IOT Based Health Monitoring System
IOT Based Health Monitoring System
IOT Based Health Monitoring System
Abstract:-In present era, Technology is an important This way of notification would help to take an appropriate
part for everyone’s life. Similarly healthcare can also be action at an instance of a time. This would save patients
regulated by the help of technology. In hospitals, a from the future health problem which would arise. This
patient’s health can be monitored using various sensory would also help patient's concern doctor to take an
devices which can be connected to the internet which appropriate action at proper time.
helps to get the regular information of the patient.
Internet of thing serves as a catalyst for the healthcare II. SIMILAR WORK
and plays prominent role in wide range of healthcare
applications. All similar works that have been done by other researchers
that are similar to the current research problem are as
In India many patients are dying because of heart
attacks and reason behind this factor is that they are not
getting proper help during the period. Even in hospitals
• A Health-IOT Platform Based on the Integration of
in between too many patients it become very difficult for
Intelligent Packaging, Unobtrusive Bio-Sensor, and
the doctor to look over every single patients, here IOT
Intelligent Medicine Box.
can help doctors by giving the information related to
health of the patients. • RFID Technology for IOT-Based Personal healthcare in
Smart Spaces.
We proposed the remote sensing of parameter of the
body mostly heart rate and temperature. The III. PROBLEMS
parameters are sensed and monitored wireless using
wireless sensors. The whole information gets displayed Patient’s who stays in home during post operational days,
on a screen which can be placed at a place where doctor checkup for them become little difficult. Careless
and other staff can access them and take actions observation also cannot be accomplished by this system.
accordingly. Careless behavior at the receiver end also cannot be ignored;
it is the major risk that can occur.
Keyword:- Internet of Things, Healthcare, Hospitals,
Remote Sensing, Heart Rate, Wireless Sensors. IV. PROPOSED PROJECT
a). ATmega328
Fig. 2: ATmega328
f). Arduino Board As per consideration, each system has its own advantage.
Every health monitoring system has different specification
Arduino is the single microcontroller, planed to make as per patient’s requirement. This system provides more
building interactive objects or environments more medical instrument facility on single system on-chip
accessible. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on compare to conventional system. This system takes less than
a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and 1 minute to calculate result related to health condition.
turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an
LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board REFERENCES
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