The Professional Speaking Toolkit

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The Professional

Speaking Toolkit
Top Tips, Templates, Resources and Expert Advice on
How to Become a PAID Professional Speaker
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you always got

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793 East Foothill Blvd #111, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Phone & Fax: 805.540.5050

© Starr Hall LLC – All Rights Reserved 2010-2011

Welcome to The Professional Speaking Toolkit
Before you read through this toolkit, let me just brief you on how I started as a public speaker so
that you have an understanding of my background and where my experience comes from. I have
been a published author since I was 19 years old. My first three books were children’s hardbound
books. When I booked my very first speaking engagement at an elementary school I was told that
I would be giving a story time to 25 kindergartners. When I arrived at the school, I was rushed into
an auditorium with over 1,000 students waiting to hear me read and speak. To make a very long
story short, I went up on the stage after my introduction and I fainted!

Oh no, it gets worse, I have called a girl a guy, a guy a girl, tripped on stage, forgot my materials
and even presented to the wrong audience. Fifteen years later, I have booked over 400 PAID
speaking engagements including Microsoft Small Business, UPS, Entrepreneur Magazine, Sprint,
American Marketing Association, Direct Selling Association, Jafra International, Century 21,
hundreds of schools, districts, women’s conferences, technology summits, expert panels, business
workshops, trainings and much more.

I have pitched it, been there, done it and made all of the mistakes for you. Now I want to share
what has worked for me and what I believe can work for you as I have tried all of my techniques
with my clients as well. SO, simply educate yourself by reading through the material at least once
and then act! All of the tools are here at your fingertips to create or expand into a successful PAID
speaking career. – Starr Hall, Founder & Visionary of

WARNING! Do not just read through this toolkit and not complete the tasks. This is an investment
in you and your speaking company. In order for your speaking career to grow you
need to:
 Develop a solid personal brand
 Create and pitch opportunities lists
 Position you as an expert
This will lead to more people contacting you, more bookings, more paid speaking
engagements AND more referrals.

Part 1: Getting Started

P a r t
Overview of Part 1
1.1 Develop Your Personal Brand
1.1A Building Your Personal Brand Checklist

1 :
1.2 Setting Your Fees
1.2A Schedule of Fees Example

G e t t i n g
1.2B Speakers Fee Chart
1.3 Create Your Speakers Kit
1.3A Speakers Kit Example
1.4 Top 10 Tips to Getting Paid Speaking
1.5 Booking PAID Speaking Engagements
1.5A How to Locate Speaking Opportunities
S t a r t e d

1.1 Educate Yourself: Develop Your Personal Brand
Before we start working on building your speaking career, you need to have an understanding
of exactly what it means to be a professional speaker and how it works.

The Basics

What is a A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is a professional speaker

Professional who makes speeches intended to lift up and motivate their audiences. In a
Public business context, they are employed to communicate company strategy with
Speaker? clarity and help employees to see the future in a positive light and inspire
workers to pull together. In general- a speaker who makes his/her living from
presenting information to various organizations.
Goal The goal in becoming a professional speaker is to develop and deliver timely
seminars and trainings to target market audiences in your desired
geographic locations for a respectable fee. Furthermore, to engage and lift
the audience, creating more opportunities such as additional speaking
engagements, long term contracts, exposure, testimonials and higher levels
of personal branding exposure.

How Much This varies and depends on your dedication, confidence in yourself and
Time Will it continual effort in promoting your personal brand. You will get out what you
Take to put into it. If you want to book 100 paid speaking engagements per year, we
Build My suggest that you reach out to a minimum of three times that amount (we call
Speaking it triple it up). More importantly, you need to continually reach out to
Career opportunities. Contacting them one time by sending an email and then never
following up or contacting them again won’t get you very far.

Costs Mostly the costs involved in building your personal brand and speaking
career would be for a personal logo, blog site, branding material (we will
cover this in the toolkit), and your time to promote and market yourself.

Speaking Do it yourself Hire a VA, an Agent or Speaker’s

Marketing Agency/Bureau
Personal Time Investment: Allocate Financial Investment: Have
time to do yourself. professionals/experts do for you.

1.1A Take Action: Building Your Personal Brand Checklist

Your 1. Become an Expert in Your Field- Do you feel like an expert in your
Personal field? Whether you answer yes or no to this question, it doesn’t really
Brand matter at this point, however what you need to do is become a 2 book
expert. In order to become an expert at what you do you need to
learn and know more than most people in your industry. How are you
going to do this? You need to read at least 2 books per month on
your topic or industry. Did you know in a 12 month period you will
have read 24 books which is the average amount of books that you
would read to get your degree?

BONUS TIP- To better position yourself as an expert in your field,

create and launch your very own e-books, or sell ebooks from experts
that you know and trust (like ours ). You can make thousands of
dollars monthly by launching and selling quality ebooks.

2. E-branding (Anything That You Do Over The Internet)- First of all

STOP using email addresses that are branding other companies and
PLEASE take out under scores, periods and what we call pretty
names. For example: – What kind of
email address is this? Instead use your name because that is what
you want people to remember- YOU! For example use (the name of the author for this toolkit and this

Web site- what are you doing for a web site? If you don’t have one or
you do not have it in your budget to create one, then just sign up on a
free social networking site such as Linkedin and use this as your main
web presence. Check out Starr’s profile at This is a great starting point to create
an internet presence.

Build Your Email List- Exposure is a numbers game, the more people
that you have opt in on your list, the more people that you can reach.
You never know who someone knows. AND now-a-days with all of
the affiliate marketing programs in place you can actually build your
list and make lots of cashola.
3. Creating Your Niche Topic- You need to determine what your area
of interest is and break it down. No matter what industry you are in
there is an audience and target market that needs your knowledge,
product or services. There are some outrageous topics out there
such as- How to Feed Alligators or here is one for you- How to milk a
cow with the latest technology, the list goes on. Whatever you speak
on you need to gear it to your audience. For example- speaking in the
area of building brands, that’s pretty general. Let’s take it a step
further, what about- How to Brand in a Wired World! This topic and
title ties into current world technology. Let’s get even more specific-
How to Brand in a Wired World Using Social Media. That pretty
much conveys what the subject is about in detail, wouldn’t you agree?
In addition to finding your topic niche, you need to remember to gear
your topic towards the group or organization that you will be
presenting to. For example, if we were to take the topic above to a
college, the seminar could be titled- College Branding 101- Learn
How to Grow Your Personal Brand. Successful Branding for Job
Hunting, Career Success, and Entrepreneurs.

4. What is Your- Why You do it Statement?- This step is more for

yourself than anyone else. You need to determine why you are doing
what you do. It is very important to know the answer (or answers) to
this question. Why? Because if you don’t know why you are
presenting on a certain topic or area, then how in the world is your
audience going to know? Do you speak on this topic because you
grew up in the industry? Are you passionate about how offering this
information can change lives or the economy or maybe it’s even a
medical breakthrough that can change the world. It can be as simple
as- it just really interests you and you want to share your knowledge
with the world because you are a 2 book expert, you will have more
knowledge than most in the topic area anyway- correct?

5. What are the Solutions That You Offer Attendees? If you are going
to present in front of people you need to make sure that it is worth
their time by offering a solution or several solutions. You really
shouldn’t get in front of an audience just to hear yourself speak or to
push a product or service. You need to come prepared with valid
solutions to help them. This is what separates great speakers from
the good or not so good. Write a list of 5 solutions that you can offer
an audience. This can be resources, breakthroughs, new tips or
tricks, short cuts, a better way etc…
6. Do You Have Any Soul or Do You Speak From the Heart?- Have
you ever been to a seminar and felt like the speaker was scratching
their nails on a chalkboard? We don’t want you to be that speaker!
Now- we are not saying that you need to be the best speaker on the
planet to make it, believe me there are speakers that are better than
you and even more that are much worse. It doesn’t matter, you just
need to speak from the heart- if you aren’t passionate about the topic
then don’t do it. I would much rather hear/watch a speaker that is not
prepared and nervous present from the heart than to watch a speaker
that may be prepared but is dull and disconnected from their topic.

7. Keep Your Brand Simple- Don’t try to complicate your image. In

order for consumers to connect with your personal brand, you need to
make sure that they don’t have to think too much about what it is that
you do, present on and who you are. Lets look at a major personal
brand- Oprah for instance. She started with The Oprah Winfrey
Show, then went to Oprah Winfrey, Oprah and now just “O”. Pretty
soon she will be like Prince and just be a symbol. Another company
that complicated their name, therefore the consumer simplified it-
AT&T, do you know what it stands for? Automated Telegram and
Telegraph. Keep it Simple!

8. Are You Sales Pitching or Offering Help? There is a BIG

difference here. Again, if you want to get in front of an audience to
sell your product or service forget it, please save everyone time and
the agony of sitting through your infomercial. If you are sincerely
there to help and offer free expert advice and information then start
booking yourself all over the world because audiences connect with
this. We are not saying that you shouldn’t sell your products or
services, however you need to make sure that you incorporate the
offer at the end of your presentation and have a back of room sales
table for them to go to if they decide to purchase anything from you.
By giving them the choice, it takes the pressure off and you don’t look
like a traveling sales person on stage that brought along a circus of
sales products in a suitcase.

1.2 Educate Yourself: Setting Your Fees
Setting your fees is one thing, having the confidence to charge those fees is another thing
altogether. In this section, we will give you tips, ask you questions and help you set and
design your schedule of speaking fees.

Your If you are a celebrity then charge $50,000 per speaking engagement, heck go ahead
Fees and charge $250,000 like Bill Cosby does. For those of you that are not yet celebs
quite yet, I suggest that you have a local/regional, national and international rate. No
matter WHERE you speak- you should always get your expenses paid for so that they
are not out of pocket.

My local speaking fee is $5000-7500, regional within 250 miles is $10,000 anything
outside of that in the US is $15,000 and international is per project bid. Now with that
said, I know speakers that don’t have near the speaking portfolio that I do and they
charge 20-30k per speaking engagement, I am not saying that there is anything wrong
with that approach, however when asked how many speaking engagements some of
them get it is anywhere from 1-4 annually. Sure even four is a great speaking income,
however you can do better than that and reach more people with a lighter speaking
fee approach and GET MORE CONTACTS- remember they are golden!!!

I would much rather reach more people, build my lists and get more referrals by
keeping my fees affordable and offering my how-to products to increase sales. With
my sales, fee and contact list from each event- I am WAY more profitable! You will
come across planners that will tell you that they have either no budget for your fee or
that your fee is out of their budget. No problem, just ask them what their budget is. If
they wont tell you simply ask for expenses and an honorarium towards your speaking
fee whatever they can fit within their budget. This has worked for me every time!
What is an Honorarium, it is a payment in recognition of acts or professional
services for which custom forbids a price to be set. Example: The mayor was
given an honorarium for delivering a speech to our club.

Another way to get your speaking fee paid for is to get area sponsor for your event
(more about that in this toolkit under the Sponsor section). In regard to pre sales for
your book or ebook just ask the venue if they can pull from a different budget such as
an education budget or materials budget. These are two separate budgets,
sometimes you will find that organizations have even more than two budgets to pull

1.2A Schedule of Fees Example

*Schedule of Fees
Out of Area or National

All day workshop (max 6 hrs)……………………………………………………….………$10,000
Half Day workshop (max 3 hrs)....………………………………………………………….$7,500
All day workshop (max 6 hours)……….………………………..…………………………..$8,000
Half Day workshop (max 3 hours)….……………………………….………………………$5,000

Panelist……………………………………………………………Varies by event- call for quote

Round Table Host/Moderator…………………………………...Varies by event- call for quote
Special Events……………………………………………………Varies by event- call for quote
International Speaking Engagement…………………………...Varies by event- call for quote

Starr Hall’s Book: Get Connected- The Social Networking Toolkit for Business

$15.00ea. pre-purchased, $20ea. on site (Regular Price $21.95ea.)

(Quantity Discounts Available)
To book Starr Hall at your next event or conference,
please contact
Ph. 805.540.5050
Speaking kit available upon request
*All travel expenses must be paid by client within 7 days after speaking engagement and or event. A 50% deposit of
fees is required upon receipt of signed contract in order to confirm event date, balance due and payable within 7 days
prior to the workshop and or event. Hotel must be pre-booked in advance for the night before event/workshop. If
speaking engagement ends after 2pm, hotel room must be booked for additional night. All time scheduled over max
must be approved in advance by Starr Hall or representing agency. Rates subject to change without notice, please
contact to confirm current rates. Rev 1/10

1.2B Take Action: Speakers Fee Chart

Take a few moments and go through the chart below as a starting point to determine where you
should set your speaking fees. This chart is for information and suggestions only.


Basic $0 No None 10 None None No
C Level 0-2500 No Rare 10 None None No
B Level 2501- No/Yes Some 24 Book Spotty Home
7500 Office
A Level 7501- Yes/No Coach 12-100 Several Yes Probably
Excellence $20K - Yes First 12-75 Many Bureaus Yes

Basic: Toastmaster, Speaks at Church, schools, and clubs, no fee “Public Speaker”

C Level: Has a job or does not need to work, no products, no marketing materials or program, big
speaker grouping, topic is motivation, does not leave town, goal is helping others.

B Level: Other income stream, a book. No focus, will speak on any topic, trainer, inconsistent
passive marketing, no staff, no business practices, home office, usually breakout sessions, small
associations, not very good DVD, no bureau, NSA member, chapter board member, some travel,
always seeking the key to success, does own web page and graphics design.

A Level: Products, web page, may or may not have staff person, full time speaker, some bureau
work, okay DVD, marketing materials, some business procedures, speaks 12 – 100 times per year,
several topics, keynotes and breakout training, several years in business.

Excellence Level: Keynote, one speech, flies first class, $15K or higher fee, lots of products, may
or may not have DVD, good business procedures, staff, mainly bureau work, true best seller,
ongoing marketing program, focused, known for something, probably not NSA member.

1.3 Take Action: Create Your Speakers Kit

As a professional speaker, it is vital that you have an electronic speaking kit (ESK) that includes
everything a meeting planner or client would want and need to know prior to booking you. This all
needs to be summarized in just a few pages. Your ESK must include:

 Topic List
 Testimonials & Portfolio
 Target Audience
 Your SHORT Bio
 Contact Information (This page can include your social sites and product information)
 Interview Topics for the Media (optional)

You can add in testimonials and client portfolio as you build your career. Of course don’t forget
your web site and contact information.

For my fully designed Speaker’s Kit- go to:

1.3A Take Action: Speakers Kit Example

Leading Authority in Social Media - International Publicist – Speaker – Author – Columnist – Radio Personality

Starr Hall is available for:

Keynotes Conferences Seminars University & College Orientations

Leadership Gatherings Corporate Meetings Sales Training & Motivation

1. Social Media Secrets- (Marketing/Sales) Learn how to social network for powerful publicity and
higher profits.
Points Covered: Top social media strategies and sites, time saving tips, dos and don’ts of social networking.

2. Power Internet Marketing- (Marketing/Sales) Pragmatic strategies, innovative resources, and

targeted skill designed to translate directly into brand control, increased sales and business growth
online-- specifically addressing the challenges of today's Internet Marketing landscape.

Points Covered: New and social media, top secrets on brand blogging and viral Internet marketing

3. Doing the Different- (Motivational) “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you
have always gotten, motivate and inspire others by doing the different.”
Points Covered: How to be authentic, connect with and reach out to people on a personal or professional level.

4. Network to Win- (Personal/Professional) “It is time to take your networking from ordinary to
Points Covered: New ways to connect and brand via the internet and in person networking.

5. Leading The Way- (Leadership/Motivational) Starr presents the leadership and motivational
qualities she learned from leading a sales team from last place to the top five out of 300 branches.
She will also share top strategies on how she led an advertising and PR agency from a local to
international level.

Why Book Starr Hall?

Thousands of Attendees Can’t Be Wrong…
“This seminar is going to change people’s lives” - Ben P, Seminar Attendee, CCWN Event

“Of all the seminars I attended at the trade show, let me just say that they need to get rid of the CEO’s as
speakers and replace them with the likes of you. Enjoyed your presentation thoroughly!”
– Jane Atherton, CEO- ADditude Creative Marketing

“Starr is an amazing speaker; she is truly a PR expert and it shows!”

– Jody Taylor, CEO- Scrap Life Inc.

“I have been a publicist for years and I learned some amazing new techniques from Starr. She is a very
dynamic speaker with a great approach.”
- Noli Weisen, Director of Marketing- Remember When

Starr is a PR /Branding expert and a charismatic speaker of the first rate. After attending one of her
seminars, I was so moved and impressed with the massive value given, her warm and giving personality,
and her canny ability to deliver the information in a simple, easy-to-grasp and delicious manner that keeps
you wanting more. She is a fireball and I wholeheartedly recommend her to any entrepreneur that wants to
win big in a short time."
- Erfan Hettini Author, consultant, movie producer, entrepreneur America's Ambassador of Entrepreneurship

I broke out into tears on the way home because your speaking style is so compelling - I felt like "what have I
been waiting for" You really get people to "dig deep"... and how convenient that there was amongst us a
mortuary. - Camay, CEO- Chameleon Home Inc.

“Oh my god, Starr is amazing!” -SBWN Seminar Attendee (evaluation form on file)

“This seminar changed my life today, I am so grateful for your enthusiasm, humor and insight. Thank you. -
Susan Cole, Bakersfield Women in Business Conference

* Over 100 more speaking references on Starr’s Linkedin profile and web site-

“Your Audience will Laugh, Learn and Be Inspired”

Starr Has Achieved Tremendous Success in:
Starr has trained and worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses including
corporations, non-profit organizations, authors, CEOs and associations around the globe. She has
relationships with over 1200 editors, writers and segment producers worldwide and has A-list
placement including but not limited to: Oprah Magazine, The Today Show, MSN, ABC, NBC, The
Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur Mag, Los Angeles Times, HGTV & Good Morning
America. She has also secured major book contracts for clients with Time Warner, Leisure Arts,
F&W Publications, Entrepreneur Press and Wiley & Sons Publishing.

In addition, she has secured major co-branding and licensing contracts for her clients worldwide
through the power of social networking. With hundreds of client recommendations and media
endorsements, Starr is known for helping her clients get massive media coverage, word of mouth
buzz and higher profits though social media. She is a columnist for Entrepreneur magazine dot
com as well as American Express Small Business Open Forum. Her latest book with Entrepreneur
Press- Get Connected, The Social Networking Toolkit for Business was just released worldwide and is
already climbing the best selling charts.

Just a few satisfied audiences:

American Marketing Association, Century 21, Craft & Hobby Association, Direct Selling Association,
Microsoft, Bakersfield Women in Business Conference, Vistage International, National Quota Club, National
Women in Business Association, Entrepreneurs Organization, Entrepreneur Magazine, UPS, Infusionsoft,
Business Growth 2.0, Sprint, The Learning Annex, Meeting Planners International, The University of Florida,
Action Work Series, over 300 Schools in the Fresno, Bakersfield, Clovis, and Los Angeles Unified School Districts,
Memory Trends Trade Show (Las Vegas), Child Abuse Prevention Council, Central Coast Chambers of
Commerce, SB Women’s Network, National Association of Women in Business, International Women of
Influence Conference, Central Coast Women’s Conference, … and more.


GET CONNECTED, The Social Networking Toolkit FOR BUSINESS

Ask Starr how your group can receive:

25 Training CDs for FREE (A $2495 value, great gift for your audience members)
AND her new Book at discounted rate for audience members.


Starr’s keynotes and seminars range from
$10,000 national to $25,000 international
Trainings and workshops are priced per person and range from
$77-$149pp, 50 person minimum.

(Expenses are not included in speaking fees and will be billed separately)
For an event bid, please contact

Connect with Starr Hall:

To check availability, please contact: 1-888-942-5599, email:

1.4 Educate Yourself: Top 10 Tips to Getting Paid Speaking Engagements

Not just any mailing- geeshh! Make it different, send in a bright
Do a Mailing
colored envelope. Format a letter and send via ground mail to anyone and
everyone that you know, send to your center of influence, relatives, friends,
neighbors, dentists, doctors- let them know that you are a professional
speaker for hire and would love any connections or opportunities that they
would be wiling to throw your way. Reassure them that you will take great
care of the referral and even give them a referral fee. Follow up via phone
2-5 days after you have sent the letter and ask them if they came up with
any possible referrals however BEFORE you make it all about you, let them
talk about them and their life and how you might be able to help them, this
should be a 2 way conversation not a one way.

Search for opportunities through listing services and speaking directories

such as- Speaker Services -, Speaker Zone -
Connect A) Douglas Publications - They make 2
with Meeting publications: The Directory of Association Meeting Planners and Directory
Planners & of Corporate Meeting Planners.
Associations B) NTPA Directory (National & Professional Associations) It lists national
conventions, meetings, and trade show dates for over 7,700 trade and
professional associations with an annual report published each February.
C) Columbia Books, Inc. -
Google your way to leads- Google makes it so easy to find leads. You can
Use Google
search for events in your industry or to find who your competitors have
spoken for. Type in associations in Google and watch the magic appear!

Call all of your local chapters including your local Chambers of Commerce
(including your local chapter of the black chamber, women's chamber,
Asian chamber, Latino chamber or any other
applicable), Small Business Association, School Board Office, Boy/Girl/Cub
Scouts. Call them, email them, write letters, trust me, you will get some
bites. Some local chamber offices throw 7-10 events per week.

Meeting Planners Community- via Google Group and connect or go

Reach out to
to (remember to connect with their
your local
groups on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin too)
Tips continued…

Reach out to
Check out Vistage International- this organization has the top CEOs in the
world, their businesses must have a certain annual revenue to even join
and the annual memberships start at $15,000 for CEOs, there is a lengthy
approval process to go through but once you are in, you are IN! (remember to connect with their groups on Facebook,
Twitter and Linkedin too)

Don’t Forget
AMA American Marketing Association- Go to their corporate site and find a local
chapter or chapters near you, then find who the chapter president is and
connect with them wherever you can online or off then Book it! aka
This is one of the most untapped markets to speak for. I have spoke for
dozens of Universities and they have moola. The best person to get you
there is James Malinchak (Tell him SmartyVA sent you for a special
discount), if you have not yet attended one of his bootcamps- DO IT! For
now, google it or go to

Read- Success Secrets of the Motivational Superstars by Michael Jeffreys,
try to read at least one speakers book per month (Remember 2 book

Check Twitter Feeds keywords and hastags- monitor feeds that are specific
Check Out to your industry, also type in meeting planners, corporate events etc…
Twitter connect, follow and email these people! Get to know them before you pitch
Feeds & them! You can set up categories on or For
Hashtags a SmartyVA Quick-Clip training on HootSuite, Tweetdeck or Hashtags, visit products section.

1.5 Educate Yourself: Booking Paid Speaking Engagements

In order to build your paid speaking engagements, you need to implement what we call- The
Ripple Effect. You start close to home and work (ripple) your way out. If you are just getting
started, you might have to do a half a dozen workshops or seminars before you can move into a
schedule of fees. Get them done and get them done FAST! Give yourself 30 days to get though 6
speaking engagements, minimum 25 people at each. There is a way to get paid for your time with
local organizations as well, it is called asking for an honorarium. I cover this in detail in the fees

The first thing that you need to do is:

 Build a Speaking List Database for Yourself- start with at least 50, no more than 100 as to
not overwhelm yourself. You want to create this list to pitch specific opportunities, if you
don’t have a speaking opportunity list then you are just waiting for opportunities to come to
you. Do not depend on referral speaking engagements, of course be grateful for them but
consider them bonuses. To organize your database, an excel sheet works just fine, you can
keep track of notes, contact details etc… and it is easy to update. Another program that
works well and is based online is called Basecamp.

For this entire toolkit of 51 pages, you can purchase it at-

Includes- How to locate speaking opportunities, Create Opportunities List,

Develop Evaluation Form, Evaluation Form Sample, Who to Pitch?,
Sample Pitch for Meeting Planners & Event Coordinators, Additional
Speaking Opportunities, Back-up Letter Sample, Referral Letter
Sample- Specific Event, Referral Letter Sample- General Referral,
Getting Sponsors, Sponsor Letter Sample, Create Your Speaking
Contract AND MORE!


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