Meditating Method and Sequences
Meditating Method and Sequences
Meditating Method and Sequences
1. Nature of Pole Star (Polaris)
Even Sun and planets will face death. But Pole star never will
lose it’s glory. It will be for ever. There is no other supreme power
in cosmos to destroy Pole star.
With his grace meditate. You can easily acquire Pole star’s
glorious light waves.
3. Method to penetrate into Pole star
Our soul will pull Pole star waves like “jiv., jiv..,” and get
dissolved as saliva in our mouth. This can be easily felt.
Pole star waves in the blood will make all body cells to
function in an unique manner. That means all the bad deeds will be
suppressed and isolated. All atoms will function with love
and affection.
Again from the middle of the eyebrows knock Pole star like
an arrow and inhale the great waves of it.
Now all our body cells will function in control with our soul
Eswara. That means all our cells will be alive with our soul
“Eswara’s” magnetic attraction.
6. Method to bring Pole star waves into our
The inhaled waves will hit our soul. Our soul in turn amplify
those waves into appropriate perceptions. Accordingly our body
execute the actions. This is how we are speaking and acting
The bad and evil things which come into our atma, if they are
not cleaned and removed then venomous atoms will grow in our
For the survival of those atoms, our soul will help to pull the
venomous waves from earth’s atmosphere as food and feed them.
Venomous atom will start eating our good cells and they will
spread throughout our body. At this juncture we will become sick.
All our good atoms will get suffered.
Nothing can harm your soul. Pole star waves will remote the
all bad and evil things. Then your life will be in the pole star
protected circle.
Pole star is our target. All the fragrances of pole star will get
automatically coated with soul by continuous inhaling.