Diagnostic ET. Transmision 140H - Docx

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Localización y Solución de Problemas

120H, 12H, 135H, 140H, 143H, 160H and 163H Motor Graders Power Train

Número de medio -SENR8503-03 Fecha de publicación -01-12-2005 Fecha de actualización -15-12-2005


Diagnostic Capabilities
SMCS - 4800

The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET)

Ver imagen
Illustration 1

The Cat Electronic Technician (ET) is a software program that is used to access data. The
service technician can use the Electronic Technician in order to perform maintenance on
the machine. Some of the options that are available with the Cat Electronic Technician are
listed below:

 Diagnosis of problems.
 Viewing diagnostic codes.
 Viewing active event codes and logged event codes.
 View the status of parameters.
 Clear active diagnostic codes and clear logged diagnostic codes.
 Perform calibration of machine systems. See Testing and Adjusting, "Calibrations".
 Program the ECM (Flash). This program is done with the WinFlash. See Testing and
Adjusting, "Electronic Control Module (ECM) - Flash Program".
 Print reports.

See Troubleshooting, "Using the Caterpillar Electronic Technician to Determine Diagnostic

Codes". Diagnostic information is accessed with the following drop-down menus:

 Active diagnostic codes.

 Logged diagnostic codes.

Event Codes
Active Event Codes

Ver imagen
Illustration 2

An active event indication shall be provided for events that are currently flagged as a
system problem. Information for an active event shall include an event identifier (EID) and
a text description of the problem.

Logged Event Codes

Ver imagen
Illustration 3

A logged event indicator is provided in order to track the intermittent events or the
reoccurring events. The data for the logged event shall include the following information:

 An event identifier (EID).

 A text description of the problem.
 The number of occurrences of the problem.
 Time stamp that shows the time that the problem first occurred .
 Time stamp that shows the time that the problem most recently occurred.

Status Groups For The Electronic Technician

Ver imagen

Illustration 4

ET Screen That Shows The Available Groups

The Status groups are lists of machine parameters. The status of parameter is shown in real

The ET will provide the status groups in order to display the information on the parameter

Event Code List

The following table lists the event codes that apply to the power train electronic control
system. The recommended response is listed. Use the Cat ET service tool in order to
determine the event codes that are active or logged.

Table 1

Power Train System Event Identifier (EID) Codes (MID 081)

EID Level Description Possible cause / Recommended Response

Coasting in Transmission abuse. Apply brake in order to stop machine and

0049 2
Neutral Warning set parking brake after machine comes to a full stop.

Parking Brake Parking brake abuse. Caused by driving the machine with the
Applied with parking brake ON. E627 will occur if the machine is traveling
0627 2
Machine in at a speed that is greater than 8 km/h (5 mph) and the
Motion parking brake switch is toggled to the ON position.

Machine is shifted out of PARK while the transmission oil

temperature indicator is blinking. Follow proper warm-up
procedures and Do NOT shift out of PARK until the
transmission oil indicator turns off. See the Operation and
Maintenance Manualfor the proper operation in cold
Machine Driven
Unsafe condition. In temperatures below
0762 2 with Cold
0° C (32° F) failure to warm up the oil in the drivetrain can
result in unexpected movement of the machine adequately
(when not in park).
If event code is active after warm-up, use Cat ET to confirm
the transmission oil temp. Check wiring & connectors to the
transmission oil temp sensor. If wiring & connectors are good,
replace the oil temp sensor and re-evaluate the machine.

The ECM service meter clock is out of synchronization with

Clock Manual
the other ECM clocks. Automatic adjustment is not possible.
0861 2 Alignment
Use the Cat ET to align the clock with the other ECMs
Copyright 1993 - 2013 Caterpillar Inc. Tue Feb 26 15:06:58 EST 2013
Todos los derechos reservados.
Red privada para licenciados del SIS.

Product Link 121S/321

Número de medio -RSNR7911-07 Fecha de publicación -01-02-2011 Fecha de actualización -12-03-2012


SMCS - 7606

"Sincronizar los horómetros de servicio" de PL321

Para llevar a cabo la función de "sincronización de los horómetros de servicio", seleccione
el menú "Service" (Servicio) y "Synchronize Service Hour Meters" (Sincronizar los
horómetros de servicio) del menú desplegable.

La máquina cuenta con una función que se denomina "Sync Clock" (Sincronizar reloj). En
un sistema PL321, el reloj de Product Link puede estar configurado como maestro o
esclavo. Estos criterios se determinan de forma automática según la prioridad que se
proporciona a cada ECM cuando se designa la máquina. En la mayoría de los casos,
Product Link no será el ECM maestro. Si Product Link no es el maestro, se debe usar el
botón "Synchronize" (Sincronizar) para sincronizar la SMH de Product Link con la SMH
del ECM maestro. Product Link puede ser el ECM maestro si ocurre alguna de las
siguientes situaciones:
 Ningún otro ECM de la máquina está habilitado para la sincronización de reloj o
tiene capacidad para ello.
 No hay otros ECM en la máquina con una prioridad más alta que Product Link.

En el caso de que Product Link sea el ECM maestro, debe seleccionar el botón "Set Master
Hours" (Ajustar horas del módulo maestro). Una vez que se hayan ajustado las horas del
módulo maestro, haga clic en el botón "Synchronize" (Sincronizar) para sincronizar
cualquier otro ECM habilitado para la sincronización de reloj o con capacidad para ello.
Consulte la figura 1.

Nota: Para cambiar el valor de SMH a un valor inferior que el actual, se requiere una
contraseña de fábrica.

Nota: En un sistema PL321 que utiliza la sincronización de reloj cuando Product Link no
es el ECM maestro, el módulo Product Link se sincroniza automáticamente a las horas del
ECM maestro si la diferencia no es mayor que 50 horas. Si la diferencia es mayor que 50
horas, se genera un diagnóstico en CAT ET en el que se indica que se requiere una
sincronización manual. En este caso, sincronice las horas (Service/Synchronize Service
Meter Hours) a menos que las horas del ECM maestro sean incorrectas.

Si Product Link no es el ECM maestro y las horas del ECM maestro no son correctas,
localice y solucione los problemas en la máquina. No reemplace el módulo Product Link.

Ver imagen
Ilustración 1

Pantalla "Synchronize Service Hour Meters" (Sincronizar los horómetros de servicio)

"PLM Commands (Comandos de PLM)"

Ver imagen
Ilustración 2

Menú "PLM Commands" (Comandos de PLM) de CAT ET

Hay diez comandos que pueden completarse al seleccionar "Service/PLM Commands"

(Servicios/Comandos de PLM) en barra de menús de CAT ET.

Registration (Registro) - Este comando agrega un mensaje de registro y un mensaje de

administración de forma automática a la cola. El mensaje de registro se sumará a la cola y
esperará que el siguiente satélite disponible complete el proceso. Los parámetros "Queued
Registration Messages" (Mensajes de registro pendientes) y "Queued Administration
Messages" (Mensajes de administración pendientes) en "Message Queue" (Cola de
mensajes) muestran un valor de "1". Cuando los mensajes de registro y de administración
se hayan transmitido correctamente, el valor volverá a cambiar a "0". Este proceso de
registro puede tomar de 15 minutos a 1 hora. La cantidad de tiempo depende del
rendimiento de la red de comunicaciones.

Nota: Al realizar el proceso de registro, se activará el sistema instalado. Complete el

proceso de configuración antes de realizar el proceso de registro.

Nota: Para registrar Product Link, la antena de Product Link debe tener una vista del cielo
sin obstrucciones para detectar los satélites. Por lo tanto, si la máquina está dentro de un
edificio o otra estructura que puedan evitar una vista del cielo sin obstrucciones, la máquina
se debe mover al exterior. El LED amarillo y el LED anaranjado en la radio PL121SR debe
quedar fijo para cerciorarse de que se haya establecido una traba con el satélite. Si los
indicadores LED para la radio no se pueden observar, el usuario puede buscar en "Satellite
Information" (Información del satélite) y "Satellite Communication Status" (Estado de
comunicación con el satélite) en CAT ET para determinar que se haya establecido la
comunicación con el satélite.
De-registration (Anulación de registro) - Este comando anula el registro del sistema
Product Link antes de quitar la unidad para su instalación en otra máquina. Este comando
devolverá todos los campos a sus valores predeterminados. Este comando borrará la
memoria de la unidad. Se borran de la memoria todos los diagnósticos y ajustes de
delimitación geográfica. Después de poner el mensaje en la "cola", este debe ingresar a la
cola de mensajes. Este mensaje puede visualizarse al observar la "cola de mensajes" del
ECM del Product Link. Después de que el mensaje se haya transmitido, se puede quitar la
unidad. La unidad puede volver a instalarse en otra máquina.

Status Message (Mensaje de estado) - Este comando envía las siguientes descripciones de
estado: SMH, ubicación y combustible.

Fuel Report (Informe de combustible) - Este comando envía a la cola un informe sobre el

Position Report (Informe de posición) - Este comando envía a la cola un informe de


Time and Geo-Fencing Report (Informe de límites geográficos y de tiempo) - Este

comando envía a la cola un informe "Time and Geo-Fencing Report" (Informe de límites
geográficos y de tiempo).

SMH Report (Informe de SMH) - Este comando envía a la cola un informe de "SMH".

Empty Message Queue (Vaciar cola de mensajes) - Ese comando borra todos los
mensajes que haya en la cola de mensajes. Se puede usar este comando para borrar los
mensajes que se añadan inadvertidamente a la cola.

ECM List (Lista de ECM) - Este comando envía a la cola un informe "ECM List Report"
(Lista de ECM) después de una espera de unos minutos. El "informe de lista de ECM"
incluye una lista de todos los módulos de ECM (y los números de serie asociados, los
números de pieza del software y el estado de sincronización del reloj) detectados por el
Product Link que estén conectados a CAT Datalink®. La "lista de ECM" se envía de forma
automática en el momento del registro. La "lista de ECM" contiene un identificador único
para cada ECM detectado por CAT Datalink®.

Administration Message (Mensaje de administración) - Este comando envía a la cola un

mensaje de administración. Este mensaje contiene datos de la pantalla de "configuración".
Los siguientes son ejemplos de datos: "PLM Report Configuration Parameters (Parámetros
de configuración de registro de PLM)", "System Settings (Ajustes del sistema)" y "Digital
Input Configurations (Configuraciones de las entradas digitales)".

Nota: Una vez que se hayan ingresado estos valores, el módulo Product Link envía de
forma automática un mensaje de administración a la cola al cabo de 15 minutos. Se puede
obligar a Product Link a enviar antes un mensaje a la cola mediante este comando.
Para registrar un módulo por primera vez, siga el procedimiento que se indica a

Ver imagen

Ilustración 3

Pantalla de "registro"

1. Haga clic en "Service" (Servicio) en la barra de herramientas. Seleccione"Product

Link Registration" (Registro de Product Link). Consulte la figura 3.

2. Ingrese la información en los siguientes campos: "Machine Make Code (Código de

marca de la máquina)", "Machine Serial Number (Número de serie de la máquina)",
"Dealer Code (Código de distribuidor)", "Confirmation Email Address (optional)
(Confirmar dirección de correo electrónico)" (optativo) y "Service Meter Hours
(Horas de servicio)". Consulte la figura 5.

Nota: En un sistema PL321, el número de serie de la máquina se completará de

forma automática con la información de los otros ECM del CDL. Usted tiene la
opción de "sincronizar las horas de servicio" si el PL321 se considera un "esclavo".
Usted tiene la opción de "ajustar las horas maestras" si el PL321 se considera el
"maestro". Consulte la figura 4.
Nota: Esto no cambia las SMH en los otros ECM. Solo se modifican las SMH en
Product Link.

3. Haga clic en "Register" (Registrarse). Consulte la figura 5.

4. Después de seleccionar "Registration" (Registro), aparecerá un cuadro de diálogo.

El mensaje dice "Are you sure?" (Está seguro?). Haga clic en "Yes" (Sí) o "No"
(No). Al seleccionar "Yes" (Sí), se enviarán a la cola los mensajes de registro y de

5. Se mostrará un mensaje de confirmación. Haga clic en "OK".

Nota: Después de recibir una confirmación, regresará a la pantalla de "registro".

Ver imagen

Ilustración 4

Pantalla "Registration Configuration" (Configuración de registro) en PL321

Ver imagen
Ilustración 5

Pantalla "Registration Configuration" (Configuración de registro) en PL121

Para registrar el sistema otra vez, siga el procedimiento que se indica a continuación.

1. Haga clic en "Service" (Servicio) en la barra de herramientas. Seleccione "PLM

Commands" (Comandos de PLM). Haga clic en"Registration" (Registro) en el menú
desplegable para comenzar el proceso de registro. Consulte la figura 3.

2. Después de seleccionar "Registration" (Registro), aparecerá un cuadro de diálogo.

El mensaje dice "Are you sure?" (Está seguro?). Haga clic en "Yes" (Sí) o "No"

3. El mensaje de registro y el mensaje de administración quedan "pendientes". Los

parámetros "Queued Registration Messages" (Mensajes de registro pendientes) y
"Queued Administration Messages" (Mensajes de administración pendientes) en la
"cola de mensajes" muestran un valor de "1". Cuando el mensaje de registro se haya
transmitido correctamente, el valor volverá a cambiar a "0". Este proceso de registro
puede tomar de 15 minutos a 1 hora. La cantidad de tiempo depende del
rendimiento de la red de comunicaciones.ç

Nota: Los "parámetros de estado" del estado de registro de PLM cambian a

"Confirmation Pending" (Confirmación pendiente). El "estado del registro de PLM"
cambia a "Registered" (Registrado) una vez que el módulo reciba la confirmación
que "el mensaje se recibió y procesó correctamente en la oficina (EM)". Si el
mensaje no se procesó correctamente en la oficina, el "estado de registro de PLM"
cambia a "Failed" (Fallido). Si se produce una falla, los parámetros deben
verificarse para determinar su precisión. Si se deben realizar cambios, repita el
proceso de registro original desde "Service","Product Link Registration" (Servicio,
Registro de Product Link). Las figuras 6 y 7 son ejemplos de las pantallas de estado
de la cola de mensajes donde se muestran los mensajes de registro.

Ver imagen

Ilustración 6

Pantalla "Queue Status" (Estado de cola) ( PL121SR)

Nota: Cuando los "mensajes de registro pendientes" y los "mensajes de administración

pendientes" estén todavía en la cola de mensajes, aparecen con el valor "1".

Ver imagen
Ilustración 7

Pantalla "Queue Status" (Estado de cola) ( PL321SR)

Operación de Sistemas

Número de medio -SENR9167-02 Fecha de publicación -01-04-2006 Fecha de actualización -21-04-2006


Systems Operation

Ver imagen

Transmission Electronic Control System

The transmission Electronic Control Module (ECM) shifts the machine transmission based
on transmission output speed (TOS), Transmission control lever position and transmission
modulation (inching pedal) pressure switch position.

The transmission ECM processes information from the input components. Depending on
the speed and direction requested, the ECM then directs theignal to the specific
combination of solenoids for that speed and direction.

If a fault occurs, the ECM directs a signal to the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)
group to alert the operator of a problem. The technician has two methods of diagnosing
problems with the transmission electrical system: the Electronic Control Analyzer
Programmer (ECAP) via the service tool connector or the diagnostic connector and flash

There is a unique transmission configuration code that must be programmed into the ECM
with an ECAP, Electronic Technician (ET) or the transmission control lever. If a
replacement is made to the ECM, the new ECM must be programmed with this code.
Without this code the machine will not operate. See "Using the 8T-8697 Electronic Control
Analyzer Programmer" section in the "Testing And Adjusting" portion of this module.

NOTE: The transmission solenoids are identified with letters (A through H) in this
publication. The solenoids may also be identified with numbers (1 through 8). Solenoid 1 is
Solenoid A, Solenoid 2 is Solenoid B, etc.

Definitions And Acronyms

CAT Data Link

A digital data communication link which is used to provide sharing of information between
electronic controls and service tools on Caterpillar machines.

CID - Component Identifier

A three-digit number that is displayed to the technician on the ECAP service tool
diagnostic display during servicing. The number indicates the system component in

Countershaft Transmission

The transmission used on most "H" series motor graders and is shifted by means of
electrohydraulic valves which provide clutch control oil.

ECAP - Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer

The service tool used by the technician to gain access to the system status and diagnostic
information stored in the transmission ECM.

ECM - Electronic Control Module

The control is located under the cab. It processes the input information which then directs
the proper electrical signals to the appropriate output devices for speeds, directions, and

EMS - Electronic Monitoring System

This is a dash-mounted device which alerts the operator to various machine status
ET - Electronic Technician

This is a personal computer version of the diagnostic software that is used in ECAP.

FMI - Failure Mode Identifier

A two-digit "F" code that is displayed on the ECAP service tool diagnostic display during
servicing. The number indicates the failure mode of the related component.


A jumper is a piece of wire used to make an electrical connection during troubleshooting.


Scrolling is the process of showing all available sets of diagnostic information, one set at a
time. A set of diagnostic information is shown briefly and then the display automatically
advances to the next set.

TOS - Transmission Output Speed

A transmission signal generated by a magnetic pickup on the transmission output shaft.

VHP - Dual Horsepower Solenoid

Transmission Solenoid Locations

Ver imagen
Solenoid Locations (Viewed From The Front Of The Machine)
(1) Solenoid A. (2) Solenoid B. (3) Solenoid C. (4) Solenoid D. (5) Solenoid E. (6) Solenoid F. (7) Solenoid G. (8)
Solenoid H.

NOTE: The transmission solenoids are identified with letters (A through H) in this
publication. The solenoids may also be identified with numbers (1 through 8). Solenoid 1 is
Solenoid A, Solenoid 2 is Solenoid B, etc.

Ver imagen
(1) Transmission ECM.

Electronic Control Module (ECM)

Ver imagen

Electronic Control Module (ECM

(1) Connector J1. (2) Connector J2.

The ECM makes decisions based on input and memory information, then the corresponding
response is made through the outputs. The inputs and outputs of the ECM are joined to the
machine harness by two 40 contact connectors.


Numerous inputs inform the ECM of the status of the machine conditions. Two types of
inputs exist; switch type and sensor type. Switches provide an open, grounded, or +battery
signal to the switch inputs of the ECM. Sensors provide a constantly changing signal to the
sensor inputs of the ECM. The inputs are listed on the Contact Description Chart.


The ECM responds to decisions by sending electrical signals through the various outputs.
The outputs either create an action or provide information. The outputs are listed on the
Contact Description Chart.

CAT Data Link Operation

The CAT Data Link provides status information to other machine systems including All
Wheel Drive Control and the ECAP service tool. The following parameters are available:

* Transmission Gear

* Shift Lever Position

* Transmission RPM (TOS)

* Battery Voltage

* Backup Alarm Status

* Transmission Modulator Supply Pressure Status

* Dual Horsepower Status

* System Diagnostic Codes

* Abusive Conditions

* Coasting In Neutral

* In Park With Machine Moving

Transmission ECM Connector Pin Assignments

Ver imagen
Ver imagen
Transmission Gear Solenoids
Ver imagen

Transmission Diagnostic Code Conversion

Ver imagen
Ver imagen
Electrical Inputs

Battery Voltage
This is a two wire input which provides 24 DCV nominal to drive the electronic circuits
within the ECM and all of the external solenoids.

Start Switch Input

This is a single wire input that provides a battery voltage signal when the key start switch is
in the Start position.

Transmission Shift Lever

This is a 13 wire input which provides the shift lever position to the ECM. Combinations of
the 13 inputs being grounded correspond to the different shift lever positions.

Manual Modulation Supply Pressure Clutch Switch

This is a normally open switch and is located on the outermost valve body and monitors the
supply pressure to the directional clutches and solenoids (Clutch 3 is Solenoid A, Clutch 1
is Solenoid B and Clutch 2 is Solenoid C). When the manual modulation pedal is
depressed, the manual modulation valve inside the transmission control valve disengages or
reduces the power transmitted to the drive wheels by reducing the supply or pilot pressure
to the three directional modulating reducing valves. The pressure switch will close at 75
kPa (11 psi) and open at 50 kPa (7 psi). It provides the ECM with the status of the manual
modulation pressure.

Transmission Output Speed (TOS) Sensor Input

This is a single wire frequency input which receives a signal from a magnetic pickup speed
sensor on the transmission output.

Diagnostic Connector
This is a 3 wire input which provides a 3 bit code the ECM uses to determine which
diagnostic mode to be in.

Electrical Outputs

Transmission Solenoids
These solenoids are powered by 24 DCV from the ECM and are engaged when the ECM
determines the correct time to be ON.

Backup Alarm
When the transmission shift lever is moved to a Reverse speed, the ECM provides power
for the backup alarm.

Dual Horsepower Solenoid (VHP)

When the transmission shift lever is moved to Fourth through Eighth Forward or Third
though Sixth Reverse, the ECM provides power for the dual horsepower solenoid.

NOTE: If the machine is a 143H or 163H All Wheel Drive, the ECM will provide power to
the dual horsepower solenoid any time the all wheel drive switch is moved to the Manual or
Automatic position.

Diagnostic Output To EMS (Pin J2-28 On ECM)

The transmission ECM is connected to the EMS Panel Lamp Position 5 which is called the
EMS Action Light. If there is a problem in the transmission ECM system, the ECM
disconnects the ground and the lamp illuminates.

Neutral Output To EMS (Pin J2-40 On ECM)

The transmission ECM is connected to Pin 9 (Neutral) at the EMS control. Pin 9 has a
function called Program Code 1 and is used to control the category of Alert Indicator 7
which is the Parking Brake indicator. Depending on the condition, the Parking Brake can be
either a Category I or a Category III.

Service Tool Connector

This is a 2 wire digital data communication link that allows two way communication of the
ECAP, ET or service tool with the transmission ECM.

Transmission Indicator Lamp

This is used in conjunction with the diagnostic connector to visually flash light code
sequences when diagnosing transmission electrical system faults.

Buffered Transmission Output Speed (TOS)

This is the output from the transmission output speed sender after it goes through the ECM
to the speedometer.
Modes Of Operation

Upon power-up, Solenoids D and G are energized and all other solenoids are de-energized.
Normal operation is established once the shift lever has been moved to the Neutral or Park

The transmission Neutral Start Module (NSM) has a neutral start feature. The operator
controlled key switch is an input to the NSM with the start relay being powered by an
output from the NSM. This allows the NSM to inhibit starting the machine if certain
conditions are not met. The shift lever must be in Neutral or Park before the NSM will
allow the start relay to be energized.

When the shift handle is moved from the current gear position to a higher gear position, the
ECM will shift the transmission immediately. If an upshift is attempted with the
transmission modulator pedal depressed, no action by the ECM is taken until the
transmission modulator pedal is released.

When the shift handle is moved from the current gear position to a lower gear position, the
ECM will shift the transmission immediately. If a downshift is attempted with the
transmission modulator pedal depressed, no action is taken until the transmission modulator
pedal is released. After it is released, the ECM will determine the proper gear.

If an overspeed condition occurs, the transmission is shifted to the lowest gear possible
using special shift points. Unit sequential downshifts result in the desired gear. If the TOS
has not lowered below an overspeed condition, the ECM will upshift to the appropriate

Shift Out of Neutral

When the shift handle is moved from Neutral into a position which matches the direction
the machine is moving, the ECM will first check the TOS and determine if the requested
gear can be obtained without overspeeding the transmission. If no overspeed condition will
occur, then the shift is made.

If a shift out of Neutral to the requested gear will cause an overspeed condition, the ECM
will shift to the lowest gear possible.
When a shift out of Neutral is attempted with the transmission modulator pedal depressed,
one of two things will happen:

* If the TOS is below First gear high idle, the shift is made immediately.

* If the TOS is above First gear high idle, No Shift will be made until the TOS drops below
First gear high idle or the transmission modulator pedal is released.

Shift Into Neutral

When the shift handle is moved from a gear position to Neutral, the ECM will shift the
transmission to Neutral immediately. The status of the transmission modulator pedal or the
TOS value does not matter.

Directional Shift
A directional shift is when the shift handle is moved from one gear position to another gear
position of the opposite direction or where a shift out of Neutral is requested with the
machine moving in the opposite direction requested.

If the shift is requested with the TOS lower than Third gear high idle, the shift will be made
immediately. If the shift is requested with the TOS higher than Third gear high idle, the
following steps will be taken:

1. The ECM will attempt to downshift the transmission to the lowest gear possible gear. If
the TOS is lowered below the Third gear high idle, the directional shift is made.

2. If the machine has not slowed to Third gear high idle, special shift points are used to
downshift the transmission until the TOS is below Third gear high idle.

When a directional shift is requested with the transmission modulator pedal depressed, the
following occurs:

1. If the TOS is at First gear low idle, the shift is made immediately.

2. If the transmission modulator pedal is released when TOS is below Third gear high idle,
the shift will be made immediately.

The ECM will automatically upshift above the shift lever position whenever the
transmission reaches the preset overspeed upshift rpm. There is No Limit to the number of
upshifts allowed. If the ECM has already automatically upshifted because of an engine
overspeed condition, the ECM will automatically downshift whenever the engine rpms are
lowered and then match the shift lever position.
Diagnostic/Protection Mode
The transmission ECM will take special actions based on the present gear position and the
type of fault detected. The EMS transmission electrical fault indicator lamp will turn ON
and remain on until the fault is removed.

Service Mode
The Service Mode is enabled by uncoupling the diagnostic connector from the machine
harness. This feature allows the technician to diagnose problems with the system using
flash codes. This can be used when an ECAP is not available.

Clutch Phasing
The transmission solenoids are disengaged and engaged with special timing to control the
transmission clutch pressures during shifts. Clutch phasing extends the life of the
transmission clutches and makes for smoother shifts.

Low Battery Voltage

When battery voltage drops below a certain level, the ECM will turn OFF all transmission
solenoids except Solenoids D and G. If Solenoids D or G are already ON, they will be held

Warning And Control Action Light

This warning system alerts the operator about operating the machine prior to the
transmission oil being warmed up. After machine startup, a temperature switch located at
the transmission control valve determines that the oil is below 0°C (32.0°F) and a warning
light in the center gage cluster alerts the operator to this condition.

The warning light is on if the oil is 0°C (32.0°F) or below, the light will also come on if
there is an open circuit. If the lamp in the gage panel is burned out, a level two alarm will
come on.

Failure Modes

Solenoid Faults
The detection of a system fault which prevents proper solenoid engagement for the selected
gear will result in the ECM causing the transmission to go to Neutral by using solenoids D
and G (preferred), solenoid D, solenoid G, or all solenoids OFF (least preferred).
Ver imagen

Ver imagen

Keys For Charts 1 And 2

Chart 1

Open - Solenoid either Open or Shorted to Ground (solenoid OFF)

NEU - Solenoid D & G Neutral

GNE - Solenoid G Neutral

DNE - Solenoid D Neutral

Chart 2

Sht+B - Solenoid Short to +Battery (solenoid ON)

NEU - Solenoid D & G Neutral

NCN - No Clutch Neutral

Shift Lever Switch Open Faults

The loss of a shift lever switch contact when leaving Neutral, First Forward, First Reverse,
Second Forward, or Second Reverse will result in the machine remaining in Neutral. Loss
of a shift lever switch contact when in Third Forward or higher or Third Reverse or higher
will result in remaining in the present gear. Whenever a shift lever switch contact is lost
and either the Redundant Neutral or Neutral switches is lost, the transmission will be

Ver imagen
Shift Lever Switch Short Active Faults
Two active speed switches will result in the transmission remaining in the present gear until
a valid speed signal is detected or Neutral is requested. If the forward or reverse switches
are active, then the transmission will be neutralized until a valid direction signal is

Loss Of Or Erratic Transmission Output Speed (TOS)

Loss of or erratic TOS will only result in the EMS Action Lamp and Action Alarm being
turned ON to alert the operator that further operation of the machine could cause damage.
The overspeed feature will NOT function.

Pruebas y Ajustes
Product Link 121S/321

Número de medio -RSNR7911-07 Fecha de publicación -01-02-2011 Fecha de actualización -12-03-2012


Módulo de Control Electrónico (ECM) - Reemplazar

SMCS - 7610-510

Antes de reemplazar el módulo Product Link, asegúrese de que sea absolutamente

necesario reemplazarlo. Muy raramente el módulo Product Link es la causa de una falla.
Siempre revise que llegue corriente eléctrica al módulo Product Link. Se necesita voltaje de
batería entre los contactos 1 y 2 del conector del mazo de cables de la máquina para
Product Link. Continúe SOLAMENTE si todos los otros intentos de aislar el problema han
fallado. Consulte siempre con el comunicador técnico de su distribuidor para decidir si es
necesario consultar con Caterpillar. Esta consulta puede reducir considerablemente el
tiempo necesario para una reparación.

1. Gire el interruptor de desconexión y el interruptor de llave de arranque a la posición

DESCONECTADA. Desconecte el mazo de cables de la máquina del módulo
Product Link.

2. Quite el módulo Product Link.

3. Asegúrese de que el juego de Product Link de reemplazo tenga el número de pieza


4. Instale el sistema Product Link de reemplazo según las Instrucciones Especiales que
se incluyen en los juegos de instalación.

5. Actualice el software para el módulo nuevo a fin de asegurar que esté la versión
más reciente del software en el sistema.
Copyright 1993 - 2013 Caterpillar Inc. Tue Feb 26 15:34:44 EST 2013
Todos los derechos reservados.
Red privada para licenciados del SIS.

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