4.multiple Access Techniques and Wireless Standard
4.multiple Access Techniques and Wireless Standard
4.multiple Access Techniques and Wireless Standard
The transceiver carried by the user is called “mobile unit” (or simply the
“mobile”), the “terminal”, or the “hand-held unit”.
Mobile receives and transmits information from and to the base station via two
RF channels “forward channel” or “downlink” and “reverse channel” or
Most of our treatment in this book relates to mobile unit because of a much
larger portion of the market and design similarity against to basestation.
Co-Channel Interference(CCI)
An important issue in a cellular system is how much two cells that use the
same frequency interfere with each other.
This effect depends on the ratio of the distance between two co-channel
cells to the cell radius and is independent of the transmitted power.
Given by the frequency reuse plan, this ratio is approximately equal to 4.6
for the 7-cell pattern. It can be shown that this value yields a signal-to-co-
channel interference ratio of 18 dB.
The effect of fading can be lowered by adding redundancy to the
transmission or reception of the signal.
“Space diversity” or “antenna diversity” employs two or more antennas
spaced apart by a significant fraction of the wavelength so as to achieve a
higher probability of receiving a nonfaded signal.
“Frequency diversity” refers to the case where multiple carrier frequencies
are used, with idea that fading is unlikely to occur simultaneously at two
frequencies sufficiently far from each other.
“Time diversity” is another technique whereby the data is transmitted or
received more than once to overcome short-term fading.
Chonbuk National University 9 Microwave Circuits Design Laboratory
4.1 Mobile RF Communication
Delay Spread
Suppose two signals in a multipath environment experience roughly equal
attenuation but different delays. Addition of two such signals yields
x(t ) = A cos ω (t − τ 1 ) + A cos ω (t − τ 2 )
= 2 A cos[(2ωt − ωτ 1 − ωτ 2 ) / 2]cos[ω (τ 1 − τ 2 ) / 2]
where the second cosine factor relates the fading to the “delay spread”,
∆τ = τ 1 − τ 2 .
An important issue here is the frequency dependence of fade.
ÎSmall delay spreads yield flat fade, whereas large delay spreads introduce
considerable variation in the spectrum.
Serious effect
To lower the effect of errors due to the nature of multipath fading, the
baseband bit stream in the transmitter undergoes “interleaving” before
modulation to occur in clusters of bits.
An interleaver scrambles the time order of the bits according to an algorithm
known by the receiver [1].
The relative simplicity of FDMA made it the principal access method in early
cellular networks, called “analog FM” or “analog cellular”.
The minimum number of simultaneous users
=(The total available frequency band)/(The width of each channel)
ÎInsufficient capacity in crowded areas.
What happens to the data (e.g., voice) produced by all other users while only
one user is allowed to transmit? To avoid loss of information, the data is stored
(“buffered”) for TF — Tsl seconds and transmitted as a burst during one time
slot (hence the term “TDMA burst”).
ÎSince buffering requires the data to be in digital form, TDMA transmitters
perform A/D conversion on the analog input signal. Digitization also allows
speech compression and coding.
Advantages over FDMA
1)Because each transmitter is enabled for a only one slot in every slot, the
power amplifier can be turned off during the rest of the frame.
ÎSaving considerable power
ÎSettling issues require that the PA be turned on slightly before the actual
time slot begins.
2)The required communication bandwidth can be smaller and hence the
overall capacity larger.
3)Even with FDD, the TDMA bursts can be timed such that the receive and
transmit paths in each transceiver are never enabled simultaneously.
Chonbuk National University 19 Microwave Circuits Design Laboratory
4.2.3 Time-Division Multiple Access
The need for A/D conversion, digital modulation, time slot and frame
synchronization, etc., makes TDMA more complex.
ÎWith the advent of VLSI DSPs, however, this drawback is no longer a
determining factor.
In most actual TDMA systems, a combination of TDMA and FDMA is
utilized. Each of the channels is time shared among many users.
Our discussion of FDMA and TDMA implies that the transmitted signals in
these systems avoid interfering with each other in either the frequency or time
domain. In essence, the signals are orthogonal in one of these domains.
While adding complexity to the system, power control generally reduces the
average power dissipation of the mobile unit. To understand this, note that
without such control, the mobile must always transmit enough power to be able
to communicate with the base station, whether path loss and fading are
significant or not. With power control, on the other hand, the mobile can
transmit at low levels whenever the channel conditions improve.
ÎThis also reduces the average interference seen by other users.
A wireless standard defines all the details and constraints that govern the design
of transceivers used in a wireless system.
While providing the “boundary conditions,” such a standard does not specify
how the actual transmit and receive paths must be implemented, allowing some
flexibility in the choice of transceiver architectures(Ch5).
Most first-generation digital phones in the United States actually operate with
both AMPS and NADC to provide a wider coverage for users.
When connected with GSM, DECT provides mobility to LAN users in building.
Using TDMA/FDMA, DECT operates with TDD in the frequency band 1880
MHz to 1900 MHz. Time-shared among eight users, each channel is 1.73 MHz
wide, yielding a total capacity of 120.
DECT TDMA frame structure: 24 time slots (12 for transmit and 12 for receive)
with a total duration of 10 ms.
Each time slot contains 32 preamble bits, 388 data bits, and 60 guard bits.
DECT aims at low cost and low power in the design of the portable phone rather
than spectral efficiency.
Chonbuk National University 42 Microwave Circuits Design Laboratory
4.3.5 Digital European Cordless Telephone