Containing 16 Brand New Feats For Your Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Games
Containing 16 Brand New Feats For Your Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Games
Containing 16 Brand New Feats For Your Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Games
By Derek Harrett
You have spent countless days training in the
wilderness to gain the following benefits:
Learning to capitalize on t he follies of your enemies,
you gain the following benefits: • Increase your Wisdom or Constitution score
• Increase your Dexterity score by l, to a by 1, to a maximum of 20.
maximum of 20. • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival)
• Once per round. when you make an opportunity checks made to predict the weather or forage
attack against a creatu re. you can attack twice for food in the >vilderness.
instead of once. You have disadvantage on the • You suffer no negative effects from consuming
second attack. unprepared or stale food. Poisoned or rotten
food still effects you as normal. Additionally.
Prerequisite: Proficiency in shields
you can survive on half of the normal amount
of food and water each day. as if it we1·e the
normal amount.
You have trained to master the use of the shield
• 'Vhenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check
as offense. gaining the following benefits:
to conceal or camouflage your campsite in the
• You are proficient with improvised weapon wilderness. you are considered proficient in
attacks made with a shield. the Survival skill and add double your
• Your improvised weapon attacks made with proficiency bonus to the check. instead of your
a shield use a d6 for damage. normal proficiency bonus. 111e result of this
• When you take the attack action. you can use check is the DC for checks made by creatures
a bonus action to make an improvised weapon to locate your campsite.
attack with your s hield. You do not add your
ability modifier to the damage of this attack.
You have experience with combat tactics. gaining
You are an adept liar, and excel at directing blame
the following benefits:
• You can use your Intelligence modifier in place
of your Dexterity modifier when rolling initiative.
elsewh ere. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Charis ma score by 1. to a • When you roll initiative . you can choose one
maximum of20. willing creature within 30 feet of you that can
see or hear you. You swap initiative results
• You gain the Thieves' Cant rogue feature.
>vith the creature.
detailed on page 96 of the Player's Handbook.
• You can use the help action to aid a creature
• You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) within 30 feet of you that can sec or hear you.
and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to
convince someone of your innocence.
Desi~ by Derck Harrett
Prerequisite: Proficiency in at least one weapon with You have trained to master the use of versatile
the thrown property weapons, gaining the follo\\mg benefits:
You have trained to master the use of thrown • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a
weapons, gaining the following benefits: maximum of20.
• Attacking at Jong range doesn't impose • You gain proficiency in one weapon of your
disadvantage on your ranged attacks made v.Tith choice with the versatile property.
a weapon th at has the thrown property. • \\Then you hit a creature with an attack made
• Your ranged attacks made with a weapon with with a weapon that has the versatile property,
the thrown property ignore h alf cover and you can use the damage value in parentheses
three-quarters cover. even if the attack was made with one hand.
• \\Then you make a ranged attack with a weapon
that has the thrown property. you can draw
another weapon of the same kind after the attack.
D erck Harrett
Chris Knight
Cover Art
Spellbook and Wand by Roys-Art
http: I I rO)' .com/art/Spell-Book-And-Wand-PNG-Stock-426410115
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D. Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Reabns . the dragon ampersand. and all other Wizards of the Coast product names.
and their respective logos are traden1arks of \\lizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
l11is \Vork contains n1aterial that is c opyright \\lizards of the Coast an.d /or other authors. Such n1aterial is used \vith pern1ission under the
Con1n1tulity Co11tent Agreen1ent for Dungeon Masters Guild.
AU other original n1ateriaJ in U1is work is copyrig ht (20 16) by Derek Harrett and published under the Conm1u1lity Content Agreen1ent for
Dungeon Masters Guild.