Osu Lesson Template - No Menus
Osu Lesson Template - No Menus
Osu Lesson Template - No Menus
Central Focus (creating, presenting, interpreting, responding, and/or relating art to context)
There is a huge gap all over the world in what students are provided and have access to in
regards to schooling. Some students don’t get to work with clay until collage or any other
materials and it could put them at a disadvantage in future endeavors. Even basic things such
as technology and materials such as paper and pencils. This lesson is to show students there
are many ways to make art and many ways to share it with others.
Possible Integration
Creative Writing
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assessing rubric on how they think they did and fill out a short answer
hand out from what they learned from the Power Point.
Lesson Title Self-Portrait Mural
Length of Class Period 50 Minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 18
Beginning Date for this Lesson 04-04-2018
Ending Date for this Lesson 04-04-2018
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Vocabulary (define each)
Mural- a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall
Universal access to education- the ability of all people to have equal opportunity in education,
regardless of their social class, gender, ethnicity background or physical and mental disabilities.
Mixed media- an artwork in which more than one medium has been employed
Materials/Resources for Teacher
10 min: Introduction and PowerPoint
2 min: DEMO
1 min: Get materials
20 mins: Create art
5 min: Discussion and Share (review who Richard Duarte is)
5 min: Short Answer hand-out/ Self-assessment rubric
2 min: Clean up
5 min: Mural Critique
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Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________
Teacher: ______________________
Check Mark “Yes” or “No” according to the question:
Yes No
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Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________
Teacher: ______________________
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