100 Rep Push-Up Program
100 Rep Push-Up Program
100 Rep Push-Up Program
To perform the test, simply execute as many good-form pushups as you can.
Don't cut corners and please don't cheat - the last thing you want to do is end up
in the wrong level of the training program! The results may be humbling, but trust
me, honesty is the best policy if you want to maximize your strength gains!
Once you've collapsed in a sweaty heap on the floor and your arms have stopped
trembling from the exertion, make a note (mental or otherwise) of how many, or
how few, pushups you were able to perform. As an example, the first time I
performed the test, I managed to eek out just 19 consecutive good-form pushups.
Don't forget how many pushups you performed in the test and if you're still keen
to improve your strength and fitness, read on to learn more about the program.
week 1: pick the appropriate column depending on your initial test results
SET 1 2 6 10
SET 2 3 6 12
SET 3 2 4 7
SET 4 2 4 7
SET 5 3+ 5+ 9+
SET 1 3 6 10
SET 2 4 8 12
SET 3 2 6 8
SET 4 3 6 8
SET 5 4+ 7+ 12+
SET 1 4 8 11
SET 2 5 10 15
SET 3 4 7 9
SET 4 4 7 9
Week 1 should now be comfortably behind you and it's time to start Week 2 of
the hundred pushups program. Continue by following the same column of
exercises as you did in Week 1. Don't cut any corners, but feel free to take a little
more rest between each level if you need to. It's also important to be well
hydrated before you start each workout.
At the end of Week 2 it will be time to check your strength and perform an
exhaustion test. In simple terms, perform as many good-form pushups as you can
comfortably manage before you physically can't do another rep. Stress your
system by all means, but please don't go beyond the safety limit. The number of
pushups you complete will determine which level of the program you'll start
in Week 3. Perform this test within a couple of days of completing Week 2. Good
week 2: pick the appropriate column depending on your initial test results
SET 1 4 9 14
SET 2 6 11 14
SET 3 4 8 10
SET 4 4 8 10
SET 1 5 10 14
SET 2 6 12 16
SET 3 4 9 12
SET 4 4 9 12
SET 1 5 12 16
SET 2 7 13 17
SET 3 5 10 14
SET 4 5 10 14
You should be a little stronger than you were a couple of weeks ago and able to
complete considerably more pushups than your initial test.
If you're struggling with the program, don't lose heart. Some people will still be
doing less than 16 consecutive pushups, but this is ok. Just repeat the week you
struggled with until you're strong enough to move on to the next level - I promise
it will be worth your while!
week 3: pick the appropriate column depending on your latest test results
SET 1 10 12 14
SET 2 12 17 18
SET 3 7 13 14
SET 4 7 13 14
SET 1 10 14 20
SET 2 12 19 25
SET 3 8 14 15
SET 4 8 14 15
SET 1 11 16 22
SET 2 13 21 30
SET 3 9 15 20
SET 4 9 15 20
Week 3 is now comfortably behind you and it's time to start Week 4. Continue by following the same
column of exercises as you did last week.
At the end of Week 4 it will be time to perform another exhaustion test. You should know what to do by
now - simply perform as many good-form pushups as you can comfortably manage before you're unable
to perform another one. As per the end of Week 2, stress your system by all means, but please don't go
beyond the safety limit.
The number of pushups you complete will determine which level of the program you'll start in Week 5.
Make sure you perform this test within a couple of days of completing Week 4.
SET 1 12 18 21
SET 2 14 22 25
SET 3 11 16 21
SET 4 10 16 21
SET 1 14 20 25
SET 2 16 25 29
SET 3 12 20 25
SET 4 12 20 25
SET 1 16 23 29
SET 2 18 28 33
SET 3 13 23 29
SET 4 13 23 29
Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week
and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 3 or Week 4 again.
week 5: pick the appropriate column depending on your latest test results
SET 1 17 28 36
SET 2 19 35 40
SET 3 15 25 30
SET 4 15 22 24
SET 1 10 18 19
SET 2 10 18 19
SET 3 13 20 22
SET 4 13 20 22
SET 5 10 14 18
SET 6 10 14 18
SET 7 9 16 22
SET 1 13 18 20
SET 2 13 18 20
SET 3 15 20 24
SET 4 15 20 24
SET 5 12 17 20
SET 6 12 17 20
SET 7 10 20 22
Week 6
Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week
and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 5 again.
SET 1 25 40 45
SET 2 30 50 55
SET 3 20 25 35
SET 4 15 25 30
SET 1 14 20 22
SET 2 14 20 22
SET 3 15 23 30
SET 4 15 23 30
SET 5 14 20 24
SET 6 14 20 24
SET 7 10 18 18
SET 8 10 18 18
SET 1 13 22 26
SET 2 13 22 26
SET 3 17 30 33
SET 4 17 30 33
SET 5 16 25 26
SET 6 16 25 26
SET 7 14 18 22
SET 8 14 18 22
If you're reading this page you should be very proud of your achievements and ready for one
final test. As you're well aware, the program you've been following is called One Hundred
Pushups and that's what this final test is all about.
To perform the test, simply execute as many good-form pushups as you can. If you've
completed the six week program with no cheating and no short cuts, experience has shown
that you should be strong enough to perform one hundred consecutive pushups!
After completing Week 6 of the program, treat yourself to a day or two of rest. Eat well and
maintain good hydration. Try not to perform any exercises or tasks around the home that will
drain you of energy - you'll need every ounce of strength to meet your goal. Ready?
Take your time, don't rush and focus on performing ten pushups at a time. Breaking the magic
hundred into smaller chunks will make the goal more achievable and give you more chance of
success. Maintain good form and don't hold your breath. It sounds simple, but just take it one
push up at a time until you reach one hundred! If you start to feel shaky, take a few deep
breaths and regain your composure before starting again. Good luck - I know you can do it!!