Eng 10 Technische Information
Eng 10 Technische Information
Eng 10 Technische Information
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is a well-established and widely used material for process and pilot plants in the
chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well as in many related industries such as beverage or
precious metal refinery industry.
There are many reasons for the wide application range of borosilicate glass in these industries:
The transparency of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 enables continuous visual control of processes.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is corrosion resistant against nearly all media, especially against strong
acids. The materials usually used together with Borosilicate Glass 3.3, mainly PTFE, have a
similar corrosion resistance.
The smooth and non-porous surface avoids fouling and encrustation.
Unlike metals, the catalytic indifference of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 avoids catalytic reactions.
Influences on taste and smell can be precluded.
Glass has no adverse physiological properties.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is not flammable.
Recycling of the glass is possible.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is widely used in laboratories as well. Therefor no change of material is
necessary for the scale-up to pilot and process plants.
The properties of glass remains nearly unchanged for the whole permitted standard
temperature and pressure range.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is an approved and proven material in the construction of pressure
NORMAG uses the excellent material properties of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 in combination with PTFE in
a complete manufacturing system. This well-established and consequently used construction set of
components is conform to the main European directives for a range from DN 15 to DN 600.
Essential for the construction set is the high reliability and wide pressure resistance of the connections
for the components. This statement is based on the use of the well-established buttress ends ball &
socket (KF) and safety flat plan flange (PF), which are in the design 2012 fully compatible to existing
flanges and further optimised.
The whole program of components, which can be delivered as standard, is described in the previous
chapters. Technical Information of the material, its production and its application are part of this chapter.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is a standardized material with the approximate composition as in table 10.1:
The chemical resistance of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is given for nearly all products. It is highly resistant in
water, salt solutions, organic substances, halogens as chlorine and many acids. Borosilicate Glass 3.3
can be used at room temperature without problems for basic solutions up to a concentration of 30 weight
%. Only for a few media such as hydrofluoric acid as well as concentrated phosphoric acid and strong
basic solutions at higher temperatures are substantial abrasion of the glass surface known.
A classification of the material Borosilicate Glass 3.3 according to common research methods had the
following results (see ISO 3585 and EN 1595):
The surface corrosion depends on the individual operating conditions and media. A general statement
on the surface corrosion is not possible.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is characterized compared to other construction materials not only by ist nearly
complete corrosion resistance but although by its very small thermal expansion coefficient. Thus,
extensive actions to compensate thermal expansions are not necessary.
For the construction of apparatuses are the most important thermal properties listed up in table 10.3
(see DIN ISO 3585 and EN 1595):
Mean linear thermal expansion coefficient 20/300 = (3,3 ± 0,1) x 10-6 K-1
Mean thermal conductivity between 20 and 100 °C 20/100 = 1,2 W m-1K-1
Mean thermal conductivity between 20 und 200 °C 20/200 = 1,3 W m-1K-1
Mean specific heat capacity between 20 and 100 °C cp 20/100 = 0,84 kJ kg-1 K-1
Mean specific heat capacity between 20 and 200 °C cp 20/200 = 0,98 kJ kg-1 K-1
Density at 20 °C ρ = 2.230 kg m-3
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is an approved and proven material for the construction of pressure vessels. The
strength parameters of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 for the construction are listed up in the following table
10.4. Within the parameters is a safety factor included, the so-called K/S-factor, who comprises the
practical knowledge about the strength of glass and its properties, especially its brittleness. For practical
application needs to be considered that Borosilicate Glass 3.3 as a brittle material cannot reduce tension
peaks at small cracks or scattered transitions. Especially for Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is the neglectable
temperature dependence of the strength parameters and the significantly higher compressive then
tension strength.
These experiences are considered in the EN 1595. As the basis for the design of glass components are
the enclosed properties for the permitted tension, bending and compressive strength fixed in the EN
1595. As a conservative approach, the surface consistency has been in worst-case practical conditions
while elaborating these design values.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is an optical transparent material with a corresponding high transparency of
radiation in the visible wavelength zone.
For some applications such as photochemical reactions is the light transparency in the ultraviolet range
of great importance. For applications such as the photochemical chlorination (absorption in the range of
280 – 400 nm) is Borosilicate glass suitable, for applications in the shorter wavelength range are other
glasses like quartz glass advantageous.
For the production of light sensitive substances is brown-coated Borosilicate glass recommended. For
these permanent special coatings, the UV light transparency is widely reduced.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 has nearly ideal-elastic behaviour up to temperatures close to the transformation
temperature above 500 °C and keeps up to this temperature its mechanical strength. Due to the use of
PTFE as gasket material and in addition to avoid temperature shocks is the permissible temperature
range for standard applications limited to –50 up to +200 °C.
For temperatures below the freezing point the tension strength rises, so that Borosilicate Glass 3.3 in
combination with suitable gaskets can be used at even lower temperatures as well. Vice versa are
applications for temperatures above 200 °C possible.
A special consideration for the permissible temperature range as well as for the temperature shock is
for jacketed vessels necessary. Therefore and for other special applications please contact our specialist
Rapid changes of the media temperatures inside or outside of glass components lead to quick changes
of the wall temperature, which should be avoided. Additional thermal tensions in the glass wall occur
reducing the permissible operation pressure of the corresponding component. In extreme cases, this
so-called temperature shock results in a spontaneous breakage of the glass.
The resistance of glass to temperature changes depends mainly on the operation conditions and the
wall thickness. There is no general recommended safety factor for all possible operation conditions. A
recommended and in most cases conservative value for quick temperature changes is max. 100 K.
Such quick temperature changes will typically not occur with heating / cooling units. Thus, the
temperature shock needs to be considered only for deviations from this standard case for jacketed
vessels, tubes or heat exchangers.
It is necessary to consider the permissible temperature shock for various applications. Examples are
filling applications or injection of cold liquids onto hot glass components as well as for the case of
possible cold drops onto a hot glass wall. It is unavoidable that the cooling down of glass components
needs to be in any cases within the given permissible operation data, typically by natural heat flow to
the surrounding atmosphere.
The following data are the basis for the determination of the wall temperature difference ∆W and due
to that the wall thickness calculation.
table 10.5: design basis for the wall temperature calculation for Borosilicate Glass 3.3
The media temperature difference ∆M, see figure 1.2, should not be confused with the wall temperature
difference ∆W which is important for the mechanical strength calculation. The wall temperature
difference ∆W can be determined with respect to the media temperature difference, wall thickness,
geometry, as well as inner and outer heat transfer coefficient. The listed up inner heat transfer coefficient
i of 1.200 Wm-2K-1 covers the most in reality occurring applications conservative. A significantly larger
influence on the wall temperature difference ∆W has the outer heat transfer coefficient a. The given
value of 11,6 Wm-2K corresponds to a building with infiltration respectively an outside installation which
is wind protected.
Beside these standard applications for vessels and piping are for i for liquids and vapour as well as for
a for the surrounding the following cases for glass components and apparatuses to be considered:
Vessels, piping, generally single wall components
- inside liquid
- surrounding air (inside building with infiltration, outside wind protected)
- inside spirals / tubings liquid
- outside spirals / tubings vapour
- surrounding air (inside building with infiltration, outside wind protected)
heat exchanger
- inside spirals / tubings liquid
- outside spirals / tubings liquid
- surrounding air (inside building with infiltration, outside wind protected)
Jacketed vessels and pipes
- inside liquid
- jacket liquid
- surrounding air (inside building with infiltration, outside wind protected)
Please consider if for your application deviations to larger heat transfer coefficients are possible. For
these cases, please contact our specialists for support.
figure 10.2: temperature shape across a glass wall for Borosilicate Glass 3.3
Glass components can be used even for full vacuum inside the component for all diameters, if they are
not otherwise marked.
The general permissible overpressure of single wall glass components is listed up in table 10.6
depending on the general operation conditions and the diameter of the component respectively the
volume of flasks. For double or multiwall components, such as jacketed vessels or heat exchangers,
individual permissible operation conditions are required. Please contact therefore our specialists for
Standard gaskets of type CGE for the whole range as well as other PTFE standard components at room
temperature are permitted for the listed pressure range as well. For deviating applications, please
contact our specialists for support as well.
In case of gaseous over pressure in glass, apparatuses are suitable protection devices necessary.
Main diameter DN 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 225 300 400 450 600
Glass comp. ps (bar) 6 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 0,5 0,5 0,5
Basis for the mechanical strength calculation of all glass components of this catalogue is the maximum
permissible temperature difference ∆W through the wall which is calculated based on the temperature
difference ∆M between the outer side (surrounding) and the inner side (product zone) for the given
The mechanical strength calculation is based on the directives AD2000-Regelwerkes and EN 1595.
Basis for the marking of components made of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 suitable for pressure vessels is
the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23EG as well as the norm EN 1595 (“pressure vessels made of
Borosilicate Glass 3.3”). Additional data on the glass component are due to quality control requirements
(traceability, correct use of customer, etc.) and are agreed on with the Notified Body. Items, that are
part of the catalogue, have a simplified marking. Based on the item number, the permissible operating
conditions can be found in the catalogue.
In table 10.9 and the corresponding figures is the marking of glass components and the meaning
Deviating from table 10.9 will components with the main diameter DN 15 and DN 25 marked without
CE-Logo (see article 3, paragraph 3 of the guideline 97/23/EG).
Components and buttress ends made of Borosilicate Glass 3.3 do have in practical applications -
besides covering the permissible pressure and temperature requirements – to transfer the required
sealing force from the backing flanges to the gasket. Further requirements are for example the TA-Luft
requirements for the complete connection concerning maximum leakage rate – resulting in enhanced
tolerance and surface requirements especially in the sealing zone of the buttress end – or as another
example GMP-requirements with a corresponding design of the inner buttress end and gasket form.
For all these requirements for connections and buttress ends, the safety plan flange system (PF) and
ball-socket system (KF) are well established. Both flange types have been from NORMAG continuously
adjusted to these rising requirements, keeping full compatibility to existing types.
The PF-flange with its fire polished sealing area and precise groove for the gasket covers a production
range from DN 15 to DN 150 while the KF-flanges cover a production scale from DN 15 to DN 600 with
its smooth ground-sealing surface. For the diameter range from DN 200 to 600 is the KF-flange system
used for both flange systems as in existing installations.
figure 10.3: Connection system PF and KF for Borosilicate Glass 3.3 in the pilot plant and production
The most important dimensions of the PF and KF buttress ends are listed up in table 10.9 and 10.10,
based on the enclosed sketches of the buttress ends.
DN 15-300
DN D1 D2 D3 D4 Typ
15 17 23 30 16,5–17,5 B,C
25 24 34 44 22,75–25,25 B,C
40 40 51 62 38,2–41,8 B,C A
50 50 63 76 48–52 B,C
80 82 96 110 77,5–82,5 B,C
100 102 116 130 97,6–104,4 B,C
150 155 169 184 147–155 B,C
200 205 220 233 196,2–205,8 B,C
300 304 321 338 294,9–307,1 B,C
400 408 465 394,9-407,1 D
450 457 526 438,5–459,5 D
600 615 684 587,5–612,5 D B
DN D1 D2 D3 D4 Typ
15 15 23 28,6 16,5–17,5 A
25 26 34 42,2 24,75–27,25 A
40 39 48 57,4 37–40,2 A
50 50 60,5 70 48–52 A
80 78 88 99,2 74,5–79,5 A
100 108 120,5 132,6 97,6–104,4 A
150 159 172 185 147–155 A
200 203 220 233 196,2–205,8 C
300 304 321 338 294,9–307,1 C
DN 400-600
400 408 465 394,9-407,1 D
450 457 526 438,5–459,5 D
600 615 684 587,5–612,5 D
TA-Luft certificate
The connections systems for buttress ends safety plan flange (PF) and ball socket flange (KF) are well-
established and high qualitative flange systems. With respect to full compatibility to existing applications
has NORMAG the flanges and connection systems further developed due to the rising requirements for
these systems.
Correspondingly are both flange systems from NORMAG certified as „high quality connection system“
and „high quality valve systems“ due to TA-Luft recommendations for the whole diameter range.
The corresponding certificates are in figure 10.4.
The connections systems for buttress ends safety plan flange (PF) and ball socket flange (KF) are well-
established and high qualitative flange systems. With respect to full compatibility to existing applications
has NORMAG the flanges and connection systems further developed due to the rising requirements for
these systems.
Correspondingly, we can provide for both flange systems from NORMAG material certificates 2.1 and
FDA material conformity certificates for PTFE components.
Examples for the corresponding certificates are in figure 10.5.
figure 10.5: material certificates 2.1 for Borosilicate Glass 3.3 and FDA-conformity for PTFE
For the protection of glass components to surface demolition, splinters and impacts offers NORMAG
coatings of the outer surface of the glass components. These coatings can be added independent from
the form onto used and new glass component. Already coated glass components can be decoated for
repairs and for example to add an additional nozzle.
figure 10.3: Exemplary connection with a conductive coating, conductive gasket and earthing
For GMP applications of components and apparatuses is special attention necessary in the design of
the components – in many cases is a special non-standard design necessary – and in the selection of
appropriate materials.
A dead-space minimised construction to ensure a nearly complete draining as well as a simple and
effective method for CIP cleaning are key targets in the GMP-design of components and apparatuses.
In addition, FDA material certificates for PTFE components are provided.
For applications of glass units in EX-zones are the ATEX-guideline 94/9/EX as well as the guideline for
electrostatics TRBS 2153 of importance. Generally there are no limitations in the use of glass
components and apparatuses if the corresponding components are chosen with respect to the existing
EX-zones. Glass components can be used directly in the outer EX-Zone 1 (IIA/B) and 2 (IIA/B/C). Only
for the outer EX-Zone 1 (IIC) are additional requirements to be considered. Examples are the conductive
coating of glass components combined with a corresponding earthing. If for - as a standard non-
conductive materials - electrostatic loading might occur then the requirements according to TRBS 2153
needs to be considered in addition. Depending on the dimension of the component correspondingly
earthing of outer metal parts (screws M8 including all standard length do not need earthing) as well as
the use of conductive PTFE-components with earthing might be required.
Components made of conductive PTFE with earthing contact can be delivered as a standard (Option –
For repairs please download the release certificate in the actual form from our homepage
www.normag-glas.com and send this document together with the component to be repaired to
For the components and apparatuses in the catalogue PROZESSTECHNIK 2012 a general risk analysis
has been made with respect to the machinery directive and especially the PED 97/23/EC. To exclude
additional risks due to improper use the following residual risks have to be considered from all
Persons in the danger zone around the glass unit have to wear protection eyes Additional
information can be given on demand.
Borosilicate Glass 3.3 is a material resistant to virtually all chemical attack. Nevertheless, alkaline
solutions, hydrofluoric acid and concentrated phosphoric acid can cause some erosion. If there is
any concern that there may be a reduction in wall thickness, the required minimum wall thickness
should be checked at regular intervals.
Corrosion on the glass surface can reduce the surface tension and result in a reduced permissible
pressure. In case of strong and milky turbidity or felt rough surface, the corresponding glass
component should be replaced.
Substances and unstable fluids, that can decompose or quickly react, need special safety
precautions in the use of glass plant.
Permissible operating conditions need to be in accordance with section 10 of the catalogue. The
compliance needs to be ensured if necessary by means of additional measures such as bursting
discs or pressure relief valves, over-fill prevention as well as temperature or pressure limiters. The
permissible operating pressure should be observed in every case, including when leakage tests,
function tests and start-up of the plant is made.
The maximum permissible operating temperature for glass components need to be in accordance
with section 10 of the catalogue. The temperature should be observed and where necessary, e.g.
for electrical heating or exothermic reaction, ensured by the use of suitable measuring and
protection equipment.
For non-insulated plants operating at temperatures in excess of 120 °C the thermal shock limit
could be exceeded by cold water sprayed onto the equipment by a sprinkler system. To avoid this,
sprinkler heads should not be mounted near unprotected glass plant or the plant needs to be
protected for example with a transparent shield. In the event of a fire high temperatures may arise
which could also result in breakage of the glass.
No extra loads, such as reaction or mechanical forces on side branches, are permitted. Bellows
included in interconnecting pipework can avoid extra loads.
Mechanical damage / protective measures: The tubular structure supporting the equipment or
plant also provides protection against damage from external sources and prevents other items
coming into contact with it. Parts of the plant that are located outside the structure must be
protected against mechanical damage. Parts of the plant, which can reach a surface temperature
higher than 60° C in operation and which are located outside the support structure, must be
provided with protection against contact or corresponding operation advices.
Additional safety devices are available in the form of safety screens, spray guards, coated and
wrapped glass components.
For heat exchangers a damage to the coil batteries in coil type heat exchangers or the heat
exchange tubes in shell and tube heat exchangers might occur a mix of the service fluid and
product. In case this mixture reacts resulting in the generation of higher pressure and temperature,
protections should be made to keep the media separate.
If glass connections will be opened the use of new gaskets is recommended. PTFE-components
such as bellows should be replaced in case of first signs of damages (erosion of seat area,
The PF- and KF-connections do have very good assembly properties. Glass assemblies can be done
without problems from less experienced persons, of course with possible support from NORMAG. In
addition NORMAG or partner companies can provide training of your staff. For the installation of a new
unit the experienced fitters from NORMAG or partner companies should be contacted for a quick and
correct assembly.
Typically a leakage test will be made after the assembly of a glass unit.
For the assembly of glass connections please do not exceed the permitted torques according to table
connection connection connection
type CC, CP, CS type CC, CP, CS type CA
15 1,5 1,0 1,0
25 2 1,5 2,5
40 2 1,5 3,5
50 2 1,5 3,5
80 2 2 3,5
100 2 2 4,5
150 3 3,5 4,5
200 4 4 4,5
225 4 - -
300 4 4 4,5
400 7 7 -
450 7 7 -
600 12 12 -
Table 10.11: Maximum torque for screws* in Nm for glass connection systems
* The given maximum torques for screws are only necessary for the maximum permissible operating
conditions. They can be reduced for operations at lower conditions.
The weight list of the components in the catalogue «PROZESSTECHNIK 2012» is ordered
All weights listed up are, if not otherwise marked, in kg and are net weights. Deviations are due to the
production methods possible.
We reserve the right for technical changes that might have an influence on the weight.