To The Are in The Is Of: - Who-Q
To The Are in The Is Of: - Who-Q
To The Are in The Is Of: - Who-Q
or nominal group):
1. 77tis is the quickest route: fum left at the ligtrts, straight on to a roudabout, then rigtlt ...
2. Thatwas a pleasant surprise, your pomotian
(Examples from Morley, 1985, pp. 77-78)
Endophora and exophora. Textual references is also called endophoric reference, i.e. reference within or inside
the text, to portions of the text. lt is illustrated by all the examples mentioned above. When reference is made to
the e*ralinguistic reality, we speak of exo$toric reference, i.e" reference to entities outside the text. The term
situational reference is commonly used when the referents are in the immediate sunounding reality. lf the
situational context is extended along social and cultural dimensions, the sense itself of 'situational reference'
changes'rts dimensions.
Reference and co-refercnce. ln the traditional semantic view the relation of reference is taken to hold between
expressions in the text and entities of the world, thus roughly coinciding with exophoric reference (although it may
include reference to the text gua text, i.e. as 'entity of ihe world). The term co+eferene is applied to relations
between expressions in different pads of the text (see ENDOPHORA above).
Another use of coteferene is not strictly textual. Brown & Yule (1985) speak of co-reference where Halliday &
Hasan (1976) used the term reference in their own particular way. ln this view, co-referential forms "instead of
being interpreted semantically in their own right ... make reference to something else for their interpretation"
(Halliday & Hasan, 1976, 0.31). The types of co-reference relationships are illustrated by the following examples:
Generic and nongeneric refercnce. Leaving aside the philosophical, logical and terminological problems, we
often say of noun phrases that they have generb reference when used in generic propositions, i.e. propositions
Textual reference, which is a semantic relationship, is often distinguished lram substitution which is a formal relationship
(lexico-grammatical), the 'structural mechanism', as Halliday puts it, for signalling the connection between the full lexical
expression and the pro-form substitute.