Command Lua Reference
Command Lua Reference
Command Lua Reference
Module ScenEdit
Lua is a case sensitve language.
When accessing object properties directly as in '', the property should be in lower which will match the
Lua generated code. There may be a few special cases (e.g. mission.SISH=true which is a shortcut for
scrubifside_human) which will be documented below.
However, when accessing the properties through the module functions below, both the keyword/property and the
value are case insensitive; the code will worry about matching them up.
These define the information required as part of the 'select' process for the functions. In the case of functions that
'add' things, these are also key elements to the adding process. Other properties may be included in the 'selector'
such as when updating an existing table.
When selecting units, it is preferrable to use the GUID as the identifier for a precise match. If not, then the side
and name for a more limited search. And as a last option, just the name which search all units in the scenario.
When using just the name, usually the first matching name is returned. This is okay if the names are unique. Thus
including the side, it will only check the units on that side for a match.
These define the information that is returned from some functions. This information can be usually modified either
directly (object.field) or by a wrapper Set(..) function. The particular wrapper Set(..) function is preferred as some
validation is performed on the input to ensure that it is within the bounds of the field being updated.
Data type
These cover any special considerations for the data, such as longitude/latitude; degrees, DMS, N/S, E/W, etc.
Error handling
Usually when a Lua script fails, an error is thrown that ends the script at that point. While this may be okay in
most cases, it is not often desired.
Whenever a Command Lua function gets an error, it will normally return a 'nil', and the error message will be
available as a Lua global variables; '_errmsg_' will have the last error message, '_errfnc_' the Command Lua
function that gave the error, and '_errnum_' the error code (0 is no error, and any value >0 will be an error). Thus if
you get back a 'nil', you can check to see if that is due to an error or no data.
without the new error handling, the script below would probably terminate after the SE_AddMission() and the rest
of script would not run.
local mission = ScenEdit_AddMission('USA','Marker strike','strike',{type='land'})
if mission == nil then
if _errnum_ ~= 0 then print('Failed to add:' .. _errmsg_) else print('Something else') end
do some more command lua stuff...
Note: Due to how errors are now handle from SR7, if a command fails in the console window, it will show an
error. If the command runs outside the console (as in an event script), it will not fail with a visible error but return
a nil or or some other value. One issue with commands running in an event is that sometimes they fail with an in-
game message that actually stops the rest of the script from running. Now, these event scripts will run without any
in-game message showing, and the designer should check the result of the command and handle any error
condition, and let the remaining script run as needed.
My intent is have all command errors behave in the same fashion in the console window; and the command errors
outside a console behave without stopping the script. Which requires the designer to cater for the specific error
To emulate the expected outcome from an event, put 'Tool_EmulateNoConsole(true)' at the start of the script to be
tested; it is not required in the event code as the script is already not running in a console.
Note also, that the Lua history log should also record the event script errors.
Release: 1.12
ContactSelector Contact selector.
DamageOptions Unit damage.
DoctrineSelector Selects a doctrine.
DoctrineWRASelector Selects a WRA doctrine.
EventUpdate Event update. 1/43
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NewMission New mission options.
NewUnit New unit selector.
ReferencePointSelector Reference point selector.
SideOption Side options.
SpecialAction Special action selector.
UnitSelector Select a unit.
UpdateUnit Update unit sensor/mount selector.
VPContactSelector Contact selector.
Weapon2Magazine Select magazine and weapon.
Weapon2Mount Select mount and weapon.
AttackOptions Attack options.
Contact Contact details.
Doctrine Doctrine options.
DoctrineWRA WRA Doctrine options.
Group Group details.
Mission Mission.
ReferencePoint Reference point information.
RefuelOptions Unit refueling options.
Side Side perspective.
Unit Represents a active unit.
Zone Exclusion/No navigatation zone.
Data types
Altitude Altitude.
Arc Arcs.
DateTime DateTime.
KeyStore KeyStore.
Latitude Latitude.
Longitude Longitude.
Size Size.
Stance Stance/Posture.
TargetTypeWRA Target type.
TimeStamp TimeStamp.
Weather weather conditions.
GetScenarioTitle () Name of the scenario.
ScenEdit_AddExplosion (explosion) Detonates a warhead at a specified location.
ScenEdit_AddMission (SideNameOrId,
MissionNameOrId, MissionType, Add new mission.
Add a new reference point.
Adds weapons into a mount.
ScenEdit_AddSide (table) Add side.
ScenEdit_AddUnit (unit) Adds a unit based on a descriptor.
Adds weapons into a magazine.
ScenEdit_AddZone (sideName,
Add no-nav or exclusion zone.
zoneType, table) 2/43
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ScenEdit_AssignUnitAsTarget Assigns targets to a Strike mission.
Assign a unit to a mission.
(unitname, mission, escort)
ScenEdit_AttackContact (attackerID,
Attack a contact ...
contactId, options)
ScenEdit_CurrentTime () Get the current scenario time.
Delete mission.
(SideNameOrId, MissionNameOrId)
Delete a reference point.
ScenEdit_DeleteUnit (unit) Deletes unit.
ScenEdit_EndScenario () Ends the current scenario.
Execute a Lua Event action script.
Execute a Lua Special action script ..
Export mission parameters.
(SideNameOrId, MissionNameOrId)
ScenEdit_FillMagsForLoadout (unit,
Fill a unit's magazine(s) with aircraft stores ...
loadoutid, quantity)
ScenEdit_GetContact (contact) Fetches a contact based on a selector.
ScenEdit_GetContacts (side) Contacts from a side.
ScenEdit_GetDoctrine (selector) Gets the doctrine of the designated object.
ScenEdit_GetDoctrineWRA (selector) Gets the WRA doctrine.
ScenEdit_GetKeyValue (key) Gets the value for a key from the persistent key store.
ScenEdit_GetMission (SideNameOrId,
Get details of a mission.
Get a set of reference point(s).
ScenEdit_GetScenHasStarted () Has the scenario started?
ScenEdit_GetScore (side) Get a given side's score.
ScenEdit_GetSideIsHuman (sidename) Returns true if side is played by a human player
ScenEdit_GetSideOptions (options) Get side options.
ScenEdit_GetSidePosture (sideA,
Gets the posture of one side towards another.
Gets the properties of an existing special action.
ScenEdit_GetUnit (unit) Fetches a unit based on a selector.
GetWea () Get the current weather conditions.
Hosts a unit to the specified host.
ScenEdit_ImportInst (side, filename) Imports an inst file.
Import mission parameters.
(SideNameOrId, MissionNameOrId)
ScenEdit_InputBox (string) Open an input box with the passed prompt.
ScenEdit_KillUnit (unit) Kill unit.
ScenEdit_MsgBox (string, style) Show a message box with a passed string.
ScenEdit_PlayerSide () The player's current side.
ScenEdit_RefuelUnit (unitOptions) Cause unit to refuel.
ScenEdit_RemoveSide (table) Remove side from play.
(AUNameOrIDOrTable, Removes targets from a Strike mission.
ScenEdit_RunScript (script) Runs a script from a file. 3/43
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ScenEdit_SetDoctrine (selector, Set the doctrine of the designated object.
ScenEdit_SetDoctrineWRA (selector,
options) Sets the WRA doctrine.
CargoMission CargoMission.
Component Component.
EMmatch EM matches ..
Explosion Defines the warhead to detonate.
FerryMission FerryMission.
Fuel Fuel.
FuelState Status of a fuel type.
HostUnit Requests that a unit be hosted to another
LatLon A Position on the map.
LoadoutInfo Information on a loadout to add/alter 4/43
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Magazine Magazine.
MineClearMission MineClearMission.
MineMission MineMission.
Mount Mount.
PatrolMission PatrolMission.
SideContact Side's contact.
SideDescription Information on how to change a unit's side.
SideSelector Information to select a particular side.
SideUnit Side's unit.
StrikeMission StrikeMission.
SupportMission SupportMission.
WRA WRA settings.
WeaponLoaded Weapon loads on mount or in magazine.
ZoneMarker Zone marker.
Contact selector.
Note that a unit and it's contact GUIDs are different for the same physical unit; the contact GUIDs are from the
other side's perspective
side: (string) The side to find the the contact on.
guid: (string) The GUID of the contact. Interrogate ScenEdit_GetContacts(side) for the side's
contacts and use the GUID from there.
Unit damage. The component table list consists of entries for each component, identified by guid and new
level. Special cases:
- if guid is 'type', then you can set a type of component to be damaged,
- if damageLevel is 'none', then the component will be repaired.
side: (string)
unitname: (string)
guid: (string)
fires: (string)
flood: (string)
components: ({ table }) Table of component damage setting { guid, damageLevel }
Selects a doctrine. .. for on a side, group, mission, or unit
side: (string) The side to select/from
mission: (string) The name of the mission to select
unitname: (string) The name of the unit to select
group: (string) The name of the group to select
escort: (bool) If a strike mission, adding 'escort=true' will update the escort doctrine
Selects a WRA doctrine. .. for on a side, group, mission, or unit. weaponid is mandatory. One of
side,mission,unitname or guid is mandatory. One of contactid or target_type is mandatory
side: (string) The side to select/from 5/43
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mission: (string) The name of the mission to select
unitname: (string) The name of the unit to select
guid: (string) The unit GUID to select
weapon_id: (string) The weapon database id
contact_id: (string) A contact GUID (mutually exclusive with target_type)
target_type: (string) The target type (mutually exclusive with contact_id)
Event update.
type: (string) What to update
description: (string) The description of the Lua script (can use GUID for existing item in
script: (string) The Lua script
New mission options.
type: (string) Mission sub-type (Applies to Patrol and Strike)
destination: (string) Ferry mission destination
zone: ({ string }) A table of reference points as names or GUIDs (Can apply to Patrol, Support,
Mining, Cargo)
New unit selector.
... lists minimum fields required. Other fields from Unit may be included.
type: (string) The type of unit (Ship, Sub, Aircraft, Facility)
unitname: (string) The name of the unit
side: (string) The side name or GUID to add unit to
dbid: (number) The database id of the unit
latitude: (Latitude) Not required if a base is defined
longitude: (Longitude) Not required if a base is defined
base: (string) Unit base name or GUID where the unit will be 'hosted' (applicable to AIR, SHIP,
loadout: (number) Aircraft database loadout id (applicable to AIR)
altitude: (number) Unit altitude (applicable to AIR)
Reference point selector.
To select reference point(s), specify either
name and side, to select a reference point name belonging to side [name AND side if possible] or
guid, if the unique ID of the reference point is known [preferred] or
area, table of reference points (name or guid)
GUID method takes precedence over name/side if both present.
side: (string) The side the reference point is visible to
name: (string) The name of the reference point
guid: (string) The unique identifier for the reference point
area: ({name or guid}) Table of reference points (used with the Set()/Get() functions]
Side options.
side: (string}) Side name
guid: (string}) Side guid
awareness: (string}) Side awareness
proficiency: (string}) Side proficiency
SpecialAction 6/43
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Special action selector.
GUID: (string) The GUID of the special action [READONLY]
ActionNameOrID: (string) The name or ID of the special action
IsActive: (bool) If the action is visible to the player
IsRepeatable: (bool) If the player can use the action multiple times
NewName: (string) If specified, the new name of the action
Description: (string) If specified, the new description for the action
Select a unit. ... based on either the side and name or the unique identifier (GUID).
You can use either 1. name and side 2. guid If both are given, then the GUID is used preferentially.
name: (string) The name of the unit to select (for option #1)
side: (string) The name of the unit to select (for option #1)
guid: (string) The guid of the unit to select (for option #2)
Update unit sensor/mount selector.
... lists minimum fields required. Other fields from Unit may be included.
guid: (string) The unit identifier
mode: (string) The function to perform (addsensor,deletesensor,addmount,removemount)
dbid: (number) The database id of the item to add [required for add_ mode]
sensorid: (string) The identifier (guid) of the particular sensor to remove [required for
remove_sensor mode]
mountid: (string) The identifier (guid) of the particular mount to remove [required for
remove_mount mode]
arc_detect: ({ Arcs }) The effective arcs for the particular sensor to detect in [override defaults]
arc_track: ({ Arcs }) The effective arcs for the particular sensor to track/illuminate in [override
defaults] (optional)
arc_mount: ({ Arcs }) The effective arcs for the particular mount [override defaults] (optional)
Contact selector.
Note that a unit and it's contact GUIDs are different for the same physical unit; the contact GUIDs are from the
other side's perspective
guid: (string) The GUID of the contact. Interrogate VP_GetSide().contacts for the side's contacts and
use the GUID from there.
Select magazine and weapon.
A group magazine, for example, tend to have multiple magazines, with the same name. So you can specify a
particular magazine by the GUID, or leave it out, and the function will try to fill up any available space
with the weapon.
side: (string) The side name/GUID of the unit with magazine
unitname: (string) The name/GUID of unit with magazine
guid: (string) GUID of the unit with magazine
mag_guid: (string) The magazine GUID
wpn_dbid: (string) The weapon database ID
number: (number) Number to add
maxcap: (number) Maximum capacity of the weapon to store
remove: (bool) If true, this will debuct the number of weapons
new: (bool) If true, will add the weapon if it does not exist
fillout: (bool) If true, will fill out the weapon record to its maximum
Select mount and weapon.
You can specify a particular mount by the GUID, or leave it out, and the function will try to fill up any 7/43
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You can specify a particular mount by the GUID, or leave it out, and the function will try to fill up any
available space with the weapon.
side: (string) The side name/GUID of the unit with mount
unitname: (string) The name/GUID of unit with mount
guid: (string) GUID of the unit with mount
mount_guid: (string) The mount GUID
wpn_dbid: (string) The weapon database ID
number: (number) Number to add
remove: (bool) If true, this will debuct the number of weapons
fillout: (bool) If true, will fill out the weapon record to its maximum
Attack options.
mode: (string) Targeting mode "AutoTargeted"|"0", "ManualWeaponAlloc"|"1"
mount: (number) The attacker's mount DBID
weapon: (number) The attacker's weapon DBID
qty: (number) How many to allocate
Contact details.
This is from the perspective of the side being looked at. What is a contact for one side, may not be the same
contact on another side. Note also the GUID of the contact is not the same as the actual unit. So depending on
what functions you call, you may need to 'convert' the contact 'GUID' into the actual 'GUID' and call GetUnit()
to process the actual GUID.
name: (string) The contact name.
guid: (string) The contact GUID. {READONLY]
actualunitid: (string) The contact actual GUID. [READONLY]
latitude: (Latitude) The latitude of the contact. [READONLY]
longitude: (Longitude) The longitude of the contact. [READONLY]
missile_defence: (number) Applicable to Facility and Ships. -1 = unknown contact
age: (number) How long has contact been detected (in seconds) [READONLY]
type: (string) Type of contact. [READONLY]
typed: (number) Type of contact. [READONLY]
areaofuncertainty: ({ LatLon }) Table of points defining the area of contact. [READONLY]
type_description: (string) Contact type description. [READONLY]
actualunitdbid: (number) Actual contact type. [READONLY]
classificationlevel: (string) Contact classification. [READONLY]
potentialmatches: ({ EMmatch }) Table {EMmatch} on potential EMCON emission matches.
side: (Side) Contact's actual side. [READONLY]
fromside: (Side) The side who sees this contact. [READONLY]
posture: (string) Posture towards contact.
FilterOut: (bool) True to filtered out contact
weather: ({ Weather } ) Table of weather parameters (temp, rainfall, underrain, seastate)
DropContact: (method) () Drops contact from the reporting side
Doctrine options.
For each field, adding the suffix "playereditable" determines if the player can alter the setting. Not applicable
to the Withdraw/Deploy options.
When setting the option, the indicated value or it's number can be used.
use_nuclear_weapons: (bool) True if the unit should be able to employ nuclear weapons
engage_non_hostile_targets: (bool) True if the unit should attempt hostile action against units
that are not hostile
rtb_when_winchester: (bool) (obsolete, see the new doctrine options) True if the unit should
return to base when out of weapons
ignore_plotted_course: (bool) True if the unit should ignore plotted course 8/43
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engaging_ambiguous_targets: (string) Ignore(0), Optimistic(1), or Pessimistic(2)
automatic_evasion: (bool) True if the unit should automatically evade
maintain_standoff: (bool) True if the unit should try to avoid approaching its target, only valid
for ships
use_refuel_unrep: (string) AlwaysExceptTankersRefuellingTankers(0), Never(1),
engage_opportunity_targets: (bool) True if the unit should take opportunistic shots
use_sams_in_anti_surface_mode: (bool) True if SAMs should be used to engage surface
ignore_emcon_while_under_attack: (bool) True if EMCON should be ignored and all systems
should go active when engaged
quick_turnaround_for_aircraft: (string) Yes(0), FightersAndASW(1), No(2)
air_operations_tempo: (string) Surge(0), Sustained(1)
kinematic_range_for_torpedoes: (string) AutomaticAndManualFire(0), ManualFireOnly(1),
weapon_control_status_air: (string) Free(0), Tight(1), Hold(2)
weapon_control_status_surface: (string) Free(0), Tight(1), Hold(2)
weapon_control_status_subsurface: (string) Free(0), Tight(1), Hold(2)
weapon_control_status_land: (string) Free(0), Tight(1), Hold(2)
refuel_unrep_allied: (string) Yes(0), YesReceiveOnly(1), YesDeliverOnly(2), No(3)
fuel_state_planned: (string) Bingo(0), Joker10Percent(1), Joker20Percent(2),
Joker25Percent(3), Joker30Percent(4), Joker40Percent(5), Joker50Percent(6), Joker60Percent(7),
Joker70Percent(8), Joker75Percent(9), Joker80Percent(10), Joker90Percent(11)
fuel_state_rtb: (string) No(0), YesLastUnit(1), YesFirstUnit(2), YesLeaveGroup(3)
weapon_state_planned: (string) See Weapon Doctrine table below
weapon_state_rtb: (string) No(0), YesLastUnit(1), YesFirstUnit(2), YesLeaveGroup(3)
gun_strafing: (string) No(0), Yes(1)
jettison_ordnance: (string) No(0), Yes(1)
avoid_contact: (string) No(0), YesExceptSelfDefence(1), YesAlways(2)
dive_on_threat: (string) Yes(0), YesESMOnly(1), YesShips20nmAircraft30nm(2), No(3)
recharge_on_patrol: (string) RechargeEmpty(0), Recharge10Percent(10),
Recharge20Percent(20), Recharge30Percent(30), Recharge40Percent(40), Recharge50Percent(50),
Recharge60Percent(60), Recharge70Percent(70), Recharge80Percent(80), Recharge90_Percent(90)
recharge_on_attack: (string) RechargeEmpty(0), Recharge10Percent(10),
Recharge20Percent(20), Recharge30Percent(30), Recharge40Percent(40), Recharge50Percent(50),
Recharge60Percent(60), Recharge70Percent(70), Recharge80Percent(80), Recharge90_Percent(90)
use_aip: (string) No(0), YesAttackOnly(1), YesAlways(2)
dipping_sonar: (string) Automatically_HoverAnd150ft(0), ManualAndMissionOnly(1)
withdraw_on_damage: (string) Ignore(0), Percent5(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4)
withdraw_on_fuel: (string) Ignore(0), Bingo(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4),
withdraw_on_attack: (string) Ignore(0), Exhausted(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4),
Percent100(5), LoadFullWeapons(6)
withdraw_on_defence: (string) Ignore(0), Exhausted(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3),
Percent75(4), Percent100(5), LoadFullWeapons(6)
deploy_on_damage: (string) Ignore(0), Percent5(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4)
deploy_on_fuel: (string) Ignore(0) Bingo(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4),
deploy_on_attack: (string) Ignore(0), Exhausted(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4),
Percent100(5), LoadFullWeapons(6)
deploy_on_defence: (string) Ignore(0), Exhausted(1), Percent25(2), Percent50(3), Percent75(4),
Percent100(5), LoadFullWeapons(6)
Weapon doctrine:
Value Number Explanation 9/43
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ShotgunBVR 3001 Disengage after firing all
Beyond Visual Range (BVR,
air-to-air) or Stand-Off (SO,
air-to-ground) weapons. This
is a risky option as your
fighter aircraft may only have
one medium-range air-to-air
missile (AAM) left, and
attempt to engage 'fresh'
flights of bogies. Use with
caution. 10/43
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disengage when out of BVR
or SO weapons, but continue
the engagement with WVR
ShotgunOneEngagementBVR_And_WVR_Opportunity_Guns 5006
WRA Doctrine options.
weapon_dbid: (string) Weapon number [info]
weapon_name: (string) Weapon name [info]
target_type: (TargetTypeWRA) Type of target [info]
level: (string) The doctrine selected (at unit/mission/side) - useful Is just using GUIDs [info]
wra: ({ WRA }) The WRA doctrine 11/43
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Group details.
type: (string) Type of group. [READONLY]
guid: (string) [READONLY]
name: (string)
side: (string) [READONLY]
unitlist: ({ string }) Table of unit GUIDs in the group. [READONLY]
guid: (string) The GUID of the mission. [READONLY]
name: (string) Name of mission
isactive: (bool) True if mission is currently active
side: (string) Mission belongs to side
starttime: (DateTime) Time mission starts
endtime: (DateTime) Time mission ends
type: (MissionClass) Mission class(patrol,strike,etc). [READONLY]
subtype: (MissionSubClass) Mission class(asw,land,etc). [READONLY]
SISH: (bool) 'Scrub if side human' tick box
unitlist: ({ GUID }) A table of units assigned to mission. [READONLY]
targetlist: ({ GUID }) A table of targets assigned to mission. [READONLY]
aar: (AAR) A table of the mission air-to-air refueling options. [READONLY]
ferrymission: (FerryMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
mineclearmission: (MineClearMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
minemission: (MineMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
supportmission: (SupportMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
patrolmission: (PatrolMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
strikemission: (StrikeMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
cargomission: (CargoMission) A table of the mission specific options. [READONLY]
Reference point information.
guid: (string) The unique identifier for the reference point
side: (string) The side the reference point is visible to
name: (string) The name of the reference point
latitude: (Latitude) The latitude of the reference point
longitude: (Longitude) The longitude of the reference point
highlighted: (bool) True if the point should be selected
locked: (bool) True if the point is locked
bearingtype: (bearing) Type of bearing Fixed (0) or Rotating (1)
relativeto: (Unit) The unit that reference point is realtive to
Unit refueling options.
unitSelector: (UnitSelector) A normal unit selector defining the unit.
tanker: (string) A specific tanker defined by its name (side is assumed to be the same as unit) or
missions: ({ mission } ) A table of mission names or mission GUIDs.
Side perspective.
guid: (string) The GUID of the side.
name: (string) The name of the side.
units: ({ SideUnit } ) Table of units for the designated side. [READONLY] 12/43
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contacts: ({ SideContact } ) Table of current contacts for the designated side. [READONLY]
exclusionzones: ({ Zone } ) Zones for the designated side [READONLY]
nonavzones: ({ Zone } ) Zones for the designated side [READONLY]
awareness: (Awareness) [READONLY]
proficiency: (Proficiency) [READONLY]
getexclusionzone: (method) (ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns
matching Zone or nil
getnonavzone: (method) (ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns matching
Zone or nil
Represents a active unit.
type: (string) The type of object, may be 'Facility', 'Ship', 'Submarine', or 'Aircraft'.[READONLY]
name: (string) The unit's name.
side: (string) The unit's side. [READONLY]
guid: (string) The unit's unique ID. [READONLY]
subtype: (string) The unit's subtype (if applicable). [READONLY]
base: (Unit) The unit's assigned base.
latitude: (Latitude) The latitude of the unit.
longitude: (Longitude) The longitude of the unit .
DBID: (number) The database ID of the unit [READONLY]
altitude: (number) The altitude of the unit in meters.
speed: (number) The unit's current speed.
throttle: (Throttle) The unit's current throttle setting.
autodetectable: (bool) True if the unit is automatically detected.
holdposition: (bool) True if the unit should hold.
holdfire: ({ table}) Doctrine WCS setting for {air,surface,subsurface,land}. [READONLY]
heading: (number) The unit's heading .
proficiency: (string) The unit proficiency, "Novice"|0, "Cadet"|1,"Regular"|2, "Veteran"|3,
newname: (string) If changing existing unit, the unit's new name .
course: ({ LatLon }) The unit's course, as a table of lat/lon pairs
fuel: ({ Fuel }) A table of fuel types used by unit.
mission: (Mission) The unit's assigned mission. Can be changed by setting to the Mission name or
guid (calls ScenEdit_AssignUnitToMission)
group: (Group) The unit's group (if applicable). Can be changed assigning an existing or new name.
It will try to create a group if new (experimental)
airbornetime: (number) how long aircraft has been flying. [READONLY]
loadoutdbid: (number) current aircraft loadout DBID. [READONLY]
unitstate: (string) Message on unit status. [READONLY]
fuelstate: (string) Message on unit fuel status. [READONLY]
weaponstate: (string) Message on unit weapon status. [READONLY]
manualSpeed: (string or number) Desired speed or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
manualAlitude: (bool) To turn on/off manual mode
damage: ({ table }) Table {dp,flood,fires,startDp} of start and current DP, flood and fire level.
magazines: ({ Magazine }) A table of magazines (with weapon loads) in the unit or group. Can be
updated by ScenEdit_AddWeaponToUnitMagazine [READONLY]
mounts: ({ Mount }) A table of mounts (with weapon loads) in the unit or group. Can be updated by
ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit [READONLY]
components: ({ Component }) A table of components on the unit. [READONLY]
ascontact: ({ table }) A table {side,guid,name} of this unit seen from the other sides (as contacts).
weather: ({ Weather } ) Table of weather parameters (temp, rainfall, underrain, seastate)
delete: (method) () Immediately removes unit object
filterOnComponent: (method) (type) Filters unit on type of component and returns a
Component table.
rangetotarget: (method) ('contactid') Calculate flat distance to a contact location
areaTriggersFired: ({ table } ) Table of active 'in area' triggers that have fired for unit
OODA: ({ table }) Table contain unit's "observe, orient, decide, act" values {evasion, targeting,
ScenEdit only
refuel: (bool) Trigger the unit to attempt an UNREP
RTB: (bool) Trigger the unit to return to base
moveto: (bool) Set a desired alt/depth instead of jumping to actual
manualSpeed: (string or number) Desired speed or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode 13/43
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manualAlitude: (bool) To turn on/off manual mode
Exclusion/No navigatation zone.
guid: (string) The GUID of the zone. [READONLY]
description: (string) The description of the zone.
isactive: (bool) Zone is currently active.
area: ({ ZoneMarker }) A set of reference points marking the zone. [READONLY]
affects: ({ unitTypes } ) List of unit types (ship, submarine, aircraft, facility)
locked: (bool) Zone is locked.
markas: (Posture) Posture of violator of exclusion zone.
Data types
Altitude. ... is the height or depth of a unit. The altitude is displayed in meters when accessing the data. It
can be set using either meters or feet by adding M or FT after it. The default is M if just a number is used.
Arcs. ... for sensor and mounts.
Arc codes:
DateTime. ... is displayed and changed as per LOCALE e.g. US would be 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
AM/PM' eg '8/13/2002 12:14 PM'
KeyStore. The simulation allows for user data to be stored within the save file. This is done by
associating keys with values. Key/value pairs added to the persistent store is retained when the game
is saved and resumed. Keys and values are both represented as non-nil strings.
key: (string) The key to associate the value with
value: (string) The value to keep 14/43
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Latitude. ... is degrees N or S of the equator as 'S 60.20.10' or as +/- as -60.336. The data in the tables is
held as a signed number.
Longitude. ... is degrees E or W of Greenwich line as 'W 60.20.10' or as +/- as -60.336. The data in the
tables is held as a signed number.
Size. ... various size attributes (eg flightsize in mission).
When setting the value, either the number or the description (in quotes) can be used.
Flight size:
0 None*
1 SingleAircraft
2 TwoAircraft
3 ThreeAircraft
4 FourAircraft
6 SixAircraft
Flight quantity:
0 None
1 Flight_x1
2 Flight_x2
3 Flight_x3
4 Flight_x4
6 Flight_x6
8 Flight_x8
12 Flight_x12
All All
Group size:
0 None*
1 SingleVessel
2 TwoVessel
3 ThreeVessel
4 FourVessel
6 SixVessel
Stance/Posture. ... how one side sees another.
When setting the value, either the number or the description (in quotes) can be used. Stance codes:
0 Neutral
1 Friendly 15/43
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2 Unfriendly
3 Hostile
4 Unknown
Target type.
None 1001
Decoy 1002
Air_Contact_Unknown_Type 1999
Aircraft_Unspecified 2000
Aircraft_5th_Generation 2001
Aircraft_4th_Generation 2002
Aircraft_3rd_Generation 2003
Aircraft_Less_Capable 2004
Aircraft_High_Perf_Bombers 2011
Aircraft_Medium_Perf_Bombers 2012
Aircraft_Low_Perf_Bombers 2013
Aircraft_High_Perf_Recon_EW 2021
Aircraft_Medium_Perf_Recon_EW 2022
Aircraft_Low_Perf_Recon_EW 2023
Aircraft_AEW 2031
Helicopter_Unspecified 2100
Guided_Weapon_Unspecified 2200
Guided_Weapon_Supersonic_Sea_Skimming 2201
Guided_Weapon_Subsonic_Sea_Skimming 2202
Guided_Weapon_Supersonic 2203
Guided_Weapon_Subsonic 2204
Guided_Weapon_Ballistic 2211
Satellite_Unspecified 2300
Surface_Contact_Unknown_Type 2999
Ship_Unspecified 3000
Ship_Carrier_0_25000_tons 3001
Ship_Carrier_25001_45000_tons 3002
Ship_Carrier_45001_95000_tons 3003
Ship_Carrier_95000_tons 3004
Ship_Surface_Combatant_0_500_tons 3101
Ship_Surface_Combatant_501_1500_tons 3102
Ship_Surface_Combatant_1501_5000_tons 3103
Ship_Surface_Combatant_5001_10000_tons 3104 16/43
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Ship_Surface_Combatant_10001_25000_tons 3105
Ship_Surface_Combatant_25001_45000_tons 3106
Ship_Surface_Combatant_45001_95000_tons 3107
Ship_Surface_Combatant_95000_tons 3108
Ship_Amphibious_0_500_tons 3201
Ship_Amphibious_501_1500_tons 3202
Ship_Amphibious_1501_5000_tons 3203
Ship_Amphibious_5001_10000_tons 3204
Ship_Amphibious_10001_25000_tons 3205
Ship_Amphibious_25001_45000_tons 3206
Ship_Amphibious_45001_95000_tons 3207
Ship_Amphibious_95000_tons 3208
Ship_Auxiliary_0_500_tons 3301
Ship_Auxiliary_501_1500_tons 3302
Ship_Auxiliary_1501_5000_tons 3303
Ship_Auxiliary_5001_10000_tons 3304
Ship_Auxiliary_10001_25000_tons 3305
Ship_Auxiliary_25001_45000_tons 3306
Ship_Auxiliary_45001_95000_tons 3307
Ship_Auxiliary_95000_tons 3308
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_0_500_tons 3401
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_501_1500_tons 3402
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_1501_5000_tons 3403
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_5001_10000_tons 3404
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_10001_25000_tons 3405
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_25001_45000_tons 3406
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_45001_95000_tons 3407
Ship_Merchant_Civilian_95000_tons 3408
Submarine_Surfaced 3501
Subsurface_Contact_Unknown_Type 3999
Submarine_Unspecified 4000
Land_Contact_Unknown_Type 4999
Land_Structure_Soft_Unspecified 5000
Land_Structure_Soft_Building_Surface 5001
Land_Structure_Soft_Building_Reveted 5002
Land_Structure_Soft_Structure_Open 5005
Land_Structure_Soft_Structure_Reveted 5006
Land_Structure_Soft_Aerostat_Moring 5011
Land_Structure_Hardened_Unspecified 5100 17/43
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Land_Structure_Hardened_Building_Surface 5101
Land_Structure_Hardened_Building_Reveted 5102
Land_Structure_Hardened_Building_Bunker 5103
Land_Structure_Hardened_Building_Underground 5104
Land_Structure_Hardened_Structure_Open 5105
Land_Structure_Hardened_Structure_Reveted 5106
Runway_Facility_Unspecified 5200
Runway 5201
Runway_Grade_Taxiway 5202
Runway_Access_Point 5203
Radar_Unspecified 5300
Mobile_Target_Soft_Unspecified 5400
Mobile_Target_Soft_Mobile_Vehicle 5401
Mobile_Target_Soft_Mobile_Personnel 5402
Mobile_Target_Hardened_Unspecified 5500
Mobile_Target_Hardened_Mobile_Vehicle 5501
Underwater_Structure 5601
Air_Base_Single_Unit_Airfield 5801
TimeStamp. ... is a representation of time defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since
00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970
weather conditions.
temp: (number) Temperature (average for GetWeather(), or time-of-day for unit/contact)
rainfall: (number) Rainfall rate
undercloud: (number) Fraction under cloud
seastate: (number) Sea state
GetScenarioTitle ()
Name of the scenario.
(string) The title of the scenario
ScenEdit_AddExplosion (explosion)
Detonates a warhead at a specified location.
explosion: (Explosion) Describes the explosion.
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SideNameOrId: (string) The mission side
MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
MissionType: (string) The mission type (Strike, Ferry, Patrol, etc)
MissionOptions: (NewMission) The mission specific options as a table
(Mission) A mission descriptor of the added mission or nil otherwise.
ScenEdit_AddReferencePoint (descriptor)
Add a new reference point.
This function adds a new reference point as defined by a descriptor. The descriptor must contain at least a
name, side, latitude and longitude.
descriptor: (ReferencePoint) The reference point details to create
(ReferencePoint) The reference point wrapper for the new reference point.
ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit (descriptor)
Adds weapons into a mount.
descriptor: (Weapon2Mount) Describes the weapon and mount to update
(number) Number of items added to the magazine
ScenEdit_AddSide (table)
Add side.
table: ({ table } ) The side
ScenEdit_AddUnit (unit) 19/43
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Adds a unit based on a descriptor.
unit: (NewUnit) The unit details to add
(Unit) A complete descriptor for the added unit
ScenEdit_AddUnit({type = 'Air', unitname = 'F-15C Eagle', loadoutid = 16934, dbid = 3500, side =
ScenEdit_AddWeaponToUnitMagazine (descriptor)
Adds weapons into a magazine.
descriptor: (Weapon2Magazine) Describes the weapon and magazine to update
(number) Number of items added to the magazine
sideName: (string ) Side name/GUID
zoneType: (string ) Type of zone to add: 0 = no-nav, 1 = exclusion
table: ({ table } ) Description, Isactive, Area { of RPs }, Affects { of UnitTypes }, MarkAs (exc
only), Locked (non only)
({ Zone } )
AUNameOrIDOrTable: (string or table) The name/GUID of the unit, or a table of name/GUID to
add to target list
MissionNameOrID: (string) The mission to update
({ GUID } ) A table of targets added
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unitname: (string) The name/GUID of the unit to assign
mission: (string) The mission name/GUID to use
escort: (bool) [Default=False] If the mission is a strike one, then assign unit to the 'Escort' for the
(boolean) True/False for Successful/Failure
attackerID: (string) The unit attacking as GUID or Name
contactId: (string) The contact being attacked as GUID or Name (GUID is better as the name can
change as its classification changes)
options: ({ AttackOptions }) Contains type of attack and weapon allocation if required)
(bool) True if attack successful assigned
ScenEdit_CurrentTime ()
Get the current scenario time.
(TimeStamp) The UTC Unix timestamp of the current time in-game.
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SideNameOrId: (string) The mission side
MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
(bool) True if mission has been removed.
ScenEdit_DeleteReferencePoint (selector)
Delete a reference point.
Given a reference point selector, this function will remove it.
selector: (ReferencePointSelector) The reference point to delete.
(bool) True if deleted
ScenEdit_DeleteUnit (unit)
Deletes unit. .. and no event triggers.
ScenEdit_EndScenario ()
Ends the current scenario.
ScenEdit_ExecuteEventAction (EventDescriptionOrID)
Execute a Lua Event action script. .. but does not show results of execution of the action
EventDescriptionOrID: (string) The description or ID of the event action
(string) "Ok" on execution or nothing.
ScenEdit_ExecuteSpecialAction (eventNameOrId)
Execute a Lua Special action script .. but does not show results of execution of the action
eventNameOrId: (string) The name or ID of the event action
(string) "Ok" on execution or nothing. 22/43
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SideNameOrId: (string) The mission side
MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
({ guid }) Mission GUID exported.
unit: (UnitSelector) The unit to select (name or GUID)
loadoutid: (number) ID of the desired loadout
quantity: (number) How many 'packs' of the specified loadout to populate for
List of reports for successful (or not) additions
ScenEdit_GetContact (contact)
Fetches a contact based on a selector.
This function is mostly identical to ScenEdit_GetUnit except that if references contacts on a side,
contact: (ContactSelector) The contact to select. Must be defined by a side and contact GUID for
that side.
(Contact) A contact descriptor if it or nil otherwise.
ScenEdit_GetContacts (side)
Contacts from a side.
side: (string) The name/guid of the side's contacts.
({ Contacts}) Table of contact details
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ScenEdit_GetDoctrine (selector)
Gets the doctrine of the designated object.
This function looks up the doctrine of the object selected by selector, and throws an exception if the unit does
not exist.
selector: (DoctrineSelector) The selector for the object to look up
(Doctrine) The doctrine of the selected object
ScenEdit_GetDoctrine({side="Soviet Union"}).use_nuclear_weapons
ScenEdit_GetDoctrineWRA (selector)
Gets the WRA doctrine.
Returns the WRA setting In a table For the selected side/mission/unit based On the target type. Nothing
returned Or empty values means that the weapon Is Not For the target type.
selector: (DoctrineWRASelector) The selector for the object to look up
(DoctrineWRA) The WRA doctrine of the selected object
ScenEdit_GetKeyValue (key)
Gets the value for a key from the persistent key store.
This function retrieves a value put into the store by ScenEdit_SetKeyValue. The keys must be identical.
key: (string) The key to fetch the associated value of
(string) The value associated with the key. "" if none exists.
ScenEdit_GetKeyValue("A") -- returns "2"
SideNameOrId: (string) The mission side 24/43
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MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
(Mission) A mission descriptor if the mission exists or nil otherwise.
ScenEdit_GetReferencePoints (selector)
Get a set of reference point(s).
Given a reference point selector, the function will return a table of the reference point descriptors.
selector: (ReferencePointSelector)
({ReferencePoint}) The table of reference point descriptors for the selector
ScenEdit_GetScenHasStarted ()
Has the scenario started?
(bool) True if the scenario has started
ScenEdit_GetScore (side)
Get a given side's score.
side: (string) The name of the side
(num) The side's score
ScenEdit_GetSideIsHuman (sidename)
Returns true if side is played by a human player
sidename: (string) The name of the side to check if is human controlled
True iff the side specified is human
ScenEdit_GetSideOptions (options) 25/43
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Get side options. ... for components on unit. (options)
options: (SideSelector)
({ SideOption }) The side options
sideA: (string) The name of the first side
sideB: (string) The name of the second side
The posture of sideA towards sideB, one of 'N', 'F', 'H', or 'A'.
ScenEdit_GetSpecialAction (action_info)
Gets the properties of an existing special action.
action_info: (SpecialAction) The special action to retrieve
ScenEdit_GetUnit (unit)
Fetches a unit based on a selector.
This function is mostly identical to ScenEdit_SetUnit except that if no unit is selected by the selector portion
of unit, then the function returns nil instead of producing an exception.
unit: (UnitSelector) The unit to select.
(Unit) A complete unit descriptor if the unit exists or nil otherwise.
ScenEdit_GetWeather ()
Get the current weather conditions.
(table) Table of weather parameters [temp (average), rainfall, undercloud, seastate]
ScenEdit_HostUnitToParent (host_info)
Hosts a unit to the specified host. The unit will be moved from any location, including flying or hosted
elsewhere. 26/43
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host_info: (HostUnit) The information about the hosting request
side: (string) The side to import the inst file as
filename: (string) The filename of the inst file
SideNameOrId: (string) The mission side
MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
({ guid }) Mission GUID imported.
ScenEdit_InputBox (string)
Open an input box with the passed prompt.
string: (string) The string to display to the user
Data entered into box
ScenEdit_KillUnit (unit)
Kill unit. ... and triggers event. (unit)
(bool) True if successful
string: (string) The string to display to the user
style: (num) The style of the message box
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button number pressed.
ScenEdit_PlayerSide ()
The player's current side.
(string) The name of the current side
ScenEdit_RefuelUnit (unitOptions)
Cause unit to refuel.
The unit should follow it's AAR configuration. You can force it use a specific tanker or ones from a set of
unitOptions: (RefuelOptions) The unit and refueling options.
(String) If successful, then empty string. Else message showing why it failed to
ScenEdit_RemoveSide (table)
Remove side from play. This removes ALL units and contacts.
table: ({ table } ) The side
AUNameOrIDOrTable: (string or table) The name/GUID of the unit, or a table of name/GUID to
remove from target list
MissionNameOrID: (string) The mission
({ GUID } ) A table of targets removed
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ScenEdit_RunScript (script)
Runs a script from a file. The file script must be inside the [Command base directory]/Lua directory,
or else the game will not be able to load it. You can make the file point to files within a sub-directory of
this, as in 'library/cklib.lua' The file to find will be of the form [Command base directory]/Lua/[script]
A file can also be loaded indirectly from an attachment ScenEdit_UseAttachment
script: The file containing the script to run.
selector: (DoctrineSelector) The selector for the object to modify.
doctrine: (Doctrine) A table of doctrines to update
selector: (DoctrineWRASelector) The selector for the object to update
options: ({ WRA }) Table of settings {qtysalvo, shootersalvo,firingrange,selfdefence}. The order IS
IMPORTANT as no keys used.
(DoctrineWRA) The WRA doctrine of the selected object
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key: (string) The key to associate with
value: (string) The value to associate
ScenEdit_GetKeyValue("A") -- returns "B"
ScenEdit_SetLoadout (loadoutinfo)
Sets the loadout for a unit
Parameters: 30/43
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loadoutinfo: (LoadoutInfo) The loadout information to apply
(bool) True
SideName: (string) The mission side
MissionNameOrId: (string) The mission name
MissionOptions: (Mission) The mission options as a table.
(Mission) A mission descriptor if the mission exists or nil otherwise.
ScenEdit_SetReferencePoint (descriptor)
Update a reference point(s) with new values.
Given a valid ReferencePointSelector as part of the descriptor, the function wil update the values contained in
the descriptor. Values may be omitted from the descriptor if they are intended to remain unmodified. The 'area'
selector is useful for changing some common attribute, like locking or highlighting, in bulk.
Additional key=value options are;
NEWNAME='string' to rename a reference point
TOGGLEHIGHLIGHTED = True to flip the reference point(s) highlight
CLEAR = True to remove the 'relative to' of the reference point(s)
descriptor: (ReferencePoint) A valid selector with other values to update.
(ReferencePoint) The reference point descriptor for the reference point or first one in the area.
side: (string) The name/GUID of the side
score: (num) The new score for the side
reason: (string) The reason for the score to change
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(num) The new score for the side
ScenEdit_GetScore("PlayerSide", 20)
ScenEdit_SetSideOptions (options)
Set side options. ... AWARENESS and PROFICIENCY. (options)
options: (SideOptions) The side items to be changed.
({ SideOption }) The side options
H Hostile
N Neutral
U Unfriendly
sideAName: (string) Side A's name or GUID
sideBName: (string) Side B's name or GUID
posture: (string) The posture of side A towards side B
(boolean) True/False for Successful/Failure
ScenEdit_SetSpecialAction (action_info)
Sets the properties of an existing special action.
action_info: (SpecialAction) The special action to modify
ScenEdit_SetUnit (unit)
Sets the properties of a unit that already exists.
unit: (Unit) The unit to edit. Must be at least a selector.
(Unit) A complete descriptor for the added unit 32/43
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ScenEdit_SetUnitDamage (options)
Set unit damage. ... for components on unit. (options)
options: (DamageOptions)
(Component) The unit's components object
ScenEdit_SetUnitSide (sidedesc)
Changes the side of a unit
sidedesc: (SideDescription) The description of how to change the unit's side
temperature: (number) The current baseline temperature (in deg C). Varies by latitude.
rainfall: (number) The rainfall rate, 0-50.
undercloud: (number) The amount of sky that is covered in cloud, 0.0-1.0
seastate: (number) The current sea state 0-9.
(boolean) True/False for Successful/Failure
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side: (string) The side name/guid to display the message on
message: (string) The HTML text to display to the player
ScenEdit_UnitX ()
Activating Unit .. that triggered the current Event. Otherwise, a nil is returned.
Note that UnitX() can also be used as a shortcut for ScenEdit_UnitX()
(Unit) The triggering unit
ScenEdit_UnitY ()
Detecting Unit ... from a Unit Detected event trigger. Otherwise, a nil is returned.
Note that UnitY() can also be used as a shortcut for ScenEdit_UnitY()
({ table }) The detecting unit and sensors used as { unit = {unit object}, sensor = {[1] = {name, type}, [2]
= {name, type}, etc} }
local by = ScenEdit_UnitY()
print('Y:'); print( by)
print('Detected by: ');print( .. ' of type ' .. by.unit.type ..' from ' .. by.unit
print('Sensor: ');print( by.sensor[1].name .. ' of type ' .. by.sensor[1].type);
EventDescriptionOrID: (string) The event name/GUID to update
options: ({EventUpdate}) The event options
(table or bool) Table of event option (new or previous values) 34/43
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ScenEdit_UpdateUnit (options)
Update items on a unit.
options: (UpdateUnit) The unit sensor/? details to update
(Unit) The updated unit
ScenEdit_UseAttachment (attachment)
Import an attachment into the scene.
attachment: (string) Either the name of the attachment or the GUID of the attachment
attachment: (string) Either the name of the attachment or the GUID of the attachment
sidename: (string) The name of the side to import the attachment into
Tool_DumpEvents ()
Dump scenario events. .. useful for checking. Also writes a file to the scenario folder()
(xml) Dump of events with trigger/condition/action
Tool_EmulateNoConsole ()
Emulates no console. .. useful running event code in the console and seeing how it behaves as an
(boolean) If interactive
Tool_Range ()
Get range between points.
The points can be a GUID of a unit/contact or a latitude/longitude point.(fromHere, toHere)
(number) The horizontal distance in NM
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Tool_Range('8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4','004aa55d-d553-428d-a727-26853737c8f4' )
VP_GetContact (ContactGUID)
Get contact details This will get the information about a contact unit
ContactGUID: (VPContactSelector) The contact selector to interrogate
(Contact) The information associated with the contact
VP_GetSide (side)
Side information from player's perspective.
Gets a side object from the perspective of the player.
side: (SideSelector) The side to get information about.
(Side) Information about the side selected, from the perspective of the player.
VP_GetUnit (ActiveOrContact)
Get unit details This will get the information about an active unit or a contact unit
ActiveOrContact: (UnitSelector) The unit selector to interrogate
(Unit) The information associated with the unit
World_GetCircleFromPoint (table)
Returns a circle around point.
table: (Point)
Table of points 36/43
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World_GetElevation (location)
Returns the elevation in meters of a given position
location: (Point) The position to find the elevation of
The elevation of the point in meters
AAR. .. refueling options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
use_refuel_unrep: (string) This is same as the one from Doctrine setting
tankerUsage: (string or number) Automatic(0), Mission(1)
launchMissionWithoutTankersInPlace: (bool)
tankerMissionList: ({ mission name or guid }) Table of missions to use as source of refuellers
tankerMinNumber_total: (number)
tankerMinNumber_airborne: (number)
tankerMinNumber_station: (number)
maxReceiversInQueuePerTanker_airborne: (number)
fuelQtyToStartLookingForTanker_airborne: (number) Percentage of fuel (0-100)
tankerMaxDistance_airborne: (string or number) Use 'internal' or set a range. The code will
match the lowest availble setting
CargoMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
oneThirdRule: (bool) True if activated
transitThrottleAircraft: (string)
transitAltitudeAircraft: (string)
stationThrottleAircraft: (string)
stationAltitudeAircraft: (string)
transitThrottleSubmarine: (string)
transitDepthSubmarine: (string)
stationThrottleSubmarine: (string)
stationDepthSubmarine: (string)
transitThrottleShip: (string)
stationThrottleShip: (string)
useFlightSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
useGroupSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
zone: ({ name or guid }) Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
This identifies the component/item(s) that are present in a unit. See Unit:filterOnComponent on how to filter
this table
comp_guid: (string) GUID
comp_dbid: (string) Database ID
comp_name: (string) Name
comp_type: (string) Type of component (list ?? sensor, rudder, etc)
comp_status: (string) Status
comp_damage: (string) Damage Severity 37/43
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EM matches .. details
dbid: (number) Databse id.
name: (string) Matching id name.
category: (string) Not applicable to weapons (Missile,Torpedo)
type: (string) Not applicable to Facility
subtype: (number) Type of item within the contact type ( subtype is "Fighter" within scope of
missile_defence: (number) Applicable to Facility and Ships
Defines the warhead to detonate.
warheadid: (number) The ID of the warhead to detonate
lat: (Latitude) The latitude of the detonation
lon: (Longitude) The longitude of the detonation
altitude: (Altitude) The altitude of the detonation
FerryMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
ferryBehavior: (string) Values OneWay(0), Cycle(1), Random(2)
ferryThrottleAircraft: (string)
ferryAltitudeAircraft: (string)
ferryTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
flightSize: (Size)
minAircraftReq: (string)
useFlightSize: (bool)
The various types of fuel(s), and their state, carried by the unit. Use ScenEditSetUnit() to set the fuel rather
thane the unit.fuel... ScenEditSetUnit({...,fuel={{'GasFuel',1500},{2001,8000}}..}) It is easier and less prone
to error; you can use the fuel name or the fuel number code
Fuel Types:
1001 'NoFuel'
2001 AviationFuel
3001 DieselFuel
3002 OilFuel
3003 GasFuel
4001 Battery
4002 AirIndepedent
5001 RocketFuel
5002 TorpedoFuel
5003 WeaponCoast 38/43
8/20/2017 Command Lua Documentation
fueltype: ({ FuelState }) The state of the type(s) of fuel in the unit.
Status of a fuel type.
current: (number) The current fuel level of the type
max: (number) How much can be stored for the type
name: (string) Name of the fuel
Requests that a unit be hosted to another
HostedUnitNameOrID: (string) The name or GUID of the unit to put into the host
SelectedHostNameOrID: (string) The name or GUID of the host to put the unit into
A Position on the map. ... is referred to with latitude (north/south) and longitude (east/west) coordinates.
These can be represented in two forms, degrees minutes seconds, and decimal degrees. The Command
Lua API supports both forms.
A set of latitude & longitude to define a point. Within the simulation, the values are recorded in decimal
latitude: (number)
longitude: (number)
Information on a loadout to add/alter
UnitName: (string) The name/GUID of the unit to change the loadout on
LoadoutID: (number) The ID of the new loadout; 0 = use the current loadout
TimeToReady_Minutes: (number) How many minutes until the loadout is ready
IgnoreMagazines: (bool) If the new loadout should rely on the magazines having the right
weapons ready
ExcludeOptionalWeapons: (bool) Exclude optional weapons from loadout (optional)
Note that when dealing with a magazine in a unit, it may constist of one or more actual magazine 'blocks'. This
is what is being referred to here, rather than the ONE magazine group for the unit/group.
Fields: 39/43
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mag_capacity: (string) Capacity|Storage
mag_dbid: (string) Database ID
mag_guid: (string) GUID
mag_name: (string) Name
mag_weapons: ({ WeaponLoaded }) Table of weapon loads in magazine
MineClearMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
oneThirdRule: (bool)
transitThrottleAircraft: (string)
transitAltitudeAircraft: (string)
transitTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
stationThrottleAircraft: (string)
stationAltitudeAircraft: (string)
stationTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
transitThrottleSubmarine: (string)
transitDepthSubmarine: (string)
stationThrottleSubmarine: (string)
stationDepthSubmarine: (string)
transitThrottleShip: (string)
stationThrottleShip: (string)
flightSize: (Size)
minAircraftReq: (string)
useFlightSize: (bool)
groupSize: (Size)
useGroupSize: (bool)
zone: ({ name or guid }) Table of reference point names and/or guids
MineMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
oneThirdRule: (bool)
transitThrottleAircraft: (string)
transitAltitudeAircraft: (string)
transitTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
stationThrottleAircraft: (string)
stationAltitudeAircraft: (string)
stationTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
transitThrottleSubmarine: (string)
transitDepthSubmarine: (string)
stationThrottleSubmarine: (string)
stationDepthSubmarine: (string)
transitThrottleShip: (string)
stationThrottleShip: (string)
flightSize: (Size)
minaircraftreq: (string)
useFlightSize: (bool)
groupSize: (Size)
useGroupSize: (bool)
zone: ({ name or guid }) Table of reference point names and/or guids
armingdelay: (time) In format of 'days:hours:minutes:seconds' e.g. 1 day, 4 hours, 30 minutes
would be '1:4:30:0'
A mount is similar to a magazine, but it refers to the actual loads on the weapon, rather than a stoarge area.
mount_dbid: (string) Database ID
mount_guid: (string) GUID 40/43
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mount_name: (string) Name
mount_weapons: ({ WeaponLoaded }) Table of weapon loads on mount
PatrolMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
oneThirdRule: (bool) True if activated
checkOPA: (bool) True if can investigate outside zones
checkWWR: (bool) True if can investigate within weapon range
activeEMCON: (bool) True if active EMCON in patrol zone
transitThrottleAircraft: (string)
transitAltitudeAircraft: (string)
transitTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool) True if terrain following
stationThrottleAircraft: (string)
stationAltitudeAircraft: (string)
stationTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool) True if terrain following
attackThrottleAircraft: (string)
attackAltitudeAircraft: (string)
attackTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool) True if terrain following
attackDistanceAircraft: (string)
transitThrottleSubmarine: (string)
transitDepthSubmarine: (string)
stationThrottleSubmarine: (string)
stationDepthSubmarine: (string)
attackThrottleSubmarine: (string)
attackDepthSubmarine: (string)
attackDistanceSubmarine: (string)
transitThrottleShip: (string)
stationThrottleShip: (string)
attackThrottleShip: (string)
attackDistanceShip: (string)
flightSize: (Size)
minAircraftReq: (string)
useFlightSize: (bool) True if min size required
groupSize: (Size)
useGroupSize: (bool) True if min size required
prosecutionZone: ({ name or guid }) Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
patrolZone: ({ name or guid }) Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
Side's contact.
guid: (string) The GUID of the contact. Note that this is not the GUID of the unit, you must use
VP_GetUnit to resolve it.
name: (string) The name of the contact.
Information on how to change a unit's side. ORDER IS IMPORTANT
side: (string) The original side
name: (string) The name/GUID of the unit
newside: (string) The new side
Information to select a particular side.
GUID: (string) The GUID of the side to select. Preferred.
Name: (string) The name of the side to select. 41/43
8/20/2017 Command Lua Documentation
Side's unit.
guid: (string) The GUID of the unit. This is the actual guid.
name: (string) The name of the unit.
StrikeMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission(). Note that these are split between
the escorts and strikers
escortFlightSizeShooter: (Size)
escortMinShooter: (number)
escortMaxShooter: (number)
escortResponseRadius: (number)
escortUseFlightSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
escortFlightSizeNonshooter: (Size)
escortMinNonshooter: (number)
escortMaxNonshooter: (number)
escortGroupSize: (Size)
escortUseGroupSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
strikeOneTimeOnly: (bool) True if activated
strikeMinimumTrigger: (string)
strikeMax: (number)
strikeFlightSize: (Size)
strikeMinAircraftReq: (number)
strikeUseFlightSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
strikeGroupSize: (Size)
strikeUseGroupSize: (bool) True if minimum size required
strikeAutoPlanner: (bool) True if activated
strikePreplan: (bool) True if pre-planned target list only
strikeRadarUasge: (number) Radar usage
strikeMinDist: (number) Strike minimum distance
strikeMaxDist: (number) Strike maximum distance
SupportMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
oneThirdRule: (bool)
transitThrottleAircraft: (string)
transitAltitudeAircraft: (string)
transitTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
stationThrottleAircraft: (string)
stationAltitudeAircraft: (string)
stationTerrainFollowingAircraft: (bool)
transitThrottleSubmarine: (string)
transitDepthSubmarine: (string)
stationThrottleSubmarine: (string)
stationDepthSubmarine: (string)
transitThrottleShip: (string)
stationThrottleShip: (string)
flightSize: (Size)
minAircraftReq: (string)
useFlightSize: (boo)
groupSize: (Size)
useGroupSize: (bool)
zone: ({ name or guid}) Table of reference point names and/or guids
loopType: (string) Values of ContinousLoop(0) or SingleLoop(1)
onStation: (string)
oneTimeOnly: (bool) 42/43
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activeEMCON: (bool)
tankerOneTime: (bool)
tankerMaxReceivers: (string)
WRA settings. .. absence of fields implies that it is NOT used
qty_salvo: (string) Weapons per salvo ('Max' or a number)
shooter_salvo: (string) Shooters per salvo ('Max' or a number)
firing_range: (string) Firing range ('Max' or a number)
self_defence: (string) Self-defence range ('Max' or a number)
Weapon loads on mount or in magazine.
wpn_guid: (string) GUID
wpn_current: (string) Current loads available
wpn_maxcap: (string) Maximum loads
wpn_default: (string) Default loads (to fill out)
wpn_dbid: (string) Database ID
wpn_name: (string) Name
Zone marker.
guid: (string) The GUID of the Reference Point.
longitude: (Longitude)
latitude: (Latitude) 43/43