RealChipDesign Preface

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Real Chip Design and

Using Verilog and VHDL

Ben Cohen

VhdlCohen Publishing
Los Angeles, California
ii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

Real Chip Design and

Using Verilog and VHDL

Published by:
VhdlCohen Publishing
P.O. 2362
Palos Verdes Peninsula CA 90274-2362

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A C.I.P. Catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL

ISBN 0-9705394-2-8

Copyright © 2002 by VhdlCohen Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission
from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Printed on acid-free paper

Printed in the United States of America



FOREWORD SYNPLICITY, INC. ………………………………………….. XI

PREFACE ……………………………………………………………………XIII

ABOUT THE DISK………………………………………………………… XVII


ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………...…XXVII



1.1 Architecture Decomposition Process 2

1.2 Digital Architectural Classes 3

1.3 Digital Harware Classes 4

1.4 Transitioning Requirements into Architecture 5


2.1 Flip-Flop 8
2.1.1 Synchronous Flip-FLop 8

2.2 Latch 9

2.3 Synchronous Edge detect / One shot 11

2.4 Using Both Edges of a Clock 16

2.4.1 ClockBoost 17
2.4.2 Negative Edge and Positive Edge Flip-Flop 17

2.5 Registers 20
2.5.1 Serial to Parallel 20
iv Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL
2.5.2 Parallel to Serial 22
2.5.3 Register File 24

2.6 Counters 28
2.6.1 Up/Down Binary Counter 28
2.6.2 Loadable Down-Counter 32
2.6.3 Building a free-running downcounter 35
2.6.4 Simple 5-bit Up-Counter with Terminal Count 37
2.6.5 LFSR Terminal Counters 39
2.6.6 One-Hot / One Cold Counters 46
2.6.7 Gray-Code 51 Designing Gray-Code Counters 52 Gray To Binary Conversion 53 Binary To Gray Conversion 56
2.6.8 Gray-Code Counter Implementation 57
2.6.9 Johnson 64

2.7 Memories 68
2.7.1 ROM 68 Application of Trigonometric Functions 72
2.7.2 RAM 76 Inferring Virtex or Virtex-E Block SelectRAM+ 78
2.7.3 EDAC 79
2.7.4 First-In-First-Out Memories (FIFO) 102

2.8 USING Primitives OF ASICs and FPGAs 110

2.8.1 Example Considering Cell Architecture 110
2.8.2 Register Loading 116
2.8.3 Pipelining 117
2.8.4 Registering Outputs 117
2.8.5 Evaluating Timing Early 117

2.9 ClockBoost and ClockLock 118

2.9.1 ClockLock ClockBoost Applications 121 Clock Multiplication and Division 121 Removing Board Delay 123
2.9.2 Conclusions 125


3.1 Asynchronous data into synchronous system 128

3.1.1 Metastability Definitions 128
3.1.2 Metastable Condition Explained 129 MTBF in Single Stage Flip-Flop 131 Two-Stage Synchronization Circuit 133
3.1.3 Metastability in Bussed Signals 136 Data Stable for two Consecutive Clocks 138

3.2 Gated-Clocks 142

3.3 Ripple Counter 143

Preface v
3.4 Flancter: Set Flag in One Clock Domain, Clear in Another 147
3.4.1 Overview 147
3.4.2 How It Works 148
3.4.3 So What’ s Wrong With It? 149
3.4.4 Applications of the Flancter 149
3.4.5 Flancter HDL Code 151
3.4.6 Variations on a Flancter 154

3.5 FIFO 157

3.5.1 Passing Data By FIFO Between Clock Domains 157
3.5.2 FIFO Full and FIFO Empty 158
3.5.3 FIFO Pointers - Implemented as Binary Counters 158
3.5.4 FIFO Pointers - Implemented as Gray-Code Counters 159
3.5.5 FIFO Design 159 FIFO Full and Empty 160
3.5.6 Aynchronous FIFO Model 162

3.6 Trouble-Free Switching Between Clocks 184


4.1 When Does Verification Start? 188

4.2 Transaction Based Verification 189

4.3 Transactions Definition and Sequencing Methods 190

4.3.1 Transaction Based Driving Methods 191

4.4 Verification Detailed Example 191

4.4.1 The DUT Model 192
4.4.2 Verilog Testbench 194

4.5 Forcing SiGNAL Errors 212

4.5.1 Verilog Solution 213
4.5.2 VHDL Solution 215 Method of Operation 216 Application Example 217

4.6 EDAC Verification 222

4.6.1 VHDL EDAC Transaction-Based Verification 222
4.6.2 Verilog EDAC Transaction-Based Verification 234


5.1 Architectural Concepts 246

5.2 Cpu Design 248

5.2.1 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Format Guidelines 248
5.2.2 Architectural Implementation 250 Identify major cycle types 252
vi Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL Identify the main hardware resources 254 Draw a high level architecture diagram with control style definition 255 Write pseudo-microcode 258 Write HDL and Synthesize (FSM design) -- Verilog 268 Write Testbench and Test – Verilog 274 Write HDL and Synthesize (FSM design) -- VHDL 282 Write Testbench and Test – VHDL 289 Write HDL and Synthesize (Microcode design) -- Verilog 298


6.1 VHDL Arithmetic 306

6.1.1 VHDL Numeric Signed/Unsigned Operators 306

6.2 Verilog Arithmetic 327

6.2.1 Verilog 1364-1995 Arithmetic 327 Understanding Types and Numbers 328 Signed Operations with Unsigned Registers 331
6.2.2 Verilog 1364-2001 Arithmetic 334


7.1 Mapping Data Types 342

7.1.1 VHDL Generics 342
7.1.2 Verilog Parameters 343
7.1.3 Port Modes 343
7.1.4 VHDL Port Types 343
7.1.5 Verilog Port Types 344
7.1.6 Verilog States 344

7.2 Importing verilog into VHDL 345

7.3 Importing VHDL Into Verilog 349

7.3.1 Importing VHDL Into Verilog Without a Shell 350
7.3.2 Importing VHDL Into Verilog With a Shell 354

7.4 Synthesis with Mixed Language Source Files 355


8.1 Introduction 358

8.2 Design Process and Error Constraining 359

8.2.1 Requirement Specification 359
8.2.2 Architectural Specification 360
8.2.3 Verification Plan 360
8.2.4 Design Implementation and Management 360 Art 360 Design Guidelines 361
Preface vii Reuse 361 Tools 362
8.2.5 Design Verification 363 Transaction Based Stimulus Generation 364 Verifier / Code Coverage 364
8.2.6 Reviews 364

8.3 Swatting at bugs – The Intel Pentium 4 Experience 365

8.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 366


9.1 Verilog Drivers / Resolution functions 372

9.2 VHDL Drivers / Resolution functions 373

9.3 simulation schedulers differences 374

9.3.1 Initialization 374
9.3.2 Updating of Projected Waveforms 375
9.3.3 Blocking/Nonblocking 376

9.4 Verilog Coding Style for VHDL Users 379

9.4.1 Port Headers 379
9.4.2 Begin-End Pairs 379
9.4.3 Simple If-Else-Type Tests 380
9.4.4 One-Bit Wire Declaration 380
9.4.5 Procedural Block Naming 380
9.4.6 Local Variable Declarations 380
9.4.7 `define as Parameter 381
9.4.8 Logical Operations and Comparisons 381
9.4.9 For-Loops Versus Repeat 382
9.4.10 Clock Definition in Testbenches 383
9.4.11 Port Associations with Constants 383
9.4.12 Verilog “OTHERS” Equivalent 384
9.4.13 Verilog Tasks and Functions at End of Module 384
9.4.14 FSM Verilog Coding Style 384

9.5 Verilog / VHDL Reflections 385

10. INDEX 387

viii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL
Preface ix

FOREWORD Cadence Design Systems

Verilog and VHDL have been with us now for almost 20 years. During that time, we have
watched them grow from esoteric new ways of specifying testbench and design functionality
to the mainstay in any complex design methodology. Despite the wide usage and proliferation
of HDL-based design methodologies, there is still much to be learned in this area for many
people, from new designers just starting-out with HDLs to experienced engineers looking for
ways to improve their productivity.

This new book by Ben Cohen is an invaluable addition to the existing literature on chip design
using the Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages. As Ben notes in his Preface,
the purpose of his book is not to teach either HDL, as there are already several books on the
market that do an excellent job of describing and teaching the languages. However, as Ben
also notes, a sound understanding of the HDL, though a requirement, is not sufficient.
Understanding the HDL alone will not make you an expert logic designer, any more than
learning C or C++ will make you an expert computer programmer.

One of the things that make this book particularly important is that it doesn't focus on just
Verilog or VHDL, but rather on actual design and simulation using examples from both
languages. No one actually designs using two languages at the same time, but more and more
designers find themselves using IP in a different language or integrating their design with
another one written in different language. In addition to driving the need for tools that support
both languages, this is also driving the need for designers to understand both Verilog and
VHDL at least well enough to be able to debug modules written in either language.

This book concentrates on common classes of hardware architectures and design problems,
and focuses on the process of transitioning design requirements into synthesizable HDL code.
Using his extensive, wide-ranging experience in computer architecture and hardware design,
as well as in his training and consulting work, Ben provides numerous examples of real-life
designs illustrated with VHDL and Verilog code. This code is shown in a way that makes it
easy for the reader to gain a greater understanding of the languages and how they compare.
All code presented in the book is included on the companion CD, along with other
information, such as application notes.
x Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

Ben also covers a critical aspect for any real-life testbench creation: the use of transaction-
based verification techniques. Designs are too complicated to continue to validate them
exclusively at the individual signal level. In order to both improve performance and ensure
that the tests actually check intended behavior, designers need to create tests and verify results
at the transaction level. The book includes a chapter covering on Verilog and VHDL
transaction level testing while also referring to C++ based transaction level test tools such as
the open-source Testbuilder (available at

Cadence Design Systems is proud that some of its leading digital verification products were
used in the creation of this book. HAL was used for HDL analysis and lint checking, which
provides a perfect static verification complement to the dynamic simulation featured in the
rest of the book. The high-performance, mixed-language simulator NC-Sim was used for
verifying all of the examples in the book and the results were shown using the SimVision GUI
and debug environment.

This book is one of the best investments that a logic designer can make. We are certain that it
will be of enormous value to all those involved in HDL-based chip design for years to come.

Rahul Razdan
Corporate Vice President - Systems and Functional Verification.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Preface xi

FOREWORD Synplicity, Inc.

Ready, Fire, Aim! A humorous cliché, but uncomfortably applicable to describe the
experience of many of our young digital designers. Most learn by doing, thus leaving a trail of
first attempts that is less than impressive.
There is a gap in the education and training of many new entrants to our profession. The
preeminent method of learning the practical techniques for HDL based digital design is to
learn by experience. The consequence is that many designers become best capable later in
their career. For many designers, this occurs at a time when their design skills are becoming
less utilized as they progress down any number of career paths, such as architect, manager,
application engineer, etc., leaving core design behind.

For those eager to learn the practical aspects of design, they often are left 'on their own'.
There is a void in mentoring in engineering today. The designer must seek out information
from books, from colleagues, from poking and probing through existing code to see what is
typically done in the industry.

Universities often bolster the foundations of engineering, mostly theoretical, sometimes

practical, but typically lagging industry. Thus, the recent graduate starts their career playing
catch-up. Industry text books (as opposed to Academic textbooks) attempt to remain current
but often are specific to a small slice of the design process -- such as books on HDL language
semantics for simulation not synthesis, or books on design applications that ignore
implementation. The designer is left to put the pieces together to form a whole.

In Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL, Ben Cohen bridges gaps. He
bridges the gaps in a designer's knowledge, he covers the gaps left by other texts. The focus
on this book is to learn by example. The readers starting point is the macro elements and their
implementation. Ben takes these elements, simulates them, synthesizes them, and leaves the
reader with the ability to do the same. He defers giving bias to Verilog or VHDL, but rather
acknowledges that both are in use, and thus the reader may utilize either or both in their
xii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

Ben bridges simulation and synthesis, and this acknowledges that implementation and
verification must both be done in design. He then extends the discussion to more complex
design objects, and discusses architectural tradeoffs in these components. These discussions
extend to their impact for targeting FPGAs and ASICs, their final destination.

Ben continues to be a pragmatic author. His topics and writing are very accessible and
pertinent to the engineering community he reaches. At Synplicity, we have benefited from
Ben's knowledge of language and tools in his role as customer and author. Now you can too.

Andrew Dauman
Vice President, Corporate Applications Engineering
Sunnyvale, CA
October, 2001
Preface xiii

Now that you know a hardware description language (HDL), where do you go from
here? As a VHDL trainer and consultant, I experienced that many engineers understand the
HDL from a software viewpoint, but do not know how to approach design problems. There is
a fallacy that HDL is the panacea to all design issues, and that synthesis tools will perform the
magic of translating the HDL into hardware. The reality is that synthesis is just a tool to help
in the implementation of what is described. It is necessary that the authors of the HDL code
understand the hardware architecture and implications of what is described. A proper HDL
description of an incorrect or improper architecture does not necessarily yield a correct or
optimum design. The following quotation, from a contributor in comp.lang.vhdl newsgroup,
expresses this point in an interesting manner: HDL (e.g., VHDL or Verilog), like any other EE
design tool, assumes that the user has a working knowledge of electronics and digital design.
I know many who are poor designers before learning HDL and remain poor designers after
taking an HDL class.

Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL addresses the practical and real
aspects of logic design, processes, and verification. It incorporates a collection of FPGA and
ASIC design practices, and uses Verilog and VHDL as a tool for expression of the desired
architectures. This book is not intended to teach either HDL, as there are several books
specifically geared toward teaching the languages. However, it provides various architectural
design primitives, applications, and verification techniques, along with design methodologies
and common practices.

Logic design is an art that is learned, and often relearned by designers. There are several
common classes of design problems and several common classes of hardware architectures
including synchronization logic, counters, controllers, arithmetic elements, and storage
elements. This book addresses those classes of designs with practical examples to expose the
reader to variations in styles and approaches. The architectural issues, design decomposition,
and HDL code in both VHDL and Verilog are discussed and demonstrated. Transaction-
based testbenches with error injection methodologies demonstrate, by example, design
verification techniques. Models used for this verification task include a counter and an EDAC
(error detection and correction) logic with a RAM.

This book is intended as a training book in conjunction with an HDL class as a means to
demonstrate the transition of design requirements into an HDL design. Specifically, it
demonstrates by example the following:
xiv Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

1. Styles of hardware architectures.

2. Logic design architectural decomposition process and the translation of the
into HDL.
3. HDL coding styles.
4. Verification techniques with HDL using transaction-based methodologies.

Cadence NC-Sim simulator and HAL analysis and lint checking tools were used because of
their levels of efficiency, accuracy, and maturity. Cadence represents a vendor that is a leader
in the EDA industry. Synplicity Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis tool was also extensively
used because Synplicity is recognized as a vendor of advanced, efficient, and easy to use
synthesis tools targeted for FPGAs, and now ASICs. Even though these specific tools were
used, almost all of the information is tool independent.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the architectural decomposition process, and presents the
classes of hardware designs. Chapter 2 presents fundamental architectural elements used in
the construction of designs. These include flip-flops, latches, synchronous edge detector,
application of both edges of the clock, registers, counter styles (e.g., Binary, One-Hot, Gray,
LFSR, Johnson), memories including ROM, RAM, FIFO, and Error Detection and Correction
(EDAC) logic. A trigonometric function defined in C, but implemented in HDL as a ROM,
is also demonstrated. This chapter also addresses the importance of understanding the cell
primitives and FPGA architecture including the clocking features of ASICs and FPGAs.
Topics on clocking schemes and phase lock loops are discussed. Chapter 3 addresses the
synchronous/asynchronous aspects of the real world, and methods to resolve those issues.
Metastability is explained, MTBF calculations are defined, and solutions in the handling of
metastability are presented. The design of an asynchronous FIFO is demonstrated. The topic
of crossing clock domains is also presented. Chapter 4 addresses the verification issue and
presents through two examples the transaction-based verification methodology. The topic of
forcing design errors is also demonstrated in those examples, including the verification of a
loadable counter and an EDAC model for a thirty-two-bit wide memory. Chapter 5 focuses
on control machines and uses a very simple CPU design to demonstrate implementation
methodologies with FSM and microprogrammed solutions. Chapter 6 addresses arithmetic
intensive machines. It explains the application of SIGNED and UNSIGNED types in HDL.
Verilog 1995/2001 type issues are demonstrated. Chapter 7 explains and demonstrates
mixed mode simulations and synthesis. Chapter 8 presents a discussion on minimizing
design errors and addresses miscellaneous design issues. Chapter 9 compares Verilog to
VHDL to enable users of one discipline to understand the language differences and nuances of
the other discipline. It also provides Verilog coding style guidelines for VHDL and Verilog
Preface xv

All HDL code described in the book is on a companion CD. All code was verified and
simulated with NC-Sim version v03.30.11. All synthesizable code was synthesized with
Synplify Pro® version 6.2.42. The CD also includes application notes and files of practical
use that were collected over a period of several years. EMACS editor for Windows, along
with VHDL and Verilog modes is on CD. The CD includes data sheets and additional
information on Synplicity’s product line, and excellent Cadence’s Verilog reference and HDL
simulation documentation.
This book is intended for:
1. Engineers. Book provides classes of architectural examples and decomposition into
HDLs. Engineers are better at copying and improving upon what is done, than from
starting from scratch. This book will provide a head start in these processes.
2. Trainers. This book provides the focus of an advanced hardware design class using
HDLs. Emphasis is on architecture, processes, methodologies, and style.
3. College students. Book demonstrates the hardware architectural processes.
A list of Verilog books that are often recommended includes:
Verilog HDL : A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Samir Palnitkar, 396 pages, Prentice
Hall 1996, ISBN: 0134516753

Verilog HDL Synthesis, A Practical Primer, J. Bhasker, 236 pages, Star Galaxy Publishing,
ISBN 0-9650391-5-3

A Verilog HDL Primer, Second Edition, J. Bhasker, 1999, Star Galaxy Publishing, ISBN 0-

The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Fourth Edition, Thomas, D . E . / Moorby,

Philip R , 354 Pages, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998, 354 Pages

For information about the new features of Verilog, I recommend the book VERILOG 2001, A
Guide to the New Features of the Verilog Hardware Description Language, Stuart
Sutherland, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-7568-8

1 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

NC-Sim is available on several platforms including Win98, Win2000, WinNT4.0, Linux, Unix, HPPA.
For a guided tour of the Cadence VHDL and Verilog Desktop simulator please go to following page.
2 Synplicity
xvi Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

For VHDL, I second Janick Bergeron's recommendation3 for the book VHDL Coding Styles
and Methodologies, 2nd Edition, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-8474-1.
Another highly recommended book for VHDL is The Designer's Guide to VHDL, 2nd
Edition, Peter J. Ashenden, 740 pages, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 1558606912

For verification, the book Writing testbenches: Functional Verification of

HDL Models, Janick Bergeron4 Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-7766-4
is recognized as a standard.

3Writing testbenches, Functional verification of HDL models, Janick Bergeron, Kluwer Academic
Publishers 2000

About The CD
Table 1 summarizes the contents of the enclosed CD.

Table 1 Contents of Enclosed CD

Chapter 2
ch2/ff_reset.v 2.1-1 Verilog Resettable Flip-Flop
ch2/ff_reset.vhd 2.1-2 VHDL Resettable Flip-Flop
ch2/latch.v 2.2-1 Verilog Latch
ch2/latch.vhd 2.2-2 VHDL Latch
ch2/oneshot.v 2.3-2 Verilog Code for Edge-Detect and Testbench
ch2/oneshot.vhd 2.3-2 VHDL Code for Edge-Detect and Testbench
Using Negative Edge of Flip-flop to Clock Data,
ch2/negposff.v 2.4.2-1 and using Positive edge of Clock to Output Data to
Simple Serial to Parallel Converter with External
ch2/ser2parallel.v 2.5.1-1
Simple Serial to Parallel Converter with External
ch2/ser2parallel.vhd 2.5.1-2
ch2/parallel2ser.v 2.5.2-1 Verilog Parallel to Serial Converter
ch2/parallel2ser.vhd 2.5.2-2 VHDL Parallel to Serial Converter
ch2/regfile.v 2.5.3-1 Register File Inference in Verilog
ch2/regfile.vhd 2.5.3-2 Register File Inference in VHDL
ch2/counter.v 2.6.1-1 Binary Verilog Counter
ch2/counter.vhd 2.6.1-2 Binary VHDL Counter
Counter Example with Numeric_Unsigned
ch2/counterun.vhd 2.6.1-4
ch2/dncounter.v 2.6.2-1 Verilog Model of a Loadable Down-Counter
ch2/dncounter.vhd 2.6.2-2 VHDL Model of a Loadable Down-Counter
Down-Counter Configured as a Free-Running
ch2/freerundncntr.v 2.6.3-2
Down-Counter Configured as a Free-Running
ch2/ freerundncntr.vhd 2.6.3-3
ch2/counter5.v 2.6.4-1 Simple 5-Bit Up-Counter with Terminal Count
xviii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL
ch2/counter5.vhd 2.6.4-2 Simple 5-Bit Up-Counter with Terminal Count
ch2/lfsr4.vhd &
2.6.5-1 Simulation of Four-bit LFSR
ch2/lfsr4count.vhd 2.6.5-1 Four-Bit LFSR counter that counts to 16 states
Model of the testbench for the LFSR terminal
ch2/TestLFSR4_tb.vhd 2.6.5-3
ch2/lfsr4count.v 2.6.5-5 Verilog Model for 4-bit LFSR Counter
ch2/lfsr4count_tb.v 2.6.5-5 Verilog Testbench for 4-bit LFSR Counter
ch2/counter1hot.v 2.6.6-1 Verilog Model of One-Hot Counter
ch2/counter1hot.vhd 2.6.6-2 VHDL Model of One-Hot Counter
ch2/counter1hotsafe.v 2.6.6-4 Verilog Model of Safe One-Hot Counter
Verilog Model testbench for the safe One-Hot
ch2/counter1hotsafetb.v 2.6.6-6
ch2/counter1hotsafe.vhd 2.6.6-7 VHDL Model of Safe One-Hot Counter
Non-Working but Conceptually Correct Gray-to-
Binary Verilog Model
ch2/gray2bin.vhd Working Gray-to-Binary VHDL Model
Parameterized and correct gray-to-binary Verilog
ch2/bin2gray.v Verilog Binay to Gray Converter
ch2/bin2gray.vhd VHDL Binay to Gray Converter
ch2/graycntr.v 2.6.8-1 Verilog Gray Code Counter with binary output
ch2/graycntr_lookup.v 2.6.8-10 Verilog Gray Code Counter lookup style
ch2/graycntr.vhd 2.6.8-1 VHDL Gray Code Counter with binary output
ch2/graycntr_lookup.vhd 2.6.8-9 VHDL Gray Code Counter lookup style
ch2/graycntr_tb.v 2.6.8-5 Verilog Testbench for the Graycode Counter
ch2/graycntr_tb.vhd 2.6.8-7 VHDL Testbench for the Graycode Counter
ch2/Johnson.v 2.6.9-1 Verilog Johnson Counter with terminal count
ch2/Johnson.vhd 2.6.9-4 VHDL Johnson Counter
ch2/rom2.v 2.7.1-1 Verilog ROM Model
ch2/rom6.vhd 2.7.1-5 VHDL ROM Model
ch2/rom6const.vhd 2.7.1-6 VHDL ROM Implication with Constants
ch2/romgen/vhdlsin.c C program to generate the Verilog SINE ROM
ch2/romgen/vhdlsin.h C support file: vhdlsin.h
Preface xix

ch2/romgen/makefile C makefile

ch2/sinrom.v Generated SINE ROM Model with Angles in half
ch2/romgen Degrees
Simple Test and Simulation Results of the SINE
ROM Model
ch2/ram.v 2.7.2-1 Verilog Synchronous RAM
ch2/ram.vhd 2.7.2-2 VHDL Synchronous RAM
VHDL EDAC Package Declaration and Body
ch2/edac_pb.vhd 2.7.3-2
Written by European Space Agency
ch2/edac32_rtl.vhd 2.7.3-3 Error Detection and Correction Block
ch2/mem.vhd 2.7.3-4 Memory Model with Check Bits
ch2/system2.vhd 2.7.3-5 Memory System Model with EDAC
Verilog EDAC 32-bit Hamming Code Converted
ch2/edac32hamming.v 2.7.3-7
from VHDL Package
ch2/ram40.v 2.7.3-8 RAM Memory Model
ch2/sysmem.v 2.7.3-9 System Model with the Memory and EDAC
ch2/fifo.vhd 2.7.4-2 VHDL FOFO Model
ch2/fifo.v 2.7.4-3 Verilog Synchronous Transmit Mode FIFO
ch2/test4syncreset.vhd 2.8.1-5 VHDL Reduce-XOR logic with synchronous Reset
ch2/test4asyncreset.v 2.8.1-6 Reduce-XOR logic with Asynchronous Reset
ch2/test4asyncreset.vhd 2.8.1-8 Reduce-XOR logic with Asynchronous Reset
Re-clocking of Reset for use as Asynchronous
ch2/test4asyncreset.v 2.8.1-9
Circuit Reset
ch3/metastbl.v Synchronizing Flip-Flops
Verilog Code and Testbench for Verifying Data
Stable for two Consecutive Clocks
VHDL Code for Verifying Data Stable for two
Consecutive Clocks
VHDL Testbench Code for Verifying Data Stable
for two Consecutive Clocks
Ch3/ff_bad_design.v 3.2-2 Verilog Model of Gated Clock
ch3/ripple.vhd 3.3-1 VHDL Ripple Counter
ch3/ripple_tb.vhd 3.3-2 Ripple Counter Testbench in VHDL
ch3/Flancter.v 3.4.5-1 Verilog Flancter Code
xx Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL
ch3/Flancter.vhd 3.4.5-2 VHDL Flancter Code
ch3/fifo_async.vhd 3.5.6 –1 VHDL model of the FIFO
ch3/fifo_async_tb.vhd 3.5.6-2 3.5.6-2 Simple, Non-Exhausitive FIFO Testbench
3.5.6-6 Verilog Model of FIFO
ch3/fifo_asyn_tb.v 3.5.6-7 Simple, Non-Exhausitive Verilog Testbench
Verilog Model, Trouble-Free Switching between
ch3/switchclk.v 3.6-2
VHDL Model, Trouble-Free Switching between
ch3/switchclk.vhd 3.6-3
ch4/counter.v 4.4.1-1 Verilog Model of Loadable Counter
ch4/counter.vhd 4.4.1-2 VHDL Model of Loadable Counter
Verilog Model of Testbench that Includes
ch4/counterandtb2.v 4.4.2-7
Verification Environment
ch4/counterandtb2.vhd 4.4.2-10 VHDL Testbench for Counter
ch4/a.vhd Test Component
ch4/testforcetop.vhd Testbench with Error Injection
ch4/edactb_pkg.vhd 4.6.1-2 Support Package for EDAC Verificiation Modeling
ch4/Force_Pkg.vhd 4.6.1-3 Support Package for Error Injection Modeling
ch4/edacclient.vhd 4.6.1-4 EDAC Client Model
ch4/edacserver.vhd 4.6.1-5 EDAC Server Model
ch4/systemedac_tb.vhd 4.6.1-6 Top-Level Model
ch4/ 4.6.1-7 EDAC testbench compilation script
ch4/edacmemtop.v 4.6.1-2 Testbench Memory for Testbench
ch4/edactask.v 4.6.2-1b Job Structure
ch4/edacclient.v 4.6.2-3 Verilog Client for Testbench
ch4/edacserver.v 4.6.2-4 Verilog Server for Testbench
ch4/systemedac_tb.v 4.6.2-5 Top-Level Testbench
ch5/cpu_fsmfast.v Verilog HDL of CPU FSM Design
ch5/cpu_fsmfasttb.v Verilog Testbench
ch5/cpu_fsmfast.vhd VHDL CPU Model
ch5/cpu_fsmfast_tb.vhd VHDL Testbench
ch5/cpu_ucode.v Verilog Architecture for Microcoded Architecture
Preface xxi

ch5/rom_ucode.v Sample Microcode Memory

ch5/cpuucodetop.v Verilog Top Level Microcoded Architecture
ch6/Testminus.vhd 6.1.1-4 Substractor with Operands of Unequal Sizes
ch6/ctestmultun.vhd 6.1.1-6 UNSIGNED Multiplication
SIGNED Comparison with Numbers of Unequal
Ch6/testgtrsg.vhd 6.1.1-9
ch6/testshlun.vhd 6.1.1-11 Shift Unsigned Example
ch6/testabs.vhd 6.1.1-13 ABSOLUTE ABS Example
ch6/arith2.v Numbers on Registers and Integer Objects
Comparison Operations on Registers and Integer
ch6/signmult9cc.v Model of a Multiplier
ch6/signmult95_tb.v Simple Multiplier Testbench
Ch6/test_signed1.v Aplication of SIGNED Type
Counter and Testbench with SIGNED Ports and
ch6/signed_shift.v Verilog 2001 Shift Concepts
ch7/foo.v, ch7/bar.v 7.2-1 Sample Verilog Module
ch7/foo.vhd 7.2-2 File Generated by ncshell
ch7/bar.vhd 7.2-3 File Generated by ncshell
ch7/top.vhd 7.2-4 VHDL file instantiating the Verilog modules
ch7/foo2.vhd 7.3-1 Entity foo2.vhd
VHDL Model to be Instantiated into a Verilog
ch7/foo3.vhd 7.3.1-1
Verilog Module Instantiating the VHDL
ch7/top3.v 7.3.1-2
ch7/foo3.v 7.3.2-1 Ncshell Generated Verilog Model
ch9/testdelay.vhd 9.3.2-1 VHDL Update of Projected Waveforms
ch9/testdelay.v 9.3.2-2 Verilog Update of Projected Waveforms
Simple always Block Example and Simulation
ch9/Testblk.v 9.3.3-1
Simple always Non-Block Example and Simulation
ch9/Testnblk.v 9.3.3-2
ch9/testblock 9.3.3-3 Potential Errors when Blocking Assignments are
xxii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL
IEEE numeric_extra.vhd
(Arithmetic Packages) std_logic_1164.vhd
The DRAGONFLY micro core has been designed as a
small (less than 4K gates), fast and programmable core,
to be used in an ASIC or a FPGA, in areas such as
serial communication management (UART, Smart cards
DRAGONFLY controllers, LDC drivers, I²C controllers, SPI
controllers), on-chip test and debug of complex blocks,
intelligent DMA, FLASH controllers, audio-rate SDRAM
controllers, and so on. VHDL Models and
Dr SM Parkes, Applied Computing, University of Dundee,
Dundee, DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK PDF Document
Sunburst Design, Inc. Home Page
Cliff's bio page
Cliff's papers web page
(to download papers, go to Cliff's papers web page and
select one of the papers listed)
- Coding And Scripting Techniques For FSM Designs
CliffCummings CC With Synthesis-Optimized,
- Glitch-Free Outputs Synthesis and Scripting Techniques
for Designing Multi-Asynchronous Clock Designs
- Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding
Styles That Kill!
- Verilog-2001 Behavioral and Synthesis Enhancements
RTL Coding Styles That Yield Simulation and
Synthesis Mismatches
Verilog Training
Free IP, Free RAM Models and documentation
(Ram and FIFO in VHDL)
Free IP, The Free-RISC8 is a Verilog synthesizable model of a
risc8 simple 8-bit microcontroller.
Ans_RISC8_Core – VHDL Model
6502 FREE IP, FREE-6502 in VHDL
Preface xxiii

8051 VHDL 8051 processor

Verilog_vs_vhdl VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted Plus Modeled Example
Written in VHDL, Verilog and C Douglas J. Smith, VeriBest
Incorporated. Please fetch from

VerilogHDL Verilog HDL Coding, Semiconductor Reuse Standard, Motorola

Coding_Motorola Verilog-Mode for emacs (auto)
HDL_Info Verilog-Mode
vlogfaq1,2,3 Verilog FAQ
vhdlfaq1,2,3,4 VHDL FAQ
Vhdl-syntax_93 VHDL Syntax
VHDL.hlp VHDL Help

Get Synplify & Synplify Pro

Synplicity University Program
Synplify Datasheet
Synplify Pro Datasheet
CC Synplify/Amplify Family Brochure
Success with MindTree Consulting
Success with Sonus Netwoks
Synplify web page
Synplify Pro web page

CC See
vlogrefTOC.html Verilog-XL Reference, Product Version 3.3
ncvlogTOC.html Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Help, Product Version 3.3
ncvlogPN Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Product Notes, Version 3.3
ncvhdlTOC.html Cadence NC-VHDL Simulator Help, Product Version 3.3
Cadence ncvhdlPN Cadence NC-VHDL Simulator Product Notes, Version 3.3
nccoexPNTOC. Cadence NC-Sim Mixed Language Simulator Notes, V 3.3

For a guided tour of the Cadence VHDL and

Verilog Desktop simulator
xxiv Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

CPU-Design- The document has URL links to help students

CPU-Design-HOWTO understand how a CPU is designed and
CC manufactured.

CVS-RCS- This document is a "practical guide" to very

HOWTO.html quickly setup CVS/RCS source code control system
This document provides a comprehensive list of
C++Programming-HOWTO C++ URL pointers, links to C++ online textbooks,
and programming tips on C++.
Emacs-Beginner- This document introduces users to the Emacs
HOWTO.html editor
Emacs and Tshell + GNU tools for PC Windows
The LEON core is a SPARC* compatible
integer unit developed for future space
missions. It has been implemented as a highly
configurable, ynthesizable VHDL model. To
leon-2.2 CC promote the SPARC standard and enable
development of system-on-a-chip (SOC)
devices using SPARC cores, the European
Space Agency is making the full source code
freely available under the GNU LGPL license.
OpenMore spreadsheet for grading of
OpenMore CC designs
Link to Verilog 2001, Sutherland HDLCON paper
sutherland-hdl.html CC Sutherland HDL, Inc Links to Verilog books and web
sites, on-line Verilog reference, training, etc..
Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL could not have been written
without the support of Synplicity, Cadence Design Systems, Cliff Cummings, Altera, Xilinx,
and numerous papers and comments provided across the community and newsgroups.
I sincerely thank Synplicity5 for extending a license of Synplify Pro FPGA synthesis tool.
Synplicity is recognized as a vendor of advanced, efficient, and easy to use synthesis tools
targeted for FPGAs, and now ASICs. Synplify Pro was an invaluable tool that enabled me to
verify the synthesizability of models, to view and understand the RTL structures implied by
the HDL, and to compare performance efficiency of potential architectures. In addition, I
thank Andrew Dauman for reviewing the book and for all his support.
I genuinely thank Cadence Design Systems6 for granting me a license of NC-Sim mixed mode
HDL simulator and a license of HAL for HDL analysis and lint checking. Cadence Design
Systems is a recognized leader in the EDA tool industry, and these licenses enabled me to
verify the models and testbenches through simulation. I also thank Cadence for granting me
permission to copy and provide on CD some of the reference documentation pertinent to
specific topics. Martyn Pollard provided invaluable comments.
I gratefully thank Cliff Cummings7 for granting permission to reprint some excellent papers
on design methodologies, for his excellent review of my Verilog code, and for providing very
useful suggestions on Verilog coding style and design alternatives.
I thank Altera and Xilinx for their permissions to incorporate in this book information
contained in excellent white papers.
I thank Jeff Harris from Insight Design Services8 for his permission to incorporate Rob
Weinstein’s Flancter design for the setting of flags in multiple clock domains.
I thank Richard Katz9 for his contribution on the safe one-hot counter design. I thank users of
comp.lang.vhdl, comp.lang.Verilog, comp.arch.fpga for sharing issues and solutions, many of
which were included in this book.
I cannot leave out my son Michael Cohen for tapping into his though rough JAVA, C++,
UML software architecture and design expertise.
I especially thank my wife, Gloria Jean, for supporting me in this endeavor.

7 (Expert Verilog, Synthesis and Verification Training)
xxvi Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL

Sculpture Created by my Wife Gloria to

Express my Long Hours with a Laptop in the Creation of HDL Books
About the Author
Ben Cohen is currently an HDL language trainer and consultant. He has technical experience
in digital and analog hardware design, computer architecture, ASIC design, synthesis, and use
of hardware description languages for modeling of statistical simulations, instruction set
descriptions, and hardware models. He applied VHDL since 1990 to model various bus
functional models of computer interfaces. He authored VHDL Coding Styles and
Methodologies, first and second editions, and VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,
first and second editions, and Component Design by Example. He was one of the pilot team
members of the VHDL Synthesis Interoperability Working Group of the Design Automation
Standards Committee who authored the IEEE P1076.6 Standard for VHDL Register Transfer
Level Synthesis. He is currently a member of the VHDL and the Verilog Synthesis
Interoperability Working Group of the Design Automation Standards Committees. He taught
several VHDL training classes, and provided VHDL consulting services on several tasks.

VhdlCohen Publishing
Web page:
xxviii Real Chip Design and Verification
Using Verilog and VHDL


Every attempt was made to ensure accuracy in the specifications and implementation of the
models. However, All code provided in this book and in the accompanied CD is distributed
with *ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT* and *NO WARRANTY* from the author. The author
shall not be liable for damage in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing,
performance or use of the models provided in the book and CD.

The software media is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty.

If the media is defective, you may return it for a replacement.

Use or reproduction of the information provided in this book and on the enclosed CD for
commercial gain is strictly prohibited.

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