Intro To Research PDF
Intro To Research PDF
Intro To Research PDF
Presented By
Department of Library and Information Science
University of Delhi
What is Research?
• Webster’s Third International Dictionary of the English Language defines research
as “studious inquiry or examination, especially critical and exhaustive investigation or
experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts, and their correct interpretation, the
revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or practical
applications of new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws.”
• Ranganathan describes research to represent a critical and exhaustive investigation to discover
new facts, to interpret them in the light of known ideas, theories and laws, to revive the current
laws and theories in the light of the newly discovered facts to apply the conclusion to practical
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The substance of all these samples of definitions of research can be broadly summed up. To restate, the
substantive phrases that stand out in all these definitions of research are that research is an activity as
characterised below:
• An intellectual activity of a high order;
• An investigation of a phenomenon, event or activity;
• Aims to discover data and facts and their interpretations;
• To arrive at conclusions to formulate new theories and laws or revise the already established theories and
• To communicate the results for peer review; and
• To be accepted or rejected before adding this new knowledge to the already existing general pool of
6 Application of Not concerned with applicability of results Acton-oriented and concerned with
results of the research applicability of results of the research
9 Dependence Doesn’t depend on applied research Depends on related basic research for
principles, fundamentals, theories, etc.
10 Mode of Publication in learned technical journals Communication with lay decision makers
dissemination of
results 18
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• Best, J.W. (2013) Research Methods in Education, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
• McNiff, J. & Whitehead J., (2002) Actiona Research: Principle & Practices,
Routledge-Falmer, London, 1st Ed.
• Norton, S.L., (2009) Action Research in Teaching and Learning: A Practical Guide
to Conducting Pedagogical Research in Universities, Routledge, London, 1st Ed.
• Paneerselvam, R. (2012). Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
10th Ed.