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Designation: E181 − 10

Standard Test Methods for

Detector Calibration and Analysis of Radionuclides1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E181; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Sections
Counting Methods:
1.1 These methods cover general procedures for the cali- Beta Particle Counting 25-26
bration of radiation detectors and the analysis of radionuclides. Aluminum Absorption Curve 27 – 31
For each individual radionuclide, one or more of these methods Alpha Particle Counting 32 – 39
Liquid Scintillation Counting 40 – 48
may apply.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
1.2 These methods are concerned only with specific radio- standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
nuclide measurements. The chemical and physical properties standard.
of the radionuclides are not within the scope of this standard.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.3 The measurement standards appear in the following safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
order: responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Sections priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Spectroscopy Methods:
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Calibration and Usage of Germa-
nium Detectors 3 – 12
Calibration and Usage of Scintillation
2. Referenced Document
Detector Systems: 13 – 20 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
Calibration and Usage of Scintillation
Detectors for Simple Spectra 16 E170 Terminology Relating to Radiation Measurements and
Calibration and Usage of Scintillation Dosimetry
Detectors for Complex Spectra 17

These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E10 on Nuclear
Technology and Applications. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2010. Published February 2010. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1961. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as E181 – 98(2003). DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/E0181-10. the ASTM website.

3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:

3.1.1 certified radioactivity standard source—a calibrated 3.1.4 national radioactivity standard source—a calibrated
radioactive source, with stated accuracy, whose calibration is radioactive source prepared and distributed as a standard
certified by the source supplier as traceable to the National reference material by the U.S. National Institute of Standards
Radioactivity Measurements System (1).3 and Technology.
3.1.2 check source—a radioactivity source, not necessarily 3.1.5 resolution, gamma ray—the measured FWHM, after
calibrated, that is used to confirm the continuing satisfactory background subtraction, of a gamma-ray peak distribution,
operation of an instrument. expressed in units of energy.
3.1.3 FWHM—(full width at half maximum) the full width 3.2 Abbreviations:
of a gamma-ray peak distribution measured at half the maxi- 3.2.1 MCA—Multichannel Analyzer.
mum ordinate above the continuum. 3.2.2 SCA—Single Channel Analyzer.
3.2.3 ROI—Region-Of-Interest.
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
these methods. 3.3 For other relevant terms, see Terminology E170.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

E181 − 10
3.4 correlated photon summing—the simultaneous detection manufacturer’s limitations and cautions. All tests described in
of two or more photons originating from a single nuclear Section 12 should be performed before starting the
disintegration. calibrations, and all corrections shall be made when required.
3.5 dead time—the time after a triggering pulse during A check source should be used to check the stability of the
which the system is unable to retrigger. system at least before and after the calibration.

NOTE 1—The terms “standard source” and “radioactivity standard” are 8. Calibration Procedure
general terms used to refer to the sources and standards of National
Radioactivity Standard Source and Certified Radioactivity Standard 8.1 Energy Calibration—Determine the energy calibration
Source. (channel number versus gamma-ray energy) of the detector
system at a fixed gain by determining the channel numbers
corresponding to full energy peak centroids from gamma rays
emitted over the full energy range of interest from multipeaked
4. Scope or multinuclide radioactivity sources, or both. Determine
4.1 This standard establishes methods for calibration, usage, nonlinearity correction factors as necessary (5).
and performance testing of germanium detectors for the 8.1.1 Using suitable gamma-ray compilations (6-14), plot or
measurement of gamma-ray emission rates of radionuclides. It fit to an appropriate mathematical function the values for peak
covers the energy and full-energy peak efficiency calibration as centroid (in channels) versus gamma energy.
well as the determination of gamma-ray energies in the 0.06 to 8.2 Effıciency Calibration:
2-MeV energy region and is designed to yield gamma-ray 8.2.1 Accumulate an energy spectrum using calibrated ra-
emission rates with an uncertainty of 63 % (see Note 2). This dioactivity standards at a desired and reproducible source-to-
method applies primarily to measurements that do not involve detector distance. At least 20 000 net counts should be
overlapping peaks, and in which peak-to-continuum consider- accumulated in each full-energy gamma-ray peak of interest
ations are not important. using National or Certified Radioactivity Standard Sources, or
NOTE 2—Uncertainty U is given at the 68 % confidence level; that is,
both (see 12.1, 12.5, and 12.6).
8.2.2 For each standard source, obtain the net count rate
U5 =( σ i2 11/3 ( δ i2 where δi are the estimated maximum systematic
uncertainties, and σi are the random uncertainties at the 68 % confidence (total count rate of region of interest minus the Compton
level (2). Other methods of error analysis are in use (3, 4). continuum count rate and, if applicable, the ambient back-
ground count rate within the same region) in the full-energy
5. Apparatus gamma-ray peak, or peaks, using a tested method that provides
5.1 A typical gamma-ray spectrometry system consists of a consistent results (see 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4).
germanium detector (with its liquid nitrogen cryostat, 8.2.3 Correct the standard source emission rate for decay to
preamplifier, and possibly a high-voltage filter) in conjunction the count time of 8.2.2.
with a detector bias supply, linear amplifier, multichannel 8.2.4 Calculate the full-energy peak efficiency, Ef, as fol-
analyzer, and data readout device, for example, a printer, lows:
plotter, oscilloscope, or computer. Gamma rays interact with Np
the detector to produce pulses which are analyzed and counted Ef 5

by the supportive electronics system.
6. Summary of Methods
Ef = full-energy peak efficiency (counts per gamma ray
6.1 The purpose of these methods is to provide a standard- emitted),
ized basis for the calibration and usage of germanium detectors Np = net gamma-ray count in the full-energy peak (counts
for measurement of gamma-ray emission rates of radionu- per second live time) (Note 3) (see 8.2.2), and
clides. The method is intended for use by knowledgeable Nγ = gamma-ray emission rate (gamma rays per second).
persons who are responsible for the development of correct NOTE 3—Any other unit of time is acceptable provided it is used
procedures for the calibration and usage of germanium detec- consistently throughout.
tors. 8.2.5 There are many ways of calculating the net gamma-
6.2 A source emission rate for a gamma ray of a selected ray count. The method presented here is a valid, common
energy is determined from the counting rate in a full-energy method when there are no interferences from photopeaks
peak of a spectrum, together with the measured efficiency of adjacent to the peak of interest, and when the continuum varies
the spectrometry system for that energy and source location. It linearly from one side of the peak to the other.
is usually not possible to measure the efficiency directly with Other net peak area calculation methods can also be
emission-rate standards at all desired energies. Therefore a used for single peaks, and must be used when there is
curve or function is constructed to permit interpolation be- interference from adjacent peaks, or when the continuum does
tween available calibration points. not behave linearly. Other methods are acceptable, if they are
used in a consistent manner and have been verified to provide
7. Preparation of Apparatus accurate results.
7.1 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up Using a simple model, the net peak area for a single
and preliminary testing of the equipment. Observe all of the peak can be calculated as follows:

E181 − 10
NA 5 Gs 2 B 2 I (2) Ts
I5 I (5)
Tb b
Gs = gross count in the peak region-of-interest (ROI) in the where:
sample spectrum, Ts = live time of the sample spectrum,
B = continuum, and Tb = live time of the background spectrum, and
I = number of counts in the background peak (if there is no Ib = net background peak area in the background spectrum.
background peak, or if a background subtraction is not
performed, I = 0). If a separate background measurement exists, the net back- The net gamma-ray count, Np is related to the net ground peak area is calculated from the following equation:
peak area as follows: Ib 5 Gb 2 Bb (6)
Np 5 (3) where:
Gb = sum of gross counts in the background peak region (of
where Ts = spectrum live time. the background spectrum), and The continuum, B, is calculated from the sample Bb = continuum counts in the background peak region (of
spectrum using the following equation (see Fig. 1): the background spectrum).
N The continuum counts in the background spectrum are
B5 ~ B 1B 2s !
2n 1s
calculated from the following equation:
where: N
Bb 5 ~ B 1B 2b !
2n 1b
N = number of channels in the peak ROI,
n = number of continuum channels on each side,4 where:
B1s = sum of counts in the low-energy continuum region in
the sample spectrum, and N = number of channels in the background peak ROI,
B2 s = sum of counts in the high-energy continuum region in n = number of continuum channels on each side (as-
the sample spectrum. sumed to be the same on both sides),
B1b = sum of counts in the low-energy continuum region in
the background spectrum, and
B2b = sum of counts in the high-energy continuum region in
the background spectrum. If the standard source is calibrated in units of
Becquerels, the gamma-ray emission rate is given by:
N γ 5 APγ (8)

A = number of nuclear decays per second, and
Pγ = probability per nuclear decay for the gamma ray (7-14).

8.2.6 Plot, or fit to an appropriate mathematical function,

the values for full-energy peak efficiency (determined in 8.2.4)
versus gamma-ray energy (see 12.5) (15-23).

9. Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rate of the

9.1 Place the sample to be measured at the source-to-
FIG. 1 Typical Spectral Peak With Parameters Used in the Peak
Area Determination Indicated detector distance used for efficiency calibration (see 12.6).
9.1.1 Accumulate the gamma-ray spectrum, recording the
count duration.
NOTE 4—These equations assume that the channels that are used to
calculate the continuum do not overlap with the peak ROI, and are 9.1.2 Determine the energy of the gamma rays present by
adjacent to it, or have the same size gap between the two regions on both use of the energy calibration obtained under, and at the same
sides. A different equation must be used, if the gaps are of a different size. gain as 8.1.
The peaked background, I, is calculated from a separate 9.1.3 Obtain the net count rate in each full-energy gamma-
background measurement using the following equation: ray peak of interest as described in 8.2.2.
9.1.4 Determine the full-energy peak efficiency for each
energy of interest from the curve or function obtained in 8.2.5.
For simplicity of these calculations, n is assumed to be the same on both sides
of the peak. If the continuum is calculated using a different number of channels on 9.1.5 Calculate the number of gamma rays emitted per unit
the left of the peak than on the right of the peak, different equations must be used. live time for each full-energy peak as follows:

E181 − 10
Np 10.1.3 Check the system resolution (typically weekly to
Nγ 5 (9)
Ef monthly) using at least one gamma-ray emitting radionuclide
When calculating a nuclear transmutation rate from a 10.1.4 Check the efficiency calibration (typically monthly to
gamma-ray emission rate determined for a specific yearly) using a National or Certified Radioactivity Standard (or
radionuclide, a knowledge of the gamma-ray probability per Standards) emitting gamma rays of widely differing energies.
decay is required (7-14), that is,
10.2 The results of all performance checks shall be recorded

A5 (10) in such a way that deviations from the norm will be readily

observable. Appropriate action, which could include
9.1.6 Calculate the net peak area uncertainty as follows: confirmation, repair, and recalibration as required, shall be
taken when the measured values fall outside the predetermined
S NA 5 Œ S D
G s1

~ B 1s 1B 2s ! 1 T s
T 2

~ S Ib! 2 (11)
10.2.1 In addition, the above performance checks (see 10.1)
should be made after an event (such as power failures or
repairs) which might lead to potential changes in the system.
S Ib 5 Œ S D
G b1

~ B 1b 1B 2b ! (12)
11. Sources of Uncertainty
and 11.1 Other than Poisson-distribution uncertainties, the prin-
SNA = net peak area uncertainty (at 1σ confidence level), cipal sources of uncertainty (and typical magnitudes) in this
Gs = gross counts in the peak ROI of the sample spectrum, method are:
Gb = gross counts in the peak ROI of the background 11.1.1 The calibration of the standard source, including
spectrum, uncertainties introduced in using a standard radioactivity
N = number of channels in the peak ROI, solution, or aliquot thereof, to prepare another (working)
n = number of continuum channels on each side (as- standard for counting (typically 63 %).
sumed to be the same on both sides for these 11.1.2 The reproducibility in the determination of net full-
equations to be valid), energy peak counts (typically 62 %).
B1s = continuum counts left of the peak ROI in the sample 11.1.3 The reproducibility of the positioning of the source
spectrum, relative to the detector and the source geometry (typically
B2s = continuum counts right of the peak ROI in the sample 63 %).
spectrum, 11.1.4 The accuracy with which the full-energy peak effi-
B1b = continuum counts left of the peak ROI in the back- ciency at a given energy can be determined from the calibration
ground spectrum, curve or function (typically 63 %).
B2b = continuum counts right of the peak ROI in the 11.1.5 The accuracy of the live-time determinations and
background spectrum, pile-up corrections (typically 62 %).
Ts = live time of the sample spectrum, and
Tb = live time of the background spectrum.
12. Precautions and Tests
If there is no separate background measurement, or if no 12.1 Random Summing and Dead Time:
background subtract is performed, SIb = 0. 12.1.1 Precaution—The shape and length of pulses used can
9.1.7 For other sources of error, see Section 11. cause a reduction in peak areas due to random summing of
pulses at rates of over a few hundred per second (25, 26).
10. Performance Testing Sample count rates should be low enough to reduce the effect
10.1 The following system tests should be performed on a of random summing of gamma rays to a level where it may be
regularly scheduled basis (or, if infrequently used, preceding neglected, or one should use pile-up rejectors and live-time
the use of the system). The frequency for performing each test circuits, or reference pulser techniques of verified accuracy at
will depend on the stability of the particular system as well as the required rates (27-33).
on the accuracy and reliability of the required results. Where NOTE 5—Use of percent dead time to indicate whether random
health or safety is involved, much more frequent checking may summing can be neglected may not be appropriate.
be appropriate. A range of typical frequencies for noncritical 12.1.2 Test:
applications is given below for each test. If the maximum total count rate (above the ampli-
10.1.1 Check the system energy calibration (typically daily fier noise level) ever used is less than 1000 s−1 and the
to semiweekly), using two or more gamma rays whose energies amplifier time constant is less than 5 µs, this test need not be
span at least 50 % of the calibration range of interest. Correct performed. Otherwise, accumulate a 60Co spectrum with a total
the energy calibration, if necessary. count rate of less than 1000 counts per second until at least 25
10.1.2 Check the system count rate reproducibility (typi- 000 counts are collected in the 1.332 and 1.173 MeV full-
cally daily to weekly) using at least one long-lived radionu- energy peaks. A mixed isotopic point source may be used.
clide. Correct for radioactive decay if significant decay (>1 %) Record the counting live time. The source may be placed at any
has occurred between checks. convenient distance from the detector.

E181 − 10 Evaluate the activity of 60Co utilizing first the full applied to the net full-energy-peak count rate if the sample-to-
photon peak area at 1.332 MeV and then the area at 1.173 MeV, detector distance is 10 cm or less. The correction factor is
including any methods employed to correct for pile-up and expressed as:
dead time losses. 1 Without moving the 60Co source, introduce a 57Co C5
Π in ~ 1 2 q i ε i !
source, or any other source with no gamma rays emitted with
an energy greater than 0.662 MeV. Position the added source so where:
that the highest count rate used for gamma-ray emission rate C = correlated summing correction to be applied to the
determinations has been achieved. measured count rate, Erase the first spectrum and accumulate another n = number of gamma or X rays in correlation with gamma
spectrum for the same length of time as in The same ray of interest,
live time may be used, if the use of live time constitutes at least i = identification of correlated photon,
a part of the correction method. qi = fraction of the gamma ray of interest in correlation with Evaluate the activity of 60Co utilizing first the full the ith photon, and
photon peak area at 1.332 MeV and then the area at 1.173 MeV, εi = total detection efficiency of ith correlated photon.
including any methods employed to correct for pile-up and Correlated summing correction factors for the primary
dead time losses. For the correction method to be acceptable, gamma rays of radionuclides 60Co, 88Y, 46Sc are approximately
the resolution must not have increased beyond the range of the 1.09 and 1.03 for a 65-cm3 detector at 1 cm and at 4-cm
method and the corrected activity shall differ from those in sample-to-detector distances, respectively, and approximately by no more than 2 % 1σ (67 % confidence level). 1.01 for a 100-cm3 detector at a 10-cm sample-to-detector
12.2 Peak Evaluation: distance. The qi must be obtained from the nuclear decay
12.2.1 Precaution—Many methods (34-39) exist for speci- scheme, while the εi, which are slowly-varying functions of the
fying the full-energy peak area and removing the contribution energy, can be measured or calculated (40-42).
of any continuum under the peak. Within the scope of this 12.3.2 A similar correction must be applied when a weak
standard, various methods give equivalent results if they are gamma ray occurs in a decay scheme as an alternate decay
applied consistently to the calibration standards and the sources mode to two strong cascade gamma rays with energies that
to be measured, and if they are not sensitive to moderate total to that of the weak gamma ray (43). The correction is over
amounts of underlying continuum. A test of the latter point is 5 % for the 0.40-MeV gamma ray of 75Se when a source is
a required part of this method. counted 10 cm from a 65-cm3 detector. Other common radio-
12.2.2 Test: nuclides with similar-type decay schemes, however, do not Accumulate a spectrum from a mixed isotopic require a correction of this magnitude. For example, 47Ca
point source until at least 20 000 net counts are recorded in the (1.297 MeV), 59Fe (1.292 MeV), 144Pr (2.186 MeV), 187W
peaks of interest lower in energy than 0.662 MeV. The source (0.686 MeV), and 175Yb (0.396 MeV) require corrections
may be placed at any convenient distance from the detector. between 0.990 and 0.998 when counted at 4 cm from a 65-cm3 Determine the net peak areas of the peaks chosen in detector. with the method to be tested. Include any calculations
12.4 Correction for Decay During the Counting Period:
employed by the analysis method to be tested to correct for
dead time losses, pile-up, and background contributions. 12.4.1 If the value of a full-energy peak counting rate is Without moving the mixed isotopic point source, determined by a measurement that spans a significant fraction
introduce a 137Cs, 60Co, or any other source with no full energy of a half-life, and the value is assigned to the beginning of the
photons emitted with energies in the range 0.060 to 0.600 MeV counting period, a multiplicative correction, Fb, must be
so the continuum level of the spectrum in this range is applied,
increased 20 times. λt
Fb 5 (14) Erase the first spectrum and accumulate another 1 2 e 2λt
spectrum for the same live time as in, if the use of live where:
time constitutes at least a part of the correction method.
Fb = decay during count correction (count rate referenced Determine the net peak areas of the same peaks
to beginning of counting period),
chosen in with the method to be tested. Include any
t = elapsed counting time,
calculations employed by the analysis method to be tested to
correct for dead time losses, pileup, and background contribu-
λ = radionuclide decay constant ln2 , and,
T1/2 = radionuclide half-life.
S D T 1/2
tions. The deviations of the net peak areas from t and T1/2 must be in the same units of time (Fb = 1.01 for
the values shall be no more than 2 % 1σ (67 % t/T1/2 = 0.03).
confidence level) for the evaluation method to be acceptable. 12.4.2 If under the same conditions the counting rate is
12.3 Correlated Photon Summing Correction: assigned to the midpoint of the counting period, the multipli-
12.3.1 When another gamma ray or X ray is emitted in cative correction Fm will be essentially 1 for t/T1/2 = 0.03 and
cascade with the gamma ray being measured, in many cases a 0.995 for t/T1/2 = 0.5. If it need be applied, the correction to be
multiplicative correlated summing correction, C, must be used is:

E181 − 10
λt λt where:
Fm 5 e2 2 (15)
1 2 e 2λt Ac = corrected number of nuclear decays per second,
12.5 Effıciency Versus Energy Function or Curve—The Ao = observed number of nuclear decays per second,
expression or curve showing the variation of efficiency with µ = cm2 5 mass attenuation coefficient (44), and
energy (see Fig. 2 for an example) must be determined for a
particular detector (15-23), and must be checked for changes x = g· 1 ·cm5 mass times path length divided by volume.
with time as specified in the standard. If the full energy range cm3
covered by this standard is to be used, calibrations should be 12.6.2 If the source shape, composition, and detector dis-
made at least every 0.1 MeV from 0.06 to 0.30 MeV, about tance remain constant, the attenuation of an interspersed
every 0.2 MeV from 0.3 MeV to 1.4 MeV, and at least at one absorber are corrected as follows:
energy between 1.4 MeV and 2 MeV. Radionuclides emitting A c 5 A o ·e µx (17)
two or more gamma rays with well-established relative
12.6.3 Distribution of the radioactive constituents in the
gamma-ray probabilities may be used to better define the form
sample must be the same as in the calibration standard. Care
of the calibration curve or function. A calibration with the same
shall be taken to avoid deposition of source material on the
radionuclides that are to be measured should be made when-
surfaces of the sample container. For multiphase samples, care
ever possible and may provide the only reliable calibration
shall be taken to control the distribution of radiation among the
when a radionuclide with cascade gamma rays is measured
phases (for example, by shaking just prior to counting). For
very close to the detector.
liquid solutions containing suspended material, filtration of the
12.6 Source Geometry—A gamma ray undergoing even sample and separate counting of the filtrate and suspended
small-angle scattering is lost from the narrow full-energy peak, activities may be necessary. The use of liquid calibration
making the full-energy peak efficiency sensitive to the source standards is discouraged. If their use is necessary, they should
or container thickness and composition. For most accurate be used immediately after preparation and disposed to waste.
results, the source to be measured must duplicate, as closely as
possible, the calibration standards in all aspects (for example, CALIBRATION AND USAGE OF SCINTILLATION
shape, physical, and chemical characteristics, etc.). If this is not DETECTOR SYSTEMS
practicable, appropriate corrections must be determined and
applied. 13. Scope
12.6.1 If the source shape and detector distance remain 13.1 This method establishes methods for calibration,
constant, changes in composition are corrected as follows: usage, and performance testing of scintillation detector
µx systems, for example, sodium iodide (thallium activated)
Ac 5 Ao (16)
1 2 e 2µx [NaI(Tl)]. Scintillation detector systems are used for the

FIG. 2 Typical Efficiency Versus Energy for a Germanium Detector

E181 − 10
measurement of gamma-ray emission rates of radionuclides, 16.2 Energy Calibration—Establish the energy calibration
the assay for radioactivity, and the determination of gamma-ray of the system over the desired energy region at fixed gain.
energies. The method covers both energy calibration and Using known sources, record a spectrum containing full-
efficiency calibration. The following two techniques are con- energy peaks which span the gamma-ray energy region of
sidered: interest. Determine the channel numbers which correspond to
13.2 Multichannel Analyzer Counting for Simple Spectra two gamma-ray energies that are near the extremes of the
(see Section 16)—This technique applies to measurements that energy region of interest. From these data determine the slope
do not involve overlapping peaks and those for which the and the intercept of the energy calibration curve. For most
continuum under the full-energy peak can be subtracted with- applications such a linear energy calibration curve will be
out introducing unacceptable error (38). This technique applies adequate. Determine nonlinearity correction factors if neces-
to total spectrum counting and single-channel analyzer count- sary (45, 46). The energy calibration shall be determined for
ing. each amplifier gain or photomultiplier high-voltage setting
13.3 Multichannel Analysis Counting for Complex Spectra
(see Section 15)—This technique applies to measurements that 16.3 Full-Energy-Peak Effıciency Calibration (see section
involve multiple nuclides, overlapping peaks, and those for 16.12):
which the continuum under the full-energy peak cannot be 16.3.1 Accumulate gamma-ray spectra using radioactivity
subtracted without introducing unacceptable error (45). standard sources in a desired and reproducible counting geom-
etry (see 19.7). At least 10 000 net counts should be accumu-
13.4 The theory of operation of sodium iodide detectors is lated in full-energy gamma-ray peaks of interest (see 19.6 and
presented in numerous publications, including Refs (45-47). 19.8).
16.3.2 Record the live time counting interval (see 19.6,
14. Apparatus 19.9, and 19.13).
14.1 A typical spectrometry system consists of a scintillat- 16.3.3 For each radioactivity standard source determine the
ing medium; for example, NaI(Tl), one or more net counts in the full-energy gamma-ray peaks of interest (see
photomultipliers, optically coupled to the scintillator, a photo- 19.14).
multiplier power supply, detector preamplifier, linear amplifier, 16.3.4 Correct the radioactivity standard source gamma-ray
multichannel analyzer, and data readout device, for example, a emission rate for decay from the time of standardization to the
printer, plotter, oscilloscope, or computer. Ionizing radiation time at which the count rate is measured (see 19.10).
interacts with the detector to produce a flash of light, the 16.3.5 Calculate the full-energy peak efficiency, Ef, as
photomultipliers convert the light flash to an amplified electri- follows:
cal impulse, and the supportive electronics analyze and count Np
the pulses. Ef 5 (18)

15. Preparation of Apparatus where:

15.1 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up Ef = full-energy peak efficiency (counts per gamma ray
and preliminary testing of the equipment. Observe all the emitted),
manufacturer’s limitations and cautions. All preparations in Np = net gamma-ray count in the full-energy peak (counts
Section 19 should be observed during calibration and sample per second live time) (see 17.3.3), and
analysis, and all corrections shall be made when required. A Nγ = gamma-ray emission rate (gamma rays per second)
check source should be used to check the stability of the system (see Note 3).
at least before and after calibration. If the standard source is calibrated in units of becquerels, the
gamma-ray emission rate is given as follows:
16. Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) Counting for Simple N γ 5 APγ (19)
16.1 Summary of Method:
A = number of nuclear decays per second, and
16.1.1 The purpose of this method is to provide a standard-
Pγ = probability per nuclear decay for the gamma ray (7-14).
ized basis for the calibration, usage, and performance testing of
scintillation detector systems for measurement of gamma-ray
emission rates of single nuclides or from simple mixtures of 16.3.6 To obtain full-energy peak efficiency calibration data
nuclides that do not involve overlapping peaks. at energies for which radioactivity standards are not available,
16.1.2 The source emission rate for a gamma ray of a plot or fit to an appropriate mathematical function the values
selected energy is determined from the counting rate in a for the full-energy peak efficiency (from 16.3.5) versus
full-energy peak of a spectrum, together with the measured gamma-ray energy (38, 45, 46) (see 19.12). (See Fig. 1 for an
efficiency of the spectrometry system for that energy and example.)
source location. It is usually not possible to measure the 16.4 Activity Determination:
efficiency directly with emission rate standards at all desired 16.4.1 Using the instrument settings of 16.3, place the
energies. Therefore, a curve or function is constructed to sample to be measured in the same counting geometry that was
permit interpolation between available calibration points. used for the efficiency calibration (see 20.7 and 20.11).

E181 − 10
16.4.2 Accumulate enough counts in the gamma-ray spec- The lower level discriminator is set at the minimum
trum to obtain the desired statistical level of confidence (see just lower in energy than the photopeak of interest.
19.6 and 19.8). 16.5.3 Activity Determination (see 19.1, 19.2, and 20.3).
16.4.3 Record the live time counting interval (see 19.9 and Using the instrument setting of 16.5.2, place the sample to be
19.13). measured in the same counting geometry that was used for the
16.4.4 Determine the energy of the gamma rays present by efficiency calibration (see 19.7 and 19.11).
the use of the energy calibration data obtained according to 16.6 Total spectrum counting is valid only for single nuclide
16.2. sample activity determinations (see 19.1, 19.2, and 20.3).
16.4.5 Obtain the net count rate in each full-energy gamma- Calibration and assay with a total spectrum counting system is
ray peak of interest (see 19.10 amd 19.14). the same as for SCA counting (see 16.5) except that the entire
16.4.6 Determine the full energy peak efficiency for each standard or sample spectrum is the peak of interest. No
energy of interest from 16.3.5 or from the curve or function full-energy peak efficiency calibration (see 16.3) is performed.
derived in 16.3.6 (see 19.12 and 19.13). Standard total spectrum counts are ratioed directly to sample
16.4.7 Calculate the number of gamma rays emitted per unit spectrum counts acquired with the same gain and low-level
live time for each full-energy peak as follows: discriminator settings.
16.6.1 All Section 19 precautions apply.
Nγ 5 (20) 16.6.2 Obtain the net count rate for the standard and for the
sample by subtracting the ambient background count rate from
When calculating a nuclear transmutation rate from a the total count rates (see 19.10).
gamma-ray emission rate determined for a specific 16.6.3 Calculate the activity of the sample by:
radionuclide, a knowledge of the gamma-ray probability per C
decay is required (7-14), that is, A5 (22)
Nγ where:
A5 (21)

C = the net sample count rate (16.6.2), and
16.5 Single-Channel Analyzer (SCA) Counting System— R = the net standard count rate (16.6.2) divided by the time
Calibration and assay with an SCA counting system are the corrected (16.3.4) standard activity (see 19.1, 19.2, and
same as for MCA counting for simple spectra (see 16.2, 16.3 19.3).
and 16.4) with the following variations:
16.5.1 Energy Calibration—Following the manufacturer’s 17. Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) Counting for Complex
directions, or using a multichannel analyzer to observe the Spectra
gamma-ray spectrum, or using an oscilloscope to observe the 17.1 Summary of Method:
pulse height at the amplifier output, establish the approximate 17.1.1 The purpose of this method is to provide a standard-
desired output range of the system. This may be done using ized basis for the calibration, usage, and performance testing of
either a pulse generator or gamma-ray sources. Establish the scintillation detector systems for measurement of gamma-ray
energy calibration of the system over the desired energy region emissions rates of mixtures of nuclides. This method is
at a fixed gain. Using known sources, determine the relation- intended for use by knowledgeable persons who are respon-
ship between the gamma-ray energies and the corresponding sible for the development of correct procedures for the cali-
settings of the upper level and lower level discriminators. bration and usage of scintillation detectors.
Measure the count rate as a function of the lower level 17.1.2 Matrix inversion (48) of a matrix of full-energy
discriminator setting at gamma-ray energy increments of not peaks and their contribution to the energy range of other
more than 0.025 MeV, spanning the energy range of interest. nuclide full-energy peaks can be performed on calculators,
(Window widths of less than the 0.025 MeV, for example, 2 % with or without memory storage. However, computer data
of full range, might be more appropriate when radionuclides reduction is easier and iterative solutions are possible. Single
emitting low-energy gamma rays are to be assayed.) For nuclide standard spectra are acquired and normalized to one
practical purposes, the center of the window position corre- standard unit of activity, for example, 1 Becquerel, Bq. Fixed
sponding to the highest count rate may be assumed to be the whole channel ranges are assigned to represent each nuclide. A
center of the full-energy peak. The energy calibration shall be matrix of nuclide channel range count rate ratios is prepared
determined for each amplifier gain or photomultiplier high- and inverted. The representative nuclide channel range count
voltage setting used. For best results, radionuclides for which rates are multiplied by the selected inverted matrix vectors to
assays will be performed should be used for the energy determine nuclide activities in the sample.
calibration. If not practical, radionuclides with gamma rays that 17.1.3 Linear least squares resolution of gamma spectra can
span the energy region of interest shall be used (see 20.5 and only be performed with the aid of a computer (49, 50). Single
20.6). nuclide standard spectra are acquired. Linear least squares
16.5.2 Full-Energy-Peak Effıciency Calibration—Set the fitting of selected standard spectra to the sample spectrum is
lower level and upper level discriminators such that: performed to minimize residuals. The window width corresponds to approximately 17.1.4 Neither the matrix inversion nor the linear least
three times the FWHM. square methods utilize an efficiency curve or function.

E181 − 10
However, an efficiency curve or function is useful in determin- (see 17.3.5) in a sample spectrum, and if Xj equals the
ing the activity of an uncalibrated standard nuclide spectrum. photopeak area of the nuclide component to be determined,
To perform a full-energy peak efficiency calibration, perform then:
16.2 and 16.3 (see 19.12). k

17.2 Energy Calibration (same as 16.2). Ci 5 (a

ij Xj (23)

17.3 Matrix Inversion Method—Activity Calibration: The total photopeak area Ci is the sum of the contributing
17.3.1 Accumulate gamma-ray spectra using single radio- parts having k components. The system of linear equations
activity standard sources in a desired and reproducible count- representing k nuclides is as follows:
ing geometry (see 19.7). At least 10 000 net counts should be
a 11 X 1 1a 12 X 2 1a 13 X 3 1. . .1a 1k X k 5 C 1 (24)
accumulated in full-energy gamma-ray peaks of interest (see
19.6 and 19.15). The series of linear equations may be written in the matrix
17.3.2 Record the live time counting interval (see 19.6 and form: AXt = Ct
17.3.3 Determine the ambient background spectrum for
each detector/geometry (see 19.7) using a blank if appropriate. A = the aij coefficient matrix (see 17.3.7),
The ambient background may be used as a single-nuclide Xt = the transposed vector of unknown representative pho-
radioactivity standard in the determination of sample activity topeak areas due to photopeaks j = 1, 2, 3 ... k, and
Ct = the transposed vector of total representative areas from
or stripped from radioactivity standard source spectra (see
the sample spectrum.
17.3.1) using the ratio of live time counting intervals as the
normalization factor. 17.4.5 The solution to the equation AXt = Ct is Xt = A−1 Ct
17.3.4 Correct the radioactivity standard source activity to where A−1 is the inverse of matrix A. Note that i and j vectors
the time at which the standard spectrum is acquired (see 19.10). representing photopeaks of nuclides not present in the sample
17.3.5 Assign identification codes or numbers to all photo- spectrum are eliminated from the larger matrices A and A−1 (see
peaks of interest. Assign integer numbers of channels to 17.3.3).
represent photopeak areas. 17.4.6 The sample nuclide activity equals Xt divided by the
17.3.6 To calibrate, divide the peak areas of the radioactiv- calibration factor (see 17.3.6).
ity standard source spectra desired in 17.3.5 by the decay ~ c/s ! j
corrected standard activities derived in 17.3.4, for example, Bqj 5 (25)
~ c / s · Bq! j
counts/second· Becquerel.
17.3.7 Calculate contribution ratios for a coefficient matrix 17.5 Linear Least Square Method—Activity Calibration:
aij (12) 17.5.1 Accumulate gamma-ray spectra using single radio-
activity standard sources in a desired and reproducible count-
where: ing geometry (see 19.7). At least 10 000 net counts should be
i = representative photopeak code of the photopeak area accumulated in the full-energy gamma-ray peaks of interest
receiving the contribution, (see 19.6 and 19.15).
j = representative photopeak code of the radionuclide pro- 17.5.2 Record the live time counting interval (see 19.6 and
viding the contribution. This radionuclide spectrum is 19.9).
the spectrum from which contribution ratios are 17.5.3 Determine the ambient background spectrum for
calculated, and each detector/geometry (see 19.7) using a blank, if appropriate.
aij = ~ counts per second! area i . The ambient background spectrum shall be treated as a single
~ counts per second! area j nuclide, radioactivity standard in the determination of sample
For example, if the code for the 1.332 MeV peak of 60Co is
activity and shall be stripped from all single radioactivity
3, and the code for the 0.662 MeV peak of 137Cs is 6, then the
standard source spectra (see section 19.5.1) using the ratio of
matrix elements will be as follows:
live time counting intervals as the normalization factor.
a33 = 1,
17.5.4 Correct the radioactivity standard source activity to
a36 = ;0.4,
the time at which the standard spectrum is acquired (see 19.10).
a66 = 1, and
17.5.5 The resolution of a gamma spectrum into the con-
a63 = 0.
centrations of its component radionuclides can be treated as a
17.4 Matrix Inversion Method—Sample Activity Determina- curve-fitting problem by using least-squares techniques. The
tion: basic assumption is that the sample spectrum can be described
17.4.1 Place the sample to be measured at the source-to- by a linear combination of the gamma spectra of each
detector distance used for activity calibration (see 17.3.1). component obtained separately. This discussion is intended to
17.4.2 Accumulate the gamma-ray spectrum for sufficient present the least-squares approach in nonmathematical terms
time to obtain the desired statistical level of confidence (see (47-50). The linear least-squares method assumes that the
19.6 and 19.8). pulse-height spectrum to be analyzed consists of the summed
17.4.3 Record the live time counting interval (see 19.9). contributions of n nuclides, each of which is represented as a
17.4.4 If Ci equals the total area sum of the components in pulse-height spectrum of k channels (see 19.15). This method
counts per second present in the representative photopeak areas requires standard spectra representing the response of the

E181 − 10
detector to gamma rays of the nuclides of interest (for 18.3 The efficiency calibration shall be checked at least
comparison, see 17.5.1, 17.5.2 and 17.5.3). The count rate in a semi-annually by using radioactivity standard sources of radio-
sample spectrum due to standard j (j = 1 . . . n) in channel i (i nuclides with energies that span the energy region of interest.
= 1 . . . k) will be Cij and the total count rate in channel i will 18.4 The ambient background of the system shall be mea-
be Xi. The expression, sured at least once a week. The ambient background should be
checked at the beginning and ending of each day’s counting.
X i 5 ~ C i1 1C i2 1C i3 1. . . ! 5 (C
ij (26)
For best results the ambient background should be measured
before and after each batch of samples.
accounts for all contributions to channel i. To obtain quantitative results from resolving a 18.5 The resolution of the system shall be determined at the
spectrum, the quantity of nuclide j must be expressed in terms time of initial installation and should be checked at least
of the standard for nuclide j. Therefore, a normalization factor monthly.
Mj, the ratio of the activity of nuclide j in the unknown to the 18.6 The results of all performance checks shall be recorded
value of nuclide j in the standard, must be included (see in such a way that deviations from the norm will be readily
17.5.4): observable. Appropriate action, which could include
n confirmation, repair, and recalibration as required, shall be
Xi 5 (M
j S ij1R i (27) taken when the measured values fall outside the predetermined
where Ri represents the random uncertainty in the channel i
counts and Sij is the count rate of the standard j in channel i. Cij 19. Precautions
is simply the product of Mj, the normalization factor, and Sij,
19.1 Assay for a Radionuclide for Which No Radioactivity
the standard count rate.
Standard Is Commercially Available—A total-spectrum count-
17.6 Linear Least Squares Method—Sample Activity ing system or a single-channel analyzer counting system shall
Determination—If the only uncertainty in this calculation is the not be used for quantitative determinations of radionuclides for
random uncertainty of the counts in a channel, Ri (see section which radioactivity standards are not commercially available.
18.15 and 16.5.3), then the least-squares technique can be used. Multichannel counting systems shall be used in such cases.
This method estimates the parameters that minimize the 19.2 Determination of Gross Gamma Activity—The usage
weighted sum of the squared difference between two sets of of the gross gamma activity of a sample containing more than
values. The usual case has one set of values as observed data one gamma-emitting radionuclide as a quantitative tool is not
(Xi) and another set of computed values: an acceptable practice. Relating of the gross gamma activity of
S( D n

M j S ij (28)
a sample containing more than one gamma-emitting radionu-
clide to absolute quantities of specific radionuclides has no
This translates to:
19.3 Assay of Mixtures of Radionuclides—A total-spectrum
Minimize X i 2 (

M j S ij D 2

Wi (29) counting system or a single-channel analyzer counting system

shall not be used for attempted quantification of the radionu-
where Wi is the weighing factor chosen to estimate the clides contained within a mixture.
variance of the counts in a channel. If the variance is estimated 19.4 Thin-Window Detectors—When working with a thin-
for each channel, the result is a set of linear simultaneous window detector, one must be cautious about radionuclides
equations (one for each nuclide of interest) that may be solved emitting conversion electrons which have energies close to that
for the values of Mj. This solution is most easily derived by of the gamma ray of interest. To avoid counting the conversion
using matrix techniques on a computer. electrons in such detectors, insert a sufficient amount of
17.6.1 The sample nuclide activity equals the derived absorbing material between the source and the detector.
sample count rate divided by the standard calibration factor
19.5 Simulated Sources—Simulated sources shall not be
~ c/s ! used for energy calibration or efficiency calibration of scintil-
Bq 5 (30)
~ c/s·Bq! j lation detector systems. Such sources may be used for checking
the system count-rate reproducibility.
18. Performance Testing
19.6 High Count Rates—It is recommended that count rates
18.1 The system energy calibration shall be checked on be limited to less than 5000 counts per second at the amplifier
each day of use with one or more check sources in the energy output. Random photon summing correction should not be
region of interest. necessary if this recommendation is employed with amplifier
18.2 The system count rate reproducibility for at least one time constants of less than 5 µs.
long-lived radionuclide check source shall be checked on each 19.7 Geometrical Positioning—The dependence of the mea-
day of use. Correction for radioactive decay of the source since surement on the geometrical configuration and composition of
the original measurement shall be applied if more than 1 % of the sample container shall be taken into consideration in the
a half-life has expired. calibration procedure. Positioning of sample containers within

E181 − 10
detector wells usually provides good positional reproducibility. where:
Positioning of sample containers on or above the surface of Fb = decay during count correction (count rate referenced to
detectors requires a method for reproducing the position. New beginning of counting period),
calibrations shall be obtained for assaying for radionuclides in t = elapsed counting time,
containers of different sizes or shapes. S D
λ = radionuclide decay constant ln2 , and
T 1/2
19.8 Counting Statistics—The recommendation of 10 000 T1/2 = radionuclide half-life.
net counts is made for measurements of activities which are not t and T1/2 = must be in the same units of time (Fb = 1.01 for
near the lower limit of detectability (LLD). For measurements t/T1/2 = 0.03).
of activities near LLD see Refs (51 and 52).
19.10.2 If under the same conditions the counting rate is
19.9 Dead-Time Corrections—For a number of systems assigned to the midpoint of the counting period, the multipli-
there is internal dead-time compensation. However, for those cative correction Fm will be essentially 1 for t/T1/2 = 0.03 and
systems that have no such compensation, the dead-time- 0.995 for t/T1/2 = 0.5. If it need be applied, the correction to be
corrected count rate No is given by: used is
N λt 2
No 5 (31) Fm 5 e 2 (37)
1 2 Ntd 1 2 e 2λt

where N is the observed count rate and td is the dead time 19.11 Counting Geometry—The source to be measured shall
duplicate, as closely as possible, the calibration standards in all
which can be experimentally determined, as described below,
aspects (such as shape, physical and chemical characteristics,
using the so-called “two-source method.” This gives, for
homogeneity, etc). The source-to-detector relationship shall be
example, a correction of 1 % for a dead time of 10 µs and a
the same for source and standard. Care shall be taken to avoid
count rate of 1000 s−1. In this method three measurements are deposition of source material on the surfaces of the sample
taken, first of a source (say, source 1), second of source 1 and container. For multiphase samples, such as radon in radium
another source (source 2), and finally of source 2 alone. From solution and krypton in saline solution, care shall be taken to
these measurements, the respective count rates N1, N12, and N2 carefully control the partitioning of the radioactivity between
are obtained, and one is able to write three equations: the gaseous and liquid phases (for example, by shaking just
N1 prior to counting).
N 1.0 5 (32)
1 2 N 1t d 19.12 Full-Energy Peak Effıciency Versus Energy Function
N 12 or Curve—The expression or curve showing the variation of
N 1.01N 2.0 5 (33) the full-energy peak efficiency with energy shall be determined
1 2 N 12t d
for a particular detector and shall be checked for changes with
N 2.0 5
1 2 N 2t d
(34) time as specified in this standard (see 16.3). There shall be a
minimum of three calibration points, approximately evenly
where N1.0 and N2.0 are the respective dead-time-corrected spaced, spanning the energy region of interest below 0.300
count rates for sources 1 and 2. The dead time td is determined MeV. Above 0.300 MeV, calibration points shall be obtained
using the condition that the sum of N1.0 and N2.0, obtained from approximately every 0.250 MeV, spanning the energy region of
Eq 2 and Eq 4, is equal to that obtained from Eq 3: interest. Full-energy peak efficiency calibrations below 0.100
MeV should be determined using a radioactivity standard of

td 5
12 F 12
N 12
N 1N 2
~ N 1 1N 2 2 N 12! G 1/2

the radionuclide to be measured. A full-energy peak efficiency
calibration using the same radionuclides that are to be mea-
N 12 sured should be made whenever possible and may provide the
When making the measurements, it is important not to only reliable full-energy peak efficiency calibration when a
radionuclide with cascade gamma rays is measured.
disturb source 1 when introducing source 2, and similarly,
when removing source 1, not to disturb source 2. For multi- 19.13 Correlated Photon Summing Correction:
channel analyzer systems, the “live-time” feature is designed to 19.13.1 When another gamma ray or X ray is emitted in
compensate for counting time lost during pulse processing, and cascade with the gamma ray being measured, in many cases a
a further correction for dead-time losses is usually not required. multiplicative correlated summing correction, C, must be
applied to the net full-energy peak count rate if the sample-to-
19.10 Correction for Decay During the Counting Period: detector distance is 10 cm or less. The correction factor is
19.10.1 If the value of a full-energy peak counting rate is expressed as:
determined by a measurement that spans a significant fraction 1
of a half-life, and the value is assigned to the beginning of the C5
Π in ~ 1 2 q i ε i !
counting period, a multiplicative correction, Fb, must be
applied, where:
C = correlated summing correction to be applied to the
Fb 5
1 2 e 2λt
(36) measured count rate,

E181 − 10

n = number of gamma or X rays in correlation with gamma solution, or aliquot thereof, to prepare another (working)
ray of interest, standard for counting (typically 63 %),
i = identification of correlated photon, 20.1.2 The reproducibility in determination of net full-
qi = fraction of the gamma ray of interest in correlation with energy peak counts (typically 62 %),
the ith photon, and 20.1.3 The reproducibility of the positioning of the source
εi = total detection efficiency of ith correlated photon. relative to the detector and the source geometry (typically
Correlated summing correction factors for the primary 63 %),
gamma rays of radionuclides 60Co, 88Y, and 46Sc are approxi- 20.1.4 The accuracy with which the full-energy peak effi-
mately 1.09 and 1.03 for a 65-cm3 detector at 1 cm and at 4-cm ciency at a given energy can be determined from the calibration
sample-to-detector distances, respectively, and approximately curve or function (typically 63 %—applies to single nuclide
1.01 for a 100-cm3 detector at a 10-cm sample-to-detector samples only), and
distance. The qi must be obtained from the nuclear decay 20.1.5 III-conditioned equations, those equations whose
scheme, while the εi, which are slowly-varying functions of the solutions are sensitive to very small alterations in coefficient
energy, can be measured or calculated (40-42). values, can cause the program to produce invalid results.
19.13.2 A similar correction must be applied when a weak Certain combinations of nuclides having similar spectral
gamma ray occurs in a decay scheme as an alternate decay shapes or overlapping peaks can cause such a problem. These
mode to two strong cascade gamma rays with energies that instances are outside the context of this method.
total to that of the weak gamma ray (43). The correction is over 20.2 Possible sources of systematic uncertainty in scintilla-
5 % for the 0.40-MeV gamma ray of 75Se when a source is tion detector measurements are listed below (see 19.11) (8):
counted 10 cm from a 65-cm3 detector. Other common radio- 20.2.1 Scattering from the surroundings, including induced
nuclides with similar-type decay schemes, however, do not X-ray emissions from lead shielding.
require a correction of this magnitude. For example, 47Ca 20.2.2 Summing of coincident Compton events to give
(1.297 MeV), 59Fe (1.292 MeV), 144Pr (2.186 MeV), 187W spurious pulses in the region of a full-energy peak of interest.
(0.686 MeV), and 175Yb (0.396 MeV) require corrections 20.2.3 Iodine K X-ray escape for low-energy photon
between 0.990 and 0.998 when counted at 4 cm from a 65-cm3 sources (38, 46).
detector. 20.2.4 Variations in ambient radiation background (particu-
19.14 Net Count Rate—When using multichannel analyzer larly for low-activity measurements).
systems, the appropriate continuum in the region of interest 20.2.5 The presence of radionuclide impurities.
shall be subtracted from the ambient background spectrum and 20.2.6 Differences in attenuation due to differences in con-
from the sample spectrum. The difference of those two results tainer wall thickness or material.
is the net sample count in the full-energy peak. 20.2.7 Nonuniformity of the radioactivity distribution in the
19.15 Comparative Standard Spectra—When using multi- sample.
channel analyzer counting methods for complex spectra, the 20.2.8 Timing, including errors in dead-time corrections.
standard spectra all must have identical energy gains and 20.2.9 Equipment malfunctions.
intercepts in order to be additive. Use of a check source (see 20.2.10 The counting of beta particles, conversion
18.1) shall be used before and after the acquisition of every electrons, and bremsstrahlung which are energetic enough to
standard spectrum and those spectra exhibiting shifts shall be enter the NaI(Tl) crystal and add, in an unpredictable way, to
discarded. Unless the computer program performs gain and the gamma-ray pulse-height spectrum.
intercept shifts, the same restrictions will apply to sample 20.2.11 Random photon summing at high count rates (see
spectra. 19.6).
20.2.12 Photomultiplier tube gain drift as a function of time
20. Sources of Uncertainty or count rate, and
20.1 Other than Poisson-distribution uncertainties, the prin- 20.2.13 Gain shift caused by a changing magnetic field or
cipal sources of random uncertainty (and typical magnitudes) change in the orientation of the detector in a fixed magnetic
in scintillation detector measurements are: field.
20.1.1 The calibration of the standard source, including
uncertainties introduced in using a standard radioactivity


BETA PARTICLE COUNTING 22. Summary of Method

21. Scope 22.1 After evaporation or plating of the radionuclide solu-
21.1 This method establishes methods for the counting of tion on a commercially available beta counting planchet or on
beta particles having a maximum energy of 0.220 MeV or a rigidly mounted thin plastic film, total beta count rate is
greater. It is used primarily for the assay of radionuclide measured with the beta counter. The absolute beta activity is
products mounted on counting media. The residual solids are obtained by comparing the sample result with that obtained
expected to be less than 1 mg/cm.2

E181 − 10
from a known standard of the same nuclide prepared and the sample media and to promote planchet surface wetting to
counted in the identical manner. achieve a speed source with minimum solids per unit area (see
23. Apparatus 24.2.2 If previously used planchets have been cleaned,
23.1 Beta Particle Detector—Any of the following may be count each one prior to reuse to ensure all previous radioac-
used. Each has areas and counting applications where it may be tivity has been removed.
more appropriate than an alternate choice. All detectors have 24.2.3 If film mounts are to be used, cement the film over a
associated electronics: rigid frame. The frame must lay flat in the sample mount
holder. Paper and most plastics are not suitable frame materi-
23.1.1 Thin window (≤3 mg/cm2) Geiger-Muller tube,
23.1.2 Organic scintillation phosphor with photomultiplier
25. Beta Counting Procedure
23.1.3 Gas flow proportional detector,
23.1.4 Inorganic scintillation phosphor (or phosphor sand- 25.1 Choose an aliquot of sample that meets the following
wich) with photomultiplier tube, and maximum count rate criteria:
23.1.5 Silicon semiconductor detector. Detector type MeV/minute

23.2 Beta-counting planchets or rigidly-mounted thin plas- Organic 5 000

tic film. Plastic film minimizes backscatter that is not critical to Geiger-Müller 10 000
Proportional 80 000
beta counting but is to the determination of absorption curves Phoswich 80 000
(see Section 26). Silicon semiconductor 18 000 000

23.3 Planchet holder capable of accurately reproducing the where MeV/min is defined as the beta energy maxima in
vertical and lateral position of a planchet. MeV detected per minute.
23.4 Rigid sample positioning device that accepts either 25.2 Pipet an aliquot of sample solution onto the planchet or
planchet holders or plastic film mounts and accurately posi- film mount.
tions them in a reproducible geometry relative to the detector. 25.3 Dry the sample with an infrared lamp or other device
23.5 Shielding to reduce ambient background. that will evaporate the sample liquid without spattering or
running off the flat portion of the sample mount.
23.6 Scaler.
25.4 When the sample mount has dried and cooled, place it
23.7 Timer. in the counter at a position that is reproducible and that does
not exceed the count rate maxima in 25.1.
24. Preparation of Apparatus
25.5 Collect a total of at least 10 000 counts per mount.
24.1 Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for pre- Record the count time and calculate the sample count rate in
paring the detector for beta particle counting. counts per minute. Duplicate sample mount count rates should
24.1.1 Devices such as proportional counters and Geiger- agree within 62 %.
Müller tubes operate on a voltage counting plateau. The
25.6 Prepare a standard mount(s) from a standard solution
purchased detector is usually accompanied by a calibration
of the same radionuclide having a known rate of disintegrations
curve indicating the operating voltage and threshold voltages.
per minute. Standards are available from the National Institute
Using these voltage values as a guide, recalibrate the detector
of Standards and Technology and commercial suppliers. Mount
prior to each series of tests. Repeat the calibration periodically
the standard on the same material as the sample, count in the
and every time a gas cylinder is changed (gas flow proportional
same geometry, and determine the standard count rate.
24.1.2 Set the detector voltage to a value about 100 V below 25.7 Determine the ambient background of the counter by
the threshold voltage indicated by the manufacturer. counting with a blank sample planchet or film in the same
24.1.3 Place a beta source in a counting position. If no geometry as the sample/standard. If planchets are reused (see
counts are obtained on the scaler, increase the voltage in 50-V 24.2.2), the background that should be used is that obtained
steps until counts are obtained. when counting the cleaned planchet prior to sample mounting.
24.1.4 Plot the counts per minute obtained on the scaler as Calculate the background count rate in counts per minute.
a function of the voltage. A curve should be obtained that has
a flat portion or plateau with a slope corresponding to the 26. Calculations
manufacturer’s specifications. Set the operating voltage at one 26.1 Correct the observed count rates of both standard and
third the length or 75 V above the low voltage end of the sample for background and coincidence losses as follows:
plateau, whichever is less. C 5 R1TR2 2 B (39)
24.2 Prepare planchets to receive samples or standards, or
24.2.1 New planchets are preferred but even these must be C = corrected count rate of the sample/standard, cpm (Note
degreased with a solvent such as acetone. The planchets may 6),
also have to be passivated to reduce the chemical reaction with R = observed count rate of the source, cpm,

E181 − 10
l 5 l oe @ ~ 2ln2/T 1/2 ! T # (43)
T = resolving time of the counter, mpc, and
B = ambient background rate, cpm. where:
NOTE 6—Any other unit of time is acceptable provided it is used
consistently throughout. l = corrected intensity (activity),
lo = observed intensity,
26.2 Correct the standard disintegrations per minute for T = thickness of absorber, mg/cm2, and
radioactive decay as follows: T1/2 = observed experimental half-thickness, that is, the
D 5 D s e 2λT (40) thickness necessary to reduce lo to 1/2 lo.
where: Although the absorption of beta radiation is not necessarily
D = disintegrations per minute of the standard at the time exponential, in many nuclides it closely approximates it.
the standard was counted, Therefore, by obtaining beta absorption data, the energy (and
Ds = disintegrations per minute of the standard at the time thus the identity) of a radioactive species may be found. By
certified by the standard supplier, properly calibrating the detecting device, usually a Geiger-
λ = ln 2 divided by half-life (7-14), and Müller counter, the absolute amounts of several beta groups
T = the difference in time between the date and time the may be obtained by extrapolating each group to zero added
standard was counted and the time at which the absorber and dividing by the previously determined efficiency
standard activity was certified in the same units as the (or geometry) of the counter.
No correction is required if the current activity or disinte- 29. Apparatus
gration rate is known within 1 %. 29.1 Same as Sections 23 and 24.
26.3 Calculate the absolute activity of the sample as fol- 29.2 Plus aluminum absorbers, of a size to fit between
lows: sample and detector.
A 5 CD/E (41)
30. Aluminum Absorption Curve Procedure
A = distintegrations per minute of the sample, and 30.1 Use the beta particle sample mount prepared in Sec-
E = corrected count rate of the standard, cpm. tions 25.1 – 25.4. Because beta particles backscatter and
interfere with the aluminum absorption curve measurements, a
26.4 Calculate the counting uncertainty (52) as follows: film mounted source is preferred. Low atomic weight planchets
=G1B will cause low levels of interference. The activity of the source
σc 5
~ see Note 2 ! (42) mount should be close to the maximum allowed in 25.1.

where: 30.2 Collect a total of at least 10 000 counts for the source
mount with no absorber. Calculate the corrected count rate,
σc = counting uncertainty,
G = gross counts (not rate),
B = background counts, and 30.3 Without moving the sample source, place between the
N = net counts. source and the detector and as close to the detector as possible,
26.5 For other sources of uncertainties, see Section 39. an aluminum absorber of a thickness approximately equal to 3
mg/cm2. Acquire at least 10 000 counts and calculate the
ALUMINUM ABSORPTION CURVE corrected count rate, 26.1.
30.4 Repeat the procedure described in 30.3 with each
27. Scope
absorber, increasing the counting time as the observed counts
27.1 This method establishes a method for determining the per minute become smaller. When the observed counts per
approximate energies and intensities of beta particle spectra in minute reach a constant, or background, the absorption data are
radioactive sources. The method is intended to be used in the complete.
qualitative and quantitative determination of beta emitting
30.5 Subtract from all points the constant value, if any,
impurities in such preparations as radiopharmaceuticals. It may
obtained in the last few data points.
also be used to determine beta energy and intensity levels of
single radionuclide sources. 30.6 Plot the data obtained on semi-log graph paper. Use as
the ordinate the corrected rate of counts per minute. Use as the
28. Summary of Method abscissa the thickness of the aluminum absorber in milligrams
per square centimetre.
28.1 When a radioactive source decays by beta emission,
the beta particles (electrons) are emitted with a distribution of 30.7 The plotted data may be compared to a known standard
energies. The maximum energy of the electrons is the “beta absorption curve for the particular nuclide to check for
energy” as tabulated in nuclear-data tables (7, 12). When beta impurities (as evidenced by deviations from the known curve).
particles are absorbed by interposing varying thicknesses of Should no standard curve be available, or should there be a
material between the source and a detector, the attenuation marked difference, the curve may be analyzed by subtraction,
follows to an approximation the equation as follows:

E181 − 10
30.7.1 Beginning at the high-energy end of the curve
(thickest aluminum absorber), draw the best straight line
possible through the largest number of last points. This line
should intersect the zero axis and extend to the left of it. In Fig.
3 this is the component with half-thickness 28 mg/cm2.
30.7.2 Subtract from selected counts-per-minute ordinate
points the contribution of the most energetic component as
given by the corresponding ordinate value from the extrapo-
lated straight line. Plot each difference at the abscissa point at
which it was found.
30.7.3 By use of these data again draw the best straight line
starting at the high-energy end of the plot. Should there be data
points above this line at the low-energy end of the plot, this is
evidence for an even lower-energy beta group and the proce-
dure given in 30.5 must be repeated. (In general, after two
subtractions, the remaining data become highly uncertain.) Fig.
3 represents a two-component curve.
30.8 The approximate beta energy of each group may be
obtained by observing the half-thickness of each straight-line FIG. 4 Beta Energy as a Function of Half-Thickness in Aluminum
component and relating this to the experimentally determined
graph shown in Fig. 4.
31. Calculation
30.9 Obtain the number of disintegrations of each beta ray
group by extrapolating each straight line component to “true 31.1 The observed counts per minute without additional
zero” as described in Section 31. Correct for efficiency as in aluminum absorber actually was reduced by air and counter
26.3. window absorption. The“ true zero” rate in counts per minute
the rate corrected for this absorber. The negative abscissa
30.10 While many absorption curve resolution codes are distance, A, in milligrams per square centimetre may be found
available for 30.6 – 30.9, it remains the responsibility of the as follows:
user of the code to demonstrate the adequacy of the code on
prepared standard mixtures of known activity similar to those A 5 1.1 ~ T11.2 d ! (44)
occurring in sample analyses. Materials to prepare such stan- where:
dards are available from the National Institute of Standards and T = window thickness of the detector, mg/cm2,
Technology and commercial suppliers. 1.1 = correction for oblique passage through the window of
the beta counter,
1.2 = density of air, mg/cm3, and
d = distance from sample to window, cm.
31.2 The activity read from the ordinate at the negative
abscissa “true zero” must be corrected for geometry. Obtain
this geometry by taking aluminum absorption data using a
standard material of known disintegration rate, extrapolating to
true zero, and dividing the observed counts per minute by the
known disintegrations per minute. The counts per minute
observed divided by the geometry of the counter yields the
disintegration rate of the beta group.
A 5 CD/E (45)

A = disintegrations per minute of the beta group,
C = corrected count rate of the sample beta group, corrected
to “true zero” absorption, cpm (see 26.1 and 31.1),
D = disintegrations per minute of the standard beta group at
the time the standard was counted (see 26.2), and
E = corrected count rate of the standard beta group, cor-
rected to “true zero” absorption, cpm (see 26.1 and
FIG. 3 Aluminum Absorption Curve Showing Activity as a Func-
tion of the Aluminum Absorber Placed Before the Detector

E181 − 10
For sources of error see Section 38. 35.1.2 Set the detector voltage to a value about 100 V below
the threshold voltage indicated by the manufacturer. Note that
ALPHA PARTICLE COUNT the alpha plateau is usually lower in voltage and flatter than the
beta plateau.
32. Scope 35.1.3 Place an alpha source in a counting position. If no
32.1 This method establishes methods for the counting of counts are obtained on the scaler, increase the voltage in 50-V
alpha particles. It is used primarily for the assay of radionu- steps until counts are obtained.
clide products mounted on counting media. The residual solids 35.1.4 Plot the counts per minute obtained on the scaler as
are expected to be less than 1 mg/cm2 and uniformly distrib- a function of the voltage. A curve should be obtained that has
uted. a flat portion of plateau with a slope corresponding to the
manufacturer’s specifications. Set the operating voltage at one
33. Summary of Method third the length or 75 V above the low voltage end of the
33.1 After evaporation or electrodeposition of the radionu- plateau, whichever is less. Note that the operating voltage must
clide solution on a commercially available alpha counting disk be below the beta threshold.
or planchet or on a rigidly mounted thin plastic film, total alpha 35.2 Prepare disks or planchets to receive samples or
count rate is measured with the alpha counter. The absolute standards, or both.
alpha activity is obtained by comparing the sample result with 35.2.1 New disks or planchets are preferred but even these
that obtained from any known alpha standard of the same must be degreased with a solvent such as acetone. The disks or
energy range prepared and counted in the identical manner. planchets may also have to be passivated to reduce the
chemical reaction with the sample media and to promote
34. Apparatus surface wetting to achieve a spead source with minimum solids
34.1 Alpha Particle Detector—Any of the following may be per unit area (see 32.1). Disks must also be very clean to
used. Each has areas and counting applications where it may be achieve uniform electrodeposition or plating.
more appropriate than an alternate choice. All detectors have 35.2.2 If previously used disks or planchets have been
associated electronics: cleaned, count each one prior to reuse to ensure all previous
34.1.1 Windowless gas flow proportional detector, for radioactivity has been removed.
example, an Alpha Simpson Proportional counter, 35.2.3 If film mounts are to be used, cement the film over a
34.1.2 Thin window (≤100 µg/cm2) gas flow proportional rigid frame. The frame must lay flat in the sample mount
detector, holder. Paper and most plastics are not suitable.
34.1.3 Windowless inorganic scintillation phosphor (or
phosphor sandwich) with photomultiplier tube, and 36. Alpha Counting Procedure
34.1.4 Silicon semiconductor detector. 36.1 Choose an aliquot of sample that is within the counting
34.2 Alpha counting disk, planchet, or rigidly mounted thin capabilities of the detector as indicated by the manufacturer.
plastic film. Disks are preferentially used for alpha energy Note that alpha particles can cause particles of the sample to
analysis. recoil and imbed themselves in a detector, particularly when
close to the detector and in a vacuum. This will gradually
34.3 Planchet holder capable of accurately reproducing the
increase the detector background, making it unsuitable for low
vertical and lateral position of a planchet.
rate counting.
34.4 Rigid sample positioning device that accepts planchet
36.2 Pipet an aliquot of sample solution onto the disk,
holders, disks or thin plastic film mounts and accurately
planchet, or film mount. Sample preparation methods using
positions them in a reproducible geometry relative to the
electrodeposition are beyond the scope of this method.
36.3 Dry the sample with an infrared lamp or other device
34.5 A vacuum chamber for silicon semiconductor detec-
that will evaporate the sample liquid without spattering or
running off the flat portion of the sample mount. For alpha
34.6 Scaler and timer, or an MCA (particularly for semi- contamination control of aqueous samples on metal, it may be
conductor detectors). advisable to flame to red heat, cool, and seal with a drop of a
1 % solution of Collodion in ether.
35. Preparation of Apparatus
36.4 When the sample mount has dried and cooled, place it
35.1 Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for pre- in the counter at a position that is reproducible and that does
paring the detector for alpha particle counting. not exceed the count rate maxima in 36.1.
35.1.1 Devices such as proportional counters operate on a
voltage counting plateau. The purchased detector is usually 36.5 Collect a total of at least 10 000 counts per mount.
accompanied by a calibration curve indicating the operating Record the count time and calculate the sample count rate in
voltage and threshold voltages. Using these voltage values as a counts per minute. Duplicate sample mount count rates should
guide, recalibrate the detector prior to each series of tests. agree within 62 %.
Repeat the calibration periodically and every time a gas 36.6 Prepare a standard mount(s) from a standard solution
cylinder is changed (gas flow proportional detector). having a known rate of disintegrations per minute. Standards

E181 − 10
are available from the National Institute of Standards and 39.5 The net peak area is calculated as:
Technology and commercial suppliers. Mount the standard on Np 5 G 2 B 2 I (46)
the same material as the sample, count in the same geometry,
and determine the standard count rate. Most detectors detect all where:
alpha particles with one hundred percent efficiency; therefore, Np = net peak area,
it is not necessary to duplicate the radionuclide(s) being G = sum of all counts within the ROI,
counted when preparing standards, but it should be of similar B = background under the ROI (if applicable), and
energies. I = contamination from the tracer (if applicable).
36.7 Determine the ambient background of the counter by 39.6 The background B is calculated as follows:
counting with a blank sample mount in the same geometry as 39.6.1 The first channel of the ROI and the last channel of
the sample/standard. If disks or planchets are reused (see the ROI are both converted into an energy value using the
35.2.2), the background that should be used is that obtained energy calibration of the current sample spectrum. These
when counting the cleaned planchet prior to sample mounting. energy values are then converted back into channel values
Calculate the background count rate in counts per minute. using the energy calibration of the background spectrum as
specified in the background spectrum.
37. Calculations for SCA Methods 39.6.2 The background counts, B, are calculated as the sum
of the counts in the background spectrum in the ROI thus
37.1 Correct the observed count rates of both standard and
established, divided by the live time of the background
sample for background and coincidence losses as in 26.1.
spectrum and multiplied by the live time of the sample
37.2 Correct the standard disintegrations per minute for spectrum, as follows:
radioactive decay as in 26.2.
37.3 Calculate the absolute activity of the sample as in 26.3. B1 ·B (47)
Tb r
37.4 Calculate the counting uncertainty (52) as in 26.4. where:
37.5 For other sources of uncertainty, see Section 38. Br = counts in the equivalent ROI in the background
38. Sources of Uncertainty: SCA Counting Methods Tb = live time of the background spectrum, and
38.1 Gross beta particle and alpha particle counting accu- Ts = live time of the sample spectrum.
racy is usually limited by counting uncertainty. Total uncer- If no background subtraction is needed, B = 0.
tainties of6 4 % are expected. The aluminum absorption 39.7 The interference I from the tracer is calculated as
method is limited by the multiplicative uncertainties of mul- follows: Assuming that information exists on fractions of
tiple beta groups. An accuracy of6 5 % is expected for the first contamination in the tracer for each nuclide to be analyzed, the
component, 620 % for the second, and 650 % for the third. interference I for nuclide x can be calculated as:
38.2 The calibration of the standard source, including un- I x 5 f x ·N t (48)
certainties introduced in using a standard radioactivity
solution, or aliquot thereof, to prepare another (working) where:
standard for counting (typically 63 %). fx = fraction of nuclide x present in the tracer, and
Nt = net area of the tracer peak, that is, Nt = Gt − Bt.
38.3 The reproducibility of the positioning of the source
relative to the detector and the source geometry (typically 39.8 The activities are calculated from the peak counts as
63 %). follows: First calculate an effective efficiency factor using the
tracer peak as follows (see Fig. 5 for a clarification on the time
38.4 Alpha-beta cross talk or beta detector sensitivity for
gamma, or both, emissions are sample and detector dependent.
F5 (49)
39. Calculations for MCA Methods A t ·y t ·K t 3 ·K t 2 ·T s

39.1 This discussion addresses the calculations involved in

determining nuclide activities when samples are prepared with
an alpha emitting tracer and each isotope group is prepared in
separate samples.
39.2 It is assumed that samples can be prepared in such a
manner that the peaks from the nuclides to be analyzed do not
appreciably overlap, or that such overlap is negligible.
39.3 Define a region-of-interest (ROI) for the tracer. Define
an ROI for each nuclide to be analyzed. Make sure the ROIs do
not overlap.
39.4 Calculate a net peak area for each peak, including the
tracer. FIG. 5 Clarification of Time Intervals

E181 − 10
where: Nx = net counts in the peak ROI for nuclide x, that is,
F = effective efficiency factor, Nx 5 Gx 2 Bx 2 Ix (55)
Nt = net area of the tracer peak,
At = known activity of the tracer nuclide, assumed to be F = effective efficiency factor calculated from the tracer
valid for the tracer on the tracer reference date/time. nuclide (a single value for all nuclides),
This value must be disintegrations per second (Bq) for yx = branching ratio of the observed alpha energy nuclide x,
this equation to be valid,
yt = branching ratio of the energy of the tracer nuclide used Kt2 = ecay correction factor for decay during spectrum
as the tracer peak, and collect (if applicable). The equation is the same as used
Ts = sample spectrum collect live time, s. in calculating the effective efficiency factor F, except
39.8.1 Kt3is the decay correction of the tracer for any decay that the nuclide x half-life must be used,
between the tracer reference date and the start of the spectrum Kt1 = decay correction for any decay between the sample
collect as follows: reference date/time and the start of the spectrum
collect, that is,
K t3 5 e 2 S ln~ 2 ! ·t 3
T 1/2 D (50)
K t1 5 e 2 S ln ~ 2 ! ·t 1
T 1/2 D (56)
t3 = elapsed time between the tracer reference time and f = conversion factor from disintegrations per second (Bq)
the start of spectrum collect and to the activity units desired for reporting (if
T1/2 = half-life of the tracer nuclide. applicable), and
m = mass (or volume) of the sample.
39.8.2 Kt2 is the decay correction of the tracer during the
spectrum collect as follows: 39.12 The percent uncertainty of A x is calculated as
K t2 5
T 1/2
1n ~ 2 ! ·t 2F S
· 12e 2
ln~ 2 ! ·t 2
T 1/2 DG (51) S Ax 5 =S F
1S y x 2 1S N x 2 (57)

where: where:
t2 = spectrum collect true time and SF = percent uncertainty of the effective efficiency factor, F,
T 1/2 = half-life of the tracer nuclide. calculated from the tracer peak,
Syx = percent uncertainty of the branching ratio of the
The time units of t2, t3, and T1/2 must be the same.
nuclide energy used (if known), and
39.9 The percent uncertainty of the effective efficiency SNx = percent uncertainty of the net peak area of the nuclide
factor, SF, is calculated as follows: peak.

SF 5 =S 2
1S y t 2 1S N t 2 (52) 39.13 The percent uncertainty of the net peak area of the
nuclide peak is calculated as follows:
SAt = percent uncertainty of the known tracer activity,
Syt = percent uncertainty of the branching ratio of the tracer
S Nx 5
· Œ S D S D
Gx 1
·B r 1
I x ·S I x


energy used (if applicable), and where:

SNt = percent uncertainty of the tracer net peak area. Gx = gross counts in the nuclide peak,
39.10 The percent uncertainty of the net peak area of the Nx = net counts in the nuclide peak, and
tracer peak, SNt, is calculated as follows: SIx = percent uncertainty of the interference produced into
the peak area of the nuclide as a result of the fact that
S Nt 5
· Œ S DGt 1
·B r (53)
the tracer also contains small amounts of this nuclide.

where: 39.14 The percent uncertainty of I x is calculated as follows:

Gt = gross counts in the tracer peak. S Ix 5 =S fx
1S N t 2 (59)
The other symbols are in accordance with the aforemen-
tioned equations.
Sfx = percent uncertainty of the fraction of the nuclide
39.11 For the non-tracer nuclides, the activity per unit mass present in the tracer (if applicable), and
(or per unit volume) is calculated as follows: SNt = percent uncertainty of the net peak area of the tracer
Nx peak.
Ax 5 (54)
F·y x ·K t 1 ·K t 2 ·m·f 39.15 Note that all calculations explained in this section
where: assume that there is no sample mass uncertainty or that it is
sufficiently small to be negligible. Furthermore, the equations
Ax = activity per unit mass (or volume) for nuclide x, do not include any time uncertainties.

E181 − 10
LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTING 43.2 Sample Vials, glass or polyethylene, of suitable size to
fit the counting chamber. The conventional size has a total
40. Scope capacity of approximately 20 mL. Smaller vials can also be
40.1 This method covers the liquid scintillation measure- successfully used and reduce the measurement cost.
ment of radioactivity. Liquid scintillation counting is the most 43.3 Scintillator Stock Solution—Choose an appropriate
sensitive and widely used technique for the detection and scintillation cocktail that is compatible (attains homogeneity)
quantification of radioactivity. This measurement technique is with the sample to be measured.
applicable to all forms of nuclear decay emissions (alpha and
beta particle, and gamma and X-ray emitting radionuclides). 44. Standardization and Calibration
Liquid scintillation counting is an analytical technique which 44.1 There are several methods of counting efficiency cali-
measures activity of radionuclides from the rate of light bration in use (for example, internal standardization, external
photons emitted by a scintillating matrix. standardization, channels ratio).
40.2 This method can be used for either absolute or relative 44.1.1 Internal standardization consists of adding a known
determinations. For radioassay, data may be expressed in terms amount of standard to the sample after it has been counted, and
of disintegrations rates after calibration with an appropriate then to recount. The activity of the added internal standard
standard. General information on liquid scintillation counting should generally be much greater than that of the sample in
has been published (51-56). order to give good counting statistics, but not so great that the
combined activities of standard and sample will introduce
41. Summary of Method coincidence losses. Also, the volume of added standard must be
41.1 The scintillator solution (cocktail), mixed with the small so that no additional quenching is introduced.
radioactive sample, is excited by nuclear decay emissions and 44.1.2 Generally, the counting efficiency is determined by
emits light pulses by a molecular de-excitation process. The an indirect comparison of the unknown sample with a set of
number of pulses per unit time is proportional to the quantity standard samples of the same radionuclide. This set consists of
of activity present. Solutes and emulsifier agents are used in the several samples containing known amounts of the standard
scintillator to provide the best combination of wavelength, radionuclide to be measured and varying in degree of quench-
pulse height, and solubility for this application. The pulses are ing over the range to be encountered in actual sample prepa-
detected by two multiplier phototubes connected in coinci- ration. An alternative method is to add the quenching agent in
dence and converted to electric signals. The amplified pulses small increments to a single sample, calculating a counting
are recorded and the count rate is measured. The efficiency of efficiency for each increment added. In either case, the overall
the system can be determined by use of prepared standards result is a calibration curve consisting of either efficiency
having the same volume, density, and color as the sample. versus channels ratio (two counting channels chosen so that
together they include most of the pulse height distribution of
42. Interferences the radionuclide) or efficiency versus external standard ratio
42.1 Quenching, the reduction in emitted light, and hence (counting channels determined by the instrument after expos-
attenuation of pulse heights, can cause significant reduction in ing the sample to a gamma source placed nearby). This chief
the absolute counting efficiency. Quenching may be caused by advantage of external standardization over the channel ratios
impurities in the scintillator solution which inhibits the transfer method is the reduction of total counting time for low-activity
of energy or by color in the sample which absorbs the emitted samples.
light. Many of the newer instruments determine a quench 44.1.3 Count a blank and standard and calculate the effi-
correction factor. ciency factor(s) for the scintillator mixture:
42.2 Another phenomenon which influences counting is the Eff 5 ~ C/t 2 B ! /D (60)
background produced by environmental radiation. Several where:
sources of radiation can affect the sensitive scintillation solu- Eff = counting efficiency,
tion and the detection process: (a) cosmic radiation, (b) C = number of counts accumulated,
building materials of the laboratory which contain activity, (c) t = time of counting, s,
natural activity in the sample vial and the walls of the B = background of blank, counts/s, and
photomultiplier tubes, and (d) stray radiation from sources of D = disintegration rate of standard, Bq.
activity in the laboratory.
45. Procedure
42.3 Any foreign ionizing radiation in the sample may
interfere in the analysis of the radionuclide being measured. 45.1 Pipet an aliquot of sample solution to a vial containing
the same scintillator solution as the calibration standard. Cap
42.4 Some types of samples or scintillator stock solutions the vial and mix.
exposed to daylight or fluorescent lighting must be dark-
adapted (several minutes to several hours) or erratic results will 45.2 Prepare a blank by pipetting an aliquot of a solution
occur. that has the same volume, density, and color as the sample. Cap
the vial and mix.
43. Apparatus 45.3 Place the sample and blank in the counter and dark-
43.1 Liquid Scintillation Counter: adapt if necessary.

E181 − 10
45.4 Count the sample for the length of time to give the specification is now used in the International Organization for Standard-
desired reliability. Use the same energy settings as those of the ization (ISO) standards and this approach can be expected to play a more
prominent role in future uncertainty analyses.
calibration standard.
47.1 General practice indicates that disintegration rates can
NOTE 7—The same sample blank may be used for a number of samples
be determined with a bias of 63 % (1S %) and with a precision
provided the same scintillator solution is used for each and the blank has
the same volume, density, and color as the samples. of 61 % (1S %).

46. Calculation 48. Performance Testing

46.1 Calculate the radioactivity, A, in disintegrations per 48.1 General—Operate the instrument in conformance with
second (Bq) as follows: the manufacturer’s recommendations.
A 5 ~ C/t 2 B ! /Eff (61) 48.2 Frequency of Testing—Monitor the instrument perfor-
mance following installation, service, replacement of sealed
where: check sources, or any other circumstance that may affect the
C = number of counts accumulated, accuracy of the data obtained. Establish a quality-control
t = time of counting, s, program to monitor the performance of the instrument. Count
B = background of blank, counts/s, and a background and check source appropriate for the radionu-
Eff = efficiency factor determined in 44.1.3. clide selected on a daily basis during periods in which the
47. Precision and Bias counter is in use. Record the data. The check-source data
NOTE 8—Measurement uncertainty is described by a precision and bias should also be recorded on a control chart. If any instrument
statement in this standard. Another acceptable approach is to use Type A operating parameter is changed, a new control chart should be
and Type B uncertainty components (57, 58). The Type A/B uncertainty started.


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(18) McNelles, L. A., and Campbell, J. L., Nuclear Instruments and (37) Heydorn, K., and Lada, W., Analytical Chemistry, Vol 44, 1972, p.
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(38) Kokta, L., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol 112, 1973, p. 245. (50) East, L. V., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol 193, 1982,
(39) Helmer, R. G., and Lee, M. A., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, p. 147.
Vol 178, 1980, p. 499. (51) International Commission of Radiation Units and Measurements,
(40) Schima, F. J., and Hoppes, D. D., International Journal of Applied Measurement of Low-Level Radioactivity, ICRU Report 22, 1972.
Radiation and Isotopes, Vol 34, 1983, p. 1109. (52) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300, J. H. Harley, Ed., 1972,
(41) Debertin, K., and Schotzig, U., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, (revised annually). Available from the National Technical Informa-
Vol 158, 1979, p. 471. tion Service.
(42) Morel, J., et al., International Journal of Applied Radiation and (53) Laney, B. H.,“ Liquid Scintillation Counting,” Vol 4, M. A. Crook,
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(43) McCallum, G. J., and Coote, G. E., Nuclear Instruments and
(54) Birks, J. B., “The Theory and Practice of Scintillation Counting,”
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Pergamon Press, London, 1964.
(44) Storm, E., and Israel, H. I., Nuclear Data Tables, 7(6), Academic
(55) “Liquid Scintillation Analysis—Science and Technology,” Packard
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(45) Adams, F., and Dams, R., “Applied Gamma-Ray Spectrometry,” 2nd Instrument Co., Publication No. 169-3052, 1987.
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(48) Zimmer, W. H., Report ISO-495, 1966. Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results”, NIST
(49) Schonfeld, E., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol 52, 1967, p. Technical Note 1297 (1994).

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