Instructional Software Itec3200
Instructional Software Itec3200
Instructional Software Itec3200
Choose one Instructional Software title. Complete all fields in the following template to describe the
software and how you would use this product in your future classroom to help students achieve required
learning standards.
Note: This template uses the “forms” feature in MS Word. Select the highlighted text boxes and type over
the sample text. Simply click on the boxes to check them.
S8P3. obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about cause and effect relationships between force,
mass, and the motion of objects.
b. Construct an explanation using Newton’s Laws of Motion to describe the effects of balanced and
unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.
Students will divide into small groups
Depending on the technology I have access to into the classroom, they will either place one large figure on the right side of
the simulation on their devices, or I will on the projector
This will be followed by one large figure on the right and one medium and one small figure on the left
Then we will have one large figure on each side and one small on the right, hit play on the simulation, and immediately
remove the small figure.
I will then hand out the worksheet
The worksheet will ask students to explain what happened in scenario one, two, and three and why.
* Examples of common instructional models include whole group, teacher-led, student self-paced, small
group, or individual learning activities. Use as many of these descriptors or other descriptors as apply.