Rancangan Pengajaran Harian 2
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian 2
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian 2
Being diligent and persevere when carrying out a task.
Teaching Aids Video, LCD, Realia (fruits), Mahjoong paper, Colouring pencils
Orientation 1. To introduce the solar system. 1. The teacher conducts lesson in a SSNM:
(±5 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) 2. To gain attention of the pupils. computer lab. Having critical
3. Questions asked: 2. Teacher will guide pupils to use and analytical
- What do you think today’s NASA website. thinking.
lesson is about? 3. Pupils are given time to explore the
- What do you know about the website by viewing any articles or Teaching aid: NASA
solar system? videos. education website
- What is the solar system? 4. Teacher will ask pupils questions. (It is used in the orientation
phase because it serves as
a platform for discovery
based learning where pupils
learn by discovering
information by themselves.
This website will also provide
information beyond their
curriculum requirement.)
Being cooperative
Dare to try
Being confident and
Application of - 1. Teacher will guide pupils to use the Creative thinking skills:
ideas online interactive quiz website Predicting
(±10 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡) called Kahoot. Synthesising
2. Pupils will search for Solar System
quizzes. SSNM:
3. Pupils will answer questions on the Being confident and
website. independent
their friends', thus creating a
healthy competition.
This way of quizzing pupils
will reduce the cost of
preparing quizzes on papers.
Teacher can tailor kahoots
for their specific needs,
content areas, or units of
Reflection 1. The teacher will ask for 9 volunteers SSNM:
(±5 minit) to come to the front of the Dare to try
classroom. Being cooperative
2. Each pupil is assigned a planet, one
will act as the Moon and the teacher
will act as the Sun
3. The teacher will then recap the
lesson and summarise it for the
1.0 Screencapture of NASA Educational Website used in orientation phase.
3.0 Screencapture of Kahoot! website used in application of ideas phase