1. The records of A, a VAT taxpayer show
Novem Decemb
October ber er
Output Tax P96,000 0 P60,000
Input Tax 108,000 72,000 48,000
There was an excess of input taxes over output taxes of P50,000 for the quarter
ending September 2006. Determine the VAT due for October, November and for the
2. The following data are taken from the books of accounts of a VAT-registered taxpayer:
Third quarter: Sales P 1,000,000
Purchases 800,000
Excess input VAT as of end of second quarter25,000
Fourth quarter: Sales 1,500,000
Purchases 1,100,000
How much is the VAT payable for the third and fourth quarters?
4. ABC, a VAT – registered taxpayer had the following cumulative date for the 1 st quarter
of 2014 (VAT exclusive)
Janu Febru Mar
ary ary ch
1,000,00 240000 3,800,00
Sales 0 0 0
Purchase from VAT suppliers 400,000 900,000 0
Purchase of machinery from vat suppliers 1,200,0
(3years life) 00
Determine the VAT payable for the monthly and quarterly returns
6. A VAT subject real estate dealer sold a residential lot on January 15, 2014. The
following information made available on the terms of the sale:
Gross selling price 3,000,000
Initial payments in 2014 (consisting of down
payments and installments in the year of sales) 900,000
Balance to be paid in equal annual installments starting Feb 15, 2015 2,100,000
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CDD Quizzer on Value Added Tax
7. ABC Corporation sold a parcel of land to XYZ Company on July 2, 2014 for 1,000,000
plus the output VAT, with a monthly installment payments of 10,000, plus the output
VAT. The zonal value of the subject property at the time of sale amounted to
How much is the output tax on the installment payment?
8. The following information taken form the books of a VAT-registered enterprise was
provided to you:
Domestic sales of goods P 3,000,000
Sales of packaging materials to an export oriented enterprise whose
export sales exceeds 70% of the total annual production2,000,000
Local sales of goods to Asian Development Bank (ADB)500,000
Consignment of goods (not returned within 60 days
following the date of consignment) 200,000
Goods transferred for the personal use of the owner 100,000
1. How was the total taxable sales?
2. How much was the output tax?
9. The records of DEF, a building contractor, for April shows (vat not included):
a. Five Storey Building
Contract Price 0
Cash Receipts (for work done):
Labor 4,000,000
Materials 6,000,000
b. Four Storey Building
Contract Price 0
Cash Receipts (no work done yet):
Advances 2,000,000
c. Cash payments to (for five storey
Sub – contractors 1,200,000
Materials 2,400,000
Supplier of equipment (8 years
life) 1,000,000
Determine the VAT due
for April
10.A, a CPA had the following data for the month (VAT not included):
a. On Professional
Collections 0
s 120,000
b. Amounts received from clients as reimbursements for expenses
chargeable to clients
Billed to clients by VAT
suppliers 30,000
Billed to A by VAT supplier 20,000
c. Payments
suppliers 60,000
Non VAT suppliers 20,000
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d. Salaries of office personnel 18,000
e. Purchase of office equipment (6 1,200,00
years life) 0
Determine the VAT due (excess input tax) for
the month
11.The following are the data of City Appliances Marketing Co. for the last quarter of
2014 (CPA Exam Modified):
Sales up to December 15, total invoice value 319,200
Purchases for November up to December 15, net of input taxes 215,000
Additional information: On December 16, 2014, the City Appliances Marketing Co.
retires from its business and the inventory valued at 190,000 (acquisition cost,
200,000) is taken and transferred to New City Appliances Co. There is a deferred
input tax from the third quarter of 3,500.
How much is the total value-added tax due by the City Appliances Marketing Co. in its
operations in the last quarter and its retirement form business?
12.A taxpayer registered under the VAT system on January 2, 2014 after his sales
exceeded 1,919,500 in the previous year. He became subject to VAT for the first time.
The following selected data were taken from his books:
Inventory, December 31, 2013 purchased from VAT-registered seller:
Cost P 60,000
Net realizable value 50,000
VAT paid on December 31, 2013 inventory 6,000
Inventory, December 31, 2013 purchased from VAT-exempt seller 80,000
13.Sweet Tooth, Inc. manufactures refined sugar. The following selected data are taken
form its books:
Sale of refined sugar, net of VAT P 2,000,000
Purchase of sugar cane from farmers 500,000
Purchases of packaging materials, gross of VAT 784,000
Purchases of labels, gross of VAT 112,000
Advance payment of VAT before release from refinery 60,000
How much is the VAT payable?
1. Value Added Tax is a/an
a. Indirect Tax b. Direct Tax c. Local Tax d. Personal Tax
2. One of the following is not a major business internal revenue tax in the Tax Code
a. VAT b. Excise Tax c. Income Tax d. Percentage Tax
3. The value – added tax due on the sale of taxable goods, property and services by any
person whether or not he has taken the necessary steps to be registered
a. Input Tax b. Output Tax c. Excise Tax d. Sales Tax
4. It means the VAT due or paid by a VAT-registered person on importation of goods or
local purchases of goods, properties or services, including lease or use of properties,
in the course of trade or business
a. Output tax b. Input tax c. Deferred input tax d. VAT payable
5. One of the following is not a transaction deemed sale
a. Transfer, use or consumption not in the ordinary course of business of goods or
properties originally intended for sale or for use in the course of business
b. Distribution or transfer to shareholders or investors of goods or properties as
share in the profits of a vat – registered person or to creditors in payment of debt
c. Retirement from or cessation of business, with respect to inventories of taxable
goods on hand as of the date of such retirement or cessation
d. Consignment of goods if actual sale is made within 60 days following the date such
goods were consigned
6. Which of the following input taxes can be refunded, converted into tax credit
certificates or carried over to the next quarter at the option of the VAT registered
a. Input tax on purchase of raw materials c. Input tax on zero – rated sales of
goods or services
b. Input tax on importation of supplies d. Input tax on purchase of services
7. 1st Statement – Any person who, in the course of his trade or business, sells, barters,
exchanges or leases goods or properties, or renders service, and any person who
import goods, shall be liable to VAT
2nd Statement - In the case of importation of taxable goods, the importer, whether an
individual corporation and whether or not made in the course of his trade or
business, shall be liable to VAT
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
8. 1st Statement – For VAT purposes, a taxable person is any person liable for the
payment of VAT, whether registrable in accordance with the tax code.
2nd Statement – The status of a “VAT – registered person” as a VAT – registered person
shall continue until the cancellation of such registration
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
9. Who is the one statutorily liable for the payment of VAT?
a. Buyer b. Seller c. Consumer d. None of the choices
10.1st Statement: The term “in the course of trade or business” means the regular
conduct of pursuit of a commercial or economic activity, excluding transactions
incidental thereto, by person who operate business solely for profit
17.In case of sale, barter or exchange or real property subject to VAT, the term “fair
market value” shall mean:
a. the fair market value as determined by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
(zonal value)
b. the fair market value as shown in the schedule of values of the Provincial and City
Assessor (real property tax declaration)
c. whichever is lower between the zonal value and the value per real property tax
d. whichever is higher between the zonal value and the value per real property tax
18.1st statement: If the gross selling price is based on the zonal value or market value of
the property, the zonal or market value shall be deemed inclusive of VAT.
2nd statement: If the VAT is not billed separately, the selling price stated in the sales
document shall be deemed to be inclusive of VAT
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
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b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
19.First statement: “VAT-exempt transactions” refer to the sale of goods or properties
and/or services and the use or lease of properties that is not subject to VAT (output
tax) and the seller is not allowed any tax credit of VAT (input tax) on purchases.
Second statement: The person making the exempt sale of goods, properties or
services shall not bill any output tax to his customers because the said transaction is
not subject ot VAT.
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
20.Which of the following goods when sold or imported shall not be exempt from VAT?
a. agricultural and marine foods products in their original state
b. livestock and poultry of a kind generally used as, or yielding or producing foods for
human consumption
c. breeding stock and genetic materials therefore
d. processed or manufactured agricultural and marined food products
21.Which of the following shall be considered livestock for VAT-exempt transactions
I – cows II – bulls and calves III – pigs IV – sheep V – goats VI – rabbits
a. all of the above c. all of the above except VI
b. none of the above d. I, II and III only
22.Which of the following shall not be considered as poultry for VAT-exempt transactions
a. Fowls b. ducks and geese c. fighting cocks d. turkey
23.Which of the following are not considered livestock or poultry for VAT-exempt
transactions purposes?
I – fighting cocks II – race horses II – zoo animals IV – other animals
generally considered as pets
a. I, II, III and IV b. I, II, and III only c. I and II Only d. II, III and IV
24.Marine food products shall include fish and crustaceans, such as, but not limited to
which of the following?
I – eels II – trout III – lobster IV – shrimps V – prawns VI – oysters
VII – mussels VIII – clams
a. All of the above c. III, IV and V only
b. None of the above d. VI, VII and VIII only
25.One of the following is not an activity subject to VAT
a. Sale in retail of goods by a dealer c. Sublease of real property in the
course of business
b. Sale of bamboo poles by a dealer d. Importation of ordinary feeds for
poultry chicken
26.Taxpayer operates a Grocery Store and is not – VAT registered. His annual gross sales
amounted to P1,500,000 for the year although his operations resulted to net loss for
the year 2006. He is subject to
a. 3% OPT b. VAT c. MCIT - 2% d. None, operation is a
27.Which statement is correct?
a. Zero rated sales is exempt from the VAT
b. A person whose sales or receipts do not exceed P250,000 is exempt from VAT and
c. A person who issues a VAT invoice on a VAT exempt transaction is nevertheless
subject to VAT on the said transactions
d. Entities which are exempt from income tax are also exempt from VAT
28.Which of the following importation is subject to VAT?
a. Importation of frozen meat c. Importation of apples for personal
b. Importation of bamboo poles d. Importation of grapes for sale
29.Which of the following is subject to VAT?
a. Sale of smoked fish c. Sale of shells and coral products by a
b. Sale of lechon d. Sales of newspaper
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30.Meat, fruit, fish, vegetables and other agricultural and marine food products shall be
considered in their original state even if they have undergone the simple process of
preparation or preservation for the market. Which of the following shall be considered
as simple processes of preparation or preservation for the market?
I – freezing II – drying III – salting IV – broiling V – roasting VI – smokingVII –
a. all of the above c. I, II, III, and IV only
b. None of the above d. All of the above except IV and V
31.Meat, fruit, fish and vegetables and other agricultural and marine food products shall
be considered in their original state even if they have undergone advanced
technological means of packaging. Which of the following shall not be considered as
advanced technological means of packing?
a. shrink wrapping in plastics c. tetra-pack
b. vacuum packing d. freezing
32.Which of the following shall be considered as agricultural products in their original
state and shall be exempt from VAT?
I – polished and/or husked rice III – raw cane sugar and molasses V – copra
II – corn grits IV – ordinary salt VI – bagasse
a. I, II, III, IV, V and VI c. I and II only
b. I, II, III, IV and V only d. III and IV only
33.Which of the following sale or importation of goods shall not be exempt from VAT?
a. fertilizers
b. seeds, seedlings and fingerlings
c. fish, prawns, livestock and poultry feeds, including ingredients, whether locally
produced or imported, used in the manufacture of finished feeds
d. specialty feeds
34.This refers to non-agricultural feeds and foods for race horses, fighting cocks,
aquarium fish, zoo animals and other animals generally considered as pets
a. Fertilizers c. specialty feeds
b. fish, prawn, livestock and poultry feeds d. pet feeds
35.Which of the following goods when imported shall not be exempt from VAT?
I – vehicle II – vessel III – aircraft IV – machinery
V – other goods for use in the manufacture of products VI – merchandise of any kind
in commercial quantity
a. All of the above c. I, II, III and IV only
b. None of the above d. V and VI only
36.First statement: Services subject to (other) percentage taxes shall not be subject to
Second statement: services by agricultural contract growers and milling for others of
palay into rice, corn into grits, and sugar cane into raw sugar are exempt from VAT
a. both I and II are correct c. Only I is correct
b. neither I nor II is correct d. Only II is correct
37.This refers to those persons producing for others poultry, livestock or other
agricultural and marine foods products in their original state
a. agricultural contract growers c. agricultural operators
b. millers d. fishpond operators
38.First statement: Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services, including
laboratory services, except those rendered by professionals are exempt from VAT
Second statement: if the hospital or clinic operates a pharmacy or drug store, the sale
of drugs and medicine is subject to VAT
a. both I and II are correct c. Only I is correct
b. neither I nor II is correct d. Only II is correct
39.Educational services are exempt from VAT if rendered by:
I – private educational institutions duly accredited by DepED, CHED and TESDA
II – government educational institutions
a. both I and II are correct c. Only I is correct
b. neither I nor II is correct d. only II is correct
40.The exemption from VAT of educational services does not include:
I – seminars II – in-service trainings III – review classes
46.It means the sale to a non-resident of goods, except automobiles and non-essential
goods, assembled or manufactured in the Philippines for delivery to a resident in the
Philippines, paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in accordance
with the rules and regulations of the BSP.
a. Export sale c. Effectively zero-rated sale
b. Foreign currency denominated sale d. Transaction deemed sale
47.Which of the following shall be considered export sale?
I. Sales for locally manufactured and assembled goods for household and personal use
to Filipinos abroad and other non-residents of the Philippines as well as returning
Overseas Filipinos under the Internal Export Program of the government paid for in
convertible foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the BSP
II. Sales of goods, properties or services made by a VAT-registered supplier to BOI-
registered manufacturer or producer whose products are 100% exported
a. Neither I nor II c. I only
b. Both I and II d. II only
48.Which of the following local sales of goods or property will not be effectively subject
to VAT at zero-rate?
a. Sales to enterprises duly registered and accredited with the Subic Bay
Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
b. Sales to enterprises duly registered and accredited with the Philippine Economic
Zone Authority (PEZA)
c. Sales to Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)
d. Sales to International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
49.1st statement – The term “effectively zero-rated sale of goods and properties” shall
refer to the export sale of goods and properties by a VAT-registered person to a person
or entity who was granted indirect tax exemption under special laws or international
2nd statement – Except for export sales and foreign currency denominated sale, other
cases of zero-rated sales shall require prior application with the appropriate BIR office
for effective zero-rating and without and approved application for effective zero-
rating, the transaction otherwise entitled to zero-rating shall be considered exempt
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
50.Which of the following sales requires price application with the appropriate BIR office
for zero rating?
a. Export sales c. Sales to Asian Development Bank
b. Foreign currency denominated sales d. None of the choices
51.Which of the following shall not be considered “deemed sale” pursuant to the Tax
a. Transfer use or consumption not in the course of business of goods or properties
originally intended for sale or for use in the course of business
b. Distribution or transfer to shareholders or investors in the profits of VAT-registered
person or creditors in payment of debt or obligation
c. Consignment of goods if actual sale is made within 60 days following the date such
goods were consigned
d. Retirement from or cessation of business with respect to all goods on hand,
whether capital goods, stock-in-trade, supplies or materials as of the date of such
retirement or cessation whether or not the business is continued by the new owner
or successor
52.1st statement: Transfer of goods or properties not in the course of business can take
place when VAT-registered person withdraws goods from his business for his personal
2nd statement: Property dividends which constitute stocks in trade or properties
primarily held for sale or lease declared our of retained earnings on or after January
1, 1996 and distributed by the company to its shareholders shall be subject to VAT
based on the zonal value or fair market value at the time of distribution, whichever is
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
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53.Which of the following circumstance shall give rise to transactions “deemed sale” for
purposes of VAT?
I – Change of ownership of the business (i.e., single proprietorship incorporates; or
the proprietor of a sole proprietorship sells his entire business)
II – Dissolution of a partnership and creation of a new partnership which takes over
the business
a. Both I and II c. I only
b. Neither I nor II d. II only
54.1st statement: The Commissioner shall determine the appropriate tax base in cases
where a transaction is deemed a sale, barter or exchange of goods or properties or
where the gross selling price is unreasonably lower than the actual market value
2nd statement: The gross selling price is unreasonably lower than the actual market
value if it is lower by more than 30% of the actual market value of the same goods of
the same quantity and quality sold in the immediate locality on or nearest the dale of
a. Both statements are correct c. Only the first statement is correct
b. Both statements are incorrect d. Only the second statement is correct
55.For transactions deemed sale, other than retirement or cessation of business, the
output tax shall be based on the:
a. Selling price of the goods deemed sold as of the time of occurrence of the
b. market value of the goods deemed sold as of the time of the occurrence of the
c. acquisition cost of the goods deemed sold
d. acquisition cost or the current market price of the goods whichever is lower
56.The VAT shall apply to goods or properties originally intended for sale or use in
business, and capital goods which are existing as of which of the following
I – Change of business activity from VAT taxable status to VAT-exempt status
II – Approval of request for cancellation of registration due to reversion to exempt
III – Approval of request for cancellation of registration due to a desire to revert to
exempt status after the lapse of three (3) consecutive years from the time of
registration by a person who voluntarily registered despite being VAT-exempt.
IV – Approval of request for cancellation of registration of one who commenced
business with the expectation of gross sales or receipts exceeding 1,500,000, but who
failed to exceed this expectation during the first twelve months of operation.
a. I, II, III, and IV c. I and II only
b. I, II, and III only d. III and IV only
84.A imported an article from USA. The invoice value of the imported article was $7,000
($1:P50). The following were incurred in relation with the importation
Insurance P15,000
Freight 10,000
Postage 5,000
Wharfage 7,000
Arrastre charges 8,000
Brokerage fee 25,000
Facilitation fee 3,000
The imported article is subject to P50,000 customs duty and P30,000 excise tax. A
spent P5,000 for trucking from the customs warehouse in Quezon City. The VAT on
importation is:
a. P50,000 b. P35,000 c. P50,500 d. P60,000
85.Assuming that the imported article above was sold for P600,000, VAT exclusive. The
VAT payable is
a. P60,000 b. P12,000 c. P9,500 d. P9,200
86.The A Bakers sells cakes and pastry to well known hotels in Metro Manila area. The
hotels are allowed credit based on the track record of the hotels. The sale by the store
in April 2007 was P224,000, including the VAT. 75% of the sales are normally account.
How much is the output tax for the month of April 2007?
a. P22,000 b. P20,000 c. P16,500 d. P24,000
87.A, trader, made the following sales of goods during the month of June 2007, exclusive
of VAT:
Cash sales P200,000
Open Account Sales 100,000
Installment Sales 100,000
Note: Receipt from installment sales 40,000 Compute the
Consignment made (net of VAT): output VAT.
June 15, 2007 100,000 a. P52,800
May 15, 2007 100,000 b.
April 15, 2007 100,000 P48,000
P60,000 d. P67,200
88.A, a VAT – registered, made the following purchased during the month of January
Goods for sale, inclusive of VAT 224,000
Supplies, exclusive of VAT 20,000
Office air conditioner, total invoice amount 56,000
Home appliances for residence, gross of VAT 17,600
Repair of store, total invoice amount
evidenced by
ordinary receipt of the contractor 4,400
VAT payable is
a. P11,100 b. P7,221 c. P3,100 d. P18,100
90.The following are the data of City Appliance Marketing Corporation, for the last
quarter of 2006.
Sales up to December 15, gross of output tax P336,000
Purchases up to December 15, net of input tax 215,000
Additional Information:
On December 16, 2006, City Appliance Marketing Corporation retired from its
business and the inventory valued at P190,000 was taken and transferred to New City
Appliance Corporation. There is a deferred input tax from the third quarter of P3,500.
How much is the total VAT due and payable by City Appliance Marketing Corporation
in its operations in the last quarter and its retirement from business
a. P22,500 b. P3,500 c. P6,350 d. P29,500
91.Assuming that New City Appliance Corporation has the following data for the first
quarter of 2007?
Sales, total invoice value P448,000
Purchases, total invoice 224,000
How much is the VAT payable of New City Appliance Corporation for the first quarter
of 2007?
a. P28,000 b. P1,200 c. P30,000 d. P24,000
92.A, is a VAT – registered dealer of appliances. The following data are for the last
quarter of 2006
Sales, net of output tax P 6,800,000
Purchases, net of input tax 5,500,000
Sales return 200,000
Purchase return 300,000
Deferred input tax (carried over from the third quarter of 2006 9,500
The VAT payable for the last quarter of 2006 by A is
a. P120,500 b. P70,500 c. P80,000 d. P158,500
93.A VAT registered person is engaged in the sale of VAT taxable goods and at the same
time is also engaged in non-VAT business, in the same business establishment. During
the year, total sales invoice of the VAT business amounted to P336,000. The sales of
the non-VAT business amounted to P200,000 with a separated percentage tax of
P6,000 for a total of P206,000. During the same quarter, repairs on the building
amounted to P50,000 plus value added tax of P6,000. Supplies purchased for common
use amounted to P10,000 plus P1,200 VAT. The creditable input tax is
a. P6,000 b. P7,200 c. P1,000 d. P4,320
94.Using the above data, the VAT payable is
a. P24,000 b. P25,000 c. P31,680 d. P26,400
95.A Refining Company manufactures refined sugar. It had the following data during the
first quarter of 2007
Sale of refined sugar, net of VAT
Purchases from farmers of sugar cane used in the manufacture of refined sugar
Purchases of packaging materials, gross of VAT
Purchase of labels gross of VAT 112,000
The VAT payable is
a. P124,000 b. P112,500 c. P70,000 d. P62,000
96.M, building contractor showed to you the following data
Contract price net P5,000,000
Cash received (VAT included) 2,240,000
Receivables 3,000,000
Advances on other contracts still unearned (w/o VAT) 1,000,000
Payments (VAT excluded):
For materials 500,000
For supplies 100,000
For operating expenses (depreciation and salaries)200,000
For services of sub – contractors (VAT included) 1,680,000
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