Diksha Project

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Submitted by


Under the guidance of



Department of Aerospace Engineering

Amity School of Engineering and Technology

Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow Campus

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There are people who affects and encourages you to do things that you never have thought
you are capable of doing."

Among these, are my family, faculties and friends to whom I wish to extend my gratitude upon
completion of my major project.

Through the columns of this report, I would like to take an opportunity to thank our HOD
Prof(Dr.) A.K.Jouhari for encouraging and directing us in direction of doing this project. I would
also like to thank Prof. Vinod Saxena ​and Mr. ​Sumit Krishnan​, who gave me full guidance
during execution of project.

Diksha Sahjwani


B.Tech (Aerospace)

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In today's scenario, the quest for learning about the flying vehicles has increased widely. The
vision that learning should be of vital importance is followed. This project follows the
continuation of our previous project which was fabrication and modelling of an RC aircraft.
After understanding the aerodynamics, we have tried to put our effort in scaling down our model
and calculating the respective forces on it experimentally. Both of these were intricate jobs. But
through continues and rigorous effort, and after some failures, we were finally able to calculate
the respective lift and drag forces.

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I​, DIKSHA SAHJWANI​, student of B.Tech (Aerospace engineering), Batch 2013-17, hereby
declare that Major Project Report entitled " DESIGNING OF HIGH WING RC PLANE AND
ESTIMATION OF L&D IN WIND TUNNEL​" submitted by us to the department of
Aerospace Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University,
Lucknow campus​, for fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of ​Bachelor of
Technology ​in Aerospace Engineering, has not been previously formed the basis for the award
of any degree, diploma or any other similar titled or recognition.


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1. OVERVIEW.....................................................................................6

2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................7

3. DEFINITIONS...................................................................................9

4. PREVIOUS WORK.........................................................................12

4.1 Basics of aerodynamics...................................................................12

4.2 Types of Airfoil...............................................................................13

4.3 Design of the Trainer aircraft..........................................................14

4.4 Electronic selection..........................................................................15

5. PRESENT WORK............................................... ...........................16

6. METHODOLOGY……………………………..…………………..17

6.1. SPRING BALANCE METHOD…………………………..……...18

6.2. STRAIN GAGE METHOD……………………………………….19-20

7. REQUIREMENT..........................................................................21

7.1 U-Tube Manometer..........................................................................21

7.2 Pitot-Static tube…..………………………………………………..22

7.3 Wind Tunnel. …………………………………………….……....23

7.4 Components of Wind Tunnel………………………………………24

7.5 Specifications of wind tunnel………………………………………25-27

7.6 Spring Deflection Apparatus……………………………………….28

8.EXPERIMENTAL WORK…………………………………………29

8.1 Wind Tunnel Testing………………………………………………30

8.2Calculation Of C​L​ and C​D​…………………………………………..30-35

8.3 CFD Analysis………………………………………………………36

9.ERRORS AND REASONS…………………………………………37

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The prospect of this report is to estimate the aerodynamic forces (lift and drag) and the
performance of a scaled down R/C model.

The objective is to make people understand that the analysis and performance of R/C model is
identical to full scale airplane.

Wind tunnels are used to observe the physical phenomena of the aircraft model when the aircraft
is stationary. The air flows over aircraft in the test section and we observe the lift and drag forces
on the scaled down model.

In the present time we have software like ANSYS providing Computational fluid dynamics
which do analysis of physical changes on the body. We will compare the experimental data with
the simulated data and try to find the errors and significant reasons of error.

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Fig.1 Basic Forces on an Aircraft


The two main forces - Lift and Drag, acts as the backbone of any flying vehicle. Since the
demand for efficiency in calculation of these forces has increased for better flight, thereby
increasing the difficulties in measuring through theoretical results. Therefore, experimental data
for scaled-down model aircrafts are used to define the aerodynamic characteristics of a real
aircraft and then comparing those with the theoretically predicted results. Experimental analysis
provides a upper hand in data where theory is deficient. Also, to apply these results to full scale
model, certain similar conditions must be met.The similitudes of geometric configuration as well
as similitude of angle of attack are of shear importance.

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In our previous project, we managed to make a successful flight of a Rc aircraft model meeting
the specific requirements. Continuing this, we have also run those experiments on XFLR
software for comparison of desired results.

Although there are many references to similarity in the literature that require a comprehensive
report to clarify and summarize the various techniques for wind tunnel. But this report covers
parameters encountered in dynamic model tests, it does not include the results which may be
important for individual cases such as scaling of viscous damper in the control system or more
related example could be of scaling of physical parameters for icing test.

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1. LIFT​–Lift is an aerodynamic force acting perpendicular to free stream velocity. It is
generated due to effect of net pressure acting normal to the surface.

Fig.2 Aerodynamic force over an aerofoil

[Ref.2 http://cdn4.explainthatstuff.com/how-airfoil-wing-makes-lift.png]

2. ​DRAG ​– The Drag is an aerodynamic force which acts parallel to the free stream velocity in
the opposite direction of the motion of the aircraft.

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Fig.3 Lift And Drag over an Aerofoil

[Ref. http://aerospaceengineering.aero/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lift-drag.gif]

Types of Drags-

1. SKIN FRICTION DRAG​–Skin friction drag is the resisting force which is generated
due to the viscous phenomena between flow and the surface of aircraft.

Fig.4 Skin friction drag

[Ref. http://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Friction_Drag]

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2. PRESSURE DRAG​–It is generated due to the flow separation, sometimes called as form

3. ​PROFILE DRAG​–Profile drag is the term used for the sum of skin friction drag and pressure
drag for a two dimensional aerofoil.

4. ​INDUCED DRAG​- This drag results from the influence of trailing vortices around
aerodynamic centre.

Fig.5 Induced Drag due to Vortices

[Ref. http://www.pilotwings.org/induced-drag.html]

5. ​AEROFOIL​- Aerofoil is the cross section of the wing cut parallel to the XZ plane.

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Fig.6 Different types of Aerofoil


6. ​REYNOLDS NUMBER​–Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity. It is the ratio of the

inertia forces to the viscous forces.

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Previous work
Previously, we have made a Styrofoam model of high wing R/C aircraft after thoroughly
studying the basics of aircraft. The fabrication and modelling was done with successful flight.

4.1 Basics of aerodynamics

Fig.7 Basics of an Airplane

[Ref. https://www.flyinggiants.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89349]

i) Neutral point - A point where all the forces of wing and tail are balanced.

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ii) Aerodynamic center - It is the point with which pitching moment coefficient does not vary
with angle of attack.

iii) Center of gravity (CG) - The point where weight of the whole airplane acts.

4.2 Types of Aerofoil

i) Symmetrical aerofoils - These aerofoils are distinguished by having similar upper and lower
surfaces. The mean camber line and chord line are same (eg.NACA0012, NACA009 etc.).

Fig.8 Symmetric Airfoil


ii) Non symmetric aerofoils - These aerofoils have non identical upper and lower surfaces with a
greater curvature of aerofoil above the chord line than below. This type of aerofoils are generally
called cambered aerofoils. (eg. ClarkY)

Fig.9 Cambered Airfoil

[Ref. http://www.pilotwings.org/airfoil-efficiency.html]

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iii) Reflexed Airfoil - An airfoil where the camber line curves near the trailing edge.

Fig.10 Reflexed Airfoil

[Ref. www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?1643954-Most-Efficient-FPV-Plane]

4.3 ​Design of the Trainer aircraft

1. Purpose/requirements

In this design, we modelled the aircraft keeping in mind about the high wing trainer aircraft as
the basic requirement to be fulfilled. In this case our requirements were:

a) Trainer aircraft

b) Wingspan =1m

c) Cambered aerofoil so as to provide descent lift coefficient

d) Light weighted for gliding

2. Weight Estimation

Total weight of our aircraft was estimated by considering the weight of electronics and structural
estimates were taken from historical data. So,

W​total​ = W​electronics​ + W​structural

In our design, our calculations or weight were

W​structural​= 250gm (from historical data)

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W​electronics​= 250-300gm

Therefore,W​total​= 500-550 gm

3. Airfoil selection - Airfoil is generally selected based on the design requirements. The database
for the airfoil which we used was taken from UIUC airfoil database. We considered 4-5 airfoils
meeting our requirements and then they were compared in simulation software like XFLR5.Their
C​l​ and C​d​ values were considered with respect to aerofoil

Fig.11Cl vs Alpha curve for a Clark Y air foil by XFLR 5 Software

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Fig.12 Cd vs Alpha curve for a Clark Y air foil by XFLR 5 Software

The appropriate results were given by Clark Y aerofoil.The results of which are mentioned

Fig.13 Clark Y air foil


4. Wing sizing - Clark Y has C​l ​values around 0.7-0.8(according to XFLR analysis)

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L = 1/2 ρ v​2 ​S​w​C​l

Therefore,0.5*9.8= 0.5*1.225*8​2​*S​w​*0.75

So, S​w​ = 0.18 m​2

5. Tail sizing - It is done on the basis of stability we need for our aircraft.It also depends on the
tail distance from wing and tail area. Using the formulas for horizontal and vertical tail, we got
the following results.

V​h​ = (0.35-0.8) V​v​=(0.03-0.07)

Putting all the values from wing sizing and doing the iterations on XFLR5, we got the following

i) for both tails :-

S​h​= 0.048 m​2​S​v​= 0.036 m​2​lt= 50cm V​h​=0.63 V​v​= 0.06

ii) For horizontal tail :-

C​r =
​ 14cm C​t =
​ 10cm b = 34cm

Sweep distance=4cm

iii) For vertical tail:-

C​r =
​ 14cm C​t =
​ 10cm b = 17cm sweep distance = 4cm

6. Fuselage sizing - It depends on the number of things you want to mount on fuselage. The
design should be as such as having minimum possible drag.

L​f​ = 1.5 * l​t

So, L​f​ = 1.5 * 50 =75cm

Above calculation was just a rough estimate, actual length of the fuselage was 78cm.

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4.4 Electronic selection

i) A brushless electric motor was used for propelling the aircraft which is powered by an electric
source using an electric speed controller (ESC)

ii) ESC helps us control the RPM of the motor by receiving the signal from a external signal
wire. It changes DC voltage supply from a battery to a three phase electric power to brushless

iii) Battery, being the main power source, supplies power to servos and brushless motor

iv) Servo motors were used for movement of control surfaces.

Then the basic take-off and landing steps are followed for successful flight.

Fig.14 Flying RC Plane

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Present work
In the current work, a scale down model for an R/C aircraft was used for wind tunnel testing.
Effects of aerodynamic forces along with its performance were measured. Measurements include
air velocity, lift,drag, angle of attack. The direction of airflow around model can be visualized by
mounting threads in airflow ahead of tuft of the test model. For the experiment we have selected
the spring deflection method to figure out the values of coefficients of Lift and Drag at different
angle of attack.

Fig.15 Scale Down Model of R/C aircraft

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In order to measure the aerodynamic forces, a scaled down model of our previous R/C model
was made. The material correspondingly used was that of wood and one of the following
methods were used to measure lift and drag.


The most basic type of instrument used to measure aerodynamic forces and moments is force
balance type testing. For our experiment, a rather simple mechanical spring gauge is used.

A spring gage consists of spring that is stretched on application of force, and some kind of scale
to determine the magnitude of force.

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Fig.21 Spring Gage System

[Ref. ​https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/tunspringage.html​]

The physical principle of the spring gage is that length L extended is linearly proportional to the
force applied F through a spring constant K which depends on material and thickness of the

L = (1/K) x F


If no force is applied, the length of the spring is L0. We attached a bar to the spring that points to
zero on scale when no force is applied. When a force is applied, the spring attains some length
L1 and the bar moves by a distance L1-L0. The scale is calibrated by applying a known force
and marking the scale appropriately. For other applied force, the spring will automatically stretch
to a new value L1

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F = K x (L1 - L0)


This method is used by modern wind tunnel. The strain gage consists of long, thin wires that
extend forward and backward and securely attach to a piece of material, which is called a
substrate. When the force F is applied, the substrate and the attached wires are stretched.

Fig.22 Strain Gage Systems

[Ref. https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/tunstraingage.html]

As the wire is stretched, the cross sectional area A is decreased and the length L is increased. The
electrical resistance of the wire is given by the formula:

R = (ρ * l) / A


ρ = resistivity of material

I = current drawn by the wire

A = cross sectional area

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Stretching the wire increases the resistance. During operation, a constant voltage V is supplied
between the gage. The current [I] flowing through the gage is measured by dial. From ohm's law,
the electric current is measured by:


After calibrating it to the known amount of force, the applied force is inversely proportional to
the output current.


The assumption during this experiment is that the extension in the wire is same as the extension
of the substrate until the wire is rigidly attached to the substrate. The substrate and the wire may
also be stretched by heating the element. Therefore, care must be taken when handling, operating
and constructing the gage so that the wires remain attached to the substrate.

For our scaled down model we are going to use spring deflection method.

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6.1 U-Tube Manometer

Fig.16 U Tube Manometer

It is a device used for measuring the pressure at a point by the displacement of the fluid in
columns. It consists of a glass tube bent in a shape of U-Tube, two ends which are at lower and
upper end of pitot tube at which pressure is to be measured.

It is essential that the ratio rho​a/​rho​w be close to unity. This is not possible until the working fluid
is a gas; also having a manometer liquid of density very close to that of working fluid and giving
a well-defined meniscus at the same time at the interface is not always possible.

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Therefore, an inclined U-Tube manometer is used. If the transparent tube of manometer is set at
an angle relative to the horizontal, instead of being vertical, then the pressure difference
corresponding to vertical difference of level 'x' gives a movement of the meniscus along the

The pressure difference is measured by:

h = s sin θ


s= length of heavy liquid moved in right limb

θ = inclination of right limb with horizontal

h = vertical rise of liquid in right limb.

If θ is small, a considerable amount of magnification of the movement of the meniscus may be

achieved. One limb is usually made larger than the other. When a pressure difference is applied
across the manometer, the movement of the liquid surface in a wide limb is actually negligible
compared to that occurring narrower limb.

6.2 Pitot-Static tube

In order to measure the air velocity distribution in the wind tunnel, pitot tube is used. It is based
on the principle that if at a point, velocity of flow becomes zero then the pressure there is
increased due to the conversion of kinetic energy into pressure energy. A pitot-static tube
(figure) is a combination of pitot tube and static tube, which works more or less on same

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Fig.17Pitot Static Tube

[Ref. http://www.tree-o-life.org/ARO101/figures.html]

The principle lying behind the wind tunnel works on Bernoulli theory and Venturi effect.
According to Bernoulli’s principle, if there is an increase (or decrease) in velocity the speed of
the fluid results in decrease (or increase) in the pressure. We can derive the following results
from the Bernoulli equation,


ρ = density of fluid

v = velocity of flow

p​stag​ = stagnation pressure of free stream

p​stat​= static pressure

According to the laws governing the fluid dynamics, a fluid's velocity must increase as it passes
through a constriction to satisfy the principle of continuity, while its pressure must be decreased
to satisfy the conservation of principle of mechanical energy.

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6.3 Wind Tunnel

In general, wind tunnels are the instruments used for providing an airstream flowing under
various internal/external simulation conditions. The most common experiments taken in the wind
tunnel are force/heat transfer and flow visualization on aerodynamic structures. Depending on
the discharge of the air flow to atmosphere, it is classified as open or closed circuit wind tunnel.

The wind tunnel used in this experiment is a low speed, subsonic, open circuited wind tunnel.
The low speed wind tunnel generally limits their speed up to 20-30 m/s.

Fig.18 Low speed wind tunnel

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6.4 Components of Wind Tunnel

Fig.18 Component of a wind tunnel

[Ref. http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/wind-tunnel-toc.shtml]

1. Motor​- This is the unit which drives the airflow in the wind tunnel. The fan could be axial
or centrifugal type but axial is more preferable in closed circuit as it compensates for total
pressure loss. During operation, the fan draws air from the atmosphere through the
honeycomb or screen section.

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Fig.17 Motor and Fan Setup

2. Flow straightener and settling section ​- It consists of combinations of honeycomb and

screens. The main function of this section is to reduce the turbulence and straighten the
flow in axial direction. According to the principle, the air can enter the tunnel from any
directions but only axial flow is desired. The honeycombs are made with cells of different
shapes. These cells are aligned in stream wise direction in the settling chamber thereby
providing straightened flow.

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3. ​Contraction - The main objective is to accelerate the flow coming from settling chamber and
supplying it to test section at desired velocity. This section generally reduces the variation in
velocity at different cross section and maintains flow uniformly.

Fig.18 Contraction section of wind tunnel

4. ​Test section ​- It is the basic as well as most important part of wind tunnel where all the
aerodynamic models are mounted whilst the tunnel is operated on desired flow velocity. This
section is constructed based on the utility and aerodynamic considerations. The ideal test section
has no or less turbulence, uniform velocity at inlet, no cross flow and less operating cost.

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Fig. 19 Test section of wind tunnel
5. ​Diffuser ​- It is basically a duct with increased area which is attached downstream of test
section. After the test section, the flow is desired to move smoothly. Therefore, this geometry is
made to decrease velocity and increase pressure.

Fig.20 Diffuser

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6.5 ​Specifications of wind tunnel

Table: 1

Type: Open section wind tunnel

Total length: 700cm
length of test section 100cm
Test section of cross section 30x30
Maximum wind speed 27.6m/s
flow generation By axial flow fan
motor: 7.5HP three phase motor

speed controller Vatic manometer

Manometers: U tube Manometers

Manometer inclination angle 30.2​0
Manometer length 50cm
Manometer liquid used Distilled water
Pitot static tube For velocity measurement
6.4 Spring deflection Apparatus:

Spring deflection apparatus consists of 5 spring weight machine to observe the data.

3 of the spring is attached vertically to the aircraft two on the both side of wing at quarter chord
and one is on the top of the aircraft to measure lift and two spring is connected horizontally to
the aircraft both on the wing at quarter chord point to measure the drag on the aircraft body.

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Experimental Work

We have performed wind tunnel testing on our scaled down RC model using spring deflection
method to observe the lift and drag on the aircraft at different degrees of angle of attack and got
the desired data

Experimental Data
After running the low speed wind tunnel at 27.85 m/s velocity we observed the data [force in
grams] on each spring after using formulas of lift and drag and calculated the coefficient of lift
and drag of our scaled down RC model.

We changed angle of scaled down model with respect to apparatus to change the alpha to get
values of lift and drag at different angle of attack.

Fig.-21 Scaled down model in test section

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Lift values in grams at different degree of angle of attack.


Spring / 0° 5° 10° 13° 15°

Lift Force
1 70 185 235 255 230
2 65 160 230 245 240
3 60 95 85 105 105
Total lift in grams 215gm 440gm 550gm 605gm 575gm
Values Observed from apparatus

To convert the values of lift from grams into the Newton

N ewton = 1000

After converting the total lift force from grams to newton we get,

Angle of attack Lift

(in Newton)
0° 2.10915
5° 4.3164
10° 5.3955
13° 5.93505
15° 5.64075

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Lift at different angle of attack

After getting the Lift force values in newton we can calculate the values of coefficient of lift C​L

Formula for calculating coefficient of lift C​L

L = 21 ρV 2 SC L

CL = 2×L
ρV 2 S


S = area of wing

S = b×C


b= span of the wing

C = chord length

V= velocity of wind tunnel

ρ = density of air

L= Lift force

C​L​=coefficient of lift

For our experiment

Using the following equation we have calculated the values of C​L at

​ different degree of angle of

For scaled down model

b=22 cm C=4.5cm

ρ= 1.205 N/m​3 ​ V= 27.85 m/s S=99cm​2 ​or 0.0099m​2

Combined value of ρV​2 ​S= 9.24510

Values of C​L​at different α

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α C​L
0° 0.45627
5° 0.93377
10° 1.16212
13° 1.28393
15° 1.22026
C​L at
​ different AOA

After getting the values of C​L at

​ different angle of attacks we have plotted the graph between C​L
and α

Fig.22 CL verses α graph for scaled down model

Drags values in grams at different angle of attack

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Spring At 0° At 5° At 10° At 13° At 15°

Drag Force
1 35 130 130 140 130
2 135 90 150 160 160
Total Drag 170 240 280 300 290
in grams
To change drag force from grams to Newton
N ewton = 1000

Angle of Drag
attack (in newton)
0° 1.6677
5° 2.3544
10° 2.748
13° 2.943
15° 2.8449

After getting the Lift force values in Newton we can calculate the values of coefficient of drag

Formula for calculating coefficient of dragC​D

L = 21 ρV 2 SC D

CD = 2×D
ρV 2 S

Values of C​D at
​ different α

Table. 7

0° 0.36077
5° 0.5093
10° 0.5944
13° 0.6366
15° 0. 61543
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After getting the values of C​D at
​ different angle of attacks we have plotted the graph between C​D
and α.

Fig.23 C​D versus

​ α curve for scaled down model

CFD Analysis

We have performed our experiment in wind tunnel and got the values of C​L and ​ C​D for
​ our
scaled down model at different angle of attack for further analysis and to verify our result we
have analysed the CLARK Y air foil in the software called ANSYS.

About the software

ANSYS is a software which provides us a suite of computational fluid dynamic software in

which we can analyse the physical phenomena over a shape or a body. ANSYS provides
computational fluid dynamics software for modelling the flow. CFD software provides graphic
result which show us how fluid flow over the body and what physical phenomena happens on it.

The primary ANSYS products in the fluid area is CFD fluent in which we have performed our

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Fig.24 Ansys Workbench

After analysing the Clark Y airfoil in Computational fluid dynamic software at different angle of
attack we have got values of C​L ​and C​D.

S. No Α C​L C​D
1 0 0.4071 0.0033
2 5 0.7311 0.0306
3 10 1.0266 0.0789

The above results matches well with the values on the graph shown below which is available on
Wikipedia site: ​Link​: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airfoil#/media/File:Lift_drag_graph.JPG​.

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Fig24.C​L, C​
​ D​ versus α graph

After getting the result from CFD analysis we verified our experimental result and find out the
errors in result and try to figure out the cause of errors in experimental work.

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Errors and Reasons

Α C​L​(simulated) C​L​(experimental) C​L​ % difference

0° 0.4071 0.45627 10.7

5° 0.7311 0.93377 21.7

10° 1.0266 1.16212 11. 6

● The CFD analysis is done on Clark Y airfoil and the experiment is done on scaled down
model/ This is one of the reason for getting difference in simulated values and experimental
value of coefficient of lift.
● The drag values we are getting, at different angle of attack is very high. The cause of the
getting very high values of coefficient of drag is due to the error in the apparatus. The values
of horizontally fixed spring balance is also very high.
● The value of coefficient of lift which we getting from the experimental data for our scaled
down model is little higher than the value we got from the CFD analysis for Clark Y airfoil.
The error cause might be the error in the apparatus.

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We have performed our experiment in the wind tunnel using spring deflection apparatus and got
the values of C​L and
​ C​D to
​ verify the values. We simulated the values of C​L and
​ C​D values with
the help of CFD fluent software, found the errors and tried to figure out the reasons of error
interrupting in getting the desired results.

For our scaled down RC aircraft, we got the maximum C​L value ​ at 13° angle of attack which is
1.28, thereby increasing the angle from 13°to 15°. We have seen the decrement in the value of
C​L. This
​ is due to the stalling phenomena at 15° angle of attack as we get 1.22 value of C​L​.

Conclusion of this experiment is to get the sense of flying aircraft with the help of controller and
receiver and observe the physical phenomena of the scaled down model in the wind tunnel which
is like machine for flying aircraft on the ground.

After completing the experiment and the whole project we are able to understand the beauty of
the shape of the airfoil which makes the whole aircraft to take off from the ground and makes it
able to fly.

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John D Anderson Jr.: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics.

John D Anderson Jr.: Introduction to flight.




Image references​:

Captured from Aerodynamics Lab Amity University Lucknow (U.P.)

Nasa Official website

Google Images

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