Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research: The Path Ahead
Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research: The Path Ahead
Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research: The Path Ahead
he idea that “being too acid” contributes to disease interchangeably here as clinically they are essentially the
susceptibility, especially cancer, has been around same1:
for a long time in the natural/integrative medicine
world. This concept was easily discounted by conventional (1) Net Endogenous Acid Production (NEAP)
medicine as measuring blood pH on various types of diets a. NEAP represents the amount of net acid
showed no change. produced by the metabolic system every day; a
Up until about 10 years ago, no research existed to combination of cellular metabolism and
counter this skepticism. However, since then, a growing exogenous acid and base loads from the diet.
body of research has documented not only that “acidosis” b. It can be calculated (and most often is) based
is a real phenomenon, but that it is now known to on dietary constituents (estimated) or measured
contribute to a wide range of diseases, such as metabolic directly using diet/stool/urine samples.
syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and (2) Net Acid Excretion (NEA)
increased susceptibility to environmental toxins—and a. NEA, the net acid excretion by the kidneys,
new research is adding to the list. In this editorial, I will often very close in value to NEAP and usually
review the biochemistry the various food components, considered equivalent.
soft drinks, prescription drugs, and metabolic b. Can be measured directly and includes urinary
dysfunctions affect the acid/base balance of cells. In excretion of ammonium, titratable acids, and
addition, I will address how to determine body acid load bicarbonate.
and strategies using natural health products and diet to (3) Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL)
restore normal cellular function and reverse several a. Calculated estimate of NEAP, based on protein
diseases. and mineral intake of diet, but also dependent
on body surface area.
Acidosis Defined
We are talking here about acidosis as a process or a Causes of Acidosis
trend toward acidemia, not acidemia, which is an actual The body is subjected to excess acid pressure primarily
change in blood pH. Acidemia is defined as a blood pH of in 3 ways: diet/beverages, drugs, and disrupted metabolism.
less than 7.35. This is very unlikely to occur, as the body
has multiple mechanisms for ensuring a very stable blood Diet-induced Acidosis
pH. Acidosis only becomes acidemia when compensatory When talking about diet-induced acidosis, please be
measures become overwhelmed. This typically only clear we are not talking about the pH of the food or
happens in “advanced disease” like kidney and lung beverages consumed. Rather, this is about the acid/base
failure. In many ways, we can consider acidosis as the changes induced by the food constituents. The
constant pressure on the body’s physiology to compensate preagricultural diets we evolved on are estimated to be base-
for all the acid-inducing challenges. Equally important, producing, with a mean NEAP of negative
although the blood pH does not change, the pH in the cells 88 mEq/d. In contrast, according to NHANES III, the
and intracellular space becomes more acidic, causing average diet in the United States is acid-producing, with an
disruption of enzyme function, loss of insulin sensitivity, NEAP of positive 48 mEq/d.2 This is the equivalent of 4.9 g
and cellular metabolic adaptations. HCl being added to our metabolism every day. Although, as
There are 3 terms used in the research to measure discussed below, the kidneys and lungs get rid of almost—
acid load in the body. Although technically somewhat but not all—of this excessive acidity, when these systems
different from a research perspective, I will use them start to fail, calcium from bone is used instead as the buffer.
8 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 14, No. 1 • February 2015 Pizzorno—The Path Ahead
Figure 1. Sources of NaCl in the American diet.a
All other breads
food categories 7.3%
31.9% Chicken and chicken
mixed dishes
Pasta and
pasta dishes
Cold cuts
2.0% Tortillas,
Salad dressing burritos, tacosb
Burgers 4.1%
2.4% 2.4% Sausages, franks,
Eggs and egg bacon, ribs
mixed dishes Rice and 4.1%
6.8% Beef and Grain- Regular
rice based cheese
mixed beef Soups
mixed 3.3% desserts 3.5%
dishes 3.4%
2.6% dishes
Data are drawn from analyses of usual dietary intake conducted by the National Cancer Institute. Foods and beverages
consumed were divided into 97 categories and ranked according to sodium contribution to the diet. “All other food
categories” represent food categories that each contributes less than 2% total intake of sodium from foods.
Also includes nachos, quesadillas, and other Mexican mixed dishes.
Pizzorno—The Path Ahead Integrative Medicine • Vol. 14, No. 1 • February 2015 9
Metabolic Adaptation to Excessive Acid Load Kidney Stones
The primary ways the body deals with excessive Recent research has now shown that dietary acid load
acidity are through renal adaptations, respiration, and is the best predictor of both calcium oxalate and,
buffering with calcium from bone. surprisingly, urate stones.12 The key here are 3 factors in
the renal adaptation to the excessive acidity: increased
Renal Adaptation secretion of calcium (making the urine over saturated),
The renal adaptations are extensive: decreased secretion of citrate (which solublizes calcium
oxalate in the urine), and increased excretion of uric acid
(1) Increased urinary excretion of sulfate, phosphate, (this oversaturates the urine which has little capacity to
urate, and chloride; solubilize uric acid)—all of these lead to precipitation and
(2) Increased urinary excretion of calcium; kidney stones.
(3) Decreased urinary excretion of citrate;
(4) Increased urinary excretion of ammonium ions; Cancer
and Although diet-induced acidosis may indeed increase
(5) Kidney vasodilatation and increased glomerular risk of cancer, at this time there is no clinical research. Cell
filtration rate. and animal studies have shown that lowering pH levels in
the extracellular space promotes the invasive and
Be clear that the kidneys mitigate but do not eliminate metastatic potential of cancer cells.13 May be important,
all the excess acidity. After considering all the unnecessary we just don’t know yet.
work put on the kidneys to deal with this excess acidity, it
occurred to me that perhaps this is a key cause for the loss Assessment of Acid Load
of kidney function seen with aging. As the kidneys lose Unfortunately, the traditional use of first morning
function with aging, their ability to excrete acid becomes urine for measuring body acidity is not valid. There are 2
impaired, which may be another explanation for the loss reasons: (1) The pH paper typically used has very poor
of bone with aging.8 reproducibility, and (2) First morning urine does not
correlate with standard measures such as NEAP.14,15
Bone for Acid Buffering Fortunately, body acidity can be easily measured, with
The major reservoir of base is the skeleton (in the form 24-hour urine, using a good-quality pH meter.
of alkaline salts of calcium), which provides the buffer
needed to maintain blood pH and plasma bicarbonate Intervention
concentrations when renal and respiratory adaptations are A growing body of research has now clearly
inadequate. Acid-promoting diets are associated with documented clinical benefit through diet and alkalinizing
increased urinary excretion of both calcium and bone supplements. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low
matrix protein and decreased bone density.9 Neutralizing in animal protein and sodium chloride reduces acid load
acid intake with diet or alkalinizing supplements decreases and is consistently associated with greater bone density.16
urine Ca and bone matrix protein excretion. Also, to a Alkalinization through supplementation with potassium
much smaller degree, skeletal muscle can act as a buffer. and magnesium citrates decreases urinary excretion of
calcium, increases bone density, and decreases fracture.17
Clinical Effects of Acidosis This is especially interesting, as this reversal of osteoporosis
A considerable amount of research is now showing a is accomplished without increasing either vitamin D or
strong, causal relationship between acidosis and several calcium!18
common diseases. The most important are osteoporosis Equally important is the research on prevention and
and kidney stones, but growing research is adding cancer, treatment of kidney stones. Prospective studies have now
muscle wasting, metabolic syndrome, impaired glutathione shown that supplementation with potassium and
synthesis, and others. magnesium citrates prevents recurrence of calcium oxalate
stones by a remarkable 85%.19 More exciting, however, is
Osteoporosis research showing dissolution of kidney stones. One study
Dietary acidosis increases bone loss, osteoporosis, found that 5 of 8 patients completely dissolved their stones
and fractures. Both pre- and postmenopausal women and after 6 months supplementation with potassium
older men eating an acid-forming diet have lower density citrate/bicarbonate.20
in the spine and hip bones.10 Making the extracellular Other areas are showing benefit from alkalinization
environment of the bones more acidic results in activation such as strength training, aerobic exercise, and pain
of osteoclasts and inhibition of osteoblasts causing a net reduction.21,22,23
loss of calcium from the bone.11 Surprisingly, a tiny
extracellular pH reduction of 0.1 is sufficient to cause a
doubling of calcium resorption from the bone.
10 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 14, No. 1 • February 2015 Pizzorno—The Path Ahead
Contraindications to Alkalinizing Supplements Thus, curative medicine requires considering everything
Although nutritional supplement intervention is that went into the patient getting to their complex clinical
typically safe, there are some contraindications that must situation. Childhood obesity is a very good example of this
be considered: complexity. Jennifer A. Boisvert, PhD, and W. Andrew
Harrell, PhD, provide us excellent guidance for helping
(1) In congestive heart failure, sodium bicarbonate children with this huge challenge for restoring their
impairs arterial oxygenation and reduces systemic health. I especially appreciate how comprehensively they
and myocardial oxygen consumption in these cover the social, environmental, psychological, and
patients, which may lead to transient myocardial medical aspects that must be considered.
ischemia (although sodium bicarbonate is a very In final article of the 2-part series, Matthew J. Bull,
inexpensive alkalizing agent, I strongly recommend BSc, PhD; and Nigel T. Plummer, PhD, continue to develop
against as the sodium prevents most of the benefit). their important thesis of the huge impact of the human gut
(2) In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, microbiome on health. I have a clinical anecdote that so
bicarbonate loading may worsen exercise response validates this concept: I saw a young woman who had been
(again, this is sodium bicarbonate, other alkalinizing suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and came to
agents may be fine). see me because her symptoms were not well controlled,
(3) Patients with kidney failure may develop elevated and she was starting to experience significant adverse
blood K levels and potentially fatal cardiac drug reactions. History revealed that her irritable bowel
arrhythmias if given K alkali salts, or volume syndrome started about a year after taking daily broad
overload and breathing problems if given Na alkali spectrum antibiotics for her acne. Of course, her family
salts. doctor had not made the connection. In addition to
eliminating allergic foods, we had her get a fecal transplant
Conclusion from her healthy father. Within a few weeks, her symptoms
Looking at the research on acidosis has been were substantially decreased, and within 3 months, she no
fascinating. I find it so encouraging when, yet again, an longer needed any of the drugs. Her final comment to me,
old-time concept is validated with modern research. No, “My farts now smell like my dad’s!” says it all.
they did not get it all right, as most have been using first I was so sad to hear of Hal Huggins’s DDS passing and
morning urine to inaccurately assess body acid load and pleased we are able to publish his obituary. He was truly a
many use the much-less-effective sodium bicarbonate for pioneer in integrative medicine, courageously raising the
alkalinization. Nonetheless, the concept of excessive alarm about the dangers of mercury fillings. As a pioneer,
acidity damaging health and increasing disease risk is he was aggressively persecuted by the vested interests he
sound, and I think we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg. challenged so effectively. I still vividly remember our
televised debate with Victor Herbert, MD, JD, some 20 years
In this Issue ago. It was contentious; Herbert was constantly insulting,
We continue featuring a keynote speaker of an and Huggins kept his cool and effectively made his
upcoming conference of integrative medicine organizations important points. (For those who are wondering, I ended
we support. This interview of Jeffrey Bland, PhD, and up as the moderate between their two extremes.)
Patrick Hanaway, MD, adds to my excitement for the next We are trying something new this issue: publication
Institute for Functional Medicine symposium, “The Omics of poster abstracts from a conference, in this case the 15th
Revolution: Nature and Nurture.” The evolving research Annual Science and Clinical Application of Integrative
on how dramatically gene expression is modified by diet, Holistic Medicine at Scripps. We prioritized those with
environment, lifestyle, etc, is fundamentally revolutionizing clinical relevance. Would very much appreciate your
how we think about health and disease. letting us know whether these are useful to you, dear
I now serve on the science boards of 2 foundations reader.
that fund integrative medicine cancer research. In the 15 I fully realize that “Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as
years I have been reviewing cancer research proposals, the a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health” by
most exciting has been the work of Gerald Krystal, PhD. Katarzyna Maresz, PhD, is the third time we have addressed
His innovative study of the effects of protein and the important topic. No apology, as this is an extremely
carbohydrates on cancer is fascinating and the results with important topic and the research continues to evolve. I still
animal cancers phenomenal. I am very excited he agreed find surprising that diet rarely provides adequate vitamin
to be interviewed by IMCJ and hope his research soon K2. Makes me think this is likely due to the gut flora
advances to human clinical trials. changes of Western diets that make endogenous conversion
Whenever a submission comes to me and its title of K1 to K2 much less than the gut flora we evolved with.
starts with “Integrative Treatment…” I immediately move As John Weeks so clearly presents, the last election
it to the front of the line. Everyone who has practiced for resulted in a lot of turnover in senate committee chairs.
several years realizes that few diseases have a single cause. Although most seem to think only liberals are interested
Pizzorno—The Path Ahead Integrative Medicine • Vol. 14, No. 1 • February 2015 11
16. Tucker KL, Hannan MT, Chen H, Cupples LA, Wilson PW, Kiel DP.
in integrative medicine, many on the conservative side Potassium, magnesium, and fruit and vegetable intakes are associated with
support us as well—though it seems unlikely we will ever greater bone mineral density in elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr.
again have such a strong and effective friend as Senator 17. Jehle S et al. Effect of potassium citrate on bone density, microarchitecture,
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who retired in 2014. Nonetheless, and fracture risk in healthy older adults without osteoporosis: a randomized
controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(1):207-217.
the message is clear—we need to commit to educating the 18. Jehle S, Hulter HN, Krapf R. Partial neutralization of the acidogenic Western
new Senate leadership. Good medicine knows no political diet with potassium citrate increases bone mass in postmenopausal women
with osteopenia. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17(1):3213-3222.
boundaries. 19. Ettinger B, Pak CY, Citron JT, Thomas C, Adams-Huet B, Vangessel A.
Bill Benda, MD, in BackTalk continues his always Potassium magnesium citrate is an effective prophylaxis against recurrent
calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. J Urol. 1997;158(6):2069-2073.
insightful commentary/satire. His comments about the 20. Trinchieri A, Esposito N, Castelnuovo C. Dissolution of radiolucent renal
ridiculous fear mongering around Ebola reflect my stones by oral alkalinization with potassium citrate/potassium bicarbonate.
Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2009;81(3):188-191.
concerns as well. I watched in amazement as the media on 21. McNaughton, Backx K, Palmer G, Strange N. Effects of chronic bicarbonate
both sides of the political spectrum somehow found, in ingestion on the performance of high intensity work. Eur J Appl Physiol
Occup Physiol. 1999;80(4):333-336.
virtually every comment by politicians on Ebola, 22. Dawson-Hughes B, Castaneda-Sceppa C, Harris SS, et al. Impact of
ammunition of some sort to show why they were— supplementation with bicarbonate on lower-extremity muscle performance
in older men and women. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21(7):1171-1179.
incompetent, out-of-touch, un-American, etc. Very 23. Vormann J, Worlitschek M, Goedecke T, Silver B. Supplementation with
unfortunate that fear appears to be such a strong attention alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain. J
Trace Elem Med Biol. 2001;15(2-3):179-183.
grabber and motivator of behavior. Bill is right, we need
leadership and vision, not fear mongering.
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12 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 14, No. 1 • February 2015 Pizzorno—The Path Ahead