ECE F434 Digital Signal Processing I Sem 15-16 HO
ECE F434 Digital Signal Processing I Sem 15-16 HO
ECE F434 Digital Signal Processing I Sem 15-16 HO
FIRST SEMESTER 2015 – 2016
Bulletin Description:
Introduction: Design of analog filters, design of digital filters, (IIR, FIR), structures for the realization of
digital filters, random signals and random processes, linear estimation and prediction, Weiner filters, DSP
Processors architecture, DSP algorithms for different applications.
Course Description:
This course deals with the design of analog filters like Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic and digital filter
design for both IIR & FIR filters. Different filter structures for the realization of digital filters will be
discussed. Multirate DSP will be introduced. DSP Processor architecture and implementation of DSP
algorithms will be part of the course which will be emphasized upon.
Text Book:
TB1. “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach”, S K Mitra, TMH, 3 ed. 2006.
Reference Books:
RB1. “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach”, Emmanuel C Ifeachor & Barrie W. Jervis, Pearson
Education Asia, Second Ed., 2003.
RB2. “Digital Signal Processing : Principles, Algorithms & Application”, John G Proakis & D G Manolakis, PHI, 1998
RB3. “Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming and Applications”, B. Venkataramani & M
Bhaskar, TMH, 2002.
RB4. TI DSP Processor User Manuals
Evaluation Scheme:
General instructions:
Students should come prepared for classes and carry the prescribed text book(s) or material(s) as
advised by the Course Faculty to the class.
Notices: will be displayed on the III year EEE notice board
Contact Details:
Dr. Mary Lourde R., Associate Professor (EEE), Room No. A 204,
Contact Tel : + 971 50 6973143; Email id :