Comparative Study of Eco Cement With OPC and PPC
Comparative Study of Eco Cement With OPC and PPC
Comparative Study of Eco Cement With OPC and PPC
Volume Journal
II Number 2 2011for Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation
Volume III No.
[ISSN 0975 1 2012 [30 – 37]
- 6272] [ISSN 0975 - 6272]
Vinay Deulkar1, Manish Verma2, Umesh Pendharkar3
Received: March 23, 2012 ⏐ Accepted: May 10, 2012 ⏐ Online: July 27, 2012
Around 26 billion tons of CO2 are released to durability and rheology. This paper discusses
the atmosphere annually, around 20 billion the potential impact on sustainability of the
metric Tons of which is from the burning of new eco-cement Technologies for
fossil fuels and close to a significant 2 billion sustainability and comparison of physical
tones from the production of Portland cement. properties of Eco Cement with Ordinary
Over two tons of concrete are produced per Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland
person on the planet per annum. There by pozzolana cement. It also discusses the amount
causing the greenhouse gases are increasing in of CO2 absorb by Eco cement in comparison
the environment this is the major problem with OPC and PPC.
arising for world .this problem cannot be
reduced but this can be minimized by eco Keywords: Brucite ⏐ durability ⏐ reactive
friendly material eco cement. magnesium oxide ⏐ reactive magnesia ⏐
Eco-cements are hydraulic cements containing Portland cement ⏐ Portland pozzolana cement
15-20% reactive magnesia. When this reactive
magnesia react with opc a brucite is form this
is capable of absorbing co2 from environment.
The most important characteristic of eco- Eco-Cement is made by heating magnesite in a
cements is absorption of CO2 from atmosphere. kiln to produce reactive magnesium oxide
Other properties affected include shrinkage, (magnesia). That magnesia powder is then
added to a conventional Portland cement mix
which, in turn, can be mixed with aggregates,
For correspondence: in the usual fashion, to make Eco-Cement.
Ujjain Engineering College Ujjain, M.P. Eco-Cement hydrates in permeable substrates,
Medicaps Institute of Science and Technology, Indore using mix water, then carbonates. The more
School of Engineering & Technology, Vikram University magnesia added and the more permeable it is,
Ujjain, M.P.
the more CO2 the Eco-Cement absorbs. An
E-mail: Eco-Cement concrete block typically takes up
samples of cements are tested by using the Le- time cement paste, mortar, or concrete should
Chatelier apparatus. There samples of each be in plastic condition. The time interval for
cement sample is boiled with the Le-Chatelier which the cement product remains in plastic
mould. The differences between the initial and condition is known as the initial setting time.
final distance of indicator points were noted. Normally a minimum of 30 minutes is given
The average results are as under – for mixing and handling operations. Once the
concrete is placed in the final position,
compacted and finished, it should lose its
Average differences plasticity in the earliest possible time so that it
Type of between the initial is least vulnerable to damage from external
S. No.
Cement and final distance of destructive agencies. This time should not be
indicator points more than 10 hours, which often referred as
final setting time.
01 OPC 2.33 mm
Initial Setting Time Test: For this test
02 PPC 1.67 mm conventional Vicat Apparatus is used with as
usual procedure –
03 3.00 mm
Type of Initial Setting
Table III: Soundness of cement samples
S. No.
Cement Time
Here from the observation the eco cement is
looking somewhat unsound in comparison with 01 OPC 115 Minutes
OPC and PPC. But as per the standard the
02 PPC 190 Minutes
average differences between the initial and
final distance of indicator points of Le- 03 Eco Cement 135 Minutes
Chatelier mould must not exceed 10 mm, so
though the expansion of Eco cement is slightly
Table IV: Initial setting time
more but it is well within the limit, so Eco
cement can’t stated as unsound. Final Setting Time Test: For this test also
D. Setting Time Test conventional Vicat Apparatus is used with as
usual procedure -
The initial setting time is regarded as the time
elapsed between the moment that the water is
added to the cement, to the time that the paste Type of Final Setting
S. No.
starts losing its plasticity. The final setting time Cement Time
when the paste is completely lost its plasticity
01 OPC 175 Minutes
and has attained sufficient firmness to resist
certain pressure. In actual construction dealing 02 PPC 310 Minutes
with cement paste, mortar or concrete certain
time is required for mixing, transporting, 03 Eco Cement 290 Minutes
placing, compacting and finishing. During this
Table V: Final setting time
Comparative study of Eco Cement with OPC and PPC
Volume III Number 1 2012 [30 – 37]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Vinay et al.
replaced by Eco cement to achieve its other known in this field and ISO 9001 : 2008
benefits. certified company.
Measurement of CO2 absorbed by the 1) RB flask B-19, 250 ml
cement sample product 2) Adaptor 1030 with socket B-19, cone B-19
It is theoretically clear that due to excess MgO 3) Bottle gas washing B-29, 250ml
the Eco cement will absorb more CO2 as
compare to other cements. To demonstrate this 4) Funnel separating Cone B-19
comparison a set has been developed in the Procedure adopted:
laboratory. Instead of measuring CO2 level
1) Take nearly 75 to 100 ml of lime water in
from Air of closed chamber or container it will
the gas washing bottle and weigh iit with the
measure the amount of CO2 absorbed by
help of chemical balance correctly. Note down
product of Eco cement and other cement. For
the initial weight of bottle with lime water.
this purpose set up of lime water and CO2
reaction was developed in the laboratory. We 2) Take about 10 to 15 grams of power of
can measure the amount of calcium carbonate cement product, pour it in the round base (RB)
[CaCO3] precipitated due to lime water and flask and assemble as shown in the figure.
CO2 reaction as under – 3) Add nearly 100 ml of dilute H2SO4 from
Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O dropping funnel till it shows effloresces. It
(lime water) (white precipitate) generates the carbon dioxide gas which will
pass through con. H2SO4 initially which
Reagents required: 1) Con. H2SO4 – foe
absorbs the H2O vapors. Later on it will bubble
washing the gas CO2 and absorb the water
in the bottle of lime water. Due reaction of
CO2 with lime water, lime water turns to
2) Dilute H2SO4 – dilute 1:4. Add acid to the cloudy milky.
water and stir it continuously.
4) To check the saturation of the lime water
3) Lime water – Add excess of water to the extra test tube filled with lime water again can
lime keep for overnight, decant and filter it be attached to the out let of the bottle. When
properly. the lime water in the test tube starts become
4) Powder of cement product – powder cement milky it shows the saturation in bottle of lime
product of 28 days cured and kept open in air water.
for 7 days. For this purpose the cubes which 5) Weigh the lime water bottle after
were prepared for compressive strength test experiment. If the weight of lime water
was left for 7 day in open and then grind to get increases it shows the amount of CO2 from
the powder. cement product sample.
Glassware preferred: For proper The figure shows the detail demonstration of
demonstration of the experiment in laboratory the experiment. The extra test tube is also
the glassware of Agawal scientific glass shown in the figure to check the saturation of
industries (ASGI) are choose, which is well the lime water in the gas washing bottle.