2. Udana Vayu
Location Action Movement Signs of Imbalance Balancing
Mainly in the chest; Moves Energizes mind, awakens intelligence, controls speech, Upward Stuttering, congestion, Licorice
from the navel to the self-expression, exhalation, memory recall. Gives difficulty in exhaling.
heart, lungs, throat and strength to the body and glow to the skin. Indecisiveness, difficulty in
brain. responding.
The Subdoshas | Vata
3. Vyana Vayu
Location Action Movement Signs of Imbalance Balancing
In the heart; circulates Represents the seat of life, consciousness and From the Circulation problems, Arjuna
throughout the body. unconditional love. Circulates Rasa Dhatu center to the heart palpitations, (Lotus),
(nutrients), Rakta Dhatu (blood), thoughts, periphery. Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Ghokshula
emotions and energy to the rest of the body. Angina pectoris, murmurs,
Releases sweat, controls muscular contraction panic attacks, anxiety
and relaxation. Regulates motor nerve impulses. attacks.
Governs physiological and psychological functions
of the Anahata or Heart Chakra.
The Subdoshas | Vata
4. Samana Vayu
Location Action Move- Signs of Balancing
ment Imbalance Herbs
Stomach, small Kindles Agni (helps digestion), separates nutrients and wastes from the food From the Malabsorption Cumin,
and large “juice.” Absorbs nutrients and water, maintains peristalsis, and controls the periphery Diarrhea Coriander,
intestine, liver, secretion of digestive enzymes. Converts the intelligence in the food into our to the Constipation Ajwan, Hinga,
pancreas and consciousness. Represents the meeting point of Prana and Apana. Governs the center Indigestion Ashtak
spleen. physiological and psychological functions of the Manipura or Solar Chakra.
5. Apana Vayu
Location Action Move- Signs of Imbalance Balancing
ment Herbs
Colon, pelvic Supports and strengthens intestinal walls. Maintains the tone of the tissues Down- Constipation, bloating, Haritaki,
distension, lower abdominal
cavity and pelvic and muscles in the pelvis. Absorbs nutrients, eliminates urine and feces, ward Triphala,
pain. Irritable bowel syndrome,
organs. starts menstrual flow, ejaculation of semen and sperm and assists with incontinence, hyperactive Ajwan
conception. Induces labor, contracts uterus and assists with childbirth. bladder. Prolapsed uterus,
Nourishes the other Vayus. Governs physiological and psychological vagina, rectum. PMS, dryness of
vagina. Sterility, miscarriage, ED.
functions of Muladhara or Root Chakra and Swadhisthan or Sacral Chakra.
The Subdoshas | Pitta
Pitta and its Subdoshas
create and sustain
physiological functions
related to transformation,
conversion, digestion, heat
and radiance.
The Subdoshas | Pitta
1. Sadhaka Pitta
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
2. Alochaka Pitta
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
All parts of the eyes Maintains visual acuity, absorbs different images, Poor eye sight, foggy Triphala, Rasanjan
colors, and processes visual images. At subtle level it vision, near- or far-
gives clarity, light and understanding sightedness, color-
The Subdoshas | Pitta
3. Pachaka Pitta
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Small intestine & lower Creates hunger and thirst; Aap part of Pitta liquefies food When Low: Indigestion, To Strengthen: Ginger,
part of stomach and agni part cooks the food. Digests sour, pungent and ama production. Cloves, Chilies, Garlic, Ajwan,
bitter foods. Moves food through different parts of Chitrak.
digestive tract with the help of Samana Vayu; The essential When High: Nausea,
part of the food is absorbed and the remaining part is vomiting, acidity, ulcers, To Reduce: Amalaki,
passed to the colon. When the digestive fire is strong we heartburn Guduchi, Licorice, seashell
experience contentment, strength, energy and clarity of powder (Shankha Bhasma).
The Subdoshas | Pitta
4. Bhrajaka Pitta
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Skin Controls the color & luster of the skin, maintains blood Skin inflammations, Chandana (Cooling, blocks
flow and body temperature, controls sweat glands and blisters, acne, rosacea, the sun’s rays)
absorption of sunrays to form nutrients. Absorbs psoriasis, hives, moles, Manjishta (Balancing)
medication patches. Forms the barrier between the melanoma, and skin Turmeric (Cooling)
internal and external environments. ulcers, also eats the Red Sandalwood (Cooling.
stomach lining and
causes ulcers.
The Subdoshas | Pitta
5. Ranjaka Pitta
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Liver, spleen, and small Gives color to blood, urine and feces. In the liver, the Jaundice, anemia, Turmeric
intestine absorbed food (Ahara Rasa) is cooked and digested again. leukemia, bleeding
Represents the seat of Panchamahabhutagni where the disorders
food particles are separated into Panchamahabhutas. The
liver also destroys old red blood cells, separating enzymes
which are excreted through the stool, giving a yellow color
to the urine and feces.
The Subdoshas | Kapha
1. Tarpaka Kapha
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Brain and spinal cord, Protects nervous system, nourishes nervous tissue, Dull mind, lack of Brahmi Vacha (Calamus),
heart lubricates brain cells, regulates the action of the understanding, slow Ginger powder, Brahmi Oil
nervous system, works as a shock absorber against learning, slow memory Nasya
injuries, and creates calmness, compassion, caring, recall, MS
love and affection.
The Subdoshas | Kapha
2. Bodhaka Kapha
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Mouth, tongue and Keeps the oral cavity moist, interprets taste, Irregular coating, To Increase: Ginger,
salivary glands. lubricates the mucus membrane, liquefies the food plaque. See notes on Cloves
for better chewing, digestion (carbohydrates) and tongue diagnosis.
swallowing, and protects the mouth against acidity To Decrease: Licorice
and cavities. Lubricates the throat for softer and
clearer voice. Is very sensitive to emotions. When we
experience anxiety, fear, depression, Bodhaka Kapha
decreases. With a smell, look or thought of good
food, Bodhaka Kapha is secreted.
The Subdoshas | Kapha
3. Avalambaka Kapha
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Thoracic cavity, lungs, Lubricates all the organs in the lungs and provides Emphysema, Asthma, Ginger, Bibhitaki
pleural cavity, in nourishment. Carries love and compassion from the heart Bronchitis, cough,
pericardium, around to the rest of the body. Every thought and emotion affects Pleurisy, heaviness in the
alveoli, and bronchi Avalambaka Kapha. For a long healthy life, Avalambaka chest.
Kapha is essential.
The Subdoshas | Kapha
4. Kledaka Kapha
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Stomach (upper part), Moistens food for better digestion and movement If Increased: Indigestion, heaviness, ama Ginger, Pippali
Stomach Lining, Secretions of food in the stomach. Protects and nourishes formation, mucus in stools.
in the Stomach stomach lining (mucus membrane), prevents
ulcers. Represents the alkaline secretion in the If Decreased: Ulcers, burning in the
stomach. stomach
The Subdoshas | Kapha
5. Shleshaka Kapha
Location Action Signs of Imbalance Balancing Herbs
Joints Lubricates joints for smooth action, provides nourishment Arthritis, swollen joints, To Decrease: Punarnava,
to the bones, ligaments and cartilages. Works as a shock water retention, edema. Ginger, Guggulu
absorber. Lubricates the skin. To Increase: Licorice
Dhatu | That Which Holds Together
Each Dhatu has a primordial vibration and is an expression of
Dharanat Dhatavah
The Dhatus hold (support) the body together.
The Doshas do the function and Dhatus provide the site to do the
The Universe is made up of energy and function.
matter. Energy needs matter to The Dhatus are developed from and nourished by food.
mobilize and serve its function. Matter There are seven Upadhatus, or secondary tissues, developed as a
byproduct of Dhatu digestion.
doesn’t move without energy. For this
The Malas, or waste products are also produced during each Dhatu
purpose, the Doshas represent energy
and the Dhatus represent matter. They The Dhatus support the body and provide nutrition to the more subtle
are both close friends who cannot live Dhatus. The Upadhatus support the body but do not provide nutrition.
or function without each other. The In the disorder process the Dhatus become affected, which is called
doshas work through the Dhatus. Dushya.
The Dhatus are measured in Anjali pramana. Anjali is a measure created
by cupping the palms together to equal roughly 8 fluid ounces.
The grosser Dhatus nourish the subtler Dhatus and subtler the Dhatus
protect the grosser Dhatus.
Dhatu | That Which Holds Together
Dhatu Location Function Upadhatu Mala
Rasa Plasma, Lymph, Serum Preenan (Nourishment) Stanya (Breast milk) Kapha
Raja (Menstrual fluid)
Rakta Blood Jeevana (Giving life) Kandara (Tendons) Pitta
Sira (Blood vessels)
Mamsa Muscle Lepana (Plastering of the Vasa (Subcutaneous fat) Khamala (Waste from
body) Twak (Skin) natural openings)
Be objective.
Choose characteristics which describe and overall
tendency of a person rather than what is
happening right now.
If more than one description is applicable, weigh
each and select the response that is stronger
than the others.
V is for Vata, P is for Pitta and K is for Kapha.
Prakriti| Physical Characteristics
Characteristic Vata (V) Pitta (P) Kapha (K)
Slim and slender, tall or short, tissues Moderately developed body,
Physical stature Well built, stout, stocky
not well developed medium built
Chest Thin, small, narrow, small rib cage Medium Broad, large, well developed bust
Small, thin, dry, cold, rough, unsteady, Medium, warm, pink, moist,
Hands and Fingers Large, thick, cool, firm, stocky fingers
long thin fingers medium pointed fingers
Thin, excessively long or short,
Legs Medium Large, big, stocky
prominent joints
Complexion Dull, darkish Red, ruddy, flushed, glowing White, pale
Warm, moist, pink, with moles,
Skin Thin, dry, cold, rough, cracked Thick, white, moist, cold, soft, smooth
freckles, acne
Moderate, fine, brown, red or blond
Hair Thin, dry, straight, dandruff (often) color, receding hairline, tendency to Oily, thick, black, very wavy, lustrous
early balding and graying
Prakriti| Physical Characteristics
Characteristic Vata (V) Pitta (P) Kapha (K)
Triangular, sharp angle, sharp Large, round, fat, white or pale, soft
Shape of the Face Oval, narrow
contours contours
Lips Thin, small, darkish, dry Medium, soft, nice curve Thick, large, oily, smooth, firm
Joints Small, thin, cracking Medium, soft, loose Large, thick, deep seated
Tend to constipate, skip days, dry Tend to get diarrhea, loose motions, Regular, once or twice a day, well
Bowel Movements
stools, and produce gas and loose stools formed stools
Interrupted, wake up off and on, Light sleeper, moderate, may wake
Sleep Heavy sleep, difficulty in waking up
insomnia, wake at 3:00am up but will fall asleep again
Weather Preference Enjoy warm and humid weather Enjoy cooler weather Enjoy dry and warm weather
Resistance to Weak immune system, fall sick Moderate immune system, prone to Strong immune system, do not fall sick
Disorder frequently infections very easily
Pain, arthritis, mental disorders, Infections, inflammatory disorders, Respiratory system disorders, mucus,
Disorder Tendency
nervous system disorders fevers water retention, swelling
Total V: P: K:
Prakriti| Giving Proportions to the Humors
There are many variations. There is not one standard method. Be consistent with the one you use. Count all
applicable V’s, P’s and K’s. Divide all three numbers by the smallest total.
For Example
Steps Vata Pitta Kapha
Total from Questionnaire 15 8 4
Divided by Smallest Total 15/4 8/4 4/4
Total (Rounded) 4 2 1
There is no better or worse Body Constitution. It is our responsibility to make peace with our Prakriti. It will stay with
us as long as we live. Each Prakriti has particular strengths and weaknesses depending on:
Disorder tendencies
Evaluate as many Prakriti as possible. It is one of the most important tools offered by Ayurveda.
The End