Tax Digest

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American Tobacco v.

Camacho (2008)  Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing Incorporated, Fortune

G.R. No. 163583 August 20, 2008 Tobacco Corp., Mighty Corp. and JT International Intervened.
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.  Fortune Tobacco claimed that the CTA should have the exclusive
appellate jurisdiction over the decision of the BIR in tax disputes
Lessons Applicable: Court of Tax Appeals Jurisdiction, Regional Trial ISSUE:
Court Jurisdiction, Equal Protection and Uniformity of Taxation
(constitutional issue), BIR Power to Conduct Resurvey and 1. W/N the RTC rather than the CTA has jurisdiction.
Reclassification (delegated by express legislation) 2. W/N RA 9334 of the classification freeze provision is unconstitutional
for violating the equal protection and uniformity provisions of the
Laws Applicable: Constitution
3. W/N RR Nos. 1-97, 9-2003, 22-2003 and RA 8243 even prior to its
FACTS: amendment by RA 9334 can authorize the BIR to conduct resurvey
June 2001, petitioner British American Tobacco introduced and sold Lucky and reclassification.
Strike, Lucky Strike Lights and Lucky Strike Menthol Lights cigarettes w/ HELD:
SRP P 9.90/pack - Initial assessed excise tax: P 8.96/pack (Sec. 145 [c]) 1. Yes. The jurisdiction of the CTA id defined in RA 1125 which confers on
 February 17, 2003: RR 9-2003: Periodic review every 2 years or the CTA jurisdiction to resolve tax disputes in general. BUT does NOT
earlier of the current net retail price of new brands and variants
include cases where the constitutionality of a law or rule is challenged
thereof for the purpose of the establishing and updating their tax
classification which is a judicial power is belonging to regular courts.
 March 11, 2003: RMO 6-2003: Guidelines and procedures in
establishing current net retail prices of new brands of cigarettes and 2. No. In Sison Jr. v. Ancheta, the court held that "xxx It suffices then that
alcohol products the laws operate equally and uniformly on all persons under similar
 August 8, 2003: RR 22-2003: Implement the revised tax classification circumstances or that all persons must be treated in the same manner, the
of certain new brands introduced in the market after January 1, 1997 conditions not being different, both in the privileges conferred and the
based on the survey of their current net retail prices. This increased
liabilities imposed. If the law be looked upon in terms of burden on
the excise tax to P13.44 since the average net retail price is above P
10/pack. This cause petitioner to file before the RTC of Makati a charges, those that fall within a class should be treated in the same
petition for injunction with prayer for issuance of a Temporary fashion, whatever restrictions cast on some in the group equally binding
Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction sought to on the rest. xxx" Thus, classification if rational in character is allowable. In
enjoin the implementation of Sec. 145 of the NIRC, RR No. 1-97, 9- Lutz v. Araneta: "it is inherent in the power to tax that a state be free to
2003, 22-2003 and 6-2003 on the ground that they discriminate select the subjects of taxation, and it has been repeatedly held that
against new brands of cigarettes in violation of the equal protection 'inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular class for
and uniformity provisions of the Constitution
taxation, or exemption infringe no constitutional limitation" SC previously
 RTC: Dismissed
 While petitioner's appeal was pending, RA 9334 amending Sec. 145 held: "Equality and uniformity in taxation means that all taxable articles or
of the 1997 NIRC among other took effect on January 1, 2005 which kinds of property of the same class shall be taxed at the same rate. The
in effect increased petitioners excise tax to P25/pack taxing power has the authority to make reasonable and natural
 Petitioner filed a Motion to Admit attached supplement and a classifications for purposes of taxation"
supplement to the petition for review assailing the constitutionality of
RA 9334 and praying a downward classification of Lucky Strike
Under the the rational basis test, a legislative classification, to survive an
products at the bracket taxable at P 8.96/pack since existing brands
are still taxed based on their price as of October 1996 eventhough equal protection challenge, must be shown to rationally further a legitimate
they are equal or higher than petitioner's product price. state interest. The classifications must be reasonable and rest upon some
ground of difference having a fair and substantial relation to the object of
the legislation

A legislative classification that is reasonable does not offend the

constitutional guaranty of the equal protection of the laws. The
classification is considered valid and reasonable provided that: (1) it rests
on substantial distinctions; (2) it is germane to the purpose of the law; (3)
it applies, all things being equal, to both present and future conditions; and
(4) it applies equally to all those belonging to the same class.

Moreover, petitioner failed to clearly demonstrate the exact extent of such

impact as the price is not the only factor that affects competition.

3. NO. Unless expressly granted to the BIR, the power to reclassify

cigarette brands remains a prerogative of the legislature which cannot be
usurped by the former. These are however modified by RA 9334.
petitioner sent a letter to the BIR requesting a ruling on whether it is
Jurisprudence: G.R. No. 168118 August 28, 2006 entitled to the four (4)-year grace period reckoned from 1999. In other
words, petitioners position is that since it resumed operations in 1999, it
will pay its minimum corporate income tax only after four (4) years
Manila Bank v. CIR (2006)
G.R. No. 168118 August 28, 2006 On February 22, 2001, the BIR issued BIR Ruling No. 007-2001 stating
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J. that petitioner is entitled to the four (4)-year grace period. Since it
reopened in 1999, the minimum corporate income tax may be imposed
FACTS not earlier than 2002, i.e. the fourth taxable year beginning 1999. The
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari assailing the Decision of relevant portions of the BIR Ruling state:
the Court of Appeals dated May 11, 2005 in CA-G.R. SP No. 77177,
entitled The Manila Banking Corporation, petitioner, versus Commissioner In reply, we hereby confirm that the law and regulations allow new
of Internal Revenue, respondent. corporations as well as existing corporations a leeway or adjustment
period of four years counted from the year of commencement of business
The Manila Banking Corporation, petitioner, was incorporated in 1961 and operations (reckoned at the time of registration by the corporation with the
since then had engaged in the commercial banking industry until 1987. On BIR) during which the MCIT (minimum corporate income tax) does not
May 22, 1987, the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas apply. If new corporations, as well as existing corporations such as those
(BSP) issued Resolution No. 505, pursuant to Section 29 of Republic Act registered with the BIR in 1994 or earlier, are granted a 4-year grace
(R.A.) No. 265 (the Central Bank Act), prohibiting petitioner from engaging period, we see no reason why TMBC, a corporation that has ceased
in business by reason of insolvency. Thus, petitioner ceased operations business activities due to involuntary closure for more than a decade and
that year and its assets and liabilities were placed under the charge of a is now only starting again to place its business back in order, may not be
government-appointed receiver. given the same opportunity. It should be stressed that although TMBC had
been registered with the BIR before 1994, yet it did not have any business
Meanwhile, R.A. No. 8424, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Tax from 1987 to June 1999 due to its involuntary closure. This Office is
Reform Act of 1997, became effective on January 1, 1998. One of the therefore of an opinion, that for purposes of justice, equity and consistent
changes introduced by this law is the imposition of the minimum corporate with the intent of the law, TMBC's reopening last July 1999 is akin to the
income tax on domestic and resident foreign corporations. Implementing commencement of business operations of a new corporation, in
this law is Revenue Regulations No. 9-98 stating that the law allows a four consideration of which the law allows a 4-year period during which MCIT
(4) year period from the time the corporations were registered with the is not to be applied. Hence, MCIT may be imposed upon TMBC not earlier
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) during which the minimum corporate than 2002, i.e., the fourth taxable year beginning 1999 which is the year
income tax should not be imposed. when TMBC reopened.

On June 23, 1999, after 12 years since petitioner stopped its business Likewise, we find merit in your position that for having just come out of
operations, the BSP authorized it to operate as a thrift bank. The following receivership proceedings, which not only resulted in substantial losses but
year, specifically on April 7, 2000, it filed with the BIR its annual corporate actually brought about a complete cessation of all businesses, TMBC may
income tax return and paid P33,816,164.00 for taxable year 1999. be qualified to ask for suspension of the MCIT. The law provides that the
Secretary of Finance, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner,
Prior to the filing of its income tax return, or on December 28, 1999, may suspend the imposition of the MCIT on any corporation which suffers
losses on account of prolonged labor dispute, or because of force continue to perform its corporate functions, all its properties and assets
majeure, or because of legitimate business reverses. [NIRC, Sec. were under the control and custody of a receiver, and its dealings with the
27(E)(3)] Revenue Regulations 9-98 defines the term legitimate business public is somehow limited, if not momentarily suspended. x x x
reverses to include substantial losses sustained due to fire, robbery, theft
or embezzlement, or for other economic reasons as determined by the On June 11, 2003, petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for
Secretary of Finance. Cessation of business activities as a result of being review. On May 11, 2005, the appellate court rendered a Decision
placed under involuntary receivership may be one such economic reason. affirming the assailed judgment of the CTA.
But to be a basis for the recognition of the suspension of MCIT, such a
situation should be properly defined and included in the regulations, which Thus, this petition for review on certiorari.
this Office intends to do. Pending such inclusion, the same cannot yet be
invoked. Nevertheless, it is the position of this Office that the counting of The main issue for our resolution is whether petitioner is entitled to a
the fourth taxable year, insofar as TMBC is concerned, begins in the year refund of its minimum corporate income tax paid to the BIR for taxable
1999 when TMBC reopened such that it will be only subject to MCIT year 1999.
beginning the year 2002.
Petitioner contends that the Court of Tax Appeals erred in holding that it is
Pursuant to the above Ruling, petitioner filed with the BIR a claim for not entitled to the four (4)-year grace period provided by law suspending
refund of the sum of P33,816,164.00 erroneously paid as minimum the payment of its minimum corporate income tax since it is not a newly
corporate income tax for taxable year 1999. created corporation, having been registered as early as 1961.

Due to the inaction of the BIR on its claim, petitioner filed with the Court of For his part, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), respondent,
Tax Appeals (CTA) a petition for review. maintains that pursuant to R.A. No. 8424, petitioner should pay its
minimum corporate income tax beginning January 1, 1998 as it did not
On April 21, 2003, the CTA denied the petition, finding that petitioners close its business operations in 1987 but merely suspended the same.
payment of the amount of P33,816,164.00 corresponding to its minimum Even if placed under receivership, its corporate existence was never
corporate income tax for taxable year 1999 is in order. The CTA held that affected. Thus, it falls under the category of an existing corporation
petitioner is not entitled to the four (4)-year grace period because it is not recommencing its banking business operations.
a new corporation. It has continued to be the same corporation, registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the BIR, despite Section 27(E) of the Tax Code provides:
being placed under receivership, thus: Sec. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic Corporations. x x x

Moreover, it must be emphasized that when herein petitioner was placed (E) Minimum Corporate Income Tax on Domestic Corporations. -
under receivership, there was merely an interruption of its business
operations. However, its corporate existence was never affected. The (1) Imposition of Tax. - A minimum corporate income tax of two percent
general rule is that the appointment of the receiver does not terminate the (2%) of the gross income as of the end of the taxable year, as defined
charter or work a dissolution of the corporation, even though the herein, is hereby imposed on a corporation taxable under this Title,
receivership is a permanent one. In other words, the corporation continues beginning on the fourth taxable year immediately following the year in
to exist as a legal entity, clothed with its franchises (65 Am. Jur. 2d, pp. which such corporation commenced its business operations, when the
973-974). Petitioner, for all intents and purposes, remained to be the minimum corporate income tax is greater than the tax computed under
same corporation, registered with the SEC and with the BIR. While it may Subsection (A) of this Section for the taxable year.
Senator Enrile: We assume that this is the period of stabilization of new
(2) Carry Forward of Excess Minimum Tax. - Any excess of the minimum company that is starting in business.
corporate income tax over the normal income tax as computed under
Subsection (A) of this Section shall be carried forward and credited Senator Romulo: That is right.
against the normal income tax for the three (3) immediately succeeding
taxable years. Thus, in order to allow new corporations to grow and develop at the initial
xxx stages of their operations, the lawmaking body saw the need to provide a
Upon the other hand, Revenue Regulation No. 9-98 specifies the period grace period of four years from their registration before they pay their
when a corporation becomes subject to the minimum corporate income minimum corporate income tax.
tax, thus:
Significantly, on February 23, 1995, Congress enacted R.A. No. 7906,
(5) Specific Rules for Determining the Period When a Corporation otherwise known as the Thrift Banks Act of 1995. It took effect on March
Becomes Subject to the MCIT (minimum corporate income tax) - 18, 1995. This law provides for the regulation of the organization and
operations of thrift banks. Under Section 3, thrift banks include savings
For purposes of the MCIT, the taxable year in which business operations and mortgage banks, private development banks, and stock savings and
commenced shall be the year in which the domestic corporation registered loans associations organized under existing laws.
with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
On June 15, 1999, the BIR issued Revenue Regulation No. 4-95
Firms which were registered with BIR in 1994 and earlier years shall be implementing certain provisions of the said R.A. No. 7906. Section 6
covered by the MCIT beginning January 1, 1998. provides:

xxx Sec. 6. Period of exemption. All thrift banks created and organized under
the provisions of the Act shall be exempt from the payment of all taxes,
The intent of Congress relative to the minimum corporate income tax is to fees, and charges of whatever nature and description, except the
grant a four (4)-year suspension of tax payment to newly formed corporate income tax imposed under Title II of the NIRC and as specified
corporations. Corporations still starting their business operations have to in Section 2(A) of these regulations, for a period of five (5) years from the
stabilize their venture in order to obtain a stronghold in the industry. It date of commencement of operations; while for thrift banks which are
does not come as a surprise then when many companies reported losses already existing and operating as of the date of effectivity of the Act
in their initial years of operations. The following are excerpts from the (March 18, 1995), the tax exemption shall be for a period of five (5) years
Senate deliberations: reckoned from the date of such effectivity.

Senator Romulo: x x x Let me go now to the minimum corporate income For purposes of these regulations, date of commencement of operations
tax, which is on page 45 of the Journal, which is to minimize tax evasion shall be understood to mean the date when the thrift bank was registered
on those corporations which have been declaring losses year in and year with the Securities and Exchange Commission or the date when the
out. Here, the tax rate is three-fourths, three quarter of a percent or .75% Certificate of Authority to Operate was issued by the Monetary Board of
applied to corporations that do not report any taxable income on the fourth the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, whichever comes later.
year of their business operation. Therefore, those that do not report
income on the first, second and third year are not included here. xxx
As mentioned earlier, petitioner bank was registered with the BIR in 1961.
However, in 1987, it was found insolvent by the Monetary Board of the Tax Case Digest: Manila Bank V. CIR (2006)
BSP and was placed under receivership. After twelve (12) years, or on SECOND DIVISION
June 23, 1999, the BSP issued to it a Certificate of Authority to Operate as Manila Bank v. CIR (2006)
a thrift bank. Earlier, or on January 21, 1999, it registered with the BIR. G.R. No. 168118 August 28, 2006
Then it filed with the SEC its Articles of Incorporation which was approved SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.
on June 22, 1999.
Lessons Applicable: 4-year grace period is based on the registration and
It is clear from the above-quoted provision of Revenue Regulations No. 4- commencement (not only for newly formed corporation), MCIT law
95 that the date of commencement of operations of a thrift bank is the encourages new business
date it was registered with the SEC or the date when the Certificate of
Authority to Operate was issued to it by the Monetary Board of the BSP, Laws Applicable: MCIT
whichever comes later.
Let it be stressed that Revenue Regulations No. 9-98, implementing R.A. Manila Bank, after 12 years of being prohibited to operate due to
No. 8424 imposing the minimum corporate income tax on corporations, insolvency by the Monetary Board of the BSP, is granted to operate as a
provides that for purposes of this tax, the date when business operations thrift bank.
commence is the year in which the domestic corporation registered with
the BIR. However, under Revenue Regulations No. 4-95, the date of  It paid its taxed for 1999.
 Then, it asked the BIR whether it is entitled to the 4-year grace period
commencement of operations of thrift banks, such as herein petitioner, is
before it shall be subject to MCIT.
the date the particular thrift bank was registered with the SEC or the date  BIR confirmed its entitlement.
when the Certificate of Authority to Operate was issued to it by the  It filed a claim for refund erroneously paid as MCIT in 1999.
Monetary Board of the BSP, whichever comes later.  Due to inaction, it filed a Petition for Review with the CTA who
denied it since it is not a new corporation and has continued its
Clearly then, Revenue Regulations No. 4-95, not Revenue Regulations registration with the SEC and BIR.
ISSUE: W/N Manila Bank is entitled to a 4-year grace period.
No. 9-98, applies to petitioner, being a thrift bank. It is, therefore, entitled
HELD: Yes. GRANT the petition.
to a grace period of four (4) years counted from June 23, 1999 when it
was authorized by the BSP to operate as a thrift bank. Consequently, it  The intent of the Congress relative to the MCIT is to grant 4-year
should only pay its minimum corporate income tax after four (4) years grace period so that newly formed corporate can stabilize itself in
from 1999. order to obtain a stronghold in the industry.
 Rev. Reg. No. 4-95 clearly provides that the date of commencement
WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition. The assailed Decision of the of the operations of a thrift bank is the date that it was registered with
the SEC or the date when the certificate of authority to operate was
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 77177 is hereby REVERSED.
issued by the Monetary Board of the BSP, whichever comes later.
Respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue is directed to refund to  Rev. Reg. No. 4-98, implementing RA 8424 imposing MCIT provides
petitioner bank the sum of P33,816,164.00 prematurely paid as minimum for purposes of this tax, date when business operations commence is
corporate income tax. the year which the company is registered with the BIR, thus in this
case only on June 23, 1999
Panasonics export invoices. This omission, said the First Division, violates
Jurisprudence: G.R. No. 178090 February 8, 2010 the invoicing requirements of Section 4.108-1 of Revenue Regulations
(RR) 7-95.
Panasonic v. CIR (2010) Its motion for reconsideration having been denied, on January 5, 2007
G.R. No. 178090 February 8, 2010 petitioner Panasonic appealed the First Divisions decision to the CTA en
ABAD, J.: banc. On May 23, 2007 the CTA en banc upheld the First Divisions
decision and resolution and dismissed the petition. Panasonic filed a
This petition for review puts in issue the May 23, 2007 Decision of the motion for reconsideration of the en banc decision but this was denied.
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) en banc in CTA EB 239, entitled Panasonic Thus, petitioner filed the present petition in accordance with R.A. 9282.
Communications Imaging Corporation of the Philippines v. Commissioner
of Internal Revenue, which affirmed the denial of petitioners claim for The Issue Presented
refund. The sole issue presented in this case is whether or not the CTA en banc
correctly denied petitioner Panasonics claim for refund of the VAT it paid
The Facts and the Case as a zero-rated taxpayer on the ground that its sales invoices did not state
Petitioner Panasonic Communications Imaging Corporation of the on their faces that its sales were zero-rated.
Philippines (Panasonic) produces and exports plain paper copiers and
their sub-assemblies, parts, and components. It is registered with the The Courts Ruling
Board of Investments as a preferred pioneer enterprise under the The VAT is a tax on consumption, an indirect tax that the provider of
Omnibus Investments Code of 1987. It is also a registered value-added goods or services may pass on to his customers. Under the VAT method
tax (VAT) enterprise. of taxation, which is invoice-based, an entity can subtract from the VAT
charged on its sales or outputs the VAT it paid on its purchases, inputs
From April 1 to September 30, 1998 and from October 1, 1998 to March and imports. For example, when a seller charges VAT on its sale, it issues
31, 1999, petitioner Panasonic generated export sales amounting to an invoice to the buyer, indicating the amount of VAT he charged. For his
US$12,819,475.15 and US$11,859,489.78, respectively, for a total of part, if the buyer is also a seller subjected to the payment of VAT on his
US$24,678,964.93. Believing that these export sales were zero-rated for sales, he can use the invoice issued to him by his supplier to get a
VAT under Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1) of the 1997 National Internal Revenue reduction of his own VAT liability. The difference in tax shown on invoices
Code as amended by Republic Act (R.A.) 8424 (1997 NIRC), Panasonic passed and invoices received is the tax paid to the government. In case
paid input VAT of P4,980,254.26 and P4,388,228.14 for the two periods or the tax on invoices received exceeds that on invoices passed, a tax refund
a total of P9,368,482.40 attributable to its zero-rated sales. may be claimed.

Claiming that the input VAT it paid remained unutilized or unapplied, on Under the 1997 NIRC, if at the end of a taxable quarter the seller charges
March 12, 1999 and July 20, 1999 petitioner Panasonic filed with the output taxes equal to the input taxes that his suppliers passed on to him,
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) two separate applications for refund or no payment is required of him. It is when his output taxes exceed his input
tax credit of what it paid. When the BIR did not act on the same, taxes that he has to pay the excess to the BIR. If the input taxes exceed
Panasonic filed on December 16, 1999 a petition for review with the CTA, the output taxes, however, the excess payment shall be carried over to
averring the inaction of the respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue the succeeding quarter or quarters. Should the input taxes result from
(CIR) on its applications. zero-rated or effectively zero-rated transactions or from the acquisition of
capital goods, any excess over the output taxes shall instead be refunded
After trial or on August 22, 2006 the CTAs First Division rendered to the taxpayer.
judgment, denying the petition for lack of merit. The First Division said
that, while petitioner Panasonics export sales were subject to 0% VAT Zero-rated transactions generally refer to the export sale of goods and
under Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1) of the 1997 NIRC, the same did not qualify services. The tax rate in this case is set at zero. When applied to the tax
for zero-rating because the word zero-rated was not printed on base or the selling price of the goods or services sold, such zero rate
results in no tax chargeable against the foreign buyer or customer. But, (4) The name, business style, if any, address and taxpayers identification
although the seller in such transactions charges no output tax, he can number (TIN) of the purchaser, customer or client.
claim a refund of the VAT that his suppliers charged him. The seller thus
enjoys automatic zero rating, which allows him to recover the input taxes Petitioner Panasonic points out that Sections 113 and 237 did not require
he paid relating to the export sales, making him internationally the inclusion of the word zero-rated for zero-rated sales covered by its
competitive. receipts or invoices. The BIR incorporated this requirement only after the
enactment of R.A. 9337 on November 1, 2005, a law that did not yet exist
For the effective zero rating of such transactions, however, the taxpayer at the time it issued its invoices.
has to be VAT-registered and must comply with invoicing requirements.
Interpreting these requirements, respondent CIR ruled that under But when petitioner Panasonic made the export sales subject of this case,
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) 42-2003, the taxpayers failure to i.e., from April 1998 to March 1999, the rule that applied was Section
comply with invoicing requirements will result in the disallowance of his 4.108-1 of RR 7-95, otherwise known as the Consolidated Value-Added
claim for refund. RMC 42-2003 provides: Tax Regulations, which the Secretary of Finance issued on December 9,
A-13. Failure by the supplier to comply with the invoicing requirements on 1995 and took effect on January 1, 1996. It already required the printing of
the documents supporting the sale of goods and services will result to the the word zero-rated on the invoices covering zero-rated sales. When R.A.
disallowance of the claim for input tax by the purchaser-claimant. 9337 amended the 1997 NIRC on November 1, 2005, it made this
particular revenue regulation a part of the tax code. This conversion from
If the claim for refund/TCC is based on the existence of zero-rated sales regulation to law did not diminish the binding force of such regulation with
by the taxpayer but it fails to comply with the invoicing requirements in the respect to acts committed prior to the enactment of that law.
issuance of sales invoices (e.g., failure to indicate the TIN), its claim for
tax credit/refund of VAT on its purchases shall be denied considering that Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95 proceeds from the rule-making authority
the invoice it is issuing to its customers does not depict its being a VAT- granted to the Secretary of Finance under Section 245 of the 1977 NIRC
registered taxpayer whose sales are classified as zero-rated sales. (Presidential Decree 1158) for the efficient enforcement of the tax code
Nonetheless, this treatment is without prejudice to the right of the taxpayer and of course its amendments. The requirement is reasonable and is in
to charge the input taxes to the appropriate expense account or asset accord with the efficient collection of VAT from the covered sales of goods
account subject to depreciation, whichever is applicable. Moreover, the and services. As aptly explained by the CTAs First Division, the
case shall be referred by the processing office to the concerned BIR office appearance of the word zero-rated on the face of invoices covering zero-
for verification of other tax liabilities of the taxpayer. rated sales prevents buyers from falsely claiming input VAT from their
purchases when no VAT was actually paid. If, absent such word, a
Petitioner Panasonic points out, however, that in requiring the printing on successful claim for input VAT is made, the government would be
its sales invoices of the word zero-rated, the Secretary of Finance unduly refunding money it did not collect.
expanded, amended, and modified by a mere regulation (Section 4.108-1
of RR 7-95) the letter and spirit of Sections 113 and 237 of the 1997 Further, the printing of the word zero-rated on the invoice helps segregate
NIRC, prior to their amendment by R.A. 9337. Panasonic argues that the sales that are subject to 10% (now 12%) VAT from those sales that are
1997 NIRC, which applied to its payments specifically Sections 113 and zero-rated. Unable to submit the proper invoices, petitioner Panasonic has
237required the VAT-registered taxpayers receipts or invoices to indicate been unable to substantiate its claim for refund.
only the following information:
Petitioner Panasonics citation of Intel Technology Philippines, Inc. v.
(1) A statement that the seller is a VAT-registered person, followed by his Commissioner of Internal Revenue is misplaced. Quite the contrary, it
taxpayer's identification number (TIN); strengthens the position taken by respondent CIR. In that case, the CIR
(2) The total amount which the purchaser pays or is obligated to pay to the denied the claim for tax refund on the ground of the taxpayers failure to
seller with the indication that such amount includes the value-added tax; indicate on its invoices the BIR authority to print. But Sec. 4.108-1
(3) The date of transaction, quantity, unit cost and description of the goods required only the following to be reflected on the invoice:
or properties or nature of the service; and
1. The name, taxpayers identification number (TIN) and address of seller;
2. Date of transaction;
3. Quantity, unit cost and description of merchandise or nature of service;
4. The name, TIN, business style, if any, and address of the VAT-
registered purchaser, customer or client;
5. The word zero-rated imprinted on the invoice covering zero-rated sales;
6. The invoice value or consideration.

This Court held that, since the BIR authority to print is not one of the items
required to be indicated on the invoices or receipts, the BIR erred in
denying the claim for refund. Here, however, the ground for denial of
petitioner Panasonics claim for tax refundthe absence of the word zero-
rated on its invoicesis one which is specifically and precisely included in
the above enumeration. Consequently, the BIR correctly denied
Panasonics claim for tax refund.

This Court will not set aside lightly the conclusions reached by the CTA
which, by the very nature of its functions, is dedicated exclusively to the
resolution of tax problems and has accordingly developed an expertise on
the subject, unless there has been an abuse or improvident exercise of
authority. Besides, statutes that grant tax exemptions are construed
strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
authority. Tax refunds in relation to the VAT are in the nature of such
exemptions. The general rule is that claimants of tax refunds bear the
burden of proving the factual basis of their claims. Taxes are the lifeblood
of the nation. Therefore, statutes that allow exemptions are construed
strictly against the grantee and liberally in favor of the government.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit.

Costs against petitioner.
Tax Case Digest: Filipinas Synthentic Fiber V. CA (1999)

Filipinas Synthentic Fiber v. CA (1999)
G.R. Nos. 118498 & 124377 October 12, 1999

Lessons Applicable: Apply accrual method equally for both deduction and
income, estoppel applies in CTA tax disputes

Laws Applicable:


 Filipinas Synthetic Fiber Corp. received a letter of demand for

deficiency withholding tax on interest loans, royalties and guarantee
fees paid by it non-resident corporations.
 It filed a protest on the ground that: "For Philippine Internal Revenue
Tax purposes, the liability to withhold is from the time of accrual or
remittance citing BIR ruling No. 71-3003 and 24-71-003-154-84.
 It then filed a Petition for Review at the CTA and CA who denied its
petition that it can be paid upon remittance.

ISSUE: W/N liability to withhold tax at source on income payments to non-

resident foreign corporations arises upon remittance of the amount due
rather than upon accrual.

HELD: No. CA AFFIRMED in toto.

 Section 53 (c) he is held personally liable for the tax he is duty bound
to withhold; whereas, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and his
deputies are not made liable to law.
 Since there was a definite clear liability and imminent certainty that it
was going to earn income it should already be taxable.
 Moreover, petitioner is estopped for he has already claimed
deductions as there were incurred as a business expense in the form
of interest and royalties paid.

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