Rules For The Maintenance of Stores and Cost Accounts in Indian Ordnance and Clothing Factories
Rules For The Maintenance of Stores and Cost Accounts in Indian Ordnance and Clothing Factories
Rules For The Maintenance of Stores and Cost Accounts in Indian Ordnance and Clothing Factories
Controller of Finance
6. The Accounts organizations will continue to exist as before and the terms
and conditions of the officers and staff end administrative control over them
will remain unchanged.
7. The internal audit function will be under the control of the Chief Internal
Auditor (Fys). The Chief Internal Auditor (Fys) will function under Member
(Finance). The functions of the Internal Audit will be laid down separately
by the Government. The Accounts and the Internal Audit of the Factories
will continue to be staffed by the personnel of Defence Accounts
9. In so far as the work of accounts, audit and finance advice to AFD (M)
Agra is concerned, and status quo will be maintained, The Controller of
accounts (Fys) will continue to perform functions presently carried out by
the CDA (Fys) relating to accounting, audit and finance functions of the
DGI & R&D Organizations. Similarly the work relating to Railway Section
will continue to be under him. In respect of the above mentioned four
organizations, Controller of Accounts (Fys) will continue to bee responsible
to the CGDA.
10. In respect of HVF Avadi, separate order will be issued in due course.
Writing of ACR
12. The CGDA will obtain the Annual Audit Certificate and connected
statement pertaining to the Controller of Accounts (Fys) through the
Member (Finance) and submit the same to the Ministry of Finance
(Defence). CGDA will carry out such inspection of accounts as may be
necessary. Changes in accounting and audit procedures for the Ordnance
15. This issues with the concurrence of the Integrated Finance vide their
U.O: No. 643/DFA (DP & R) dated 3rd May 1979 and with the approval of
Ministry of Finance (Defence) in respect of DAD personnel and Department
of Defence in respect of the personnel of DFA (Fys), The Ministry of Home
Affairs (DP&AR) has also concurred.
(5) Miscellaneous:-
(i) Maintenance of Block Registers, of Capital Assets and
versification of Machinery and Buildings borne on the
Block Registers and of article borne on the inventory
(ii) Audit of-
(a) Fine Fund Accounts.
(b) Estate Accounts and Technical School Accounts
(where such exist)
(c) Deferred Pa; Fund and Bonus Accounts.
(d) Pay, increment, leave, etc., of apprentices and boy
(e) Audit and inspection of the office accounts and books of
Superintendent, including Railway Warrants and
Military Credit Notes. Register of furlough granted to
Indian Ranks, Service Books and Service Sheets and
Security Deposit Registers.
(f) Audit of the Bin Cards maintained by the Factory for
‘Deposit’ stores held, on behalf of the D.O.S. or others
and linking of issues from other military formations with
the corresponding receipts in the ‘Deposit’ Bin Cards
including pricing of loss statements.
(g) Audit of conservancy charges leviable against staff and
(iii) Preparation of rent rolls for person occupying factory quarters
other than those in the Workmen's Lines
(iv) Audit of Rent Rolls for persons occupying workmen’s lines
(v) Attendance of Auction Sales-
(vi) Preparations of reports and returns in connection with items (2)
to (5)
(vii) Maintenance of: -
(a) Rent Ledgers.
(b) Rent assessment ledgers, including reconciliation
Statement 1 Consolidated production Account and finished Stock
Statement 2 Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Statement 3 Store Account
Statement 4 Capital Account-Lands, Buildings, Machinery etc.,
Statement 5 Indirect expenditure statement fixed and variable,
Statement 6 Principal items of work done by the Ordnance and
Clothing Factories
Statement 8 (a) Comparative Statement showing the Unit Cost of
production of an article manufactured in more than one
Statement 9 Losses sanctioned during the year
Statement10 (a) Summary of then cost of out turn other than
interdepartmental production
(b) Summary of cost of inter-departmental production
(including capital and Stock)
(ix) Maintenance of Principal Ledger.
Note: -1 Statement of Assets and Liabilities, production Account Finished
Stock Account, etc. are prepared from the Principal Ledger and'' the
Capital Account is Prepared from the Principal Ledger and the Block
Note:-3 The CDA (Fys) is responsible for issuing accounts and audit
instructions and for consolidating the Annual Manufacturing accounts
submitted by the Branch Accounts Offices
3. The Accounts Staff must not (a) issue orders to the shops or be
responsible for recording or watching the progress of work during the
various processes of manufacture. or (b) actually hold store or give receipts
for stores received and obtain re pts for stores issued, or prepare receipt
or issue vouchers, The administrative staff will make proper arrangements
for the discharge of the duties hating under these categories.
4. The Accounts staff' will not be responsible for the actual disbursement of
wages to the labourers, which will be arranged far by the Management. The
gross wages admissible will however, be worked out by the Accounts Staff
and entered by them, it, the Pay Roll.
To meet such cases open extracts are placed for petty items the
expenditure on each open extract for manufacture of carriage and Ord.
components being limited to Rs.20,000/- (Rupees one lakh during war)
while the expenditure on each open extract for manufacture or
reconditioning of components other than carriage and Ord. components
being limited to Rs.10,000/- ( Rs.1,00,000 during war) separate Extracts will
(c) For all but small orders which are unlikely to be of a recurring nature,
a Standard Estimate- is prepared by the Management 'detailing the.
Various- operations necessary to produce the article, the labour
charges to be paid for these operations, and, the quantity and
description of materials required, standard recoveries of material are
also provided in the estimates. When it is necessary to revise the
standard Estimates, the alterations are communicated by means of
Revision Forms. After correcting the Standard Estimates the Revision
Forms are filed behind the Standard Estimates. For small orders
estimates are prepare on S.W.O. Drafts. A copy, of the Standard
Estimate (as well as of Revision Forms) will be supplied to the
Accounts-Office, which will value the estimate.
The Warrants or S.W.O. Drafts are issued to the shops concerned and
constitute their authority for putting the work in hand and for drawing thin
necessary material. Copies of all Warrants or S.W.O. Drafts will be
furnished to the Accounts Office. The Accounts Office will check Warrants
against Standard Estimates and Revision Forms in cases in which these
When different extracts are received for one and the same kind of
article, the quantities ordered thereon may be consolidated and a combined
warrant issued therefore.
Note: As, an exception to clauses (c) and (d) above, at the G. C. Factory
Jabalpur, only summaries of estimates and not copies of detailed
standard-Estimates will be furnished to the Accounts office which
will check the Warrants, cent per cent, with these summaries and, in
addition, carry out a check of 5 per cent of the warrants (labour
portion) with the detailed estimates available in the factory.
7. The term “stores” include (i) materials used in the Factory, (ii)
manufactured products, including components or processed materials
produced in the Factory, and (iii) miscellaneous items of trade supply,
e.g., electricity and water for manufacturing purposes.
The materials used in the Factory may be divided into the following classes:
(1) Metals and raw materials required for manufacture, including
components or received form other Factories, or recovered
form the break up of unserviceable articles borne either on the
Factory stock or on the deposit stock held on behalf of the
D. O. S.
(2) Tools and Gauges.
(3) General Storage including: -
(i) Sundry, Shop stores, e.g., oil, grease, brushes, buckets,
(ii) Plant stores, e.g., screws, nuts, drills, shovels etc.
(iii) Packing materials, e.g., boxes and cases etc,
(4) Machinery.
8. The clerical work connected with the pricing and accounting in Priced
Stores Ledgers of stores is allotted to the Accounts Staff, leaving the
Store holder free for the handling of the goods and the practical side
of the work (including care and custody of the stores). All original
records connected with the receipt and issue of stores will be prepared
by the Store holder (see Para 18) and he will also maintain Bin Cards
to afford him the information, which he will require for purposes of
control. The Accounts Staff will have free access to all records
maintained by the Store holder and Shop Godown keepers. The
Accounts Staff, must not, however, interfere in any way with the
practical management and control of stores.
Note 1: In the case of small orders, or when the articles required are of a
proprietary character and competition is not considered necessary.
Superintendent may make use Short Term System, A small order
shall be interpreted to meat for this purpose, an order the total value
of which does not exceed Rs.250/- Such purchases should be made
with the prior concurrence of the local Accounts officer and the
circumstances of such purchases should be recorded on the duplicate
copy of the Supply Order.
In order to ensure comparison of rates on the informal agreements and
single tender orders, a Rate Book will be maintained in which .the act paid
rate will be shown. Alternatively, arrangement will be made with the local
Accounts Officer for check of rates against entries in rate cards of priced
store ledgers.
Note 2: Copies of all central purchase rate contracts which, in the opinion of
the D.G.O.F. may be useful to Ordnance Factories arc passed on to
the Factories by the D.G.O.F.
When Rate Running Contract rates together with freight etc., compare
favorably with direct purchase conditions factories will draw against these
contracts within the limits of the Superintendents financial powers. For
purchase of such contract items, the value of which is beyond the
(b) (ii) Local Purchase of stores, the value of which is beyond the
powers of the Superintendent to sanction: -
When the value of the stores to be purchased locally exceeds the
financial powers of the Superintendent, i.e., Rs.400/- (Rs.4,999/- in the case
of approved items of machinery to be capitalized), the comparative
statement of tenders (in triplicate, or in a quadruplicate when sent through
the C.D A.) together with a Demand Sheet (I.A.F.0-2503) in duplicate and
the tenders will be sent to the Accounts Office which will after exercising
the check prescribed in clause (i) above forward it to the D.G.O.F. (through
the C of A. if the lowest tender is not recommended for acceptance by
Superintendent and the value exceeds Rs.2,500/- in the case of stores or
Rs.4,999/- in the case approved items of machinery). On receipt of the
comparative statement sanctioned by the D.G.O.F. (a copy of which will be
forwarded by that officer direct to the Accounts Office and also to the
C.D.A in cases where the CST was received through him) a supply order
will be issued. The procedure for transmission of a copy of the Supply order
to the Accounts Office will be the same as detailed in paragraph 10 (b) (i)
Note 1: Local purchase bills will be passed for Gazetted Accounts Officer.
But if that officer is absent, the Senior Accountant will pass the bills
provisionally, the payment orders being, countersigned by the
Superintend. The Accounts Officer, will, on return, finally audit the
bills with reference to the duplicate copies thereof.
Note 2: “The financial powers of the Superintendents, Ordnance Clothing
Factories in respect of purchase of capital items of Plant and
Machinery is Rs.4, 999/- and are subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The limit of Rs.4, 999/- might be the cots of anyone items or any
number of similar items purchased at one time.
(b) Purchase action is always taken subject to the observance of
prescribed procedure by completive methods, and
(c) Purchase action is taken subject to the prior approval of the Director
General, Ordnance Factories for local purchase. .
11. (a) Whenever stores are received by rail a survey should be carried
out immediately on arrival and deficiencies and damages should be noted on
the Railway Receipt and the Railway Delivery Book as required by the
M.T.R. and the Railway Rules. Immediate steps should be taken for filing
such claim, as may arise against the Carrying Agency.
(b) In respect of stores received from Europe, Packing Accounts are
received in duplicate by the Superintendent of the Factory through the
officers responsible for the landing of store. One copy (to be returned to the
DGISD London) after being checked Paired with relevant Home Invoices
by the Branch Accounts Offices is forwarded through the Branch Accounts
Offices and C of A (Fys) to embarkation Supply Officers or the Accountant
General, Bombay or the Superintendent of Stationery Bombay, as the case
may be by the Superintendent of factory duly received with deficiencies or
damages noted thereon. Before forwarding the above copy, the consignee
will note against the relevant items in the packing accounts (both copies) the
numbers and dated of the receipt vouchers and groups in which stores have
brought to account.
Note: Packing Account for stores received through the parcel Post is
returned to the Director General, India stores department, London,
through the Branch Accounts Office and CDA [Fys].
The other copy [for retention in India] will be forwarded by the
Superintendents to the Accounts Officer of the Factories concerned
together with a copy of supporting receipt voucher showing in detail the
deficiencies or damages. The receipt vouchers will be priced by the
Accounts Offices with reference to the invoices and the Bills of Entry [for
customs duty] which are forwarded to them by the CDA (Fys).
(d) In the case of supplies from other Factories, Arsenals or Depots and
Other Government Department, vouchers are received and one copy is
returned to the consignor duly receipted, with discrepancies etc noted
12. Material Inward [I.A.F.O-1888] slips will be made out for the following
stores received in a factory:-
[a] All stores received unaccompanied by a Packing Account or
Note: - 1. Separate M.I. Slip; will be prepared for description of material
and for each consignment
Note: 2. The slip will be sent to the Accounts Office with out waiting for
the Packing Account or voucher, but steps must be taken to obtain the
relevant vouchers with 66 least possible de [as amended by C.S.
[b] Stores Purchased:-
(i) Under local arrangements by the Superintendent.
(ii) Under Central Purchase.
13. [a] Store holders will not issue any materials for use in the factory
without a Material Demand Note signed by the person authorised to
requisition such stores. Separate Material Demand Notes will be prepared
for each description of material and each job. The foreman, or other person
authorised on his behalf will foreword the Material Demand Note in
duplicate, together with the material demand on the authority of which the
material have been requisitioned, to the Store holder. The tatter will enter
issues of material made by him in the Material Warrant verifying that the
quantity demanded is within the quantity authorised and will return the
Material Warrant and copy of the Material Demand Note with the materials
Note: 1. The Store holder may alter quantities shown on the Material
Demand Notes if necessary, in order to aria to the quantity or type of
Stores actually issued. He will attest the corrections and enter the
altered quantity only in the Material warrant.
Note: 2. In factories working on the “Except” system components
manufactured in the factory are drawn for purpose of assembly on red
Material Demand Notes, and the corresponding entries are made in
the Material in red ink.
(b) No materials will be supplied or issued on loan from a Factory to
other Military or Non-Military Government Departments except on the
authority of the DGOF a copy whose order will be sent to the Accounts
Office. Similarly, no material will be issued on loan to private firms without
the authority of DGOF. Materials may however be issued from one Factory
to another on the authority of the Superintendent of the Factory endorsed on
IAFO-1921 (Inter-Factory Demands) in duplicate duly concurred in by the
Accounts Officer of the Indenting Factory a copy of IAFO-1921 being sent
to the Accounts Office. In the case of all such supplies, proper issue voucher
will be prepared by the store holder (in quintuplicate) who will have them
priced by the Accounts Office. Similarly no materials will be issued on
Loan to Private firms without the authority of the DGOF.
15. Scrap will not be allowed to accumulate in the shop. All scrap will be
returned to stores with Material Return Notes in the duplicate accompanied
by the Material warrant concerned in cases where the scrap can be definitely
allocated to a Job,. The procedure describes Para 14 will be followed, in
such cases:
17. The Stores holder will without any delay, post up all receipts and issues
of stores (including finished components in Bin Cards watch will be located
on the bins or in close proximity thereto. The receipts will be posted from
the M.I. Slips or the store holders copy of the M.1. Slip; if the voucher has
not been receives at the time of the receipt of the stores from Departmental
Advice notes and Material Return Notes and adjustment vouchers including
those for surpluses found in stock. The issues will be posted from the Store
holders copy of the Material, Demand Notes and from issue vouchers in
respect of goods sent out of the factory. The Bin Card will have columns to
18. It is absolutely essential that when stores are received or issued the
relevant voucher or other documents is prepared simultaneously showing
the date of transaction and other particulars and the Accounts Office copy
sent to that office the same day. Under no circumstances should there be a
time lag between the physical transactions sand the preparation of the
necessary document if not already prepared nor should there be any delay in
transmission of the document to the Accounts Office.
20. The receipts in the Priced Store Ledgers will entered from the Material
Inward slips, Departmental Advice Notes, Material Return Notes, and
adjustment vouchers including those for surplus found in stock. Issues will,
be posted from Material Demand Notes, Regular Issue vouchers and
Adjustment Vouchers, including those for losses. In addition adjustment
In cases where bills are receipted on suppliers private forms, and certain
other cases IAFZ.-2069 will be prepared. (Amended by CS 14/51.)
21. The Accounts Office will maintain Production Ledger Cards showing
the receipts and issues of each class of manufactured articles including
components, produced in the Factory. These cards should show quantities
only and not values, except in the case of issues outside the factory when the
value of the issues at PVS or other prescribed rates will be entered on them.
The receipts will be entered from the Departmental Advice Notes, (or
Inspection Notes) and CS vouchers and the issues from Issue vouchers.
22 (a) The Departmental Stock verification as laid down in Rule 470 RAI
and Sec. X SAI will be carried out in Ordnance and clothing Factories by
the independent DGOFs. Stock verification organisation. In addition to but
not concurrently with these stocks with be verified internally by the
factories staff in accordance with instructions issued separately from time to
(b) Stock verifiers will be responsible for physical verification of
stock (including Stock-pile items), Deposit Stock items, Inventory articles
(including technical books in the factory libraries and school books),
machinery and Buildings, electric installations and Medical stores borne on
factories budget at least once during each financial year. They will maintain
a register to show the extent and progress of verification. Factories will
notify in them all new items and those deleted in respect of stock ledgers
and other registers involved.
(c) Verification of finished articles on charge on production on ledger
cards and stock materials in process of manufacture will not be their
responsibility. These stocks will be verified by factory staff at the end of
each financial year.
(4) Timber items at G.C. Fy. Verification may be carried out once
Jabalpur. during a cycle of 2 years. Every
attempt shallhowever be made to
carryout a biennial stock verification
of timber items.
24. Gate passes will be prepared for all stores going out of the factory and
the gatekeeper and his staff will be responsible for ensuring that no stores go
out of the factory which is not shown on such gate passes. These gate passes
will not be for warded to the Account Office. The G.M. of the factory will
carry out occasional surprise checks at the gate.
26. In cases where ammunition is issued direct from manufacture for and
expended in Wand when the cost of this proof ammunition is regarded as an
inherent element in' the production costs, the ammunition will be consigned
on Nominal Vouchers. The ammunition will be disposed of by the
Inspectorates concerned in the normal manlier. The packing cases used for
despatching wilt however, be brought on 'the Inspector's Books in. a regular
manner by the Inspector alloting a regular delivery voucher number to the
nominal voucher.
27. The labour i.e., workmen employed in a factory may be divided into
four classes:-
(1) Men on monthly rates of pay
(2) Day workers i.e., (on daily rates of wages).
(3) Piece-workers i.e., men on piece-work, rates of wages, working
individually or in gangs.
(4) Learners (during war only).
Note: The term ‘workmen’ is not synonymous with the term ‘Worker’ as
used in the Factories Act. A ‘workman’ is not necessarily a worker, nor is a
‘worker’ necessarily a workman. All men paid out of the I.E., Grant are
treated as workmen.
29. (a) The Gate Office (or the Labour Bureau) will maintain a record of all
workmen (IE) entering or leaving the Factory. It will also maintain service
records for the workmen in Forms No. I.A.F.O., 1639 and 1640, except in
the Ammunition Factory where for local convenience the records are
maintained on local forms 74 and 75 under special sanction.
30. Day and piece work records for the shops will be prepared by the
Accounts Office in the prescribed forms. Separate records are to be
maintained for individual piece-worker, for day worker employed on
productive work and for gang workers. These records will show the rates of
pay and the attendance of the workmen modified with reference to casualty
reports received from the Gate Office or the Labour Bureau for Note.
31. (a) The Factory will issue Day work and Piece worker cards in the
prescribed forms to workmen showing the work to be done either by an
individual or by a gang. Day work and piecework Cards, may, if necessary,
be returned to the Section Office here they may be held for safe custody and
ready reference but must at all times be readily accessible to the workmen
concerned. These cards will be checked by the shop with the Manufacture
Note. In the case of Day workers who are continuously employed on the
same class of work no work cards are necessary but a list of Work
Orders, on which they are employed, is furnished, by the sections
concerned to the Accounts Office.
31. (b) “In the case of Piece workers, the number of articles or operations
passed for payment will be entered in the card duly initialled by the
employees specially authorised to inspect and pass the work. The
Workshops should enter stage wise rejections in the relevant manufacturing
warrants indicating briefly the cause for rejections as well as reference of
the relevant Inspection Notes, wherein the exact causes for rejections are to
be indicated.” If only a portion of the work on a card has been presented for
payment at the end of a month, the balance will be brought forward on to a
new card, necessary amendment being made on the records of cards
maintained, on the Manufacture Warrant.
Rejection due to bad workmanship/bad material should be separately
indicated on inspection Notes/View Sheets, by the Inspecting staff. The
section/or shop copy of Manufacture Warrant is also to be endorsed
31. (c) Belated payments for work done in previous months are ordinarily
inadmissible. Cards will be issued to workmen when work is given out and
these cards will be the basis on which wages will be paid. (If at the time of
payment a workman discovers that he has not been paid for certain work he
had done during the past month, he will at once report the matter and after
investigation, any amount due will either be paid to him on a supplementary
pay roll, or included in the wages for the following month. Beyond this no
belated claims will be admitted unless supported by a written order of the
Superintendent, recording the reasons for allowing the belated claim. (Para
86 OM Pt. VI)
(b) Fixation of daily rates of I.E-The, daily rates of wages sanctioned by the
Superintendent must be within the maxima and minima laid down for the
trade concerned in the Schedule of standard wages. Normally speaking new
men should be taken on the minimum rates prescribed in the schedule but
the Superintendent has powers in exceptional cases to start a new workman
on a higher rate (within the maximum) in consideration of the experience
and skill of the individual concerned. He also has powers to upgrade or re-
grade workmen within the schedule rates.
33. (a) The factory will pass on to the Accounts Office all the work cards for
completed work at frequent intervals in a regular flow and without any
delay. These intervals will depend on local conditions and will be fixed by
the Superintendent in consult on with the Accounts Officer.
(b) In the case of Peace-workers cards, the Accounts Office will post
them in the Manufacture Warrant, but before doing so that office will see
that the numbers presented for payment plus those paid for in the past as
well as the rates fore operations are covered by the Manufacture Warrant.
Any operation in excess of the number authorised on a warrant will not be
paid for but will be referred back to the Foreman.
34. The Gate Office (or the Labour Bureau) will furnish the Account Office
with a daily statement showing (1) the entertainment and discharge of
artificers and labourers (2) alteration of rates of pay and (3) any other facts
connected with workmen which may affect their earnings. A formal change
statement confirming the daily reports from the Gate Office should reach the
Accounts Office not later than the first working day of the month following
that to which it relates. But in the case of men discharged during a month
discharge memos should invariably be sent to the Accounts Office along
with the Pay Sheet in which their wages are claimed. The payment in this
case would be made before the expiry of second working day from the day
on which the employment is terminated vide Section 5 (2) of the Payment of
Wages Act. In the case of gang piece-workers, payment is to be made at the
time rate if the piece- work cards are not completed. [Pare 143 OM Pt-VI]
35. (a) Immediately on receipt the Day work and Piece-work cards should
be entered in a simple register maintained for recording the batch totals in
respect of receipt and despatch of cards. Before their despatch to the E. D.P.
Section, the cards will be sorted with reference to Work Orders and
Manufacture Warrant to which these cards pertain and posted in the
Warrants. The cards after pricing, posting etc., should be sent accompanied
by the prescribed proforma to the E.D.P section in convenient batches, the
last batch reaching that section by the prescribed date. The E.D.P. Section
will intimate the amounts to be paid to each Gang in the case of Gang Piece
workers and each individual in the case of individual Piece workers. The
total amount of profit or loss as ascertained from the wages sheets stated
above will be entered in the work record of each Gang and distributed
proportionately among the men with reference to' their time earnings. As
regards Individual Piece-workers, the amounts intimated by the Hollerith
Section will be entered against their names in the Accounts Office records.
Exception-In the case of the Cordite Factory Aruvankadu, or in those
factories where no E.D.P machines have been installed wages sheets are
prepared manually.
36. After close of a month, the Accounts Officer will enter in the
Acquittance Roll the earnings of all Day and Pieceworkers and send it on to
the Cash Branch of the Factory for disbursement to the men of their
earnings after deduction of fines etc. In the case of men who have worked
with more than one gang during the month, the total earnings of each man
will be collected in a special form from the various Work Records before
being entered in the Acquittance Roll.
Dates will be fixed by the Superintendent in consultation with the
Accounts Officer by which the Acquittance Rolls of the various shops or
sections are to be sent to the Cash Branch. The Accounts Office will take all
possible steps to forward the Rolls by due dates.
37. Wages of workmen will be paid out of advances obtained monthly from
the C.A.F.A. The un-disbursed amount of the advances at the end of a
month will be refunded into the treasury and the treasury receipt along with
a Disbursement Certificate (IAFO-1929) will be entered by the
Superintendent of the CAFA through the Accounts Officer. An agreement
form of labour (IAF Fac-13) wherein will be entered gross earnings, amount
actually paid, together with the supporting schedules and documents will be
furnished with the Accounts Officer so as to reach him by the 10 th of the
second month following that to which the transactions pertain.
An absentee book is maintained in the Factory wherein all amounts
remaining un-disbursed and also the subsequent payments are noted. This
register is scrutinized by the Accounts Office. It will be seen that the un-
disbursed wages of the previous months paid during the month as shown in
the Disbursement Certificate agree with the details in the Absentee Book.
The authorities competent to sanction the payments of arrear wages are
given below: -
Period of arrear Wages Sanctioning
Not exceeding 3 years Superintendent
“ “ 6 years D.G.O.F
Exceeding 6 years Govt.of India
38. All fines realised from workmen under the rules laid down in Appendix
“C” wills be recorded by the Superintendent in special registers prescribed
by the Local Government. These registers will be audited monthly by the
Accounts Office.
A Fine Fund Account will be opened by the Superintendent with the
local branch of the State Bank of India or in a recognized bank, or where
banking facilities do not exist, in a civil treasury in the manner indicated in
Rule 500, RAI and the Fines realised will be credited thereto
39. A register is maintained by the A.O. in which the profit or loss of each
gang for each month is recorded. Abnormal cases should be brought to the
notice of the Superintendent.
Chapter 1V
Cost Accounting
41. All charges direct and indirect in connection with the manufacture
incurred during the year, are debited to the “Production Account” through
the various subsidiary heads and all receipts other than the value of articles
manufactured are credited to this account and the value of semi-manufacture
at the end of the year credited to it. The difference between the debit and
credit sides of the production Account represents the actual cost of
production of articles manufactured for the Army, other Defence
Departments, Indian, Navy, Indian Air Forces, M.E.S., private bodies and
firms and also includes the cost of the Stores manufactured for other
factories and the cost of stores manufactured and brought on charge in the
capital and store account of the factories.
42. The value of all issues or services rendered is credited in the Finished
Stock Account and the value of finished cut un-issued products at the end of
the year is also credited to it. The actual cost of production and the value of
finished but un-issued products at the commencement of the year are
debited to this account. The difference between the debit and credit sides of
this account represents profit or loss on the working of the factory and is
exhibited as such in this account.
43. All indirect charges are compiled under Overhead Expenses through the
subsidiary heads of Accounts in the Principal Ledger.
44. The indirect expenditure is divided into two classes Viz., (i) the fixed
charges and (ii) the variable charges. The variable charges comprise items
of expenditure which generally vary in sympathy with the load of the
factories, though not necessary in direct proportion. The fixed charges are
items of Overhead expenditure which do not mainly depend on the volume
Note. Far indirect work orders only Mister Cost Cards and not Warrant Cost
Cards will normally be maintained by A.O. except in the case of
W.Os, in respect of which monetary limit has been fixed. The
Warrants which will be issued in these cases may be numbered in
consecutive order with a view to enabling the Accounts Office, to
watch the cost against the warrants.
Note: 1. In Cordite Factory, Clothing 'Factory and Ord. P. Fy., Kanpur Shop
Charges P.M.and N.P. are not levied separately but allocated to the
different shops and a combined rate is worked out.
Note: 2. Except in the Cordite Factory; Shop charges and fixed charges are
Military Officers:
1. Commissioned Military For each officer, monthly at the
Officers rates given in Schedule (a) (i) of A.I.
(I) 51 of 1933, for contribution
towards superannuation
charges. The length of service of
the officer, for this purpose should:
Civilian Officers:
4. Gazetted Officers of the For each officer monthly at
Ordnance and Clothing pond 18-3-7 3/5, i.e. Rs. 242-6-9
Factories and Superior at 1st 6d to the rupee.
Service Officers of the Indian
Def. Accounts Services of non
-Asiatic domicile.
5. Gazetted Officers of the For each officer monthly at
Ordnance and Clothing Rs.176.17.
Factories and Indian Def.
Accounts Service Officers of
the Military Accounts Deptt.
Asiatic domicile.
6. Deputy Assistant Control- For each officer monthly at
lers of Army Factory 11-3/15 per cent of the maximum
Accounts. Monthly pay of the grade
substantively held by him.
7. Non-gazetted personnel of For each individual monthly at
the Ordnance and Clothing 9½ per cent of the maximum
Factories and of the monthly pay of the grade subs-
Military Accounts Depart- tantively held by him.
8. Class IV employees. For each individual monthly at 6¼%
of the maximum monthly pay
of the grade.
9. Industrial Employees
(i) Whose maximum pay For each individual monthly at
in the grade does not 6½% of the maximum monthly
exceed Rs. 85/- per pay of the grade.
46. (c) Abstracts of Material is prepared on E.D.P. machines from Material
Demand Notes and Material Return Notes. In the case of direct work orders
(and in the case of certain indirect expenditure work orders) indirect charges
allocated to stores will be levied in the Abstracts on the value of the
materials. The rate for the “store indirect” charges will be fixed by the
Accounts Officer in consultation with the Superintendent as a percentage on
the value of the net material drawn on Demand Notes on the basis of past
actual and with reference to th6.estimated material to be turned over and the
indirect expenditure to be incurred in the Store Section during the year. The
rates are fixed in the same way as those for variable shop charges.
47. The cost cards will be totalled on completion of the work and cases in
which the cost differs from the standard estimates by more than 10 percent
either in total or under any element of direct cost will be reported to the
Superintendent for information and remarks particularly as to whether the
estimates require revision any other cost card required by the Superinten-
dent will also be sent to him for information:
Note: 1. In order to enable the Accounts Officer to close the cost cards for
completed warrants, the factory management will furnish to the
account office by the 10th of each month a list of warrants completed
during the preceding month. The Shop's copy of completed material
and Manufacturing warrants will also be sent to the Accounts Office
for security and record.
Note: 2. The factory will also furnish to the Accounts Office by the 15th
April of each year a list of warrants not completed on the 31st March.
48. (a) At the end of the year actual stock will be taken by the factory of the
unused material and part finished work FULL lists being made of all the
articles found showing the stage of manufacture each has reached and the
Extract and Work Order and Warrant against which the manufacture has
been undertaken. The fists which will be prepared separately for each shop
will be forwarded to, the Accounts Officer who will as far as practicable
verify that the quantities of unused stock and part finished work agree with
the quantities that should exist in accordance with the accounts records.
(b) The articles on the lists will then be valued by the Accounts
Office in labour and material. Where they have been made in piece work
Note: The bills for power: etc. supplied to individuals etc. will be valued by
the Accounts Office where recovery of the amounts will be watched:
52. The issues or the services rendered for the Army, Air Force, Navy and
M.E.S. and stores manufacture on Capital Account of the same factory will
also generally be valued at the actual cost of production while other issues
will be priced at P.V.S. or other prescribed rates;
Note. The conditions governing the assessment of charges for work done
other Government departments, etc., are` detailed in Para 230 SAI.
Chapter V
55. Separate Block Registers for the Capital Assets Buildings, machinery,
etc. are maintained by the Accounts Officers attached to each factory in
which the items are shown separately with the values after allowing
deduction for annual depreciation of depreciation of various classes of
assets are laid down in 2G.I.M.D. (Deptt of Def. Production) letter No.
78/P(C)/STREC/CMA-9/7066/D (Prod.) dt 2nd August 1978.
56. Each factory will maintain lists of all its capital assets. Separate lists will
be maintained for the different shops and for the assets borne on the Block
Registers of Buildings, Machinery, electrical installations etc. maintained by
the Accounts Officer.
For accounting purposes the Capital assets in a factory are classified
under three main heads: -
(i) Buildings (ii) Machinery and (iii) Other items
The items falling under (i) are (1) Industrial Buildings i.e., buildings
within the factory walls whether used for production or for non-production
purpose and any factory sections (except offices) outside factory walls and
(2) Residential Buildings. Typical item under (ii) are Machinery, Steam
Launch, Barges, Locomotive wagons and Engines, Station Wagons, Motor
Lorries, weighing machines, Sewing machines, furnaces etc. Those under
(iii) are Lands, Roads, Drains, Tramways, Railway Lines, Reservoirs,
Chimneys, Water/Gas/Power supply, Leveling site, jetties, steel furniture
and fittings etc.
Name of the document Designation of the lowest officer
competent to sign.
1. Accident reports Superintendent
2. Applications for extract, A.W.M.
3. ‘A’ Statements Superintendent
4. Acquittance Rolls A.W.M. or G.O.
5. Buildings and Machinery A.W.M.
6. Bills for payment Management Officer,
7. Credit Notes A.W.M. or G.O. Stores (but not more
than two officers whose
signature should be registered by
the Railways)
8. Comparative Statement of Superintendent
9. ‘C’ Statement Superintendent
10. C.S. Vouchers A.W.M.
11. Disbursement certificates Superintendent
12. Discharge memos Any G.O. for men under 12
months service Superintendent
for those with more.
13. Entertainment Sheets A.W.M. or any G.O.
14. Estimates W.M.
*(Item 17) The names of the authorities who can inflict fines and
rules thereof are embodied in Appendix –‘F’
(i) G.O. means any Gazetted or Commissioned officer.
(ii) Foreman or Head of Section means the De factor head at the
time document is signed.
A. procedure:--
Result of Stock verification will be recorded: -
(1) For stock pile items in stocktaking sheets. IAFO-1395 as below:
(a) In the appropriate columns of the above form stock verifiers
will enter the date, serial No., Nomenclature, LF No., Store accounting unit,
Bin-Card Balance on date of verification, balance found on physical check
and date of last verification. Each sheet will be signed by the stock verifier
and the associated factory representative.
Note: The figures will be entered as above, even if agreeing with the
balance already shown on the Bin-Card.
(e) On each Store ledger folio the stock verifier will enter the date
of latest verification in the place provided and initial the entry.
(f) After completion by the stock verifier, the original and
duplicate copies of IAFO-1395 will be handed over to the
Accounts Office under signature and date in a forwarding book
to be maintained specifically for this purpose:
(g) The A.O after allowing the documents outstanding and
comparison with Bin Cards if necessary will enter the ledger
balance on both the copies of the S. V Sheets and pass on the
factory copy.
(h) If a discrepancy remains the Fy. authorities will with reference
to their copy of IAFO-1395 initiate action for early preparation
of a Discrepancy Report, as required under existing orders to
maintain the desired parity between store ledger balance and
physical stock.
Maintenance of combined Priced Store cum Provision Ledger by means of
Remington Accounting Machine
2. All the ledger sheets in use will bear the initials of the Senior
Superintendent of ‘M’ Section of the A.O’s office, and of the
Accounts Clerk
(See pare 26)
l. Procedure: The following procedure will be followed in calculating the
cubic Volume of a quantity of timber:
(I) Sleepers and Planks:-The total running feet of Back size in each
issue or receipt will be multiplied by the width and thickness all three
dimensions being expressed exactly as feet and fractious of a foot the
resulting volume will be expressed as cubic feet correct to two decimal
places of a cubic foot and accounted for accordingly in the stock record.
(II) Logs: - In measuring logs the cubic volume will be ascertained
by means of the following formula, the result being expressed cubic feet
correct to two decimal places: -
Where C=Cubic Volume in cft, L=Length in ft G=One forth mean
girth in ft (after giving effect of the adjustments mentioned below)
(Referred to in para 38 and footnote on page 34)
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