L02-Intro To RM
L02-Intro To RM
L02-Intro To RM
Arif Ur
Latex Installation – Any
Arif Ur Rahman 2
The Research Process
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Cyclic and dynamic iteration
Chapter 5- Discussion
Chapter 6- Conclusion
Arif Ur Rahman 3
Classification of research
Dimensions (on which we classify)
• The purpose of doing research
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The Purpose of
Arif Ur Rahman 5
The Purpose of Research
Why are you doing research?
• My boss told me to do so
• It was a class assignment
• I was curious
• ….
• As many reasons as researchers
Purposes of research may be organized into
three groups based on what the researcher is
trying to accomplish
Arif Ur Rahman 6
The Purpose of Research
Three main groups
• Explore a new topic – Exploratory research
• Describe a phenomenon – Descriptive research
• Explain why something occurs – Explanatory research
Studies may have multiple purposes (e.g.
both to explore and to describe) but one
purpose usually dominates.
Arif Ur Rahman 7
Purpose of research
Exploratory Research
Exploring a new topic
Initial research conducted to clarify the
nature of the problem
Formulate more precise questions that future
research can answer
Addresses the “what” question
Difficult to conduct because there are few
guidelines to follow.
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Purpose of research
Descriptive research
Descriptive research presents a picture of
the specific details of a situation,
phenomenon, social setting, or relationship
Characteristics of a population or
Answers to who, what, when, where, and
how questions
• Labor Force Surveys, Population Census, and
Educational Census
• Most of the social research is descriptive
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Purpose of research
Explanatory research
The desire to know “why”
Builds on exploratory and descriptive research
and goes on to identify the reasons for
something that occurs.
Looks for causes and reasons - Determine which
of several explanations is best
Determine the accuracy of the theory; test a
theory’s predictions or principle.
• Descriptive research may discover that 10 percent of the parents
abuse their children, whereas the explanatory researcher is more
interested in learning why parents abuse their children.
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Carry out a study to find out what
percentage of graduate students arrive late
for classes
Carry out a study to determine the causes of
late arrival of graduate students
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What about Computer
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Constructive Research
Develops solutions to a problem
The most common computer science
research method
“Construct” is often used to refer to the new
contribution being developed
Construct can be a new:
• Theory, algorithm, model, software, or a framework
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The Uses of
Arif Ur Rahman 14
The Uses of Research
Some researchers focus on using research to
advance the knowledge, whereas others use
it to solve specific problems
Basic and Applied research
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Uses of Research
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Uses of Research
Today’s computers could not exist without the pure research
in mathematics conducted over a century ago, for which
there was no known practical application at that time.
Examples of Basic research
• How did the universe begin?
• What are protons, neutrons, and electrons composed of?
• What is the specific genetic code of the fruit fly?
• How does the memory system work
• How are language skills developed
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Uses of Research
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Uses of Research
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Uses of Research
If a practical use is still 20-50 years away,
then the work is somewhat applied and
somewhat basic in nature.
If a practical use cannot be envisioned in
the foreseeable future, then the work can be
described as purely basic research.
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Uses of Research
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The Research Process
Research is an extremely cyclic process.
• Later stages might need a review of earlier work.
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Non Scientific Ways
Non-scientific research based on hunches,
experience and intuition
Non-Scientific ways of obtaining knowledge
• Common Sense: That which is self-evident
• Instinct: Something you just know or sense
• Authority: Established belief based on prominence or
importance of source
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Non Scientific Ways
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Scientific Method
Arif Ur Rahman 25
Galileo Galilei – (1564 - 1642)
Italian physicist,
mathematician, astronomer,
and philosopher
The scientific method is
popularly attributed to Galileo
who, in 1590, dropped iron balls
of two different weights off the
Leaning Tower of Pisa.
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Scientific Method
He wanted to test his
hypothesis that the forces
acting on a falling object were
independent of the object's
He was correct and so refuted
the previously held belief that
heavier objects would fall
faster than light objects.
Arif Ur Rahman 27
Scientific Method
The steps he took:
• Observation,
• Hypothesis generation,
• Testing of the hypothesis
• and Refutation or Acceptance of
the original hypothesis
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Scientific Method
Arif Ur Rahman 29
Scientific Methods - Steps
Define the research question
Research the problem
State the hypothesis
Experiment to test Hypothesis
Collect and Record Data
Analyze Data
If needed, Do more
Draw Conclusions investigation
Determine Limitations
Communicate/Report Results
Arif Ur Rahman 30
First What
Question What does
does the
the scientist
scientist want
Question to
to learn
learn more
more about?
Research Gathering
Gathering of
of information
An Overview An
An “Educated”
“Educated” guess
guess of
of an
Hypothesis answer
answer to
to the
the question
Written and
and carefully
Procedure/ followed
followed step-by-step
Experiment experiment
experiment designed
designed to
to test
the hypothesis
Information collected
collected during
Data the experiment
the experiment
And And
Written description
description of
of what
Analysis was
was noticed
noticed during
during the
Was the
the hypothesis
hypothesis correct
Conclusion or
or incorrect?
Arif Ur Rahman 31
Scientific Method – Other
Arif Ur Rahman 32
Here is another
example of how the
steps may go….
Even though we
show the scientific
method as a series
of steps, keep in
mind that new
information or
thinking might
cause a scientist to
back up and repeat
steps at any point
during the process.
Arif Ur Rahman 33
Step 1 – Problem/Question
Define the research question
A question occurs to or is posed to the researcher for
which that researcher has no answer.
• This doesn’t mean that someone else doesn’t already have an
The question needs to be converted to an
appropriate problem statement like that documented
in a research proposal.
Research question can also arise from observation
Arif Ur Rahman 34
Step 2 – Research/Review
Gather information related to the problem
Read, observe, measure, take samples, etc
Perform literature review
• The available literature is reviewed to determine if
there is already a solution to the problem.
- Existing solutions do not always explain new observations.
- The existing solution might require some revision or even
be discarded.
Arif Ur Rahman 35
Example of a Literature
• Hand, C. "A Survey of 3D Interaction Techniques". Computer
Graphics Forum, 16(5): 269-281. (Dec 1997)
Arif Ur Rahman 36
Example of a Literature
• Hand, C. "A Survey of 3D Interaction Techniques". Computer
Graphics Forum, 16(5): 269-281. (Dec 1997)
Rationale / Logical basis
• Recent gains in the performance of 3D graphics hardware and
rendering systems have not been matched by a corresponding
improvement in our knowledge of how to interact with the virtual
environments we create; therefore there is a need to examine these
further if we are to improve the overall quality of our interactive 3D
systems. This paper examines some of the interaction techniques
which have been developed for object manipulation, navigation and
application control in 3D virtual environments. The use of both
mouse-based techniques and 3D input devices is considered, along
with the role of feedback and some aspects of tools and widgets.
Arif Ur Rahman 37
Example of a Literature
• Hand, C. "A Survey of 3D Interaction Techniques". Computer
Graphics Forum, 16(5): 269-281. (Dec 1997)
• Recent gains in the performance of 3D graphics hardware and
rendering systems have not been matched by a corresponding
improvement in our knowledge of how to interact with the virtual
environments we create; therefore there is a need to examine these
further if we are to improve the overall quality of our interactive 3D
systems. This paper examines some of the interaction techniques
which have been developed for object manipulation, navigation and
application control in 3D virtual environments. The use of both
mouse-based techniques and 3D input devices is considered, along
with the role of feedback and some aspects of tools and widgets.
Arif Ur Rahman 38
Step 2 – Research / Review
It’s possible that the literature review has
yielded a solution to the proposed problem.
• This means that you haven’t really done research.
On the other hand, if the literature review
turns up nothing, then additional research
activities are justified.
Arif Ur Rahman 39
Step 3 -Hypothesis
Predict a possible answer to the
problem or question.
The researcher generates
intermediate hypotheses to
describe a solution to the problem.
This is at best a temporary solution
since there is as yet no evidence to
support either the acceptance or
rejection of these hypotheses.
Example: If soil temperatures rise,
then plant growth will increase.
Arif Ur Rahman 40
Step 4 – Experiment
Testing the hypothesis
Design experiments
• Variables - Factors that can be
• Controlled Variables - all the
variables that remain constant
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Step 4 - Experiment
Manipulated Variable - (also called the
Independent Variable) - factor in an
experiment that a scientist purposely
Responding Variable- (also called the
Dependent Variable) - the outcome or
results, factor in an experiment that may
change because of the manipulated
variable….what a scientist wants to observe
Arif Ur Rahman 42
Step 4 - Experiment
• We want to find out whether people complete
operations faster with a colored or a black and white
user interface.
• Do experiments and note time of operation – What are
different variables?
Independent Variable – Interface type: colored or
black and white
Dependent Variable – Time to complete
Controlled Variables – Text or icons on the
interface, the font size etc.
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Step 5 – Data
Data - observations and
measurements made in an
Type of recorded data
Quantitative- observations that involve
measurements/numbers; i.e. 3 days, 4 g, 13 sec,
8 liters
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Step 6 – Data Analysis
Examine data tables,
charts, and graphs
Look for trends, patterns,
and averages
What does the data show?
Put your data into words
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Step 7 -
The data will either support the
hypotheses or they won’t.
Include a statement that accepts
or rejects the hypothesis.
This may lead the researcher to cycle back to an
earlier step in the process and begin again with a new
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Step 8 - Limitations
Scientists look for possible flaws in
their research
They look for faulty (inaccurate) data
They look for experimental error
They decide on the validity of their
They make suggestions for
improvement or raise new questions
Make recommendations for further
Arif Ur Rahman 47
Step 9 – Communicate
Communication is an
essential part of science
Scientists report their results
in journals, on the internet,
or at conferences
This allows their
experiments to be evaluated
and repeated
Scientists can build on
previous work of other
Arif Ur Rahman 48
Think you can name all
the steps? Collect Data
Problem/Question 6
Analyze Data
2 Research/ 7
Review Conclusion
3 Formulate a
9 Communicate
Experiment the Results
Arif Ur Rahman 49
Communicate Findings
Research Papers
• Conferences
• Journals
Dissertation / Thesis
Book Reviews
Book Section / Chapter
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Paper Styles
IEEE Two Columns Format
• References are numbered – numbered in citation-order
Springer Format
• Single Column, References may not be numbered in citation
American Psychological Association (APA)
• They do not use numbers for citations – instead use author
names and publication year.
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