4215 - An Introduction To Formal Logic
4215 - An Introduction To Formal Logic
4215 - An Introduction To Formal Logic
An Introduction
to Formal Logic
Course Guidebook
Dr. Steven Gimbel
Gettysburg College
Professor Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Course Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Lecture Guides
Lecture 1
Why Study Logic? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Lecture 2
Introduction to Logical Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lecture 3
Informal Logic and Fallacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Lecture 4
Fallacies of Faulty Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Lecture 5
Fallacies of Cause and Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lecture 6
Fallacies of Irrelevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Lecture 7
Inductive Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Lecture 8
Induction in Polls and Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Lecture 9
Introduction to Formal Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Lecture 10
Truth-Functional Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Lecture 11
Truth Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Lecture 12
Truth Tables and Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Lecture 13
Natural Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Lecture 14
Logical Proofs with Equivalences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Lecture 15
Conditional and Indirect Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Lecture 16
First-Order Predicate Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Lecture 17
Validity in First-Order Predicate Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Lecture 18
Demonstrating Invalidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Lecture 19
Relational Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Lecture 21
Logic and Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Lecture 22
Proof and Paradox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Lecture 23
Modal Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Lecture 24
Three-Valued and Fuzzy Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Supplemental Material
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Image Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
iv Table of Contents
Course Scope
An Introduction to
Formal Logic
We are not wired to be logical. All kinds of bad reasons for believing
things seem to us like perfectly good reasons. But the situation is not
hopeless. It turns out that logic is a skill that can be learned. We can
be trained to spot the reasoning errors, look for the proper kind of
support, and analyze arguments we hear from others to assess their
strength and weaknesses.
Well begin by examining the human mind and seeing the ways in
which logic is and is not a natural part of the way we think. Well look
at some of our cognitive biases, ways in which social psychologists
have demonstrated that the brain naturally works against good
inferences. Humans can be rational beings, but it takes work to
realize the pitfalls we need to avoid.
Inductive arguments are those that begin with observation and lead
to broader, generalized conclusions. Well study the basis for strong
inductive arguments and the ways in which inductive arguments can
go wrong, and then well examine the use of inductive arguments in
science and polls.
Formal deductive logic is the part of logic concerned with the forms
of deductive arguments. An argument is deductive if the content
of the conclusion is contained in the content of the premises. If a
deductive argument has good form, regardless of the truth or falsity
of its premises, we say that the argument is valid.
2 Course Scope
begin to account for mathematical truths in our logical system. The
possibility of giving logical justifications for mathematical propositions
is a major element in the history of the development of logic. Well
discuss the rise and fall of logicism, the view that logic provides the
ultimate foundation for all of mathematics.
Finally, well explore three-valued logic and fuzzy logic. The basis for
all of the logical considerations is that all sentences must have one
of two truth values: true and false. But what if we include a third truth
valueor even a continuum, ranging from definitely true to definitely
false, possibly taking any value in between?
In this course, well see that logic is a tool for helping us think in a
clearer, more rigorous fashion. Logic allows us to distinguish between
proper and improper forms of reasoning but never leads us to
conclusions on its own. The content of our arguments come from our
experiences, beliefs, and hypotheses. Logic does not control life, but
it is an important part of a well-lived life.
Course Scope 3
Lecture 1
But understanding that they are out there is the first step to
realizing that we need to think carefully about thinking carefully
and to teach ourselves how to think in ways that are the most
likely to avoid errors.
One of the more well-known examples of being led to irrational
belief comes from psychologist Solomon Aschs experiments in
the early 1950s on conformity. The subject of the experiment would
sit at a table with several other people, who he or she was told
were also participating in the experiment but unbeknownst to the
subject were really confederates working with the experimenter.
The table was arranged so that the subject would answer last,
after the others said aloud which line they thought was of the
same size as the comparison line. The first chart was shown, and
all of the confederates answered correctly, and so did the test
subject. The same thing happened with the next chart.
Then, on the third try, the confederates all gave what was
obviously the wrong answer. C was the same size as the
comparison line, but they all responded that A was. When it got
to the test subjects turn, 12 out of 18 times in the original study
(and it has been reconfirmed many times since), the test subject
gave the wrong answer so as not to stick out.
But if even one person expresses skepticism, you are more likely
to be skeptical yourself.
Logical thinking is not an innate talent, but it is a skill that one can
develop. It takes training and practice. You must see what makes
some forms of reasoning effective at determining what is likely to
be true and what makes other forms of reasoning likely to lead
you into error, even though it seems attractive to us.
If the human brain is the result of evolution, which selects for
properties that have an advantage in survival, then why do we have
these cognitive biases built into us?
How do we best go about finding the cultural blind spots that we
have? If there are assumptions we have been given our whole lives,
how do we find them?
Introduction to
Logical Concepts
So, the first tasks that are necessary for us to develop are
figuring out when we have an argument and determining what
the conclusion is and what the premises are. We often have help
with these taskscalled indicator words. There are certain words
we use to point out conclusions, and there are certain words we
use to point out premises.
Types of Arguments
The first two steps are to figure out if a passage contains an
argument and then to identify the structurethat is, to pick out
its conclusion and fully lay out its premises (both stated and
implied). The third step is to determine what kind of argument it is.
Which of the following p
assages contains an argument?
Find the conclusion and premises in the following arguments.
b I dont like Indian food. You cant eat the gluten that is in most
Italian food. The Persian restaurant is very expensive. The only
other restaurant on this block is the Irish pub, which we both
like and is affordable. Lets eat there.
Are the following arguments deductive or inductive?
a If you dont water your plants, they will die. If we dont drink
water, we will die. If you take a fish out of water, it will die. It
seems that it is true of everything living that it needs water.
a his is not an argument; its simply a collection of facts about
a remise: The most expensive model of computer has increased
speed and functionality, which make it worth the extra money.
Premise: The Irish pub is the only other restaurant on the block
and is affordable.
Circular Argument
An argument is circular when the premise and the conclusion are
the same proposition. Notice the use of the term proposition
here and not the term sentence. In philosophy, a sentence
is a grammatically correct string of words. A proposition is the
content of the sentence.
What makes this circular is that the only things that can feel pain
are animals. To feel pain, you need a central nervous system. But
anything that has a central nervous system would be an animal.
So, the argument really just says that it is wrong to kill animals
because it is wrong to kill animals. It restates the conclusion as
the premise in a fashion that is not obvious at first glance.
So, one way to beg the question is to use questions that are not
questions. Another way is to use the connotative power of language
to frame questions unfairly. Words have both denotationthat is,
they pick out certain thingsand connotationthat is, they lend
an emotional weight to those things.
Companies vying for our business do this all the time: Looking
to relocate to another part of the country, but you dont have a
lot of money? Try Budget Movers. Are they cheaper than other
companies? We have no evidence, but the name implies it. The
words are chosen because of their ability to sway the customer.
The basis of the fallacy known as equivocation is ambiguity.
Words can mean more than one thing. This is not a logical
problem, just a feature of language. The fallacy of equivocation
occurs when we change the meaning of a word in the middle of
an argument. Consider the following argument.
It certainly looks valid, doesnt it? And all of the premises are true.
So, it must be sound, right? We have good reason to believe the
conclusionexcept, of course, that the conclusion is absurd.
Whats the flaw?
That dish cant be too spicy; after all, she said she made it with chili
peppers. Chilly is the opposite of hot, and she didnt say she used
hot peppers.
Do you want to go to the same old boring beach this year for vacation,
or should we be adventurous and try something new, such as the
Its not that I dont care about you; Im just not concerned with your
life choices.
Fried foods are bad for you because they are not part of a healthy
question-begging language
distinction without a difference
circular argument
Appeal to Authority
When we want to know something we dont know, it is perfectly
rational to ask someone who does. We call this an appeal to
authority, and arguing from authority is a legitimate means of
reasoning. We do it all the time, and we should. When you are
sick, hopefully it is your physician you seek out, because he or
she is the expert you need.
If you are buying a used car from Joe, someone you know to
be a mechanic, should you take his word on the condition of the
engine? Joe is the sort of person who would know, but he also
stands to profit if he convinces you that the car is in better shape
than it is. You should not consider Joe to be an authority in this
case, even though he is indeed an expert. You should take the
car to another mechanic to give you an objective appraisal.
Some of these might be good, but others are not, despite the fact
that they are often cited. One of these problematic justifications
is called an appeal to tradition: But weve always done it that
way. Some traditions are good; some traditions are not.
We learn from mistakes, both our own and those of others. And it
is certainly true that being an apprentice to someone with much
more experience can be a wonderful way of learningthat is the
argument from authority. But it requires evidence that the way we
have been doing it is the right way, or the thing we have always
believed is, in fact, true.
One way of making you want something you have already bought
is to convince you that while what you have is good, there is a
new one that is even better. If it is betterif it has capabilities the
old one does not that would be helpful, or if its new design makes
it more efficient or easier to usethen these might be legitimate
reasons to decide to purchase a new one.
Arguing by Analogy
Arguing by analogy is like faulty authority in that its a flawed
version of a good form of reasoning. It is a perfectly fine way to
arrive at reasonable beliefs.
Identify the fallacies in the following passages from the following list:
faulty authority, appeal to common opinion, faulty analogy, fallacy of
My GPS says that we should take route 70 to route 97. You think we
should take route 85 to Buckminster Road after looking at a map.
Im thinking that the GPS directions are better because the GPS is
equipped with the latest route-finding algorithm.
Look at the line for that new movie! It is out of the theater door, down
the street, and around the corner. That film must be great.
I was reading the expert reviews for this product on its website. All of
them were outstanding. I think that this could be the product weve
been waiting for.
She must wear dentures. He said that her teeth were like the stars,
and we know that the stars come out at night.
fallacy of novelty
appeal to common opinion
faulty authority
faulty analogy
Cause-and-Effect Reasoning
Some of the most interesting and important claims we make
are about cause and effect. So much of what we want to know
about the world, about each other, and about ourselves involves
the kinds of why questions that assert cause-and-effect
relations. Unfortunately, they are also among the most difficult to
establish logically.
Most people have heard the old logical dictum that correlation
does not entail causationthat is, that simply because you can
find two things occurring together, it does not mean that we can
assert with any certainty that one caused the other.
The post hoc inferences that we cling to the strongest are those
that do not correlate single events, but when we notice that most
of the time when we observe events of type A, we also tend to
observe thereafter events of type B. Seeing the repetition of the
correlation strengthens our belief in the causation.
It might be the case that whenever you see your normally mild-
mannered coworker taking an aspirin, he is uncharacteristically
cranky and short-tempered. This does not mean that aspirin has
a negative side effect that has psychological ramifications, nor
does it mean that he takes the pills because of his change in
disposition. Indeed, there might a third factorfor example, a
headache or a toothachethat causes both the foul mood and
the taking of the medicine.
For example, you might ask your child why a dirty dish that
was just used is sitting in the sink. Your child might answer,
The dishwasher is running. While putting a dirty plate in the
dishwasher is sufficient for cleaning it, it is not necessary. There
are other ways to clean it, such as washing it by hand.
I wouldnt take that first sip of beer. It always starts with beer, but
then it goes to wine and then hard liquor, which paves the way
for marijuana, and then addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin.
That little sip might seem harmless, but it is the first step on a
slippery slope to addiction, losing your house and your family
everything will be gone.
Identify the fallacies in the following passages from the following list:
post hoc fallacy, neglect of a common cause, causal oversimplification,
confusion of a necessary and sufficient condition.
People who drive nice cars also tend to have large homes. I guess
that if you have a car that nice, you dont want to park it in front of a
small house.
Zydeco music always has an accordion in it. This polka band has an
accordion player, so I guess they play Zydeco.
I had eggs for breakfast, and then I played the best round of golf in
my entire life. Its eggs every Saturday for me. I want to bring down
my handicap.
neglect of a common cause
confusion of a necessary and sufficient condition
post hoc fallacy
causal oversimplification
Fallacies of Irrelevance
Fallacies of Irrelevance
One of the most difficult aspects of engaging in passionate
discourse is keeping the discussion focused on the question
at hand. When someone is disagreeing with us, especially
if it involves a proposition we take to be important, we can
feel attacked.
Red Herring
Where attacking a straw man is the error wherein we replace
the premises of an offered argument, the fallacy known as a red
herring is where we change the conclusion.
You really need to clean those dishes in the sink. You make
yourself a snack and just clutter the kitchen and leave it for me.
That is not respectful or fair to me.
Well, if you want to talk about messes and respect, what
about the fact that you never pick up your dirty clothes in the
bathroom? You just throw them on the floor before you get in
the shower and leave them there.
Notice that while the form of these two arguments is the same
and there is some overlap in content, the conclusions are different
propositionsthat is, they are completely different arguments.
Both are worth assessing, but they need to be considered one
at a time.
Identify the fallacies in the following passages from the following list:
ad hominem, tu quoque, attacking a straw man, red herring.
ont listen to him. He cant even speak proper English, so you know
his argument is also nonsense.
You say that the changes to the tax code would promote fairness, but
the real reason you are in favor of it is that you want to punish the rich.
You know that famous celebrity who is always going on and on about
the need to care about the environment and leave a small carbon
footprint? It turns out that she has a mansion, and you know that
thing uses a ton of electricity in the summer when she runs the air
conditioner. So, if she can use a lot of power, so can I.
ad hominem
attacking a straw man
red herring
tu quoque
Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Arguments
Arguments come in two different kinds: deductive and inductive.
A deductive argument is one in which the scope is non-
ampliativethat is, the scope of the conclusion is no broader
than the scope of the premises.
The best we get from induction is likely truth. If you have a good
inductive argument, the conclusion is probably true. While
probably true is less desirable than definitely true, probably
true is sufficient for rational belief. We should believe that which
is probably true.
I have seen some number n different Ps, and every one of them
has had the property A; therefore, I believe that the next P I see
will also have the property A.
We make these kinds of inferences all the time. No, I dont want
to go see that scary movie, because itll give me nightmares like
all the other ones.
When we apply what weve learned from all other instances in the
past to one in the present or future, inductive analogy is the form
of the argument we are using.
But it is not good reason to think he will make three out of four.
There is a lot of mathematical machinery in the study of statistics
that tells you exactly how big a sample you need and what
percentage needs to have the property in order to have a 90
percent, 95 percent, or 99 percent degree of confidence that your
statistic can be accurately generalized to the entire population.
When you have a statistic you want to generalize, you are almost
always going to have to soften your generalized conclusion a bit.
Inductive Fallacies
One of the fallacies associated with inductive reasoning is
exaggerated accuracy. There are several more we need to be
aware of. One involves premises that appear in the first two
inductive argument forms and implicitly in the third.
The key to avoiding this error is in the selection procedure for the
sample we use to collect our observation. The sample is the set
of n individuals mentioned in the premises. How do we go about
getting our data from which to make the inductive inference?
If inductive arguments do not give us conclusions with absolute
certainty, why should we believe the conclusion of a sound inductive
argument? What inductive arguments do you accept in day-to-day life?
Identify the fallacies in the following passages from the following
list: cherry-picking, insufficient sample, unrepresentative data,
gamblers fallacy.
Answers will vary.
a cherry-picking
b gamblers fallacy
c insufficient sample
d unrepresentative data
Virtually all polls taken are of the form of the inductive argument
called statistical generalization.
The other concern, once we have enough people, is that the sample
is well distributedthat it looks like the population as a whole in
miniature. With polls, we have two concerns: that we are sampling
the right population and that the sample is properly representative.
Once the sample worries are behind us, there is a new concern:
Can we trust what people tell the pollster? There are two worries
here. The first is that people sometimes intentionally mislead
Words not only denotethat is, pick out objects to refer tobut
also have connotative power; they convey emotional or value-
laden judgments as well. Questions framed differently will allow
the connotative power of the language employed to steer the
listener toward or away from particular viewpoints in ways that are
subtler than leading questions.
Polls not only report on the public mood and beliefs, but also
influence them. This means that we need to be cautious.
Questions might have been asked intentionally or unintentionally
in a way that biases them.
Induction in Science
Induction is used in two different ways in science: in supporting
hypotheses and in testing theories. We need to keep these two
contexts separate.
As such, none of the theories are certain, in the way that deductive
inferences are, but rather they receive inductive support. They
are more likely to be true than they had been. The probability of
truth has been increased.
Push polls are fake polls in which people believe that they are being
asked for their opinions by a reputable pollster but are actually being
lobbied by an interested party that is trying to change their opinion.
Political campaigns, for example, will have people pose as pollsters
and ask biased questions designed to influence the respondents
answer. Because the person believes the pollster to be legitimate, the
respondent thinks that the questions are not skewed and therefore
Because science is inductive in the inference it requires for evidence,
science proves nothing. If the results of science are never proven
if scientific progress might require us to surrender even the most
deeply held current beliefsthen is it ever rational to believe the
results of science?
Formal Logic
In part because of its use in
mathematics and in part because
it is the study of what we can
know with absolute certainty,
there is a long trail of work in
formal logic. The first figure in
the history of thought to give us
a functional formal account of
reasoning was Aristotle.
All As No As
are B are B
Affirmative Negative
Some As Some As
are B are not B
The top line is for universal sentences. The bottom line is for
particular sentences. The left side is for affirmative sentences.
The right side is for negative sentences.
All As No As
are B are B
Affirmative Negative
Some As Some As
are B are not B
All Boy Scouts are boys if and only if it is not true that some Boy
Scouts are not boys. Similarly, if it is false that all Boy Scouts are
boys, then there must be some Boy Scout that isnt a boy. A and
O sentences will always have different truth-values.
I and O are called subcontraries. They can both be true, but they
cannot both be false. It is true that some people are having a
birthday today and some people arent. But if it is false that some
As are B, then it must be true that some As are not B.
Categorical Syllogisms
Recall that our interest here is deductive validity. We want to
know when we have to believe a conclusion if we also believe the
premises. For Aristotle, the key to reasoning is a type of argument
called a syllogism, which is an argument with two premises.
The premise with the minor term and the middle term is called the
minor premise, and the one with the middle term and the major
term is called the major premise. We always write out the major
premise first.
The first figure has a major premise that starts with the middle
term and a minor premise that starts with the minor term.
The second figure has a major premise starting with the major
term and a minor premise starting with the minor term.
The third figure starts both premises with the middle term.
The fourth figure starts the major premise with the major term
and the minor premise with the middle term.
1 2 3 4
M P P M M P P M Major Premise
S M S M M S M S Minor Premise
S P S P S P S P Conclusion
So, the mood is IOE. The middle term appears second in the
major premise and first in the minor premise, so it is of the fourth
figure. We have an argument that is IOE-4.
The first example argument has a mood of AAA, and the middle
term is second in the major premise and first in the minor premise,
so it is an AAA-1.
Having this concept, we can now set out the five rules.
Venn Diagrams
These rules work, but they are not terribly intuitive. We can
determine which categorical syllogisms are valid and which are
not, but we come away without a sense of why. It would be nice to
have a method that allows us to see why a categorical syllogism
is or is not valid.
The parts of the circles outside of the overlap are for members of
the classes that belong only to one or the other class. We indicate
that a region is empty by shading it in, and we represent that an
area is not empty by putting an X in it.
Identify the form of the following categorical syllogisms.
a No dogs are blue. Some blue things are not fruit. Therefore,
some fruit are dogs.
Use Aristotles rules to determine if the following syllogism is valid.
No food is poisonous.
Some mushrooms are poisonous.
Therefore, some mushrooms are not food.
Use Venn diagrams to show whether the two categorical syllogisms
in questions 3 and 4 are valid.
a EOI-4
b AII-2
In OOO-1, the predicate of each sentence is distributed. The first rule
requires that the middle term be distributed in one of the premises. O
sentences distribute the predicate, but the middle term is the subject
in both premises and therefore is undistributed. Because the middle
term is not distributed, by the first rule, the argument is invalid.
Truth-Functional Logic
In classical logic, there are two truth-values: true and false. Every
sentence has one and only one truth-value. If a sentence is true, it
is not false. If it is not true, then it has to be false. Truth-functional
logic is a two-valued system, and every sentence has one or the
other of these values.
We can take the sentence The sky is blue and the sentence
I am 12 feet tall and use the connective and to create a
whole new sentence: The sky is blue and I am twelve feet tall.
Connectives just join atomic sentences to form new sentences.
After our atomic sentences are all entered in our truth table,
we add a new column in which appears nothing but what has
come before in the table and one new connective. We will use
the symbol & as our symbol for and, although some logicians
prefer the wedge () or a dot ().
Next is the important step: filling in the value for the molecular
sentence. In truth-functional logic, what we mean by and
is and.
The first case has both sentences true. If it is true that Bob has
sugar in his coffee and it is true that Bob has cream in his
coffee, then what do we know about Bob has sugar in his coffee
and Bob has cream in his coffee? We know it is true.
And sentences are true when both sentences joined are true. So,
in the first row of the third column in our truth table, we put a T.
What goes in the first row of the third column? If p is true and q
is true, do we know if p because q is true? Let p be The sky is
blue and let q be Albert Einstein was a physicist.
Both p and q are true. Is it also true that the sky is blue because
Albert Einstein was a physicist? No. To determine the truth-
value of because sentences, we need to know more than
just the truth-values of the constituent atomic sentences. So,
because will have no place in our truth-functional language as
a connective.
Lets take the second case, in which he does have sugar but has
no cream. What do we know about Bob has sugar or cream in
his coffee? It is true. Similarly, if he has cream, but no sugar, the
disjunction Bob has sugar or cream in his coffee is true. If one
or the other is true, then the or sentence is true.
What about the last row? Suppose that Bob has neither sugar nor
cream in his coffee. What do we know about the sentence Bob
has sugar or cream in his coffee? It is false.
For the top row, suppose that Bob has both sugar and cream in
his coffee and you say, Bob has sugar or cream in his coffee.
Are you right or wrong? Is the sentence true or false?
We use the word or to mean both one, the other, but not both
and one, the other, or both. If you are having coffee, you might
ask, Sugar or cream? and your friend could reasonably reply,
Yes, both please. But if your friend is having tea and you offer,
Lemon or cream? then clearly you mean which of the two,
not both.
One is what we call the inclusive sense of or, and the other is the
exclusive or. Which one do we use? It is arbitrary, because once
we pick one, we can use the other connectives to build the other.
We should either go all the way or not start at all implies that
there are two mutually exclusive possibilities and we have to
select only one. If you like that shade of purple, paint the upstairs
or the downstairs powder room in that color is inclusive, leaving
open the chance to do both.
In the first case, the antecedent p and the consequent q are both
true. Jane did beat you at backgammon, and you did give her your
car. Did you lie? No. So, the first row of the third column gets a T.
For the other easy case, skip down to the bottom line. The
antecedent and the consequent are both false. Jane did not beat
you at backgammon, and you did not give her your car. Did you
lie? No. In two-valued logic, any sentence that is not false must
be true. Because this is not false, it is thus true.
Consider the third line. Jane did not beat you at backgammon,
but you gave her your car anyway. Did you lie? No. You never said
that beating you at backgammon was the only way to get your
car. Maybe Jane bought it from you, or maybe you were feeling
generous and just gave it to her. Regardless of the how and why,
Jane did not beat you at backgammon but did get the car.
You did not violate your agreement, so your if, then sentence is
not false and therefore must be true.
Notice that for and and or, they are symmetric. Paper or
plastic; plastic or paper. Logically, there is no difference. The
truth-value wont change, regardless of the order. But this is not
so with the conditional, where the order does matter.
Consider the following two sentences: If you get shot, then you
bleed and If you bleed, then you get shot. These are two very
different sentences. The first is true, and second is false. So, for a
conditional, unlike for a conjunction or disjunction, order matters.
So, we look for the word if to pick out our antecedent. There are
other stylistic variants for if. When sometimes means if. Yes,
I will go to dinner and a movie with youwhen pigs fly. In other
words, if pigs fly, feel free to make a reservation for two. Given
that and on the condition that are other ways of saying if.
The interesting one is only if. We said that wherever you find the
word if, it picks out your antecedent. The only exception is when
the word if is paired with only. Only if always picks out the
The sentence is true; there is oxygen around you but no fire. So, it
could not be translated as of. So, if picks out the antecedent
wherever it is, unless it is only if, in which case it picks out the
Consider the connective it is the case that, for which we can use the
symbol =. = is a one-place connectivethat is, it works on a single
sentence (for example, =p). Is = truth-functional?
Translate the following into truth-functional logic.
a If I am here and you are here, then all is well in the world.
We can construct a truth-table for =, as shown at right. p =p
a Let i represent I am here, u represent You are here, and a
represent All is well in the world: (i&u)a.
Therefore, m.
Truth Tables
We now have what is on the left side of the and and what is on
the right side of the and in our table, so we can add a column
that joins them.
p q pq p (pq)&p
Next, lets build our first sentence. The main connective in a&b
is the conjunction. It conjoins a with b, neither of which is in the
table, but both of which can be made by adding one connective
to something that is already in the table.
Next, we enter the truth-values, just like last time: T-T, T-F, F-T, F-F.
a: F, F, T, T.
b: F, T, F, T.
The next column is the conjunction of the previous two. Note that
it is only true when both a and b are true: F, F, F, T.
So, to see if the two sentences are equivalent, lets see if they
have exactly the same arrangement of Ts and Fs beneath them.
Look at the second and third rows of a&b and (a&b). They
are not equivalent.
a b a b a&b ab (ab)
We can see this using a truth table. The sky is blue is an atomic
sentence. Lets use s to abbreviate it. I am a warthog is also
atomic, and well use w for it.
The truth table is trivial to set up. There are two atomic sentences,
and we put them in the table.
Because the first line is a case in which both sentences are true,
they are consistent. The sky is blue is also consistent with I am
not a warthog.
s w w
Next, we need an additional column for
w. We know that w has the opposite T T F
truth-value as w, which gives us what is
shown at right. T F T
In the second row, s is true and w is
true. So, the two are also consistent. F F T
(xy) (x&y)
x (ynot-x)
x (yx)
The first sentence has the disjunction, the or, as its main
connective. On the left side is xy. The right side is x&y. We
have y, but not x, but we do have x, so we can make x.
The fifth column is just the fourth conjoined with the second.
The sixth column, the first sentence, is the third column or the
fifth column.
The seventh column has the second as the antecedent and the
fourth as the consequent.
The last column, the second sentence, is the first column or the
seventh column.
x y x y x x&y (x y) (x&y) y x x (y x)
In the first, third, and fourth rows, both sentences have the truth-
value T; remember that we only need one, so they are consistent.
The first sentence does imply the second. Indeed, if the second
sentence is a tautology, then any sentence would imply it,
because it would be impossible for the first sentence to be true in
a case where the second sentence is false, given that the second
sentence is never false.
Use a truth table to determine whether the sentence p[q (qp)]
is a tautology, contradiction, or contingency.
If you get a pie, then pick up ice cream, but if you dont get ice
cream, dont get a pie.
Consider the following two sentences:
I will pick up the kids from school, you will pick up the kids from
school, or we will both pick up the kids from school
Are they consistent? Are they equivalent? Does one imply the other?
Consider the following two sentences:
Are they consistent? Are they equivalent? Does one imply the other?
p q q q p q (q p) p [q (q p)]
p i p i i p i p (p i)&(i p)
The sentences are consistent. They are not equivalent, and there is
no implication.
lm, lm
l m l m l m l m
1 Construct a big truth table that includes all of the premises and
the conclusion.
2 Fill in all of the truth-values.
3 Look for every casethat is, every rowin which all of the
premises are true.
4 See if the conclusion is true in all of those cases. If it is, then
the argument is valid. If there exists even one case in which all
of the premises are true and the conclusion is false, then the
argument is invalid.
Modus Ponens
Consider the famous argument called modus ponens, which is
Latin for the way that affirms. It is any argument of the form
mn; m, therefore, n.
Next, lets look at the first premise: mn. Its not in our table, but
we have both m and n, so by adding just one connective, we can
make it.
If it is true that you are drunk and if it is true that being drunk
leads to impaired cognitive abilities, then it must also be true that
your cognitive abilities are diminished.
The name probably gives away the validity status, but lets see
whether this so-called fallacy really is an invalid argument form.
To test for validity, lets find every
row in which both of the premises F T T
are true. In both of the first and
the third rows, the conditional if
you are drunk, then your cognitive
abilities are decreased is true, and in both of these cases you
do have decreased cognitive capacities.
In the first case, you are drunk, but in the third case, you are not
drunk but have decreased cognitive capacities for some other
reasonperhaps lack of sleep, for example.
Is the conclusion also true in both of those cases? It is for the first
row, but not for the third row.
Note what this means: If we are presented with this argument and
we know for a fact that both of the premises are trueit is the
case that being drunk diminishes your cognitive abilities, and you
do, in fact, have diminished cognitive abilitiesdo we know with
absolute certainty whether you are drunk? That is, do we know if
the conclusion is also true?
No, because we dont know if our world is the first case or the
third case. In both of these rows, the premises are true, but this is
not enough for us to know which one is our case and, therefore,
not enough to know whether the conclusion is true or false.
Next, lets work on the first premise. The main connective is the
conditional. The antecedent is a&b. We already have both a and
b in the table, so we can make a&b by adding one connective.
In the second premise, the main connective is the or. On the left
side, we see c. We have c, so one connective added makes it.
Once we have the left side and the right side of the disjunction in
the table, we can make the second premise: cb.
a b c a&b (a&b) c c cb ac
The fifth column is a little tricky. Remember that the only time
the conditional is false is when the antecedent is true and the
consequent is false. But notice that in this case, the antecedent is
listed after the consequent in the table, so we need to be mindful.
Now that our truth table is filled in, lets find every case in which
both of the premises are true. It is rows 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Is the
conclusion true in all of these cases? Lines 6 and 8 show us
cases in which the premises are both true and the conclusion is
false. So, this is an invalid argument.
Is the following argument valid?
Determine whether the following argument is valid using a truth table.
Your mother will stay with us only if we kennel the dog and get all
of the carpets in the entire house steam cleaned. I am not going
through the whole hassle of getting the house prepared for steam
cleaning again. So, tell your mother she is not staying with us.
invalid (row 4)
p q p q p q p q pq
m(k&c). c. Therefore, m.
m k c k&c m (k&c) c m
Natural Deduction
We are trying to show that if the premises are true, then the
conclusion has to be, too. So, we begin by admitting the
premises to the second column. Being a premise is like being
born to a wealthy family: You get privileges you did not have to
earn, unlike others.
All other sentences will need to earn the justification that will
let them into the second column, but the premises are simply
granted justification by virtue of the argument whose validity is in
The game begins when all of the premises are entered onto the
board as numbered lines, justified by premise. The game ends
when the conclusion appears as a justified line of the proof.
Because the form is valid, we know that if the premises are true,
the conclusion must be and therefore can be entered into the
second column.
1 ab
2 bc
3 cd
4 de
1 ab premise
2 bc premise
3 cd premise
4 de premise
5 ef premise
6 fg premise
7 a premise
8 b MP 1,7
But look at line 2. It says that if we have b, we get c, and our new
line 8 gives us b. So, we can add the following.
9 c MP 2,8
10 d MP 3,9
11 e MP 4, 10
12 f MP 5, 11
13 g MP 6, 12
Therefore, a
Therefore, ac
1 ab premise
2 bc premise
3 cd premise
4 de premise
5 ef premise
6 fg premise
7 a premise
8 ac HS 1,2
1 ab premise
2 bc premise
3 cd premise
4 de premise
5 ef premise
6 fg premise
7 a premise
8 ac HS 1,2
9 ad HS 3,8
10 ae HS 4,9
11 af HS 5,10
12 ag HS 6,11
But we now have line 12 that tells us that if a, then g, and line 7
that gives us a. So, by modus ponens, we get the following
13 g MP 7,12
You can use modus ponens, modus tollens, and the hypothetical
syllogism on lines that are as complex as you want, as long as
the main connective is the conditional and the form holds.
So, we can take the sentences on any two lines and put an and
between them, justifying the move with the rule of inference
called conjunction (Conj). Suppose that we have the following.
8 (dh) (e&t)
9 i&(fg)
8 (sr)&(xt)
9 sr Simp 8
10 xt Simp 8
23 t
24 tm Add 23
Where did m come from? Why m? If you dont like m, you can
make it w or even (c&f ) (q&j). You can add any sentence to
any other sentence just because you want to.
5 (c&d)f
6 f
7 c&d DS 5,6
ab MT ab; b, therefore a
ac HS ab; bc, therefore
Therefore, bd ac
Provide a proof for the following argument.
Translate the following argument into truth-functional logic and
construct a proof to show that it is valid.
If you have an identification card showing that you are older than
21, then either you are of legal age or this ID is a fake. I see your
card, but I know that you are not 21. Hence, this must be a fake ID.
1 p (r&q) premise
2 p&(qs) premise
3 p Simp 2
4 qs Simp 2
5 r&q DS 1,3
6 r Simp 5
7 q Simp 5
8 s MP 4,7
9 r&s Conj 6,8
If you have an identification card showing that you are older than 21,
then either you are of legal age or this ID is a fake.
c(of )
I see your card, but I know that you are not 21.
Therefore, f.
1 c(of) premise
2 c&o premise
3 c Simp 1
4 o Simp 1
5 of MP 1,3
6 f DS 4,5
Logical Proofs
with Equivalences
The Equivalences
Equivalences are sentence forms in our truth-functional language
that are truth-functionally equivalentthat is, sentences that must
always have the same truth-value. For any of these, if you doubt
that they are really equivalent, work out a truth table, and you will
see that they are.
6 ch
7 h
8 c MT 6,7
9 c DN 8
12 b d
13 d
14 d DN 13
15 b DS 12,14
(a&b)::a b
When you negate an or, you get an and, and when you negate
an and, you get an or.
If we say that Bob has sugar and cream in his coffee and again
are wrong, what could be the case? We would be wrong about
his having both sugar and cream in his coffee if he didnt have
sugar or he didnt have cream, or he had neither. This is De
Morgans theorem.
a (b&c)::(ab)&(ac)
a&(bc)::(a&b) (a&c)
a (bc)::(ab)c
But remember that the conditional was not. The only time a
conditional is false is when the antecedent is true and the
consequent is false.
The key here is to think of the truth table for the conditional. The
only time a conditional is false is when the antecedent is true and
the consequent is false. That means that a conditional is true if
that case is not the casein other words, if the antecedent is
false or the consequent is true.
And that is just what implication says. This means that we can
switch back and forth between conditionals and disjunctions as
long as we negate the first term.
DN a::a
Contra ab::ba
Exp (a&b)c::a(bc)
Impl ab::ab
Construct a proof for the following argument.
1 (p q)r premise
2 p&r premise
3 p Simp 2
4 r Simp 2
5 p (qr) Assoc 1
6 qr DS 3,5
7 q DS 4,6
8 qs Add 7
9 qs Impl 8
I need to be in Atlanta for work, but we could also visit Boston or
So, well go to Atlanta and Boston and not fly through Denver.
Therefore, a&(b&d).
1 &(bc) premise
2 dc premise
3 c premise
4 d MT 2,3
5 (a&b) (a&c) DeM1
6 c a Add 3
7 a c Comm 6
8 (a&c) DeM 7
9 a&b DS 5,8
10 (a&b)&d Conj 4,9
11 a&(b&d) Assoc 10
Conditional and
Indirect Proofs
Assumption as a Justification
At this point in the course, you should be flabbergasted at the
thought of assumption being a justification. How can we enter a
sentence in the second column that is a mere assumption?
After all the time we spent discussing why it was essential to only
put sentences in the second column that we know to be absolutely
true, do you mean to tell us that now we can just enter any
sentence in the second column and justify it as an assumption?
Surely, there are limits to what can be assumed, and those limits
are based on rational inferences about what we can know.
No. You are free to assume any sentence you want and enter
it into the second column of the proof. We did say clearly and
explicitly that if even one false sentence shows up in the second
column, logical chaos could result.
But it is okay. We have protection. We have boxes. When we
introduce an assumption (Assumpt) into a proof, we put it in a
box, and that box is logical quarantine. Nothing inside of the box
is allowed to come out into the general population.
Anything can be brought into the box, but once a sentence has
been in the box with the assumption, anything that inferred from it
is to be deemed to be contagious in that it could be infected with
the possible falsity of the assumption.
Conditional Proof
We use conditional proof when we want to prove a conditional.
We use this form of reasoning all the time, especially if we have
children. There are two ways one can learn lessons in life: the
easy way and the hard way. The sentence You should not put
your hand on a hot stove can be learned the hard way by putting
your hand on the stove.
Next, pull your premises into the box as needed. Then, use rules
of inference and equivalences. Proceed as if everything were
normal inside of the box, until such time as the consequent of the
conditional appears as a justified line inside of the box.
Indirect Proof
One use of assumptions is in conditional proof. The other is
called indirect proof.
But most mathematical proofs do not take this form. Most are
indirect proofs, or to use the Latin name, reductio ad absurdum,
or reduce to absurdity.
Use conditional proof to show that the following argument is valid.
Use indirect proof to show that the following argument is valid.
I cant eat turkey or pasta without overeating. So, if I eat turkey, I will
eat turkey and overeat.
1 s(y&z) premise
2 (wq)(y&x) premise
3 sq Assumpt
4 (sq)w Add 3
5 s (qw) Assoc 4
6 s (wq) Comm 5
7 (y&z) (y&x) CD 1,2,6
8 y&(zx) Dist 7
9 y Simp 8
10 yw Add 9
11 (sq)(yw) CP 310
1 ln premise
2 (n&t)m premise
3 [(tm) l] Assumpt
4 (tm)&l DeM 3
5 (tm) Simp 4
6 l Simp 4
7 t&m DeM 5
8 t Simp 7
9 m Simp 7
10 n MP 1,6
t: I eat turkey; p: I eat pasta; o: I overeat.
Conditional proof
1 (tp)o premise
2 t Assumpt
3 tp Add 2
4 o MP 1,3
5 t&o Conj 2,4
6 t(t&o) CP 25
Indirect proof
1 (tp)o premise
2 [t(t&o)] Assumpt
3 [t (t&o)] Impl 2
4 t&(t&o) DeM 3
5 t&(t&o) DN 4
6 t Simp 5
7 (t&o) Simp 5
8 t o DeM7
9 tp Add 6
10 o MP 1,9
11 t&o Conj 6,10
12 (t&o)&(t&o) Conj 7,11
13 t(t&o) IP 212
The subject, that which is being said to have the property, will
be represented by lowercase letters. But we need to be careful
because there are two different types of individuals we must
distinguish between. Borrowing terms from mathematics, there
are constants and variables.
So, if we want to say in our new language that Bob is tall, we select
an uppercase letter for the property is tallfor example, T. And
we need a lowercase letter to represent Bobfor example, b.
But these are clearly different propositions, and the whole point
of our artificial logical language is to avoid the ambiguity we
find in ordinary spoken language. We need to do something
about this.
If Bob is not beautiful, then it is not the case that all things are
Fundamental Forms
Instead of the sentence letters of truth-functional logic, we now
have a more complex representation that allows us to get at the
content contained inside of sentences the way that Aristotelian
logic did. Indeed, we can subsume Aristotles categorical logic
within this broader approach. To do that, we need to translate the
four categorical forms into our new first-order language.
So, the negation does not go in front of the sentence, but rather in
front of the second property. An E sentence, No As are B, is still
a claim about the entire set of things in the A class, but instead of
saying that they are all in the B class, we are saying that they are
not in the B class.
A: x(AxBx) E: x(AxBx)
I: x(Ax&Bx) O: x(Ax&Bx)
Add to these our categorical forms, the five basic forms, and we
have the building blocks to translate most sentences into our first-
order predicate language.
First, look at the sentence and figure out if it is one of the nine
fundamental forms or if it is a truth-functional combination of
the fundamental forms.
If it is a truth-functional combination, find the main connective
and insert the symbol for it, while leaving the rest of the
sentence in spoken language.
Look at the parts connected by the connectives and again
ask whether these are fundamental forms or truth-functional
combinations. Keep going until you are left with nothing but
truth-functional symbols and spoken language versions of
fundamental forms.
At this point, or if the sentence was not a truth-functional
combination, ask whether the fundamental form is categorical
or basic. Once you know that, figure out which form, and the
translation from there is straightforward.
All the world loves a clown.
Some people love clowns, but some people are afraid of them.
Clowns are artists, but only some artists are clowns.
x(Px&Lx)& y(Py&Fy)
x(CxAx)& y(Ay&Cy)
Validity in First-Order
Predicate Logic
The four new rules of inference will include two rules for taking
away quantifiers and two rules for adding them on. The idea is
to strip the quantifiers away and reduce things back to truth-
functional sentences. Then, once we have a sentence of the form
we want, we add the quantifiers back in to get the first-order
predicate sentence we were looking for. In essence, these rules
allow us to reduce things to what we already know how to do.
12 x(Bx&Cx)
13 By&Cy UI 12
8 xBx
9 Bz EI 8
10 xBx
11 xCx
12 By EI 10
13 Cy EI 11
While the first two rules are instantiation rules that let us remove
quantifiers, the other two are generalization rules that let us
reinsert them. And just as one came with no restrictions and the
other had constraints, it is the same with generalization rules. The
only difference is that it is the existential that is the easy one.
x[Mx& y(HxOy)]
3 Mx Simp 2
4 y(HxOy) Simp 2
5 HxOy EI 4
A New Equivalence
Finally, we have one new equivalence: quantifier negation (QN). If
we have a negation next to a quantifier, we can reverse the order
if we switch the quantifier.
:: and ::
If it is false that some people are 12 feet tall, then it is true that
all people are not 12 feet tall. If it is false that all grass is green,
then it is true that some grass is not green. We can always move
a negation from one side of a quantifier to another if we switch
the quantifier.
Show that the following argument is valid by constructing a proof.
Translate the following argument and show that it is valid by
constructing a proof.
1 x(Fx&Gx) premise
2 x(GxHx) premise
3 Fx&Gx EI 1
4 GxHx UI 2
5 Fx Simp 3
6 Gx Simp 3
7 Hx MP 4,6
8 Fx&Hx Conj 5,7
9 x(Fx&Hx) EG 8
1 x[(Mx&Ux)Ix] premise
2 xIx premise
3 Ux Assumpt
4 (Mx&Ux)Ix UI 1
5 Ix UI 2
6 (Mx&Ux) MT 4,5
7 Mx Ux DeM 6
8 Ux DN 3
9 Mx DS 7,8
10 UxMx CP 39
11 x(UxMx) UG 10
Demonstrating Invalidity
Whether you are a dog or have won the lottery is irrelevant here.
The content does not matter because it is the underlying form
of the arguments that is to blame. But the flaw in the structure
becomes clearer to us when we add some semantic content to
that structure.
We could construct a truth table and find a row in which all the
premises are true and the conclusion is false. It turns out that the
truth tables will quickly become unwieldy and that the preferred
Give an interpretation to show that the following argument is invalid.
Create an expansion to show that the following argument is invalid.
Domain = animals; F = human, G = warm-blooded, H = has a heart.
Relational Logic
(Phil is tall)&(It is not the case that Phil is taller than Jose)
But this is problematic. Suppose that Jose and Phil are the same
height; then, neither is taller than the other. The negation of Txy is
not necessarily Tyx.
For intuitions sake, lets switch relations to the loving relation and
restrict ourselves to talking about people. Suppose that we want
to say, Someone loves someone or other. We know that this is
the following.
There exists a thing such that there is another thing, and the first
thing loves the second one.
x yLxy
y xLxy
Instead of just the two quantified basic forms that we had with
properties, we now have eight.
There is one more. All of these presume that the one loving and
the one loved could be different. But what about the sentences
Someone loves himself/herself and Everyone loves himself/
herself? For these, the one doing the loving, the first variable, and
the beloved, the second variable, are the same thing. As such,
they get the same variable and are bound by the same quantifier.
Translate the following sentences into first-order relational logic. Use
Hx = x is human, Mxy = x and y are married, Pxy = x is a parent of y,
Gxy = x is a grandparent of y, j = John, m = Mary, r = Roberta.
a John and Mary are married and are the parents of Roberta.
Translate the following argument into first-order relational logic and
construct a proof for it to show that it is valid.
a Mjm&(Pjr&Pmr)
b x[Hxy(Hy&Pyx)]
c x y z[(Pyx&Pzy)Gzx]
Everyone has a person who is his/her parent.
x y z[(Pyx&Pzy)Gzx]
1 x[Hxy(Hy&Pyx)] premise
2 x y z[(Pyx&Pzy)Gzx] premise
3 Hx Assumpt
4 Hx yPyx UI 1
5 yPyx MP 3,4
6 Hw&Pwx EI 5
7 Hw Simp 6
8 Pwx Simp 6
9 Hwy(Hy&Pyw) UI 1
10 y(Hy&Pyw) MP 7,9
11 Hz&Pzw EI 11
12 Hz Simp 11
13 Pzw Simp 11
If you have all three of these properties, then you get the most
important of all logical relations: If you have a relation that satisfies
r, s, and tthat is, reflexive, symmetric, and transitivethen you
have equivalence.
This says that there is at least one student registered for Steves
class. So, we might have wrongly thought that this is a hidden
truth-functional combination and that it really is a conjunction of
two I sentences.
x(Sx&Rx)& y(Sy&Ry)
Now that says, There are at least two students registered for
Steves class.
Equivalence Substitution
We can now translate sentences that require equivalence into our
language, and that means that we can translate arguments. Can
we determine if they are valid?
We will need one new rule for our proof structure: equivalence
substitution (ES). It is, perhaps, the most obvious rule. If, on
some line of a proof, we have, as the entire content of the line, a
statement of equivalence between two individuals, then on any
subsequent line in which either individual appears in a sentence,
we can substitute the other equivalent individual.
Translate the following sentences, using Ax = x is an apple; Hxy = x
has y.
Translate the following argument and construct a proof to show that
it is valid.
xy{[(Ax&Hjx)&(Ay&Hjy)]&(x=y)}; therefore, x(Ax&Hjx).
1 xy{[(Ax&Hjx)&(Ay&Hjy)]&(x=y)} premise
2 y{[(Ax&Hjx)&(Ay&Hjy)]&(x=y)} EI 1
3 [(Ax&Hjx)&(Ay&Hjy)]&(x=y) EI 2
4 (Ax&Hjx)&(Ay&Hjy) Simp 3
5 Ax&Hjx Simp 4
6 x(Ax&Hjx) EG 5
Euclids use of deductive proofs started with five axioms and five
postulates that were all seemingly self-justifyingthat is, they
were so obvious that no one could possibly deny their truth. He
starts with general mathematical ideas, such as equals added to
equals yields equals.
What Euclid did that made his book one of the most important
in human history is his organization of the theorems of plane
geometryhis use of a strict deductive system to derive them all
from first truths.
Mathematicians love elegance: doing the most with the least, not
making any more assumptions than are absolutely necessary.
Euclid had made 10 such assumptionsthat is, he had five
axioms and five postulates.
Many attempts were made, but no one could show that this process
led to explicit contradictions, and this is what is needed to conclude
an indirect proof. After a while, several mathematicians thought that
perhaps the contradictions would never arise. If that were true,
then what they were playing with was not a self-contradictory set of
premises, but rather propositions that were consistent.
So, we have one geometry with one set of axioms and a second
geometry with a different set. Which one is true? Which set of
axioms should we believe?
But it was a pointless search. This fact was proven by three different
mathematicians: the German Felix Klein, the Frenchman Henri
Poincar, and the Italian Eugenio Beltrami. Each constructed what
we call a relative consistency proof for non-Euclidean geometry.
The radical result is that the only way the axioms could form an
inconsistent setthat is, the only way non-Euclidean geometry
would ever produce a contradictionis if Euclidean geometry did.
We had been working with it for centuries, and no one had found
a single contradiction yet. But just because a contradiction had
not been found yet does not mean that one will not surface
eventually. We needed a proof.
Logic in Mathematics
We needed a complete re-axiomatization of Euclidean geometry
and a rigorous formalization of the logic to be used. It was a big
project that would require a big brain and intellectual courage.
In the year 1900, Hilbert gave the keynote address at the Second
International Congress of Mathematics, the most prestigious
gathering of mathematicians from all around the world. Hilberts
address laid out the 23 problems that required the combined
efforts of the mathematical world in the 20 th century. It is one
of the most important addresses ever given in the history
of mathematics.
Logic was not only a part of mathematics, but the truth of all
mathematics itself now rested on the ability to produce a proof
of a logical property. Logic and mathematics had become
inextricably entwined.
David Hilberts logical approach to mathematics upset mathematicians
like Paul Gordan because the purpose of mathematics, they argued,
is to produce what you prove. By proving that something cannot not
exist, they contended, is not really showing us the thing, and the thing
is what we want. Was Gordan correct that Hilbert was not really doing
mathematics, or did they just have an old-fashioned idea of what
mathematics is? Does mathematics have revolutions that change
how we think of the mathematical realm like scientific fields do?
The results of Euclidean geometry are easy to visualize, and they
seem to resemble our actual observations. Could observations be
used as a foundation for mathematical truth? Doing so would mean
that they would be approximate and not necessary truths. Does this
diminish mathematics? Does the fact that we have a difficult time
envisioning non-Euclidean geometry mean that it is or has to be
false? What role does and should our ability to envision something
play in determining when a mathematical proposition is true or false?
The ability of being able to say that two sets have the same
number of members without having to count means that we can
talk about infinite sets. Some infinite sets are the same size even
though one might be a proper subset of the otherfor example,
even numbers and the positive integers. Some infinite sets are
larger than other infinite setsfor example, real numbers and
rational numbers.
The use of logic and the use of sets in mathematics were joined
not only in the minds of opponents, but also in the minds of
those who saw it as the path to ultimate basis for certainty in
Impressed with this work, but having the sense that it needed
to be taken further, was the German mathematician Gottlob
Frege. He wanted to reconceptualize all of mathematics in a
fashion that would be able to show how every mathematical truth
could be traced back to logical concepts via absolutely rigorous
deductions. There would be no gaps in the reasoning, no appeals
to intuition; it would all be strict and formal.
Russells Paradox
The first volume of Basic
Laws of Arithmetic came
out in 1893, and he had
continued to work on the
project for the better part
of the following decade. In
1902, he was ready with
the second volume.
But Russell informed him that, in fact, the opposite was true:
Freges system generated a contradiction, what has come to be
known as Russells paradox.
Russell thought that Freges problem was that his axiom for set
construction was far too permissive. It allowed sentences to assert
properties of sentences of its own order. This was a problem. We
need a logical caste system, a hierarchy with strict regimentation
and an absolute rule against semantic fraternization.
Unlike Freges effort, it was a work that was received with great
fanfare. The logicist project seemed to have been carried out. Logic
saved mathematical truth and gave mathematics a firm foundation
from which to emerge. For an equation to be true is for it to be
provable in the system of axioms set out in Principia Mathematica.
But the problem is that this flaw is mirrored in the arithmetic itself
through the Gdel numbering. The mirroring connects second-
order truths to arithmetic truths.
Cantors work on trans-infinite numbers requires an axiom of infinity,
an assumption that posits the existence of a first infinite number. From
there, all of the strangeness of his results follows. Mathematicians who
were bothered by his results contended that we should not accept his
initial assumptionthat it was based on a misunderstanding of the
infinite. This seems to be a philosophical objection. On what grounds
should we accept or reject basic assumptions in mathematics? Is
math ultimately philosophical? Is there a logical basis? Is it a matter of
applicability to science? Can we accept any basis we want?
If logicism has failed, which of its competitors is a better foundation for
mathematical truth? Is Plato correct that mathematics is not about this
world, but rather about an ideal world of concepts? Is Kant correct
that mathematics is really a form of psychology that investigates how
the human mind thinks about numbers and shapes? Is Hilbert correct
that mathematics does not give us absolute truths, but only results
of different axiom games we can choose to play if we want? Are
empiricists correct that mathematical truths are really just a kind of
physical truththat one apple and one pear together are two pieces
of fruit and that mathematical truth is no longer exact and necessary
but just another variety of plain old truths?
Modal Logic
We have been using a particular word repeatedly in these lectures
as if it is clear what it means. The word is true. What does it
mean for a sentence to be true? Philosophers have debated this
for centuries.
There are sentences like these that are necessarily true. These
sentences are necessarily true because of their form. Any
sentence of the form ava or of the form x(DxDx) will be
necessary truths.
There are multiple viewpoints for modal logic. They are called
modal systems of different strengths because each stronger level
commits us to a new rule, where the weaker ones do not. We
account for different meanings of modality by having different
modal languages that use different additional axioms.
With modal logic, we are left with the question that mathematicians
faced when suddenly they had multiple geometric systems: Which
one is right? Which of these five modal systems is the real one?
The stance that logicians take is similar to the one David Hilbert
took with respect to mathematical systemstake whichever one
you want and then ask the philosophers questions.
Deontic Logic
Philosophers have made another interesting use of modal logic,
turning it into what is called deontic logic. The term deontology
refers to an approach to logic that is based on duties, absolute
rules that must be followed in order to act morally.
Is S5 too strong? Is everything necessarily the way it has to be?
Could things be otherwise? Are the alternative possible worlds really
possible? Are things the way they are because that is the way they
have to be?
Some philosophers have argued that to say that a sentence is true is
to say that it describes reality. For example, to say that the sentence
Madagascar is an island is true, it must be the case in reality that
Madagascar is, indeed, an island. So, if we hold that there are true
sentences about possibilityfor example, if we think it is true that
It is possible that Madagascar wouldnt have been an islandthen
there is a possible world in which Madagascar is not an island. But if
to be true is to describe an aspect of reality, then if we hold sentences
about possibility to be true, then the possible worlds must be part of
realityin other words, the possible worlds must all actually exist. Do
we want to give up on having true sentences about possibility? Do
we want to allow for reality to include not only our world but every
possible world, or is there another way to understand the truth of
sentences about possibility?
Is a deontic logic possible? Could there be a logic that helps us
determine what we should do if we want to act ethically?
and Fuzzy Logic
Three-Valued Logic
By denying that all sentences must be either true or false, we
create what we call multivalued logic. The simplest of these is
three-valued logic. We are used to having just two truth-values:
T and F. But we are going to augment this set with one new
member. The name of this new truth-value is a completely
arbitrary choice for which logicians have no unified position.
What about the other connectives? Lets make one big truth table
for all three remaining connectives.
We know what the columns are. One each for p and q, and
columns for or, and, and if-then. We have three possible
values for each of the constituent sentences, so we will need nine
rows to capture all of the combinations.
All that is left are the ones that involve the new value M. We know
that a disjunction is true whenever one of the disjuncts is true. So,
lets put in T for T M or MT.
But then there will be the arguments in which there are no cases in
which the premises are true and the conclusion is false, but there
are some cases in which the premises are true and the conclusion
is true and some cases in which the premises are true and the
conclusion is middle. We can think of this as weak validity.
But what about the case in which the premises are all true and
the conclusion is sometimes T and sometimes M? We need a
new third value, an M version of validity for these arguments.
What does this M value really mean? We have been saying, for
the sake of intuition, that it means unknown, but unknown is not a
Fuzzy Logic
It is tempting to generalize our use of three-valued logic as a
measure of our knowledge or lack thereof and see fuzzy logic
as a measure of our certainty about a sentences truth. But this is
not what fuzzy logic is about. That is induction. Fuzzy logic is not
concerned with likelihood, but rather deals with fuzzy sets.
But some sets are not like that. Some sets are fuzzy; objects in
the universe can be in the set to varying degrees. Again, take the
domain to be humans, and now consider the property of hairiness.
For example, when men grow a beard, they move further into the
fuzzy set. But over the years, as their hairline recedes, they move
further out of the fuzzy set. Hairiness ranges from zero (hairless)
on one extreme to one on the other extreme (werewolf-like).
In three-valued logic, the negation of the new value middle is still
middle. Does it make sense to make the negation of a value the same
value? Is that not the opposite of what we mean by negation?
Fuzzy logic might be usefulthat is, it might be helpful to think of
truth as if it varies smoothlybut does it really? Isnt truth more like
being pregnant, where you are or you arent? Is there really a sense
of in between when it comes to truth?
Coffa, J. Alberto. The Semantic Tradition: From Kant to Carnap. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1991. A detailed discussion of the emergence
of analytic philosophy from the advances of science, mathematics, and logic
in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Copi, Irving. Introduction to Logic. New York: Macmillan, 1972. One of the
best-selling and longest-lived college-level logic texts out there.
Durkheim, Emile. The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: Free Press,
1966. One of the founding fathers of the field of sociology carefully considers
what is the subject matter of sociology and how sociological research should
be done.
Euclid. The Elements. New York: Dover, 1952. The classic axiomatization of
plane geometry, where all of the results are derived through deductive proofs.
Fine, Cordelia. A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives.
New York: Norton, 2006. A popular account of the ways in which our neural
wiring leads us into errors while thinking it is correct.
Frielberger, Paul, and Daniel McNeill. Fuzzy Logic. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1993. A popularly accessible account of the development of fuzzy
logic and its applications to real-world systems.
Gimbel, Steven. Exploring the Scientific Method. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2011. An investigation into the various accounts that have
been proposed by scientists and philosophers of science to account for the
logic behind the scientific method.
Gray, Jeremy. The Hilbert Challenge. New York: Cambridge University Press,
2001. An examination of the 23 problems David Hilbert charged mathematics
with solving in the 20th century. It discusses the problems, the attempts to
solve them, and whether the attempts were successful.
Nagel, Ernest, and James Newman. Gdels Proof. New York: New York
University Press, 1958. A popularly accessible account of the development
of Gdels incompleteness theorem and the structure of the argument itself.
Yandell, Ben. The Honors Class: Hilberts Problems and Their Solvers. Natick,
MA: A K Peters, 2002. An examination of the 23 problems David Hilbert charged
mathematics with solving in the 20th century. It discusses the problems, the
attempts to solve them, and whether the attempts were successful.
Bibliography 233
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