Use of E-Learning by University Students in Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions: A Case in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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Received December 8, 2017, accepted January 17, 2018, date of publication February 7, 2018, date of current version March

28, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2802325

Use of E-Learning by University Students in

Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions:
A Case in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
1 Faculty of Science, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia
3 Computer Science Department, Community College, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
5 Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, Gambang 26300, Malaysia

Corresponding author: Norma Alias (

This work was supported in part by the Research Management Centre at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia under Grant
PY/2015/05399/R.J130000.7826.4F795 and in part by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University under
Grant RG-1438-062.

ABSTRACT This paper examines university students’ intention to utilize e-learning. In this paper, we apply
and use the theory of a technology acceptance model. We employ the structural equation modeling approach
with a SmartPLS software to investigate students’ adoption process. Findings indicate that the content of
e-learning and self-efficacy has a positive impact and substantially associated with perceived usefulness and
student satisfaction, which impact university students’ intention to utilize e-learning. Although e-learning has
gained acceptance in universities around the world, the study of the intention to use e-learning is still largely
unexplored in Malaysia. The developed model is employed to explain the university student’s intention to
utilize e-learning. The study concludes that university students in Malaysia have positive perceptions toward
e-learning and intend to practice it for educational purposes.

INDEX TERMS E-learning, technology acceptance model and higher education.

I. INTRODUCTION on their needs and preferences. They also have the freedom to
E-learning refers to online learning, which depends on enroll themselves in other online courses that they find useful.
technical-based tuition and training. This type of learning One of the most important characteristics of these online
provides students with a virtual environment in which stu- courses is that they involve a variety of activities, and testing
dents participate in various activities. These activities include that attracts students and keep them focused and involved [2].
investigation and audiovisual interaction with a variety of The study by [3] reported that this type of learning faces
subjects. Moreover, e-learning offers students and teachers some challenges in terms of its governance. Among these
the chance to interact with each other. In order to identify challenges, the lack of manpower and the absence of incen-
the important changes in e-learning practices, institutions of tives provided for those in charge of e-learning in institutions
education and higher education need to facilitate access of adopting this kind of learning received the highest of chal-
these virtual courses for e-learning [1]. lenges facing e-learning, with 84.5% and 69.2%, respectively.
E-learning is different from the traditional ways of learn- Regarding the implementation of e-learning, factors such
ing, such as seminars and classes. This type of learning as the need for a clear policy for e-learning, the need for
prefers the individual over group learning as it encourages clear governance structure and the need of a more organized
students to learn individually at home rather than in groups distribution of planning responsibilities and implementation
and classes. Therefore, with this type of learning, students received 61.5%, 50% and 42.3%, respectively. Based on the
attend home-based courses and manage their time depending challenges reported by institutions of higher learning, seven
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W. M. Al-Rahmi et al.: Use of E-Learning by University Students in Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions

of those universities, or 26.9%, reported that one of the main

challenges is the lack of a center or unit in charge of this
type of education. Only three institutions, or 11.5% of those
included in the study, stated that the lack of attention and
support of e-learning from top management is one of the main
challenges [4].
‘‘E-learning is the use of new multimedia technologies
and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facil-
itating access to resources and services, as well as remote
exchange and collaboration’’ [23], [34], [35]. Several the-
oretical models are used in related literature to evaluate
individuals’ satisfaction with e-learning [15], [16] and a
lack of models to evaluate usefulness. In addition, there
is a lack of models that have researched understanding FIGURE 1. The research model and hypotheses.
using e-learning and how it affects learning performance in
Malaysian higher education [34], [35]. Thus, this research
focuses on aspects of e-learning in Malaysian higher edu- as virtual learning [3]. The e-learning project assisted stu-
cation by including self-efficacy, the content of e-learning, dents to easily access information on their preferred subjects
students’ satisfaction, perceived usefulness and the intention and interests so that they could increase their level of knowl-
to use e-learning in light of previous related literature, as pre- edge on certain subjects. By implementing e-learning, stu-
sented in Sections II and III. The research methodology is dents were granted access to unlimited sources of information
described in detail in Section IV. The results and discussion and knowledge. To make it easy for students to use e-learning,
are described in Section V. The conclusion and future work some application model prototypes were created and devel-
in this area are presented in Section VI oped, such as an examination system, an electronic library,
electronic lectures and a cyber cafe [6].
MALAYSIA Figure 1 below examines some factors related to e-learning.
The Centre of Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Universiti These factors include the content of e-learning and self-
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is considered one of the main efficacy with perceived usefulness and, in turn, students’
tools for delivering information at the university. Through satisfaction. These factors are investigated for their impact
its informative and creative website, CTL offers e-learning on students’ intention to engage in e-learning.
and provides support for various educational and technology- Research Hypotheses:
based courses. It also assists in the evaluation and modelling This study examines six hypotheses as illustrated in See
of training courses offered by UTM. One of the important Figure 1:
features of CTL is that it is more useful and effective than H1: There is a significant relationship between self-
traditional computer-based instruction in terms of time and efficacy and student satisfaction.
distance. This is because its teaching materials are accompa- H2: There is a significant relationship between self-
nied by internet access to ensure real-time delivery [3]. efficacy and perceived usefulness.
Back in 1998, strategic planning and aspects of corporate H3: There is a significant relationship between e-learning
culture as guiding standards were introduced and incorpo- content and student satisfaction.
rated into Malaysian public universities. In line with this H4: There is a significant relationship between e-learning
policy, the evaluation of IT strategies was applied and adopted content and perceived usefulness.
by UTM through the implementation of the CTL [5]. In line H5: There is a significant relationship between student
with these developments, UTM started investigating and satisfaction and intention to use e-learning.
developing a system for e-learning during the 1998. This H6: There is a significant relationship between perceived
development aimed to achieve growth in this field at an usefulness and intention to use e-learning.
international level [5]. As reported on UTM’s main webpage,
students report that e-learning is a useful virtual environment A. SELF-EFFICACY
for them to upload materials, assignments and slides. It is Bandura [41] defines self-efficacy as ‘‘People’s judgments of
also a useful tool for them to share knowledge and hold their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action
discussions. required to attain designated types of performances’’. Self-
The UTM’s e-learning center was developed as an applica- efficacy is reported in literature as an essential factor in
tion under the umbrella of the UTM Cyber Campus project, understanding the attitude of satisfaction of students towards
which was implemented back in 1998 by the Ministry of Edu- e-learning [7]. In relation to this, female students were
cation. When it was first implemented, e-learning was known reported to have a low level of self-efficacy [8]. The results

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TABLE 1. Loading and cross-loading of items.

of Chen and Chung [9] maintain that self-efficacy in female D. PERCEIVED USEFULNESS
students is a greater indicator of their acceptance of e-learning The students’ acceptance of e-learning is an essential factor
than male students. Ong and Lai [10] state that self-efficacy in the application and the use of e-learning inside educa-
is considered an important indicator of a good e-learning tional institutions. Special training should be provided for
experience. those instructors and teachers who intend to utilize e-learning
to assist their teaching. The perspectives and attitudes of
teachers towards e-learning were explored in several studies.
Masrom [20] and Leem and Lim [21] concluded that per-
The system of e-learning refers to the tools by which students ceived usefulness is one essential factor that can impact the
can gain access to content, which is mainly assignments. The level of e-learning participation. Further, perceived useful-
task interaction in which individuals are involved is based ness of e-learning is mainly influenced by the teaching mate-
on contents of e-learning. These assignments are consid- rials. Thus, together with the content, perceived usefulness is
ered essential for the end-user computing environment like reported as an indicator of an individual’s intention to make
e-learning [11], [12]. It is highly important that students focus use of e-learning [34].
on the content rather than the delivery method [34]. One of
these views is presented by Doll and Torkzadeh [12], who
state that the artifact is the focus of computer-oriented style
such as e-learning, while the interaction between the individ-
ual and the tasks is the focus of the traditional method. Other Perceived usefulness and ease of use are considered factors
studies highlight that some features, such as accessibility and that can influence behavioral intentions [22], in that both also
interactivity, can be developed in e-learning courses through have an effect on attitude towards usage, despite the fact that
the use of technology [13], [14]. perceived ease of use has an impact on perceived useful-
ness. TAM is normally used to study and explore learners’
behavioral intentions. Further, it is suggested that users’ con-
C. STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION tinuance intention is highly influenced by their satisfaction,
As for the studies in this field conducted at UTM, some have which is mainly measured by perceived usefulness. Thus,
focused on the concept of communication [17] and strate- in this research we select factors from TAM, because we
gies for the development of e-learning [18]. Others, such as need to measure usefulness and satisfaction with regards to
Razak [18], explores the impact of e-learning at UTM, while intention to use e-learning.
others examine the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pituch and Lee [24] reported that there is no relation-
of e-learning at UTM [19]. It has been observed that there ship between self-efficacy, usefulness and intention to use e-
is a lack of explanation for student satisfaction. Thus, this learning. Basically, TAM framework studies highlight three
study examines other models [15], [16] and aims to develop important factors, namely perceived usefulness, ease of use
a model to evaluate individuals’ satisfaction with e-learning and intention to use. These factors have proved to be high
at UTM. predictors of e-learning satisfaction [25].

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TABLE 2. Constructs, items, and confirmatory factor analysis results.

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY females (55.0%) with males forming only 45.0% of the par-
A questionnaire, overseen by an enumerator, was used to ticipants. The questionnaire, which consisted of 15 items, was
collect data from different students with different nation- distributed among the students. Table 2 illustrates the results.
alities. Partial least square structural equations modelling
(PLS-SEM), using SmartPLS 3.0, was first used to measure V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the reliability as well as the validity of the model. To develop Prior to testing of the hypotheses, composite reliability,
a model analyzing e-learning use that can be applied and Cronbach’s alpha and convergence validity were calcu-
managed a suitable methodology is employed to guide this lated to test the construct validity. Based on the rec-
inquiry. The current paper uses a quantitative research design ommendations of Fornell and Larcker [26], discriminant
based on questionnaires as the main instrument of data col- validity was also tested through the use of a criterion
lection. According to Krejcie and Morgan [42], the recom- test.
mended sample constituted 106 respondents from the Faculty
of Computing at UTM. Therefore, 106 questionnaires were A. CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF MEASUREMENTS
distributed among undergraduate students for a random sam- Construct validity indicates the extent to which certain items
pling. SPSS, Version 20, and SmartPLS software were used measure the concept they are designed to measure [27].
as the two main tools of analysis. The instrument of data This was established by a systematic literature review of
collection was developed based on the study objectives as items developed and tested by other researchers. Items were
well as models in related literature [16], [17], [35]. observed to be properly assigned to their constructs through
Before conducting the main study, a pilot study was con- their loadings as presented in Table 1. Chow et al. [28]
ducted, and Cronbach’s alpha was found to be 0.817, which highlight that items should significantly load to the construct
reflects a good level of reliability. The questionnaires utilized they are designed to measure.
a five-point Likert scale. The scale scored the students’ agree-
ment, which ranged from (1), meaning ‘‘strongly disagree,’’ B. CONVERGENT VALIDITY OF MEASUREMENTS
to (5), meaning ‘‘strongly agree.’’ Hair et al. [27] maintain The resulting values of composite reliability were in the
that it is important to exclude outliers, as they might cause recommended range, which is above 0.70. These values
the results to be inaccurate. Most of the participants were ranged from 0.829 to 0.894. The Cronbach values also ranged

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TABLE 3. Discriminant validity.

FIGURE 2. Path coefficients results.

from 0.691 to 0.825, which means that they were within D. ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL MODEL
the recommended range. Average variance extracted (AVE) At this stage, the study began to test and examine the research
was also above the recommended value of 0.5, ranging from hypotheses, which revolved around the relation between the
0.619 to 0.739. The results of confirmatory factor analy- constructs. To achieve this objective, the PLS algorithm was
sis (CFA) of the measurement model are illustrated in Table 2. conducted using SmartPLS 3.0. Figure 1 illustrates the result-
ing path coefficients while Figures 2 and 3 represent the
Discriminant validity refers to the level of difference between Regarding the first hypothesis, the relation between self-
the sets of concepts and their own indicators. The AVE value efficacy and students’ e-learning satisfaction is positive and
was well above 0.50 and was significant at p = 0.001, and significant (β = 0.380, t = 7.107, p < 0.001). Thus, the
this indicates that discriminant validity was supported for all results positively support the first hypothesis. The second
constructs [26]. In this regard, Hair et al. [27] explain that hypothesis is also supported as analysis shows a positive
the correlations between items in two constructs should not relationship between self-efficacy and perceived usefulness
exceed the square root of the average variance shared by a (β = 0.330, t = 5.292, p < 0.001). The third hypothesis is
single construct’s items (See Table 3). also positively supported, as there is a significant relationship

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FIGURE 3. Path coefficients T values.

between e-learning and student satisfaction (β = 0.221, These results are supported by previous related literature on
t = 3.556, p < 0.001). Similarly, the fourth hypothesis on the relationships among these factors [21], [35]. E-learning
the relationship between e-learning and perceived useful- assists students in higher education to complete various tasks
ness, this relation is positive and significant (β = 0.202, and research. It’s also considered a useful tool for assessing
t = 3.653, p < 0.001). Thus, the fourth hypothesis is also their academic achievement. Other studies on the use of
supported by the results of the current study. Along these Internet in higher education, such as the studies on social
lines, the results indicate that there is a significant relationship media, e-learning and massive online open courses, support
between student satisfaction and intention to use e-learning and urge for the use of these applications in educational
(β = 0.262, t = 4.337, p < 0.001), which supports the contexts [30]–[32].
fifth hypothesis. As for the final hypothesis, the relation- Meier [33] offers a practical study on the benefits of
ship between perceived usefulness and the intention to use using the Internet for educational purposes. The study is
e-learning is significant (β = 0.260, t = 4.471, p < 0.001). about the experiences of students in South African schools
Results are presented in Table 4. as they exchange and share knowledge with their Finnish
counterparts. Instructors can utilize the characteristics of
E. DISCUSSION e-learning during their presentations and in their classes.
The current study represents one effort in the field of They can get access to the syllabus, lecture notes, tutorials,
e-learning to uncover the relationship between usefulness and exercises, assignments and even tests. E-learning provides
student satisfaction and their impact on learners’ intention students with access to a huge amount of information, such
to use such technology at UTM. Further, self-efficacy and as web-based video media, audio, presentation materials and
content of e-learning are two important factors related to chats.
e-learning, and the intention to use this technology depends Perceived usefulness is considered one of the key indica-
on perceived usefulness and satisfaction of the students. tors of intention to use e-learning. Research supports that

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TABLE 4. Hypotheses testing.

intention to use e-learning is positively influenced as users functions and encourages them to make use of e-learning
find out that e-learning is easy to use and useful [34]. One of technology.
the most important advantages of e-learning is that it assesses It is recommended that future research build on the current
success in a variety of educational environments [23]. In other work and investigate more aspects related to the creation
words, e-learning has the advantage of evaluating educa- of e-learning environments. Moreover, future research might
tional contents as beneficial for students. Therefore, students look at the influence of student characteristics and the qual-
can take this content into consideration [35]. Another study ity of services on the individual’s intention to engage in
by Chaka and Govender [36] also reports a significant rela- e-learning. Such aspects include the support for e-learning
tionship between mobile learning conditions and behavioral and its relationship to self-efficacy. Such studies should aim
intention. Other research shows a different opinion. The study at improving student satisfaction with e-learning, which is a
by Krajnc [37], for example, maintains that use of e-learning key factor for increasing the learner’s intention to use this
within the educational environment puts much responsibil- technology. Students’ academic experience at UTM was also
ity on learners and consumes their time. As for the current observed to be influenced by e-learning on the condition that
study, factors proved to be predictors of students’ intention learners control their time of use.
to use e-learning systems. Hence, the theoretical framework Future studies are recommended to consider other fac-
of this study contributes to the development of constructs tors, especially those related to collaborative learning, as a
of usefulness and satisfaction in related to intention to use means of improving the academic performance of students
e-learning through employing a rigors approach structural in institutions of higher education. Further, studies should
equation model. In addition to the usefulness of e-learning, focus on demographic factors and increase the sample under
both the content of e-learning and how it is delivered are of investigation. Future research should consider involving users
equal importance. It is considered essential to look at how other than students, such as instructors and supervisors. Such
this content is offered and presented to the students [35]. investigations should employ interviews to enrich data and
Moreover, this content needs to be up-to-date for students to findings. Finally, focusing on how e-learning influences stu-
use. Users of e-learning are reported to be more likely to have dents’ performance and engagement, with an emphasis on
access to the huge store of blended learning courses, and this interactivity and collaborative learning are also suggested.
is normally in line with the content of their field of study [13].
The authors also would like to thank the Ibnu Sina Institute
VI. CONCLUSION for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), Faculty of
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VOLUME 6, 2018 14275

W. M. Al-Rahmi et al.: Use of E-Learning by University Students in Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions

MOHD SHAHIZAN OTHMAN received the ALI ALI SAGED received the Ph.D. degree from
B.Sc. degree in computer science with special- University of Malaya. He is currently an Asso-
ization in information systems from Universiti ciate Professor with the Department of Akidah
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 1998, and the M.Sc. And Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Stud-
degree in information technology and the Ph.D. ies, University of Malaya. His current research
degree in Web information extract information interests include social science.
retrieval and machine learning from Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is currently a Senior
Lecturer with the Faculty of Computer Science and
Information Systems, UTM. His research interests
are information extraction, information retrieval on the Web, Web data
mining, content management, and machine learning.


master’s degree in computer science in USA and
the Ph.D. degree in computing science in U.K.
He is currently an Assistant Professor and the
Head of the Informatics Research Group, Com-
puter Science Department, Community College,
King Saud University. His main research interests
span over IT diffusion and innovation, information
technology management, human behavior model-
ing in technology usage, online social networks,
and human–computer interaction using cognitive research.

OSAMA ALFARRAJ received the master’s and NUR SHAMSIAH ABDUL RAHMAN received
Ph.D. degrees in information and communica- the bachelor’s degree in computer science from
tion technology (ICT) from Griffith University Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2007,
in 2008 and 2013, respectively. His doctoral dis- the master’s degree in educational technology
sertation investigates the factors influencing the from the Faculty of Education, UTM, in 2009,
development of eGovernment in Saudi Arabia, and and the Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Comput-
it is a qualitative investigation of the developers’ ing, UTM, in 2017. Her research interests include
perspectives. He is currently an Assistant Profes- human–computer interaction, such as social media
sor of ICT at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi use, implementation process, E-Learning, collab-
Arabia, where he is also a Faculty Member of the orative learning, and constructivism theory and
Computer Science Department, Community College. His research interests technology adoption.
include electronic commerce, M-government, and the eHealth systems.

14276 VOLUME 6, 2018

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