Solar Compendium

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The key takeaways are that Solars are the most powerful angels in existence who are champions of good. They have immense strength and powers.

Solars are the most powerful angels who exist to vanquish evils threatening the world. They are divine beings of great power and foresight who are champions of good. Their nature is to do good and they cannot become evil.

It is unknown where Solars draw their exact power from, but they are rumored to have been created alongside the positive planes and draw power from there. This would place them above even the gods in power. They are said to not be creatable by deities due to their immense strength.

The Solar Compendium

Table Of Contents
The Solar Compendium
1 The Solar
1.1. Birth and existence
1.2 Pledge of the solar
1.3 Solar names
1.4 The 24 solars
1.5 A solar's powers
1.6 Field of judgement
1.7 A Solar's Nature
1.8 Death and Resurrection
1.9 The Infinite
2 Ragani "The wings of absolute flame"
2.1 Ragani's Field of Judgement
5 Arrid "The golden heart"
5.1 Arrid's Field of Judgement
8 Gaeshema "The God Fist"
8.1 Gaeshema's Field of Judgement
11 Velik "Heaven's Sniper"
11.1 Velik's Field of Judgement
14 Taciax "The Hand of Death"
14.1 Taciax Field of judgement
17 Taciax "The Infinite Void"
18 Adimus "The Forger"
18.1 Adimus' Field of Judgement
21 Adimus' Legendary Artifacts
21.1 Heaven's Edge
21.2 Hellbreaker
21.3 Voidcutter
21.4 Heaven's Storm
3 The 24 solars
There are 24 known solars that exist in the multiverse.
The Solar Unlike their weaker angelic cousins, not all solars pledge
Solars are known as the most powerful angels that exist but their allegiance to a god, some of them wait and watch the
that title is nothing short of an understatement. Solars are multiverse unfold only acting when the time for their power is
extremely powerful champions of good and only the most needed. There are 8 known solars that have pledged
powerful fiends dare to approach them. Nevertheless even themselves to benevolent beings while the other 16 lie in
the most powerful fiends fear the might of the godlike solar waiting or have not yet found a god to pledge their power to.
and only demon lords and arch-devils would be fearless
enough to meet them in battle without the assistance of any A solar's powers
trickery or form of deceit. It is because even with trickery Every solar is extremely powerful but it doesn't mean they
solars cannot be easily fooled, for their eyes can see through stop learning. Every time a solar pledges itself to a deity they
lies and their ears can discern the truth. pick up new knowledge that they integrate into their already
large arsenal of abilities. The solar's that refuse to pledge
Birth and existence themselves to deities, instead of learning new abilities, hone
Angels are formed from the astral essence of benevolent gods their already natural abilities and create new ones from pre-
and are thus divine beings of great power and foresight. But it existing ones. Some of them try to find new ways to
is said that only twenty-four solars exist, if that is the case it strengthen their power for the evil that they will soon face.
should be impossible for deities to create them with their But even with all their powers and abilities Solars have their
essence given the solar's godlike power and immeasurable preferred way of doing combat. Before a solar starts to learn
strength. new abilities they already have pre-existing ones.
It is said that the lesser angels were created by the gods in    Healing Touch - The body of the solar is filled with a
the image of the solars but could not replicate the power and near infinite amount of divine energy that allows them
might the solars possess. empower and heal anybody they touch. (4/day)
It is unknown where solars draw their power from but it is    Magic Resistance - The body of the solar is purely divine
rumored that the solars were created alongside the creation in nature and allows them to resist magical effects easily. Has
of the positive planes and they draw their power there and advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical
because of this it is nigh impossible for a solar to become evil effects.
because of their nature.    Divine awareness - The solar sees through all lies and
If this rumor is true then it places the solars above the gods deceit whether magical or non magical.
but no solid evidence has presented itself to back this up.    Angelic Weapon - The weapons that solars use
Either way solars exist to do good and vanquish evils that immediately get infused by their divine nature and exudes
threaten to affect the world in a cosmic scale. radiant power dealing more damage. The solar's weapons
deal extra 6d8 radiant damage(included in the attack).
Pledge of the solar    Teleport - The solar can easily bend space to his will and
teleport in and out the battlefield.
Unlike an angel that's immediately under the influence of a    Divine Nature - The divine nature of the solar allows
deity that created it,the solars are unbound and have the them to manifest multiple abilities stemming from their own
ability to choose who they would pledge their immense power bodies. They are also immune to necrotic, poison damage
to. And unlike the usual powerful being solars are very quirky and cannot charmed, exhausted, frightened, or poisoned. They
in picking their masters. It is not unheard of for a solar to also have natural resistance to radiant; bludgeoning, piercing
pledge its power to a benevolent human king and once there and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
was rumor that a solar pledged its loyalty to a young child
believing that the innocence of a child would be better than
the wisdom of an elder. DM Notes:
The powers above are the basic abilities of a solar
in the official MM. They are meant to be a
Solar names permanent addition to any solar character I plan to
Solars are born without names but instead take the name introduce in this compendium. It is also a guideline
given to them by their master. They keep the name as long as for what basic abilities should you plan to create
their master stays benevolent and aligned to the solar's your own personal Solar.
wishes. Once a solar finds their master no longer worthy of
their power they cast off their names and find another master
or lie in wait for when they are needed to use their power Field of judgement
once more. But usually solars keep a title that they associate
themselves so once they leave their old master they can still Every solar have a field in where they mete out their
identify themselves to others. Rarely, there are some solars judgement. While in there respective fields the solar is at
that keep the names they recieved from previous masters. their peak and is where they hold the most power. The field
They only do this if their previous master was someone they can be equated to a powerful dragon's or a demon lord's lair.
think is worthy to honor by keeping the names given to them. The solar can only activate their field when certain
requirements are met. If a solar dies or banished, these
effects fade over the course of 100 years.
4 Death and Resurrection
A Solar's Nature When demons and devils die they return to the abyss and
Despite all their power and the eternity given to them a solar, nine hells, respectively. But where do angels go. The answer
all of them, are innately good and twisting one to evil is a sin has always been vague and no clear answer has presented
so great that all solars would band together to destroy the itself. The divine energy of angels where said to return to
abomination that was once their brother. Once the evil solar their god so that they may recreate their recently destroyed
has been destroyed extreme grief and sadness fills the hearts soldier.
of every solar whether they were dear to the destroyed solar If that is the case then what happens to a destroyed solar
for they have lost a brother and a fighter of evil. who is said to be a creation that doesn't come from any deity
The rumor that the solars were birthed along with the but instead from the positive realms themselves.
creation of the positive planes started because of a powerful Their is simply one rule that the positive realms adhere by
demon lord. He managed to capture a weakened Solar that when it comes to solars. Only 24 can exist at any given time
fought hundreds of demons before the demon lord appeared. no more and no less. Once a solar dies the positive realms
The demon lord managed to capture him and tortured him collect their essence and starts to recreate the solar. It would
for an eternity. The solar's unbreakable will was shown until take 24 months for the solar to be ressurected. Should the
the demon lord understood that tactics like this would not solar be corrupted and die the realm takes its essence and
work. So the demon lord did the inconceivable and tricked disassembles it to create a brand new solar.
the untrickable. As with all angels, only an angel can corrupt In the rare case that all the solars are destroyed before they
themselves. To twist a solar towards evil is so evil that the are fully resurrected the positive realm fuses all the essences
positive planes immediately brands the perpetrator with a of the solars to create the being known as "The Infinite".
mark that makes them targeted. All Solars can see and find The Infinite
the mark no matter the means. No divination, magical item
and artifact can hide them. Defeating a solar is said to be a tasked left to heretics that
Once the solar was corrupted all the remaining ones can challenge the gods. If that's the case a solar is a near
immediately went to it. Filled with infinite anger and insurmountable challenge but what if someone does. What if
unrepressed rage all the remaining solars immediately an evil so great exists and manages to destroy all the solars
destroyed the corrupted solar and turned their anger to the before they are recreated.
demon lord. This is where "The infinite" comes in. The ultimate
It is said that the layer where the demon lord resided was manifestation of good in its most pure form. Once the infinite
changed permanently. Twenty three fused fields of comes into existence it is said that evil gods shirk from its
judgements littered the layer and any demon that would stay power while demon lords and archdevils hide from it's
there would slowly change. The change was birthed from infinite power. The very aura of the infinite is said to be
doing the impossible. capable of burning the most powerful fiends and even
If the demon lord changed the solar then the solars destroying evil mortals. The very sight of the Infinite is said to
changed the demons. Every demon that stayed in that layer able to burn every evil in its presence.
became different. They transformed. They became the Mountains fall, seas dry up and civilizations gets wiped out
ascended ones. Demons with their very core and nature only to be revived completely. Such is the infinite's power.
changed to become guardians of good. The Infinite can only exist for 24 months continuously
This change of nature served as a warning not only to rooting out evil wherever it might be. It starts with beings that
demons but also to devils. To change a solar would mean to killed the solars. Once the Infinite is done with them the
declare war to the most powerful non-deific beings in the Infinite moves to destroy the nine hells and soon once it is
multiverse. done it immediately goes towards the abyss and starts
Since to this day no corrupted solar has ever been created destroying every layer beggining with the first until it destroys
and no one has been foolish enough to replicate the all 666 layers.
destroyed demon lord's creation. Once destroyed the Infinite goes to the elemental chaos
and proceeds to devour the primordials and destroy evil
elementals including every evil creature in the elemental
Ascended Demons chaos.
Ascended demon are demons changed because of Once done with the major powers the Infinite starts to
the actions of the solars. They are inherently good destroy the evil minor powers such as large cults, evil cities,
and once a demon has been changed the effects and temples dedicated to evil gods.
are permanent. The only way they can retain their The list goes on and on until the infinite ceases to exist.
original form is when they fall, as do fallen angels Once the 24 month time limit expires the Infinite returns to
do. Despite being turned into good creatures the positive realms only to be disassembled. The positive
Ascended do not serves deities. They serve the
solars as the solar's personal army when the need
realms will recreate the 24 solars to guard the goodness that
for them arises. The Ascended demon statblocks
the Infinite brought upon the world.
will be at a later page along with the additional
statblocks from the background of the solars.
5 Ragani's Field of Judgement
Ragani's field of judgement is any location inhabited by an
Ragani "The wings of extremely powerful evil capable of upturning the balance of a
absolute flame" plane. He must first deem an opponent evil and powerful
enough to warrant activating his field. Because once he uses
"As fire tempers steel, hardships temper his field a 1000 mile radius would be consumed by his divine
the soul - Ragani." fire leaving it as a burnt wasteland incapable of supporting
There was once a legend of a city that was called eden. A life for 100 years. Ragani's CR increases to 27(105,000 XP)
beautiful prosperous city that thrived healthily. Travellers inside his field.
from all over the world would go to this place and sigh in awe Once in his field Ragani gains the following bonuses:
realizing that no city would ever rival this one whether it be in Speed 50 ft., fly 300 ft.
the past or in the future. But something as rich and beautiful His attacks deal extra 6d8 fire damage(included in the
as this city would be coveted by every nation in the world. It attack). It increases from 3d8.
quickly garnered the attention of thousands of powerful His AC increases to 23
beings, even Ragani the solar called "The wings of absolute His fire based attacks go through fire resistance while it
flame". treats immunity as resistance.
War found eden as fast as the news about it spread.
Kingdoms, cults, clans, tribes, and even planar beings went to
make eden their own. A war so widespread that it threatened Lair actions
to wipe all of life extinct. But even a war this scale would not On initiative count 20(losing ties). Ragani can take a lair
force the hand of a solar. action to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't
Ragani kept watch, overseeing the war. After weeks of use the same effect two rounds in a row:
continuous war the solar almost left and chalked it up as a
simple war until he saw what the city's reason for it's Ragani gathers his divine and fire energy for 5 rounds into
richness. his greatsword and stabs it into the ground releasing a
Below the city slept a legendary beast capable of planetary powerful and devastating blast of energy around him in a
destruction. The city leeched off its energy as it slept. The city 1000 feet radius. All creatures within the range must
continuously siphoned energy from the sleeping beast to make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw, taking 110
supply everything from magic items to simple everyday life. (20d10) Radiant damage and 105 (30d6) fire damage on a
The energy siphoned was enough to keep the beast sleeping failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save.
indefinitely but the war started to disturb its slumber. It was If Ragani takes 150 damage in one round his
only then that Ragani decided to intervene. concentration is destroyed making the gathered energy
Legends of an awe-inspiring and deadly form burning with dissipate. Once Ragani uses this ability he can no longer
fire slowly descened from the heavens. Complete silence use any of his lair actions but will retain the bonuses from
filled the city, the burning buildings kept quiet fearing the ire his field of judgement. This attack goes through resitance
of the legendary being. and treats immunity as resistance.
No records of what happened next appeared but if one The burning winds of the field start to condense on a
were to travel to eden they would find a wasteland of burnt place Ragani can see within 150 feet of him creating a 10
land incapable of supporting life. foot radius of burning wind. Each creature in the area of
Ragani is a solar that preferred the plane of elemental fire the condensed area of burning wind must make a DC 15
as his home and has long since integrated its power into his Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage and
own. His appearance has been affected by his time in the suffer 1 level of exhaustion on a failed save, or half as
plane of elemental fire. His eyes burn with the combined much damage and doesn't suffer 1 level of exhaustion on a
intensity of radiant and fire eternally mixing with each other. successful save. The level of exhaustion stacks.
His original wings have long since burned from the plane's Ragani absorbs the flames in the field, equivalent to the
element and has been replaced with a combination of his amount of fire based abilities and spells cast in his field,
divine and the plane's fire energy. healing him for 4 (1d8) hit points for every fire based
Ragani's motivations are simple: to burn all evil until the abilities and spells absorbed.
universe becomes peaceful. As righteous and pure his
mission is Ragani appears as anything but. His crimson skin,
burning eyes, and wings made of divine flame inspire fear in
Regional Effects
both his enemies and allies. Ragani charges onti battle with The region containing the field of judgement by Ragani is
his burnt greatsword cutting armies upon armies of his warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects:
enemies while his wings burn anyone who dares to attack All plant life in the field die and cannot be resurrected
him. unless by magical means.
Ragani will only act if a great threat or evil threatens to Water sources dry up and cannot be refilled unless by
destroy the peace he wishfully wants. magical means.
All fire based creatures thrive and regenerate their health
by 10 hit points per round.

Ragani "The wings of Actions

absolute flame" Multiattack. Ragani makes two attacks with his Burnt
Large celestial, lawful good
Burnt Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit,
Armor Class 21(natural armor) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing
Hit Points 405(30d10+240) damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage and 13 (3d8)
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. fire damage.
Burnt Slaying Greatbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +16 to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8)
piercing damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage and 13
26(+8) 26(+8) 26(+8) 30(+10) 30(+10) 30(+10)
(3d8) fire damage. If the target is a creature that has
100 hit points or fewer, it must succeed on a DC 15
Saving Throws Int +18, Wis +18, Cha +18 Constitution saving throw or die.
Skills Perception +18
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and Flying Burnt Greatsword. Ragani releases his burnt
slashing damage from nonmagical wepons greatsword to magically hover in an unoccupied space
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant whithin 15 feet of him. If he can see the burnt
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, greatsword, Ragani can mentally command it as a
poisoned, blinded bonus action to fly up to 50 feet and either make one
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 28 attack against a target or return to his hands. If the
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. hovering burnt greatsword is targeted by any effect,
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) Ragani is considered to be holding it. The burnt
greatsword disappears back into the elemental plane of
fire if Ragani dies.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ragani fails a saving
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Healing Touch (4/Day). Ragani touches another
creature. The target magically regains 50 (10d8+5) hit
Burnt Angelic Weapons. Ragani's weapon attacks are points and is freed from any curse, disease, poision,
magical. When Ragani uses any weapon, the weapon blindness, or deafness.
deals an extra 6d8 radiant and 3d8 fire damage
(included in the attack). Legendary Actions
Divine Awareness. Ragani knows if he hears a lie. Ragani can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the
Innate Spellcasting. Ragani's spellcasting ability is options below. Only one legendary action option can
Charisma (spell save DC 26). He can innately cast the be used at a time and only at the end of another
following spells, requiring no material components: creature's turn. Ragani regains spent legendary actions
at the start of his turn.
At will: detect evil and good, invisibility (self only)
Teleport. Ragani magically teleports, along with any
3/day each: mass cure wounds(8th level), flame
equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
Strike(8th level), plane shift
an unoccupied space he can see.
1/day each: incendiary Cloud, meteor swarm
Flame Burst (Costs 2 Actions). Ragani emits magical, fire
Magic Resistance. Ragani has advantage on saving energy. Each creature of his choice in a 10-foot radius
throws against spells and other magical effects. of a location within 60 ft of him must make a DC 26
Burning Aura. On each of Ragani's turns, each creature Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage
within 5 ft. of him takes 10 (3d6) fire damage. plus 14 (4d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Wings of flame A creature that touches Ragani or hits
Ragani with a melee attack while within 5 ft of him Burnt Slaying Greatbow Barrage (Costs 4 Actions). Ragani
takes 10 (3d6) fire damage. The damage stacks with targets 5 creatures The 5 creatures must succeed on a
his burning aura. DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be hit by Ragani's
Burnt Slaying Greatbow.
7 "Arrid I want to go out" Arrid smiles and calmly stands up
and stares at the woman in front of him. Arrid waves his hand
and a wall made out of 9 colors suddenly disappear. Phryix
Arrid "The golden heart" slowly moves her hand through where the wall used to be.
"Acts of goodness are not always wise, Her hands shake intensely and she charges Arrid. Arrid does
and acts of evil are not always foolish, nothing and accepts her attack. Phryix hugs him tightly with
but regardless, we shall always strive to be slight tears staining her cheeks. "I can't believe it Arrid. You
good - Arrid" did it." Arrid smiles one last time and stares into Phryix's eyes
Angels tend not to socialize with mortals especially if it "It wasn't me. It was all you demon lord Phryix."
interferes with their missions and a Solar even more so. But Arrid strives to see and look for the kindness in every
not all the solars are solitary guardians, there are some of being's hearts even the most heartless ones. He usually
them that actively seek to socialize with people. disguises himself when in the presence of mortals. Arrid
He walked in the heat with a small farmer's hat covering refused to find and pledge himself to a god believing that
his hair. He starts to plow the fertile ground with a hoe while pledging himself to a god will restrict him in helping others.
planting seeds. Once the job is done the old farmer thanks He did not integrate other elements into his body but chose to
him and offers him payment but the young man refuses and hone his already powerful arsenal of skills and mastered
simply says "Use it when someone else is in need". Not physical combat. Arrid's most potent ability is his powerful
knowing what he meant and the chance to keep his money control over his healing abilities. He honed that ability to the
the farmer simply nodded. The young man simply smiled and point of mastery and the ability evolved. His healing abilities
walked through the village to look for another person to help. when in his field can now revive the dead. But it doesn't mean
Within minutes the young man saw an old lady massaging he is weak in the field of combat, even the weakest of solars
her ankles and large baskets full of fruits are strewn across are unstoppable fighters. But unlike his other brothers Arrid
the floor. Immediately he offers his help and before the prefers the use of giant shields capable of smashing enemies
woman could deny his offer the man's smile easily disarmed to a pulp when he needs to but it's mostly to protect others
her cautiousness. He does this everyday. He visits villages from harm.
everyday offering his help. Every morning he wakes up from Surprisingly Arrid's charismatic and patient character has
his humble cottage then travels towards the villages and offer earned the respect and favor of many powerful allies. Allies
help for no reward. that some of his fellow solars would be hard-pressed to
Because of his kindness people would constantly give him defeat. This technically makes Arrid one of the more
food, clothing and even money but most of the time he rejects dangerous solars should he ask for the help of his friends but
anything of monetary value claiming that he has no need for that is unlikely the case since solars would never allow others
money. to fight for them. It is both an insult to them and to their kind.
At night the kind young man goes to his small home.
Unbeknownst to everyone is that his home is simply a ruse. Arrid's Field of Judgement
He travels to a cave near his home that's covered by an Arrid's field of judgement is any location inhabited by a being
illusionary wall that only he can see. who changed for the better but decided to revert to their evil
Behind the wall is a beautiful room with luxurious furniture ways. Another way for him to activate his field is if thousands
that only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford. Sitting in of innocent have perished in an area. If Arrid deems a being
a beautiful chair was a woman so beautiful it would've been a worthy of using his field and has entered his requirements he
sin to not be entranced. But even with the woman's extremely can set up his field. Once Arrid uses his field a 1000 mile
alluring charms the man did not react and kept a smile. radius would be filled by his divine energy influencing the
"Arrid is it time for one of your stories once more?" Despite people that live there for 100 years. Arrid's CR increases to
the woman's sarcasm Arrid noticed a small amount of 26(90,000 XP) inside his field.
excitement. "Yes Phryix" Phryix rolls her eyes and brings a Once in his field Arrid gains the following bonuses:
chair at the limit of the room. Arrid sits down just outside the
room and a chair appears to catch him. Arrid starts to Enemy movement is reduced by half and cannot be
recount his mundane adventures that day and despite increased in any way whatsoever, unless they leave the
Phryix's attitude she listens intently. field.
It wasn't this easy the first time. At first Phryix would His healing word becomes (25/day) instead of (4/day)
always scream obscenities towards him but after the first His healing word also acts as raise dead.
days she eventually calmed down but refused to listen and He gains resistance to all types of damage and his
would always try to find a way to trick him or destroy the immunities becomes damage absorption instead.
magic holding her prisoner. Even that became old until Arrid
and Phryix were in talking terms. It's been a long time now
but Arrid remembers every day they've been together.
Lair Actions
"You know it'll never work." Phryixx interrupts Arrid's story On initiative count 20(losing ties). Arrid can take a lair action
but he smiles and continues, safe in the knowledge that he to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't use the
and his kind have never erred before. same effect two rounds in a row:
Time passed with this routine continuing over and over
until one day.
8 Arrid can cast healing word on 5 creatures of his choice
Arrid weeps for the innocents he couldn't save and gathers within 100 feet that he can see.
his anger to obliterate the perpatrator. Arrid conjures a
150 feet cone shaped blast of pure divine energy from his Regional effects
hands. Every creature in that area must make a DC 20 The region containing the field of judgement by Arrid is
Dexterity saving throw, taking 110 (20d10) radiant warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects:
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
succesful save. Once Arrid releases his anger he cannot All plant life in the field get rejuvenated and will grow
use this lair action anymore but he can keep using his indefinitely until the field disappears.
other lair actions. Water sources are capable of healing but its effects only
Arrid calms himself along with every creature in a 100 work when inside the field. The water is treated as a
feet radius with him in the center extinguishing every common healing potion when drunk.
creature's violent impulses. Every creature in the area Every good creature becomes kindhearted and caring
must make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw. If a creature while neutral creatures become good and evil creatures
succeeds nothing happens but if a creature fails that become neutral.
creature can't attack or cast spells that deal damage or
force someone to make a saving throw for 1 minutes.

Arrid "The Golden Heart"

Large celestial, lawful good Anger of a Gentle Soul. If Arrid sees an ally reduced to 0
hit points he can use his reaction to grant himself a
Armor Class 23 (natural armor & shield) +20 bonus to all damage rolls against the aggressor
Hit Points 542 (35d10 + 350) until the end of his next turn.
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. Arrid makes two attacks with his Golden
Tower Shield.
30(+10) 24(+7) 30(+10) 24(+7) 24(+7) 30(+10)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Golden Tower Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
Saving Throws Int +14, Wis +14, Cha +18 reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10)
Skills Perception +14 bludgeoning damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant; Shockwave. Arrid slams the ground with his powerful
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from strength using his shield in a 30 feet radius with him in
nonmagical wepons the center. Every creature must make a DC 25
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Dexterity saving throw, suffering 43 (6d10+10)
poisoned, blinded bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone on a failed
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 24 save, or half as much damage and doesn't get knocked
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. prone on a successful save.
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)
Healing Touch (4/Day). Arrid touches another creature.
The target magically regains 50 (10d8+5) hit points
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Arrid fails a saving and is freed from any curse, disease, poision, blindness,
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. or deafness.
Honed Angelic Weapons. Arrid's weapon attacks are
magical. When Arrid uses any weapon, the weapon Legendary Actions
deals an extra 10d8 radiant damage (included in the Arrid can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the
attack). options below. Only one legendary action option can
Divine Awareness. Arrid knows if he hears a lie. be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature's turn. Arrid regains spent legendary actions at
Innate Spellcasting. Arrid's spellcasting ability is the start of his turn.
Charisma (spell save DC 26). He can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components: Teleport. Arrid magically teleports, along with any
equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
At will: detect evil and good, counterspell(4th level) an unoccupied space he can see.
3/day each: mass cure wounds(8th level), holy aura, Honed Searing Burst (Costs 2 Actions). Arrid emits his
plane shift magical, and honed divine energy. Each creature of his
1/day each: true resurrection, prismatic wall choice in a 10 foot radius must make a DC 26
Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) radiant
Magic Resistance. Arrid has advantage on saving throws damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
against spells and other magical effects. successful one.
Golden Wings. Arrid regains 20 hit points at the start of
Divine Shockwave (Costs 4 Actions). Arrid charges his
his turn.
shield with divine energy and does a shockwave attack
dealing an extra 45 (10d8) radiant damage.
9 If he were to teach them it might just help him improve.
Gaeshema agreed. It was at this day the monastic tradition of
the divine fist was developed. Throughout the years
Gaeshema "The God Fist" Gaeshema almost forgot his reason for teaching. He instilled
"A true master is an eternal student - into his students the basic tenants of the divine fist.
Gaeshma" To protect the innocent
It is not everyday that you see someone punching a balor's To vanquish evil wherever it might be
head off especially coming from an angel. The weapons of To improve oneself and to never stop improving
solars are said to be so powerful that the gods would be hard-
pressed to imitate them without expending a lot of power. Gaeshema found himself at peace. One day remembering the
Ragani's burnt greatsword, and Arrid's golden tower shield past Gaeshema started to practice again to see if his skills
are prime examples but there is one solar that refuses to use stagnated or weakened. But to his surprise Gaeshema started
weapons, believing that the body is the ultimate weapon and to see differences in his moves and his students. The years of
should be honed constantly. constant teaching he oversaw thousands of variations of his
Gaeshema was said to love combat and loved fighting skills and moves. Reviewing them and studying them
powerful beings regardless of their nature. Other solars Gaeshema started to train once more. Slowly but surely
would avoid Gaeshema, not because they're afraid of him but Gaeshema saw improvement. He started to train more
because the other solars think of the collateral damage they intensely rivaling his first days of training.
would cause, unlike Gaeshema who believes that defeating Despite being a Solar Gaeshema's ultimate goal is to be
the opponent is important no matter the cost. Despite being strongest he can possibly be and fighting for good is only a
chaotic Gaeshema has a good nature but believes that path towards that goal. He adamantly refuses the invitation of
sometimes casualties are unavoidable. any god believing that once he is forced under a god he will
Gaeshema like most of the solars have integrated new have more restrictions and less time to improve himself. His
powers into their repertoire of skills but unlike most solars divine powers have weakened considerably but he can still
Gaeshema has barely practiced his usage of divine energy. use them. But if it comes to personal combat only the
This lead to the weakining of some of his natural abilities. strongest solars and bravest fiends can come close to
But in exchange for this Gaeshema is one of the most defeating Gaeshema. He doesn't use weapons but all solars
powerful close combat fighters in the ranks of the solars. have legendary weapons with them. Gaeshema has his god
Unfortunately this has lead to some accidents, while solars fists a pair of legendary gloves forged by his fights with
are solitary fighters their enemies are not. There are some powerful beings all over the multiverse.
times where Gaeshema had been put into a tight spot. Gaeshema is the leader of the Divine Fist temple, a
But everytime Gaeshema escaped a tight spot he would collection of powerful monks that fight with their bodies
improve and improve making sure not to get caught the next while being boosted by divine energy gifted to them by
time. Eventually the years of constant improving put the Gaeshema.
legendary solar in a tight spot. He couldn't improve anymore. Gaeshema appears to look very humble and simple when
He was stuck at a standpoint where he could no longer learn travelling around the multiverse. He only enters his true form
anything else. His body skills have reached the physical when a worthy and powerful opponent shows itself. He wears
perfection any fighter would wish for. an unbreakable robe suited for battle while his wings are
Distraught, Gaeshema travelled the multiverse fighting transformed into armguards that hooks itself to his arms
powerful beings, while saving people, in hope of a from his back.
Years passed Gaeshema was beggining to lose hope in Gaeshema's Field of Judgement
learning more until one day a group of people came to meet
him. A solar's memory is only beaten by an Aboleth and Unlike other solar's that have strict requirements or have
Illithid's memory. Gaeshema immediately recognized them. large repurcussions when using their field Gaeshema's
The group is a combination of people he saved from different requirements are very simple. Because of his lack of control
places all over the multiverse. How did they find him or even of his divine power his field is very unstable compared to the
go to him is a mystery but Gaeshema was temporarily other solars. He must be fighting a powerful and evil
distracted from his plight and decided to see what would opponent. The second requirement is that this being is
happen. capable of defeating him. If Gaeshema has fulfilled the
The group of people wanted to express their thanks to their requirements and activates his field, a 1000 mile radius area
savior and stare at complete awe and reverence of would be filled by his raw divine energy along with his ki. The
Gaeshema's martial prowness. Gaeshema of course recieved field will only stay for 100 years before it dissipates.
the praise humbly but he wanted to continue his journey to Gaeshema's CR increases to 24(62,000 XP) inside his field.
find something that can help him improve. Once in his field Gaeshema gains the following bonuses:
But before Gaeshema could leave the leader of the group Speed 300 ft., fly 150 ft.
screamed for his attention. Gaeshema stopped and turned When moving out of an enemy's range Gaeshema never
around to see what the person wanted. provokes an oppurtunity attack.
As if in complete synchronization the whole group bowed Instead of reacting once per round Gaeshema can react
and asked Gaeshema to teach and guide them. five times.
Surprised Gaeshema was about to reject them but an If someone attacks Gaeshema at their turn he can use his
epiphany struck him. reaction to attack them as well at a disadvantage.
10 Gaeshema uses his field's raw divine energy to damage
his enemies. Every creature in the field must make a DC
20 Constitution saving throw, taking 30 (6d8+3) radiant
Lair Actions damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a
On initiative count 20(losing ties). Gaeshema can take a lair successful save.
action to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't
use the same effect two rounds in a row: Regional Effects
Gaeshema collects the raw divine energy in his field The region containing the field of judgement by Gaeshema is
condensing it in his fists then throws out a powerful punch warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects:
towards a targeted creature within his reach. The targeted Afterimages and visions of Gaeshema's previous fights
creature must make a DC 25 dexterity saving throw, frequently appear here.
taking 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage plus 55 (10d10) While in the field everyone will feel more energetic and
radiant damage and be knocked prone on a failed save, or lively.
half as much damage doesn't get knocked prone on a Meditation here gives people a chance to be enlightened
successful save. This lair action has a cooldown of 2 on fighting. For the next 24 hours they can reroll on 1s or
rounds. 2s but they need to use the new roll.
Gaeshema controls the air flow of the field giving him a +5 Portals connected to the Divine Fist temple sometimes
to AC against ranged attacks until the start of the next appear.
Gaeshema uses his field's raw divine energy to damage
Gaeshema "The God Fist" Large celestial, chaotic good

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Evasion.Class

Armor When21Gaeshema
(natural armor)
is subjected to an effect that
Hit Points 337 (27d10 + 189) allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. only half damage, he insteads take no damage if he
succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if
he fails.
Deflect All Missiles. Gaeshema can use his reaction to
STR 30(+10)
DEX 25(+7)
CON 25(+7)
INT 25(+7)
WIS 30(+10)
CHA deflect or catch the missile when he is hit by a ranged
attack. Gaeshema can use all his reactions to catch a
Saving Throws Int +14, Wis +14, Cha +17 spell that uses a ranged spell attack and redirect it.
Skills Perception +14
Damage Resistances radiant Actions
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, Multiattack. Gaeshema makes four attacks with his God
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical Fist Gauntlets.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, God Fist Gauntlets. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
poisoned, blinded reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) bludgeoning
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 24 damage plus 13 (3d8) radiant damage.
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Stunning Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 56 (8d8 + 10) bludgeoning
damage plus 13 (3d8) radiant damage. The target must
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Gaeshema fails a saving make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or be stunned
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. the next turn.
Weakened Angelic Weapons. Gaeshema's weapon God Fist's Wrath . Gaeshema attacks every enemy
attacks are magical. When Gaeshema uses any weapon, within 5 feet with his god fist gauntlets.
the weapon deals an extra 3d8 radiant damage
(included in the attack). Legendary Actions
Divine Awareness. Gaeshema knows if he hears a lie. Gaeshema can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from
Innate Spellcasting. Gaeshema's spellcasting ability is the options below. Only one legendary action option
Charisma (spell save DC 25). He can innately cast the can be used at a time and only at the end of another
following spells, requiring no material components: creature's turn. Gaeshema regains spent legendary
actions at the start of his turn.
At will: detect evil and good, sanctuary, circle of power
Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). Gaeshema magically
3/day each: raise dead, wall of force, plane shift teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or
Magic Resistance. Gaeshema has advantage on saving carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can
throws against spells and other magical effects. see.
Divine Ki. An invisible barrier forms around Gaeshema's God Fist Gauntlets. Gaeshema makes a God Fist
body protecting him. The barrier has 20 hit points and Gauntlet attack.
has the same AC as Gaeshema. The barrier reforms God Strike (Costs 2 Actions). Melee Weapon Attack:
every round. Extra damage to the barrier does not +17 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8+10)
transfer to Gaeshema. bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) radiant damage.
The target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw, taking 13 (3d8) radiant damage every start of
11 The only reason why there are still multiple evils surrounding
the world it's mostly because Velik continuously travels
around honing his skills and hunting evil everywhere. He
Velik "Heaven's Sniper" can't be everywhere but if he could he would.
"The bow is the court, the victim the His last known appearance was said to be in the material
string, the target the guilty and the plane hunting a legendary rogue who's in the possession of a
arrow is the judge - Velik" legendary artifact called the "Book of Names".
Despite the solar's innate nature of being good their Despite being a Solar Velik's appearance inspires fear. His
definition of good sometimes become skewed. A mortal's wings are pure white that envelopes people with a shadow
understanding is not the same as the understanding of an that reveals their sins. He wears a magical robe covering his
eternal being. To see the world change infinitely is sometimes body along with a hood covering his face. His wings have the
maddening but not for those who have purpose. While a unique ability of predicting an attack targeted towards him.
mortal would fret over the death of a singular entity an Velik is quite a loner something Arrid both hates and pity.
eternal would not. Velik is a prime example of this attitude. Despite this Velik constantly visits Namar for cake and
He would never move his hands if a single mortal was being sometimes Ragani visits him for tips in archery since the
threatened, something Arrid takes displeasure in, but will former practices archery as well.
gladly charge in first if an event risking the balance is worth
his attention. Velik's Field of Judgement
This isn't to say that Velik turns a blind eye towards minor Velik's field of judgement has multiple abilities on it's own. It
transgressions of evil acts. Should Velik be in the vicinity of only serves to enhance Velik's already impressive power. His
an evil act whether it be minor or major he would proceed to requirements aren't as strict as the other solars but not as
judge the aggressor or in some cases the would-be victim. lenient as Gaeshema's field. His requirements need him to
The only time he would ignore a minor evil act is if he is not know an opponents information before he can set his field.
near the vicinity and if something major occured and he is The information must be the opponent's name, alignment,
needed to react immediately. type, and basic abilities. His second requirement is that the
Just like every Solar Velik himself is a judge. He judges target should be a great evil capable of massive damage.
everyone fairly with his legendary bow and unerring accuracy. Once the requirements are met Velik can set his field
Velik also incurs the anger of multiple enemies purely increasing his power. A 1000 mile radius area would be filled
because of his attitude. His cold and unresponsive demeanor with his divine energy influecing the people living there for
has made him the loner of the solar family but Arrid tries his 100 years. Velik's CR increases to 25(75,000 XP) inside his
best to socialize with Velik even if it irritates him. field.
Velik has no grey area. All solars used to have no grey areas Once in his field Velik gains the following bonuses:
but as time passed some of them understood that not all evil
actions are worth a heavy hand and only needed proper His range on his bow changes to 1500/6000 ft. from
guidance while some good actions are worth punishments. 150/600 ft. He doesn't suffer disadvantage outside of his
Arrid is the biggest practitioner of this attitude making him normal range but still cannot shoot outside of his
and Velik in not so good terms. But ironically if these two maximum range.
solars were to partner up almost no one would be capable of Velik can see his target inside his field no matter what. If
defeating these two unstoppable angels. someone tries to hide his target with divination magic they
Truth to be told, Velik lacks a grey area because of his lack need to make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, taking 45
of experience. Even though gifted with immortality that (10d8) psychic damage and the spell is destroyed on a
dragons would kill for, Velik refused to interact with the world failed save, or half as much damage and the spell is
believing that honing his skills to be able to protect the world unaffected on a successful save.
was more important. Eventually this caused Velik to have a Velik can use his bonus action to teleport to any arrows he
closed view over the world, believing that bad is bad and good shoots throughout the field. If the arrow is embedded on a
is good. target or a creature he teleports 10 feet away from the
And maybe it's because of this reason that Velik hates arrow.
Arrid. His pure opposite in social skills and combat skills. Or
maybe it's because Arrid is housing a demon lord. Either way
Arrid has spawned something inside Velik that solar's aren't
supposed to have; hate. He will still keep a civil attitude with
Velik loves cake. The only thing he probably would call his
favourite past time other than honing his skills and divine
power is eating different types of cakes. This is why he
tolerates the presence of Namar, a fellow Solar.
He continuously hunts extremely powerful and evil
enemies that can do a lot of damage. Liches, Aboleths Illithid
nests, and even ancient dragons. Should he find any of their
location and are currently active in their activities Velik will
immediately hunt them down and destroy them.
12 Velik utters a command word imploding all the arrows he
has shot. The creatures affected must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) radiant damage
Lair Actions on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
On initiative count 20(losing ties). Velik can take a lair action save.
to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't use the
same effect two rounds in a row: Regional Effects
Velik manifests an arrow made out of his judgement and The region containing the field of judgement by Velik is
shoots it towards a creature. The targeted creature must warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects:
make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or die on a failed Animals in the field become docile while forests become
save, or take 55 (10d8 + 10) piercing damage plus 45 thicker and more alive.
(10d8) radiant damage on a successful save. Velik needs 3 Evil beings feel as if they are watched. If they are powerful
rounds to reevaluate an enemies sins so he can use this beings Velik can spy on them.
lair action again. Hunters are somehow enchanted making their arrows
Velik uses his mastery of archery to pinpoint all his strike true especially to evil beings.
enemies weakpoints giving him advantage for the next
whole round.
Velik utters a command word imploding all the arrows he
Velik "Heaven's Sniper" Dance of Arrows. If Velik is near an enemy and he fires
an arrow he can immediately move 30 ft. away from his
Large celestial, neutral good
opponent without provoking an oppurtunity attack.
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Hit Points 315 (30d10 + 150) Actions
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. Multiattack. Velik makes two Heaven's Sniper attack
and can use his misty step spell.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Heaven's Sniper. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit,
20(+5) 30(+10) 20(+5) 30(+10) 30(+10) 30(+10) range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 37 (6d8 + 10)
piercing damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage. If the
target is a creature that has 150 hit points or fewer, it
Saving Throws Int +17, Wis +17, Cha +17 must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or
Skills Perception +17 die.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical wepons Heaven's Downfall. Velik shoots an arrow towards the
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant sky that multiplies into a thousand arrows hitting every
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, creature within a 50 ft. radius with Velik as the center.
poisoned, blinded Every creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 27 throw, taking 37 (6d8 + 10) piercing damage plus 45
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. (10d8) radiant damage on a failed save or half as much
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) damage on a successful save.
Force Shot. Velik shoots an arrow made purely out of
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Velik fails a saving magic enhanced with his divine energy in a 150-foot
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must
make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45
Honed Angelic Weapons. Velik's weapon attacks are (10d8) force damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage
magical. When Velik uses any weapon, the weapon on a failed save and be pushed 30 feet away, or half as
deals an extra 10d8 radiant damage (included in the much damage and not be pushed away.
Divine Awareness. Velik knows if he hears a lie. Legendary Actions
Innate Spellcasting. Velik's spellcasting ability is Velik can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the
Charisma (spell save DC 25). He can innately cast the options below. Only one legendary action option can
following spells, requiring no material components: be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature's turn. Velik regains spent legendary actions at
At will: detect evil and good, misty step the start of his turn.
3/day each: antilife shell, legend lore, plane shift
Teleport. Velik magically teleports, along with any
1/day each: time stop, gate equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
Magic Resistance. Velik has advantage on saving throws an unoccupied space he can see.
against spells and other magical effects. Heaven's Sniper. Velik attacks with his Heaven's Sniper.
White Wings. Velik can temporarily predict an attack by Heaven's Cannon (Costs 4 Actions). Velik charges a
looking into the future. Velik can impose disadvantage powerful and thunderous arrow and shoots it in a 150-
on one creature for one round. This ability doesn't need foot line that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line
an action. must make DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 90
Unerring Accuracy (1/Day). If Velik misses a ranged (20d8) force damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage
attack, he can choose to hit instead. and be stunned on a failed save, or half as much
damage and not be stunned.
13 All solars can channel divine energy through their weapons
and attacks even the extremely combat oriented Gaeshema.
Taciax is no exception he can easily use his divine powers but
Taciax "The Hand of the time being in close proximity to his deity and the undead,
Death" especially Ounzair gave Taciax new understanding of the
powers he wishes to destroy.
"It is not death that a mortal should fear, With his new undestanding Taciax started to use fire
but they should fear never beginning to against fire by learning the very magics Ounzair uses. But
live. - Taciax" even though he knows how to use any of these spells and
Taciax the supposed angel of death is a solar pledged to a god magics he refuses to raise the dead unwillingly or sacrifice
or goddess of death, who the god is nobody knows for only any mortal for any form of power.
the gods knows each other's secrets. Taciax has many titles, Taciax appearance sometimes inspire fear but also peace.
the black crow, the infinite void, death, and many more but in His black robe accompanied by his pure white wings, the
truth he is a solar that believes in the sanctity and balance of unmistakable solar heritage, is a sign of reprieve for the
death. mourning for they know that their loved ones are cared for by
He believes that nobody should go past their supposed time the good. Solar's have preferred weapons and Taciax favoured
and undead, especially powerful liches, are an insult to the scythe just as every deity of death did. His legendary
nature's balance. And despite being a Solar Taciax leans into scythe cleaves through legions of undead and even when the
the neutral spectrum of alignments for he believes that there time calls for it he points it towards evil mortals that deserve
is a balance that must be maintained for the multiverse to the sweet release of death.
exist. But this doesn't mean he will turn a blind eye towards
evil because no matter what a solar does they are always Taciax Field of judgement
bound to do good. Taciax's field of judgement is a place of peace and reprieve for
His god is said to keep herself or himself secret, his deity his enemies, moments before death takes them. Taciax's field
might be the raven queen, some say his deity is the fair yet also has some differences compared to the fields of other
cold Kelemvor, either way Taciax faithfully serves his deity as solars. Once Taciax activates his field his wings transform
long as his wish of keeping the world in balance through and become black-feathered. This transformation ability was
death is fulfilled. said to be only a gift solars gain when they have found their
Sometimes it is said that Taciax can see the undead once most suited calling and have honed it to perfection. This
they are born. Once someone becomes undead Taciax sees transformation is unlike Ragani's wings of flames but instead
them for all they are. He sees them and despises their very it is a power born by the fusion of a solar's divine energy and
existence. a deity's domain. It is far more powerful than simply fusing a
Taciax follows the commands and orders of his deity but solar's divine energy with an element or another energy.
will act on his own if no orders are given. But there is one Despite this there are more solars that dislike pledging
target that Taciax has been spending quite a time trying to themselves because of the possibility of restriction. But some
kill. And despite hunting him the legendary solar has yet to pledge themselves for the large boost of power when they
lay a finger on his target. fuse their energy with the deity's domain.
His target is a lich, not any simple lich but a rare being Taciax's requirements are only two. The first requirement
called a lich king. A lich that can rival the strongest and is that his opponent must be a powerful undead that
skilled warriors while easily defeating the most skilled mages surpasses an average run of the mill lich. Examples would be
and talented sorcerers. thousands upon thousands of undead or a lich trained by
Ironically the lich is not alive because the solar cannot Vecna itself or maybe even worse his close friend Ounzair.
defeat it in combat. It is because the lich is not evil and the His second requirement is that the opponent should be
death of it would cause massive grief and damage capable of resurrecting or coming back to life multiple times.
everywhere. And his last requirement must be that the opponent is not
Instead Taciax constantly visits the powerful lich to check someone he can defeat without suffering extreme casualties.
up on it and sometimes spend time together. Once Taciax activates his field a 1000 mile radius becomes
And surprisingly the honest nature and endearing attitude night and every undead would start to burn whether they hide
of the all-powerful lich has captured Taciax. The Lich's name or live on the surface. The nights become longer by 3 hours
was Ounzair a mortal that was equally talented in fighting compared to morning and people would live longer and
and spellcasting. At first he mastered his ability to use magic healthier lives for 100 years.
and then learned to ingratiate combat into his arsenal of Due to the extremely powerful nature of Taciax's powers
skills. instead of gaining bonuses when he is in the field Taciax
Taciax and Ounzair has become very close friends instead gets a different statblock.
something that surprised many of the solars especially
Other than keeping Ounzair in check Taciax constantly Taciax "The Infinite Void"
visits other places of evil to do maintenance. An example If Taciax uses his field and transforms his health is
would be the temple of evil and temple of Nerul. refilled to max and every spell he has cast is also
Should there be any powerful undead Taciax destroys them refreshed. Use his second stat block. Once Taciax
immediately. uses his field form his CR increases to 30
(155,000 XP).
14 Taciax raises his transformed scythe and fills it with divine
death domain infused energy for 3 turns and then slices it
into the ground releasing a 300 foot line that is 30 feet
Lair Actions wide. Each creature in that line below 100 health dies and
On initiative count 20(losing ties). Taciax can take a lair those above 100 health must make a DC 27 Dexterity
action to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't saving throw, taking 165 (30d10) radiant damage plus 165
use the same effect two rounds in a row: (30d10) necrotic damage. This attack goes through
resistance and treats immunity like resistance.
Taciax plucks at the strings of one of his enemies' fates
giving him advantage on every roll against that enemy Regional Effects
until Taciax picks another target.
Taciax speaks words of power that mortals are incapable The region containing the field of judgement by Taciax is
of understanding. Every creature within a 50 ft. radius warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects:
with Taciax at the middle must make a DC 27 Corpses in Taciax's field cannot be raised to become
Constitution or a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or die. undead.
Taciax cannot utter the words again for 3 turns. Undead, fiends, fey and aberrations take 5 (1d10) radiant
damage plus 5 (1d10) necrotic damage that goes through
resistance and treats immunity as resistance.
Mortals become immune to disease and can live longer
once inside the field.
Taciax raises his transformed scythe and fills it with divine
Taciax "The Hand of Magic Resistance. Taciax has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Death" Pure Wings. Taciax's wings constantly fires searing
Large celestial, neutral flames on the maximum power on random targets.
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) Reaper's Step. When Taciax moves to an opponents
Hit Points 465 (30d10 + 300) area he uses his invisibility spell as a free action and
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. can appear to attack them.

Multiattack. Taciax makes two attacks with his death
30(+10) 25(+7) 30(+10) 25(+7) 25(+7) 30(+10) scythe and can use invisibility.
Death Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
Saving Throws Int +15, Wis +15, Cha +18 10 ft., one target. Hit 32 (4d10 + 10) slashing damage
Skills Perception +15 plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage and 27 (6d8) necrotic
Damage Resistances psychic damage.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Honed Finger of Death. Taciax targets one creature
nonmagical wepons within range of 150 ft. and fires a bolt of extremely
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, powerful death lightning. The targeted creature must
poisoned, blinded make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw taking 123
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 25 (14d8+60) necrotic damage on a failed save or half as
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. much on a successful save. This goes through
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) resistance and treats immunity as resistance. If the
target is killed it transforms into reapers under Taciax's
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Taciax fails a saving control.
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Soul Reap. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
10ft., one target Hit 32 (4d10+10) slashing damage
Weapons of the reaper. Taciax's weapon attacks are plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage and 27 (6d8) necrotic
magical. When Taciax uses any weapon, the weapon damage. The target must make a DC 27 Constitution
deals an extra 6d8 radiant damage plus 6d8 necrotic saving throw. On a failed save they cannot heal
damage(included in the attack). This goes through themselves unless a lesser restoration is used.
resistance and treats immunity as resistance.
Divine Awareness. Taciax knows if he hears a lie. Legendary Actions
Innate Spellcasting. Taciax's spellcasting ability is Taciax can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the
Charisma (spell save DC 26). He can innately cast the options below. Only one legendary action option can
following spells, requiring no material components: be used at a time and only at the end of another
creature's turn. Taciax regains spent legendary actions
At will: detect evil and good, invisibility (self only) at the start of his turn.
3/day each: divine word (all hp threshold are increased
by 10 hp), gaes (8th level), plane shift Teleport. Taciax magically teleports, along with any
equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
1/day each: power word kill (hp threshold is increased an unoccupied space he can see.
to 120), forcecage
Death Scythe. Taciax makes a death scythe attack.
Regenerate. Taciax regenerates 30 hit points.
15 Taciax is one of them. There was only one time where
Taciax was forced to activate his field. It was when one of his
brothers, a fellow solar, became corrupted. Despite his
Taciax "The Infinite Void" awesome show of power alongside his other brothers what
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated happened afterwards no one knows.
and inglorious is to die daily. - Taciax" But should he activate his field again even gods will steer
There was a legend that the most powerful solars rarely used clear for no one escapes death.
their fields believing that there normal state was enough.
There were four of them, four solars that even gods would
rather not meet even if it meant befriending them.

Taciax "The Infinite Death's Step. When Taciax moves to an opponents area
he uses his greater invisibility spell as a free action and
Void" can attack them.
Large celestial, neutral Master of Life and Death. Taciax can revive any soul no
matter what. He can cure them of madness, any illness,
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) fix any problem and heal them in any way possible. He
Hit Points 575 (50d10 + 300) has no limits when it comes to reviving or fixing a
Speed 50 ft., fly 300 ft. deceased soul. Should Taciax hold a soul in him no one
can take it from him except an overdeity.
30(+10) 25(+7) 30(+10) 25(+7) 25(+7) 30(+10)
Multiattack. Taciax makes two attacks with his death
scythe and can use greater invisibility.
Saving Throws Int +16, Wis +16, Cha +19
Skills Perception +16 Death Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach
Damage Resistances All 10 ft., one target. Hit 32 (4d10 + 10) slashing damage
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant, psychic; plus 81 (18d8) necrotic damage.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Death's Finger of Disintigration. Taciax targets one
nonmagical wepons creature within range of 150 ft. and fires a bolt of
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, death and destruction. The targeted creature must
poisoned, blinded make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw taking 235
Senses truesight 250ft. passive Perception 26 (30d8+100) necrotic damage on a failed save or half as
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. much on a successful save. This goes through
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) resistance and treats immunity as resistance. If the
target is killed it dies and turns to dust.
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If Taciax fails a saving
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Death's Call. Taciax beckons to the souls of his enemies
forcefully ripping it from their bodies. Every creature
True Weapons of the reaper. Taciax's weapon attacks are that can hear or see Taciax must make a DC 27
magical. When Taciax uses any weapon, the weapon Constitution or Wisdom saving throw, taking 81
deals an extra 18d8 necrotic damage(included in the (18d8) necrotic damage on a failed save or half as
attack). This goes through resistance and treats much damage on a successful save.
immunity as resistance.
Divine Awareness. Taciax knows if he hears a lie. Legendary Actions
Taciax can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the
Death's Eye. Taciax can feel the presence of every being
options below. Only one legendary action option can
in his field no matter how weak nor powerful. Nothing
be used at a time and only at the end of another
short of a wish can block this ability.
creature's turn. Taciax regains spent legendary actions
Innate Spellcasting. Taciax's spellcasting ability is at the start of his turn.
Charisma (spell save DC 27). He can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components: Death's Step. Taciax magically teleports, along with any
equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
At will: detect evil and good, greater invisibility (self an unoccupied space he can see and can immediately
only) do a death scythe attack.
3/day each: divine word (all hp threshold are increased Death's Sweep (Costs 2 Actions). Taciax makes a death
by 30 hp), gaes (9th level), plane shift scythe attack towards every enemy in his range with
1/day each: power word kill (hp threshold is increased disadvantage.
to 200), forcecage Siphon (Costs 5 Actions). Taciax raises his hand and
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless Taciax wishes to be absorbs the life force of his enemies in a 50 feet radius
affected, he is immune to spells of 6th level or lower with him as the center. Every creature must make a DC
and has advantage on saving throws of all spells and 27 Wisdom saving throw taking 27 (6d8) necrotic
magical effects. damage healing Taciax for every damage dealt on a
failed save or take no damage on a successful save.
Death's Wings. Taciax's wings constantly shoot ray of
frost at maximum power to every creature within 50
feet of Taciax.
16 Adimus kept to himself but was constantly visited by Moradin
to watch the solar forge. Adimus refused help but kept
visiting other blacksmiths and Moradin to watch them work.
Adimus "The Forger" At first Adimus had a hard time to make his own wares but
"The finest steel has to go through the eventually the solar learned to wield the tools needed to
hottest fire. - Adimus" create.
To create is the realm of gods. But if the gods created the He created swords, axes, greatswords, and even more.
mortals who created the gods? A question that will never Adimus created the finest weaponry only rivalled by the
have an answer for it only goes back and back to the first one legendary deity. Eternity with the tools for creation Adimus
who created who. learned to create and to mold.
Adimus pondered this question for thousands of years but Eventually Adimus created wonderous items and artifacts
it doesn't mean he didn't do anything to help enforce good. that other gods would be jealous of.
But the question ate him. It was a small knocking sound in By the end of the day Adimus loved what he was doing and
his mind that he could not purge no matter what. now understood what creation was meant to be. He pledged
He tried his best to find an answer until his constant travel himself to the dwarven deity so that he may be able to
brought him to Dwarfhome, the realm of the legendary preserve creation through his own hands and if needed, his
dwarven god Moradin. While walking through the benevolent legendary armaments.
god's realm he heard a pounding stronger than the knocking It is said that thousands of benevolent beings have come
in his mind and he pursued it. near and far to ask an armament from him. Of these beings
Despite barging in suddenly in the realm of a deity no one he befriended dragons the most, especially silver ones. But
stopped the running solar. Adimus slammed a door open and he had thousand other allies who would gladly help him in
saw something that kept him in awe. creating weapons of his taste. Especially a close friend of his,
Adimus saw the clash of metal between a hammer and an a golden dragon who helped him create a favourite weapon of
anvil. his.
Adimus saw Moradin, the god of dwarvenkind, the king of Wearing his legendary plate armor Adimus charges into
steel, the lord of forges, and the emperor of weapons forging. battle without any weapons in sight. His enemies mistake
Despite his rude entrance Adimus did not apologize not him for another monk like Gaeshema but suddenly the
because of lack of manners but because the Deity did not pay heavily built solar summons a greatsword and blocks his
him heed. enemies' advance. Then he summons a warhammer to
Moradin didn't react to Adimus' rude entrance and ground their bones to dust. After the warhammer, he
continued his trance like hammering of the divine metal. summons a battleaxe that cleaves through his enemies's
Adimus stood there watching in intense excitement and in defenses. Then conjures a large glaive immediately ripping
complete utter awe as he saw the Deific forgemaster do his through swathes and swathes of enemies.
work. His legendary form in battle inspires fear and awe
Days passed as Moradin constantly hammered the divine throughout the planes.
metal slowly molding it and forging it into a piece that even
the other gods would kill for. Adimus' Field of Judgement
Adimus watched intently studying every swing and every Adimus' field is a place of smithing. A giant anvil appears in
pounding. He saw every movement as a form of art and saw the center where Adimus creates his field. The giant anvil is
how beautiful the act of creating is. made out of magically enchanted adamantine meant to be
Adimus didn't notice but the slow knocking has long been unbreakable. When fighting Adimus can constantly change
destroyed by the powerful pounding of the Deity. weapons but once inside his field he can constantly fight with
"It doesn't matter who creates you, in the end what truly all his weapons without limitation as if every weapon follows
matters is what you create." his command. His requirements are just like the other solar's
When Adimus uttered those words to himself Moradin requirements. His first requirement is that his enemy should
stops and looks at him with a gentle yet fierce smile native be a powerful evil being that wishes to destroy or erase life.
only to dwarves. His second requirement is that he ensures that nobody is in
Once the pounding stopped the knocking came back but the near vicinity of his battlefield. Once the requirements are
this time it was weaker. Adimus knew what this place meant met Adimus can set his field increasing his power. A 1000
and he knew in some way that destiny lead him here. mile radius area would be filled with his divine domain
Moradin invited Adimus to be a personal apprentice but infused energy influecing the people and materials existing
this somehow irked the solar. there for 100 years. Adimus's CR increases to 26 (90,000 XP)
Adimus instead asked Moradin to allow him to become the inside his field.
lowest ranking apprentice instead. He wished to start from Once inside his field Adimus gains the following bonuses:
the bottom.
The request surprised the dwarven god but immediately His AC increases to 26
acquiesced obviously happy and impressed with Adimus' He gains immunity to fire and bludgeoning, piercing, and
decision. slashing damage from nonmagical wepons.
Adimus was given the basics of blacksmithing something He gains a new ability Reflective Armor. It's the same as
which was unheard off since dwarfhome was a home for the reflective carapace of the tarrasque.
legendary blacksmith dwarves.
17 Major Effects
D20 Magical Effect
Lair Actions 9- Spell Steal - Every time this weapon hits a spellcaster
On initiative count 20(losing ties). Adimus can take a lair 10 they must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save the DM rolls a d6 and the spellcaster loses
action to cause one of the following magical effects; he can't one spell slot corresponding to the roll. On a
use the same effect two rounds in a row: successful save it has no effect.
Adimus makes his current weapon disappear and uses his 11- Unstable Portal - This weapon disappears if it hits a
divine energy to summon all of the weapons he has forged 12 creature. The creature must make a DC 20 Charisma
since the beginning. An unlimited amount of weapons fall saving throw or be banished to a random plane of
from the sky striking his opponents. Adimus must make a
D20 roll to determine the amount of blades that will fall 13- Magic Container - This weapon contains two 9th level
towards his enemies. Every creature must make a DC 30 14 spells of the DM's choice and has one charge. It
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) damage determined recharges at dawn.
by the dm, for every weapon that hits on a successful save, 15- Divine Health - This weapon provides a constant 10
or take half as much damage on a failed save. After using 16 hit point regeneration per start of Adimus' turn. This
this Lair action it is disabled until Adimus finishes stacks with other regeneration items.
combat. The damage dealt by this ability no matter what 17- Annihilation Blade - This effect acts as a Sphere of
damage type goes through resistance and is treated as 18 Annihilation turned into a weapon.
magical. 19- Magic Charger - The user can use this weapon to
Unlimited Forge Works 20 restore an innate spell-casting ability or an 8th level
spell slot or lower once per day.
D20 Amount Damage type
Minor Effects
1-4 20 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage D100 Magical Effect
1-5 Damage I - The weapon deals an extra damage die.
5-8 40 bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage
(Magical) and 1 extra damage type (DM's 6-10 Damage II - The weapon deals 2 extra damage die.
11- Damage III - The weapon deals 3 extra damage die.
9- 60 bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage 15
12 (Magical) and 2 extra damage types (DM's
Choice) 16- Vampiric Weapon I - The weapon heals the user for
20 2d8 hit points if it hits.
13- 80 bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage
16 (Magical) and 3 extra damage types (DM's 21- Vampiric Weapon II - The weapon heals the user for
Choice) 25 3d8 hit points if it hits.
17- 100 bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage 26- Vampiric Weapon III - The weapon heals the user for
20 (Magical) and 4 extra damage types (DM's 30 4d8 hit points if it hits.
Choice) 31- Frost Weapon I* - A creature hit by this weapon has
35 their movement reduced by 10.
Once Adimus uses his Unlimited Forge Works he can 36- Frost Weapon II - A creature hit by this weapon has
pick up and drop any weapon he chooses. Any weapon he 40 their movement reduced by 20.
picks up will follow the damage of usual weapons except
that he will use 4 damage die instead of one. Every 41- Frost Weapon III - A creature hit by this weapon has
45 their movement reduced by 30.
weapon will get a major bonus and two minor bonuses.
46- Swift Weapon I - This weapon adds 10 feet to
Major Effects 50 movement as long as it is being held.
D20 Magical Effect
51- Swift Weapon II - This weapon adds 20 feet to
1-2 Divine Vorpal Blade - Decapitation effect is 18-20 55 movement as long as it is being held.
instead of just 20. Only applies to slashing weapons.
56- Swift Weapon II - This weapon adds 30 feet to
3-4 Divine Nine Lives Stealer - When using this weapon 60 movement as long as it is being held.
the critical attack raises up to 18-20. The hp
threshold is increased to 120 hp. The Constitution 61- Revival Weapon - This weapon has the Raise Dead
saving throw is increased to DC 20. 65 spell in it. 3/day

5-6 Divine Slayer Weapon - On a successful hit the 66- Burst - Once this weapon hits, the creature must
targeted creature that has 100 hit points or fewer, 70 make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be
must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw blinded for 1 turn.
or die. 71- Silence - This weapon contains the Silence as a 5th
7-8 Magi's Fallout - This weapon was made to be an 75 level spell in it. 3/day
explosion and will only survive one hit. Once it hits a 76- Stunning - On a 20 the next melee attack makes the
hard enough surface it explodes. If it hits a creature it 80 creature do a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw taking 65 be stunned for 1 turn.
(10d12) force damage on a failed save.
18 Hellbreaker
Minor Effects After his recreation of his weapon Adimus was visited by
D100 Magical Effect Ragani. Ragani was impressed with his brother's
81- Elemental Damage I - The weapon deals an extra craftmanship but the reason he came was not for weapons
85 elemental damage die. but to ask Adimus to face him in combat. Adimus being a
86- Elemental Damage II - The weapon deals 2 extra
solar gladly accepted. Confident in his newly forged weapons
90 elemental damage die. Adimus thought he would easily defeat the absolute flame.
To his surprise Ragani wiped the floor with him. After his
91- Elemental Damage III - The weapon deals 3 extra defeat Ragani said that his visit was something that all the
95 elemental damage die. other solars agreed with. His passion with forging has made
96- Phantom Range - The weapon has an invisible and him weaker and he forgot to train and better himself.
100 magical edge that reaches 30 feet. Guilty with shame Adimus apologized, for nothing is more
shameful than a solar that cannot protect the good.
Adimus can order up to ten weapons to release their With this hot shame filling his being Adimus created the
enchantments and use the released magic to attack up to legendary warhammer named Hellbreaker. He trained
ten creatures within his field. The targeted creatures must himself with it along with his other weapons.
make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6)
damage (DM's Choice) per magic weapon on a failed save, Voidcutter
or half as much on a failed save. All solars have emotions and the strongest of these are
righteousness, justice, guilt and most of all emptiness. A solar
Regional Effects will always feel righteous, justice ridden and never guilty but
The region containing the field of judgement by Adimus is should the time come when they feel the cold unfeeling touch
warped by his magic, which creates all the following effects: of emptiness it manifests into dreaded beings that can even
contend with solars. They are called the divine cold, a being
Blacksmiths will have inspiring dreams on ingenious of pure void.
weapon designs. The first appearance of these beings was when Adimus
Enchanting processes will have a lower chance of failing. failed to protect a village with his legendary armaments. He
Rare metals and materials become common while very failed to defeat a powerful demon lord and the cost was the
rare materials become rare and legendary materials destruction of a village. The loss affected him so much that
become very rare. for the first time in the longest his forges went cold. It was
when the cold and empty being came into existence. It
Adimus' Legendary attacked the distracted solar and managed to wound it but
was eventually put down by the solar.
Artifacts Seeing it Adimus felt even more pained. It was truly the
Adimus has and is still creating magical items and weapons manifestation of his complete and utter failure. But
since the moment Moradin admitted him into dwarfhome but determined to never repeat it Adimus took the remains of the
he has created 4 legendary artifacts that always brings when destroyed divine cold and heated his cold forge. He toiled for
going to combat. days until he created a waraxe that would cut his enemies
and destroy their guards with the cold that Adimus felt.
Heaven's Edge
Heaven's Storm
All Solars are born with a greatsword but not all of them use
it to combat the forces of evil. A prime example of this is Lightning is a tricky thing when it comes to solars. Not all of
Gaeshema who destroyed his greatsword and fused into his them use it but Adimus found its powerful effects to be
own body which eventually turned into his legendary extremely good in clearing large waves of evil doers. He
gauntlets. Another example is Velik who fused his greatsword travelled into the quasi-elemental plane of lightning and took
with his slayer bow transforming into his Heaven's Sniper. the heart of the storms from the elemental prince of air in
When Adimus mastered the ways of creating weapons and exchange with a weapon that the prince took interest in.
magic items Adimus melted his greatsword and reforged it in The Forger went back to his deity's realm and started to
the fires of dwarfhome and fused with it divine metal that forge a weapon that would even make lightning elementals
made his already powerful greatsword into a blade capable of shiver at the capability they can harness.
slaying demon lords. Aptly named as Heaven's storm Adimus charges to battle
The adamantine grip supported by a platinum pommel and with his legendary weapons and always charges forward as
topped with a golden hilt inspires awe towards his allies and destructive as a storm.
fears towards his enemies. But it's his blade that truly shows
the peak of his skill. The legendary blade made out of an DM notes
unknown metal easily cuts through the toughest of defenses
and would easily destroy the strongest of natural armor. The stats of Adimus' items are not detailed here.
They will be detailed at the end of the
compendium along with the other items.

Adimus "The Forger" 4.Heaven's Storm(Glaive) Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to

hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit 62 (8d12 + 10)
Large celestial, lawful good
slashing damage plus 27 (6d8) lightning damage and
Armor Class 25(Divine Plate Armor) 27 (6d8) radiant damage. This weapon can cast
Hit Points 437(25d10 + 300) lightning bolt, call lightning, chain lightning on the 9th
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. level (3/day).

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. Adimus can make two melee attacks with
30 (+10) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) 24 (+7) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) any of his weapons.
Divine Storm (Glaive Only). Adimus swings his glaive
Saving Throws Int +15, Wis +15, Cha +18 around him releasing a torrent of powerful lightning in
Skills Perception +15 a 30 feet radius. Every creature must make a DC 26
Damage Resistances fire, psychic; bludgeoning, Dexterity saving throw taking 67 (15d8) lightning
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical damage and be stunned on a failed save or taking half
weapons as much damage and not be stunned on a successful
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant, save. This has a cooldown of 2 rounds.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
poisoned, blinded, stunned Heaven's Smite (Greatsword Only). Adimus releases a
Senses truesight 120ft. passive Perception 25 powerful slash made out of pure divine energy towards
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. a creature that he can see. The creature must make a
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, taking 108 (24d8)
radiant damage on a failed save or half as much damage
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Adimus fails a saving on a successful save. Cooldown of 2 rounds.
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Space Break (Battleaxe Only). Adimus cuts space and a
miniature world hole appears. Every creature except
Angelic Weapons. Adimus' weapon attacks are magical. Adimus within 100 ft. of the black hole must make a
When Adimus uses any weapon, the weapon deals an DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled in by 20 ft.
extra 6d8 radiant damage (included in the attack). This lasts for 5 rounds. This hole also works as a Sphere
Divine Awareness. Adimus knows if he hears a lie. of Annihilation. This ability cannot be used again until
the hole disappears.
Innate Spellcasting. Adimus's spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 26). He can innately cast the Hell's Downfall (Warhammer Only). Adimus holds his
following spells, requiring no material components: warhammer with both of his hands and charges it with
his divine energy overflowing a 50 foot area with him
At will: detect evil and good, shield as the center with increased gravity. Every creature
3/day each: heat metal(9th level), fabricate, power affected by the increased gravity must make a DC 26
word stun, plane shift Constitution saving throw, taking 15 (6d4) force
damage and 15 (6d4) bludgeoning damage and be
1/day each: earthquake, gate
knocked prone on a failed save or take half as much
Magic Resistance. Adimus has advantage on saving damage and not be knocked prone on a failed save.
throws against spells and other magical effects. armor. This has a cooldown of 2 rounds.
The Forger's Artifacts. Adimus has 4 favourite weapons
from all the weapons he has created and he constantly
Legendary Actions
carries them to battle. Adimus can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option
1.Heaven's Edge(Greatsword) - Melee Weapon Attack:
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
+18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 38 (8d6 + 10)
creature's turn. Adimus regains spent legendary actions
slashing damage plus 54 (12d8) radiant damage. The
at the start of his turn.
creature hit must make a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw
or be vulnerable to radiant damage until they succeed. Teleport. Adimus magically teleports, along with any
This weapon can use healing word on the 9th level and equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to
(5/day) true ressurection (1/day). an unoccupied space he can see.
2.Hellbreaker(Warhammer) - Melee Weapon Attack: +18 The Forger's Artifacts (Costs 2 Actions). Adimus can use
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 44 (8d8 + 10) his artifacts's special attacks that are not in cooldown.
bludgeoning damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage
and 27 (6d8) force damage. This weapon can use Fused Divinity (Costs 5 Actions). Adimus can
reverse gravity (3/day) and earthquake (1/day). temporarily fuse his weapons for a split second
allowing him to wield a weapon so powerful it
3.Voidcutter(Battleaxe) - Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to threatens to destroy himself. Adimus can make an
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 46 (8d10 + 10) slashing attack towards a creature within 10 feet which deals
damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage and 27 (6d8) 156 (24d12) bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
cold damage. This weapon can use otiluke's freezing damange plus 108 (24d8) radiant, force, cold, and
sphere on the 9th level (3/day) and gate (1/day). lightning damage. Adimus must make a DC 25
Constitution saving throw or suffer half the damage
dealt. Has a cooldown of 5 rounds. Adimus can't use
his artifacts while in cooldown.

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