Impact of Goods and Service Taxes (GST) in Various Sectors
Impact of Goods and Service Taxes (GST) in Various Sectors
Impact of Goods and Service Taxes (GST) in Various Sectors
IMPACT OF GOODS AND SERVICE TAXES Government of India set up the Empowered
(GST) IN VARIOUS SECTORS Committee of State Finance Ministers with
the Hon’ble State Finance Ministers of West
Bengal, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
Gujarat, Delhi and Meghalaya as members
GST also known as the Goods and Services
with the following objectives:
Tax as the giant indirect tax structure
designed to support and enhance the • To monitor the implementation
economic growth of a country. More than of uniform floor rates of sales tax
150 countries have implemented GST so by States and Union Territories
far. However, the idea of GST in India was
• To monitor the phasing out of the
mooted by Vajpayee government in 2000
sales-tax based incentive
and the constitutional amendment for the
same was passed by the Loksabha on 6th
May 2015 but is yet to be ratified by the • To decide milestones and
Rajyasabha. However, there is a huge hue methods of States to switch over
and cry against its implementation. It to VAT
would be interesting to understand why • To monitor reforms in the
this proposed GST regime may hamper the Central Sales Tax system existing
growth and development of the country. in the country.
This paper made an attempt to explain the
history and impact of various industries The Following laws have been
this GST (goods and services tax) on the passed by the Parliament
growth of the economy, and benefits for the followed by President’s
business and government and for the
consumers. Law Status
Objectives of GST:
Central Passed by Parliament
To Study on History and Background GST Bill, 2017 followed by Hon’ble
of GST. President’s assent
To Analyze the impact of GST in Integrated Passed by Parliament
various Sectors. GST Bill 2017 followed by Hon’ble
President’s assent
History of GST:
Union Passed by Parliament
“Good and services tax” means any tax on Territory- followed by Hon’ble
supply of goods, or services or both except GST Bill, 2017 President’s assent
taxes on the supply of the alcoholic liquor GST Passed by Parliament
for human consumption. The origin of (Compensation followed by Hon’ble
Goods and Services Tax could be traced to States) President’s assent
back to 17th July 2000, when the
State To be passed in
GST Bill, 2017 respective State
IMPACT GST: construction of immovable property which
GST has been implemented from 1st may lead to the rise in litigation. GST is
July 2017. With the introduction of GST, supposed to benefits real estate sector by
most of the indirect taxes will be replaced ensuring a uniform and easy compliance
by “one nation one tax” regime. GST council with the tax structure.
has proposed four different tax slab rate of
5%, 12%, 18% and 28% on the different Impact of GST on Automobile sector
category of goods and services. The full-
To see the impact on automobile industry
fledged impact of goods and services tax in
we have to understand the current tax
real terms should come out after the period
structure. Currently, automobile sector is
of 2-3 years. One tax regime is designed for
paying taxes around 27 percent to 45
the ease of doing of business in India. Under
percent, though this tax structure ranges
the current regime, financial services and
from a small car to SUVs. The proposed one
transactions attract 15% of service tax but
tax regime rate for the automobile sector is
with the introduction of GST financial
18 percent and for a luxury vehicle,
services would attract 18% of tax. With the
proposed rate is only 28 percent hence this
new GST regime, surely, we are going to be
would result in the lower cost of purchase
impacted. Let us see how and in what
for the consumers.
manner it will impact your money.
It is expected that the cost of tour packages may Textile/Readymade Garment Sector
come down due to the relief to tour operators
under GST regime. 5% tax is liable on tour Textile industry will be benefitted through
operators currently. GST implementation in India
GST has been envisaged as a more efficient The proposed GST regime is a half-hearted
tax system, neutral in its application and attempt to rationalize indirect tax
attractive in distribution. The advantages of structure. More than 150 countries have
GST are: Wider tax base, necessary for implemented GST. The government of India
lowering the tax rates and eliminating should study the GST regime set up by
classification disputes various countries and also their fallouts
before implementing it. At the same time,
the government should make an attempt to 7.
insulate the vast poor population of India q3JIl1G2gPxrzY3mAJY8nJ/How-
against the likely inflation due to GST-impacts-auto-real-estate-retail-
implementation of GST. No doubt, GST will telecom-and-retai.html
simplify existing indirect tax system and
will help to remove inefficiencies created
by the existing current heterogeneous
taxation system only if there is a clear
consensus over issues of threshold limit,
revenue rate, and inclusion of petroleum
products, electricity, liquor and real estate.
Until the consensus is reached, the
government should resist from
implementing such regime.
GST will also motivate foreign direct
investors to invest and setup industry here
in India. This will create job opportunities,
and for a developing economy like India it’s
always a favorable situation. It will make
the supplies being priced competitively so
benefitting the ultimate consumers.