OSRIC - Player's Guide
OSRIC - Player's Guide
OSRIC - Player's Guide
Stuart Marshall
Published by
Vanquishing Leviathan LLC
OSRIC Player’s Guide, free pdf version 1.0, completed on November 30th, 2012
Text © Stuart Marshall 2006-11 or contributing author 2006-11 and used with permission—see the Open
Game License section 15
“OSRIC”, “Osric” and “O.S.R.I.C.” are trademarks of Matthew Finch and Stuart Marshall
Contributing Authors and Editors: Chris Hopkins, James Boney, Trent Foster, David M. Prata, Robert
Ross, Jeremy Goehring, Mike Davison, Daniel Proctor, B. Scot Hoover, Chris Cain, Bill Silvey, Floyd
Canaday, Vincent Frugé, Matthew James Stanham, John Adams, Fabrice Philibert-Caillat, Nick Bogan,
Mark Evans, and Matthew Steward
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude, admiration and respect to Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson, who originally created this hobby and devised many of the algorithms used in this game;
and to the regulars at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse for much support.
Legal Note: The authors of this document are not affiliated in any way with Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
(WOTC); any use of a trademark of WOTC or any other party is unauthorised, inadvertent, and is not
intended to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of such parties.
The authors envisage that OSRIC will be used primarily by Humanoid; Humanoids are human-like creatures generally
people who are already familiar with 1e-compatible of evil alignment or ill-disposed towards humankind, for
systems, so we have not burdened the following text with example, orcs, goblins or hobgoblins.
long passages of explanation concerning matters probably
already familiar to our target audience. Nevertheless, we Level; This term has a wide variety of meanings in OSRIC-
cannot assume that everyone who uses OSRIC will compatible games. It can refer to a character’s progression
already be familiar with every term that we use, so we have on his or her experience chart, to a monster’s power
provided brief explanations of some of the terminology relative to character level, to the relative power of a spell,
here. or to a particular depth into a dungeon.
Readers who are familiar with 1e-compatible systems will Monster; “Monster” is sometimes used interchangeably
probably not need to refer to this section and should skip with “NPC”—thus, a wandering “monster” table might
on ahead to the next. include helpful creatures and humans or humanoids.
Generally, “NPC” means a human or humanoid character
Attribute; (also called: Ability Score; Characteristic)— while “monster” could mean any creature the players might
defined in paragraph 1, page 1. encounter.
Character; A character is an individual featuring in the Player; In an OSRIC-compatible game, one participant
game. Each player controls one character, save the GM, must be the GM (see above). All the others are referred to
who controls all the characters not controlled by a player. as “players”. This term is sometimes used to distinguish
between a player and his or her character.
Class; Characters in OSRIC-compatible games frequently
have special skills and talents. (This is always the case “PC” and “NPC”; “PC” is an abbreviation for “Player
with PCs.) These special skills and talents are summarised Character” and refers to a character controlled by a player.
by describing the individual as a member of a particular “NPC” is an abbreviation for “Non-Player Character” and
character class—”class” for short. See Chapter I for a refers to a character controlled by the GM.
detailed explanation of character classes.
Prime Requisite; The Prime Requisites for a character
Demi-Human; Demi-humans are human-like creatures class are those Attributes which affect its experience point
generally of good alignment or well-disposed towards bonus, e.g. strength for fighters, intelligence for magic
humankind. They include elves, dwarfs, gnomes, halflings, users, and so on. Classes such as assassin which have no
and other similar creatures. experience point bonus use the most logical attribute. (In
the case of assassins, this would be dexterity.)
Dice and Notation; Game and hobby stores often sell dice
with varying numbers of sides. If there is no such game or Race; This refers to a character’s species (rather than his
hobby store near you, you can also order them from or her ethnic origin, which is irrelevant to OSRIC-
distributors such as Chessex (http://www.chessex.com). compatible games except in very unusual circumstances).
You will need a set of such dice in order to play OSRIC. OSRIC-compatible games feature a wide variety of non-
human races, some of which (such as elves or dwarfs) can
The abbreviation “d” means “die” or “dice”, always printed be PCs, but the majority of which (such as dragons) are
in conjunction with a subsequent number indicating the confined to NPCs only. See Chapter I for a detailed
number of sides (hence, a traditional cube-shaped die with description of the various nonhuman PC races.
six sides is called a d6). A number appearing before the “d”
indicates how many dice are to be rolled (and if there is no To Hit and Saving Throw Tables; The numbers indicated
number, it should be assumed to be 1)—hence, “3d8” on the to hit and saving throw tables are the scores
means “roll three eight-sided dice and sum the total.” required (or greater) on a d20 for the creature to hit its
target or save against an attack of the type indicated.
You will need at least one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 to
play OSRIC, and the authors recommend at least one Weapon Proficiencies; Each character class may only
complete set per player. The special notation “d%” means have a certain number of “Weapons of Proficiency” at first
“roll 2d10 and treat the first number as tens and the second level. All classes gain additional proficiencies at regular
number as units”, thus generating a random number from 1 intervals. The weapon proficiencies for each specific class
to 100. (If both dice show “0”, this is interpreted as a roll of are described in the rules entry pertaining to that class.
The Weapon of Proficiency must be an individual weapon
GM; The Game Master (“GM”) does not normally have a type (e.g. “Longsword” rather than “Sword”). If a character
particular character of his or her own. Instead, he or she is is fighting with a weapon with which he or she is not
responsible for controlling the remainder of the game proficient, the Non-Proficiency Penalty is applied to his or
universe apart from the player characters. The GM has her rolls “to hit.”
ultimate power over the game, including the ability to waive
or rewrite the rules, and also controls all the Non-Player
Characters (“NPCs”—see below) in the game universe.
The GM’s job is to ensure that the game is entertaining, yet
difficult and demanding, for the players.
OSRIC—FIRST EDITION REBORN This document represents a compilation of rules for old
school-style fantasy gaming. The book is intended to
Much has happened since my friend and colleague Matt reproduce underlying rules used in the late 1970s to
Finch wrote the paragraphs below (the ones entitled early 1980s, which being rules are not subject to
“Introduction and Purpose”). I think it’s fair to say that copyright, without using any of the copyrighted “artistic
Matt wrote these words in fear and hope—fear that the presentation” originally used to convey those rules. In
document might not be well-received by the gaming creating this new “artistic presentation,” we have made
public, balanced by the hope that we would achieve use of the System Reference Document produced by
what we always intended: a revival of First Edition in Wizards of the Coast (“WOTC”).
print. I certainly believe that Matt’s fears have been
allayed, and his hopes wildly exceeded. The reason for going back to square one and restating
the underlying rules is simple. It allows old school
I write this now with the advantage of considerable publishers (both commercial and fans) to reference the
hindsight, and I can say that OSRIC’s success has rules set forth in this document without making
gone beyond anything we ever expected. I certainly reference to any protected trademark. (This document
never expected such demand for a print edition! And is trademarked, but the use of the trademark is
neither did I expect to receive so much help in drafting permitted under the terms of the OSRIC Open
it. License—see below). By using this document in
tandem with the Open Game License (“OGL”) of
This document is a collaborative work from more than WOTC, a publisher should be able to create products
twenty artists, editors and authors, who have given for old-school fantasy gaming and clearly refer to this
freely of their time and expertise to bring it to you. I am particular rule set without violating the terms of the
immensely proud of it. OGL.
There have been challenges along the way, and Thus, in many ways, this entire book is nothing more
doubtless there are more to come, but nevertheless, than a tool for old-school writers, a stepping stone to
OSRIC has reached the stage where I feel I can truly put the original, non-copyrightable portion of the old-
describe it as: First Edition Reborn. I hope there remain school rules into an open license, as permitted by law.
new heights to reach. Great pains have been taken to ensure that we have
used none of the original artistic presentation, for we
I cannot thank everyone I ought to thank, or this book have the greatest possible respect for the authors who
would be much longer. Writing OSRIC has been such a originally created these games.
huge project, involving so many people, that it is quite
beyond me to express my gratitude to every single one We considered the non-copyrightable rules to be the
of you. So I hope you will forgive me for simply saying, numerical algorithms that would be in a computer
if you contributed to OSRIC in some way— large or version of the game (most precedent in the area of
small, with advice, suggestions, or merely a kindly word game copyrights has come from computer games, not
of encouragement—then, thank you! RPGs), and have included these and the relations
— Stuart Marshall between the results of the formulae. “To hit” numbers
are a clear example. On the other hand, level titles
other than “name” level are clearly artistic presentation
and are excluded.
ABILITY SCORES best to let the players take on the fantasy roles
that satisfy them most.
A character’s basic attributes are represented in
the game by six “ability scores.” These abilities As well as eliminating or reducing the randomness
are Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution of a character’s strengths and weaknesses, the
(Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and GM may also allow players a bit of a numerical
Charisma (Cha). The first three represent the advantage. Many GMs permit ability scores to be
character’s physical qualities, and the second rolled using 4d6, dropping the result of the lowest
three his or her mental ones. Each of these die. This method, obviously, will tend to result in
abilities is represented by a number from 3-18, the higher scores.
higher the better. The Game Master (“GM”) will
decide how you should generate these scores. STRENGTH
For a truly brutal game, characters are generated
using 3d6 for each ability in order. Because these Strength (“Str”) is a measure of physical power,
numbers will be relatively low (compared to other and is the most important attribute for fighters. If a
methods for generating scores, described fighter, paladin, or ranger character rolls an 18
hereafter) and cannot be switched around, the strength, the player then rolls a d%, and that
players will be forced to use their utmost skill in number is added as a decimal, or percentage, to
creating a party of adventurers from whatever raw the 18 strength. (See the table below for details.)
material the dice hand to them. A roll of 00 on the percentage die indicates a
strength score of 19. Members of other classes
Many GMs will allow the players to roll up six cannot naturally gain strength in excess of 18.
ability scores and then decide which scores will go
with which ability. This gives the players more The following table summarises the bonuses and
flexibility to create a good party and to decide penalties for strength scores. Note that an
among themselves who will be playing which “Extraordinary Success” indicates the possibility
class. A player may come to the table wanting to for extremely strong characters to perform
play a particular type of character, and unless the exceptional or normally impossible feats of
gamers agree that they want to test their skills strength, such as opening a door which is held
with a completely random challenge it is usually closed by some relatively minor magic rather than
a lock.
Bonus Bonus Encumbrance Minor Tests, e.g. Major Tests, e.g. bending
to to Adjustment forcing doors bars and lifting portcullis
Strength Hit Damage (in lbs) (chance on d6) (chance on d%)
3 -3 -1 -35 1 0
4-5 -2 -1 -25 1 0
6-7 -1 0 -15 1 0
8-9 0 0 0 1-2 1
10-11 0 0 0 1-2 2
12-13 0 0 +10 1-2 4
14-15 0 0 +20 1-2 7
16 0 +1 +35 1-3 10
17 +1 +1 +50 1-3 13
18 +1 +2 +75 1-3 16
18.01-18.50 +1 +3 +100 1-3 20
18.51-18.75 +2 +3 +125 1-4 25
18.76-18.90 +2 +4 +150 1-4 30
18.91-18.99 +2 +5 +200 1-4 (1 in 6 35
19 +3 +6 +300 1-5 (1 in 6 40
illusionists. Intelligence also determines how many ways, a measure of the “sixth sense.”
many additional languages the character may Wisdom is the most important attribute for clerics
learn beyond those he or she knows at the start of and druids.
Dwarfs are a short and burly race, living in • Detect traps involving stonework: 50%
mountain fastnesses underground. They are loyal
friends and fierce adversaries, known for their • Determine depth underground: 50%
steadfastness in all things.
Multi-class restrictions: The more restrictive of
The dwarfs are inherently resistant to many spells any two class requirements apply to multi-classed
and spell-like effects. Dwarfish characters gain Dwarfish characters for the use of class abilities.
bonuses against the use of most magic, including
all spells, wands, rods, and staves. The amount of Permitted class options: Assassin, Cleric,
the bonus depends upon the dwarf’s constitution: Fighter, Thief, Fighter/Thief
every 3.5 points of constitution (rounding down
fractions) grants a bonus of +1 against such Movement Rate: 90 ft
magic. Moreover, the hardy dwarfish nature
imparts a similar bonus on any saving throws Starting Age*:
against poison.
• Cleric 250 + 2d20
Dwarfs are not a numerous folk, but they are
adventurous, loving the lustre of gold, the glitter of • Fighter 40+5d4
gems, and the quality of well-wrought metals.
Dwarfs can live to an age of 350 years or more. • Thief 75+3d6
Summary of Dwarfish Racial Abilities: * For the purposes of starting age, for all races,
treat assassins as thieves, illusionists as magic
• +1 constitution, -1 charisma (with respect to all users, druids as clerics, and paladins and rangers
but dwarfs) as fighters.
Some elven clans have built elaborate Permitted Class Options: Assassin, Cleric,
civilisations, remote and beautiful places of Fighter, Magic user, Thief, Fighter/Magic user,
profound learning, master craftsmanship, and long Fighter/Thief, Magic user/Thief, Fighter/Magic
history. Such elves tend to be chaotic good in user/Thief.
alignment and friendly, if aloof, from humans.
More numerous are the wilder elves,
predominantly chaotic neutral in alignment and
often not friendly to other races, inclining even
toward hostility.
• +1 dexterity, -1 constitution
Like dwarfs, who are perhaps related to gnomes Multi-class restrictions: Multi-classed gnomish
from some time in the distant and mythical past, characters may wear only leather armour, no
gnomes are quite resistant to magic and sensitive better.
to the nuances of construction. Gnomes can live
to an age of 650 years or more. Permitted Class Options: Assassin, Cleric,
Fighter, Illusionist, Thief, Fighter/Illusionist,
Summary of Gnomish Racial Abilities: Fighter/Thief, Illusionist/Thief.
• Strength 6/17
• Dexterity 8/19
• Constitution 10/18
• Intelligence 6/18
• Wisdom 3/17
• Charisma 3/18
Level Limitations:
• Assassin N/A
• Cleric N/A
• Druid 6
• Fighter 4
• Illusionist N/A
• Magic User N/A
• Paladin N/A
• Ranger N/A
• Thief Unlimited
Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when
travelling in non-metal armour and alone, or more HALF-ORCS
than 90 ft in advance of others, or with a party
entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a The progeny of human/orc breeding are normally
door must be opened (or some similar task), the indistinguishable from orcs. However, a few are
chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6. sufficiently human to gain levels in a character
class, although they are severely limited in
Languages: Common, dwarfish, gnomish, goblin, classes that do not focus upon violence and
halfling and orcish. For every point of intelligence death.
above 16, a halfling may learn an additional
language, but may not learn more than two ad- Orcish blood runs strong in these half-breeds, and
ditional languages regardless of intelligence. most of them are shifty, morally questionable, and
unsophisticated. They are typically ugly, carrying
Multi-class restrictions: Use of thieving abilities the mark of orcish ancestry, but the same
is only possible when wearing armour permitted to ancestry makes them deadly adversaries when
thieves. the chips are down and the swords are out. Half-
orcs can live to be 70 years old or older.
• +1 Str and Con, -2 Cha Humans are the standard for the game, and as
such, humans have no unusual abilities or
Languages: Common, orcish. A half-orc may limitations in game terms. Because of their
learn a maximum of two additional languages, potential for unlimited progression in all the
regardless of intelligence. character classes save assassin and druid,
humans are a popular choice for most players.
Multi-class Restrictions: For armour, the more This is an intentional feature of the rules.
restrictive of any two class requirements apply to
multi-classed half-orc characters for the use of A common house rule in OSRIC-compatible
class abilities. For weapons, the less restrictive games is the adjustment or removal of demi-
requirements apply. human level limits. This will unbalance the game
in favour of demi-humans unless humans are
Class Options: Assassin, Cleric, Fighter, Thief, given some corresponding advantage. GMs
Cleric/Fighter, Cleric/Thief, Cleric/Assassin, considering such a house rule for their own
Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Assassin. OSRIC-compatible games are advised to ensure
that in most campaigns, humans should still
Infravision: 60 ft represent an attractive choice for their players.
Non-player characters will, for the most part, lack guildmaster, which may be inconvenient (and will
any kind of class at all. Such individuals are called require the assassin to pay a share of his take to
“0-level” and their abilities are subsumed into the guild), but assassins’ guilds take a very dim
fighters, hence the “0-level” entries for fighters; all view of freelancers working in their territory.
player character fighters should begin at level 1. Freelance assassins—and their companions—do
In the author’s campaign, perhaps one non-player not ordinarily live to enjoy old age. There are, of
character in a hundred has a class (rising to as course, benefits to joining such a guild; training
many as one in fifty in borderlands, or even one in costs may be reduced, and the guild may be a
thirty in the wilderness). good source of information about potential
missions or nearby enemies.
Base Experience
Level Points Required Hit Dice (d6) Notes
1 0 1
2 1,600 2
3 3,000 3
4 5,750 4 The assassin may recruit assassins as henchmen
5 12,250 5
6 24,750 6
7 50,000 7
8 99,000 8 The assassin may recruit thieves as henchmen
9 200,500 9 Master Assassin
10 300,000 10
11 400,000 11
12 600,000 12 The assassin may recruit henchmen of any class
13 750,000 13
14 1,000,000 14 Guildmaster
15* 1,500,000 15 Grandmaster Assassin
*Level 15 at 1,500,000 experience points is the ceiling for assassins. Any further experience points
gained by a character of this level are simply lost.
Level -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-4 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
5-8 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
9-12 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
13-15 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Clerics play an important support role for an Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -3
adventuring party. Most clerical spells are oriented
toward healing, strengthening, and defending Weapon Specialisation: N/A
others. However, when the need arises the cleric
is fully capable of taking a place in the line of Cleric Class Abilities
battle and smiting down infidels and foes. Clerics
employ their holy symbols rather than spell books Spell Casting: Clerics may memorise and cast
as a focus for their meditation. Cleric spells are clerical spells in accordance with the tables
automatically acquired as the cleric gains levels provided hereafter.
and no check is necessary to ensure they are
understood; thus clerics may normally memorise Turning Undead: Clerics can “turn” the undead,
any spell appropriate to their level. However, in making them flee from the cleric’s holiness (or, in
some circumstances the powers the cleric serves the case of an evil cleric, bringing them to heel as
may intervene and grant different spells to those servants and minions). Because paladins are also
requested; it is suggested that this is only done in capable of turning undead (though not with the
extreme cases (such as when the cleric has been same power as a cleric), rules for turning the
guilty of an alignment transgression of some kind, undead are found later in this book rather than
for example; more serious transgressions may repeating them in the descriptions of both the
result in fewer spells being granted, or even none paladin and cleric classes.
at all). Some GMs may permit clerics of specific
deities to have slightly different abilities from those Bonus spells: These are awarded to clerics with
described here. high wisdom. They are not cumulative and are
awarded by level; hence “2/2/1/1” means the
When a cleric attains ninth level, he or she has cleric is granted 2—1st level, 2—2nd level, 1—3rd
accumulated sufficient divine favour and mortal level, and 1—4th level bonus spells.
renown to found a temple/stronghold. Such places
Chance of Spell
are normally carved from the wilderness, in the
Wisdom Bonus Spells Failure (d%)
same manner as a fighter establishes a freehold. 9 0 15
For a cleric to assume the leadership of an 10 0 10
existing temple, the details are left to the 11 0 5
discretion of the GM; a level somewhat higher 12 0 1
than ninth might be required. Whether the cleric 13 1 0
establishes a stronghold or a temple, followers 14 2 0
and acolytes will flock to the cleric’s banner. 15 2/1 0
16 2/2 0
The Cleric Character 17 2/2/1 0
18 2/2/1/1 0
Minimum Scores: Str 6, Dex 3, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 19 3/2/1/1 0
9, Cha 6
Alignment: Any
Spell Casting: Druids may memorise and cast Immunity to Fey Charm (7th): At seventh level
druidic spells in accordance with the tables and higher, the druid becomes immune to charms
provided below. and other such mental enchantments cast by fey
creatures such as dryads, pixies, brownies, etc.
Advanced Abilities
Shapeshift (7th): Druids of seventh level or
Druid’s Knowledge (3rd): At third level and higher may change their forms up to three times
higher, a druid can identify plant and animal types, per day. The form assumed must be a natural
and can determine when water is pure and safe to animal, no smaller than a mouse, and no larger
drink. than double the druid’s normal weight; in the
process of shapeshifting, the druid recovers 1d6 x
Wilderness Movement (3rd): At third level and 10 percent of any hit points he or she might have
higher, a druid can move through any natural sustained as damage.
undergrowth leaving no trace of his or her
passage, and may do so with no reduction in his
or her normal movement speed.
Points Hit Dice Spells by Level
Level Required (d8) Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0 1 2 - - - - - -
2 2,000 2 2 1 - - -
3 4,000 3 Druid’s Knowledge; 3 2 1 - - - -
Wilderness Movement
4 8,000 4 4 2 2 - - -
5 12,000 5 4 3 2 - - -
6 20,000 6 4 3 2 1 - -
7 35,000 7 Immunity to Fey 4 4 3 1 - - -
Charm; Shapeshift
8 60,000 8 4 4 3 2 - -
9 90,000 9 5 4 3 2 1 -
10 125,000 10 5 4 3 3 2 -
11 200,000 11 5 5 3 3 2 1
12 300,000 12 High Druid 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
13 750,000 13 Archdruid 6 5 5 5 4 3 2
14* 1,500,000 14 Supreme Druid 6 6 6 6 5 4 3
* 14th level (at 1,500,000 experience points) is the ceiling for druids. Any further experience points the
druid receives will simply be lost.
Druid [Type text] Druid
When the clash of steel rings out in dark forests or Alignment: Any
dimly lit dungeons beneath the earth, it is the
fighter who bears the brunt of the combat. Experience Bonus: Strength 16+
Fighters are trained in the use of weapons and
armour, usually beginning their adventuring Armour/Shield Permitted: Any
careers after a stint of training as a town
guardsman, soldier, man-at-arms, bandit, pirate, Weapons Permitted: Any
or mercenary.
Weapon Proficiencies: 4 + 1 every 2 levels
Fighters are the backbone of an adventuring
party; without them to hold the line, the other Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -2
members of the party will be overrun before they
can bring their own skills to bear. Fighters are the Weapon Specialisation: Optional
most powerful characters in melee or missile
combat, whether on offence or defence. Together Fighter Class Abilities
with the ranger and paladin, they have the most
hit points, and their ability to survive the most Bonus Attacks: Fighters with melee weapons
brutal battles is therefore unrivalled. attack once per round at first to sixth levels (1/1
attacks); at seventh to 12th levels, they attack
They also have the best chance “to hit” of all the thrice every two rounds (3/2 attacks); and at 13th
classes, particularly at higher level. They may use or higher levels they attack twice per round (2/1
any kind of armour, shield, or weapon. Most attacks). A partial additional attack (e.g. 3/2
fighters look forward to the day when their attacks) means that the extra attack is taken on
reputations will bring them into the ranks of the odd-numbered rounds in the combat sequence,
lesser nobility, where fighting prowess and armed hence two attacks on the first round, one on the
followers are more important than high-flown second, two on the third and one on the fourth, if
bloodlines. It is no small matter to carve a freehold applicable.
out of the wilderness, but to do so is to leave
behind a legacy in a world where most fortune- Fighting the Unskilled: When the fighter is
seekers die an unsung death. attacking creatures with less than a full hit die (i.e.
less than 1d8 hit points), the fighter receives one
A fighter of 9th level or higher who has built a attack for each of his or her levels of experience,
castle and cleared a wide area around it of e.g. a fourth level fighter attacking goblins would
monsters (at least a 20 mile radius), will attract a receive four attacks per round.
body of mercenaries to his or her service,
provided that these are paid a fair wage. He or NB: A fighter exercising multiple attacks departs
she will also be able to tax each freeholder, at up from the normal initiative procedure. The fighter
to the maximum rate of 1 gp per month per will automatically attack first in the round unless
resident. Some players may choose to retire a fighting an opponent with multiple attacks of its
character at this point, satisfied that the character own (in which case initiative should be rolled as
has entered the historical records and legends of normal). The fighter’s second attack in any given
the campaign world. Others may choose to view melee round will come last in the sequence.
the stronghold merely as the first step toward the
pinnacles of mythic power. Such player-held Weapon Specialisation (optional): With the
castles and villages provide a higher-level party permission of the GM, weapon specialisation may
with a base for adventures, a stronghold against be selected during character generation. If
enemies, and possibly the introduction of feudal weapon specialisation is not selected during
politics and war into their already eventful lives. character generation, it remains forever
unavailable to the character, barring some
The Fighter Character magical or divine intervention.
Minimum Scores: Str 9, Dex 6, Con 7, Int 3, Wis If weapon specialisation is in play, fighters may
6, Cha 6 take a second proficiency in the same weapon as
the first, granting them one extra attack every two
rounds with the weapon (hence 3/2 attacks with a Fighter Level Advancement
melee weapon at first level, 2/1 at seventh and 5/2
at 13th), +1 to hit and +2 damage owing to their Base Hit
skill. Specialisation costs one proficiency “slot” for Experience Dice
melee weapons and crossbows, and two “slots” Level Points Required (d10) Notes
for missile weapons other than crossbows. 1 0 1
2 1,900 2
Double Specialisation (optional): For melee 3 4,250 3
weapons that are not polearms or two-handed 4 7,750 4
swords, a third weapon proficiency may be used 5 16,000 5
to specialise further; this increases combat 6 35,000 6
bonuses to +3 to hit and +3 damage with the 7 75,000 7 Bonus attacks
weapon. 8 125,000 8
9 250,000 9 Lord (Lady)
10 500,000 9+3*
11 750,000 9+6
Optional Rule: Where a fighter of extremely high in what spells they can learn according to the
level or with many bonuses “to hit” actually same table as provided under magic users.
requires a negative score to hit his or her target,
then at the GM’s option, the negative score may At tenth level, an illusionist may establish a
be converted to a positive and applied as stronghold, usually a tower or small keep, as a
additional damage to the automatic hit. Thus, for fighter does.
example, a 20th level fighter with 19 strength and
a +5 sword attacking an AC 2 dragon would The Illusionist Character
require a roll of -8 to hit it; the character would be
allowed to modify his or her damage roll by +8. Minimum Scores: Str 6, Dex 16, Int 15, Wis 6,
Cha 6
Hit Die Type: d4 (max 10)
Illusionists are practitioners of phantasmal magic,
a type of spell casting that influences the minds Alignment: Any
and senses of other beings, and at higher levels
becomes intertwined with the shadow-realities Experience Bonus: None
beyond the Prime Material Plane. They are often
classed with magic users, since phantasmal Armour/Shield Permitted: None
magic operates in the same manner as arcane
spells—indeed, some sages state that it Weapons Permitted: Dagger, dart, oil, staff
represents a different means of tapping into the
same source. Illusionists are dependent upon Weapons Proficiencies: 1 + 1 per 5 levels
their spell books, and can only normally cast
spells they have learned from these books Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -5
(exception: spells may be cast from illusionist
scrolls). Acquisition of new spells is difficult and Weapon Specialisation: N/A
demanding, and must normally be accomplished
through adventuring, although illusionists will Illusionist Class Abilities
automatically receive one new spell of the highest
spell level that he or she may cast upon Spellcasting: Illusionists may memorise and cast
completing training after acquiring a new level of phantasmal spells in accordance with the tables
experience. They are limited by their intelligence provided below. A beginning illusionist character
will know four spells. Two spells should be chosen
by the player from the list of first level spells, and ordinarily only be deciphered by an illusionist.
the other two should be determined randomly Illusionists do not employ (or require) the read
from the list of first level spells. Illusionist spells magic spell.
are written in phantasmal script, which can
Experience Hit
Points Dice Spells By Level
Level Required (d4) Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0 1 1 - - - - - -
2 2,500 2 2 - - - - - -
3 4,750 3 2 1 - - - - -
4 9,000 4 3 2 - - - - -
5 18,000 5 4 3 1 - - - -
6 35,000 6 4 3 2 - - - -
7 60,250 7 May hire followers 4 3 2 1 - - -
8 95,000 8 4 3 2 2 - - -
9 144,500 9 5 3 3 2 - - -
10 220,000 10 Master of Phantasms 5 4 3 2 1 - -
11 440,000 10+1* 5 4 3 3 2 - -
12 660,000 10+2* 5 5 4 3 2 1 -
13 880,000 10+3* 5 5 4 3 2 2 -
14 1,100,000 10+4* 5 5 4 3 2 2 1
15 1,320,000 10+5* 5 5 4 4 2 2 2
16 1,540,000 10+6* 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
17 1,760,000 10+7* 6 5 5 4 3 3 2
18 1,980,000 10+8* 6 6 5 4 4 3 2
19 2,200,000 10+9* 6 6 5 5 5 3 2
20 2,420,000 10+10* 6 6 6 5 5 4 2
21 2,640,000 10+11* 6 6 6 6 5 4 3
22 2,860,000 10+12* 6 6 6 6 5 5 3
23 3,080,000 10+13* 6 6 6 6 6 5 4
24 3,300,000 10+14* 6 6 6 6 6 6 5
* Constitution-based hp adjustments no longer apply.
Each level gained thereafter requires 220,000 experience points and grants +1 hit point.
Magic users are dependent upon their spell Spellcasting: Magic users may memorise and
books, and normally may only cast a spell they cast arcane spells in accordance with the tables
have learned from these books (exception: magic provided below. A beginning magic user character
users may cast spells from arcane magical will know four spells. One of these will
scrolls). Mages may not cast spells from divine, automatically be Read Magic. The second spell
druidic or phantasmal magic scrolls. The should be chosen by the player from the list of first
acquisition of a new spell is difficult and level spells, and the last two should be
demanding and must normally be accomplished determined randomly from the list of first level
through adventuring, although the mage will spells.
automatically receive one new spell of the highest
spell level that he or she may cast upon acquiring Advanced Abilities
a new level of experience.
Eldritch Craft (7th): Mages of 7th or higher level
OSRIC magic users are superficially similar to the may create magical potions, scribe arcane scrolls
wizards of fantasy literature such as Gandalf and (of spells that he or she already knows) and
Merlin, but they are more closely similar to mages recharge magical rods, staves and wands. This
described in the works of Jack Vance. His “Dying process should be overseen by the GM, who must
Earth” cycle, and particularly “Rhialto the take care to ensure that it is not too easy! A long
Marvellous”, are highly recommended. list of ingredients will always be required, some of
which should be expensive, and others of which
Magic users are the only class capable of should be a challenge to acquire.
fabricating magic items that they cannot
themselves employ. Clerics, druids and illusionists Eldritch Power (12th): Magic users of 12th level
can fabricate magic items, but only those they or higher may attempt to create other magical
items by means of the enchant an item spell. Magic User Spell Acquisition Table
However, this is even more difficult than creating Min/Max
a potion or scroll, and the various components Chance to Spells
required should be of a rarity and value Understand Understood
appropriate to the magic item under consideration. Intelligence Spells (d%) Per Level
Even then, success will not be guaranteed. 9 35 4/6
10-12 45 5/7
13-14 55 6/9
15-16 65 7/11
17 75 8/14
18 85 9/18
19 90 10/22
A paladin is a paragon of righteousness sworn to Experience bonus: Str and Wis 16+
be, and always to remain, Lawful Good. If this vow
is ever breached, the paladin must atone and Armour/Shield Permitted: Any
perform penance to be decided by a powerful
NPC cleric of the same alignment—unless the Weapons Permitted: Any
breach was intentional, in which case the paladin
instantly loses his or her enhanced status as a Weapon Proficiencies: 3 + 1 every 2 levels
paladin and may never regain it. Such a “fallen
paladin” is in all respects a fighter, with no special Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -2
powers, for the remainder of his or her career.
Weapon Specialisation: Optional rule - as fighter
The Paladin class in OSRIC superficially
resembles such legendary warriors as Sir Paladin Class Abilities
Galahad or Sir Gawaine of the Arthurian cycle, but
is more closely similar to characters described in Improved Saving Throws: The paladin uses a
the works of Poul Anderson. His “Three Hearts more favourable saving throw table than other
and Three Lions” is particularly highly classes (see table, below).
Cure Disease: Paladins can cure disease (as the
Paladins suffer the following restrictions: clerical spell) by touch, once per week. Paladins
of higher than 5th level may do so twice per week,
First, the paladin may never possess more than and those higher than 10th level thrice per week.
ten magic items, and no more than a single suit of Paladins themselves are completely immune to
magic armour with no more than one magic shield disease.
may be so owned.
Detect Evil: A paladin may detect evil at any
Second, the paladin must always give away a range up to 60 ft at will, provided he or she con-
tenth of any money which he or she receives to centrates on doing so.
some Lawful Good cause, and if he or she has
any money remaining after paying his or her costs Protection from Evil: A paladin radiates an aura
(such as maintaining equipment and paying within a 10 ft radius, equivalent to the clerical spell
servants’ wages) this surplus must be likewise protection from evil.
Lay on Hands: Once per day, the paladin may
Third, paladins will not associate with characters heal two hit points per level to any creature
who are not Good in alignment save under very touched (e.g. a third level paladin would heal six
exceptional circumstances (i.e., if approved by the hit points with this ability).
Advanced Abilities
The Paladin Character
Turn Undead (3rd): Paladins of third level and
Minimum Scores: Str 12, Dex 6, Con 9, Int 9, higher gain the ability to turn undead as a good
Wis 13, Cha 17 aligned cleric does, but as a cleric of two levels
lower than the paladin’s level.
Hit Die Type: d10 (max 9 hit dice)
Summon Warhorse (4th): At fourth level, the pal- level and above. If the optional weapon
adin may summon a special Paladin’s Warhorse, specialisation rules are permitted by the GM,
a heavy warhorse with enhanced hit points, paladins may specialise as fighters do, save that
intelligence and movement speed. Such a destrier they receive fewer proficiencies and gain extra
may be called only once every ten years. attacks more slowly as described above.
Bonus Attacks (8th): Paladins gain additional Clerical Spellcasting (9th): Paladins gain the
attacks as fighters do, but less swiftly. A paladin ability to cast certain cleric spells at 9th level (see
has one attack at first to seventh level, 3/2 attacks table, below).
at eighth to 14th level, and two attacks at 15th
NB: Paladins do not gain bonus cleric spells for having high wisdom. This ability is limited to “true” priests,
i.e. clerics or druids.
Fourth, rangers travel light and may not keep any chance in urban or dungeon settings (again,
more treasure than they can lift (including any modified by the GM to take account of local
amount the ranger can carry on his or her steed, if conditions).
NB: Rangers do not gain bonus druid spells for having high wisdom. This ability is limited to “true” priests,
i.e. clerics or druids.
Most thieves come from the teeming masses of a Minimum Scores: Str 6, Dex 9, Con 6, Int 6,
large city, wherein a thieves’ guild is often the only Cha 6
source of justice and exercises as much power as
the city’s legitimate government. Of course, not all Hit Die Type: d6 (max 10)
thieves are members of a guild. Some are
freelancers, evading both the authorities and the Alignment: Any neutral or any evil
guild, living on the edge of the knife. Some are
even found working on the side of the law; agents Experience bonus: Dex 16+
or spies who use their skills in more accepted
(though equally shadowy) pursuits. A thief Armour/Shield Permitted: Leather or studded
character must be of any neutral or evil alignment. leather only, no shields
Neutral good thieves are permitted because of the
neutral component of their alignment. Weapons Permitted: Club, dagger, oil, sling,
single-handed swords (except bastard swords)
Sensible adventuring parties will almost always
include a thief, for the skills of such a character Weapon Proficiencies: 2 + 1 every 4 levels
are invaluable in reaching inaccessible places via
climb walls, pick locks, and so on. In addition, Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -3
dungeons frequently contain traps which must be
located and disarmed, and the thief’s cunning and Weapon Specialisation: N/A
stealth conspire to make him or her very useful in
a scouting role.
Thief Class Abilities Thieves’ Cant: Thieves have their own language.
Multi-Classing CHAPTER I: CREATING A CHARACTER Multi-Classing
Note: Subject to the GM’s discretion, no combination of adjustments can reduce a thief’s chance of
success in a thieving skill below 1% or increase it above 99%. In other words, there is always a small
chance of success or risk of failure unless the GM decides the circumstances are exceptional.
different classes. As an extreme example, a half- However, with dual-classed characters, any
orcish cleric/assassin of level 4/15 is possible. combination of classes is possible, provided the
character qualifies in terms of ability scores and
Optional Rule: Some GMs limit elven and half- can comply with any relevant alignment
elven fighter/magic users and fighter/magic restrictions. Theoretically, an individual with very
user/clerics in respect of the armour they may high ability scores could play a cleric/paladin or a
wear while casting spells. If this optional rule is in magic user/illusionist.
play, such a character may only cast arcane
spells if unarmoured—unless they are wearing ALIGNMENT
elfin chain. The character may still cast divine
spells regardless of the armour he or she is Alignment represents where a character falls in
wearing. (This rule assumes that elfin chain is terms of the ever-present battle between good
specially designed to allow fighter/magic users to and evil. Along the law-chaos axis, it also
wear it.) represents how the character approaches such
issues. Alignment is more than a philosophy; evil
Dual-class characters are humans who elect to and good are palpably real in the game world. An
change irrevocably from one class to another. The evil person bears the poison of his or her
character class of a non-human represents talents alignment in his or her very soul, and magic spells
and abilities that are somewhat more innate than can even be used to detect the stain of it. In gen-
those of humankind. Humans are more flexible eral, the good alignments will work together,
and can generally become more skilled in any one although there may well be misunderstandings
class than non-humans, but lacking the innate and disputes between those of differing good
talents of the other races, they can only focus alignments. Relationships between those of evil
upon one class at a time. alignments will generally be based on power and
fear, although many evil aligned individuals or
In order to switch from one class to another, the monsters are natural followers, not seeking to
human character must have an ability score of usurp power as much as they will seek to ally
15+ in the prime requisite(s) of the original class, themselves with and serve the most powerful. The
and of 17+ in the prime requisite(s) of the new moral dictates of alignment are not tied to culture
class. The character retains his or her hit points. in any way; they are objective reality. If a
He or she can use the particular abilities of the barbarian comes from a society that kills the
original class, but doing so will cause the weak, he or she is evil if he or she accedes to the
character to forfeit all experience points from that practice, even though it is considered necessary
adventure (as determined by the GM). This or beneficial in that culture. Such a culture is evil.
restriction applies until the character has
advanced in the new class to a level at least one Each alignment has an “alignment language”
higher than was attained in the original class. specific to that alignment, allowing characters of
that alignment to communicate with one another
When the character begins the process of to a certain degree. Alignment tongues are not
learning a new class, he or she gains the abilities precisely languages; they cannot be rendered into
of the new class as a first level member of that writing, but they can be an effective mode of
class, and all experience is applied to progressing communication nonetheless, consisting of a
in the new class. The character gains no variety of words, gestures, and even facial
additional hit points until reaching a level in the expressions. Alignment tongues are almost never
new class one higher than in the original class, used unless the speaker is certain he or she will
after which time the character’s hit points advance be heard only by members of the same alignment.
as per the new class.
Note that not all creatures of a particular
Unlike multi-class characters, dual-classed alignment will speak their alignment tongue,
characters cannot perform the functions of several although demi-humans and humanoids will
different classes simultaneously. So, for example, normally do so. A creature such as a chimæra, for
an elven fighter/magic user could cast arcane example, that is non-humanoid and generally evil
spells while wearing armour, but a human dual- by nature rather than by choice, might be chaotic
classed fighter and magic user would have to evil in alignment but would not speak the chaotic
remove his or her armour to do the same thing. evil alignment tongue. A gnoll, however, that is
humanoid and evil by choice as well as by nature,
will tend to speak the chaotic evil alignment organised government. Lawful neutral characters
tongue. value reliability and honour, and some can be
quite zealous about forcing these attributes onto
THE NINE ALIGNMENTS society or other individuals.
Nine distinct alignments define all the possible Neutral: A neutral character has no allegiance to
combinations of the law–chaos axis with the either good vs evil or law vs chaos. Most neutral
good–evil axis. Remember that individuals vary characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias
from this norm, and that a given character may act rather than a commitment to neutrality. These
more or less in accord with his or her alignment normally think of good as preferable to evil—after
from day to day. Use these descriptions as all, they would rather have good neighbours and
guidelines, not as scripts. rulers than evil ones.
Lawful Good, “Crusader”: A lawful good Still, such characters are not personally
character acts as a good person is expected or committed to upholding good in any abstract or
required to act. He or she combines a universal way, especially when there is treasure to
commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to be had. Some neutral characters, on the other
fight relentlessly. He or she normally tells the hand, are morally committed to neutrality. They
truth, keeps his or her word, helps those in need, see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and
and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good dangerous extremes, advocating and supporting
character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the
Generally, lawful good characters seek to long run.
combine the values of both honour and
compassion. Chaotic Neutral, “Free Spirit”: A chaotic neutral
character follows his or her whims. He or she is
Neutral Good, “Benefactor”: A neutral good an individualist first and last. He or she values his
character does the best that a good person can or her own liberty but does not strive to protect
do. He or she is devoted to helping others. He or others’ freedom. He or she avoids authority,
she might work with or on behalf of kings and resents restrictions, and challenges traditions.
magistrates, but does not feel beholden to them if
he or she feels that they are not serving the cause A chaotic neutral character does not normally
of good. Neutral good characters value doing intentionally disrupt organisations as part of a
what is good without a particular bias for or campaign of anarchy. To do so, he or she would
against order (or laws). have to be motivated either by good (and a desire
to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make
Chaotic Good, “Rebel”: A chaotic good those different from him- or herself suffer). A
character acts as his or her conscience directs, chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable,
with little regard for what others might expect. He but his or her behaviour is not normally totally
or she makes his or her own way, but is generally random.
kind and benevolent. He or she believes in
goodness and personal honour, but has little use Lawful Evil, “Dominator”: A lawful evil villain
for laws and regulations. methodically takes what he or she wants within
the limits of his or her code of conduct without
Such a character disdains those who seek to regard for whom it hurts. He or she cares about
intimidate others and tell them what to do. He or tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom,
she follows his or her own moral compass, which, dignity, or life. He or she plays by the rules but
although good, may not agree with that of society. without mercy or compassion. He or she is
Chaotic good characters value the combination of comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule,
a good heart with a free spirit. but is willing to serve. He or she condemns others
not according to their actions but according to
Lawful Neutral, “Judge”: A lawful neutral race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He or she
character acts as law, tradition, or a personal is loath to break laws or promises.
code directs him or her. Order and organisation
are paramount. He or she may believe in personal This reluctance comes partly from his or her
order and live by a code or standard, or might nature and partly because he or she depends on
believe in order for all, favouring a strong, order to protect him- or herself from those who
oppose him or her on moral grounds. Some lawful or she sheds no tears for those he or she kills,
evil characters have particular taboos, such as not whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He or
killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or she has no love of order and holds no illusion that
not letting children come to harm (if it can be following laws, traditions, or codes would make
helped). They imagine that these compunctions him or her any better or more noble. On the other
put them above unprincipled villains. Some lawful hand, he or she doesn’t have the restless nature
evil people and creatures commit themselves to or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has.
evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal,
to good. committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such
villains are devoted to evil deities or secret
Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own societies.
ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an
end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as Chaotic Evil, “Destroyer”: A chaotic evil
part of a duty to an evil deity or master. Lawful evil character does whatever his or her greed, hatred,
is sometimes called “diabolical,” because devils and lust for destruction drive him to do. He or she
are the epitome of lawful evil. is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and
unpredictable. If he or she is simply out for
Neutral Evil, “Malefactor”: A neutral evil villain whatever he or she can get, he or she is ruthless
does whatever he or she can get away with. He or and brutal. If he or she is committed to the spread
she is out for him- or herself, pure and simple. He of evil and chaos, he or she is even worse. His or
her plans may be worked out well in advance, but This constant drive for money should serve to
their implementation will often be haphazard, and motivate the player characters to explore dark
any group he or she forms is likely to be poorly dungeons, seek dragons’ hoards and otherwise
organised. constantly quest for wealth!
Typically, chaotic evil creatures can be made to OSRIC games normally use the following
work together only by force, and their leader lasts conversion rate for currency. Of course, a GM’s
only as long as he or she can thwart attempts to specific campaign may change this, but in this
topple or assassinate him or her. Chaotic evil is case the GM should consider revising the price
sometimes called “demonic” because demons are lists provided in the following section.
the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil represents
the destruction not only of beauty and life but also 1 platinum piece = 5 gold pieces
of the order on which beauty and life depend. 1 gold piece = 2 electrum pieces
1 gold piece = 10 silver pieces
MONEY 1 gold piece = 100 copper pieces
In OSRIC, coins are heavy. Ten coins weigh one Each character begins the game with a certain
lb. They are also of primary importance when amount of money to buy initial equipment—how
keeping track of character experience, since gold much depends on the character’s class. Clerics
the party recovers is converted to experience at and druids receive 30-180gp (3d6 x 10); fighters,
the rate of 1gp = 1xp. (The GM may well wish to rangers and paladins receive 50-200gp ((3d6+2) x
reduce the experience point award for gold if large 10); magic users and illusionists receive 20-80gp
amounts are gained for relatively small risk.) (2d4 x 10), while thieves and assassins receive
OSRIC prices normally far exceed prices as they 20-120gp (2d6 x 10). Multi-class individuals
were in the real mediæval world. Gold is plentiful receive the award for the wealthiest of their
and hence of relatively little value. The purpose of classes (thus, a fighter/thief would receive the
this is to allow GMs to place the kinds of treasure starting money of a fighter, while a cleric/magic
mentioned in works of fantasy literature—huge user would receive the starting money of a cleric).
piles of gold, enormous gems and pieces of
beautiful jewellery—without destroying the fantasy
economy of his or her game.
* Heavy crossbows may not be used from horseback; only a footman can brace them correctly before
** Some specially-made bows (sold at special cost if at all—GM’s discretion) permit the user to add his or
her strength bonus to damage inflicted with the weapon. Otherwise the strength damage bonus with
missile weapons is restricted to hurled weapons (axes, hammers, clubs, darts, javelins and spears).
Armour Table 1
Effect on AC
Armour Type Encumbrance* Max Move Rate (base AC 10) Cost
Banded 35 lbs 90 ft -6 90 gp
Mail hauberk or byrnie (chain) 30 lbs 90 ft -5 75 gp
Mail, elfin (chain) 15 lbs 120 ft -5 Not sold
Leather 15 lbs 120 ft -2 5 gp
Padded gambeson 10 lbs 90 ft -2 4 gp
Plate 45 lbs 60 ft -7 400 gp
Ring 35 lbs 90 ft -3 30 gp
Scale or lamellar 40 lbs 60 ft -4 45 gp
Shield, large 10 lbs N/A -1 15 gp
Shield, medium 8 lbs N/A -1 12 gp
Shield, small 5 lbs N/A -1 10 gp
Splint 40 lbs 60 ft -6 80 gp
Studded 20 lbs 90 ft -3 15 gp
* For non-magic armour. Magic armour is un-encumbering, and allows a maximum move rate 30 ft faster
than normal (up to 120 ft). Magic shields weigh as much as normal shields of the same type.
Height and Weight CHAPTER I: CREATING A CHARACTER Height and Weight
Some GMs and/or players like to assign their character’s height and weight from the character’s ability
scores and background, and others do not bother with them. These are perfectly acceptable approaches.
Some groups prefer to use random tables for these things, and for these groups, the following tables are
Height and Weight CHAPTER I: CREATING A CHARACTER Height and Weight
These tables provide base height and weight. Then roll 1d6; on a “1”, subtract 1d4 in and 1d20 lbs, and
reroll. On a “6”, add 1d4 in and 1d20 lbs, and reroll. Continue rolling until a 2, 3, 4, or 5 appears. Discard
any nonsensical results.
Spell Scrolls CHAPTER II: SPELLS Spell Description Notes
Arcane and phantasmal spells are acquired as a spell is cast. In this case, it is not necessary for
result of long study and diligent practice. To cast a the caster to know the spell beforehand, and
spell, the illusionist or magic user must have the indeed it is possible to cast a spell from a scroll
spell scribed in his or her spell book and have even if the caster does not know the spell or is of
prepared it for casting. insufficient level to use the magic.
Clerical and druidic spells, on the other hand, are In extreme cases (such as when a character casts
acquired as a result of faithful religious service. To a spell from a scroll well above the level he or she
cast a spell, the cleric or druid must have spent could normally memorise) the GM will assign a
time in prayer and meditation to prepare it for chance that the spell will fail.
A character must be of the correct class to cast a
In either case, the procedure for memorising a spell from a scroll. Thus, only clerics or paladins
spell is the same. Spell memorisation requires a may cast spells from clerical scrolls, only druids or
minimum rest period of four hours, which must be rangers from druidic ones, and so on. (Exception:
spent in a quiet place without interruption. Once Thieves and assassins may attempt to cast
this period has expired, it takes fifteen minutes per arcane and phantasmal spells from scrolls.)
level to memorise spells; in other words, a
character memorising one third, two second and EXPLANATORY NOTES CONCERNING THE
four first level spells would require a further SPELL DESCRIPTIONS
(45+30+30+15+15+15+15=) two hours and forty-
five minutes of memorisation time. If the range of a spell is “0,” this indicates that the
spell must be cast right at the caster’s location,
Spells, once cast, are lost from the casting but that it remains stationary (in other words, it
character’s memory and cannot be reused until does not travel). If the range is “caster,” this
the caster memorises them again. (Exception: It is indicates that the spell moves with the caster.
possible to memorise the same spell twice or
even more times if the caster has sufficient spell Spell duration refers to the length of time that the
slots.) spell’s magic remains “magical.” Thus a
permanent duration means that the spell creates
Under “saving throw” the notation “none (neg.)” an enchantment (which can probably be
indicates the spell does not normally have a dispelled). A spell with instantaneous duration is a
saving throw, but one is permitted for the spell’s spell that causes a permanent change in the
reverse. For example, cure light wounds has no world, but one that no longer requires a spell to
saving throw, but its reverse cause light wounds maintain. The effect of a spell with instantaneous
does have one. duration cannot later be dispelled. The cleric’s
cure spells are an excellent example: once a
Also under “saving throw”, the notation “half” wounded person is cured, the regained hit points
indicates that if the saving throw is passed, the cannot be removed with a dispel magic spell, but
spell takes half-effect. For example, with fireball if they are not magically protected from being
the saving throw is halved, targets within the area removed with a sword stroke, either. The spell is
of effect take half the damage shown on the die. simply complete once it is cast, and no more
magic is active after that point. Spells marked with
SPELL SCROLLS “Instantaneous (permanent)” under “duration” all
have this property—they cannot be removed by
Spells are also sometimes found written on being dispelled.
scrolls. It is not possible to memorise a spell from
a scroll, although magic users and illusionists may Spell components may be verbal (representing
copy the spell from the scroll into their spell the words used to incant the spell), somatic
books, if they understand the spell. This process (representing the gesture or gestures that must
always erases the scroll. This is the primary accompany the casting), and/or material (rep-
means by which magic users and illusionists will resenting physical components that are normally
acquire new spells for their spell books. consumed in the spell’s casting). Exception:
Material components that are not normally
Alternatively, the spell may be cast directly from consumed include a cleric’s holy symbol.
the scroll, in which case the scroll is erased as the
Cleric Spells CHAPTER II: SPELLS Magic User Spells
Cleric Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Cleric Spell List
Level One
1 Bless p. 58 7 Light p. 101
2 Command p. 64 8 Protection From Evil p. 120
3 Create Water p. 70 9 Purify Food and Drink p. 122
4 Cure Light Wounds p. 71 10 Remove Fear p. 126
5 Detect Evil p. 74 11 Resist Cold p. 127
6 Detect Magic p. 75 12 Sanctuary p. 128
Level Two
1 Augury p. 57 7 Resist Fire p. 127
2 Chant p. 60 8 Silence 15 ft r. p. 131
3 Detect Charm p. 74 9 Slow Poison p. 132
4 Find Traps p. 85 10 Snake Charm p. 132
5 Hold Person p. 94 11 Speak With Animals p. 133
6 Know Alignment p. 100 12 Spiritual Weapon p. 135
Level Three
1 Animate Dead p. 54 7 Feign Death p. 83
2 Continual Light p. 68 8 Glyph of Warding p. 91
3 Create Food and Water p. 70 9 Locate Object p. 103
4 Cure Blindness p. 71 10 Prayer p. 118
5 Cure Disease p. 71 11 Remove Curse p. 126
6 Dispel Magic p. 77 12 Speak with Dead p. 133
Level Four
1 Cure Serious Wounds p. 72 6 Neutralise Poison p. 112
2 Detect Lie p. 75 7 Protection From Evil 10 ft r. p. 121
3 Divination p. 78 8 Speak With Plants p. 134
4 Exorcise p. 81 9 Sticks to Snakes p. 136
5 Lower Water p. 104 10 Tongues p. 141
Level Five
1 Atonement p. 57 6 Insect Plague p. 98
2 Commune p. 64 7 Plane Shift p. 115
3 Cure Critical Wounds p. 71 8 Quest p. 123
4 Dispel Evil p. 76 9 Raise Dead p. 123
5 Flame Strike p. 87 10 True Seeing p. 143
Level Six
1 Aerial Servant p. 52 6 Heal p. 93
2 Animate Object p. 54 7 Part Water p. 112
3 Blade Barrier p. 58 8 Speak With Monsters p.134
4 Conjure Animals p. 66 9 Stone Tell p. 137
5 Find the Path p. 84 10 Word of Recall p. 149
Level Seven
1 Astral Spell p. 56 6 Regenerate p. 124
2 Control Weather p. 69 7 Restoration p. 127
3 Earthquake p. 78 8 Resurrection p. 127
4 Gate p. 89 9 Symbol p. 138
5 Holy Word p. 95 10 Wind Walk p. 148
Druid Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Druid Spell List
Level One
1 Animal Friendship p. 53 7 Locate Animals p. 103
2 Detect Magic p. 75 8 Pass Without Trace p. 113
3 Detect Pits and Snares p. 75 9 Predict Weather p. 118
4 Entangle p. 80 10 Purify Water p. 122
5 Faerie Fire p. 82 11 Shillelagh p. 131
6 Invisibility to Animals p. 100 12 Speak with Animals p. 133
Level Two
1 Barkskin p. 58 7 Heat Metal p. 93
2 Charm Person or Mammal p. 62 8 Locate Plants p. 103
3 Create Water p. 70 9 Obscurement p. 112
4 Cure Light Wounds p. 72 10 Produce Flame p. 120
5 Feign Death p. 83 11 Trip p. 143
6 Fire Trap p. 86 12 Warp Wood p. 147
Level Three
1 Call Lightning p. 60 7 Pyrotechnics p. 122
2 Cure Disease p. 71 8 Snare p. 133
3 Hold Animal p. 94 9 Stone Shape p. 137
4 Neutralise Poison p. 112 10 Summon Insects p. 138
5 Plant Growth p. 116 11 Tree p. 143
6 Protection From Fire p. 121 12 Water Breathing p. 147
Level Four
1 Animal Summoning I p. 53 7 Hold Plant p. 95
2 Call Woodland Beings p. 60 8 Plant Door p. 115
3 Control Temperature 10 ft r. p. 68 9 Produce Fire p. 120
4 Cure Serious Wounds p. 72 10 Protection From Lightning p. 121
5 Dispel Magic p. 77 11 Repel Insects p. 126
6 Hallucinatory Forest p. 92 12 Speak with Plants p. 134
Level Five
1 Animal Growth p. 53 6 Insect Plague p. 98
2 Animal Summoning II p. 54 7 Pass Plant p. 113
3 Anti-Plant Shell p. 55 8 Sticks to Snakes p. 136
4 Commune with Nature p. 65 9 Transmute Rock to Mud p. 142
5 Control Winds p. 69 10 Wall of Fire p. 145
Level Six
1 Animal Summoning III p. 54 6 Fire Seeds p. 85
2 Anti-Animal Shell p. 55 7 Transport via Plants p. 142
3 Conjure Fire Elemental p. 67 8 Turn Wood p. 144
4 Cure Critical Wounds p. 71 9 Wall of Thorns p. 147
5 Feeblemind p. 83 10 Weather Summoning p. 147
Level Seven
1 Animate Rock p. 55 6 Creeping Doom p. 70
2 Chariot of Fire p. 61 7 Finger of Death p. 85
3 Confusion p. 65 8 Fire Storm p. 86
4 Conjure Earth Elemental p. 66 9 Reincarnate p. 124
5 Control Weather p. 69 10 Transmute Metal to Wood p. 142
Illusionist Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Illusionist Spell List
Level One
1 Audible Glamour p. 57 7 Detect Invisibility p. 74
2 Change Self p. 60 8 Gaze Reflection p. 90
3 Colour Spray p. 64 9 Hypnotism p. 96
4 Dancing Lights p. 72 10 Light p. 102
5 Darkness p. 72 11 Phantasmal Force p. 114
6 Detect Illusion p. 74 12 Wall of Fog p. 146
Level Two
1 Blindness p. 58 7 Improved Phantasmal Force p. 97
2 Blur p. 59 8 Invisibility p. 99
3 Deafness p. 73 9 Magic Mouth p. 106
4 Detect Magic p. 75 10 Mirror Image p. 109
5 Fog Cloud p. 87 11 Misdirection p. 109
6 Hypnotic Pattern p. 96 12 Ventriloquism p. 144
Level Three
1 Continual Darkness p. 68 7 Invisibility 10 ft r. p. 99
2 Continual Light p. 68 8 Non-Detection p. 112
3 Dispel Illusion p. 77 9 Paralysation p. 112
4 Fear p. 82 10 Rope Trick p. 128
5 Hallucinatory Terrain p. 92 11 Spectral Force p. 134
6 Illusory Script p. 97 12 Suggestion p. 137
Level Four
1 Confusion p. 66 5 Massmorph p. 107
2 Dispel Exhaustion p. 77 6 Minor Creation p. 108
3 Emotion p. 79 7 Phantasmal Killer p. 114
4 Improved Invisibility p. 97 8 Shadow Monsters p. 129
Level Five
1 Chaos p. 61 5 Project Image p. 120
2 Demi-Shadow Monsters p. 74 6 Shadow Door p. 129
3 Major Creation p. 106 7 Shadow Magic p. 129
4 Maze p. 107 8 Summon Shadow p. 138
Level Six
1 Conjure Animals p. 66 5 Programmed Illusion p. 120
2 Demi-Shadow Magic p. 73 6 Shades p. 129
3 Mass Suggestion p. 107 7 True Sight p. 143
4 Permanent Illusion p. 114 8 Veil p. 144
Level Seven
1 Alter Reality p. 53 4 Prismatic Spray p. 119
2 Arcane Spells Level 1 p. 56 5 Prismatic Wall p. 119
3 Astral Spell p. 56 6 Vision p. 145
Magic User Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Magic User Spell List
Level One
1 Affect Normal Fires p. 52 16 Light p. 102
2 Burning Hands p. 59 17 Magic Aura p. 105
3 Charm Person p. 61 18 Magic Missile p. 106
4 Comprehend Languages p. 65 19 Mending p. 107
5 Dancing Lights p. 72 20 Message p. 108
6 Detect Magic p. 75 21 Protection From Evil p. 121
7 Enlarge p. 80 22 Push p. 122
8 Erase p. 80 23 Read Magic p. 124
9 Feather Fall p. 83 24 Shield p. 131
10 Find Familiar p. 84 25 Shocking Grasp p. 131
11 Floating Disk p. 87 26 Sleep p. 132
12 Friends p. 89 27 Spider Climb p. 135
13 Hold Portal p. 95 28 Unseen Servant p. 144
14 Identify p. 96 29 Ventriloquism p. 145
15 Jump p. 100 30 Write p. 149
Level Two
1 Audible Glamour p. 57 13 Locate Object p. 103
2 Continual Light p. 68 14 Magic Mouth p. 106
3 Darkness 15 ft r. p. 73 15 Mirror Image p. 109
4 Detect Evil p. 74 16 Pyrotechnics p. 123
5 Detect Invisibility p. 75 17 Ray of Enfeeblement p. 124
6 ESP p. 81 18 Rope Trick p. 128
7 False Trap p. 82 19 Scare p. 128
8 Fool’s Gold p. 88 20 Shatter p. 130
9 Forget p. 88 21 Stinking Cloud p. 136
10 Invisibility p. 99 22 Strength p. 137
11 Knock p. 100 23 Web p. 148
12 Levitate p. 101 24 Wizard Lock p. 149
Level Three
1 Blink p. 58 13 Infravision p. 98
2 Clairaudience p. 62 14 Invisibility 10 ft r. p. 99
3 Clairvoyance p. 63 15 Lightning Bolt p. 102
4 Dispel Magic p. 77 16 Monster Summoning I p. 109
5 Explosive Runes p. 81 17 Phantasmal Force p. 114
6 Feign Death p. 84 18 Protection From Evil 10 ft r. p. 121
7 Fireball p. 86 19 Protection From Normal Missiles p. 122
8 Flame Arrow p. 87 20 Slow p. 132
9 Fly p. 87 21 Suggestion p. 138
10 Gust of Wind p. 92 22 Tiny Hut p. 141
11 Haste p. 93 23 Tongues p. 141
12 Hold Person p. 94 24 Water Breathing p. 147
Magic User Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Magic User Spell List
Level Four
1 Charm Monster p. 61 13 Ice Storm p. 96
2 Confusion p. 66 14 Massmorph p. 107
3 Dig p. 76 15 Minor Globe of Invulnerability p. 108
4 Dimension Door p. 76 16 Mnemonic Enhancement p. 109
5 Enchanted Weapon p. 79 17 Monster Summoning II p. 110
6 Extension I p. 81 18 Plant Growth p. 116
7 Fear p. 82 19 Polymorph Other p. 116
8 Fire Charm p. 85 20 Polymorph Self p. 117
9 Fire Shield p. 86 21 Remove Curse p. 126
10 Fire Trap p. 86 22 Wall of Fire p. 145
11 Fumble p. 89 23 Wall of Ice p. 146
12 Hallucinatory Terrain p. 92 24 Wizard Eye p. 149
Level Five
1 Airy Water p. 52 13 Mage’s Faithful Hound p. 104
2 Animal Growth p. 53 14 Magic Jar p. 105
3 Animate Dead p. 54 15 Monster Summoning III p. 110
4 Cloudkill p. 64 16 Passwall p. 113
5 Cone of Cold p. 65 17 Secret Chest p. 128
6 Conjure Elemental p. 66 18 Stone Shape p. 137
7 Contact Other Plane p. 67 19 Telekinesis p. 139
8 Distance Distortion p. 77 20 Teleport p. 140
9 Extension II p. 82 21 Transmute Rock to Mud p. 142
10 Feeblemind p. 83 22 Wall of Force p. 146
11 Hold Monster p. 94 23 Wall of Iron p. 146
12 Interposing Hand p. 99 24 Wall of Stone p. 146
Level Six
1 Anti-Magic Shell p. 55 13 Invisible Stalker p. 100
2 Control Weather p. 69 14 Legend Lore p. 101
3 Death Spell p. 73 15 Lower Water p. 104
4 Disintegrate p. 76 16 Monster Summoning IV p. 110
5 Enchant an Item p. 79 17 Move Earth p. 111
6 Extension III p. 82 18 Part Water p. 113
7 Forceful Hand p. 88 19 Project Image p. 120
8 Freezing Sphere p. 88 20 Reincarnation p. 125
9 Geas p. 90 21 Repulsion p. 126
10 Glasseye p. 90 22 Spirit-rack p. 135
11 Globe of Invulnerability p. 91 23 Stone to Flesh p. 137
12 Guards and Wards p. 91 24 Transformation p. 141
Level Seven
1 Cacodemon p. 59 9 Mass Invisibility p. 106
2 Charm Plants p. 62 10 Monster Summoning V p. 110
3 Delayed Blast Fireball p. 73 11 Phase Door p. 115
4 Duo-Dimension p. 78 12 Power Word Stun p. 117
5 Grasping Hand p. 91 13 Reverse Gravity p. 127
6 Instant Summons p. 98 14 Simulacrum p. 131
7 Limited Wish p. 102 15 Statue p. 136
8 Mage’s Sword p. 104 16 Vanish p. 144
Magic User Spell List CHAPTER II: SPELLS Airy Water
Level Eight
1 Antipathy/ Sympathy p. 55 9 Mind Blank p. 108
2 Clenched Fist p. 63 10 Monster Summoning VI p. 111
3 Clone p. 63 11 Permanency p. 113
4 Glass-steel p. 90 12 Polymorph Object p. 116
5 Incendiary Cloud p. 97 13 Power Word Blind p. 117
6 Irresistible Dance p. 100 14 Spell Immunity p. 134
7 Mass Charm p. 106 15 Symbol p. 139
8 Maze p. 107 16 Trap the Soul p. 143
Level Nine
1 Astral Spell p. 56 7 Power Word Kill p. 117
2 Crushing Hand p. 70 8 Prismatic Sphere p. 118
3 Gate p. 89 9 Shape Change p. 130
4 Imprisonment p. 97 10 Temporal Stasis p. 140
5 Meteor Swarm p. 108 11 Time Stop p. 140
6 Monster Summoning VII p. 111 12 Wish p. 148
When fetching forth a living subject, the aerial Level: Magic user 5
servant always gains the benefit of surprise on its Range: Caster
first attack for four surprise segments (unless it is Duration: 1 turn/ level
detected). When the aerial servant scores a hit, it Area of Effect: 10 ft radius sphere or 20 ft radius
has successfully grabbed hold of its target and hemisphere
may bring it back to the cleric if the aerial servant Components: V,S,M
Alter Reality CHAPTER II: SPELLS Animal Summoning I
Casting Time: 5 segments druid may only have animal friends with hit dice
Saving Throw: None totaling twice his or her level. (The total hit dice
can thus increase as the druid gains levels.)
This spell transforms water or other non-magical
liquids into a bubble of air in the area surrounding ANIMAL GROWTH - Druid (Reversible)
the caster. The bubble has the same density as Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
water and will not support the magic user in the
water; he or she will sink or float as normal, Level: Druid 5
surrounded by the bubble’s atmosphere. The Range: 80 ft
oxygen content of the air in the bubble does not Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level
run out until the spell expires. Area of Effect: Up to 8 animals in a 10 ft radius
Components: V,S,M
ALTER REALITY Casting Time: 7 segments
Phantasmal Illusion Saving Throw: None
This spell has the same effect as the magic user ANIMAL GROWTH - Magic User (Reversible)
spell limited wish, but requires the creation of a Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
phantasmal force prior to casting, which serves as
a focus for the spell. Level: Magic user 5
Range: 60 ft
ANIMAL FRIENDSHIP Duration: 1 round/ level
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm Area of Effect: Up to 8 animals in a 20 ft square
Level: Druid 1 Components: V,S
Range: 10 ft Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One normal animal
Components: V,S,M Other than as noted above, this spell is identical
Casting Time: 6 turns to the druidic spell animal growth.
Saving Throw: Negates
The animal friendship spell enchants a normal Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning
animal of neutral alignment to become the druid’s
faithful friend and companion. The animal to be Level: Druid 4
enchanted must not be completely unintelligent Range: 120 ft/ level
but cannot be of greater than animal intelligence. Duration: See below
If the animal fails its saving throw (made at the Area of Effect: See below
beginning of the spell’s casting), it will remain Components: V,S,M
docile for the remainder of the casting time. Once Casting Time: 6 segments
the spell is complete, the animal will remain with Saving Throw: None
the druid and can learn tricks similar to those that
could be taught to a well-trained domestic pet. A druid may use this spell to summon normal or
Each trick takes a week to learn, and after the giant animals of a specified type. The animals
animal has been with the druid for three months it must be within the spell’s range to be summoned.
will no longer be able to learn new tricks. During Up to three summoning attempts may be made if
this period, if the animal is left alone by the druid animals of the specified type do not appear.
for more than three days, the enchantment will be Assuming that the summoned type of animal is
broken and the animal will revert to the wild. A within the spell’s range, up to eight animals will
Animal Summoning II CHAPTER II: SPELLS Animate Object
appear, of no more than four hit dice each. These permanent, but can be dispelled by the use of
animals will assist the druid with a specific dispel magic. Use of this spell is inherently not in
mission: winning a battle, travelling to a specific accordance with the good alignment and is
location, etc. seldom used by good clerics unless there is a
pressing need. Moreover, casting the spell in the
ANIMAL SUMMONING II confines of a city may subject the caster to inquiry
Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning by secular and religious authorities alike. A cleric
may animate one zombie or skeleton per caster
Level: Druid 5 level.
Range: 180 ft/ caster level
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 7 segments
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 6
Range: 240 ft/ caster level
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None ANIMATE DEAD - Magic User
Arcane Necromancy
This spell is similar to animal summoning I, but is
more powerful. The spell will summon up to four Level: Magic user 5
animals of no more than 16 HD each, or 16 Range: 10 ft
animals of no more than four HD each. Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: See below
ANIMATE DEAD - Cleric Components: V,S,M
Clerical Necromancy Casting Time: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Level: Cleric 3
Range: 10 ft Other than as noted above, this spell is identical
Duration: Permanent to the clerical spell animate dead.
Area of Effect: See below
Casting Time: 1 round Clerical Transmutation/Alteration
Saving Throw: None
Level: Cleric 6
By casting this spell, the cleric calls the bones or Range: 30 ft
bodies of dead humans or humanoids to rise and Duration: 1 round/ caster level
become lesser undead (skeletons or zombies). Area of Effect: 1 cubic ft/ caster level
The undead will obey their creator’s simple Components: V,S
commands, following him or her, or perhaps Casting Time: 9 segments
guarding a location he or she designates against Saving Throw: None
any creature (or not guarding it against certain
creatures) that might enter. The spell’s effects are
Animate Rock CHAPTER II: SPELLS Antipathy/Sympathy
By means of this spell, the cleric “brings to life” an Level: Magic user 6
inanimate object, allowing it to move and follow Range: Caster
the cleric’s simple commands. The GM will Duration: 1 turn/ level
determine an object’s speed and combat Area of Effect: 5 ft radius/ level globe
specifics. An object’s mode of locomotion will Components: V,S
determine its speed: rocking (a pedestal or Casting Time: 1 segment
bookshelf) at ten ft/ round, slithering (rope, carpet) Saving Throw: None
at 10-30 ft per round, walking (statue, table) at 40-
80 ft/ round, scampering (footstool) at 120 ft/ An anti-magic shell is a bubble of space around
round. The object’s mode of attack (binding, the magic user that completely prevents all magic
striking, falling upon) and damage must be from operating within its confines. Spell effects do
adjudicated by the GM’s common sense, although not enter or function within the shell, providing the
as a guideline, an item of approximately human caster with complete protection from gaze attacks,
weight will be able to strike for 2d4 hit points of hostile spells, and even the entrance of conjured
damage. or summoned creatures into his or her vicinity.
The drawback of an anti-magic shell, of course, is
ANIMATE ROCK that the caster him- or herself cannot cast spells
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration or avail him- or herself of magic items while
inside. Magic weapons, armour, and the like do
Level: Druid 7 not gain their bonuses or abilities while inside the
Range: 40 ft shell, but would still function as non-magical
Duration: 1 round/ caster level weapons or armour.
Area of Effect: 2 ft cube/ caster level
Casting Time: 9 segments Druidic Abjuration
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 5
This spell allows the druid to animate and Range: 0
command a stone object in the same way that a Duration: 1 turn/ caster level
cleric commands an animated object with the Area of Effect: 80 ft radius sphere (or
animate object spell. The object to be animated hemisphere)
cannot be part of a larger stone structure. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 7 segments
ANTI-ANIMAL SHELL Saving Throw: None
Druidic Abjuration
When the druid finishes casting this spell, an
Level: Druid 6 invisible barrier forms in an 80 ft radius around the
Range: 0 caster and is immobile thereafter. No vegetable
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level matter (including missiles formed of vegetable
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius sphere (or matter, such as wooden arrows) can penetrate the
hemisphere) barrier.
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round ANTIPATHY/SYMPATHY
Saving Throw: None Arcane Enchantment/ Charm
This spell creates an immobile field of force that Level: Magic user 8
hedges out all animal matter. Note that undead Range: 30 ft
and beings not of the material plane are not Duration: 12 turns/ level
considered animal matter. The druid’s allies must, Area of Effect: Area 10 ft cube/ level, or a single
of course, be within the field at the time it is object.
conjured forth, for they themselves are Components: V,S,M
presumably of animal matter. Casting Time: 6 turns
Saving Throw: See below
Arcane Abjuration This spell affects an area or an object with a
magical aura that repels or attracts a certain,
Arcane Spells, Level 1 CHAPTER II: SPELLS Astral Spell
specified type of being. Either a race of creature Casting an astral spell allows the cleric and up to
or an alignment must be specified. Note that if the five companions to leave their material bodies and
spell is cast upon an object rather than an area, travel through the astral plane to other planes of
the targeted type of creature will have a penalty of existence. As the spell is cast, the character’s
–2 on the saving throw. If the magic user creates material body enters a trance-like state of
an antipathy for the area or object, the targeted suspended animation while his or her
creature type will feel an intense desire to stay consciousness enters the astral plane. The astral
away from it. A saving throw applies, permitting plane is a nexus with other planes of existence
the creature to remain, or to touch the object, but beyond, and the cleric may choose to enter these
even if the saving throw is successful the creature other planes of existence. If a character does
will feel extremely uncomfortable in its presence. transcend from the astral into another plane, he or
Creatures that are able to remain in the area or she becomes a physical manifestation in that
near the object will begin to lose one point of existence, forming a duplicate body identical to
dexterity per round (maximum four points) from the one left in stasis back in the material plane. It
discomfort. is possible to travel astrally to other locations in
the material plane, but a new body cannot be
If the magic user creates sympathy for an object formed in a plane where the character already has
or area, on the other hand, the targeted creature a physical manifestation. While travelling in the
type will feel attracted to the area or object, astral plane, and after a new physical
pleased to remain in the vicinity, or covetous of manifestation has formed on a plane beyond the
the “precious” item. If the creature does not make astral, the character remains connected to his or
a saving throw, it will do whatever is in its power her original body by a “silver cord,” an invisible,
to stay in contact with the area or the enchanted mystical link. If the silver cord is broken or
object. severed (some threats in the astral plane can
cause this to happen), the character dies, both on
ARCANE SPELLS, LEVEL 1 the material plane and in astral form.
Most magic items lose some or all of their power
Level: Illusionist 7 on the astral plane. Unless an item’s magical
Range: See below qualities are imbued so deeply as to exist in many
Duration: See below planes, an astral traveller’s physical manifestation
Area of Effect: See below on another plane will be equipped with only the
Components: See below unenchanted substance of otherwise magic items
Casting Time: See below and weapons.
Saving Throw: See below
ASTRAL SPELL - Illusionist
This spell enables the illusionist to memorise Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration
several first level magic user spells in place of one
seventh level illusionist spell. The illusionist may Level: Illusionist 7
substitute a number of magic user spells equal to Range: Touch
his or her level minus ten (four at 14th level, five Duration: See below
at 15th level, etc.). The mage spells must be Area of Effect: One to six creatures
chosen at the same time as the Arcane Spells, Components: V,S
Level 1 spell is memorised. Casting Time: 3 turns
Saving Throw: None
Clerical Transmutation/Alteration Other than as described above, this spell is
identical to the clerical spell of the same name.
Level: Cleric 7
Range: Touch ASTRAL SPELL - Magic User
Duration: See below Arcane Evocation
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V,S Level: Magic user 9
Casting Time: 3 turns Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Atonement CHAPTER II: SPELLS Augury
changes of location take a toll upon the caster, Level: Magic user 1
who has a 25% chance of failing at attempts to Range: Caster
cast spells, use most magic items, or take any Duration: 1 round
action beyond making physical attacks. Area of Effect: Fan of flame 3 ft long in a 120-
degree arc
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Phantasmal Illusion Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
The illusionist’s outline becomes blurred, as if This spell summons a demon or other fiend (such
seen through shimmering waves of heat. In as a devil) from the lower planes of existence into
consequence, the illusionist gains a bonus of +1 the material planes. In order to cast the spell, the
against any targeted magical attack. Additionally, caster must know the fiend’s true name, but such
any opponent’s first attack against the illusionist information is often contained in forbidden tomes
will incur a penalty of –4, and subsequent attacks of lost lore. The spell cannot summon the lesser
incur a penalty of –2 (after one attack, the sorts of demons that have no personal names, nor
opponent has become accustomed to the spell’s is it powerful enough to summon members of the
distorting effect). demonic or diabolical nobility. The spell provides
no protection whatsoever against the wrath of the
summoned creature—and make no mistake, the
summoned creature will be extremely resentful of
the caster’s temerity.
Call Lightning CHAPTER II: SPELLS Chant
it might be able to twist the spirit of the If there is an evil character in the druid’s party, the
agreement while still abiding to the letter of it. summoned creatures gain an additional saving
throw to avoid the effects of the spell, at a bonus
Certain spells (spirit-rack or trap the soul, for of +4. Creatures that may be summoned by this
example) can be (and often are) used to spell include:
strengthen the magic user’s hand in any
negotiations with a demon. Centaurs 1d4
Pixies 1d8
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration Treant 1
Unicorn 1
Level: Druid 3
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level
Area of Effect: 360 ft radius
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: Half
Chaos CHAPTER II: SPELLS Charm Person
which not only lend divine favour to the cleric and Saving Throw: None
his or her allies but also bring disfavour to their
foes. For so long as the cleric remains stationary A chariot of fire, drawn by two flaming steeds,
and continues to chant, his or her allies (within the appears with an echoing thunderclap when the
area of effect) gain a bonus of +1 to all attack druid completes the final words of this spell. The
rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Enemies druid may, by touch, make up to eight of his or her
within the spell’s area of effect also suffer a –1 to companions immune to the furnace-like
all such die rolls. If the cleric sustains damage, is conveyance; anyone else within five ft of the
grappled, or is in some way silenced, the effect of horses or the chariot will sustain 2d4 hp of
the spell will end. damage per round. The chariot can travel over
land at a speed of 240 ft/ round and can fly at a
CHAOS speed of 480 ft/ round, obeying the caster’s
Phantasmal Enchantment/ Charm shouted instructions. It is possible for the chariot
and horses to sustain damage from magical
Level: Illusionist 5 weapons or from water (which does only one hp
Range: 5 ft/ level of damage). Chariot and horses each have 30 hp
Duration: 1 round/ level and are AC 2; if a single horse is dispelled by
Area of Effect: Up to 40 x 40 ft taking physical damage, the chariot’s speed will
Components: V,S,M be halved. The chariot prevents normal fire from
Casting Time: 5 segments affecting its passengers, but they may take
Saving Throw: See below damage from magical fire attacks. The chariot and
horses are themselves immune to all fire, magical
This spell causes a number of creatures in the or otherwise.
spell’s area of effect to behave strangely and
unpredictably. All creatures in the spell’s area of CHARM MONSTER
effect become confused (see below for effect), Arcane Enchantment/ Charm
and only illusionists, fighters, and creatures with
an intelligence of four or lower are entitled to a Level: Magic user 4
saving throw at all. Those entitled to a saving Range: 60 ft
throw must check each round to avoid becoming Duration: See below
confused. Creatures that fail their saving throws (if Area of Effect: See below
entitled to one at all) act randomly in accordance Components: V,S
with the following table: Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: Negates
d% Action
01-10 Attacks the illusionist or his or her allies This spell operates as charm person does, but
11-20 Acts normally can affect any living creature; possibly more than
21-50 Babbles incoherently one, depending on the monsters’ level value. See
51-70 Meanders away from caster for a full turn the chart below:
71-00 Attacks nearest creature
Level value Number Chance/ week to
Note: A creature that meanders away is not of monsters affected break enchantment
entitled to further saving throws, but will be freed Level 1 2d4 5%
from the spell’s effects after taking a full turn of Level 2 1d4 10%
movement (at normal speed) away from the Level 3 1d2 15%
caster. Level 4 1 25%
Level 5 1 35%
CHARIOT OF FIRE Level 6 1 45%
Druidic Evocation Level 7 1 60%
Level 8 1 75%
Level: Druid 7 Level 9+ 1 90%
Range: 10 ft
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/ caster level CHARM PERSON
Area of Effect: See below Arcane Enchantment/ Charm
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Charm Person or Mammal CHAPTER II: SPELLS Clairaudience
Clairvoyance CHAPTER II: SPELLS Clone
Cloudkill CHAPTER II: SPELLS Commune
If the situation persists, the clone is 70% likely to creatures caught within the light may be affected,
go insane, a 20% chance that the original will go and the spell can only affect 1 hit die of creatures
insane, and a 5% chance that both will become per caster level. Creatures with HD equal to or
insane, with a 5% chance that both will somehow less than the caster’s are rendered unconscious
accept that they co-exist. by the burst of colours. If the creature’s hit dice
exceed the caster’s by 1-2, the creature is blinded
It takes 2d4 months for the caster to grow the for 1d4 rounds. If the creature has 3+ hit dice in
clone in his vats before it becomes a true excess of the caster’s, it is merely stunned for 2d4
duplicate of the original. If the process of vat- segments. Any creature with hit dice exceeding
growth is interrupted prematurely, the clone will be the caster’s (and creatures of 6+ HD regardless of
utterly insane, hating all living things, and may the caster’s level) are entitled to a saving throw.
become psychotic.
CLOUDKILL Clerical Enchantment/Charm
Arcane Evocation
Level: Cleric 1
Level: Magic user 5 Range: 10 ft
Range: 10 ft Duration: 1 round
Duration: 1 round/ level Area of Effect: 1 living creature
Area of Effect: Cloud 40 ft wide, 20 ft high, 20 ft Components: V
deep Casting Time: 1 segment
Components: V,S Saving Throw: See below
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: See below By speaking a single word of command with the
force of divine power behind it, the cleric may
This spell calls into being a poisonous cloud of force a creature to obey an order. The creature
roiling vapour, heavier than air, which moves must be able to hear the cleric and understand the
along the ground (or into holes) at a movement language in which he or she utters the command.
rate of ten ft/ round. The eldritch poison of the The command may be only one word, must be a
cloud is so virulent that it kills creatures of fewer verb, and must be completely unambiguous.
than 4+1 HD instantly, with no saving throw. “Halt,” “Flee,” and “Sleep” are typical commands,
Creatures with 4+1 HD up to 5+1 HD are allowed but many others are possible. The effects may not
a saving throw at –4, and creatures of 5+2 up to 6 extend beyond a single round, and the command
HD must make a normal saving throw. Failure on “Die” has the same effect as the command to
the saving throw means that the victim dies. The “Sleep”.
spell is affected normally by winds, although it
magically avoids rolling back over the caster Creatures with intelligence of 13+ and/or hit dice
under any circumstances. It is dispersed in four of 6+ gain a saving throw against the spell’s
rounds by a strong wind, and by thick growths of influence.
vegetation if it rolls through these for a distance of
20 ft. COMMUNE
Clerical Divination
Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration Level: Cleric 5
Range: Caster
Level: Illusionist 1 Duration: 3 rounds (limited number of questions)
Range: 0 Area of Effect: See below
Duration: 1 segment Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Cone, 5 ft wide at origin, 45% arc, Casting Time: 1 turn
10 ft/ level long Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 segment The commune spell establishes a mystical link
Saving Throw: See below between the cleric and his or her deity, permitting
the cleric to ask one yes or no question per caster
The caster fans out his or her fingers, and a sheet level. This extraordinarily powerful divination spell
of unearthly-coloured light springs forth. 1d6 does not involve any chance of the cleric’s mis
Commune with Nature CHAPTER II: SPELLS Confusion
To cast this spell, the druid enters into a trance CONE OF COLD
that brings him or her into a state of oneness with Arcane Evocation
the natural surroundings.
Level: Magic user 5
He or she gains knowledge of the area, learning Range: 0
one fact for each of his or her caster levels. The Duration: Instantaneous
radius of the area with which the druid can Area of Effect: Cone 5 ft long per level, 1 ft
commune is a half-mile for every caster level. radius at base per level
Facts that the druid may divine include the paths Components: V,S,M
of water, inhabitants in a part of the region, etc. Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: Half
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm
Level: Druid 7
Range: 80 ft
Duration: 1 round/ level
Area of Effect: Up to a 20 ft radius
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: See below
Confusion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Conjure Elemental
strongest opponent, the difference is the number Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level
of additional creatures that must make saving Area of Effect: Conjured creatures
throws. This spell is extremely powerful; all saving Components: V,S
throws are made with a penalty of –2. Creatures Casting Time: 9 segments
that fail their saving throws (check each round) act Saving Throw: None
randomly in accordance with the following table:
A cleric may use this spell to conjure animal allies
d% Action from thin air and order them into combat. The total
01-10 Attacks the druid or his or her allies hit dice of summoned animals cannot exceed the
11-20 Acts normally cleric’s level, and the animals must all be of the
21-50 Babbles incoherently same type. This spell will only summon mammals,
51-70 Meanders away from caster for a full turn although giant or prehistoric forms of normal
71-00 Attacks nearest creature mammals may be conjured if these are present
within a few miles of the caster. The GM
Note: a creature that meanders away is not determines the specific type of animal that
entitled to further saving throws, but will be freed appears.
from the spell’s effects after taking a full turn of
movement (at normal speed) away from the CONJURE ANIMALS - Illusionist
caster. Phantasmal Conjuration/ Summoning
This spell affects a base number of 2d8 creatures. CONJURE EARTH ELEMENTAL (Reversible)
Except as noted above, it is otherwise identical to Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning
the druidic spell of the same name.
Level: Druid 7
CONFUSION - Magic User Range: 40 ft
Arcane Enchantment/ Charm Duration: 1 turn/ level
Area of Effect: See below
Level: Magic user 4 Components: V,S,M
Range: 120 ft Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Up to 60 x 60 ft
Components: V,S,M By means of this spell, the druid summons a 16
Casting Time: 4 segments HD elemental from the plane of earth. The spell is
Saving Throw: See below otherwise identical to the druidic spell conjure fire
elemental, but there is no chance to summon a
This spell affects a base number of 2-16 more powerful elemental, as exists when a druid
creatures, but is otherwise identical to the druidic summons fire elementals. As with conjuring fire
spell of the same name except as noted in the elementals, the earth elemental will be the druid’s
summary information above. ally by its own will; the druid requires no magical
wards against it and need not concentrate upon it
CONJURE ANIMALS - Cleric after the summoning is complete.
Clerical Conjuration/Summoning
Level: Cleric 6 Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Range: 30 ft
Conjure Fire Elemental CHAPTER II: SPELLS Contact Other Plane
Continual Darkness CHAPTER II: SPELLS Control Temperature
CONTINUAL LIGHT - Cleric (Reversible) This spell brings into being a bright, magical
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of
day. In all respects, the spell is identical to the first
Level: Cleric 3 level cleric spell light, but its effects are
Range: 120 ft permanent until dispelled. The light cast is greater
Duration: Permanent than that produced by a light spell, extending 60 ft
Area of Effect: 60 ft radius globe into the darkness. The magic user spell cannot be
Components: V,S used to create continual darkness.
Casting Time: 6 segments
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
This spell brings into being a bright, magical
illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of Level: Druid 4
day. In some respects the spell is identical to the Range: Caster
first level cleric spell light, but its effects are Duration: 4 turns + 1 turn/ caster level
permanent until dispelled. The light cast is greater Area of Effect: 10 ft radius
than that produced by a light spell, extending 60 ft Components: V,S,M
Control Weather CHAPTER II: SPELLS Control Winds
Create Food and Water CHAPTER II: SPELLS Crushing Hand
miles per hour, and wind speeds of 75+ mph are druidic spell has no reverse version; the druid may
as a full-fledged hurricane. create, but not destroy, water.
Upon completion of the ritual words of this spell, The terrifying creeping doom spell causes a
food and/or water will appear from thin air. A massive swarm of insects, spiders, and
caster of fifth level can conjure up enough food centipedes to boil forth from the ground in front of
and water to sustain a person or even a horse for the caster, marching in whatever direction he or
five full days. The volume of food and water pro- she orders, destroying and killing all that stands in
duced by the spell is approximately one cubic ft their way. The swarm is composed of (1d6+4)
per level of the caster. x100 non-flying vermin, each of which inflicts one
hit point of damage against an opponent before
CREATE WATER - Cleric (Reversible) dying. Only as many insects as are needed to kill
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration an opponent will die, and once the target is dead
the swarm will move on. If the druid allows the
Level: Cleric 1 swarm to get more than 80 ft away from his or her
Range: 10 ft person, 50 insects for every ten ft beyond this
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) range will depart the swarm. The druid can order
Area of Effect: Up to 30 cubic ft the swarm to attack specific targets and/or to
Components: V,S,M change direction. Although the spell can be
Casting Time: 1 round devastating (potentially causing as much as 1,000
Saving Throw: None hp of damage in total), many means can be used
to counter it—the most obvious being a fireball or
This spell creates potable water, four gallons per other area-of-effect damage spell.
level of the caster. The water may be created in a
receptacle or in thin air (whence it will, of course, CRUSHING HAND
fall). Water cannot be created inside a creature, Arcane Evocation
nor can it be created in any place the caster
cannot see. The reverse of the spell destroys Level: Magic user 9
water (including fog, steam, mist, etc.) in the same Range: 5 ft/ level
quantities as create water. Duration: 1 round/ level
Area of Effect: See below
CREATE WATER - Druid Components: V,S,M
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 2
Range: 10 ft This spell calls into existence a large, floating
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) hand much like that summoned by the other hand
Area of Effect: Up to 1 cubic ft/ caster level spells. The crushing hand attacks any foe the
Components: V,S caster directs, grabbing it and squeezing with
Casting Time: 1 turn great power. Damage increases as the hand
Saving Throw: None continues to constrict, doing 1d10 points of
damage in the first round, 2d10 points of damage
Other than as described above, this spell is similar in the second and third round, and 4d10 points of
to the clerical spell create water. Note that the damage per round thereafter. As with the other
hand spells, the hand has as many hit points as
Cure Blindness CHAPTER II: SPELLS Cure Light Wounds
its caster. The caster cannot engage in any other Range: Touch
activity while directing the hand. Duration: Instantaneous (permanent)
Area of Effect: Creature touched
CURE BLINDNESS (Reversible) Components: V,S
Clerical Abjuration Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None (Negates)
Level: Cleric 3
Range: Touch By means of this spell, the cleric may cure most
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) diseases by laying hands upon the afflicted
Area of Effect: Creature touched creature. Depending upon the nature of the
Components: V,S disease, full recovery may require as little time as
Casting Time: 1 round a single turn, or as long as a week. The spell’s
Saving Throw: None (Negates) reverse, cause disease, requires that the cleric
successfully touch the intended victim, who is
This powerful spell allows the cleric permanently permitted a saving throw against the spell’s in-
to remove virtually all forms of blindness. The sidious effects. If the saving throw is failed, the
reverse of the spell permits a saving throw, and effects of the disease will manifest within 1d6
the cleric must successfully touch the spell’s turns, inflicting one hit point of damage per turn
intended target to inflict blindness (permanent thereafter and one point of lost strength per hour
duration). (six turns) until the victim is reduced to 10% of his
or her original hit points and strength. Until the
CURE CRITICAL WOUNDS - Cleric (Reversible) disease is cured or runs its course, the afflicted
Clerical Necromancy person will not be able to naturally recover either
strength or hit points over and above 10%. The
Level: Cleric 5 disease runs its course in 1d6 days.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) CURE DISEASE - Druid (Reversible)
Area of Effect: Creature touched Druidic Necromancy
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 8 segments Level: Druid 3
Saving Throw: None (Negates) Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent)
This powerful spell is similar in nature to cure light Area of Effect: Creature touched
wounds, operating in the same fashion but healing Components: V,S,M
3d8+3 hit points of damage. The reverse of the Casting Time: 1 round
spell functions as cause critical wounds, but Saving Throw: None (Negates)
delivers 3d8+3 points of damage.
This spell, with the exception of any distinctions
CURE CRITICAL WOUNDS - Druid (Reversible) noted above, is identical to the clerical spell cure
Druidic Necromancy disease.
CURE DISEASE - Cleric (Reversible) Cure light wounds allows the cleric to lay hands
Clerical Abjuration upon a wounded creature, restoring 1d8 hit points
to the spell’s beneficiary. The reverse of the spell
Level: Cleric 3 operates in the same manner (although requiring
Cure Light Wounds CHAPTER II: SPELLS Darkness
a to hit roll), but inflicts 1d8 hit points rather than Except as may be noted above, this spell is
healing. If the cleric fails to hit while casting cause identical to the clerical spell of the same name.
light wounds, the spell is lost. This spell does not
heal disease, reattach limbs, or bring back the DANCING LIGHTS - Illusionist
dead, nor can it add hit points beyond a Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration
character’s normal number. Non-corporeal
creatures are not affected by this spell, nor are Level: Illusionist 1
undead, nor are creatures that are harmed only by Range: 40 ft + 10 ft/ level
iron, silver, or magical weapons. Duration: 2 rounds/ level
Area of Effect: 60 ft radius globe
CURE LIGHT WOUNDS - Druid (Reversible) Components: V,S,M
Druidic Necromancy Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 2
Range: Touch This spell creates small lights at a chosen
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) distance, under the caster’s control. The illusionist
Area of Effect: Creature touched may create 1-4 (at his or her option) torch-like
Components: V,S,M lights, 1-4 (at his or her option) spherical lights, or
Casting Time: 4 segments a single, faintly human-like glow. The lights move
Saving Throw: None (Negates) at the caster’s mental command, without any
particular concentration required. If the illusionist
The druidic cure light wounds is, except as allows the lights to move beyond the spell’s range,
described above, identical to the clerical spell of the lights will disappear and the spell will end.
the same name.
CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS - Cleric (Reversible) Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Clerical Necromancy
Level: Magic user 1
Level: Cleric 4 Range: 40 ft + 10 ft/ caster level
Range: Touch Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) Area of Effect: See below
Area of Effect: One creature Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 segment
Casting Time: 7 segments Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None (Negates)
Except as may be noted above, this spell is
A benison similar to cure light wounds, cure identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
serious wounds permits the cleric to lay on hands
for 2d8+1 hit points of healing. The spell’s limits
are otherwise similar to those of cure light
wounds. The reverse of the spell causes damage
rather than healing, requiring that the cleric
successfully touch the target.
Level: Druid 4
Range: Touch DARKNESS
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V,S,M Level: Illusionist 1
Casting Time: 6 segments Range: 40 ft + 10 ft/ level
Saving Throw: None (Negates) Duration: 2d4 rounds + 1 round/ level
Area of Effect: 15 ft radius globe
Components: V,S
Darkness, 15 ft radius CHAPTER II: SPELLS Demi-Shadow Magic
Casting Time: 1 segment two hit dice counts as one point, creatures of two
Saving Throw: None to less than four hit dice count as four points,
creatures of four to less than seven hit dice count
Except as may be noted above, this spell is as eight points, and creatures from seven to less
identical to the magic user spell darkness 15 ft than nine hit dice count as ten points. Creatures of
radius. the lowest hit dice die first, and fractional “kills”
(where insufficient points remain completely to
DARKNESS, 15 FT RADIUS slay the creature) have no effect. Material
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration components for the spell cost 1,000 gp.
Demi-Shadow Monsters CHAPTER II: SPELLS Detect Invisibility
This spell creates partially-real illusory monsters This spell allows the magic user to detect
in the same manner as the spell shadow emanations of evil (or good, in the case of the
monsters, but the demi-shadow monsters have spell’s reverse) within the spell’s area of effect, a
40% of normal hit points rather than 20%; if they beam-like pathway. The spell detects evil, not
are detected as only quasi-real, they inflict 40% of danger, so it will be useless to discover such
normal damage and are AC 8. things as a mindless trap or a poisoned
wineglass. Neither will it detect a cursed item
DETECT CHARM (Reversible) unless the nature of the curse is such that the
Clerical Divination cursed item becomes inherently evil.
Detect Invisibility CHAPTER II: SPELLS Detect Pits and Snares
trap if outdoors, and even indoors or underground rescued. The spell is subject to a maximum
he or she will detect the presence of pits. weight limit of 500 lbs of additional weight, with
each lb of living matter counting for twice its actual
DIG weight. Recovery from the experience of this form
Arcane Evocation of teleportation is not immediate, although it is
quite rapid. The caster cannot act for a period of
Level: Magic user 4 six segments following the transition.
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 1 round/ level DISINTEGRATE
Area of Effect: 5 ft cube/ level Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 4 segments Level: Magic user 6
Saving Throw: None Range: 5 ft/ level
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell causes dirt to begin piling out from the Area of Effect: See below
ground, digging a hole with tremendous speed. Components: V,S,M
The excavation proceeds at a rate of one 5 x 5 ft Casting Time: 6 segments
cube per round, as earth boils out of the area the Saving Throw: Negates
caster directs, landing to the edges of the pit. If
the spell is cast directly beneath a creature, the This spell disintegrates matter of any kind: animal,
creature will fall in without any possibility of a vegetable, or mineral. Matter of a magical nature
saving throw. Creatures at the edge of the pit will also be destroyed, although evocations of
have some likelihood of falling in; they must roll magic force (such as a wall of force, globe of
lower than their dexterity score on a d20 to avoid invulnerability, or shield) are not affected (not
sliding into the sudden maelstrom of moving being matter). An entire creature, or an area of
earth. A creature moving toward the pit during the non-living matter up to 10 x 10 ft/level, will be
first round in which digging begins must make a utterly obliterated by this powerful spell. The spell
saving throw vs spells (unlisted categories) or fall cannot be used to destroy both living and non-
into the hole. The spell can be used to excavate in living matter; once it hits its first target it will take
dirt, sand, or mud. Note that if the pit is taken effect upon that matter and not pass beyond.
deeper than 5 ft, there is a chance that it will
collapse in on itself (roughly 25%, adjusted by the DISPEL EVIL (Reversible)
GM for the type of material being dug). Clerical Abjuration
Dispel Exhaustion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Distance Distortion
alignment or those summoned for the purposes of properties of potions and the ongoing effects of
good. certain spells. All spell effects and relevant items
within the stated area of effect are subject to
DISPEL EXHAUSTION dispelling. Permanent magical items are not
Phantasmal Illusion disenchanted by the spell, with the exception of
potions, which are treated as 12th level for
Level: Illusionist 4 purposes of resolution. However, even a
Range: Touch permanently enchanted item must make a saving
Duration: 3 turns/ level throw or become non-operational for one round.
Area of Effect: Up to 4 creatures Any spells in the process of being cast in the
Components: V,S spell’s area of effect will be lost, and any ongoing
Casting Time: 4 segments spell effects (such as invisibility) will be dispelled.
Saving Throw: None
With respect to each potion, casting, or ongoing
This spell creates a powerful illusion of physical spell effect, the base chance of successful
health. Recipients “gain” 50% of any hit points that dispelling is increased 5% for every level by which
have been lost, and function for all intents and the caster’s level exceeds the caster level of the
purposes as if these hit points are real. The potion, the casting, or the spell effect. The base
illusory hit points are the first to be subtracted if chance is conversely reduced by 2% per level of
the character sustains damage. At the end of the difference if the caster is lower level than the
spell’s duration, the remaining illusory hit points caster of the magic to be dispelled. The spell will
are lost. Additionally, any character under the automatically negate the caster’s own spells if it is
influence of this spell can move (but not attack) at used for this purpose or if the caster has
double the normal speed. previously cast a spell into the same area.
This spell automatically dispels phantasmal forces This spell is identical in effect to the clerical spell
cast by non-illusionists. All other illusion spells are of the same name, with any exceptions being
treated as if this spell were a dispel magic (i.e., noted above.
with a 50% base chance to dispel, adjusted up or
down by 2% or 5% respectively, based on relative DISPEL MAGIC - Magic User
caster levels). Arcane Abjuration
Divination CHAPTER II: SPELLS Earthquake
Level: Magic user 5 to interpret the omens properly; the base chance
Range: 10 ft/ level to succeed in gaining truthful information is 60%,
Duration: 1 turn/ level and rises by another 1% per caster level. The
Area of Effect: 100 square ft/ level chance may also be adjusted by the GM as
Components: V,S,M necessary.
Casting Time: 6 segments
Saving Throw: None If the cleric’s reading of the omens is not correct,
of course, he or she will be operating on
This spell is cast with a summoned earth completely false and useless “insights.” The
elemental as its focus. The casting of the spell is casting of a divination spell is quite dramatic,
fascinating to summoned elementals and is involving the sacrifice of a dove or other such
sufficient to maintain the caster’s control over the creature appropriate to the religion in question.
elemental (although he or she cannot command it Valuable items may also be sacrificed, and such
to act while in the process of casting). When the may increase the chance of the cleric receiving
casting is completed, the earth elemental clear omens that are easily interpreted.
disperses into the substance of the earth as
directed, where it creates a dimensional distortion DUO-DIMENSION
of the spell’s area of effect. Travel through the Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
distorted area takes twice as long (and seems
twice as far) as it should, or seems half as long Level: Magic user 7
and takes half the normal travel time (determined Range: Caster
by the caster when casting the spell). The area Duration: 3 rounds + 1/ level
does radiate magic, slightly, and the reality will be Area of Effect: Caster
perceived by true seeing (although the travel time Components: V,S,M
will still be altered even for those who know that Casting Time: 7 segments
the distance is distorted). Otherwise, the spell is Saving Throw: None
utterly undetectable.
By means of this spell, the caster reduces him- or
DIVINATION herself to a two-dimensional sheet with no third
Clerical Divination dimension. He or she can fit through the thinnest
of spaces provided they are large enough to
Level: Cleric 4 accommodate his or her remaining two dimen-
Range: Caster sions—he or she cannot bend down while two-
Duration: See below dimensional. Moreover, he or she can become
Area of Effect: Caster invisible by the simple expedient of turning
Components: V,S,M sideways. While two-dimensional, the caster can
Casting Time: 1 turn move, cast spells, and otherwise act normally. If
Saving Throw: None attacked from the front or back, however, he or
she takes three times normal damage. Casting
A divination spell gives the caster divine insight the spell requires expensive material components
about a particular place, examples being a ruined of (1d4+4)x1,000 gp in value.
castle, a particular region in a dungeon, or a small
vale. The location of the place must be known to EARTHQUAKE
the cleric (e.g., the “Red Mausoleum,” if a Clerical Transmutation/Alteration
legendary location, cannot be the focus of the
spell, but if the cleric has seen the doorway of the Level: Cleric 7
tomb, the spell will be effective). The spell yields Range: 120 ft
rich information compared to an augury, although Duration: 1 round
it may be couched in rather vague and Area of Effect: 5 ft diameter/ level
approximate terms. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
The spell reveals the relative power of the Saving Throw: None
creatures in the area, the treasure (“low,”
“moderate,” or “rich”), and chances of incurring The cleric invokes a small but intensely powerful
the wrath of gods or similar beings if the place is earthquake within this spell’s area of effect. The
disturbed. There is a chance that the cleric will fail
Emotion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Enchanted Weapon
spell may be used to create landslides, drain This spell is the culminating moment involved in
marshes, cave in tunnels, and collapse buildings. the creation of a true magic item, when the item is
Yawning cracks in the earth have a good chance actually infused with the magic properties it has
to swallow creatures in the area: the chance of been painstakingly prepared to hold. Before the
falling into such a crevice (by creature size) is one spell can actually be cast, the magic user must
in four (small), one in six (medium) and one in engage in considerable time-consuming and
eight (large). Being swallowed up in such fashion meticulous work, or the spell will certainly fail.
is, of course, fatal. Trees standing in the area of
an earthquake spell have a one in three chance of Firstly, the item itself must be of absolutely the
being uprooted. finest quality available, in terms of craftsmanship,
although it need not necessarily be fancy. In most
EMOTION cases, special components such as powders or
Phantasmal Enchantment/ Charm threads will be incorporated into the item’s con-
struction, costing not less than 100 gp. The
Level: Illusionist 4 casting of the spell takes 1d8+2 days, with the
Range: 10 ft/ level caster working steadily upon the item for eight
Duration: Until concentration ceases hours per day. No other spells may be cast during
Area of Effect: Up to 40 x 40 ft this period of time, nor can the magic user engage
Components: V,S in any other meaningful work. When the final
Casting Time: 4 segments words of the spell are spoken, the item makes a
Saving Throw: Negates saving throw against spells at the same level as
the magic user, but with success on the saving
By casting this spell, the illusionist is able to instill throw indicating that the spell has succeeded. A
others with one of four powerful emotions, each natural result of 1 on this roll always indicates
with a different effect, as described below: failure of the spell. At this point, the magic user
may begin to infuse the item with enchantments,
Fear: If the illusionist chooses to instill fear, the each of which requires 5d8 hours to complete.
spell’s effect is similar to that of the fear spell, but Most magic items will require unusual
with a –2 penalty applied to saving throws. components; dragon scales or blood for a sword
with an unusually high bonus against dragons, for
Hate: If the illusionist instills hate, the targets gain example. The GM will determine exactly what is
a +2 to saving throws, attacks, and damage. required for any particular magic item.
Hopelessness: The illusionist causes despair in This spell is not permanent unless a permanency
the target creatures, who will wander sadly away spell is cast upon it; the duration of the
or surrender in the face of a challenge such as a enchantment may be for a year or more without a
combat. permanency spell, but the enchantment will
eventually fail if it is not locked in to the item.
Rage: Creatures affected by rage attack at +1,
gain a damage bonus of +3, and gain a bonus of ENCHANTED WEAPON
five temporary hit points. Temporary hit points are Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
lost first if the creature incurs damage. The
affected creature will not willingly retreat from any Level: Magic user 4
combat or any opponent. Range: Touch
Duration: 5 rounds/ level
ENCHANT AN ITEM Area of Effect: See below
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Level: Magic user 6 Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch
Duration: See below With a touch of his or her hand, the magic user
Area of Effect: 1 item creates a weak and temporary enchantment upon
Components: V,S,M a full-sized weapon, or upon two smaller weapons
Casting Time: 1d8+2 days such as arrows, bolts, or daggers. The
Saving Throw: See below enchantment lends no bonus to hit, but may be
used to strike creatures that can be hit only with a
ENLARGE (Reversible) The druid casts this spell upon a particular spot,
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration whereupon all plants in a 20 ft radius of the
enchanted location immediately begin to writhe
Level: Magic user 1 violently about, whipping around and entangling
Range: 5 ft/ caster level any creature in the area. Creatures threatened in
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level this manner are entitled to a saving throw. If the
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object saving throw succeeds, the creature’s movement
Components: V,S,M rate is slowed to half normal; if the saving throw
Casting Time: 1 segment fails, the creature is so securely held in the plants
Saving Throw: Negates that it cannot move, attack, or cast spells for the
duration of the spell.
This spell causes a creature or object to grow in
size and weight. The spell increases a creature’s
size and weight by 20% for each level of the
caster (to a maximum increase of 200%) or
increases an object’s size and weight by 10% per
caster level (to a maximum increase of 100%).
The magic user’s power limits the volume of
material that he or she can enlarge; the mage can
affect no more than 10 cubic ft of living matter, or
5 cubic ft of non-living matter, per level. A normal
sized person doubled in size will generally have
strength of 18, and tripled in size would have
strength of 20+. The spell’s reverse applies in the
same ratios, but with the effect of reducing the
size of an object or creature. If the spell is cast on
an unwilling recipient, a successful saving throw
will negate the spell, but willing recipients may ERASE
choose to forgo the save. Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Exorcise CHAPTER II: SPELLS Extension I
Feather Fall CHAPTER II: SPELLS Feign Death
Components: V,S,M more than one type of magic must save using the
Casting Time: 4 segments average of their modifiers.)
Saving Throw: Negates
Except as may be noted above, this spell is Arcane Enchantment/ Charm
identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
Level: Magic user 5
FEATHER FALL Range: 10 ft/ level
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Level: Magic user 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: 10 ft/ caster level Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 1 segment/ caster level Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: 10 cubic ft
Components: V,M Except as may be noted above, this spell is
Casting Time: Less than 1 segment identical to the druidic spell feeblemind.
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes creatures or objects in the area Clerical Necromancy
of effect to fall as slowly and lightly as feathers, at
a rate of about ten ft in six seconds (one Level: Cleric 3
segment). No damage is taken from the distance Range: Touch
spent falling under the influence of the spell, but it Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/ level
is worthy of note that if the spell’s target has not Area of Effect: 1 willing creature
landed by the time the spell expires, the fall will Components: V,S,M
resume at normal speed and damage will be Casting Time: 2 segments
taken for the remaining distance. The magic user Saving Throw: None
can affect a weight of up to 200 lbs plus another
200 lbs/ caster level. The spell may be used to Except as described here, this spell is identical to
slow propelled objects such as arrows, but will not the third level magic user spell of the same name.
affect sword blows or other non-propelled forces. The clerical version of the spell is not subject to a
limit on the character level it can affect. Note that
FEEBLEMIND - Druid the spell cannot be cast upon an unwilling subject.
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm
Level: Druid 6 Druidic Necromancy
Range: 40 ft
Duration: Permanent Level: Druid 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature Range: 10 ft
Components: V,S Duration: 4 rounds + 2 rounds/ caster level
Casting Time: 8 segments Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3 segments
The insidious feeblemind spell affects only those Saving Throw: None
who can cast spells, tracing and poisoning the
mystical channels of their arcane power like a viral This spell magically slows the recipient’s
infection. The spell reduces a victim into a state of metabolism into a state so close to death that it is
extreme mental retardation, which condition impossible to distinguish the enspelled person
persists until the victim is magically restored by from a corpse by any means other than magical.
means of a heal, wish, or restoration spell. The The recipient can hear, smell, and think; the
different types of spell casting ability are not senses of touch and sight no longer function.
equally vulnerable to the feeblemind spell. Damage caused to the pseudo-corpse is reduced
Practitioners of clerical magic gain a bonus of +1 by one half, and the spell’s recipient will not even
to saving throws; druids save at –1; magic users know that the damage has been caused—
and illusionists save at –4. (Those who can use potentially a dangerous situation. A person under
the influence of this spell is not subject to level
Feign Death CHAPTER II: SPELLS Find the Path
Find Traps CHAPTER II: SPELLS Fire Seeds
Level: Druid 6
Range: 40 ft (see below)
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round/ seed
Saving Throw: Half
Fire Shield CHAPTER II: SPELLS Fireball
Flame Arrow CHAPTER II: SPELLS Fog Cloud
bead of light streaks from his or her pointed finger Upon the casting of this spell, a blazing column of
to the target area, and if it strikes another object fire descends from the air. Its searing flames
directly in its path the fireball will detonate engulf an area 10 ft in diameter, as set by the
immediately. The blast fills the entire volume of caster. Each creature caught within the flames will
the spell radius, and if it is cast into an enclosed suffer 6d8 points of damage, halved if the creature
area smaller than the area of effect the flames will makes a successful saving throw.
expand from this area until the spell’s full volume
has been reached. The volume of a 20 ft radius FLOATING DISK
sphere is approximately 33,500 cubic ft, and there Arcane Evocation
are 1,000 cubic ft in a 10 x 10 x 10 ft area, so in
an area with a 10 ft ceiling the fireball will fill ap- Level: Magic user 1
proximately thirty-three 10 x 10 ft squares. Thus, if Range: 20 ft
a fireball explodes in the middle of a corridor 10 ft Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn/ level
wide and 10 ft high, the blast will extend a Area of Effect: See below
staggering 165 ft in both directions. It is quite Components: V,S,M
possible, particularly in dungeoneering Casting Time: 1 segment
environments, for the magic user to be caught in Saving Throw: None
the backblast of his or her own fireball spell. The
flames do not create any significant change in air This evocation produces an invisible disk about
pressure, but the furnace-like heat causes all three ft across, shaped like a shallow bowl. The
items in the blast to make saving throws against disk floats in the air and moves in accordance with
magical fire or ignite (or, in the case of metals, the caster’s commands (although if it is allowed
melt). more than 20 ft from the caster it will disappear).
The disk cannot move faster than 60 ft per round.
FLAME ARROW A floating disk can carry up to 100 lbs per level of
Arcane Evocation the caster.
Fool’s Gold CHAPTER II: SPELLS Freezing Sphere
Saving Throw: None hand. Unlike the interposing hand, the forceful
hand can push opponents or objects. The hand
This spell creates a roiling mass of gas and can move a creature weighing 500 lbs or less. It
vapour, similar in appearance to a cloudkill spell. reduces the speed of a creature between 500 and
The fog cloud moves away from the caster at 10 2,000 lbs to no greater than 10 ft per round, and it
ft/round. Vision into the fog is limited to 2 ft. slows the movement of creatures heavier than
2,000 lbs but smaller than 8,000 lbs to one-half.
FOOL’S GOLD As in the case of the interposing hand, the forceful
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration hand has as many hit points as the caster.
Ice ray: a ray of cold lances from the caster’s This enchantment causes intense clumsiness in
hand, inflicting 4 hp per caster level against the affected creature. Attempting to run will result
anything in its path. A successful saving throw in an immediate fall to a prone position, and
results in no damage. Even if the ray strikes an anything held in hand (or claw, etc.) will be
object, it continues on the other side until it has dropped. A successful saving throw allows the
extended 10 ft per caster level or is stopped by a affected creature to act as if under the influence of
thickness of stone of 1 ft or more. The material a slow spell in order to avoid the spell’s full
component for this use is a gem worth 1,000 gp. effects.
Components: V,S performing, some task set by the caster. While the
Casting Time: 9 segments geas cannot compel suicide or its equivalent, it is
Saving Throw: None a very powerful spell. If the creature under the
geas avoids or is prevented from performing the
A gate spell creates an opening between the task, it will sicken and die within 1d4 weeks if the
material plane and another plane of existence, task is not resumed. The disease will, of course,
summoning forth a being from the other plane. create symptoms that the GM will determine; if the
The caster must know the name of the creature geas is resumed, these may or may not remain
he or she is attempting to summon, or the spell until the task is completed. Even a remove curse
will fail. The particular creature named in the spell will not remove a geas, although a wish spell
spell’s casting might choose not to step through is powerful enough to dispel it.
the gate into the material plane—summoning Thor
is unlikely to bring the thunder god from the halls GLASS-STEEL
of Valhalla—however, a being of some kind will Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
certainly respond to the summons. Thor, if
summoned, might choose to send a Valkyrie, for Level: Magic user 8
instance. Casting this spell can be risky, for the Range: Touch
caster has no control over the summoned Duration: Permanent
creature unless proper precautions are taken, Area of Effect: 1 object
such as a protection from evil spell, the drawing of Components: V,S,M
appropriate magical circles, etc. Beings Casting Time: 8 segments
summoned from distant planes, particularly beings Saving Throw: None
with individual names of their own, can be
powerful and irascible. This spell grants a glass object the strength of
steel, while retaining its transparent properties.
GAZE REFLECTION The weight of the object can be no more than ten
Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration lbs per caster level. In most cases, the object will
make item saving throws on the more favourable
Level: Illusionist 1 of the glass or metal tables.
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round GLASSEYE
Area of Effect: Air in front of caster Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 segment Level: Magic user 6
Saving Throw: None Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/ level
The air immediately in front of the caster takes on Area of Effect: See below
a mirror’s ability to reflect gaze attacks back upon Components: V,S,M
the attacker. The area does not create a reflective Casting Time: 1 round
surface to normal sight, and it can be seen Saving Throw: None
through by the caster and by other observers,
except those using gaze attacks. This spell causes opaque materials to become
transparent, either to the caster alone or to
GEAS anyone, at the caster’s option. The dimensions of
Arcane Enchantment/ Charm the transparent area are 3 x 2 ft, and the depth
depends upon the nature of the substance being
Level: Magic user 6 made transparent. Lead and gold, being the base
Range: Touch and pure metals respectively, are not affected by
Duration: See below the spell at all. Only four inches of any other metal
Area of Effect: 1 creature can be made transparent, but stone can be seen
Components: V,S through to a distance of 6 ft, and wood to a
Casting Time: 4 segments distance of 20 ft.
Saving Throw: None
Globe of Invulnerability CHAPTER II: SPELLS Guards and Wards
Gust of Wind CHAPTER II: SPELLS Hallucinatory Terrain
Round 1 No effect other than discomfort
Round 2 1d4 hp damage
Rounds 3-5 2d4 hp damage, severe blistering to
extremities (hands, feet), and
unconsciousness if the metal is a
Round 6 1d4 hp damage
Round 7 Discomfort
HEAL (Reversible)
Clerical Necromancy Round 1 No effect other than discomfort
Round 2 1d2 hp damage
Level: Cleric 6 Rounds 3-5 1d4 hp damage, severe frostbite
Range: Touch (possible need for amputation of
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) extremities such as fingers, ears)
Area of Effect: Creature touched Round 6 1d4 hp damage
Components: V,S Round 7 Discomfort
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None (Negates) Immersion in water will negate the effects of the
heat version of the spell, and magical protections
against the appropriate elements will negate both
versions. If no such options are available, the
Hold Animal CHAPTER II: SPELLS Hold Person
target of this spell is well advised to spend a Creatures held by this spell may be killed or
round divesting him- or herself of metal gauntlets bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the
and helmet at the very least, to avoid the side attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the
effects. normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm HOLD PERSON - Cleric
Clerical Enchantment/ Charm
Level: Druid 3
Range: 80 ft Level: Cleric 2
Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level Range: 60 ft
Area of Effect: 1d4 animals Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/ level
Components: V,S,M Area of Effect: 1-3 creatures
Casting Time: 5 segments Components: V,S,M
Saving Throw: Negates Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: Negates
A hold animal spell completely immobilises up to
four animals (i.e. creatures listed under “animal” in A hold person spell completely immobilises up to
Chapter IV) for the length of the spell’s duration. three medium-sized or smaller persons for the
The druid decides how many animals he or she spell’s duration. The cleric decides how many of
will target with the spell: if there is only one target, his or her foes he or she will target with the spell.
the saving throw is made at –4; if two, each If there is only one target, the saving throw is
makes the saving throw at –2; if three, the saving made at –2; if two, each makes the saving throw
throw is at –1; and if the druid seeks to hold four at –1; and if the cleric seeks to hold three
animals, each makes its saving throw with no enemies, each makes its saving throw with no
penalty. Animals held by this spell may be killed or penalty. If a magic item or spell operates partially
bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the to negate the effects of paralysis, failing the save
attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the will have the effect of a slow spell rather than
normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum completely immobilising the target. Creatures
damage. affected by this spell include humans, demi-
humans and humanoids. Ultimately, it is in the
HOLD MONSTER discretion of the GM to decide if a creature is
Arcane Enchantment/ Charm considered a “person” for the purposes of this
spell. Persons held by this spell may be killed or
Level: Magic user 5 bound at a rate of one per round, or, if the
Range: 5 ft/ level attacker chooses, may be attacked at twice the
Duration: 1 round/ level normal rate with an automatic hit, for maximum
Area of Effect: 1-4 creatures damage.
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 5 segments HOLD PERSON - Magic User
Saving Throw: Negates Arcane Enchantment/ Charm
Hold Plant CHAPTER II: SPELLS Holy Word
persons for the spell’s duration. The magic user HOLD PORTAL
decides how many of his or her foes he or she will Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
target with the spell: if there is only one target, the
saving throw is made at –3, if two, each makes Level: Magic user 1
the saving throw at –1, and if the magic user Range: 20 ft/ caster level
seeks to hold three or four enemies, each makes Duration: 1 round/ caster level
his or her saving throw with no penalty. Area of Effect: 1 portal up to 80 sq ft/ caster level
Components: V
Creatures affected by this spell would include Casting Time: 1 segment
humans, demi-humans and humanoids. Saving Throw: None
Ultimately, it is in the discretion of the GM to
decide if a creature is considered a “person” for This quickly-shouted spell holds fast a door or
the purposes of this spell. If a magic item or spell similar aperture as if it were securely locked. The
operates to partially negate the effects of portal must be something that normally opens and
paralysis, failure on the saving throw will have the closes, such as a door, gate, valve, or portcullis,
effect of a slow spell rather than completely and it must be closed for the spell to function. A
immobilising the target. magically held portal can be battered apart, but
will not open normally until the spell’s duration
Persons held by this spell may be killed or bound expires. This is not a particularly powerful spell;
at a rate of one per round, or, if the attacker any being not native to the material planes (such
chooses, may be attacked at twice the normal rate as a demon) will ignore its effects, as will a magic
with an automatic hit, for maximum damage. user four or more levels higher than the caster.
The spell may also be negated by means of a
HOLD PLANT knock or dispel magic.
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm
HOLY WORD (Reversible)
Level: Druid 4 Clerical Conjuration/ Summoning
Range: 80 ft
Duration: 1 round/ caster level Level: Cleric 7
Area of Effect: See below Range: 0
Components: V,S,M Duration: See below
Casting Time: 6 segments Area of Effect: 30 ft radius
Saving Throw: Negates Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
This spell affects plants that can move, whether Saving Throw: None
naturally or as the result of a spell. Plants affected
by the spell are frozen in place for the spell’s Holy word is a spell of intrinsically good alignment.
duration, and if the spell is cast upon normal The intonation of a holy word utterly banishes evil
vegetation (such as dry leaves), these will make creatures not native to the caster’s plane, hurling
no sound other than sounds caused by the wind. them back to their respective planes of existence.
In the case of moulds, fungi, and other plants that Additionally, creatures not of good alignment
cannot be considered separately, the spell affects (including those evil creatures which are native to
4-16 sq yards of space, as decided by the druid. the caster’s plane, as well as neutral creatures not
In the case of plant creatures such as treants, the of good alignment) will suffer effects from the holy
spell affects between one and four creatures, at word in accordance with the creature’s hit dice:
the caster’s option.
Less than 4 HD: Kills.
Depending upon how many creatures (or sq yards
of space) the druid targets, the saving throw 4-7 HD: Paralyses (duration 10-40 rounds).
against the spell is subject to different penalties. If
one creature (4 sq yards) is targeted, the saving 8-11 HD: Stuns, reduces move by 50%, causes
throw against the spell is made at a penalty of –4; -4 to attack rolls (duration 2-8 rounds).
two creatures or 8 sq yards suffer a penalty of –2;
three creatures or 12 sq yards suffer a penalty of 12+ HD: Deafens, reduces move by 25%, causes
–1; and four creatures or 16 sq yards suffer no -2 to attack rolls, causes 50% chance of
penalty on the saving throw. spell failure (duration 1-4 rounds).
Hypnotic Pattern CHAPTER II: SPELLS Identify
The illusionist traces magical patterns in the air The caster may evoke one of two different forms
with a lit stick of incense or other small light of ice storm with this spell: a hailstorm or a sleet
source. Any creature in the area of effect that storm. The hailstorm is a vicious barrage of huge
looks at the traceries of light must make a saving hailstones that pound into a 40 x 40 ft area,
throw or stay transfixed by the patterns. The spell throwing up bits of shrapnel-like ice fragments as
can affect a maximum of 25 hit dice worth of the hail shatters. Any creature within the area
creatures, and its effect persists for so long as the suffers 3d10 hit points of damage with no saving
caster chooses to continue tracing the patterns in throw. The sleet storm is a maelstrom of frozen
the air. rain in an 80 x 80 ft area, blinding all creatures in
the area of effect and making the footing so
HYPNOTISM slippery that all movement is cut by 50%. There is
Phantasmal Enchantment/ Charm also a 50% probability that any creature
attempting to move while in the sleet storm will
Level: Illusionist 1 slip and fall prone.
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/ level IDENTIFY
Area of Effect: 1d6 creatures Arcane Divination
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 segment Level: Magic user 1
Saving Throw: Negates Range: Touch
Duration: 1 segment/ caster level
The gestures of this spell weave a hypnotic power Area of Effect: One item
into the illusionist’s words, affecting 1d6 creatures. Components: V,S,M
Those not making their saving throws are subject Casting Time: 1 turn
to a suggestion made by the illusionist, identical to Saving Throw: See below
that made in the magic user spell suggestion (but
with a much shorter duration). The only indication This expensive and unreliable spell allows the
about whether a creature has been affected by magic user to discern the magical properties of an
the hypnotism is whether or not it responds to the item. The magic user must hold or wear the item
suggestion. as intended for use (thereby placing himself at risk
of a cursed item). For every segment of the spell’s
duration, the magic user has a 15% +5%/ caster
level of gaining an insight into the nature of the
item’s enchantment. Insights include magical
effects (and the corresponding command word)
and number of charges (plus or minus 25% of the
actual number). The exact bonus (or penalty) of a
weapon is not revealed to the player, unless the
GM chooses to do so for convenience; the
character, of course, would not think of a magic
sword as being “+1” or “+3,” just as “enchanted” or
“powerfully enchanted,” and the spell reveals
information in these terms. The spell must be cast
within 1 hour/ caster level of the time a magic item
first comes near the caster, or the magic user’s
Illusory Script CHAPTER II: SPELLS Incendiary Cloud
own aura will have blended too much into the the intended creature together with several other
item’s aura, contaminating his ability to read it. imprisoned victims from other places in the
Upon casting the spell, the magic user temporarily ground—some far, some (perhaps) near. Some of
loses eight points of constitution, and regains these freed victims might be from ancient ages
them by resting for one hour per recovered point. and may have been imprisoned for a very good
The material component for the spell is a pearl reason. The chance of freeing unintended
worth 100 gp. recipients is 1 in 10, and their number can vary
considerably (d%).
Phantasmal Illusion
Level: Illusionist 3
Range: 0 Level: Illusionist 4
Duration: Permanent Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Enchanted script Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/ level
Components: V,S,M Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: Time of writing Components: V,S
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: None
This is an enchantment placed upon a piece of
writing to guard its true contents from prying eyes. This spell functions in the same manner as the
The illusionist may specify a particular person, invisibility spell, but is not terminated if the
group of people, type of person, etc., that will be invisible creature attacks.
allowed to read the script without risking the
adverse effects of the spell. All others will IMPROVED PHANTASMAL FORCE
perceive the script as an undecipherable Phantasmal Illusion
language, which causes confusion (as per the
spell) for 5d4 turns (minus one per hit die of the Level: Illusionist 2
reader). An illusionist can recognize the script as Range: 60 ft + 10 ft/ level
illusory early enough to avoid the confusion effect, Duration: See below
but cannot necessarily see past the illusion. Area of Effect: 40 x 40 ft square + 10 ft square/
IMPRISONMENT (Reversible) Components: V,S,M
Arcane Abjuration Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: See below
Level: Magic user 9
Range: Touch This spell produces a phantasm as described in
Duration: Permanent the phantasmal force spell description. This more
Area of Effect: 1 creature powerful evocation of phantasmal magic allows
Components: V,S the caster to weave vague sounds into the illusion
Casting Time: 9 segments and to maintain the illusion even if moving at up to
Saving Throw: None half his or her normal movement rate. Speech
cannot be created, but clanking noises, rumblings,
The power of this spell hurls the victim deep and other such sounds can be incorporated into
beneath the earth, placing it into a state of the illusion. The spell also allows the illusionist to
suspended animation for eternity, entombed force the illusion to remain in existence for up to
within a cyst of rock. The only way to free an two rounds after he or she ceases to concentrate
imprisoned creature is with the reverse of the upon it.
spell, and the caster must know the name of the
prisoner together with enough detail to clearly INCENDIARY CLOUD
identify him or her. A creature freed from im- Arcane Evocation
prisonment appears at the exact spot where the
imprisonment took place. When casting the spell’s Level: Magic user 8
reverse, if the caster is not specific enough about Range: 30 ft
the imprisoned creature’s identity the spell will Duration: 1d6+4 rounds
normally fail; but there is also a chance it will free Area of Effect: Cloud, 10 ft high, 20 ft radius
Infravision CHAPTER II: SPELLS Instant Summons
Components: V,S,M where he or she stands. When the cleric utters the
Casting Time: 2 segments final words of the incantation, this focal point
Saving Throw: Half belches forth a massive cloud of stinging insects,
which boils outward almost instantly to fill the
The incendiary cloud begins as a choking cloud of spell’s area of effect. Within the area of this
thick smoke, with the attributes of a pyrotechnics massive cloud, visibility is limited to 30 ft, and all
spell’s smoke cloud, billowing from an existing fire creatures automatically sustain one hit point of
source as per the pyrotechnics spell. The cloud damage per round from the stings and bites of the
has a radius of 20 ft and is 10 ft high. On the third numberless flying vermin. All creatures caught in
round of the cloud’s existence, it bursts into hot, the cloud with four or fewer hit dice must check
magical flame. A saving throw for half damage is morale, and those with two or fewer hit dice will
permitted to every creature in the cloud for each automatically flee until they are 240 ft away from
round of exposure to the flames. the edge of the roiling cloud. Fire and smoke will
keep the swarm at bay (as will walls of force, etc.),
In the first round of the flare, the blazing cloud but virtually the only way to disperse a swarm
inflicts one hit point of damage for every two before the spell duration expires is to cast dispel
levels of the caster. In the second round of the magic upon the swarm’s focal point. Even a
flare, the heat increases to inflict one hit point per fireball or flame strike will do nothing other than
caster level, and in the third round of the blaze, temporarily (one turn) to clear the insects out of
damage falls again to one point per two levels. the area affected by their flames.
After three rounds, the cloud burns out, and for
any further duration it retains only the properties INSECT PLAGUE - Druid
of pyrotechnic smoke. Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning
This spell allows the magic user to confer the INSTANT SUMMONS
ability to see in the dark, perceiving variations of Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
heat in the infrared spectrum. The range of this
vision is 60 ft. Lamps and other light sources tend Level: Magic user 7
to spoil the effects of infravision. Infravision does Range: See below
not perceive invisibility any more than normal Duration: Instantaneous
vision. Area of Effect: 1 object
Components: V,S,M
INSECT PLAGUE - Cleric Casting Time: 1 segment
Clerical Conjuration/Summoning Saving Throw: None
Level: Cleric 5 This spell calls a specific, desired object into the
Range: 360 ft caster’s hand from wherever it might be. The
Duration: 1 turn/ level object must be prepared ahead of time, with the
Area of Effect: Cloud of 180 ft radius, 60 ft high first part of the spell being cast upon it at that
Components: V,S,M time—all but the final word of the incantation. The
Casting Time: 1 turn item is then touched with another item, the spell’s
Saving Throw: None focus, which must be of at least 5,000 gp in value
(usually a gem). When the caster seeks to
While casting this spell, the cleric designates a summon the item by means of this spell, he must
central point for the spell’s origin up to 360 ft from hold the focus item in his hand and speak the final
Interposing Hand CHAPTER II: SPELLS Invisibility, 10 ft radius
word of the spell. The focus item will disappear herself, but the caster (unless they are one and
and the summoned item will appear in its place. the same) cannot. The spell cannot be cast upon
The summoned item cannot be heavier than eight an unwilling subject.
lbs or the spell will not function. Moreover, if the
item is in the possession (not necessarily in the INVISIBILITY - Magic User
hand) of another creature, the spell will fail. Arcane Illusion/Phantasm
However, in this instance, the caster will learn the
item’s location, and some details about the owner, Level: Magic user 2
as determined by the GM. The spell will function Range: Touch
across the planes. Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Arcane Evocation Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: None
Level: Magic user 5
Range: 10 ft/ level Except as may be noted above, this spell is
Duration: 1 round/ level identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
Area of Effect: Magical disembodied hand
Components: V,S,M INVISIBILITY 10 FT RADIUS - Illusionist
Casting Time: 5 segments Phantasmal Illusion
Saving Throw: None
Level: Illusionist 3
This spell creates a magical hand with the same Range: Touch
number of hit points as the caster. The magic user Duration: See below
can cause the hand to be as small as his or her Area of Effect: 10 ft radius of creature touched
own, or as large as a shield. The caster selects a Components: V,S
foe, and the hand will place itself between the Casting Time: 3 segments
magic user and that particular enemy, moving so Saving Throw: None
rapidly that it cannot be avoided. It is strong
enough to hold back any creature weighing 200 This spell operates as does the invisibility spell,
lbs or less and will slow heavier opponents to half but affects all creatures within 10 ft of the recipient
movement. The movement rates of opponents of at the time the final words of the spell are uttered.
truly massive size (such as dragons) will be If the creature upon which the spell was cast
adjudicated by the GM, being slowed to a quarter makes an attack, the attack will negate the
movement rate or pushing the hand aside entirely. invisibility of all the others. However, if one of the
creatures affected by the spell’s radius (not the
INVISIBILITY - Illusionist direct recipient) attacks, the invisibility only of that
Phantasmal Illusion one creature is negated thereby. In order to
remain invisible, those who were made invisible
Level: Illusionist 2 by virtue of the spell’s radius must remain within
Range: Touch 10 ft of the creature upon whom the spell is
Duration: See below centred. All creatures affected can see each
Area of Effect: 1 creature other.
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 segments INVISIBILITY, 10 FT RADIUS - Magic User
Saving Throw: None Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm
When the words of this spell are completed, the Level: Magic user 3
recipient and all he or she carries fade from sight, Range: Touch
becoming invisible. Even infravision cannot detect Duration: See below
an invisible creature. The spell remains in effect Area of Effect: All creatures within a 10 ft radius
until the invisible creature attacks someone, the Components: V,S,M
caster ends the spell, or the magic is dispelled. Casting Time: 3 segments
Note that the spell does not make the recipient Saving Throw: None
any more quiet than normal, nor does it eliminate
scents. The invisible person can see him- or
Invisibility to Animals CHAPTER II: SPELLS Know Alignment
Except as may be noted above, this spell is The creature touched (successful to hit roll) flies
identical to the illusionist spell of the same name. into an uncontrollable, twitching tarantella,
dancing wildly. The creature’s armour class is
INVISIBILITY TO ANIMALS penalised by –4, and it will fail any and all saving
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration throws during the spell’s duration. It cannot act in
any way, or gain benefit from a shield.
Level: Druid 1
Range: Touch JUMP
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/ level Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: S,M Level: Magic user 1
Casting Time: 4 segments Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 1 creature
With a gesture, the druid or other recipient of the Components: V,S,M
spell fades from the sight, sound, and smell of any Casting Time: 1 segment
animal (i.e. creature listed under “Animal” in Saving Throw: None
Chapter V). Creatures with intelligence of 6+ are
not affected by the spell. This powerful form of This spell allows the subject to make one or more
invisibility is not dispelled if the druid attacks, prodigious leaps, one additional leap for each
although a particular creature being attacked with three caster levels above one. Thus, at a caster
a hand-held weapon will, of course, be aware of level of four, the spell permits a second leap, with
the druid’s general location and be entitled to additional leaps at level seven, ten, 13, etc. The
attack with a –4 penalty until the druid moves out recipient of the spell may bound forward 30 ft, or
of its immediate area. Druids will, by nature of may leap backward or straight up for a distance of
their calling, not use this spell to commit ten ft. The leap is almost perfectly straight, with no
wholesale slaughter upon animals except in arc.
extraordinary circumstances.
INVISIBLE STALKER Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Level: Magic user 2
Level: Magic user 6 Range: 60 ft
Range: 10 ft Duration: See below
Duration: See below Area of Effect: 10 sq ft/ level
Area of Effect: See below Components: V
Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 segment
Casting Time: 1 round Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
The powerful magic words of a knock spell open
This spell summons an invisible stalker (see doors that are stuck, barred, locked, or even
Chapter V). The stalker will perform one task as wizard locked. Chains (even those that are
commanded by the caster, but resents its slavery welded) and chests will also spring open under
and will always seek to misinterpret a command if this spell. Doors that operate by gravity, such as
it is worded ambiguously. portcullises, will not be opened by means of the
spell. If a door is secured by a number of devices,
IRRESISTIBLE DANCE only two will be opened by the spell; a triple-
Arcane Enchantment/ Charm locked door is proof against a single casting of the
Level: Magic user 8
Range: Touch KNOW ALIGNMENT (Reversible)
Duration: 1d4+1 rounds Clerical Divination
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Components: V Level: Cleric 2
Casting Time: 5 segments Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 turn
Legend Lore CHAPTER II: SPELLS Light
Area of Effect: 1 creature/ round destroyed in the process. The spell can garner no
Components: V,S information about things that have not been the
Casting Time: 1 round subject of discussion, rumour, rhyme, or legend.
Saving Throw: None
All creatures are surrounded by an aura that can Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
indicate their alignment, and this spell allows the
caster to perceive and read such auras. The Level: Magic user 2
auras of up to ten creatures may be examined by Range: 20 ft/ level
use of the spell, and the cleric will be able to Duration: 1 turn/ level
identify the exact alignment of each. The reverse Area of Effect: Caster or 1 creature
of the spell obscures alignment (even against the Components: V,S,M
use of this spell) with respect to one creature for a Casting Time: 2 segments
period of 1 turn, two people for a period of 5 Saving Throw: Negates
rounds, and so on.
This spell allows the magic user to levitate him- or
LEGEND LORE herself or another person, to a maximum weight of
Arcane Divination 100 lbs/ level. The magic user can move vertically
up or down at a rate of 20 ft per round, and can
Level: Magic user 6 levitate another at a rate of 10 ft per round. The
Range: Caster spell may be cast upon an unwilling enemy, but in
Duration: See below this case the intended target is entitled to a saving
Area of Effect: See below throw. The spell does not allow any sort of
Components: V,S,M horizontal movement (aerial agility level I—see
Casting Time: See below Chapter III), but it is possible for a levitated person
Saving Throw: None to pull him- or herself along if there is something
upon which to gain purchase, such as a wall.
This spell, when cast, gathers mystical echoes of
legend and rumour about a specific person, place,
or object. These inchoate rhymes, whispers, and
memories form in the caster’s mind until he can
finally piece them together into meaningful infor-
mation. The spell’s power is far greater if the item
is actually at hand when the spell is cast, for it can
then be used as a focus for the gathering of
echoes; casting time under these circumstances
will be 1d4 turns. If the item (or place) is not at
hand, but some detailed information can be
woven into the casting of the spell as a focus for
the gathering of legend-echoes, the casting time
will be 1d10 days. If all that the caster knows
about the object or place is rumour, the casting
time will be 2d6 weeks. While casting the spell,
the caster may not engage in any other activity
LIGHT - Cleric (Reversible)
other than short breaks to eat and sleep.
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration
When completed, the spell will reveal the location
Level: Cleric 1
of any legendary material about the object (or
Range: 120 ft
person, or place), and if the spell is cast in the
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/ caster level (half for
presence of the place, person, or object the spell
will invariably gather the legendary lore together
Area of Effect: 20 ft radius globe
into a piece of true information about it. This
Components: V,S
information, coming as it does from mystical
Casting Time: 4 segments
echoes, will take the form of a riddle, rhyme, or
Saving Throw: See below
other puzzle. In order to cast the spell an item of
some value—often a potion—must be used and
Light CHAPTER II: SPELLS Limited Wish
Locate Animals CHAPTER II: SPELLS Locate Plants
her desire, but only to a limited degree. The spell LOCATE OBJECT - Cleric (Reversible)
may be used to grant minor wishes (undoing Clerical Divination
curses, granting small quantities of gold,
duplicating the effects of lower level spells, etc.) Level: Cleric 3
The effects of the spell will be permanent for most Range: 60 ft + 10 ft/ caster level
minor requests, particularly when used to Duration: 1 round/ caster level
duplicate a lower-level spell that has a permanent Area of Effect: See below
or instantaneous duration. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
However, a limited wish is not powerful enough to Saving Throw: None
make major changes in reality. It cannot bring the
dead back to life, grant a level, or permanently Any object (not creature) known or familiar to the
change ability scores. In many cases, the GM will caster may be located within the spell’s range. It is
be called upon to determine whether the caster’s not necessary for the caster to have seen the
wish is within the power of a limited wish spell or precise object that the spell will locate: if the
whether the results of the request will suffer from caster is familiar with ladders in general, he or she
flaws due to the spell’s limitations. Flaws would may cast the spell successfully to locate any
include limited durations or partial results. The ladder within the spell’s range. The spell is
guidelines set forth above should give the GM directional, requiring the cleric to turn in different
some assistance in making such determinations. directions in order to sense an object in his or her
path. The cleric may move after casting the spell
In the case of unreasonable wishes, the GM may to search a broader area, and need not be in
decide to follow the wording of the spell precisely actual line of sight of the object. (In other words,
but pervert the intent, limit the duration of the spell the spell’s effect is not hindered by walls or other
to a very limited time (perhaps mere seconds!) or such obstacles.) The reverse of the spell may be
simply rule that the whole spell fails. used to obscure one object from magical
detection of virtually all kinds (including such
The guideline here is that wishes are granted by means as a crystal ball as well as divination
someone or something, which may or may not be spells).
kindly disposed to the player characters. The
more greedy or selfish a wish, the greater the LOCATE OBJECT - Magic User
chance that a mischievous or actually evil power Arcane Divination
will take the opportunity to teach this upstart
mortal a lesson. Level: Magic user 2
Range: 20 ft/ level
LOCATE ANIMALS Duration: 1 round/ level
Druidic Divination Area of Effect: See below
Components: V,S,M
Level: Druid 1 Casting Time: 2 segments
Range: Caster Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 round/ caster level
Area of Effect: Path 20 ft wide, 20 ft/ caster level Other than as noted above, this spell is identical
long to the clerical spell locate object.
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round LOCATE PLANTS
Saving Throw: None Druidic Divination
Lower Water CHAPTER II: SPELLS Mage’s Sword
Upon casting this spell, the druid is imbued with Duration: 2 rounds/ level
the ability to mentally locate any specific type of Area of Effect: See below
plant upon which he or she concentrates, in the Components: V,S,M
area the spell radiates around him or her as he or Casting Time: 5 segments
she moves. Saving Throw: None
Level: Magic user 5 The caster evokes a magical sword into being and
Range: 10 ft can wield it by exerting his or her will. While doing
Magic Aura CHAPTER II: SPELLS Magic Jar
so, he or she cannot cast spells, use magic items, The caster can make successive attempts to take
or move, although the spell does not end if the over the same host, but no more than one per
magic user’s concentration is broken; the sword round. The spell’s range applies to two matters;
simply does not attack during that round. The when the magic user first transfers his or her own
sword attacks as a fighter one-half the magic life essence into the jar, his or her body must be
user’s caster level (and always hits on a natural within the spell’s range of the jar. The range also
19 or 20), and it can hit creatures that can limits the distance at which the magic user’s soul
ordinarily be hit only with magic weapons. The may later escape from the jar and into another
damage caused by the sword is considerable; it body. After the caster’s soul moves into the jar,
inflicts 5d4 hp against size S and M creatures, or his or her physical body becomes inert and
5d6 against larger creatures. The sword can be lifeless.
dispelled by dispel magic. The material
components for the spell cost 500 gp or more. The spell represents, in many ways, a contest of
will between the magic user and the creature
MAGIC AURA whose body he or she seeks to possess. The
Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm caster and the target creature each total their
intelligence and wisdom scores (such being
Level: Magic user 1 calculated or approximated by the GM for a
Range: Touch monster). This combined score represents the
Duration: 1 day/ level character’s mental power for purposes of the
Area of Effect: See below spell. The two numbers are compared, and the
Components: V,S,M difference is used in two important calculations:
Casting Time: 1 round the saving throw and the chance for escape. One
Saving Throw: See below third of the difference (rounded down) is the
modifier on the saving throw, a bonus if the target
This spell creates a false magical aura around a creature has the higher mental power, a penalty if
single object of not more than five lbs per caster the magic user’s mental power is higher.
level. A detect magic spell will incorrectly perceive
the item as magical, but if it is actually handled by If a creature’s soul is trapped in the magic jar by
the caster of the detect magic spell, he or she will the caster, it has a chance to escape. If it
be permitted a saving throw to realize that the escapes, the caster’s soul is returned to the magic
aura is, in fact, not a true magical aura but a jar. If the difference in mental power between the
counterfeit. caster and the possessed creature is four or less
in favour of the caster, or is in favour of the
MAGIC JAR possessed creature, the creature can attempt a
Arcane Possession new saving throw every round. If the difference is
from five to eight in the caster’s favour, one saving
Level: Magic user 5 throw is permitted per turn. If the difference is 9 to
Range: 10 ft/ level 12 in the caster’s favour, the saving throw is made
Duration: See below once per day, and if the caster’s mental power
Area of Effect: 1 creature exceeds that of the target creature by 13+, the
Components: V,S,M saving throw can only be made once per week.
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Negates While the caster is in the magic jar waiting to
possess another body, he or she can sense
This risky spell allows the caster to transfer his or creatures beyond the jar, but not their nature. The
her mind into that of another creature, trapping the jar may be moved from its original location, but
other creature’s soul in a gem (of not less than not, obviously, by the caster. When the caster
100 gp value) that is the material component of possesses another body, he or she gains
the spell and becomes the magic jar. To complete control of its movement and acquires
accomplish the transfer of souls, the magic user any memories that the body might reflexively
must trap his or her own life essence within the jar recall (how to fly, fight with claws, use innate
prior to the transfer. If the transfer fails (e.g., if the magical powers, etc). He or she does not gain any
targeted creature makes a successful saving knowledge from the creature’s mind, such as
throw), the caster’s soul is trapped until it can take languages known or the location of a lair, for the
over a host or otherwise escape. mind is trapped in the magic jar. The caster
Magic Missile CHAPTER II: SPELLS Mass Invisibility
retains his or her own mind while possessing the Level: Magic user 2
other body, so if the body possesses the correct Range: See below
physical attributes the caster can continue to cast Duration: Permanent until triggered
his or her spells from within the new body. Area of Effect: 1 object
Components: V,S,M
MAGIC MISSILE Casting Time: 2 segments
Arcane Evocation Saving Throw: None
Mass Suggestion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Mending
invisibility spell, but has an effective radius of 30 x Except as may be noted above, this spell is
30 ft, possibly hiding as many as 300 medium- identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
sized creatures if they are packed in close and do
not jostle one another. MAZE - Illusionist
Phantasmal Conjuration/ Summoning
Phantasmal Enchantment/ Charm Level: Illusionist 5
Range: 5 ft/ level
Level: Illusionist 6 Duration: See below
Range: 10 ft/ level Area of Effect: 1 creature
Duration: 4 turns + 4 turns/ level Components: V,S
Area of Effect: 1 creature/ level Casting Time: 5 segments
Components: V,M Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 6 segments
Saving Throw: Negates The targeted creature is trapped by this spell into
an inter-dimensional reality similar to that created
This spell functions in the same manner as by the second level spell rope trick. This
suggestion, but influences multiple creatures. If all wormhole has an entrance, which closes
of the spell’s power is concentrated upon a single immediately after the target is trapped, and an
creature, the spell simply functions as a powerful exit, which is difficult to find in the branching,
suggestion spell, with the saving throw made twisting maze of the dimensional labyrinth. A
at -2. creature’s intelligence determines the amount of
time required to find the way out and emerge back
MASSMORPH - Illusionist into the material plane.
Phantasmal Illusion
Intelligence Time Required to Escape
Level: Illusionist 4 2 or less 2d4 turns (20-80 minutes)
Range: 10 ft/ level 3-5 1d4 turns (10-40 minutes)
Duration: See below 6-8 5d4 rounds (5-20 minutes)
Area of Effect: Up to 10 x 10 ft/ level 9-11 4d4 rounds (4-16 minutes)
Components: V,S 12-14 3d4 rounds (3-12 minutes)
Casting Time: 4 segments 15-17 2d4 rounds (2-8 minutes)
Saving Throw: None 18+ d4 rounds (1-4 minutes)
This spell causes creatures of man size or smaller MAZE - Magic User
to appear like an innocent grove of trees to any Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
observers. Up to ten creatures may be enchanted
in this manner. The illusion is so powerful that it is Level: Magic user 8
maintained even if the massmorphed creatures Range: 5 ft/ level
are touched. The “tree’s” reaction to being Duration: See below
stabbed or hacked at is fairly likely to indicate that Area of Effect: 1 creature
it is no normal tree, of course, although the illusion Components: V,S
is not actually dispelled by a successful attack. Casting Time: 3 segments
The illusion persists until the caster dies or Saving Throw: None
dismisses it (or it is dispelled).
Other than as may be noted above, this spell is
MASSMORPH - Magic User identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm
Level: Magic user 4 Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Range: 10 ft/ level
Duration: See below Level: Magic user 1
Area of Effect: 10 x 10 ft square/ level Range: 30 ft
Components: V,S,M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 object
Saving Throw: None (willing creatures only) Components: V,S,M
Message CHAPTER II: SPELLS Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Casting Time: 1 segment saving throws for half damage. Large meteors
Saving Throw: None inflict 10d4 hp damage and explode in a radius of
15 ft. Small meteors inflict 5d4 hp damage and
This spell repairs small breaks or tears in an explode in a radius of 7½ ft. If the explosions
object. It can weld together broken metallic overlap, a creature in this area is subject to
objects, such as a chain link or a broken dagger, damage from all the explosions, but is entitled to a
rejoin a broken bottle, and repair holes in leather separate saving throw (halving damage) for each.
or cloth, for example. The spell does not repair
magic items in any way that would restore or MIND BLANK
affect their magical qualities. Arcane Abjuration
Mirror Image CHAPTER II: SPELLS Monster Summoning I
Monster Summoning II CHAPTER II: SPELLS Monster Summoning V
monsters will appear, but the general likelihood is d10 Monster Summoned
described below: 1 Beetle, giant boring
2 Bugbear
d6 Monster Summoned 3 Gelatinous Cube
1 Rat, giant 4 Ghoul
2 Goblin (dwarf) 5 Lizard, giant
3 Hobgoblin (elf) 6 Lycanthrope, wererat
4 Kobold (halfling) 7 Ogre
5 Orc (gnome) 8 Spider, huge
6 Demon, kullule (badger, giant) 9 Spider, large
10 Weasel, giant
Evil casters may get the monsters in parentheses,
at the GM’s option. MONSTER SUMMONING IV
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning Level: Magic user 6
Range: 60 ft
Level: Magic user 4 Duration: 5 rounds + 1/ level
Range: 40 ft Area of Effect: Summoned creatures
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/ level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Summoned creatures Casting Time: 6 segments
Components: V,S,M Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: None This spell functions in the same manner as
monster summoning I, but calls 1d4 creatures as
This spell functions in the same manner as determined on the following table:
monster summoning I, but calls 1d6 creatures as
determined on the following table: d10 Monster Summoned
1 Blink dog
d6 Monster Summoned 2 Gargoyle
1 Centipede, giant 3 Ghast
2 Devil, lemure 4 Hell hound
3 Gnoll 5 Hydra, five headed
4 Stirge 6 Lycanthrope, werewolf
5 Toad, giant 7 Owlbear
6 Troglodyte 8 Shadow
9 Snake, giant constrictor
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Level: Magic user 5 Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Range: 50 ft
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/ level Level: Magic user 7
Area of Effect: Summoned creatures Range: 70 ft
Components: V,S,M Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 5 segments Area of Effect: Summoned creatures
Saving Throw: None Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 6 segments
This spell functions in the same manner as Saving Throw: None
monster summoning I, but calls 1d4 creatures as
determined on the following table: This spell functions in the same manner as
monster summoning I, but calls 1d2 creatures as
determined on the following table, the monsters
appearing in 1d3 rounds:
Monster Summoning VI CHAPTER II: SPELLS Move Earth
Level: Magic user 9 The spell is normally used to create walls, moats,
Range: 90 ft etc., but can also be used to move an intact
Duration: 8 rounds + 1 round/ level terrain feature from one place to another
Area of Effect: Summoned creatures (although the spell cannot move rock unless the
Components: V,S,M rock is carried within the moved earth).
Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: None If an intact feature (such as a portion of a forest or
the foundation under a cottage) is to be moved,
This spell functions in the same manner as an earth elemental must also be summoned.
monster summoning I, but calls 1d2 creatures as Without the assistance of an elemental, the earth
determined on the following table, the monsters under a cottage could certainly be moved, but with
appearing in one round: the—presumably undesired—result of destroying
Neutralise Poison CHAPTER II: SPELLS Part Water
the cottage in the process. This spell shields the caster from the prying eyes
of scrying magics, making him or her invisible to
NEUTRALISE POISON - Cleric (Reversible) divination spells and other means of magical
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration spying such as crystal balls and thought detection.
Part Water CHAPTER II: SPELLS Permanency
This spell causes water to draw apart, forming a PASS WITHOUT TRACE
trench. The depth and length of the water Druidic Enchantment/ Charm
displacement is determined by the cleric’s level.
For each caster level, the cleric may displace an Level: Druid 1
area of water 30 ft deep and 20 ft wide. The spell Range: Touch
can affect other liquids besides water, but the Duration: 1 turn/ caster level
more different the physical properties of the other Area of Effect: Creature touched
liquid, the less the cleric may be capable of Components: V,S,M
displacing. Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
PART WATER - Magic User
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration Any creature upon which this spell is cast can
move through any sort of terrain without leaving
Level: Magic user 6 behind the slightest sign of its passage. It leaves
Range: 10 ft/ level no footprints, no scent, and no other telltales of
Duration: 5 rounds/ level movement. It is impossible to trace its path
Area of Effect: See below except, temporarily, by one method—the path will
Components: V,S,M radiate magic for 6d6 turns. Once this time
Casting Time: 1 turn elapses, the magical aura will fade away, leaving
Saving Throw: None the trail undisturbed by any sign that the spell’s
recipient was ever there.
Except as may be noted above, this spell is
identical to the clerical spell part water. PASSWALL
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration Level: Magic user 5
Range: 30 ft
Level: Druid 5 Duration: 6 turns +1/ level
Range: Touch Area of Effect: Passage 5 ft wide, 10 ft high, and
Duration: See below 10 ft long
Area of Effect: See below Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 5 segments
Casting Time: 7 segments Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
By means of a passwall spell, the magic user
By means of this spell, the druid steps into one creates an inter-dimensional opening through any
tree and steps out from a distant tree of the same non-metallic material, allowing him or her and any
type. The druid determines the direction in which others to simply walk directly into the hillside or
he or she will travel from one tree to another. Most through a wall. More than one spell may be used
trees permit a maximum distance of travel of 300 in succession to create longer passages. The
yards, but trees sacred to druids allow travel of inside of the passageway is still a part of the
considerably greater distance; oak, yew, and material plane; the inter-dimensional warping of
rowan trees permit the druid to travel as far as space simply acts to “remove” the material
600 yards. If no tree of the same type is to be through which the passage is created.
found in the direction the druid designates, he or
she will emerge from any tree of that species PERMANENCY
within the spell’s range closest to the direction he Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
or she specified. The druid may remain in the first
tree for as long as one round per caster level Level: Magic user 8
before being forced to leave the other tree, and in Range: See below
this case he or she will be treated in the same Duration: Permanent
way as for a plant door spell. If no appropriate tree Area of Effect: 1 object or creature
is available for the druid to step from, he or she Components: V,S,M
may remain in the first tree for the spell’s duration, Casting Time: 2 rounds
but will not be able to use the spell for travelling. Saving Throw: None
Permanent Illusion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Phantasmal Killer
The permanency spell makes the temporary can fit within the spell’s area of effect. The spell
effects of other spells permanent. It is also used to creates no sound whatsoever. The caster must
lock the enchantments of a magic item maintain his or her concentration upon the illusion,
permanently into the item. Certain spells can be or it will evaporate, but while concentrating the
made permanent upon the caster or another caster is able to make the illusion move and
creature, and other spells can be made respond to events.
permanent only if cast upon an area or an object.
Each use of this spell reduces the caster’s con- The illusion is dispelled if it is struck with a blow, a
stitution by one point. falling person, etc. There is no saving throw
against the illusion if the observer believes it, and
Spells that can be made permanent upon a the illusion can actually cause damage to such a
person or other creature include: Comprehend deceived victim. A demon wielding a sword can
Languages, Detect Evil, Detect Invisibility, Detect attack and do damage, and the appearance of a
Magic, Infravision, Protection from Evil, Protection pit full of spikes can be fatal even though it is not
from Normal Missiles, Read Magic, Tongues, or real. If the observer doubts the reality of the
Unseen Servant. Only a magic user of higher level illusion, he or she will be permitted a saving throw
than the caster can dispel these spells. to see the illusion for what it really is. If one
observer disbelieves the illusion and this disbelief
Spells that can be made permanent upon an area is communicated to others, the others will also
or object include: Enlarge, Fear, Gust of Wind, gain a saving throw at a bonus of +4.
Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Prismatic Sphere,
Stinking Cloud, Wall of Fire, Wall of Force, Web. Note that the spell relies purely on a visual effect;
it will have no effect upon a creature that does not
These spells may be dispelled by any caster see it. Furthermore, the lack of any audible
subject to the normal rules for dispel magic. component can make certain illusions completely
non-credible. An explosion, for example, is not
PERMANENT ILLUSION likely to be believed by anyone if it creates no
Phantasmal Illusion sound. Various methods may be used by the GM
to determine if an NPC or monster believes the
Level: Illusionist 6 effect of a phantasmal force, common sense
Range: 30 ft being the first thing to consider. A player who
Duration: Permanent takes care to craft a believable illusion should be
Area of Effect: 40 x 40 ft square + 10 x 10 ft rewarded for skillful use of the spell, not forced
square/ level into a table of random results.
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 6 segments PHANTASMAL FORCE - Magic User
Saving Throw: See below Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm
Phase Door CHAPTER II: SPELLS Plant Door
Plant Growth CHAPTER II: SPELLS Polymorph Other
By means of this spell, the druid causes plants Add all that apply. Look up the total on the next
and vines to grow with unbelievable speed, table.
forming a tangled barrier of thick vegetation. The
enchantment may be dispelled, or the plants Duration Example
cleared by normal means. Chopping a way Factor Duration
through the barrier is possible, but movement is 0 20 rounds Pebble to human
restricted to 10 ft per turn (20 ft for size L 2 1 hour Marionette to human
creatures). 4 3 hours Human to marionette
5 12 hours Lizard to manticore
6 48 hours Sheep to woollen cloak
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
7 1 week Shrew to manticore
Level: Magic user 4 9+ Permanent Manticore to shrew
Range: 10 ft/ level
Duration: Permanent This spell can be dispelled.
Area of Effect: 10 x 10 ft sq/ level
Casting Time: 4 segments Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Saving Throw: None
Level: Magic user 4
Except as noted above, this spell is identical to Range: 5 ft/ level
the druidic spell plant growth. Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: Negates
Level: Magic user 8
Range: 5 ft/ level This spell transforms the victim into another type
Duration: See below of creature; a person might be changed into a
Area of Effect: 1 object or creature newt, or a newt into a dragon, for example. Such
Components: V,S,M a transformation can, in rare cases, be fatal. If the
Casting Time: 1 round spell’s target is successfully transformed, it must
Saving Throw: See below make a system shock test against its constitution
or die (see, “constitution”). Moreover, there is a
This spell allows the magic user to transform one base 100% likelihood that the transformed
thing, living or not, into another sort of thing. If the creature will lose its memories and former identity
spell is used simply to duplicate the effects of a in the change, becoming, for all intents and
polymorph other spell or a stone to flesh spell, it purposes, the creature into which it was
will function in the same manner as these spells transformed (intelligence cannot be increased by
but with a –4 penalty to the victim’s saving throw. virtue of such a transformation, however).
Otherwise, the spell’s duration depends upon the
degree of change involved in the transformation. For every intelligence point of the transformed
The calculation is made using a “duration factor” creature, the base chance is reduced by 5%, and
found on table 1, and the explanation of the there is a further +/-5% alteration for each level (or
resulting duration factor is found on table 2. HD) by which the original form’s level (or HD)
Polymorph Self CHAPTER II: SPELLS Power Word, Stun
differs from that of the new form. This check is Level: Magic user 8
made on a daily basis, so such a transformation Range: 5 ft/ level
will, eventually, become inevitable according to Duration: See below
the laws of chance if the transformed creature is Area of Effect: 15 ft radius
not magically brought back to its original form. A Components: V
transformed creature retains its former hit points, Casting Time: 1 segment
but otherwise assumes all the physical Saving Throw: None
characteristics of the new form immediately. The
transformation may be dispelled, but the second The word of power to blind removes vision from
change of shape will necessitate another system creatures within the area of effect. The duration of
shock check. the blindness depends on how many total hit
points the affected creatures have. If the total is
POLYMORPH SELF 50 or less, the blindness lasts 1d4+1 turns. If the
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration total is 51 hit points to 100, the blindness lasts
1d4+1 rounds, as opposed to turns. The spell
Level: Magic user 4 does not affect more than 100 hit points of
Range: Caster creatures in total. The caster may target specific
Duration: 2 turns/ level creatures within the area of effect.
Area of Effect: Caster
Components: V POWER WORD, KILL
Casting Time: 3 segments Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Saving Throw: None
Level: Magic user 9
This spell enables the magic user to cloak him- or Range: 2½ ft/ level
herself in the physical shape of another creature, Duration: Instantaneous
and to continue shape-shifting at will for the length Area of Effect: 10 ft radius
of the spell’s duration. The transformation is of an Components: V
entirely lesser order than that of polymorph other, Casting Time: 1 segment
incurring no risk of a system shock or of truly Saving Throw: None
becoming the transformed creature. Changing
from one shape to another requires only 30 Upon the casting of this spell, the magic user
seconds, and when the caster returns to his or her specifies whether the spell is to kill one creature
original form (ending the spell) he or she will be or multiple creatures. The spell will instantly deal
healed of 1d12 points of any damage inflicted death to a creature of up to 60 hit points, offering
against the polymorphed forms he or she no saving throw (magic resistance does apply).
assumed. The spell may, alternatively, be used to slaughter
up to 120 hit points of creatures with ten or fewer
The caster can polymorph into forms no smaller hit points each. The total number of hit points is
than a songbird and no heavier than 2,000 lbs. based upon the target’s current hit points, not
Only the movement capabilities of the new form maximum hit points, so wounded creatures are
can be used, not its attacks, defences, or other more vulnerable to the spell. All creatures to be
abilities. The magic user can transform him- or killed must be within the spell’s area of effect.
herself into a lion, and run as fast as a lion, but his
or her claws will do no more damage than a POWER WORD, STUN
human’s soft fists. Similarly, if he or she Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
transforms into a dragon, he or she will have the
dragon’s ability to fly but no breath weapon. As an Level: Magic user 7
orc, he or she would be able to use whatever Range: 5 ft/ level
weapons he or she could use in his original Duration: See below
shape, but would lack infravision. The caster Area of Effect: 1 creature
retains his or her own hit points and armour class. Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
POWER WORD, BLIND Saving Throw: None
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
The creature targeted by a stunning power word
hears the word as a thundering roar, although
Prayer CHAPTER II: SPELLS Prismatic Sphere
others hear it normally. The impact of the word’s spell, the same benefits as if they were affected
magical power stuns the victim, rendering him by an ongoing chant spell. Note that the cleric is
unable to think clearly or act in any manner able to move and take other actions while the
(including movement). The duration of the spell’s prayer spell is in effect, which is not the case with
effect is determined by the target’s current hit the more restricted chant spell.
points (not its normal maximum). A creature with
1-30 remaining hit points will be stunned for 4d4 PREDICT WEATHER
rounds, a creature with 31-60 hp remaining will be Druidic Divination
stunned for 2d4 rounds, a creature with 61-90 hp
remaining will be stunned for 1d4 rounds, and Level: Druid 1
creatures with 90+ hit points will be able to shrug Range: 0
off the effect of the spell entirely. Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 9 sq miles
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Clerical Conjuration/ Summoning
Level: Cleric 3 Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round/ caster level Level: Magic user 9
Area of Effect: 60 ft radius Range: 0
Components: V,S,M Duration: 1 turn/ level
Casting Time: 6 segments Area of Effect: 10 ft radius sphere
Saving Throw: None Components: V
Casting Time: 9 segments
Casting prayer is a matter of intoning an Saving Throw: See below
invocation to the cleric’s god(s), following which
any of the cleric’s allies who were in the spell’s Prismatic sphere creates a shimmering,
area of effect will gain, for the duration of the multicoloured globe of light that protects those
Prismatic Spray CHAPTER II: SPELLS Prismatic Wall
within it from all forms of attack (it will normally Indigo 6 Stops all spells. Continual
appear as a hemisphere, with its lower half below Causes insanity Light
ground). The sphere flashes with seven colours, (saving throw
each of which has a distinct power and purpose. It negates).
is immobile, but the caster can pass through and Violet 7th Force shield (as Dispel
remain near it without harm. However, any other per wall of force). Magic
creature with fewer than eight hit dice within 20 ft Creatures sent to
of the sphere will be blinded for 2d4 rounds by the another plane
colours if it looks at them. The sphere can be (saving throw
destroyed, colour by colour, in consecutive order, negates).
by various magical effects; however, the first
colour must be brought down before the second PRISMATIC SPRAY
can be affected, and so on. A rod of cancellation Phantasmal Abjuration
destroys a prismatic sphere, but an antimagic field
fails to penetrate it. Dispel magic cannot dispel the Level: Illusionist 7
sphere or anything beyond it (unless the first six Range: 0
colours have already been brought down). Magic Duration: Instantaneous
resistance is effective against a prismatic sphere, Area of Effect: 70 x 15 x 5 ft spray
but the check must be repeated for each colour Components: V,S
present. Casting Time: 7 segments
Saving Throw: See below
Each colour in the sphere has a different effect.
The accompanying table shows the seven Holding out his or her hand, fingers fanned out,
colours, the order in which they appear, their the caster evokes a spray of colours identical to
effects on creatures trying to attack the caster or those of the prismatic wall. All creatures in the
pass through the sphere, and the magic needed path of the spell will be struck by one of the rays,
to negate each colour. determined randomly.
Produce Fire CHAPTER II: SPELLS Protection from Evil
This spell is similar to the magic user spell Casting Time: 6 segments
prismatic sphere, but it creates a wall rather than Saving Throw: See below
a sphere, up to 40 ft/ caster level in length and 20
ft/ caster level in height. This spell specifies a particular trigger event (in
the same manner as the magic user spell magic
PRODUCE FIRE (Reversible) mouth). When the trigger event occurs, an illusion
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration prepared in advance by the caster, identical to a
spectral force, comes into being. The illusion lasts
Level: Druid 4 one round per caster level.
Range: 40 ft
Duration: 1 round PROJECT IMAGE - Illusionist
Area of Effect: 60 ft radius Phantasmal Illusion
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 6 segments Level: Illusionist 5
Saving Throw: See below Range: 5 ft/ level
Duration: 1 round/ level
This spell instantly creates a normal fire within its Area of Effect: See below
area of effect, a blazing conflagration lasting only Components: V,S,M
one minute (one round) but causing 1d4 hit points Casting Time: 5 segments
of damage to any creature in the area and igniting Saving Throw: None
all combustible material (subject, of course, to an
item saving throw against normal fire). The This spell creates an illusory duplicate of the
reverse of the spell extinguishes all normal fires illusionist in another place within the spell’s range.
within the area of effect. The image must remain visible to the caster or the
spell will end. Much like a mirror image, the
PRODUCE FLAME projected image mimics all the caster’s
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration movements, but it is not affected by attacks of any
kind. The image possesses an arcane link to the
Level: Druid 2 caster; if desired, the illusionist can cast spells
Range: 0 that originate at the image rather than at the
Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level caster, as if the image, rather than the illusionist,
Area of Effect: See below cast the spell. Thus, the effective range of an
Components: V,S,M attack spell can be increased, or a spell that
Casting Time: 4 segments would ordinarily centre on the caster could be
Saving Throw: See below brought into effect around the projected image.
On casting this spell, the druid’s hand ignites with PROJECT IMAGE - Magic User
an eldritch fire that causes no harm to the druid Arcane Illusion/ Phantasm
but is otherwise equivalent to the flame of a torch.
It can be used to set fires and may also be thrown Level: Magic user 6
as a missile. The throwing range of the flame is 40 Range: 10 ft/ level
ft, and when the flame hits an object it will Duration: 1 round/ level
explode, igniting all combustible material in a Area of Effect: See below
radius of 15 ft. (Materials are entitled to saving Components: V,S,M
throws against normal fire.) The druid may banish Casting Time: 6 segments
the magical flame at will, but fires set by it must be Saving Throw: None
extinguished by normal means.
Other than as may be noted above, this spell is
PROGRAMMED ILLUSION identical to the illusionist spell of the same name.
Phantasmal Illusion
PROTECTION FROM EVIL - Cleric (Reversible)
Level: Illusionist 6 Clerical Abjuration
Range: 10 ft / level
Duration: See below Level: Cleric 1
Area of Effect: 40 x 40 ft sq + 10 x 10 ft sq/ level Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Protection from Evil CHAPTER II: SPELLS Protection from Lightning
Protection from Normal Missiles CHAPTER II: SPELLS Pyrotechnics
This spell lends the recipient the same protection This spell removes all impurities from water,
against lightning and electricity as the third level making it clear and drinkable. The reverse of the
spell protection from fire affords against fire. spell contaminates water, making it impossible to
drink, and will negate the properties of holy and
Arcane Abjuration
Level: Magic user 3 Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/ level Level: Magic user 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature Range: 10 ft + 3 ft/ level
Components: V,S,M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 segments Area of Effect: See below
Saving Throw: None Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 segment
The subject of this spell becomes completely Saving Throw: None
invulnerable to the effects of projectiles. The
spell’s power is not sufficient completely to ward The magic user casts this spell and points toward
off the larger missiles hurled by siege engines the desired target, which is instantly pushed away
such as catapults and ballistae, nor the from the caster. The supernatural force exerted by
enchantment of a magic arrow or bolt, but does the spell is only about one lb per level of the
reduce any damage caused by such weapons by caster, but the spell can be used to move small
one hit point per die of damage. The spell objects or to throw enemies off balance. A small
conveys no protection whatsoever against spells, object can be moved at a rate of 10 ft per round
including spells with missile-like qualities such as (directly away from the caster), and if the object is
fireball or ray of enfeeblement. a weapon held by a creature, the creature will
suffer a penalty to hit equal to the caster’s level.
PURIFY FOOD AND DRINK (Reversible) For example, a tenth level magic user could exert
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration so much eldritch force against an attacking orc’s
axe that the orc would suffer a –10 to hit with it.
Level: Cleric 1 Moving an actual creature or a heavier object is
Range: 30 ft only possible if the creature’s weight in lbs is not
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) more than 50 times the caster’s level.
Area of Effect: 1 cubic ft/ level
Components: V,S PYROTECHNICS - Druid
Casting Time: 1 round Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 3
This spell removes poison, rot, and other Range: 160 ft
contaminants from all food and water within the Duration: See below
spell’s area of effect, also destroying the Area of Effect: See below
malignant properties of unholy water. The reverse Components: V,S,M
of the spell contaminates food and water and will Casting Time: 5 segments
spoil holy water. Saving Throw: None
Pyrotechnics CHAPTER II: SPELLS Raise Dead
possible uses of the spell require an existing fire removed by the caster or by some other agency.
source (which may be anywhere in the spell’s Possible objectives for a quest are legion; they
range), and the spell’s area of effect depends on might include finding and bringing some valuable
the size of the originating fire. item to the cleric, capturing a castle, slaying a
monster, or any number of other tasks.
If the spell is used to produce fireworks, the
flashing display will temporarily blind (for 1d4+1 RAISE DEAD (Reversible)
rounds) all creatures in the area of effect and 120 Clerical Necromancy
ft beyond—provided that the display is not
obstructed from view, of course. The fireworks fill Level: Cleric 5
an area ten times the volume of the original fire Range: 30 ft
source and persist for one segment per caster Duration: Instantaneous (permanent)
level. Area of Effect: 1 person
Components: V,S
If the spell is used to produce smoke, a billowing Casting Time: 1 round
cloud will emanate from the fire source, obscuring Saving Throw: See below
vision beyond 20 ft in an area 100 times the
volume of the fire source. Whatever fire is used as The eerie, keening incantation of this spell calls a
the spell’s source is extinguished immediately as soul back from the afterlife, literally bringing the
the spell is cast. dead back to life. Elves, as they do not have
souls, cannot be brought back to life in this
PYROTECHNICS - Magic User manner, but humans, half-elves, half-orcs,
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration gnomes, dwarfs, and halflings can all be raised
from the dead by means of this spell. The longer a
Level: Magic user 2 soul has been departed from the material plane,
Range: 120 ft the more difficult it is to call it back; a cleric can
Duration: See below summon back a soul that has been dead no more
Area of Effect: See below days than the cleric’s level. In other words, a cleric
Components: V,S of tenth level can raise a person who has been
Casting Time: 2 segments dead no more than ten days, but an eleventh level
Saving Throw: None cleric can raise a person who has been dead
eleven days. The raised person must survive a
With any exceptions noted above, this spell is system shock saving throw in order to return to
identical to the druidic spell pyrotechnics. life, and he or she will be unable to engage in
strenuous activity (such as combat, study, or spell
QUEST casting) for a period of time equal to one day for
Clerical Enchantment/ Charm each day that he or she was dead.
Ray of Enfeeblement CHAPTER II: SPELLS Reincarnate
Reincarnation CHAPTER II: SPELLS Reincarnation
Remove Curse CHAPTER II: SPELLS Repulsion
This spell allows the cleric to remove curses from This spell is a divine warding against fear, and it
persons and objects, and the spell can have a can also banish magical terror in someone
variety of other applications against evil already affected. In the latter case, the spell
manifestations. Magical items imbued with curses grants a second saving throw at a bonus of +1 per
cannot be destroyed by the spell’s power, but use caster level. To a person not already affected by
of the spell upon a person under the influence of magical fear, the spell grants a bonus of +4 to fear
such an item will generally free the person from saving throws for one turn.
the curse and allow him or her to be rid of the
Druidic Abjuration
The spell’s reverse, bestow curse, inflicts the
subject with a magical curse, the exact nature of Level: Druid 4
which is not entirely within the caster’s control: Range: Caster
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level
50% Reduce one ability score to 3. Area of Effect: 1 creature
Components: V,S,M
25% Cause –4 penalty to hit and on saving Casting Time: 1 round
throws. Saving Throw: See below
25% Cause victim (50% chance per turn) to An invisible barrier forms around the spell’s
drop any objects it is holding (or in the case recipient as the caster completes the invocation,
of an non-tool-using creature, not act for warding him or her from insects. Only true insects
one round). are affected by the spell, which does not repel
spiders, scorpions, beetles or centipedes. Normal
With the GM’s agreement, the character may insects are completely hedged out by the spell,
design a specific curse to use with this spell other and giant varieties (2+ hit dice) must succeed in a
than the random curse the spell normally saving throw against spells to pass the barrier.
unleashes. In order to bestow a curse, the cleric Even if a giant insect should manage to penetrate
must successfully touch the intended victim, who the barrier, it will sustain 1d6 hit points of damage
is entitled to a saving throw. The duration of a from doing so.
bestowed curse is 1 turn per caster level.
REMOVE CURSE - Magic User (Reversible) Arcane Abjuration
Arcane Abjuration
Level: Magic user 6
Level: Magic user 4 Range: 10 ft/ level
Range: Touch Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels
Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: 10 ft wide path
Area of Effect: See below Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S Casting Time: 6 segments
Casting Time: 4 segments Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: See below
All living creatures in the spell’s path will move
Other than as noted above, this spell is identical away from the caster at their normal movement
to the clerical spell remove curse. rates for the spell’s duration, as if by choice.
Resist Cold CHAPTER II: SPELLS Reverse Gravity
Level: Cleric 1 By casting this spell, the cleric restores one lost
Range: Touch level of experience to the spell’s target. Not
Duration: 1 turn/ level necessarily all lost experience points are restored;
Area of Effect: Creature touched an afflicted character will only regain enough
Components: V,S,M experience points to regain the lost level, no
Casting Time: 1 round more. A cleric can only restore a level lost within
Saving Throw: None as many days as the cleric’s caster level. For
example, a cleric of 12th level cannot restore an
By touching the spell’s intended recipient and experience level lost 13 or more days prior to the
casting the spell, the cleric instills the recipient casting of the spell. The spell’s reverse causes
with a supernatural resistance to the effects of the target to lose one experience level. No saving
extreme cold. Normal cold, temperatures ranging throw applies, but a successful attack is required.
down to zero degrees Fahrenheit, is perceived as In addition to restoring lost levels, the spell can
normal temperature. The subject also gains a affect other sorts of magically-induced debilities.
saving throw bonus of +3 against magical cold, The effects of a feeblemind spell are reversed by
taking one half damage if the save is not restoration, for example.
successful and one quarter damage if the save is
successful. The saving throw is permitted even RESURRECTION (Reversible)
against attacks that would not ordinarily permit a Clerical Necromancy
saving throw (such as a magically cold sword).
Level: 7
RESIST FIRE Range: Touch
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration Duration: Instantaneous (permanent)
Area of Effect: 1 person
Level: Cleric 2 Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn/ caster level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V,S,M The awesome power of a resurrection spell brings
Casting Time: 5 segments the dead back to life. Unlike raise dead, a
Saving Throw: None resurrection spell may be cast upon a person who
has been dead for as many as 10 years per caster
When this spell is cast, the recipient gains level. Casting the spell requires the cleric to rest
resistance to fire and heat, being able to endure for one day per level of the person raised. Elves
boiling temperatures without discomfort. A person cannot be resurrected, having no souls, but
under the influence of this spell can stand humans and the rest of their ilk (half-elves,
unharmed in the middle of a bonfire, and even dwarfs, etc.) can be affected. As with raise dead,
gains a measure of resistance to magical fire. The the recipient’s memory of whatever transpired
subject gains a saving throw bonus of +3 against between death and resurrection is erased.
magical fire, taking one half damage if the save is
not successful and one quarter damage if the The reverse of the spell kills the subject and turns
save is successful. The saving throw is permitted him or her to dust, requiring a successful attack
even against attacks that would not ordinarily roll to touch.
allow a saving throw.
RESTORATION (Reversible) Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Clerical Necromancy
Level: Magic user 7
Level: 7 Range: 5 ft/ level
Range: Touch Duration: 1 second (1/6 segment)
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) Area of Effect: 30 ft x 30 ft x 1 mile
Area of Effect: 1 creature Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S Casting Time: 7 segments
Rope Trick CHAPTER II: SPELLS Secret Chest
Shades CHAPTER II: SPELLS Shadow Monsters
Shape Change CHAPTER II: SPELLS Shatter
illusionist can weave quasi-reality into his or her shadow monster is entitled to a saving throw to
phantasms. At this level of power, the illusionist realize that the creature is only partially real. If
can begin to reshape reality by the power of his or shadow creatures attack someone who fails the
her mind. The shadow monsters created by the saving throw, they strike and inflict damage as the
spell are selected by the caster (subject to the type of creature they appear to be (excluding
GM’s discretion). The total hit dice of the monsters magical attacks such as breath weapons). If they
cannot exceed the caster’s level, and all of them attack someone who has succeeded in making a
must be the same kind of monster. Shadow saving throw, they are treated as AC 10 and inflict
monsters have only 20% of normal hit dice only 20% (multiply by .2 and round up) of normal
(multiply by .2 and round up). Anyone seeing a damage for that sort of creature.
Shield CHAPTER II: SPELLS Simulacrum
Sleep CHAPTER II: SPELLS Snake Charm
Snare CHAPTER II: SPELLS Speak with Dead
will rise up and begin swaying back and forth, the exception of mindless creatures). While the
otherwise remaining motionless. A cleric can spell lasts, the animal (and any other animals of
affect multiple serpents with the spell, up to a total the same type in its company) will refrain from
number of hit points equal to the cleric’s own. The attacking, even if they were initially hostile.
spell’s duration depends upon the existing Depending upon the nature of the conversation, if
emotions of the snake at the time the spell is cast. the animal’s alignment is neutral or of the same
If the snake was asleep, the duration of the charm tendency as the cleric’s, the animal may be
is 1d4+2 turns; if the snake was awake but not disposed to help the cleric in some manner. It is
angry, the duration will be 1-3 turns; and if the important to note that the spell does not permit
snake was angry (or attacking), the spell will last speech with animals of monstrous or unnatural
1d4+4 rounds. nature; communication with a monster such as a
cockatrice, for example, is beyond the spell’s
SNARE power. Neither does the spell suddenly imbue an
Druidic Enchantment/ Charm animal with intelligence; the observations and
opinions of an animal such as a badger will be
Level: Druid 3 appropriate to the animal’s own experiences,
Range: Touch motives, and intellectual limitations.
Duration: Permanent (until triggered)
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius + 6 ft/ caster level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: None
SPEAK WITH ANIMALS - Cleric This spell allows the druid to speak with all
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration animals of a particular type or species that are
within 40 ft of him or her when the spell’s casting
Level: Cleric 2 is complete. In all other respects, except as
Range: 0 denoted above, the spell is identical to the second
Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level level cleric spell speak with animals.
Area of Effect: 1 creature within 30 ft of the
Components: V,S Clerical Necromancy
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None Level: Cleric 3
Range: 10 ft
When the caster invokes this spell, he or she Duration: See below
becomes able to communicate with and Area of Effect: 1 dead creature
understand the “speech” of normal animals (with Components: V,S,M
Speak with Monsters CHAPTER II: SPELLS Spell Immunity
Casting Time: 1 turn and understand the answers given, although any
Saving Throw: None conclusions or opinions the plant provides will be
based on the plant’s level of intelligence. Even a
By casting speak with dead, the cleric opens a normal plant, however, will be able to convey
mystical channel to the afterworld, permitting him information about events that have transpired
or her to ask a dead creature several questions. near it. If the plants are capable of motion, it will
As with most spells that concern the afterlife, the be possible for the cleric to persuade them into a
length of time that the soul has departed is a course of action, such as drawing aside to allow
factor—the longer the creature has been dead, passage, or even attacking an enemy citadel.
the more powerful the casting cleric must be to
initiate contact. The cleric must be able to speak SPEAK WITH PLANTS - Druid
the dead creature’s language and must have Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
some portion of its bodily remains available as the
focus of the spell. Level: Druid 4
Range: Caster
Max Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level
Caster Spell number of Max time Area of Effect: 40 ft radius around caster
level duration questions since death Components: V,S,M
5-6 1 round 2 1 week Casting Time: 1 turn
7-8 3 rounds 3 1 month Saving Throw: None
9-12 1 turn 4 1 year
13-15 2 turns 5 1 decade Other than as noted above, this spell is identical
16-20 3 turns 6 1 century to the clerical spell speak with plants.
21+ 1 hour 7 1 æon
SPEAK WITH MONSTERS Phantasmal Illusion
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration
Level: Illusionist 3
Level: Cleric 6 Range: 60 ft + 10 ft/ level
Range: Caster Duration: See below
Duration: 1 round/ caster level Area of Effect: 40 x 40 ft sq + 10 x 10 ft sq/ level
Area of Effect: 30 ft radius Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S Casting Time: 3 segments
Casting Time: 9 segments Saving Throw: See below
Saving Throw: None
This spell functions in the same manner as
Within the spell’s area of effect, the caster improved phantasmal force, but it is a more
becomes capable of communicating with any kind powerful evocation of the same magic. The
of creature provided it has some form of illusionist can include sounds, smells, and heat (or
intelligence. The spell does not make the target cold) into the illusion, making it very believable.
friendly to the caster; for this, the caster must rely The spectral force can linger for three rounds after
upon his or her charisma. the illusionist ceases to concentrate upon it.
The cleric becomes able to hold converse with This spell confers tremendous protection against
living plant matter. He or she may pose questions magical attacks that affect the mind. A creature
Spider Climb CHAPTER II: SPELLS Spiritual Weapon
warded by this spell gains a +8 bonus to such resistance allows it to escape this effect). Even if
saving throws. The caster may divide the spell’s the fiend’s magic resistance protects it, the words
duration among as many recipients as his or her of the scroll cause considerable agony, and if the
caster level divided by four. The material creature has the ability to escape it is only 10%
component for this spell is a gem of any kind or likely to remain and try to stop the final reading
size. (0% likelihood if it has no means of attacking the
magic user, gaining possession of the scroll, or
SPIDER CLIMB otherwise influencing events in its favour). After
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration one full minute of reading the scroll (i.e., in the
second round), the fiend loses one hit point per hit
Level: Magic user 1 die from pain. In the third round, the fiend loses
Range: Touch 50% of its remaining hit points from the agony
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/ level caused by the words of the scroll. After the third
Area of Effect: 1 creature round of reading, the fiend is banished to its home
Components: V,S,M plane, where it writhes in agony for a period of
Casting Time: 1 segment years equal to the caster’s level.
Saving Throw: None
Obviously, any fiend caught with this ritual will
When the magic user casts this spell, the seek to negotiate its way out; the GM will
recipient’s bare hands and feet become sticky determine probabilities based on the fiend’s goals
enough to allow him or her to climb walls and and personality, but the base likelihood will be
even crawl along a ceiling. The movement rate for roughly 25% per round that the fiend will agree to
such climbing is 30 ft per round. The subject of perform a task for the caster in exchange for
this spell will find it difficult to employ tools or nothing more than the cessation of the ritual.
handle small objects with precision while the spell
is in effect.
Arcane Abjuration
Statue CHAPTER II: SPELLS Stinking Cloud
upon maintaining it (limited, of course, to the This spell enables the cleric to transform sticks
duration of the spell). The hammer strikes as a into serpents that attack at the cleric’s will. The
magical weapon for purposes of affecting snakes may be ordered to take other actions if the
creatures hit only by magic weapons (as if it were cleric can speak with them, but this spell alone
a +1 weapon, with an additional +1 per three does not grant the power to communicate with the
levels of the caster), but it has no actual bonus on snakes, only to will them to attack particular
to hit rolls. The spiritual weapon attacks as if it opponents. The spell transforms one stick per
were wielded by the cleric, at the cleric’s level and caster level, and each snake has a 5% chance
with any appropriate to hit and damage bonuses per caster level of being venomous. The reverse
(or penalties). The weapon does damage as a of the spell will change snakes into harmless
normal war hammer. sticks and can work such a transformation upon
snakes created by means of this spell. Sticks of a
STATUE magical quality, such as wands or magic spears,
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration are not affected by the spell.
STICKS TO SNAKES - Cleric (Reversible) Except as may be noted above, this spell is
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration identical to the clerical spell of the same name.
Stone Shape CHAPTER II: SPELLS Suggestion
Suggestion CHAPTER II: SPELLS Symbol
Phantasmal Conjuration/ Summoning
Level: Illusionist 5
Range: 10 ft
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/ level
Area of Effect: Summoned shadows
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None
Symbol CHAPTER II: SPELLS Telekinesis
To cast this spell, the cleric shapes a glowing Symbol of Hopelessness: Creatures that fail to
symbol in the air. Any creature seeing the symbol save vs spells are affected by deep depression for
closely enough to discern its shape 3d4 turns. Each round during this period they act
(approximately 100 ft) will be affected by it. The randomly, not acting at all (25%), or walking away
clerical casting of this spell allows for three from the symbol (75%), even if this means
different symbols: Hopelessness, Pain, and breaking off from combat. Such creatures will
Persuasion. submit to any demand made by an enemy or ally,
including a command to surrender.
Hopelessness: The symbol of hopelessness
causes despair. Any creature (other than those Symbol of Insanity: Creatures with total hit
with no intelligence) failing the saving throw will points of not more than 120 are affected by
wander sadly away or surrender in the face of a lunacy, acting per the random actions described in
challenge such as a combat. The despair will the confusion spell. The effect is permanent (or
persist for 3d4 turns. until removed by magical means).
Pain: The symbol of pain inflicts terrible, shooting Symbol of Pain: Any creature triggering the
pains for a duration of 2-20 turns. Any creature so symbol is subjected to horrible pain, losing 2
affected will suffer a –4 penalty on attack rolls and points of dexterity and gaining a penalty of –4 on
a temporary loss of 2 dexterity points. all to-hit rolls for a period of 2d10 turns.
Persuasion: Those viewing the symbol of Symbol of Sleep: This symbol causes any
persuasion and failing their saving throw will creature of 8+1 hit dice or less to fall into an
undergo a temporary change of alignment to the enchanted slumber; it is impossible to awaken the
caster’s alignment and become friendly to the victims for 4d4+1 turns.
caster for 1d20 turns.
Symbol of Stunning: Creatures with a total of
SYMBOL - Magic User 160 or fewer hit points are stunned for 3d4
Arcane Conjuration/ Summoning rounds, dropping whatever they are holding.
Level: Magic user 8 Material components for this spell cost at least
Range: Touch 10,000 gp.
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below TELEKINESIS
Components: V,S,M Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: See below Level: Magic user 5
Range: 10 ft/ level
The symbol spell is used to enchant magical Duration: 2 rounds + 1/ level
runes written on a surface. Any creature that Area of Effect: 25 lbs/ level
passes by, over, or under the rune; touches it; or Components: V,S
reads it will be affected by its magic. There are Casting Time: 5 segments
numerous symbols that can be created with this Saving Throw: None
spell. Those best known are as follows:
This spell allows the caster to move objects
Symbol of Death: Creatures with hit points through force of will, up to a weight limit of 25 lbs
totalling not more than 80 are slain. per level. An object can be accelerated to a
deadly velocity over the course of a few minutes.
Symbol of Discord: All creatures in the area The base speed is 20 ft per round, but the caster
begin arguing with one another. Those that do not can double this speed every round (to 40 ft, then
share the same alignment have a 50% chance of 80 ft, then 160 ft) to a maximum of 102,400 ft per
actually fighting one another. The duration of the round (1,706 ft per second). For every 2,000 ft per
effect is 5d4 rounds, but if a fight breaks out, the round that an object is travelling, it will sustain 1d6
duration is reduced to 2d4 rounds. damage if it strikes another object. The spell
allows an object to be moved in any direction,
Symbol of Fear: As per fear spell, but save at –4. horizontally or vertically.
Teleport CHAPTER II: SPELLS Time Stop
To see how well the teleportation works, the Level: Magic user 9
player will roll d% and consult the preceding table. Range: 10 ft
Refer to the following information for definitions of Duration: Permanent
the terms contained in table: Area of Effect: 1 creature
Components: V,S,M
Familiarity: “Very familiar” is a place where the Casting Time: 9 segments
caster has been very often and feels at home. Saving Throw: None
“Studied carefully” is a place the caster knows
well, either because he or she can currently see it, This spell places the victim into a magical sleep
has been there often, or has used other means so deep that it is akin to suspended animation.
(such as scrying) to study the place for at least The victim does not age or change in any way and
one hour. “Seen casually” is a place that the does not need to breathe or eat. The sleep lasts
caster has seen more than once but with which he until the victim is awakened by the use of dispel
or she is not very familiar. “Viewed once” is a magic or the spell’s reverse form.
place that the caster has seen once, possibly
using magic. “False destination” is a place that TIME STOP
does not truly exist, or if the caster is teleporting to Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists
as such, or has been so completely altered as to Level: Magic user 9
no longer be considered “familiar.” Range: 10 ft
Duration: 1 segment/ 2 levels + 1d8 segments
Area of Effect: 15 ft radius sphere
Tiny Hut CHAPTER II: SPELLS Transformation
Transmute Metal to Wood CHAPTER II: SPELLS Transport via Plants
Upon the completion of this spell, the caster’s resulting volume of mud will immediately collapse,
form and mind alter as he or she takes on the possibly trapping or suffocating those caught
spirit and attributes of a powerful berserker beneath. Similarly, if a floor is turned to mud,
warrior. The caster’s existing hit points are creatures standing in the area will sink and may
doubled, and any damage sustained is first be trapped. If dispel magic is cast upon the mud
deducted from the “additional” hit points with no before it eventually dries into dirt, the mud will
deduction from the “true” hit points until the return to stone, but in the shape and location of
additional hit points are gone. Once the additional the mud (i.e., a collapsed ceiling will not return to
hit points are gone, however, the caster sustains its original place; it will be frozen back into stone
twice normal damage from attacks. The caster’s where it collapsed). The spell’s reverse transforms
armour class improves by four points, and he or mud into sandstone or a similar sedimentary rock.
she attacks as a fighter of the same level. The
transformed magic user may only use a dagger as TRANSMUTE ROCK TO MUD - Magic User
a weapon while in this berserk state, but may Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
attack twice per round, inflicting a +2 bonus on all
damage. The magic user cannot cancel the Level: Magic user 5
effects of this spell, and will continue to attack Range: 10 ft/ level
until all enemies are killed or the spell duration Duration: See below
ends. In order to cast this spell, the magic user Area of Effect: 20 ft cube/ level
must consume a potion of heroism. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 5 segments
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
Except as may be noted above, this spell is
Level: Druid 7 identical to the druidic spell of the same name.
Range: 80 ft
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) TRANSPORT VIA PLANTS
Area of Effect: 1 metal object Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 9 segments Level: Druid 6
Saving Throw: See below Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Using this spell, the druid may select a single Area of Effect: See below
object of metal and change its substance to wood. Components: V,S
The spell affects up to 8 lbs of metal per caster Casting Time: 3 segments
level. The item is not entitled to a saving throw, Saving Throw: None
but magic items have a flat 90% chance of being
unaffected by the spell. The mystic oneness of all nature is a principal
tenet of many druidic sects, and it sees practical
TRANSMUTE ROCK TO MUD - Druid use in the transport via plants spell. Upon casting
(Reversible) this spell, the druid may travel almost instantly
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration from one plant to another through the mystic
oneness that joins all life forms. The spell
Level: Druid 5 operates in much the same fashion as pass plant,
Range: 160 ft but with an unlimited range.
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube/ caster level When the spell is cast, the druid simply steps into
Components: V,S,M a large plant of any kind and disappears into it. He
Casting Time: 7 segments or she may remain in the first plant for up to 24
Saving Throw: None hours, but at any time he or she may step forth
from another plant of the same species in another
This spell transforms solid rock into mud, the location. The druid may know of a specific plant
volume transformed being proportionate to the from which he or she wants to emerge, or may
caster’s level. Any volume of mud will sink until its simply specify a distance and a direction. If the
depth is equal to about one half the pool’s druid does not know of a specific destination
diameter. If this spell is cast upon a ceiling, the plant, his or her arrival may be off by 1d% miles
Trap the Soul CHAPTER II: SPELLS True Sight
Level: Druid 3 This spell imbues the recipient with the ability to
Range: Caster see things as they truly are within a range of 120
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/ caster level ft. Illusions, displacements, astral or æthereal
Area of Effect: Caster objects and beings, and secret doors are ex-
Components: V,S,M amples of the kinds of deception and unreality that
Casting Time: 5 segments the spell reveals. Alignment auras become visible
Saving Throw: None so that the cleric can discern good from evil, law
from chaos. Polymorphed items and creatures are
Casting this spell causes the druid’s shape to melt seen in their true shape. The reverse of the spell,
and twist into that of a tree, its general false seeing, is in the nature of a curse, making
appearance determined by the caster. The spell is the subject’s perception untrustworthy and
neither an illusion nor a charm: the druid is, for all contrary in what it reveals.
intents and purposes, a tree. However, in tree
shape the druid retains human senses and will be TRUE SIGHT
fully aware of his or her surroundings. The druid Phantasmal Divination
may shift back into human shape at will, thereby
ending the spell. Magical detections will reveal the Level: Illusionist 6
druid’s true form, but ordinary inspections, no Range: Touch
matter how minute, will not. Duration: 1 round/ level
Area of Effect: 60 ft
Components: V,S
Turn Wood CHAPTER II: SPELLS Ventriloquism
Ventriloquism CHAPTER II: SPELLS Wall of Fire
The caster makes his or her voice (or any sound obsessed with performing a task, and is treated as
he or she can vocalize) seem to issue from being under a geas spell until the random task is
someplace else, such as from another creature, a completed. If the roll is from 7-9 there is no result
statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. at all from the divination; the illusionist discerns no
For each point of intelligence of the listener over useful patterns, and suffers no ill effects from the
12, there is a cumulative 10% chance to correctly attempt.
perceive the source of the sound.
VENTRILOQUISM - Magic User Druidic Evocation
Arcane Illusion/Phantasm
Level: Druid 5
Level: Magic user 1 Range: 80 ft (wall) or caster (ring)
Range: 10 ft/ level (max 60 ft) Duration: See below
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ level Area of Effect: See below
Area of Effect: 1 object Components: V,S,M
Components: V,M Casting Time: 7 segments
Casting Time: 1 segment Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: See below
One of the more dramatic examples of druidic
Except as may be noted above, this spell is magic is the wall of fire spell, by which the druid
identical to the illusionist spell of the same name. calls up a blazing inferno of flame in the shape of
a wall. One side of the conflagration emits the
searing heat one would expect, but the other side
emits merely a gentle warmth. Passing through
the flames inflicts 4d4 damage plus one per caster
level. Creatures as far as ten ft from the hot side
of the wall incur 2d4 hit points of damage, and
even creatures as far as 20 ft from the fire are
burned for 1d4 points of damage. Undead
creatures suffer worse from the power of this
druidic magic, taking twice the ordinary damage
the wall would inflict.
Wall of Fog CHAPTER II: SPELLS Wall of Stone
A magic user’s wall of fire does base damage of A wall of ice spell creates a huge wall of ice, with
2d6 hit points plus one hit points per level. If the a front face of up to 100 sq ft per level. Its exact
wall is configured as a ring its radius will be 10 ft + dimensions are adjustable by the caster. Thus, if
3 ft per level. In all other respects, the spell the wall is cast by a 20th level caster, the
resembles the druidic spell wall of fire. dimensions of the wall could be any combination
of dimensions that multiply to equal 2,000 sq ft.
WALL OF FOG The wall might be 10 ft high and 200 ft long, or 5 ft
Phantasmal Transmutation/ Alteration high and 400 ft long, or 20 ft high and 100 ft long,
etc. The wall need not be cast so that it is at-
Level: Illusionist 1 tached to anything, and it can even be cast in the
Range: 30 ft air to fall upon opponents, doing 3d10 points of
Duration: 2d4 rounds + 1 round/ level damage in the area where it falls. Breaking
Area of Effect: 20 ft/ level cube through the ice with a melee weapon causes two
Components: V,S,M hit points of damage from ice shards per inch of
Casting Time: 1 segment thickness, and can be broken out at a rate of 10 ft
Saving Throw: None per round. Normal fire has no measurable effect
upon the wall, but magical fire will melt through it
The illusionist creates a curtain of obscuring fog in in one round. If the wall is destroyed by fire in a
the area of effect. Vision of all kinds is reduced to single round, it will cause a massive cloud of
2 ft through the swirling vapour. The fog can be water vapour to form and linger for a full turn,
affected by normal or magical wind and breezes. obscuring vision by 50%.
A wall of force is a barrier of magical power, By casting wall of iron, the magic user creates a
invisible but virtually impervious to all attacks, sheet of solid iron, one quarter of an inch thick per
blocking almost anything from passing through it. caster level, with dimensions of 15 sq ft per caster
The wall is utterly unaffected by physical attacks level. The configuration of the square footage is
and spells, including dispel magic, and all forms of determined by the caster, but must be
energy, such as electricity, heat, and cold. The rectangular. The wall must be vertical if it is
only way actually to destroy a wall of force is with created upon the ground, but may be created
a disintegrate spell. The wall remains in place horizontally in the air, falling to crush whatever is
even if the ground beneath it is destroyed or beneath. The wall is natural iron and can be
transformed, hanging magically in place where it affected by rust or transmutations, but its
was evoked. existence is magical and may be dispelled.
Wall of Thorns CHAPTER II: SPELLS Weather Summoning
When the spell is completed, a wall of stone is This spell permanently warps wood and may be
called into being, sprouting from existing stone used to destroy arrows, spears, doors, etc. The
formations. In order for the spell to succeed, there druid may affect a volume of wood roughly fifteen
must be existing rock large enough to serve as inches long by one inch thick per caster level,
the anchor on each side of the wall. No rock from about the volume of an axe handle. Multiple items
the foundation is consumed; the wall’s stone is may be affected; four arrows have about the same
created from nothing, but needs existing rock from volume as an axe handle. A fifth level druid could
which to emerge and with which to meld. The wall effectively destroy a normal door with this spell.
itself is one quarter of an inch thick for each level
of the magic user and has an area of 20 x 20 ft WATER BREATHING - Druid (Reversible)
per caster level. The wall need not be vertical, but Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
must be anchored—a bridge is a good example of
a way to create and use a horizontal wall of stone. Level: Druid 3
The wall may be dispelled, but otherwise has all Range: Touch
the characteristics of natural stone. Duration: 6 turns/ level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
WALL OF THORNS Components: V,S,M
Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None
Level: Druid 6
Range: 80 ft This spell grants the ability to breathe underwater
Duration: 1 turn/ level while the spell lasts. The reverse of the spell
Area of Effect: 100 ft cube/ caster level allows a water-breathing creature to breathe in the
Components: V,S air.
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None WATER BREATHING - Magic User (Reversible)
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
When the druid casts this spell, a tangled wall of
briar vines erupts from the ground, bristling with Level: Magic user 3
sharp, deadly thorns. Running into or attempting Range: Touch
to force a way through the thorns will cause eight Duration: 1 round/ level
hit points damage, plus one hit point for every Area of Effect: 1 creature
point of armour class. A creature may be caught Components: V,S,M
within the wall of thorns when the spell is cast, Casting Time: 3 segments
and if this is the case it will take damage imme- Saving Throw: None
diately and must fight through (taking damage a
second time) to gain enough freedom of motion to Except as noted above, this spell is identical to
chop at the thorns. It takes four turns to cut the druidic spell water breathing.
through a 40 ft thickness of a wall of thorns.
Normal fire has no effect upon a wall of thorns, Druidic Conjuration/ Summoning
but magical fire can ignite the entire growth,
creating a wall of fire (as per the spell) that burns Level: Druid 6
away to nothing in two turns. Range: 0
Duration: See below
WARP WOOD Area of Effect: See below
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Level: Druid 2 Saving Throw: None
Range: 10 ft/ caster level
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent) The area of effect of this spell is d% sq miles, but
Area of Effect: See below except as noted above, the spell is similar to the
Components: V,S,M clerical spell control weather, allowing the druid to
Casting Time: 4 segments affect, but not direct, existing weather conditions.
Saving Throw: None
rest. The only exception to this is when the wish is round if it is examining floors, ceilings, and walls.
used for transport, healing, or resurrection of the The magic user can detect secret doors through
dead. In general, the exact wording of the wish is the eye as per his or her normal chance, but
carried out regardless of its intent, but the GM will cannot view through the eye with any special
not normally be stringent upon this point unless vision the magic user has, for the eye’s vision is
the wish is an attempt to overreach the spell’s limited to its own sensory capabilities. The eye
power. cannot pass through solid substances, but it can
move through a hole no more than an inch in
In the case of unreasonable wishes, the GM may diameter.
decide to follow the wording of the spell precisely
but pervert the intent, limit the duration of the spell WIZARD LOCK
to a very limited time (perhaps mere seconds!) or Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration
simply rule that the whole spell fails.
Level: Magic user 2
The guideline here is that wishes are granted by Range: Touch
someone or something, which may or may not be Duration: Permanent
kindly disposed to the player characters. The Area of Effect: 30 sq ft/ level
more greedy or selfish a wish, the greater the Components: V,S
chance that a mischievous or actually evil power Casting Time: 2 segments
will take the opportunity to teach this upstart Saving Throw: None
mortal a lesson.
A wizard lock spell functions similarly to a
powerful hold portal spell, except that extra-
dimensional creatures cannot pass through a
wizard lock as they can a held portal.
Clerical Transmutation/ Alteration
Level: Cleric 6
Range: Caster
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: Caster and additional weight (see
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Arcane Transmutation/ Alteration By the utterance of a single word of power, the
cleric transports him- or herself infallibly to a
Level: Magic user 4 prepared place of sanctuary. Before the spell can
Range: Caster be cast with success, a place in the sanctuary
Duration: 1 round/ level must be inscribed with a rune corresponding to
Area of Effect: Magical eye the cleric’s word of recall; any later elimination of
Components: V,S,M this rune by any person other than the cleric will
Casting Time: 1 turn not affect the proper functioning of the spell.
Saving Throw: None Transportation by means of word of recall is
instantaneous and not subject to error. The
The wizard eye is a scrying spell allowing the sanctuary may be of any distance from the cleric,
wizard to create a material (but invisible) visual and may be above or below ground. The cleric
organ that transmits to the caster whatever it may also transport as much as 25 lbs of other
sees. The eye has infravision with a range of 100 material per level of experience, including
ft and can see at a distance of 600 ft in normal equipment or even another living being.
lighting. The eye travels at a rate of 30 ft per
round if it is not scrutinising its surroundings WRITE
closely, but can proceed no faster than 10 ft per Arcane Evocation
Level: Magic user 1 the spell is two levels higher than the magic user
Range: Caster can cast, there is no bonus or penalty to the
Duration: 1 hour/ level saving throw. If the spell is more than 2 levels
Area of Effect: Caster higher than the magic user can cast, each
Components: V,S,M additional level adds a –1 penalty. If the magic
Casting Time: 1 round user fails this saving throw, the spell is not
Saving Throw: None successfully copied, the caster takes 1d4 points of
damage for each level of the spell, and he or she
This spell enables the magic user to make a is knocked unconscious for one turn per hit point
written copy of a spell he or she cannot yet cast, a sustained thereby. The damage sustained cannot
somewhat dangerous proposition. In order to be healed more quickly than four hit points per
succeed in this task, the caster must make a day, even with the assistance of magical healing.
saving throw vs spells, with a modifier determined If the saving throw is successful, the magic user
by the difficulty of the spell being transcribed. If may copy the spell, which takes one hour per
the spell is up to one level higher than the magic level of the spell. The material component is ink
user can cast, the saving throw is made at +2. If costing at least 200 gp.
“Are you kidding me?! NEVER trust a hot babe you meet in the dungeon; that’s like rule #1.”
Time Measurement CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Encumbrance
After the players have created their characters, have treasure, the appearance of wandering
using character sheets to record ability scores and monsters serves to reward characters who do not
other information, the GM will describe the waste time (or more accurately, to punish those
situation. Often, the characters are presumed to who do). See “Exploring the Dungeon” for more
have already met and formed an adventuring on this.
party, but this is completely up to the GM. The
GM’s description of the beginning of the game MOVEMENT
might include a few details about the world, or this
knowledge might be reserved for the players to Movement rates represent the distance a
discover bit by bit. Regardless of the level of character (or monster) can move in one minute (1
campaign information, the GM will also describe round). If a character is moving cautiously (e.g.,
the characters’ immediate surroundings—a stalking, mapping), this movement rate is divided
tavern, a wild moor, the top of a stairwell leading by ten. A party of adventurers with a movement
down into darkness, or whatever other situation rate of 90 ft would move at 90 ft per turn through a
the GM has chosen as the starting point for these dungeon (moving cautiously), and in combat (not
adventurers’ careers. After setting the scene, the moving cautiously) they would be moving 90 ft in
course and success of the party is down to the a round. Running allows the character to double
players’ judgment and creativity. his or her movement rate. During combat, a flat-
out run is not possible unless performing a charge
The players tell the GM what their characters are or fleeing from combat.
doing, such as “Leofric climbs the slope, sword in
hand, to see what’s at the crest,” or, “I light my Dividing movement rate by five (e.g., 60 ft
torch and head down the stairs.” The GM becomes 12) gives the number of miles the
responds by telling the players what the character can travel in a day at walking speed
characters see, hear, taste, smell and feel. There along fairly level terrain. Thus, a character with a
will sometimes be peaceful encounters with non- movement rate of 120 ft can march 24 miles in
player characters (NPCs), and the GM will play one day. Mounted characters use their horse’s
the roles of these, either playing the part or giving movement rate rather than their own, of course.
the players a summary of what the NPC says and
Having the right tool for the right task can mean
For the characters, time is not measured in the the difference between life and death beneath the
real time of the players around the gaming table. ground in an abandoned tomb or dungeon
Time may pass faster or slower in the game complex. Players may be tempted to load their
world, even to the extent of the GM’s mentioning, characters up with too much gear, burdening
for example, “a month passes.” Game time is movement and restricting their fighting capability.
measured in turns (10 minutes), rounds (1 minute) Naturally, there is a limit to what an adventurer
and segments (six seconds). Unless the party is can reasonably carry, and a character weighted
engaged in combat, almost all game time in down with every conceivable piece of equipment
dungeons is measured in the 10-minute turn. will soon find that it is best to be selective in
choosing how much to carry. If for no other
The GM normally records the passage of time, but reason, those same sacks and backpacks need to
a few GMs delegate keeping track of time to a be empty enough to carry out the vast troves of
particularly trustworthy player. coins and other treasure the party expects to find!
Moreover, if the party must flee from pursuers, it
Measuring time can be important for many may not be important to be the fastest, but it is of
reasons; torches burn down to useless stubs, food crucial importance not to be the slowest!
is consumed, and wounded characters heal
damage as they rest. In dangerous environments, The most weight a character can carry is 150 lbs,
such as wildernesses or dungeons, the GM will plus whatever additional weight is allowed for the
typically make periodic checks to see if any character’s strength. This additional weight
“wandering monsters” appear. These checks are allowance permitted by the character’s strength is
normally carried out every so many turns, or simply subtracted from the weight on the table
hours, or days. Since wandering monsters rarely below to determine a character’s level of
Gaining Levels CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Experience
Note that the table above assumes that the Experience points (“xp”) are awarded by the GM
character in question has a base 120 ft move. If for slaying monsters and recovering treasure. The
the character is of a small race (such as a dwarf, GM may also choose to award additional
gnome or halfling), a base move of 90 ft may experience points in any situation in which he or
apply (deduct 30 ft from all movement rates, with she feels that the players deserve it, although the
a minimum of 30 ft; but do NOT change the effect authors recommend that such instances should
of encumbrance on surprise/initiative). not be overly frequent nor the awards made too
large. For treasure recovered, the guideline is 1
Naturally, characters must have a container if they xp to the party per gold piece value, assuming
wish to carry liquids, large numbers of coins, etc. that the money in question is successfully
Capacities of sample containers are as follows: extracted from the adventure area and brought to
a suitable home base or town.
Light and Vision CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Combat
An exception is magic items, which should result of little help while searching or making minute
in an experience point award of no more than one examinations, so sapient creatures such as orcs
tenth of their gold piece value if kept. (Full may well prefer torchlight even if they possess
experience may be awarded if such an item is infravision.
sold to an NPC.)
Note that if the player character level vastly
exceeds the monster level, a proportional It is inevitable that at some point a character will
reduction should be made. Hence, for example, a fall into a pit, off a wall, or over a cliff. Damage
tenth level fighter slaying an orc in single combat from falling is determined as follows: Falls of less
should expect no more than a single experience than 5 ft do no damage in game terms; falls of up
point for so doing. to 10 ft cause 1d6 damage; if the distance fallen is
20 ft or less, 3d6 damage is inflicted; falls of up to
LIGHT AND VISION 30 ft cause 6d6, 40 ft is 10d6, 50 ft is 15d6, and
falls of over 50 ft cause 20d6 points of damage.
In a dungeon, the party’s light source is, of
course, crucial. Torches may be blown out by Optionally, kindly GMs may allow a saving throw
gusts of wind or extinguished by water or even against falling damage, and if the GM is so
magic. Various light sources are available on the inclined and the saving throw is actually passed,
equipment table, and details of the illumination the damage taken will be halved.
they provide are set forth hereafter.
Bullseye lanterns illuminate 80 ft (in a 10 ft wide
beam) and burn a pint of oil every four hours. When the party of adventurers comes into contact
Such lanterns can be masked. with enemies, game-time no longer follows a
sequence of turns (representing 10 minutes), but
Hooded lanterns illuminate a 30 ft radius and also is measured in rounds (representing 1 minute),
burn one pint of oil every four hours. Magical subdivided into six-second long “segments.” The
weapons illuminate 10-20 ft for an infinite period order of events is as follows:
of time (dagger 10 ft, longsword 20 ft). Torches
shed 40 ft of illumination and burn out in six turns 1.Determine Surprise (d6)
(one hour). Standard game candles shed 20 ft of
illumination and burn out in 30 minutes, although 2.Declare Spells and General Actions
longer-lasting ones may be purchased at
additional cost. 3.Determine Initiative (d6, highest result is the
winner, each party acts in the segment indicated
Other light sources, such as lamps or magic by the other party’s die roll)
items, will have their fields of lighting determined
by the GM, who may use the information provided 4.Party with initiative acts first (casting spells,
in this section as a guideline. attacking, etc.), and results take effect (other than
spells, which have casting times to complete
Note that light sources can be seen from much before they take effect). Note: Some actions may
further away than the radius of illumination they allow the other side to “interrupt” with an action
shed. Approaching light will warn intelligent such as a fleeing attack or attacking charging
creatures of the approach of surface-dwellers, opponents with spears set against a charge.
perhaps giving them a chance to prepare.
5.Party that lost initiative acts, and results take
INFRAVISION effect (other than spells, which take effect when
casting time is completed)
Infravision is the ability to see in the dark and is
common to almost all subterranean creatures. 6.The round is complete; declare spells and
Infravision cannot be used within the ambit of any general actions for the next round if the battle has
light source. Unless otherwise stated, infravision not been resolved.
has a range of 60 ft, although some exceptional
subterranean creatures have a longer visual 1.Determine Surprise: If a group of combatants
range. Infravision does not detect colours and is is surprised, its members are basically caught flat-
footed and unable to act during the first few +2 surprise bonus, the situation will resolve as
seconds of a battle. follows:
Surprise is checked only once per combat, at the • The party member is not surprised at all,
beginning of an encounter. Each side rolls a d6. If because two segments of surprise are negated by
the result is a 1, the group is surprised for one his +2 bonus.
segment. If the result is a 2, the group is surprised
for two segments. If the result is a 3-6, the group • The monsters are surprised for one segment, so
is not surprised. In some cases, monsters or the unsurprised party member may act during that
particular character classes may have special first surprise segment.
rules for surprise (e.g. some monsters cannot be
surprised, others are stealthy enough that the • In the second surprise segment, the monsters
party may be surprised on a roll of higher than 2). are no longer surprised, but the rest of the party is
If a party of adventurers has alerted monsters to still surprised (having rolled a 2), so both the
its presence (by hammering away at a door for a monsters and the one unsurprised character can
round or two, for example), the monsters will not all take action during the second surprise
need to make a surprise roll at all; however, segment.
merely being alert to the possibility of danger is
not enough to avoid making a surprise roll. If Dexterity cannot create surprise, only alter the
neither of the opposing forces is surprised, play number of segments for which surprise lasts.
moves on to the regular combat round, described
below. If a monster surprises on more than a 2 in 6
(some monster descriptions may contain text such
If one side is surprised while another is not, the as “surprises on 1-3”), it is possible for the
unsurprised party may act for a number of monster to gain more than two segments of
“surprise” segments. For example, if the party rolls surprise. Against a monster that surprises on 1-3,
a 1 and the monsters roll a 2, the party is if the party rolls a 3 and the monster is not
surprised for one segment, the monsters are surprised, the monster would have three surprise
surprised for two segments, and thus the party segments in which to act.
has one surprise segment in which to act. If the
party rolls a 2 and the monsters roll a 5, the party 2.Declare Spells and General Actions: Before
is surprised for 2 segments and the monsters the two sides roll initiative, spell casters must
(who, having rolled a 5 were not surprised at all) state what spells (if any) they will be casting in
have both of those 2 surprise segments in which that round. As the round proceeds, the spell
to act. Actions that would normally happen over caster may elect not to cast the spell, but may not
the course of a round may be completed in one substitute another action. This is simply because
surprise segment: talking, attacking, charging, the mental preparations for casting a spell are so
closing to melee, beginning a spell, etc., provided arduous that the caster cannot switch focus
that it is possible for the action to take place quickly enough to change actions. Non-spell
during a single segment. In other words, a casters should also tell the GM, in general terms,
character cannot make a minute-long speech what they will be doing: “attacking with a sword,”
during that six seconds, nor can a spell be fully “using my bow,” “climbing the wall,” etc.
cast unless it is a one-segment spell.
Before the players do this, the GM should already
A character’s surprise bonus (see “Dexterity”) acts have formed a similar outline of the monsters’
to negate surprise segments if the character is strategy; the GM should not base the monsters’
surprised (or to create them, if the number is a actions on what he or she already knows the
penalty). Thus, a character with a +2 surprise players will be doing.
bonus whose side rolled a 2 for surprise (normally
a situation in which the character would be 3.Determine Initiative: After any surprise
surprised for two segments) is not surprised. This segments are resolved and spell casting is
can lead to a situation in which a party of declared, the first combat round begins. At the
adventurers is surprised with the exception of one beginning of a combat round, each side rolls
member. For example, if the monsters rolled a 1, initiative on a d6. The roll represents the six
the party rolled a 2, and one party member had a second segment of the round in which the OTHER
group will be able to act; hence, the higher roll is
Combat Actions CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Combat Actions
the better roll (as the other party will act later). If Once the party with initiative has acted, the party
the party rolls a 6 for initiative, and the monsters that lost initiative may then take action.
roll a 1, this means that the party will be acting in
segment 1, and the monsters will not act until the Note about spells: Spells have a casting time,
sixth segment of the 10-segment round. Since a the number of segments (or rounds, turns, etc.)
combat round is 10 segments long, and the required to cast the spell. The spell caster does
initiative roll only covers the first six segments of not actually begin casting the spell until his or her
the round, there are four remaining segments in initiative segment. That segment is the first
the round after the two sides have already taken segment of the casting time. The spell does not
their actions: these remaining four segments are “go off” until the casting has been completed.
still important because spells may take effect
during this time, and some combatants might Example: Halvaine the Arcane’s party is in battle
“hold” (choose to delay) their actions, waiting to with a group of orcs. At the beginning of the
act until these later segments. round, Halvaine’s player declares that the magic
user will cast a spell with a 2 segment casting
The dexterity bonus for surprise is not added to an time. The party rolls a 5 for initiative, and the GM
individual’s initiative for melee attacks, but if a rolls a 4 for the orcs. Halvaine thus begins casting
character has a missile weapon in hand, he or she in the fourth segment of the round (as the orcs
applies his or her missile attack bonus as a bonus rolled a 4, so Halvaine’s party is acting in segment
to his or her initiative (as well as to the attack roll). 4). The orcs attack in the fifth segment (as
Halvaine’s party rolled a 5), and Halvaine’s spell
Initiative rolls may result in a tie. When this will go off in the sixth segment (as his initiative
happens, both sides are considered to be acting segment is 4, and he adds the casting time of 2)—
simultaneously. The GM may handle this situation provided, of course, that the orcish attack in the
in any way he or she chooses—with one caveat. fifth segment does not interrupt and thus spoil his
The damage inflicted by combatants during casting.
simultaneous initiative is inflicted even if one of
the combatants dies during the round. It is COMBAT ACTIONS
possible for two combatants to kill each other
during a simultaneous initiative round! Under any Combat actions normally should be declared by
other circumstance, of course, the effects of the players, and decided by the GM, prior to the
damage inflicted during that segment will take initiative die being rolled. Certain actions, of
effect immediately—a goblin killed in the first course, are so integral to the game that methods
segment of the round will be dead (and thus for their resolution are set forth as rules. These
unable to attack) by the time the fifth segment of actions are: fleeing, negotiating, holding initiative,
the round arrives. firing missiles, setting weapons against a charge,
attacking, casting spells, and engaging in
Some characters (and creatures) may have more unarmed combat. Each of these common actions
than one attack routine. This does not refer to a is described below.
monster that normally makes multiple attacks in a
round—all of these attacks are considered to be Charge: Charging into combat allows the attacker
part of one attack routine. However, a fighter to move and then attack in the same round. A
whose level grants him an additional attack is charge is made at twice the normal movement
considered to be making a second entire attack rate (and must terminate within the 10 ft melee
routine. This is perhaps most clearly seen if the range of the target). If the defender has a longer
reader envisions a fighter who uses a sword in weapon than the attacker, the defender attacks
one hand and a dagger in the other. These two first (unless the defender has already acted in this
attacks are part of an attack routine—and if the round). The attacker gains no dexterity bonus
fighter is of high enough level or under the against such an attack (and characters with no
influence of a haste spell, he or she may also gain Dex bonus receive a +1 AC penalty). Additionally,
an entire additional attack routine. A creature or if the defender has a weapon set against the
character with multiple attack routines cannot use charge (see below), he or she will inflict additional
the second attack routine until after the other damage with a successful hit against the charging
side’s initiative segment has been resolved. attacker.
Combat Actions CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Combat Actions
Assuming that the charging character survives, he other. Two combatants within ten ft of each other
or she gains +2 “to hit” on his or her attack. are considered to be “engaged.” When faced with
Characters may only perform a charge once every more than one opponent, it is not possible to pick
10 rounds (i.e. once per turn). Characters who are which opponent will be the one receiving the
at the maximum encumbrance category may not attack; in the rapid give and take of melee, any
charge unless they are mounted and the mount is one of the opponents might be the one to let down
below the maximum encumbrance category. his guard for a moment. When a character is in
melee with multiple opponents, the target of an
An attacker riding a warhorse or other combat- attack roll must be determined randomly, but note
trained mount and equipped with a lance inflicts that characters or creatures with multiple attacks
double the damage rolled on the charge round. that are part of the same routine (such as a bear
(Although the weapon damage is doubled, any with a claw/claw/bite attack or a character
bonus for strength, magic, specialisation or other wielding a sword and dagger) must make all
such modifier is not.) attacks against the same opponent unless
otherwise specified in the relevant monster’s
Closing into Combat: When two groups of entry.
combatants are not within the 10 ft melee range,
the attackers may choose either to charge into Missile Attacks: Missile attacks are attacks with
combat or to advance more cautiously, closing a ranged weapon such as a crossbow, sling, or
into combat. Closing into combat does not allow thrown axe. When using missiles to attack into a
the character to make an attack roll that round; melee, it is not possible to choose which particular
the cautious advance does not generate the target will receive the attack; the target should be
opening to make a significant attack. However, determined randomly from among all melee
neither may the character’s opponent attack until participants, and the missile-firer could well hit a
the round after closing. When closing into combat, friend. A character’s dexterity bonus for missile
the character may advance the full amount of his attacks is added to the “to hit” roll when the
or her movement. character is using missile weapons. If a character
has a missile weapon in hand, his or her missile
Fighting Retreat: A character may retreat bonus is also added to his or her initiative roll,
backward out of combat, maintaining his or her allowing the character to potentially attack first
defence, although the attacker may follow if not even if his or her party has lost the initiative roll.
otherwise engaged. It is possible to parry while
doing so, but not to attack. This manoeuvre may Negotiation and Diplomacy: Some combats can
be used to “switch places” with another party be averted with a few well-chosen words
member who is in combat, the first party member (including lies). If the party is outmatched, or the
joining battle with the enemy to prevent the monsters don’t seem likely to be carrying much in
enemy’s pursuit while the second character the way of loot, the party might elect to brazen
makes a fighting retreat. their way through in an attempt to avoid combat
(or at least delay it until favourable conditions
Fleeing from Combat: Often, discretion is the arise).
better part of valour, and the characters will
choose to exercise the said discretion at top Parrying: A character who parries cannot attack,
speed. If a character is in melee combat and runs but may subtract his or her “to hit” bonus from his
away, his or her opponent(s) may make an or her opponent’s attack roll. Parrying may be
immediate additional attack at +4 to hit. used in combination with a fighting retreat.
Parrying only has value to a character with a
Hold Initiative: Holding initiative is simply waiting strength or specialisation-related bonus “to hit”.
until the other side has acted before doing
anything. Spells: Spell casting begins in the spell caster’s
initiative segment, and the spell is completed at
Melee Attack: A melee attack is an attack with a the end of the casting time. It is possible to cast a
hand-held weapon such as a sword, halberd, or spell while within melee range of an opponent (10
dagger. A character’s strength bonuses to hit and ft), but if the spell caster suffers damage while
on damage (see “Strength”) are added to melee casting a spell, the spell is lost. While casting a
attacks. It is only possible to make a melee attack spell, the caster receives no dexterity bonus to his
when the two combatants are within 10 ft of each or her armour class.
Combat Modifiers CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Combat Modifiers
Turning the Undead CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Turning the Undead
TURNING THE UNDEAD round, and the cleric must sheathe or drop his or
her weapon (or else set down his or her shield).
Clerics and paladins can turn undead, causing
them to flee or even turning them to dust by the To turn undead, roll a d20 on the Turning Undead
power of religious faith. An evil cleric can also turn Table. If the result is equal to or higher than the
a paladin, but cannot destroy the paladin by number shown, the attempt is successful.
turning. Evil clerics may choose to control the un-
dead instead of turning them. If an evil cleric gains Exception: Certain religions exist where the
a result of “D” on the table, the undead creature cleric’s holy symbol is also his or her weapon (for
falls under the cleric’s control for 24 hours. example, some GMs may permit clerics of the god
Normally 2d6 creatures are affected by Turn Thor to carry a hammer which doubles as a holy
Undead. Exceptions are paladins and Type 13 symbol). In this case, the cleric will be able to
creatures, of which only 1d2 are affected, and make a turn undead attempt with his or her
results of “D”, which affect 1d6+6 creatures. weapon in hand, although even this situation does
not empower the cleric to attack and attempt to
Turning lasts for 3d4 rounds. While turned, the turn undead in the same round. If the cleric is
creature must move away from the cleric at its successful in a turning attempt, he or she may try
fastest possible movement rate. It will attack a again next round. If the cleric fails, no further
creature that is directly blocking its escape route, turning attempt may be made during this
but otherwise may not fight. encounter.
The cleric or paladin must be holding his or her Optional Rule: An evil cleric may control no more
holy symbol to make a turning attempt. In most hit dice worth of undead than his or her level of
cases this will preclude attacking on the same experience; thus a 9th level evil cleric could
control no more than two wights, for example.
Cleric Level
Type of Undead Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-13 14-18 19+
Type 1 Skeleton 10 7 4 T T D D D D D D
Type 2 Zombie 13 10 7 T T D D D D D D
Type 3 Ghoul 16 13 10 4 T T D D D D D
Type 4 Shadow 19 16 13 7 4 T T D D D D
Type 5 Wight 20 19 16 10 7 4 T T D D D
Type 6 Ghast - 20 19 13 10 7 4 T T D D
Type 7 Wraith - - 20 16 13 10 7 4 T T D
Type 8 Mummy - - - 19 16 13 10 7 4 T D
Type 9 Spectre - - - 20 19 16 13 10 7 T T
Type10 Vampire - - - - 20 19 16 13 10 7 4
Type11 Ghost - - - - - 20 19 16 13 10 7
Type 12 Lich - - - - - - 20 19 16 13 10
Type 13 Fiend - - - - - - - 20 19 16 13
For the purposes of evil clerics turning paladins, paladins are treated as Type 8 if they are level 1-2, Type
9 if level 3-4, Type 10 if level 5-6, Type 11 if level 7-8, Type 12 if level 9-10 and Type 13 if level 11 or
higher. However, paladins cannot be destroyed by turning.
If the number on the die is equal to or greater than the number shown on the table, the creature is turned
and will flee.
If the table indicates “T”, the undead creature is automatically turned, and will flee.
It the table indicates “D”, the undead creature is automatically destroyed and will crumble to dust.
For evil clerics, a result of “D” indicates that the undead are forced into the cleric’s command for a period
of 24 hours.
Damage and Death CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Level Drain
Morale CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Hirelings and Henchman
level. If the character is multi-classed or dual- The general rule is that characters cannot employ
classed, then the highest level of experience poisons as easily as monsters. Venom taken from
attained by that character is lost. If the character a creature’s poison glands will, for game
has two equal levels, then the level lost should be purposes, typically begin to lose effectiveness
determined randomly. A player character drained immediately and have become completely
below level one is slain (and may rise as some denatured within a few hours. Some characters—
kind of undead creature). Non-player characters often assassins—may learn how to create
lose a level or hit die, as applicable. vegetable-based toxins that can last longer if kept
in the correct way, but lethal toxins will still need
MORALE to be handled with great care. The GM should
determine whether any given activity involving the
Certain monsters, such as trolls or most undead poison runs a risk of the handler receiving a tiny
creatures, are fearless and never need to check cut, scratch or nick (requiring an immediate
morale. The majority, however, will not continue to poison save). Certain good aligned character
fight a hopeless battle, seeking to retreat, classes, such as paladins, may not use poison
surrender, or flee. The GM determines when and will object to their companions using it.
morale checks should be made.
Finally, some creatures—particularly powerful
Player characters do not need to check morale. ones such as dragons—are so large, and their
However, hirelings, henchmen, and men-at-arms body chemistries are so different, that poisons will
do face morale checks, as determined by the GM. not normally work against them.
In this case the NPC’s morale may be affected by
his or her liege’s charisma score and/or former The principle is that poisons in the hands of player
conduct towards the NPC; the henchman’s characters change the balance of the game in
alignment may also be taken into account. undesirable ways, so players should be
discouraged from using them.
Diseases in OSRIC-compatible games often come
Poisons commonly encountered in OSRIC- from monsters, such as mummies or giant rats.
compatible games include animal venoms (such There are a few other instances where disease
as snake and spider bites), vegetable toxins (often may be contracted.
used to coat poison needles or similar devices on
traps), and essentially magical poisons such as Insanity is possible as a result of certain spells or
clouds of poisonous gas. Generally, when a monster attacks.
player character ingests or inhales the poison, or
it otherwise enters his or her bloodstream, he or HIRELINGS AND HENCHMEN
she must roll a saving throw against poison
(sometimes with a modifier—up to +2 for a As player characters advance in wealth and
relatively weak toxin such as that of a Large power, they are increasingly likely to require the
Spider, down to -4 for a particularly lethal one). If semi-permanent services of various sorts of non-
the saving throw is failed, the character dies. player characters. In addition to less formal
associations and patronages, a character may
In practice death from such cases is not expect to have the opportunity to acquire and
instantaneous, although the character is typically retain hirelings and henchmen. In general, but not
incapacitated immediately. There is time for slow in every case, the former are unclassed zero level
poison or neutralise poison to be cast on the characters incapable of conventional
character, if this is done reasonably soon (say, advancement by level, whilst the latter are classed
within about 15 minutes depending on the characters, initially of low level, but capable of
strength of the venom or toxin involved). level advancement.
If the character dies as a result of poison, the In almost all instances, hirelings and henchmen
poison must somehow be flushed from his or her must be entirely equipped by those they serve,
bloodstream before any kind of raise dead or and contribute nothing but themselves. Should a
resurrection can succeed. player character seek to engage the services of
an already equipped non-player character, the
game master would be well advised to ensure that
Standard Hirelings CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Expert Hirelings
the value of any equipment be paid to the appropriate costs, terms of service, and
prospective retainer as a stipend prior to availability must be decided in accordance with
commencement of service. the dictates of a given milieu.
Henchmen CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Searching the Dungeon
on the terms offered relative to the difficulties and enemy fortress, a wizard’s tower, or a shrine to
risks involved in the proposal. some dark god. For convenience, and by tradition,
these enclosed locations are collectively called
HENCHMEN “dungeons”, which thus refers not just to a set of
man-made tunnels but to any indoor adventure
Henchmen are classed and levelled non-player location. Indoor/dungeon adventures tend to have
character adventurers in the service of higher similar characteristics and thus the same set of
level player characters. A third level magic user, procedures and suggested resolution mechanics
for instance, might take on a first level fighter applies to most “dungeon” adventures.
henchman to act as his personal guard. However,
the henchmen of a player character are more Order of Play: While exploring in a dungeon,
significant than mere hirelings; they become his each turn is resolved separately. Experienced
companions, friends, and supporters, acting in his GMs sometimes will allow the turns to run
interests even in his absence. Indeed, a very loyal together, but this is only recommended after the
henchman may sacrifice his very life in defence of GM is comfortable with the basic procedures. The
a player character or charge unbidden into the order of events in a game turn is as follows:
thick of the fray to rescue him. Consequently,
henchmen are highly sought after by experienced 1. Wandering Monster Check
players, and the number a character may have is
limited by his charisma score. 2. Statement of Action: Party caller or individual
player describes the activity of the various party
members, which are resolved as appropriate by
the GM:
Searching the Dungeon CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Searching the Dungeon
G. Cast a spell: See specific spell descriptions The caller can be anyone and need not be limited
in Chapter II for casting times and effects. to, for instance, the character with the highest
charisma or social standing. In fact, we suggest
H. Rest: Typically one turn in every 6, plus one that if the party uses a caller, the role should
turn after every combat, must be spent resting rotate among the players from session to session,
(i.e. no movement or any other strenuous giving each a turn.
Movement during dungeon exploration: Is at
I. Other activities: Duration of attempt and the rates listed at the beginning of Chapter III.
likelihood of success determined and resolved This slow, cautious move rate (which works out at
on ad-hoc basis by GM. a tenth the speed characters move in combat)
allows the characters to make a map of their
3. Encounters: If an encounter (either with a progress, if they wish. When passing through
wandering monster or a planned encounter) familiar areas or following a map, characters can
occurs, the GM determines surprise, distance, move at up to five times the normal per-turn move
reactions, and resolves the encounter normally rate (so that a character with a normal move rate
(through negotiation, evasion, or combat). of 60 ft could move up to 300 ft per turn if passing
through known territory).
4. Book-keeping: The GM records that a turn has
elapsed and deducts any resources that the party Characters fleeing from an encounter may run at
has used (lost hit points, spell durations expiring, ten times their normal per-turn move rate (i.e. at
torches burning out, and so on). full combat speed). No mapping is possible while
fleeing in this manner and a double rest period
Since each turn represents ten minutes of time, (see below) is necessary at the end of the pursuit.
characters may combine several actions in the Since parties will typically want to remain
same turn if each is reasonably brief. Thus a together, movement speed will necessarily be
character might draw a sword, move up to a door limited to that of the slowest character in the party.
and attempt to open it all in the same turn, for
example. Longer actions may take several turns The players should establish, and the party caller
to resolve (such as making a minute search of a inform the GM of, the party’s “marching order”, i.e.
500 sq ft wall) and sensible parties will take steps which characters are in front, the middle, and
to guard a character engaged in such activity from bringing up the rear. In a standard 10 ft wide
unexpected attack. dungeon corridor, up to three characters may walk
abreast, though if any are wielding large weapons
The guiding principle behind the exploration rules such as flails or two-handed swords, this may be
is to maximise the number of meaningful reduced to two characters or even one.
decisions the players take about their actions, and Characters in the second rank may only attack
minimise the number of dice rolls between each with a long weapon, such as a spear or pole arm,
decision. or if they are firing missiles over the head of a
shorter character such as a gnome or halfling.
The Role of the Party Caller (Optional): If there
are many players in the party, some groups like to There are various ways of keeping track of
designate one player as “Caller,” or party marching order. If miniature figures are in use,
spokesman, and filter communication through that they can be placed on some board to indicate
single player. This role should not default to a where each character is. If miniatures are not in
“party leader” who gives the other players orders play, most GMs will ask the party to show their
and reduces them to spectators! Rather, some marching order on paper. Sensible parties tend to
groups may find that by having a single player hand the GM a default marching order upon
speak for the whole group, potential chaos of entering the dungeon, and may have standard
each player competing for the GM’s attention is positions and procedures for other common
reduced and the game should run more smoothly, circumstances as well. A well-organised group
improving the play-experience for all involved. might say to the GM, “this is our formation when
Therefore, if a caller is used, he or she should opening a door, ” or “ in 20 ft wide passages we
consult with the other players and then report the move like this,” and so forth.
party’s actions quickly and accurately to the GM.
Searching the Dungeon CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Searching the Dungeon
If the party’s position is for some reason unclear monster. In any event, a failed attempt to open a
to the GM, he or she is well within his or her rights stuck door will prevent surprise on any creature
to determine who is where by means of a die roll. on the other side of the door.
Listening: May be performed in most places, Lock-picking attempts by thieves and assassins
often at doors before opening them. Unless the are handled in Chapter I and take between one
entire party is still and quiet (no chattering or round and one turn per attempt (depending on the
clanging around), and unless headgear such as complexity of the lock). 1-4 rounds are typical.
helms are doffed, the listener will not detect any
noise save the very loudest. Chopping down a door with axes or by other
means is time-consuming and noisy. It takes a full
Thieves and assassins have an enhanced chance turn at least to chop down a standard-size door,
to hear noise (see “thief skills” in Chapter I). during which time several wandering monster
Characters of all other classes may also attempt checks should be made. Naturally, the party will
to hear noise. This chance to hear noise is have no chance of surprising any creature on the
modified by race. other side.
Normally the GM rolls this die in secret, because Furthermore, once a door is opened, it is usually
the player has no way of knowing whether no difficult to keep it open, or for that matter to keep it
noise was heard because of the roll or because closed. The usual way to hold a dungeon-door
there was no noise to hear. A character who fails open or closed is to wedge it with iron spikes.
(or thinks he or she has failed) to hear noise may Even then there is a small chance that a spiked
try again, each attempt taking one round. door will slip.
However, no more than three attempts may be
made by the same character before the strain Mapping: Is a key element of dungeon
becomes too great, and no further listening exploration; but it is one of the most controversial
attempts will succeed until the character has and misunderstood aspects of the game. If not
rested for at least one turn. handled carefully, mapping has huge potential to
slow down the game and mire it in frustration.
Don’t forget, monsters can hear the party in the
same way as the party can hear them! When designing the dungeon, the GM should map
it out on sheets of graph paper, showing the
Opening doors: Is not normally difficult; the rooms, chambers, corridors, stairways, doors,
player (or party caller) states the action and the traps, and other features in relation to one
door is opened. However, in some dungeons another. As the party moves through the dungeon
many doors are stuck and must be forced open. the GM describes to them what they see and,
Doors may be locked, braced, jammed, spiked assuming they have light and proper equipment
shut or otherwise held fast (by means of a wizard and are not moving too quickly, the players may
lock spell, for example). Stuck doors may be choose to draw a map of their own based on the
forced by brute strength (see the strength ability in GM’s descriptions.
Chapter I for chances of success). Locked doors
will need a key, a thief or assassin to pick the It is important to understand the purpose of the
lock, or some may be broken down with axes or players’ map. The goal is not to create an exact
battering rams. copy of the GM’s map, but to keep a record of
which areas are explored and which are not, to
Attempting to force a stuck door takes one round allow the party to find their way back to the
per attempt and, depending on the size of the entrance and, on subsequent expeditions, find
door, more than one character may try at once. their way back to where they left off. If the
Thus, two characters could simultaneously try to dungeon is small or simple in layout the players
force a 6 ft wide door—each character makes a may not need a map. Even if the dungeon is
check and success by either indicates the door larger or more complex, a “trailing map” with lines
opens. If the first attempt fails, additional tries may for corridors and squares for rooms and
be made at no penalty except for time and noise. chambers, maybe with marginal markings
Attempting to force a stuck door, and particularly showing length or size, is almost always enough.
multiple attempts on the same door, is noisy and Only in the most labyrinthine of dungeon levels,
may increase the odds of meeting a wandering with rooms and corridors tightly packed together,
Searching the Dungeon CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Searching the Dungeon
are players likely to find making a strictly accurate chances for success are as described in Chapter
map rewarding. I. A search for traps generally takes 1-4 rounds,
but it is also limited to a specific object or small
On such levels an accurate map can help the (no more than 5 x 5 ft) location specified by the
players deduce the locations of secret rooms, player: “I search for traps on the door”, “I search
show them when they’re circling back into areas for traps on the treasure chest”, “I search the area
they’ve already explored by a different route, or directly in front of the throne for traps,” etc.
even alert them to some trick—a teleporter,
shifting room or wall, sloping passage, or the like.
Parties keeping a trailing map, or no map at all,
may miss hidden treasures or not realise they
have gone astray until hopelessly lost, but careful
mapping might quickly reveal something is amiss,
allowing the party to backtrack and correct their
course or search for a solution.
Sample Play Session CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Sample Play Session
surmise that wedging a pressure plate to prevent penalties in combat, temporarily reduced ability
it from depressing, or stopping a vent with scores, and morale reductions for any NPCs who
beeswax to prevent gas from issuing from it, could are accompanying the party. The longer the party
circumvent a trap. goes without resting, the worse these effects
These sorts of “negotiation-based” solutions to
traps are wholly at the GM’s discretion. Some Other actions are defined in several of the race
GMs encourage and reward this sort of play, but and class descriptions in Chapter I. For instance,
others will discourage it, perhaps feeling this a dwarf can attempt to determine depth
slows down the game too much, or circumvents underground, a gnome can try to determine
the intended role of the thief class. It is important direction, a paladin can detect evil, a ranger can
that the players and the GM discuss this issue to attempt to follow a set of tracks, and so on.
make sure everyone’s expectations align–that the Unless otherwise specified, these actions take
players aren’t expecting purely roll-based one round per attempt.
resolution of traps when the GM is expecting them
to play out each attempt, or vice versa. Beyond these sorts of pre-defined activities
OSRIC has no specific system for resolving most
Casting spells is detailed in Chapter II. Many other tasks. This is intentional—the player
spells, particularly the various detection and characters are heroes, and should be able to do
divination-type spells, will make the job of most mundane things without a roll.
exploration easier. It is up to the players to decide
the ideal balance between these “utility” spells Certainly the authors could have included a skill
and those oriented towards combat or healing. system covering activities such as “horse riding”
There are circumstances in which a well-timed or “swimming”, but doing so is actively detrimental
knock or locate object spell may prove just as to heroic gaming. Had we included a “horse
crucially life-saving as yet another sleep or cure riding” skill, characters would start falling off their
light wounds. horses. This strikes us as unnecessary, in the
context of heroic adventure gaming, so if you seek
Rest periods are typically necessary one turn out a generic skill system for your game, seek it
of every six, one turn after each combat, and elsewhere. Success at most horse-riding tasks
double-length (two turns) after an evasion or (for example) is automatic.
pursuit. Parties that stay in the dungeon for
several hours and are not able or willing to return Where a player character tries something beyond
to the surface may spend an entire “night” holed the mundane, the GM should determine the
up within the dungeon to recover spells. During chances of success on an ad-hoc basis. The GM
these periods the party cannot move, nor may should look at the circumstances and the
they perform any other strenuous action (though character’s class, level, race, and ability scores
passive activities such as mapping should be and make an informed judgement about his or her
allowed). Players should be aware of when these chances of success. This could be a flat
rest periods are coming up, and make sure their judgement—”you succeed” or “you fail”—but is
surroundings are as inconspicuous, or at least more commonly a die-roll of some kind. The GM
defensible, as possible. A small, out-of-the-way should usually tell the player what the chance is,
room with a single door that can be spiked shut ask the player if they still wish to proceed, and if
could be a good location to rest in for a single turn so allow the player to make the appropriate roll
or an entire night; in the middle of an open him- or herself. However the GM always has the
corridor or near a stairway to a lower level is likely right to roll the dice on behalf of the player, or in
a bad place for even a short rest period, and often secret, if the GM feels the situation demands it.
a suicidal place to spend several hours.
Occasionally, by accident or design, characters
will not take these required rest periods and Background: A party of stalwart adventurers,
attempt to press on regardless. If this happens, consisting of Hogarth, human fighter and party
everyone in the party is fatigued. What this caller (player: Bob), Alice, human magic user
means, and what sort of impact it has on the (player: Mary), Friar Chuck, human cleric (player:
characters, is left to the GM’s discretion but likely Chuck), Groin, dwarf fighter (player: Jason),
consequences are a reduced movement rate, Floppinjay, elf thief (player: Eric), and Hap, normal
Sample Play Session CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Sample Play Session
man mule-tender (NPC). They are searching for a Eric: Okay, from where I’m standing I poke into
way down to the ancient ruins of the Temple of the stream with my short-sword. How deep is it?
the Serpent-Men, long sought and thought by How swiftly is it moving?
most sensible folk to be only a legend until a GM: It’s not deep, only a foot or two. It’s not
recent earthquake opened a deep crevasse and moving very quickly either, though a bit faster
turned up some unusual objects of unmistakably here than at the surface, and it looks to be moving
ancient origin. a bit quicker up ahead too. You’d have no trouble
GM: After a couple hours searching through the standing upright in the middle of it. The water is
foothills and scrubland to the south and west of cool and a little muddy, but fresh.
the crevasse you’ve come across something Eric: Can I hear anything here?
interesting—a small cave-entrance with a shallow GM: Same as before.
stream flowing into it and evidence of foot traffic Eric: Okay, I go back and report all this to the rest
going both in and out. The cave entrance is of the party.
approximately 100 yards west of the crevasse Bob: Right on. So as we head in we’ll have the elf
where the ruins are. It’s now about noon. in front, the dwarf second, me in third, Alice fourth
Bob: Can we tell anything about the tracks—what with a torch, then the NPC and the mule…
made them? How many individuals? Do the tracks GM: Hap says, “I’m not going in there, and neither
appear fresh? is Tom!”
GM: Whatever made the tracks was about man- Jason: Who’s Tom?
sized and wearing shoes or boots. You’re pretty Chuck: I think that’s the mule.
sure there were multiple individuals, not just one GM: [as Hap] Right. We’ll wait for you right here
person going repeatedly in and out, and most of until an hour before sunset, then we’re heading
the tracks appear fairly fresh. You can’t really tell back to the village whether you come back or not.
anything beyond that without a ranger or other Mary: But that’s not the agreement we made…
woodsman-type. GM: [as Hap] I just agreed that Tom and I would
Bob: Okay, the elf will go down into the cave and come with you to look for these ruins and haul
scout it out. back whatever treasure you find. I never said
Eric: Why me? nothin’ about following you down into holes in the
Bob: Because you’re a thief so you’re sneaky and ground after who-knows-what.
less likely to get surprised by any monsters that Bob: Will you come with us if we pay you an extra
might be lurking down there, and you’re an elf so gold piece?
you can see in the dark. GM: [rolls reaction die] No.
Eric: Okay, then, I do what he says—cautiously Chuck: Can’t we just force him to come with us at
enter the cave with my sling out, making sure not swordpoint and tell him we’ll kill him if he doesn’t?
to step in the stream. What do I see? GM: What’s your alignment again, Friar Chuck?
GM: The cave-entrance is about 10 ft wide and 8 Chuck: Lawful good. Why?
ft high and descends gently as it winds to the GM: …
north and east. About 30 ft in it turns to the east Chuck: Oh. Never mind.
so you can’t see beyond that from where you’re Bob: Alright then, the NPC and the mule stay
standing. It appears to grow narrower as it goes behind. Marching order as before, with the cleric
deeper, so if you’re going to keep following it, bringing up the rear. The elf has his sling out, the
eventually you’re going to have to be standing in dwarf his crossbow, I’ve got my spear, Alice is
the stream. holding the torch, and the cleric has his hammer
Eric: Do I hear anything? and shield. Everybody agree?
GM: [rolls] Just the sound of water dripping and All but GM: Yup.
splashing on the rocks. GM: So, as I described before, the passage winds
Eric: I’ll cautiously move up to the eastward turn north and slopes down for 10, 20, 30 ft, turns to
and look in that direction—what do I see? the east and narrows, then continues winding
GM: Beyond the curve the passage keeps northeast and narrowing for another 10, 20, 30, 40
descending and narrowing, and winding in a ft. By this point the passage is 4 ft wide and 7 ft
northeasterly direction. You can see about 40 ft high and you’re all standing in the stream, which
farther, by which point the passage has narrowed is about 2 ft deep.
to about 4 ft wide and 7 ft tall, filled entirely by the Jason: How deep underground are we?
stream. GM: [rolls] Not too far, maybe 15 ft.
Bob: We continue forward.
Sample Play Session CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Sample Play Session
GM: Alright. The passage goes east for 10, 20 ft, Bob: [rolls] 1. Oh fizzlesticks!
and curves to the northeast. The slope levels a bit GM: The 2 orcs on Floppinjay follow him north
here, the depth of the stream increases to about 3 and attack [roll] 1 miss, 1 hit. [rolls] 3 damage.
ft, and the current slows a bit. Over the next 30 ft Eric: Aiee!
the passage widens slightly and about 30 ft farther GM: 2 attacks on Hogarth [rolls] miss, miss. 2
ahead from where you are now the passage attacks on Groin [rolls] miss, hit. [rolls] 5 damage.
appears to widen out into a cavern. Jason: I’m down, -3 hit points.
Bob: Okay, we proceed forward cautiously, still in GM: You’re not dead but you’re unconscious and
single file. Does the elf hear anything? bleeding. You’re also underwater…
GM: [knows there are orcs in the cave ahead, but Jason: *Gurgle, gurgle*
because the orcs are alerted to the party’s GM: Bob, you’re up.
approach both by the light from their torch and the Bob: Attacking the orc on the left. [rolls] 10.
disturbance their passage is making in the stream, GM: That’s a miss…
they’re being quiet as they set their ambush for Mary: I step forward so Chuck can squeeze by
the party. Nonetheless, he decides, on a roll of and get to Jason. Then I cast my spell.
01-05 he might hear something unusual: rolls GM: [rolls] The 4 orcs who were attacking Hogarth
(79)] Same as before. Splashing and dripping and Groin are all affected, and so is Hogarth.
water; nothing more. As you move forward 10, 20, Floppinjay and the 2 orcs who were on him are
30 ft the passage opens out into a wider cavern— out of the area of effect.
bigger than the radius of your torchlight. You’re Mary: Good going…
entering via the southwest corner. The stream Eric: Sorry.
continues northward through the middle of the Chuck: Can I get to Jason’s body?
cavern. Give me a surprise roll. GM: Yeah, you’re able to drag him onto shore on
Bob: [rolls] 2 the west side of the stream. Actions for next
All but GM: *Groan* round?
GM: Okay, as you file into the cavern you’re Jason: I bleed.
caught unawares for 2 segments… Bob: I snore, and inhale water, I suppose.
Eric: I’ve got a 16 dex! Mary: I wake up Hogarth.
GM: Right, so Floppinjay is caught for 1 segment Chuck: I administer a cure light wounds to Jason.
and everybody else for 2 segments by a half- Eric: I suppose I need to fight these guys alone? I
dozen brownish-green fellows with bristly black drop my sling and get out my short sword to
hair and pink pig-snouts. They’re currently [rolls] attack.
30 ft away to your right (the east), charging at you GM: Initiative. [rolls] Eric, beat a 3.
and hurling hand axes as they come. Segment 1, Eric: [rolls] Boo-ya! 4! Attacking the one on my
they charge 18 ft. Segment 2, they charge the right [rolls] 14.
remaining 12 ft, hurl their axes, and pull out GM: Near miss. The blow catches on his shield.
spears. Only the first 3 of you are open targets, Eric: These guys have shields?
and only Hogarth and Groin can be hit. [Rolls] 4 GM: Yep. Studded leather armour and shields.
attacks on the dwarf, 2 on the fighter. [Rolls] No Armed with spears. [Considers morale of the
hits on the fighter, 3 on the dwarf. [Rolls] 7 points orcs–they’ve lost more than 50% of their party.
total damage. 2 orcs on each of the dwarf, elf, and The GM assigns +15% for this; +another 40% for
fighter. Actions for round one. the 4 allies down, -20% for the 2 PCs down;
Bob: Attack one of the orcs on me with my spear. additional ad hoc -25% because they’re fighting
Eric: Fighting retreat in a northerly direction. an elf and have him outnumbered 2:1. Total
Jason: Drop my crossbow, pull out my axe and modifier +10%; rolls 54 = the orcs will disengage
attack. and retreat]. The 2 orcs disengage and retreat
Chuck: Can I move forward into the room? towards a passage in the southeast corner of the
GM: No, Alice is blocking your way. cave.
Chuck: Right-o, then. I’ll wait for her to clear the Eric: Can we chase them?
way… GM: Sure, next round. They’ve got a 30 ft head-
Mary: Do we see or hear any orcs besides these start, and are 10 ft from the exit at the end of this
6? round. Chuck’s spell goes off and Jason gets
GM: No. [rolls] 8 hit points back. You’re still unconscious,
Mary: Then I’ll drop my sleep spell right in the though, because you went below zero. Mary
middle of the crowd. wakes Bob up and he spits out some water. The 4
GM: OK, initiative. Beat a [rolls] 2. orcs are still asleep but it looks like the choking
Sample Play Session CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Sample Play Session
from inhaling the water is going to wake them up Bob: Right, so these orcs probably won’t try to
next round. Actions? pursue us into daylight.
Bob, Mary, and Chuck: Finish off the sleeping Eric: Hold up, I’m not leaving yet. I dump out my
orcs before they wake up. two oil flasks by the southeast passage and want
Eric: So we’re not gonna chase those two that ran to set up a trip-wire with an ember to ignite the
away? OK, I finish off the other sleeping orc. pool when someone crosses it. Can I do that?
GM: Done. As the two orcs flee out of the room GM: Sure, you’ve got the same chance to set a
you hear one of them calling out in orcish trap as you do to disarm one.
something that sounds like “unleash the Dogs of Bob: What are you doing? Come on!
War.” Now what? Eric: I want to give these guys something to
Mary: We look around the room. What do we remember us by.
see? How big is it? Bob: Whatever, the rest of us aren’t waiting.
GM: The cave is irregularly-shaped, Catch up when you’re done…
approximately 50 ft wide east-west by 90 ft long Eric: Okay, so I’m setting the trap. What do I need
north-south. The stream enters via the southwest to roll?
corner and exits in the middle of the north wall. GM: Well, first, give me a d6 roll.
There are 5 ft wide passages out of the northeast Eric: Umm, why?
and northwest corners, both going roughly east. GM: For surprise…
The 2 orcs fled down the southeast passage. The Eric: [rolls] 5! Ha!
ceiling is about 15 ft high in the centre of the GM: You turn to see 4 large dogs bearing down
cavern, about 8 ft high on the two passages, on you from the northeast passage. They’re
much lower on the stream going north. West of currently 80 ft away and charging.
the stream there’s nothing but dirt and rocks. On Mary: I guess those are the “dogs of war,” eh? I
the east side there are piles of sleeping skins, vile figured that was just a code-phrase, like “Hey,
looking foodstuffs, waterskins, and a crude table Rube”…
that appears to have a pair of dice and some GM: Nobody but Eric is in the room. Initiative?
coins on it. [rolls] Beat a 6.
Eric: I check out the table. What type and how Eric: [rolls] 5, +1 for my Dex because I’m using a
many coins are there? Is there anything else on missile. So 6, tie!
the table? GM: You can get a shot off before they reach you,
Mary: I use my staff to sort through the piles of then.
bedrolls and food. Do I find anything interesting or Eric: [rolls] Attacking dog #2; [rolls] 15 +1 for Dex
unusual? = 16. That’s got to be a hit!
Bob: Chuck and I pull the orc bodies onto the GM: Yep.
west shore of the stream and examine them. Do Eric: [rolls] 3 points damage.
any of them have any jewellery or unusual GM: Dog #2 whimpers and holds up, but the other
accoutrements? Does any of them look like a 3 continue their charge and leap to attack,
leader-type? attempting to drag you down. You’re bigger than
GM: There are about 2 dozen silver and 7 gold them so you get a +4 defence bonus, but there’s 3
coins on the table. Aside from the dice there’s of them, so they get +2 attack on their attack,
nothing else there. You find a few copper and meaning they need 14 or better to knock you
silver coins but nothing else of interest in the down. [Rolls] 18 – down you go! Action for next
bedding. None of the orcs appears to be a leader- round?
type; none of them has any treasure or unusual Eric: I’m going to stand back up and pull out my
item aside from a few more copper and silver short sword.
coins. You hear voices down the southeast GM: And the dogs, all 4 of them, will try to hold
passage – they’re speaking in orcish and it you down. Initiative: beat a [rolls] 6-1 = 5!
sounds like way more than two of them. Eric: [rolls] 5! Tied again!
Bob: Alright, let’s gather up the silver and gold GM: We’ll say you’re on your knees by the time
coins and the dice I suppose, and beat a retreat the dogs attack. So they get +2 for that, +6
back to the surface. Chuck and I will carry Groin’s because there’s 4 of them attacking, and you lose
body, Alice will light the way with the torch and your Dex bonus [rolls] 3 + 8 = 11; that’s enough –
Floppinjay will bring up the rear. I assume it’s still they’ve got you held.
daylight outside? Eric: So what can I do now?
GM: It’s been, like, half an hour tops. GM: You can try to break free next round by
making a Bend Bars roll.
Sample Play Session CHAPTER III: HOW TO PLAY Sample Play Session
Eric: Guess that’s what I’ll do then. [Rolls] 18. Eric: I surrender!
GM: Nope. The dogs still have you held. You get Mary: Umm, don’t orcs normally refuse to take
one more chance to break free… elves as prisoners?
Eric: [rolls] 64. Nope. GM: ‘fraid so…
GM: …before a group of 8 orcs including 2 leader- Eric: Blerg.
types in chain-mail and carrying broadswords (etc.)
enter via the southeast passage and see you lying
there. “Ha ha, look what the mutts dragged down!”
OSRIC Open License: Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes
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5. Identify parts of your Product Identity as “OSRIC™ Open Content” that may be 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
used by other OSRIC publishers, but only OSRIC publishers, as if it were Open Game indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
Content. Note that Open Game Content may not be limited to OSRIC publishers, License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No
only Product Identity. terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game
6. Identify parts of your Product Identity as “OSRIC™ Reference Content,” in which Content distributed using this License.
case other publishers may refer to the OSRIC Reference Content provided that they
identify the source of the reference (your work) and note on the cover of their 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
product that your product is required in order to use their product. acceptance of the terms of this License.
7. If a publisher fails to identify OSRIC Open or Reference content, that content will be 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
considered Product Identity, assuming that it is valid Product Identity under the OGL . Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
If you do any of the foregoing, you must:
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material
1. Comply with the terms of the Wizards of the Coast (“WOTC”) Open Game as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original
License with respect to any use of Open Game Content. creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
2. Not violate or infringe upon any trademark of WOTC (moreover, note that the 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
OGL currently prohibits any indication of compatibility with a trademark without of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
written permission). Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,
the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
3. Include the following text prominently on the cover or cover page of your product: any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
This product uses the OSRIC™ System (Old School System Reference and Index 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
Compilation™). The OSRIC system text may be found at http://www.knights-n- indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
knaves.com/osric. The OSRIC text is copyright of Stuart Marshall. “OSRIC” and “Old School Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
Reference and Index Compilation,” are trademarks of Matthew Finch and Stuart Marshall and indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark
may be used only in accordance with the OSRIC license. This product is not affiliated within conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
Wizards of the Coast. licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does
Complimentary copies of OSRIC material need not be sent to the authors, but it not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
would be nice. Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in
and to that Product Identity.
“Licensed IP” means: all of the material herein, with the exception of the artwork,
trademarks, and title. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which
portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
Under no circumstance should this license be construed to violate the terms of the
Open Game License, and any term that violates the Open Game License is to be 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
construed as closely as possible to the original intent within the terms of the Open versions of this License. You may use any authorised version of this License to copy,
Game License. modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version
of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 the Open Game Content You Distribute.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from
have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted the Contributor to do so.
material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of
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be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game
Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all
terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax, Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax, Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax,
Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc
System Reference Document copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors author Scott Greene based on original material by Simon Tilbrook, Nereid from the
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene
Gygax and Dave Arneson. based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Nilbog from the Tome of Horrors
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original
OSRIC copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared by Matthew J. material by Roger Musson, Phantom from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Finch, based on the System Reference Document, inspired by the works of E. Gary Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Harold
Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many others. Johnson and Tom Moldvay, Piercer from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Necromancer Games, Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original
The following material was adapted back to the 1e system from the Tome of Horrors material by E. Gary Gygax, Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc: Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Lew
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson Pulsipher, Quickling from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Al-Mi’Raj from the Tome of Horrors Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Rot
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson Grub from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors
based on original material by Roger Musson, Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Shedu
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott
material by E. Gary Gygax, Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Skeleton Warrior from the Tome
Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on
Gygax, Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer original material by Nigel Morgan, Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Babbler copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original
from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors Scott material by E. Gary Gygax, Slug, \t from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by Jeremy Goodwin and Ian Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary
McDowell, Bat, Mobat from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Gygax, Sprite from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc
Games, Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by E. author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Squealer from the
Gary Gygax, Beetle, \t Boring from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene
Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Stunjelly from the Tome of Horrors
Gygax, Beetle, \t Watch from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original
Games, Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by E. material by E. Gary Gygax, Tick, \t from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Gary Gygax, Beetle \t Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary
Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Trapper from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games,
Gygax, Blindheim from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material be E. Gary Gygax, Troll, Ice from
Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Roger Musson, Brownie from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott
the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Russell Cole, Troll, \t Two Headed from the
Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Carbuncle from the Tome of Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene
Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on based on original material by Oliver Charles McDonald, Vilstrak from the Tome of
original material by Albie Fiore, Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors copyright Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on
2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by original material by E. Gary Gygax, Volt from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Jean Wells, Caterwaul from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Jonathon
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Albie Fiore, Coffer Jones, Vulchling from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games,
Corpse from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Yellow Musk
author Scott Greene based on original material by Simon Eaton, Crabman from the Creeper from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc
Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors Scott Greene author Scott Greene based on original material by Albie Fiore, Yellow Musk Zombie
and Erica Balsey based on original material by Ian Livingstone, Crypt Thing from the from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott
Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene Greene based on original material by Albie Fiore, Yeti from the Tome of Horrors
based on original material by Roger Musson, Dakon from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Green based on original
copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Zombie, Juju from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
material by Ian McDowell, Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary
Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Rik Gygax.
Shepard, Dark Stalker from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Simon Muth, \t, Alu- OSRIC Chapter I copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. OSRIC Chapter II copyright
from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. OSRIC Chapter III copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall,
Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, \t, Cambion from the Tome of Trent Foster, James Boney and Vincent Frugé. OSRIC Chapter IV copyright 2006-08 by
Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on Stuart Marshall, Trent Foster, James Boney and Vincent Frugé. OSRIC Chapter V
original material by E. Gary Gygax, Disenchanter from the Tome of Horrors copyright copyright 2007-08 by Stuart Marshall, Chris Hopkins, James Boney, Robert Ross,
2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by Jeremy Goehring, Mike Davison, Daniel Proctor, B. Scot Hoover, Chris Cain, Bill Silvey,
Roger Musson, Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Floyd Canaday, Vincent Frugé and Matthew James Stanham. OSRIC Chapter VI
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, copyright 2007-08 by Stuart Marshall, Daniel Proctor and Vincent Frugé . OSRIC
Executioner’s Hood from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer appendices copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall and James D. Kramer.
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Eye of
the Deep from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc End of License
author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Flind from the Tome
of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on Designation of Product Identity and Open Game Content:
original material by E. Gary Gygax, Fly, \t from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by
Necromancer Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary The terms “OSRIC,” “OSRIC,” and “O.S.R.I.C.” are Product Identity and trademarks;
Gygax, Gargoyle from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, all artwork and formatting is Product Identity. The Variable \t Point Rule on p.152 is
Inc authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by E. Gary Product Identity. Aside from the previous two sentences, Chapters I, II and III of this
Gygax, Gorgimera from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer work are Open Game Content. Chapters IV, V and VI are Product Identity to the
Games, Inc author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Groaning extent permitted under the OGL and to the extent such material is subject to
Spirit from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc authors copyright, except for any text language derived from the SRD or the Tome of Horrors,
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, which is Open Game Content.
Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors copyright 2002 by Necromancer Games, Inc
author Scott Greene based on original material by E. Gary Gygax, Leech, \t from the
CLERIC LEVEL 1 Blade Barrier p. 58 Dispel Magic p. 77 Invisibility p. 99
Bless p. 58 Conjure Animals p. 66 Hallucinatory Forest p. 92 Magic Mouth p. 106
Command p. 64 Find the Path p. 84 Hold Plant p. 95 Mirror Image p. 109
Create Water p. 70 Heal p. 93 Plant Door p. 115 Misdirection p. 109
Cure Light Wounds p. 71 Part Water p. 112 Produce Fire p. 120 Ventriloquism p. 144
Detect Evil p. 74 Speak With Monsters p.134 Protection From Lightning p.
Detect Magic p. 75 Stone Tell p. 137 121 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 3
Light p. 101 Word of Recall p. 149 Repel Insects p. 126 Continual Darkness p. 68
Protection From Evil p. 120 Speak with Plants p. 134 Continual Light p. 68
Purify Food and Drink p. 122 CLERIC LEVEL 7 Dispel Illusion p. 77
Remove Fear p. 126 Astral Spell p. 56 DRUID LEVEL 5 Fear p. 82
Resist Cold p. 127 Control Weather p. 69 Animal Growth p. 53 Hallucinatory Terrain p. 92
Sanctuary p. 128 Earthquake p. 78 Animal Summoning II p. 54 Illusory Script p. 97
Gate p. 89 Anti-Plant Shell p. 55 Invisibility 10 ft r. p. 99
CLERIC LEVEL 2 Holy Word p. 95 Commune with Nature p. 65 Non-Detection p. 112
Augury p. 57 Regenerate p. 124 Control Winds p. 69 Paralysation p. 112
Chant p. 60 Restoration p. 127 Insect Plague p. 98 Rope Trick p. 128
Detect Charm p. 74 Resurrection p. 127 Pass Plant p. 113 Spectral Force p. 134
Find Traps p. 85 Symbol p. 138 Sticks to Snakes p. 136 Suggestion p. 137
Hold Person p. 94 Wind Walk p. 148 Transmute Rock to Mud p. 142
Know Alignment p. 100 Wall of Fire p. 145 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 4
Resist Fire p. 127 DRUID LEVEL 1 Confusion p. 66
Silence 15 ft r. p. 131 Animal Friendship p. 53 DRUID LEVEL 6 Dispel Exhaustion p. 77
Slow Poison p. 132 Detect Magic p. 75 Animal Summoning III p. 54 Emotion p. 79
Snake Charm p. 132 Detect Pits and Snares p. 75 Anti-Animal Shell p. 55 Improved Invisibility p. 97
Speak With Animals p. 133 Entangle p. 80 Conjure Fire Elemental p. 67 Massmorph p. 107
Spiritual Weapon p. 135 Faerie Fire p. 82 Cure Critical Wounds p. 71 Minor Creation p. 108
Invisibility to Animals p. 100 Feeblemind p. 83 Phantasmal Killer p. 114
CLERIC LEVEL 3 Locate Animals p. 103 Fire Seeds p. 85 Shadow Monsters p. 129
Animate Dead p. 54 Pass Without Trace p. 113 Transport via Plants p. 142
Continual Light p. 68 Predict Weather p. 118 Turn Wood p. 144 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 5
Create Food and Water p. 70 Purify Water p. 122 Wall of Thorns p. 147 Chaos p. 61
Cure Blindness p. 71 Shillelagh p. 131 Weather Summoning p. 147 Demi-Shadow Monsters p. 74
Cure Disease p. 71 Speak with Animals p. 133 Major Creation p. 106
Dispel Magic p. 77 DRUID LEVEL 7 Maze p. 107
Feign Death p. 83 DRUID LEVEL 2 Animate Rock p. 55 Project Image p. 120
Glyph of Warding p. 91 Barkskin p. 58 Chariot of Fire p. 61 Shadow Door p. 129
Locate Object p. 103 Charm Person or Mammal p. Confusion p. 65 Shadow Magic p. 129
Prayer p. 118 62 Conjure Earth Elemental p. 66 Summon Shadow p. 138
Remove Curse p. 126 Create Water p. 70 Control Weather p. 69
Speak with Dead p. 133 Cure Light Wounds p. 72 Creeping Doom p. 70 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 6
Feign Death p. 83 Finger of Death p. 85 Conjure Animals p. 66
CLERIC LEVEL 4 Fire Trap p. 86 Fire Storm p. 86 Demi-Shadow Magic p. 73
Cure Serious Wounds p. 72 Heat Metal p. 93 Reincarnate p. 124 Mass Suggestion p. 107
Detect Lie p. 75 Locate Plants p. 103 Transmute Metal to Wood p. Permanent Illusion p. 114
Divination p. 78 Obscurement p. 112 142 Programmed Illusion p. 120
Exorcise p. 81 Produce Flame p. 120 Shades p. 129
Lower Water p. 104 Trip p. 143 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 1 True Sight p. 143
Neutralise Poison p. 112 Warp Wood p. 147 Audible Glamour p. 57 Veil p. 144
Protection From Evil 10 ft r. p. Change Self p. 60
121 DRUID LEVEL 3 Colour Spray p. 64 ILLUSIONIST LEVEL 7
Speak With Plants p. 134 Call Lightning p. 60 Dancing Lights p. 72 Alter Reality p. 53
Sticks to Snakes p. 136 Cure Disease p. 71 Darkness p. 72 Arcane Spells Level 1 p. 56
Tongues p. 141 Hold Animal p. 94 Detect Illusion p. 74 Astral Spell p. 56
Neutralise Poison p. 112 Detect Invisibility p. 74 Prismatic Spray p. 119
CLERIC LEVEL 5 Plant Growth p. 116 Gaze Reflection p. 90 Prismatic Wall p. 119
Atonement p. 57 Protection From Fire p. 121 Hypnotism p. 96 Vision p. 145
Commune p. 64 Pyrotechnics p. 122 Light p. 102
Cure Critical Wounds p. 71 Snare p. 133 Phantasmal Force p. 114 MAGIC USER LEVEL 1
Dispel Evil p. 76 Stone Shape p. 137 Wall of Fog p. 146 Affect Normal Fires p. 52
Flame Strike p. 87 Summon Insects p. 138 Burning Hands p. 59
Insect Plague p. 98 Tree p. 143 ILLUSTIONIST LEVEL 2 Charm Person p. 61
Plane Shift p. 115 Water Breathing p. 147 Blindness p. 58 Comprehend Languages p. 65
Quest p. 123 Blur p. 59 Dancing Lights p. 72
Raise Dead p. 123 DRUID LEVEL 4 Deafness p. 73 Detect Magic p. 75
True Seeing p. 143 Animal Summoning I p. 53 Detect Magic p. 75 Enlarge p. 80
Call Woodland Beings p. 60 Fog Cloud p. 87 Erase p. 80
CLERIC LEVEL 6 Control Temperature 10 ft r. p. Hypnotic Pattern p. 96 Feather Fall p. 83
Aerial Servant p. 52 68 Improved Phantasmal Force p. Find Familiar p. 84
Animate Object p. 54 Cure Serious Wounds p. 72 97 Floating Disk p. 87
Friends p. 89 Explosive Runes p. 81 MAGIC USER LEVEL 5
Hold Portal p. 95 Feign Death p. 84 Airy Water p. 52 MAGIC USER LEVEL 7
Identify p. 96 Fireball p. 86 Animal Growth p. 53 Cacodemon p. 59
Jump p. 100 Flame Arrow p. 87 Animate Dead p. 54 Charm Plants p. 62
Light p. 102 Fly p. 87 Cloudkill p. 64 Delayed Blast Fireball p. 73
Magic Aura p. 105 Gust of Wind p. 92 Cone of Cold p. 65 Duo-Dimension p. 78
Magic Missile p. 106 Haste p. 93 Conjure Elemental p. 66 Grasping Hand p. 91
Mending p. 107 Hold Person p. 94 Contact Other Plane p. 67 Instant Summons p. 98
Message p. 108 Infravision p. 98 Distance Distortion p. 77 Limited Wish p. 102
Protection From Evil p. 121 Invisibility 10 ft r. p. 99 Extension II p. 82 Mage’s Sword p. 104
Push p. 122 Lightning Bolt p. 102 Feeblemind p. 83 Mass Invisibility p. 106
Read Magic p. 124 Monster Summoning I p. 109 Hold Monster p. 94 Monster Summoning V p. 110
Shield p. 131 Phantasmal Force p. 114 Interposing Hand p. 99 Phase Door p. 115
Shocking Grasp p. 131 Protection From Evil 10 ft r. p. Mage’s Faithful Hound p. 104 Power Word Stun p. 117
Sleep p. 132 121 Magic Jar p. 105 Reverse Gravity p. 127
Spider Climb p. 135 Protection From Normal Monster Summoning III p. 110 Simulacrum p. 131
Unseen Servant p. 144 Missiles p. 122 Passwall p. 113 Statue p. 136
Ventriloquism p. 145 Slow p. 132 Secret Chest p. 128 Vanish p. 144
Write p. 149 Suggestion p. 138 Stone Shape p. 137
Tiny Hut p. 141 Telekinesis p. 139 MAGIC USER LEVEL 8
MAGIC USER LEVEL 2 Tongues p. 141 Teleport p. 140 Antipathy/ Sympathy p. 55
Audible Glamour p. 57 Water Breathing p. 147 Transmute Rock to Mud p. 142 Clenched Fist p. 63
Continual Light p. 68 Wall of Force p. 146 Clone p. 63
Darkness 15 ft r. p. 73 MAGIC USER LEVEL 4 Wall of Iron p. 146 Glass-steel p. 90
Detect Evil p. 74 Charm Monster p. 61 Wall of Stone p. 146 Incendiary Cloud p. 97
Detect Invisibility p. 75 Confusion p. 66 Irresistible Dance p. 100
ESP p. 81 Dig p. 76 MAGIC USER LEVEL 6 Mass Charm p. 106
False Trap p. 82 Dimension Door p. 76 Anti-Magic Shell p. 55 Maze p. 107
Fool’s Gold p. 88 Enchanted Weapon p. 79 Control Weather p. 69 Mind Blank p. 108
Forget p. 88 Extension I p. 81 Death Spell p. 73 Monster Summoning VI p. 111
Invisibility p. 99 Fear p. 82 Disintegrate p. 76 Permanency p. 113
Knock p. 100 Fire Charm p. 85 Enchant an Item p. 79 Polymorph Object p. 116
Levitate p. 101 Fire Shield p. 86 Extension III p. 82 Power Word Blind p. 117
Locate Object p. 103 Fire Trap p. 86 Forceful Hand p. 88 Spell Immunity p. 134
Magic Mouth p. 106 Fumble p. 89 Freezing Sphere p. 88 Symbol p. 139
Mirror Image p. 109 Hallucinatory Terrain p. 92 Geas p. 90 Trap the Soul p. 143
Pyrotechnics p. 123 Ice Storm p. 96 Glasseye p. 90
Ray of Enfeeblement p. 124 Massmorph p. 107 Globe of Invulnerability p. 91 MAGIC USER LEVEL 9
Rope Trick p. 128 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Guards and Wards p. 91 Astral Spell p. 56
Scare p. 128 p. 108 Invisible Stalker p. 100 Crushing Hand p. 70
Shatter p. 130 Mnemonic Enhancement p. Legend Lore p. 101 Gate p. 89
Stinking Cloud p. 136 109 Lower Water p. 104 Imprisonment p. 97
Strength p. 137 Monster Summoning II p. 110 Monster Summoning IV p. 110 Meteor Swarm p. 108
Web p. 148 Plant Growth p. 116 Move Earth p. 111 Monster Summoning VII p. 111
Wizard Lock p. 149 Polymorph Other p. 116 Part Water p. 113 Power Word Kill p. 117
Polymorph Self p. 117 Project Image p. 120 Prismatic Sphere p. 118
MAGIC USER LEVEL 3 Remove Curse p. 126 Reincarnation p. 125 Shape Change p. 130
Blink p. 58 Wall of Fire p. 145 Repulsion p. 126 Temporal Stasis p. 140
Clairaudience p. 62 Wall of Ice p. 146 Spirit-rack p. 135 Time Stop p. 140
Clairvoyance p. 63 Wizard Eye p. 149 Stone to Flesh p. 137 Wish p. 148
Dispel Magic p. 77 Transformation p. 141
Ability Scores ............................ 1 Experience ............................ 152 Money ..................................... 38
AC ...........................................42 Exploration ............................ 162 Monster .....................................iv
Adventure ..............................162 Falling ................................... 153 Morale ................................... 160
Alignment ................................35 Fatigue .................................. 166 Movement ..................... 151, 163
Armour.....................................41 Fighter ..................................... 19 Multi-Classing ......................... 34
Armour Class ..........................42 Game Master ........................... iv Non-Player Character ...............iv
Assassin ..................................11 GM ........................................... iv NPC ..........................................iv
Attributes .................................. iv Gnome ...................................... 7 Opening Doors...................... 164
Character.................................. iv Half Elf ...................................... 8 Paladin .................................... 26
Character Class ......................10 Halfling ...................................... 8 Party Caller ........................... 163
Character Race ......................... 4 Half-orc ..................................... 9 PC .............................................iv
Charisma ................................... 4 Healing, Natural .................... 159 Player ........................................iv
Class .................................. iv, 10 Height, Character .................... 43 Poison ................................... 160
Cleric .......................................13 Henchmen ..................... 160, 162 Prime Requisite ........................iv
Cleric Spell List .......................47 Hirelings ................................ 160 Races, Character ..................iv, 4
Coins .......................................38 Hirelings, Expert .................... 161 Ranger .................................... 28
Combat ..................................153 Hirelings, Standard ............... 161 Resting .................................. 166
Combat Actions .....................155 Humanoid ................................. iv Rounds ................................. 151
Combat Modifiers ..................157 Human .................................... 10 Scrolls ..................................... 45
Constitution ............................... 2 Illusionist ................................. 21 Searching Rules ........... 162, 165
Damage .................................159 Illusionist Spell List .................. 49 Segments .............................. 151
Damage, Subdual .................159 Infravision .............................. 153 Skills ..................................... 166
Death .....................................159 Initiative ................................. 154 Spells ...................................... 45
Demi-Human ............................ iv Insanity .................................. 160 Strength .................................... 1
Dexterity .................................... 2 Intelligence ................................ 2 Surprise ................................ 153
Dice .......................................... iv Is Anyone Reading This ......... No Thief ........................................ 31
Disarming Traps ....................165 Level......................................... iv Thief Skills .............................. 32
Disease .................................160 Level Drain ............................ 159 Time Measurement ............... 151
Druid ........................................16 Levels, Gaining ..................... 152 Turning the Undead .............. 158
Druid Spell List ........................48 Life Energy Levels ................ 159 Turns ..................................... 151
Dual-Classing ..........................34 Light ...................................... 153 Vision .................................... 153
Dwarf ......................................... 5 Listening ................................ 164 Weapon Proficiencies ...............iv
Elf .............................................. 6 Magic User .............................. 24 Weapons ................................. 40
Encumbrance ........................151 Magic User Spell List .............. 50 Weight..................................... 43
Equipment ...............................38 Mapping ................................ 164 Wisdom ..................................... 3