Chapter-1: Objective
Chapter-1: Objective
Chapter-1: Objective
Workers entering into the Factory by that period will remove metallic
disc (ticket) from the board placed near the gate. These tickets they will
deposit in the box at the shop.
After closing of the gate say at 7.30A.M the representative of the gate
office (Labour Bureau) prepares a list of tickets not removed from the
The gate is then opened and late comers are allowed to enter the gate up
to I hour i.e. up to 8.30A.M. No one is normally allowed to enter after
that time without the special sanction of the General Manager. The late
comers are required to deposit their tickets in the respective boxes at the
gate specially provided for the purpose to record the particular hour at
which a late comer is admitted. The representative of the gate office
prepares a list of ticket. Numbers who have entered late indicating the
time of late, this indication of late is 0-15 minutes, 15-30 minutes, 30-45
minutes, and 45-60 minutes.
Thus two sets of documents are generated at the gate. Casualty memo/
Presentee- memo, late memo.
After the individual reported in the shop and deposited his ticket; the
shop also prepares another list of individual reported (without indication
of any time). This document is also sent to Labour Bureau for cross
checking with the two documents mentioned earlier.
Men who take short leave are granted leave passes by the JWM of the
shop. Those leave passes are deposited at the gate and handed over to the
Labour Bureau. Part Leave is generally granted in terms of quarter of an
This muster roll along with the leave passes, Over Time note of the
previous day and into casualty report and late memo of the current day
are to reach Accounts office every day in the morning and as such also
called Morning mustering.
On receipt of the muster roll from the Labour Bureau, the present days
attendance should be checked with reference to casualty memo/
presently memo, late memo. The previous days attendance to be
checked with reference to leave passes, overtime memos. Discrepancy if
any to be reported through the discrepancy report. Alteration if any can
be made by Labour Bureau with proper alteration. The auditor of Labour
Section must initial in the muster roll in token of having audited the
The weekly total of the attendance, overtime hours, bonus hours, night
shift hours etc., will be also copied in the Accounts copy of attendance
mentioned earlier.
At the end of the month: On receipt of the muster roll on the day
following the close of the month in the Accounts Office, the total
number of days attended by each worker, overtime worked by each
worker, bonus hours admissible to each worker, total night shift hours
worked by each worker as mentioned in the muster roll will be checked
with reference to the record maintained by Accounts Office in IAD
(FAC) 74. This will than become the input for preparation of Wage Roll.
If an I.E. is absent for the whole the Saturday, he is not entitled for this
benefit of Saturday Bonus but if present for part of a day his attendance
will be as under.
Wages payable to Industrial employees for any wage period will include:
2. Other element of pay e.g. Idle Time Pay, Over Time Pay, Leave
Pay, Holiday Pay, Injury Pay, Segregation Pay etc.
5. Duty pay at basic monthly rate is also called time wage in respect
of D. W. This is because the day workers are to be paid on time
basis without regard to output.
As per wage act 1936 , the per day wage of a day worker is basic pay
rate/ total number of days the workers is supposed be present in a month
i.e. N-(S+H) where N stands for No. of days in the month, S number of
Sundays and H number of holidays.
(N S ST) x 8 + ST x 4 3 Hours
In case of gang piece worker the total input hours of the gang is arrived
at by adding the input hour of each individual worker of gang and the
output hour is calculated as the total hours on the basis of the PW Card.
The profit % of the gang is calculated as under:
If a worker works partly as day worker and partly as piece worker during
a wage period; he will be considered as piece worker for the entire wage
period and will be entitled to holiday pay for the holiday (s) falling
within the wage period; irrespective of whether the holidays is in the part
when he is a day worker or piece worker.
Calculation of OT Wages
(a)DA + CCA
Night Shift and benefits given to IES for working in Night Shift
The formula for calculation of NDA (Night Duty Allowance and night
shift bonus are as under)
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 10
DA half days = Number of days of half Pay Leave during the month.
DA amount =DA (Percentage) basic Monthly rate of pay x (DA full days+.5x DA half
days) 100 N - (S +H) for day worker and (N-S) for Piece Worker
Industrial Employees are entitled to injury pay for the period spent in
hospital when to authorize by the General Manager for any accident while
on duty. This amount is calculated on the basis of basic rate of monthly
wage, as calculated above depending on whether he is a DW or PW. This
amount however will be deducted from the compensation, if any, paid
under workmen compensation Act. All allowance like DA, HRA, CCA, TA
is also admissible on the pay.
Under Factory Act 59, Small Family allowance is treated as a part of basic
wage and as such is considered for calculation of OT rate of IE up to 48
hours as well as beyond 48 hours.
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Transport Allowance
Incentive Bonus
The following categories of day worker (other than un- skilled worker)
who are deployed on maintenance work of machines in a shop, gas plants,
stream generation, compressed act supply plants, Industrial under supply
Plant, electrical power supply plants, (irrespective of whether these plants
are situated inside the factory or not) are entitled to a separate element of
wage called Incentive Bonus.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 12
When the Wage Roll was prepared manually each element of wages were
calculated manually. The help of Facit / Calculator like machines were
taken for speedy addition, multiplication, division. The accuracy of the
preparation was ensured before release of the role by the following steps:
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 13
EDP Section will print out a report called Change Pay which indicates
individual wise list of change in the entitlement by comparing the same
work last month. This should be compared with Changed PIS as
amended to verify that Pay has been changed for only those individual
whose change in PIS have been authorized by Labour Section . If the two
are not matching EDP section should be asked to reprocess wage roll.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 14
EDP section prints out check list of in the same page format of data
sheet and also indicates the column where page total done manually
does not agree with the total done by computer. The same may be
due to wrong totaling or wrong data entry. That page to be 100%
checked to rectify the error and one copy of check list with due
authentication should be handed over to EDP Section for necessary
action. When the wage roll is generated another statement called
Earning Summary is also generated and handed over to Labour
section. In this report the total in each element viz. duty days, OT
days. OTB days etc are shown. This should be checked with the
total of the attendance as shown in the check list of attendance as
amended. If the two tallies it is established that the Wage Roll is
prepared on the basis of authorized attendance only.
(ii) To verify the rates: - The print out of Pay Register or Pay Slip
is also received in Labour Section. This two report indicates rate for
each element of wage admitted to individual.
At least one case of each scale / grade / trade to be selected and the
rate as well as amount of wages calculated to be verified by Auditor
/ section Officer. This will establish that the system (Program) has
been formulated correctly.
Once all these checks are exercised the Master Roll should be
passed for payment for the gross amount by Accounts Officer.
When the Account Officer is on leave / out of station the senior
AAO / Section Officer is allowed to pass the roll provisionally
subject to countersignature by GM of the Factory. The master rolls
so passed by AAO / SO (A) are subject to post audit by Accounts
Officer on his return. Under this arrangement no responsibility
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 15
The claim preferred by the Factory are data entered by EDP Section and
a check list showing the months drawn pay, due pay, attendance as is in
the record of EDP section is printed out. The same is printed in duplicate
copy and handed over to Labour Section. Auditor /Section Officer /
Accounts Officer must exercise check in amount O/o on that document
with reference to hard copy of records maintained in Labour Section.
The same to be authenticated for pricing by Labour Section indicating
whether separate supplementary bill to be printed or the same to be
included in the next months pay as miscellaneous earning. The bill in
main priced and bill along with due drawn statement is handed over to
labour section. The same to be compared with the authenticated copy
before pass for payment of the bill.
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Cost Accounting
Financial Accounting
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The Pay Head of Industrial Employees is 54/ 805/ 003. To have detailed
idea of expenditure, unit controls have been allotted for Overtime Pay,
Educational assistance etc. The Pay Head will be charged with entire
amount while paying any advance or adjusting any debit / credit
accounted for in the Disbursement Certificate .Similarly, the Pay Head
will be credited as minus charge with the entire amount while adjusting
any Treasury Receipts for amounts deposited against the advance drawn.
The amount of unclaimed wages is not charged to the Pay Head in the
Financial Accounts although the same is fully charged in the Cost
Accounts. The difference between Cost and Financial Accounts
represented by the unclaimed wages which is treated as Outstanding
The different Productive / Service Sections will issue Day / Piece Work
Cards in the prescribed Forms to workmen showing the work to be done
by any individual or gang in order to make payment to Industrial
Employees in a particular month. In case of Day Workers who are
continuously on the same type of Indirect Work Order, no Day Work
Card is necessary but details of men so employed and the Work Order
concerned (Type of Work) on which they are employed are to be
furnished by the section concerned to the Accounts Office (for
preparation of Allocation Sheet)
Day Work Card will be prepared periodically for each Day Worker
and submitted to Accounts Office. Cards will show the Ticket Number,
Name of the Worker, Rate of Pay, Work Order and Warrant Number on
which he was employed on each job.
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(a) For an adult one day for every 20 days of work and
(b) For a child (both Artisan. / messenger Boy) one day
for every 15 days of work.
The leave so admissible shall be exclusive of all
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 22
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1) Date of Birth.
2) Date of Appointment with the age prescribed for Govt.
3) Verification of Pay Column.
4) Annual Increment.
5) Entitlement of LTC, Family details of LTC.
1. Daily working hours of an Ordnance Factory are 8 hours without
recesses & lunch break.
2. The factory gate will open half an hour before the time fixed for
commencement of work and will be closed just at the time of
3. The procedure of attendance for the late comers will be made
indicating late by 15 minutes; 30 minutes; 45 minutes and 1 hour
4. Since the Ordnance Factories is working 44 3/4 hours weekly instead
of 48 hours, booking of attendance of the Industrial Employees on
Saturday will be made as under:
0 13/32
1 17/32
2 21/32
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 24
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 25
There are 15 Questions carrying equal mark. One mark will also be deducted
for each wrong answer
Total 30 Marks
[Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once ticking
need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible as a fresh ticking
for seems to be right answer]
7 '/z hrs
8 hrs including 9 hrs 8 hrs with 8 hrs
recess lunch break excluding
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 26
44 hrs 50 hrs 48 hrs 46 hrs 44 3/4 hrs
Q5. Booking of attendance for present on Saturday for one hour is marked:
29/32 21/32 25/32 17/32 I
Q6. Day Workers are those:
Who work in the Who are being Who are being Answer given in A, B &
Day time only paid with paid with C are not correct
reference to reference to their
output attendance
Q7. Which one of the answer is not found correct for calculation of amount for
(1) Time Wages, (2) Overtime Pay & (3) Overtime Bonus admissible to a
Day Worker?
[(Basic Rate of [(Basic Rate of [Basic Rate of [(P+2d)/200] X No of
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 27
Own basic pay Maximum of Average of scale Minimum of the
the scale of pay of pay scale of pay
Q9. Maximum profit% admissible to a Piece Worker during a wage period is:
80 70 75 None of A, B & C
Q10. Which classes of Day Workers are not entitled to Incentive Bonus?
Highly Skilled Un skilled Skilled Semi Skilled Master craft man
Q11. Incentive Bonus payable to a maintenance worker deployed in the Estate area
will calculated on the basis of:
50% of profit 45% of 50% of 50% of average No answer given
earned in the profit earned profit earned profit earned by in A, B, C & D is
Estate by by the the sections correct
Maintenance Production
section section
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 28
Last day of the 10th of the First week of Last week of 10th of the 2nd
respective 1st month the 2nd the1st month month following
month following month
Q13. Which answer is correct? The Receipt side of Disbursement Certificate shows
Amount received Net payment Actual payment Deduction made
on ECR payable disbursed
Q. 14. Which item does not reflect in the Payment side of Disbursement Certificate?
Deduction made Total amount Any receipt for Net payment payable
passed in Master un -disbursed
Roll wages remitted by
money Order
Q15. Which is not the primary document for Cost Accounting of Labour?
PW Cards DW Cards Financial Allocation Sheets Cost Punching
Punching Medium
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Once the material are purchased, the role of maintaining proper accounts
begins. It is the job of the Accounts Office to ensure that:
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2) all issues from the store are accounted for properly and in
time. Priced Store Account (PSA) is a macro account
generated by the computer which gives the overall amounts
for a month. Priced Store Ledger (PSL) is a detailed, item
wise account. Both these accounts will not give the right
picture if all Demand Notes, Return Notes floated in a
month are accounted for.
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The same Principal is followed for each item of final product say B, C
(i) Item Code (ii) Item Description (iii) MP Sheet No. & Date
(iv) Required For production of items (OFB Vocabulary
code) (v) Production Plan for the item (vi) Estimate
number (vii) Output consumption ratio (viii) Total Qty
required (ix) Qty required for next six months (x) Qty on
stock (xi) Qty for which order has already been placed
(dues) (xii) Net quantity required.
Audit of MP Sheet- At the time of taking action against any proposal
for procurement the MP Sheet is to be audited to justify the need. While
doing that it is to be ensured that there is a control mechanism for
detecting the progress of MP Sheet once prepared through the system.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 38
Advantage of System
It has more relation to the coming years production plan than on the
previous years history.
Any change in the estimates affected by revision in estimate can be
promptly reflected in the provisioning action.
Disadvantage of System
If suitable checks are not in built into the system may lead to over-
SHIS The full form is Store Holder Inability Sheet. The name itself
specifies that in same is prepared by the store holder while proposing for
any procurement. This can be merely termed as Store Holders proposed
justification for procurement. It contains stock in hand, dues, average
consumption, liabilities in sight and hence requirement to meet this
liabilities. The requirement for next six month is calculated on the basis
of the formula.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 39
Audit of SHIS
M P Sheet SHIS
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Limited Tender This method is used where the demand is very urgent,
likely sources are known and advertisement is not expected to widen
competition. Issue of TE is restricted to the registered, established and
successful suppliers of past repute on the approval of the Chairman of
the appropriate TPC and Finance Member.
These are the Factory level TPC. For purchases beyond Rs.50lakh, there
are separate levels of TPC in Ordnance Factory Board level. TPC
recommends the placement of order on the basis of deliberations made
and duly considering the following factors:
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 41
When the decision is arrived at, a minute of TPC is made and get signed
by all the Members of TPC.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 42
KOLKATA 700001
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 43
Enclo: 09
Ordnance Factory Board
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Apart from the above the following internal transactions of the Factories
are also accounted for as receipt.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 45
Material is issued by the Store Section of the Factory for the following
Beside the above the following transactions of the factory are also
accounted for as issues.
M.I.S. is prepared for almost all receipts in the Factory. The MIS is
converted in to a receipt voucher by allotting a No. of the respective
Series to which the Store pertains. Issues from the factory godown or
Stores to Shops/ Sections are done through Demand Notes. Any returns
of such stores to godown are done through return notes. Issues to any
other concern are done through Issue Vouchers.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 46
The receipt and issue vouchers after pricing are entered in to the monthly
Priced Store Account (PSA) under different Codes for different sources
of receipts and issues. Similarly, the value of Demand and Return Notes
is entered in the PSA to arrive at the net receipt and net issue. Thereafter,
these are added with the closing balance of the previous month to arrive
at the total raw material inventory at the end of the month.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 47
In the case of all Stores for which payments are made/ book debits are
received / priced copies of issue vouchers are furnished, hundred percent
linking has to be done. Linking consists of two parts. :
A priced Store Account detailing the receipt and Issue transactions from
stock in each month under the various heads specified in Forms IAF
(FAC) 15 for Receipt and IAF (FAC)- 16 for issues is prepared by
Material Section every month after generation of Computerised PSA
report for the concerned month and submitted to the Costing Section by
15th of the month following for the purpose of posting in Principal
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 48
At the end of the year a Consolidated PSA and PSL are also generated
through Computer containing all transactions pertaining to the year.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 49
Likewise, Issue Vouchers received from the factory are also entered in
the schedule of vouchers to watch continuity and sent to EDP section at
the end of the month. Receipt Adjustment Vrs, (If any) is also forwarded
to EDP Section.
Demand and Return Notes received from Factory are entered in serial
nos. in the register of schedule of demand and return notes ( IAF ( Fac-
37) ) to watch the receipt of all Demand and Return Notes issued by the
factory. All DN/RN received by M section thus scheduled are dispatched
to EDP section by 5th of the following month.
All the data pertaining to Receipt Voucher, Issue Voucher DN/RN are
entered in the respective file and a checklist is generated to examine that
there is no error in the entry or duplication or Missing of voucher is
there. Special attention is paid to see that the UDQ, PSACD entered is
correct. In some factories data are captured from factory source.
For pricing of Rt. Vrs. Other than IFD Rt. Pricing (SO) bar of Update
menu is selected. In case of any error, re-pricing may also be done in the
system after revising the necessary entry.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 50
Pricing of Demand & Return Note and Issue Vouchers are made through
system w.r.t. Average Ledger Rate (ALR i.e. V1+V2/Q1+Q2)
For any Rt.Vr.Adjustment data entry is made in a file called RTAJ file
giving previous value, Original Value, Difference of Value, previous
voucher No. etc. After running a programme PSL check the system
automatically creates a file for Issue Adjustment of concerned DN/RN.
The system verifies the sequence of documents with reference to the Bin
Page Line Number. The BPLN maintained in the Master is taken as the
1st number after which transaction sequence is checked. A message
comes while checking PSL Document Missing is indicative of a
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 51
PSD Update menu of Update Menu pad of main menu is selected for the
same, Invsys then asks for year &month of PSL and whether Binder
wise Ledger Report necessary. On entering the same Opening Balance of
PSL for the month is shown on the screen. This OB should be checked
with CB of earlier month. Then an option comes in the screen whether to
allow Unorthodox Balance. If NO is selected rejected issue transactions
in PSL check is separately kept in a temporary file. If YES are selected
system prices all transaction with ALR. Unorthodox Balance is looked
into later by user.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 52
Difference between Sale value and Book value Plus to Sale Code
(Issue) Profit occurring in transaction Plus to Profit Code (Rt)
Necessary data entry for adjustment for PSA only is made in PSAADJ
file then PSA option of PSL submenu of Report menu is selected for
PSA generation. Invsys asks certain information like month and year of
last PSL month and year of PSL, Receipts upto the end of last month and
whether we wish to add adjustment for PSA only etc. on entering this
information last CB of PSA comes in the screen. After verification of the
same with last months report Entry key is pressed for PSA creation.
Output report PSAREP, TXT is generated.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 53
There are two types of IFD supply: (1) supply from Production, (2)
Supply from stock. So Issue Voucher serial will accordingly vary with
series of P or S as the case may be.
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material issued but not yet Accounted for and no liabilities should arise.
In exceptional cases liabilities also arises when Issue vouchers are not
received at Accounts Offices but on the basis of copy of issue voucher
with the Railway Receipt the factory management prepares Receipt
vouchers In SIT however only net asset is being shown.
Store Accounts
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 56
In the Ordnance Factories surplus stores and waste stores are sold
through auction. The entire mechanism of sales is controlled by the
Factory management as well as Accounts authorities jointly.
Such stores which are sold to external agencies are categorized under
following broad head
1) Waste product
2) Scrap
3) Surplus Stores
4) Obsolete Stores
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 57
SURPLUS STORES: This are stores which can not be utilized against
present for anticipated requirement over a period to be determine on the
merit of each case or which are liable to deteriorate by the time they
could be used in the normal course of events.
OBSOLETE STORES: These are the stores which have been declared
surplus due to obsolescence. Such store usually arises due to sudden
cancellation of orders by the indentor for specific job order which is
unique and can not be utilized otherwise.
Reserve prices are fix by the factory management with the concurrence
of LAO. If there is any disagreement meeting factory management and
LAO the case should be referred to DGOF for decision. Reserve price
should be fixed not more than 2 days before the auction. The above price
should made known to the auction supervisor of the date of auction
itself, half an hour before the auction. All concerned officers including
Accounting Officers connected with the fixation of reserve price and the
auction supervisor must treat such price as strictly confidential.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 58
On receipt of approval full details are noted in the Sales Register, MRO
received for Security Deposit is adjusted and noted in the Security
Deposit Register, MRO received for sale value is adjusted for sale value,
sales tax etc. after verification of monthly statement. The MROs are
forwarded to Accounts Section of the Office of the PCA (Fys) in the
normal manner. Action to pay dues on account of sales tax/excise duty to
the relevant authorities should be taken on receipt of contingent bill from
the factory. All the sale proceeds will be reflected in the Cash
Compilation Statement viz. Deduct head under "Revenue Expenditure"
for realization on account of "Sale of Scrap" and revenue head for
receipts for realization on account of sale of surplus stores.
In the case of stores disposed by DGS&D, credit for sale proceeds are
passed on by the PAO concerned to the CDA concerned depending on
the location of auction. The credits are compiled to the final factory head
of account and the sale accounts are forwarded to Store Section, who
allocated the amount to the respective factories and forward the sales
account to the concerned Accounts Officer for linking. On receipt, the
sale accounts are linked by the A.O.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 59
All expenditure for stock pile items will be meet from major head 130A -
Defence Capital Outlay. This is a capital head and though stock pile
items are purchased from capital head, they differ from capital assets as
they are stores items intended for future production.
The factory will maintain a separate Bin Card for each of these items. A
separate Store Ledger known as Capital Store Ledger should be
maintained by the ledger group of Accounts Office. This ledger like the
Priced Store Ledger will also be located in the Provision Section in order
to afford facilities of quick reference to the management.
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(a) Level-I
GM Chairman
(b) Level-II
(c) Level-III
(d) Level-IV
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The PSL under each ledger folio shows Opening Balance of store,
details of store receipt during a month through Receipt Vouchers,
Return Notes or Adjustment Receipt Vouchers; details of Issues
made from stock through Issue Vouchers, Demand Notes,
Adjustment Issue Vouchers and Closing balance of the store at the
end of the month.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 65
13. Reserve Stock Pile Item: Strategic items of stores which are very
difficult to procure in case of failure of normal supplies are
classified as Stock Pile Items. A reserve of such stores is built up
separately from working stock to meet the demands of future
production in case of failure of normal supplies. The stock Pile
items are procured from Capital Head and a separate Bin Card is
being maintained for these types of stores. A separate Store
Ledger known as Capital Store Ledger is also being maintained
for these kind of stores. Receipt & Issues of Reserve Stock Pile
Items are being carried out through "R" series of vouchers.
Although the stores are being procured under Capital Head of
Accounts but no depreciation will be charged against these stores.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 66
There are 15 Questions carrying equal mark. One mark will also be
deducted for each wrong answer.
Total 30 Marks
[Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once
ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible as
a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer]
Q1. Auditing requirement of a MP Sheets which information does not
match to be reflected in the MP Sheet?
Output Qty required Warrant MP Sheet Estimate
consumption for next six Number Number & Number
ratio months date
Q2. Which item does not contain in a Store Holder Inability Sheet:
Dues Stock in Average Liabilities Quantity of
Hand consumption Store drawn
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 67
Q4. A CST was prepared for a stores valuing Rs. 30,000/- and placed
to TPC for approval. Which level of TPC is required in this case?
Level-IV Level-II Level-III No TPC Level-I
From Loan From estate From Trade From UK From COD
To other Ord. To Production To Loan To Capital
Factory Section
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 68
Q8. Against the pricing of Issue documents from store certain answer
has given in the box "X". If you don't agree the answer given in
the box "X", please give the correct answer under the box "Y"
quoting only A or B or C or D
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 69
Receipt Red Demand Issue Material
Voucher Demand Note Voucher Inward Slip
"S" Series Note "S" Series (MIS)
Jt. GM in GM Works Manager AGM/ Jt. GM in
Charge in Charge Charge
"N" Series "S" Series "R" Series "P" Series "M" Series
Q12. Which is/are not the Primary Store document for preparation of
Material Abstract?
Demand Note Red Return Issue Voucher Return Note
Q13. Which section of the Factory Management will open a ledger folio
number of any store?
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 70
Plus Qty Minus Nil Qty Plus Qty Plus Qty Minus Minus
& Qty& & Plus & Nil & Plus Qty& Qty&
Minus Nil Value Value Value Plus Minus
Value Value Value Value
Monthly (Total (Last quarterly Qty required for each
consumption consumption consumption) item of manufacture
X6 during last 12 X 2 X No of article
months /12) X required to be
6 manufactured for
coming 6 months
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 71
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After completing this Chapter you will be able to understand:
- Types of Extracts.
- What is a Warrant?
- Work Orders & its purpose.
- Standard Estimates - their pricing & re-pricing system.
- Cost Card - What does it contain?
- Posting of actual figures from various tabulations in the
Cost Card.
- Semi - Concept, Necessity, Pricing & final treatment in
Cost Accounting.
- Working out of abnormal rejection cost
- Arriving out Cost of Production and analysis of variances.
- Overheads Accounting - Definition, Classification,
- War Insurance Charge
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 73
Open Extracts
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An Open Extracts allotted for Class II, the General Manager can carry
out work of Payment Services in each case up to the limit of his financial
power without asking separate Extracts to the OFB. Similarly, a
Duration of Warrants
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Manufacturing Warrant
Material Warrant
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Work Orders
A Work Order is a codified list consisting of nine digits and represents
for which service is to be rendered by its first two digits, nomenclature
of the subject store to be manufactured by next five digits and last two
digits will indicate the code number, of the shop/section who will
undertake the manufacture. Where a operations is passed through various
shop/section for completion of the manufacture the last two digits in the
case will be 00.
Work Order Serial
01 For Fixed Charges
02 For Variable Charges
03 For Process Material
04 For Capital Services
05 For Repairs & Conversion
06 For Cost of Packing
08 For Conversion of Timber
10 For Manufacture for Stock of article other than Standard
Packages and Component of Out turn Orders
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Source of Postings
(1) Labour Abstract: This is prepared / printed on the basis of
PW/DW Cards after levying DA on pre-determined
percentage. This forms the actual labour charge. On these
labour charge variable & fixed overhead charges for the
Warrant is also levied at pre-determined percentage.
(3) Material Abstract is prepared / printed from the primary
documents called Demand Notes and Return Notes.
When a Cost Card is opened the monthly expenditure against the warrant
from Labour and Material Abstract is posted Section-wise. On taking the
labour payment for full quantity ordered against a Warrant. On such
declaration the Accounts Office will undertake closing of the said Cost
Card. They will prepare Estimated Cost of the Warrant with reference to
the Estimate and review the drawal of material and labour operation
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Cost Abstract:
Cost Abstract is the codified printout of primary documents. It is printed
monthly showing the Work Order, Warrant No. nature of document etc.
Nature of Cost Tabulation:
It is printed from PW Cards, DW Cards, Allocation Sheet, Labour
Punching Medium I, II, III. It also shows Sections in which cost occurs.
Material Abstracts:
It is printed from Demand Notes and Return Notes, Adjustment
vouchers. Against each entry document no. nature of document are also
shown. Return Notes are exhibited as minus.
T V Abstracts:
When the cost is transferred from one Work Order to another Work
Order, the same is exhibited in this abstract
Subsidiary Abstract:
SVC-Sectional Variable Charges, It is printed from collection of figures
from Labour, Material Abstracts and also from Overhead Allocation
against 02 Series of Work Orders.
SFC-Sectional Fixed Charges, It is equally printed in respect of 01 Series
of Work Orders.
Master Cost Cards (MCC)
It is a Work Order summary of tabulation printed quarterly from above
three main Abstracts.
Definition: Overhead Charges constitute a Class of Cost which cannot
be directly charged to the Product. To arrive at a true Cost of the Product
it is essential that a proper system of accounting of charges incurred by
the Service Sections or by the Production Section itself in the shape of
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Total value of the Semi Statement for all the Warrants against each Work
Order will represent the value of Work in Progress of that particular
series of Work Order. Thus the total value of Semi as on 31st March will
be credited to the Work in Progress Account by debiting The Balance
Account and thereby exhibiting the balance as "Assets" in the
"Statement of Assets & Liabilities" of the Factory.
In the following year, this asset will represent Work in Progress as on
1st. April of the year.
Check exercised by the Accounts Office
1. Costing Section
Scrutiny with reference to Warrant Register to ensure that
all incomplete Warrants have been included
2. Material Section
Verify with reference to the posting in the relevant Material
Warrants that the quantities of Material shown are correct
and the Materials were priced at the same rate in which
corresponding Demand/Return Notes on bulk drawal were
3. Labour Section
Verify with reference to the posting in the relevant
Manufacturing Warrants that the operation shown as
performed are correct and pricing of these operations are at
correct rates.
4. Costing Section
Final scrutiny with reference to the Cost Cards and
Production Ledger Cards and will levy DA and Overheads
percentages for preparation of Abstract of Semi in respect
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The Accounts of Capital Assets in the Fys are maintained in two Block
Registers on IAF (FAC) 77 by Accounts offices, One for Building items
and other for Machinery items.
Block Register shows:
1) The original purchase value.
2) 1st. Year Depreciation
3) Opening balance of the Book Value of the Capital Assets.
4) Addition during the year.
5) Reduction during the year, including Annual Depreciation
6) The closing depreciated book value at the end of the year.
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001101 C (3) MC (4)
The first three digits on the top are meant for unit of control, the next
three digits indicate Fy codes and the seven digit code denotes the
detailed classification code. The unit control code is operated along with
the classification code for specifying the nature of transactions. The unit
control code 001 denotes pay of all Gazetted Officer serving the factory.
The list of unit control heads to be prefixed to classification code heads
have been circulated by Accounts Section vide circular no.
A/11/0102/XV dated 26.7.96.
Great care has to be taken in making out the Punching Media as these
forms the basis for financial compilation as well as adjustments for
cheques drawn on various treasuries, receipts deposited through MRO
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4 Shop copy and Accounts copy Wts. Are floated by Fy transactions are posted both by
of Warrants (both Material and Fy & LAO. After completion, Shop copies of completed
Manufacture). Wts are received from Fy. By LAO. Posting into the Cost
Card and P.L. Card are required to be verified with the
postings made in Wts.
Name of document Remarks
5 Cost Abstracts viz. Labour with Cost Abstracts are generated in EDP by LAO based on
Overhead Abstract Material the primary documents received from Fy. (Viz. PW/DW
Abstract T.V. Abstract Card, Material Demand/Return Notes Transfer Vrs. etc.)
(including Foundry/ and some documents generated by LAO viz. (Labour
Process T.V. or allocations Cost Punching Mediums, Overhead Allocations,
Master Cost Card Tabulation Foundry/Process T.V./Allocation) etc.
6 Manufacturing A/c- Statement Compiled by LAO monthly showing Rent,
"B" Rates, Electricity and Water Charges etc. recoverable,
recovered etc.
7 Priced Store Account (PSA) - Compiled by LAO monthly summarizing the receipt and
issue transaction of material category (PSA Code) wise
took place during the month.
Debit Item
Particulars Source of Figure Remarks
1 Work-in- Should be equal to the value of work-in- Figure should also agree
Progress As progress on 31st March shown against with the opening value of
on 1.4. Cr. item 3 of Previous year's WIP shown in work-in-
Production Account (Closing balance of progress A/c of Principal
previous year to be brought forward as Ledger.
opening WIP)
2 Direct Labour Total value of labour expenditure (other Figure should agree with the
than expenditure of 01 & 02 series) total Direct Labour
appeared in Labour and T.V. Abstracts expenditure shown in the
(b) Book Value of Sum of book value lying in Capital Figure should agree with the
Discarded Assets Block Register in respect of items amount appeared under
sold/discarded as on the date of sale cost W.0.01/00050/00
Note - Amount shown against 4(D) (a) & 4(D)(b) should agree with the amount appeared under
cost W.O. No. 01/00050/00
(i) Rent & Rates Amount compiled in Manufacturing Figure should agree
Recoverable A/c Statt. B. Amount should also be with Cr. item of OH
booked under Cost W.O. Exp. A/c in) principal
Deptt. Stores utilized on Sum of process and Foundry Fig. Should agree
Indirect work orders Materials booked under'01' with the amount
2 and '02' series W.Os appeared posted against Dr.
against class of cost 22, 28 item of Misc. charges
etc. A/c of Principal
2.9 In the manual system many control audit was not feasible because
of shortage of manpower. As machine has now taken care of the major
strain of calculation the available manpower can now be directed
towards management audit i.e. necessity audit or adequacy audit. As the
package is now standardized necessary system audit package can be
2.10.1 DOs:-
i) after creation of master the same to be 100% audited with
reference to authenticated hard copy e.g. Service Book in case of
IE Master.
ii) After creation of transaction file the same to be validated and
checklist printed and reconciled.
iii) EDP should process data in transaction file only after the same
is authenticated as correct Audit Section.
iv) Change PIS output to be printed each month and 1006 audited
with reference to Factory Orders.
v) Before authorization of payment it is to be ensured that hours
shown in the earning summary tallies with the checklist total as
amended; change pay output exhibits the same information as is
generated by change PIS.
2.10.2 Donts:
i) Correction in master by directly using it.
ii) Make shortcut by avoiding validation loops to save time.
Total 30 Marks
Quantity of raw Required hours Ledger Folio 10% rejection
material for Trade/Grade No. of the allowed in the
required wise in each material man hour
Monthly Fortnightly Quarterly Half-yearly
Q8. A Cost Card is opened for the warrant received in Accounts Office
for the following series of Work Order. Which answer is not
90 89 04 02 40
Material SVC Transfer Voucher Labour Component
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
Q10. From the following data which amount represent the levied Fixed
Overhead of the Product:
5,000/- 10,000/- 15,000/- 20,000/-
5 10 15 20
Q12. From the following data select the correct answer for the Unit
Cost of Production of an article manufactured in an Ordnance
Rs. 129.50 Rs. 130.00 Rs. 128.50 Rs. 127.50
Pay & Superannuation Transportation Store purchase
Allowances of Charges Charges
Industrial incurred
Q15. Which item of expenditure does not show in the Credit Side of
"Finished Stock Account" of the Factory?
Issues to Finished Cost of Issues to Issues Issues to
Army Semi as Production other Sister to MES Navy
on31" Fys.