 34 years.
For the products introduced between 1939 and1959, to reach the peak production it took
only 8 years. This process of reduction in the technological life cycles of products has
become more acute. With firms having to introduce products at shorter intervals, the firm
requires higher levels of 'technological competence' and the ability to introduce increased
number of new products. This has transformed the way some businesses operate and
created a new form of competition based on technological and innovative capabilities.
The new electronic watches were powered by small batteries that functioned for about a
year without replacement. The batteries stimulated the balance wheel oscillations of an
otherwise mechanical clock, or were used to drive the oscillations of a small tuning fork or,
most commonly, a quartz crystal. The watches had no moving parts and were sturdy and
economical. The Japanese watch industry flourished and so did the watch industry in the
other countries that adopted the technology while the Swiss lost their stranglehold on the
market. These newly designed watches with integrated circuits were a new genre of product
that replaced the market of traditional mechanical watches, and created a discontinuity in
the operations of the Swiss watch industry.
The Japanese industry studied the developments and potential of integrated circuits and
saw an opportunity in using this technology for watches. They believed that the new
technology could be developed into a cheap and reliable substitute to the mechanical
system in traditional watches. As a result, they successfully developed technology for
watches using inexpensive integrated circuits.
In the case of the Swiss Watch Industry, that the threat came from outside the industry,
explains why this situation occurred. It came from the electronics industry. The Swiss
watch industry was a forward-looking industry, with high innovative capabilities. The
situation could have been avoided had they conducted an intelligent study on the
development of the semiconductor industry, in the early 1960s, as was done by the
Japanese. The study would have predicted the high probability that within ten to twenty
years time, integrated circuit technology would provide a cheaper, more reliable, and
more accurate replacement for the traditional mechanical watch. Had the Swiss watch
industry studied the future in a systematic way, it would also have anticipated this possibility
and taken appropriate measures.
9.7.2 Characteristics of Technological Change
The importance of technological change as an engine for economic growth has been
substantiated by a number of recent empirical studies that show more than half the
increase in national output in major developed countries stems from technology.
Economists now accept that technological change has been the engine behind the
phenomenal growth of industry in the twentieth century. A number of other studies confirm
the importance of technological change as a source of growth, although the quantitative
estimates sometimes differ. The fact that technological change has an extremely high
magnitude of contribution in the growth in output has to be accepted.
The growth ascribable to increase in the output of capital per man-hour and technological
change, were calculated by Prof. Solow (1957) in his classic article on aggregate
production function and technological change. After testing the neutrality of technological
change, for the period of 1909 - 49 (forty years) in the United States of America, The
total annual growth rate in output of 1.8 percent during this period and the contribution of
Technology Management technological change in this figure is about 1.5 percent a year. He attributes about 10 -
15 percent of the growth to increased capital per man-hour and 85 - 90 percent to
technological change. A phenomenal contribution!
Why this predominant role of technological change? Some believe that the role of
Technological Change in dictating economic activities is mainly due to the increasing
rate of growth in scientific and technical knowledge. 'Technological Change' is a function
of increased scientific and technical knowledge. The number of young people completing
secondary or high-school education has increased dramatically; between a quarter and a
half of them go on for higher education. The result has been an exponential growth of
The increased scientific and technical knowledge results in the emergence of a range of
new products; continuing and radical changes of technological processes and products;
increasing investments in Research & Development; and an enhancement in the
technology life cycle of products. In a market based economy this produces economic
development and increases the buying power of the consumer, which in turn results in
further growth in scientific and technical knowledge. The implications of these changes
are discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
1. It Expands the Knowledge Industry: Today's society has been marked by a great
expansion in education; the population has become better educated. Due to this, professional
and scientific knowledge has become the most marketable commodity. This has given a
great fillip to the printing, paper and allied industries. The US Government was producing
100,000 Reports, 450,000 Books, Articles and Papers and Scientific and Technical literature
amounting to 60 million pages in 1970. According to projections, this figure of scientific and
technical publications published by the U.S. Government has already quadrupled to more
than 240 million pages per annum in 2003, in a period of just over thirty years.
2. It Increases Requirements of Technical Manpower: New industries, starting with
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, aeronautical, space, and nuclear science, have been created
by developments in pure science and depend largely on theoretical research. Theoretical
knowledge in the social sciences also is widely applied, as in complex models of
technological and economic forecasting. This has led to the greatest deployment of
technical manpower, around the world. Estimates for the USA suggest that there were
over one million scientists and engineers at work on projects, with a total value of $ 100
billion per year in 1990. This has been growing since. Such a deployment of technical
manpower has never happened before on this kind of scale. As the growth of knowledge
is exponential, many nations will soon run out of their ability to produce and train manpower
in sufficient quantities to meet with the requirements. Firms will have to headhunt
internationally to meet their requirements.
3. It is Fast Paced: Even large firms cannot keep abreast of all developments in their
fields of interest as a result of the exponential growth of knowledge. The knowledge that
they miss sometimes can be expensive. More so because the basic characteristic of
knowledge is that it cannot be confined. So in case, they miss a development, others will
come forward to take it up. IBM, a giant firm that laid the foundations of the Information
Technology industry, did not keep abreast with developments in networking technologies
and moved slowly to counter threat. Others picked it up and IBM nearly lost the business
in the process.
4. It Increases Investment in R&D: Another consequence of the growth of innovations
is the increasing investment in Research & Development. Competitors are using R&D
266 to develop technologies that compete with each other. For example, many Japanese
companies including Matsushita and NEC, are promoting an analogue system, the HI- Technology Absorption and
vision system in high definition television while various US companies are testing digital
systems. Depending on which system will prevail, the winners will take the loot, while
the losers will be left with nothing. Such developments have raised the investment and
stakes of R&D. Figures from Japan and Sweden suggest that money spent on R&D is
many times that spent on fixed capital. Even the largest firms are finding it difficult to
keep up with developments, as R&D is becoming competitive.
5. It New Approaches to R&D: This has brought in new approaches towards R&D.
Co-operation between former competitors has emerged as a new concept changing the
face of commercial competition. There is a growing trend towards shared approaches to
development of technology and a shift towards coping to learn how to effectively ensure
absorption of technologies developed outside the firm.
6. It Reduces Reaction Time: Technology is undergoing change so fast that it no longer
is something that one can sit back and decide upon at leisure. By the time the company
realizes that its technology strategy is obsolete, it may be too late and may have weakened
its customer base. Fierce competition, emanating from technological change, has drastically
reduced the reaction time for countering competitor action. In the face of this type of
competition, the companies have to take unusual risks of product and technology
development, etc., putting once secure market positions in jeopardy.
Enterprises, often, do not know where their competition will come from. They do not
know what the life of the product is going to be. Therefore, many organizations are
creating new products for the markets in order to spread their risks. With the time lag
between an invention and a product shortening, many of these products are new products
that have just been invented. According to one estimate, 80 percent of new products
that we will be buying in ten year's time have yet to be invented.
7. It Alters Organizational Relationships: Technological Change can alter relationships
to customer bases, channels of distribution, customer applications, and customer
knowledge etc. - either reinforcing existing patterns or radically altering them. The
development of fast and efficient photocopying machines has benefited business and
government tremendously. It has created a new industry and also sounded the death
knell for the carbon copy industry. Other examples of similar radical innovations are the
electronic vacuum tube, the transistor, the incandescent lamp, and microprocessors, each
of which fostered new industries.
8. It is a Business Strategy: Technological change can also be a business strategy.
Some companies are using convergent change, i.e., introduction of incremental innovations
in their products, as a strategy for business growth. The corporate objectives of 3M
specify that 30 percent of its turnover must come annually from new products. Gillette
introduces at least 10 new products every year; while Netscape introduces a new product
every six months; and British Airways refreshes its service classes every five years.
Change, for these companies, has become a way of staying ahead of their competitors.
Decisions regarding technological change envelop the entire organization. The decisions
on technological change are taken by the engineering department as well as by the
production, marketing, finance, planning and human resource development departments.
It may range from strengthening existing competencies of the firm to making obsolete
existing competencies, e.g., product design, process, skills of personnel, knowledge base.
The impact of these decisions, when taken with foresight and care, can provide rich
dividends to the firm. Because of the complexity of relationships that such changes
impact, accepting 'technological change' is often difficult, though it provides an excellent
opportunity to the firm. 267
Technology Management 9. It Develops Disruptive Technologies: There is a new technological revolution that is
creating great concern in industry. The extent and magnitude of the concern with this
technological revolution is enhanced because this type of technological change is no longer
restricted to a single industry. No industry can afford to ignore what is happening around it
and it is creeping into all areas of our work.
This revolution is based on the evolution of a large number of generic technologies.
These technologies have changed the way we do business and they apply to a wide
range of industries. They have also created opportunities, and enterprises that recognize
the opportunity take advantage and reap immeasurable advantages.
In 1894, when Guglielmo Marconi invented a way to send messages through the air, the
Italian government turned down his offer of first rights because it saw no use for the
technology. After all, Marconi's crude prototype could only send signals a hundred yards
-- hardly a match for the increasingly popular telephone. It was difficult to imagine that
such a weak transmission method would pave the way for everything from television to
cellular phones. Even now, 100 years later, wireless is still opening up new markets and
changing the way governments and businesses communicate and operate.
Marconi's wireless invention represents what some historians call "disruptive technologies."
These are technologies -- the internal combustion engine, transistors and the Web browser,
for example -- those not only create new industries, but eventually change the world.
Disruptive technologies often come from outside the mainstream. The light bulb was not
invented by the candle industry looking to improve output.
The organization must keep track of movements outside established markets. Something
such as the personal computer or the Internet is always just around the corner. These
innovations, e.g. information technology, communications technology and biotechnology
etc., have changed the complexion of many industries. These generic innovations are
invading areas of business operations in directions that had not been predicted and are
impacting the way business is being carried out.
The telephone is a disruptive technology that has changed the way marketing is carried
out. It introduced a radically new approach - direct selling through the telephone.
Surprisingly, this change was brought in by the staid and conservative insurance business
in the United Kingdom. This was started by some members of the British insurance
industry and was then adopted by the industry. Direct selling through the telephone
resulted in the total restructuring of the insurance industry.
Box 9.11: The Banking Industry
Following the insurance industry, banks introduced direct selling over the telephone. In the
1980s, one or two banks in the United Kingdom, realizing the strategic potential of the
telephone, introduced telephone-banking services backed up by sophisticated information
technology systems. This action in an industry, which generally operated in a relatively
stable environment, changed the market position of the banks in the industry. Customers
saw the innovative banks as having provided massive improvements in the levels of service
- they had 24-hour access every day of the year. The cost base of banks had reduced,
switching from an expensive physical infrastructure to a professional call centre in one city
handling all the business. The banks were now able to increase the range of services
offered. The ordinary telephone with the help of new information technology had opened
up the industry in a manner not possible earlier.
It then spilled over into banking, and other financial services. Today, a large part of
selling of services and products, worldwide, is done through direct telephone selling.
268 Technological change can emanate from unexpected sources. A small idea, promoted
and executed by a group of conservative businessmen, has changed the way industry Technology Absorption and
conducts business. This was adopted by others and it created an industry practice.
By the process of diffusion the innovation caught the interest of the business fraternity
and it was changed into a world wide practice. The innovation was extended and integrated
with other innovations and it formed a totally new innovation. The new innovation has in
turn given rise to a family of innovations. This is typical of technological change.
An example is the World Wide Web. If we think today's Web is transforming the way
business is done, imagine the kind of impact tomorrow's Web will have. It is expected
the next generation Internet will provide small businesses and large corporations alike
the kind of agility necessary to compete and succeed in the digital economy. Advanced
Internet software is on the horizon that will hammer out contracts, find suppliers, etc.
and accomplish all of this in a day, if not a matter of minutes. One will be able to collaborate
and communicate seamlessly, no matter where one is or what device one is using. It will
be possible to interact with computers in more natural ways, using speech, handwriting
and simple gestures. The PC may still sit on the desk, but it will be the hub of a broad
"personal network" of devices and services that, in combination with smart Internet
software, will keep we connected, informed and entertained no matter where we are.
Box 9.12: Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica was one of the strongest and best known brand names in the
world, in its area of operation. CD-ROMS have, today, destroyed Encyclopedia Britannica
and the printed encyclopedia business and replaced them in the market. With the new
technology, the cost of producing a CD-ROM was about Rs. 100.00 compared to the cost of
Rs. 1500.00 for printing, binding and physical distribution of a set of encyclopedias.
The cost advantage coupled with an aggressive new player reduced the sales of Britannica
by nearly fifty percent. It disrupted the value proposition of an established business. With
declining revenues, Britannica's owners, a trust controlled by the University of Chicago,
finally sold out.
The Britannica case demonstrates how quickly and drastically the new economics of
information can change the rules of competition. New players and substitute products can
make obsolete such traditional sources of competitive advantage as an excellent sales
force, a supreme brand and even the world's best content.
All these developments not only affect the way we do business, but a more profound
transformation is taking place - over the next decade the new economics of information
will precipitate changes in the structure of entire industries and in the ways companies
compete. Many other disruptive technologies have the capability to radically change
industry if the right technology strategy is used.
Table 9.4: Disruptive Technologies: Winners and Losers
Prepare a report on any Indian organisation which you think is totally technology
Technology Management 5. Write short notes on:
l Technology,
l Technology Diffusion,
l Appropriate Technology,
l Technology Transfer,
l Technological Literacy.
6. Discuss the role of technology in the development of India.
7. Discuss the present status of technology in India and Indian business organization.
10.0 Aims and objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Technology Measurement
10.3 Technology Audit
10.4 Let Us Sum Up
10.5 Key Terms
10.6 Test Questions
10.7 Suggested Readings
Measurement and instrumentation includes sensors, actuators, medical instrumentation,
fundamentals of measurement including measurement standards, uncertainty,
dissemination and calibration. A company's information technology capacities can limit
or enhance the ability to respond to market conditions. New technological infrastructures
enhance the creation of new forms of organization, and in the process, also create a
complex environment that on the one hand increase the demand for cost-control
standardization and on the other stimulate the demand for innovation in order to respond
to client demands. Most companies are not capable addressing this dual requirements.
Thus, we find ourselves in a complex decision-making scenario since there is a need to
invest in IT infrastructure, processes and projects in order to render companies competitive
despite the lack of measurements for the (un)successful impact on company profitability
that these investments have.
Technology Management
Technology Measurement
4. Reporting
5. Follow-up
6. pursuit By (r.d)
Auditing information security is a vital part of any IT audit. The broad scope of auditing
information security includes such topics as data centers (the physical security of data
centers and the logical security of databases), networks and application security. Like
most technical realms, these topics are always evolving; IT auditors must constantly
continue to expand their knowledge and understanding of the systems and environment&
pursuit in system company
History of IT Auditing
The concept of IT auditing was formed in the mid-1960s. Since that time, IT auditing has
gone through numerous changes, largely due to advances in technology and the
incorporation of technology into business.
International Law Regarding IT Auditing
(a) US Regulations and Legislation Related to IT Audits
Several information technology audit related laws and regulations have been introduced
in the United States since 1977. These include the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the London Stock
Exchange Combined Code, King II, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
(b) European Union Regulations and Legislation Related to IT Audits
Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of personal data exists primarily to ensure the
protection of the privacy of individuals in regards to digital information.
Audit Personnel
(a) Qualifications
As the field is relatively young, not all jurisdictions have developed a pre-defined skill set
that is required when evaluating the qualifications of IT audit personnel. Since auditors
will be responsible for evaluating the controls affecting the recording and safekeeping of
assets, it is recommended that IT personnel have detailed knowledge regarding information
systems with a general understanding of accounting principles.
In the United States, usually it is considered desirable that IT audit personnel have received
or qualify to receive the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Internal
Auditor (CIA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified
Public Accountant (CPA), Diploma in Information System Audit (DISA from the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI-India)(ICAI)) and Certification and
Accreditation Professional (CAP) credentials. The CISM and CAP credentials are the
two newest security auditing credentials, offered by the ISACA and ISC2, respectively.
Strictly speaking, only the CISA title would sufficiently demonstrate competences regarding
both information technology and audit aspects.
Outside of the US, various credentials exist, with differing value and safeguards of
professionalism. E.g., the Netherlands has the RE credential (as granted by the 281
Technology Management NOREA(Dutch site) IT-auditors association), which among others requires a post-
graduate IT-audit education from an accredited university, subscription to a Code of
Ethics, and adherence to strict continuous education requirements.
(b) Professional Certifications of Note
l Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)
l Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
l Certification and Accreditation Professional (CAP)
l Certified Computer Professional (CCP)
l Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
l Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
l Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
l Chartered Accountant (CA)
l ISO 27002 Lead Auditor (ISO/IEC27002)
(c) Other Employees Involved in IT Audits
l Board of directors
l Senior management
l Audit management
l External audit staff
l Internal audit staff
l Operations managers
Emerging Issues
Technology changes rapidly and so do the issues that IT auditors face. Some emerging
issues include biometric retinal scans, changes in physical security, and transmitting data
from cell phones.
Information Systems Security Auditing
IS security auditing involves providing independent evaluations of an organizations policies,
procedures, standards, measures, and practices for safeguarding electronic information
from loss, damage, unintended disclosure, or denial of availability. The broadest scope of
work includes the assessment of general and application controls. The current state of
technology requires audit steps that relate to testing controls of access paths resulting
from the connectivity of local-area networks, wide-area networks, intranet, Internet,
etc., in the IT environment.
The results of these evaluations are generally directed to the organizations management,
legislative bodies, other auditors, or the public. IS security auditing may be performed in
engagements where
l The specific audit objective is to evaluate security, or
l The audit objectives are much broader, but evaluating security is a necessary subset.
282 (For example, an audit objective such as financial statement assurance or program
evaluation frequently may be met only when there is assurance that the security of Technology Measurement
the financial or program data is adequate.)
State and Local Government IS Audit Organizations
The size of the audit organization and the placement of the IS audit function within the
organization may affect strategies for establishing an IS security audit capability. State
and local government audit organizations vary widely in both the size and the organization
of their IS audit functions. Some audit agencies have not established an IS audit function
at all, and instead contract for those services. Others integrate their IS auditors into their
financial or operational audit teams. Still others have separate IS audit groups who work
in support of the financial or operational teams. Despite these variations, however, audit
organizations should be able to establish an IS security audit capability in a manner
appropriate for the audit organizations size, structure, and mission.
Developing a Strategic Plan for an IS Security Auditing Capability
(a) Define Mission and Objectives
A mission statement for the IS security audit capability should be established. This
document should outline the responsibility, authority, and accountability of the IS security
audit capability. In addition, a vision statement and a statement of values and goals
should be created. These statements serve to further define the mission of the IS security
audit capability and set the stage to define the specific objectives desired by agency
Deciding on your organizations objectives for creating or enhancing an IS security audit
capability will aid you in identifying the types of tools, skills, and training needed. Objectives
should be defined beforehand, without first considering how and by whom the objectives
would be met (for example, whether resources would be in-house, contractor, shared
staff, or some combination). Also, consider focusing on a three- to five-year planning
horizon rather than on what can be implemented immediately. Setting interim milestones
will help to achieve a staged implementation of your planned strategy. Among the many
potential objectives for an IS security audit capability, several types are common:
l To support financial statement audits by, for example, assessing IS security controls.
This assessment may affect the nature and extent of financial audit steps to be
performed, as well as provide timely support for needed improvements in computer-
related controls.
l To support performance audits, such as assessing how well an information system
protects the integrity and reliability of data and the effect of this level of protection
on program performance.
l To supplement IT audits by assessing the effectiveness of security within the context
of a general and/or application-specific controls audit.
l To provide independent system security audits, so that risks are clearly identified
and can be addressed.
l To support investigative and/or forensic audits, for example by identifying
unauthorized access to and manipulation of sensitive data.
l To provide support for sophisticated data analysis and extraction through computer-
assisted audit techniques (CAATs).
Technology Management l To provide an auditors perspective on IS security during system development, so
that controls can be appropriately designed into the system.Your organizations
objectives for developing an IS audit capability may combine the above or vary
from them. Whatever the objectives, identifying them beforehand will provide a
sound cornerstone on which to build the capability.
b) Assess IS Security Audit Readiness
In building an IS security audit capability, management should assess the organizations
IS security audit readiness by taking into account the relevant factors discussed below.
Establishing a baseline in these areas by identifying strengths and weaknesses will help
an organization determine the best way to proceed. In many instances, this process will
determine what is practical to implement within given time and budget constraints.