TCH Block Rate Optimization Tips in Huawei GSM
TCH Block Rate Optimization Tips in Huawei GSM
TCH Block Rate Optimization Tips in Huawei GSM
TCH Block Rate is familiar KPI in GSM Networks. TCH Block rate indicate percentage of
blocking on TCH(Traffic channel) due to lack of traffic channel in a cell. In this note I would
like to share how to optimize TCH Bloking rate step by step in order to reduce TCH blocking
and configure channel capacity based on traffic needed. Below are steps you need to follow
based on my daily optimization activity in my project in Indonesia.
Hardware checking always the first thing you need to check. You have to make sure no hardware
issue before go to next optimization step.Your next action will be useless if the problem of the
KPI is hardware issue.If found hardware issue please follow up first to FLM(Field Maintenance)
or Project Team to check and troubleshoot. You can check from active alarm and especially from
TCH Availability to make sure no TRX module faulty. If found no hardware issue then go to
next step.
Coverage also need to check to make sure no overshooting and cover so far area that will trigger
TCH Blocking due to cover unnecessary location and huge traffic.If found overshooting then you
need to adjust Antenna tilt.If found no problem with coverage the go to next step.
Check for Current Channel Configuration, make sure no over dimension of other
channel(SDCCH, BCH and PDTCH)
Current channel configuration need to check to make sure no over dimension of other
channel(ex:SDCCH,BCH or PDTCH). For SDCCH You can refer to number of TRX, usually the
number of SDCCH in a cell same as number of TRX on that cell(ex: number of SDCCH =2 if
TRX number =2), except for other case such as high SD traffic cell or covering Event, number of
SDCCH may be different. for BCH usually maximum 2 channel in 1 Cell. and for PDTCH
usually 1 static PDTCH for 1 TRX(same as SDCCH),except for high PS Traffic cells. After
make sure no over dimension channel of other channel(beside TCH), then go to next step
Now you need to generate measurement related TCH Traffic maximum on the Cell then
calculate besed on Erlang B Table. After get TCH Traffic measurement on Busy Hour Cells then
you can calculate how many channel needed to accommodate TCH traffic. Click here to
calculate channel required for TCH based on Erlang B calculation.
Based on Elang B calculation now you get how many channel TCH needed to accommodate
traffic on TCH. Then you can go to Upgrade or Change other Channel into TCH or Change Half
Rate setting(TCHBUSYTHRES/AMRTCHPRIORLOAD in Huawei Parameter).You can go to
upgrade TRX if Half rate setting already maximum(TCHBUSYTHRESS=0) and additional
channel required need add TRX ( 1 TRX = 8 Channel TCHFR) and also no possibility to change
other channel into TCH.