Basic Diode Laser
Basic Diode Laser
Basic Diode Laser
May 2000
Profile Inc.
87 Hibernia Avenue
Rockaway, NJ 07866
In the following we will describe how laser diodes operate and what
their special features are. This applies to the characteristic curves, the
spectrum, the characteristics of the beam and other important pa-
We will describe typical types of laser diodes and their fields of appli-
Summary 2
Basics on laser diodes
The laser diode (LD) and the related light emitting diode (LED) are LD/ LED
semiconductor devices with pn-junctions. Depending on the kind of
emission there is a difference between surface or edge emitting di-
Most LEDs are surface emitters (SLED: Surface-emitting LED). Due SLED - EELED
to a special layer set-up also edge-emitting LEDs (EELED) that have a
higher degree of effiency, can be realized. If you combine this struc-
ture with a fiber guide you will reach – due to the concentration of the
radiation in the fiber guide – still higher radiation densities. This is then
called super-luminescence diodes.
While LEDs can only emit incoherent light, laser diodes emit coherent
light when operated above the threshold.
The modes are competing with each other and are fluctuating in time
(modal noise). By certain means it can be achieved that only one lon-
gitudinal mode is amplified. The laser then emits as singlemode
Figure 4: Principle structure of a laser diode guided in the active laser region
According to the different refractive indices of the different layers the gain guiding
light is guided in the active zone. The lateral limitation of the light is index guiding
achieved by either index guiding or by gain guiding.
Gain guided lasers are easier to produce, are offered at a lower price
and have a higher reliability. Index guided lasers provide a better
beam quality and require a lower threshold current.
Due to its better characteristics the index guided laser has clearly
overtaken the gain guided laser on the market for telecommunication.
This applies especially to the DFB laser (Distributed-Feedback-Laser). DFB
With this kind of laser the reflections are not effected by the plane mir-
rors of the crystal but by a corrugation of the semiconductor substrate.
These undulated elevations have the effect of a mirror with a high re-
flection power (fig. 5).
Another important type of laser is the vertical cavity surface emitting VCSEL
laser diode (VCSEL). This type disposes of a resonator that is in a
right angle to the active layer. The laser emits at the surface (fig. 6).
The resonator consists of multi-layer mirrors above and below the ac-
tive zone. These mirrors must have a considerably higher reflection
than those of horizontal emitting laser diodes as in the VCSELs the
photons only pass a relatively short distance in the active zone.
Due to their structure surface emitting laser diodes have only one
beam window, compared to common diodes. This is a disadvantage
as for many applications a second beam is necessary for controlling
purposes, e.g. to stabilise the output power.
However, the higher optical power can only be used if it is coupled into
a medium with sufficiently large dimensions (diameter and numeric
3 Substrates
The semiconductor substrates which the laser diodes consist of are di-
rectly responsible for the wavelength the laser diodes emit.
With a pn-junction GaAlAs can emit from 750nm to 880nm and thus
fully covers the range of the first optical window.
3 Substrates 7
Basics on laser diodes
Important parameters of the characteristic curve are their slope, the important parameters
threshold current, the roundness at the threshold and the linearity of
laser operation.
If the optical output power is too high, the laser mirrors will be de- Attention!
stroyed. Therefore it is essential to limit the maximum output power.
Typical powers for fiber coupled components are at only a few milli-
watts. You cannot couple the total power into the fiber. With single-
mode fibers typical coupling efficiency is approximately 50 %.
With open beam laser diodes output powers up to some kilowatts can
be reached.
Fig. 8 shows the spectrums of gain guided and index guided semicon-
ductor lasers. With gain guided lasers a multimode structure can be
recognised. This is due to the higher spontaneous emission compared
to that of the index guided laser. The envelope curve corresponds to
the amplification profile above the laser threshold. The 3-db width is
some nanometers.
With the index guided Fabry-Perot laser one spectral line is dominant,
in most cases, but side modes can clearly be recognised. With the
DFB laser, index guided too, the linewidth is considerably smaller and
the side modes are much more suppressed than with the Fabry-Perot
λ2 λ2
l coh = resp. l coh = (1)
δλ 3 − dB width
f= (2)
v v
∆f = δλ resp. ∆f = 2 δλ3dB (3)
λ 2
The beam of a laser diode is divergent with a rather large radiation divergence
angle. This is due to the diffraction of the light waves when coupled
out of the laser diode. Inside the laser the light waves are limited to the
active zone (see chapter 2).
Therefore, in some distance from the emitting area the beam will ap-
pear as an elliptical spot (fig. 9), so that the coupling into fiber with a
low numeric aperture and a small core diameter becomes difficult.
Gain guided and index guided laser diodes have a different distribution
of intensity inside the spots. The “ears” of the gain guided laser in the
parallel plane θll are characteristic.
Fig. 10 compares the near field, the far field (corresponds to the inten-
sity distribution as a function of the angle in a certain distance of the
emitting area) and the spectrum of a gain guided and an index guided
laser. FWHM (full with at half maximum) here is the 3-dB width of the
near field intensity.
Figure 10: (a) near field (parallel plane), (b) far field (vertical plane), (c) far field (parallel plane)
and (d) spectrum of a gain guided (upper) and an index guided (lower) laser diode
The focus of the vertical and the focus of the parallel divergence are
not congruent but shifted against each other (fig. 11). This effect is
called astigmatism. Typical values for astigmatism are for the gain
guided lasers 30µm and for the index guided lasers 10µm.
Laser diodes are emitting almost linear polarised light if they are
driven above the threshold. The reason for this is the polarisation de-
pendency of the reflection factor R of the emission area of the crystal.
The ratio between the parallel and vertical polarisation vectors of the
beam is called polarisation ratio. At a lower operating current the
share of unpolarised light is higher due to the spontaneous emission.
For the shift of the threshold current the following dependency was
determined empirically:
IS ( T + ∆T) = IS ( T) e T0
There are some other parameters of the laser diode that are tem-
perature depending. One of them is the lifetime of laser diodes. When
the chip temperature is reduced by about 10 degrees, the lifetime will
double. This is why the laser chip should at least be mounted to a heat
sink to avoid an overheating by power dissipation.
Figure 14: Temperature dependency of the mode spectrum of a gain guided laser diode
For the wavelength drift of Fabry-Perot lasers the following tempera- temperature coefficients
ture coefficients can be stated:
Since the temperature coefficients for the envelope curve and the sin-
gle spectral lines are different, mode hoppings result from changes in
This effect is clearly visible with the index guided Fabry-Perot lasers,
where the envelope curve covers only one single spectral line. As the
envelope is moving faster than the spectral lines, at certain tempera-
tures the emitted wavelength jumps from one spectral line to the next
(see fig. 15). If the temperature is kept constant exactly where the
spectral line jumps, an irregular mode hopping between the two possi-
ble wavelengths occurs.
The slopes of the single parts of the curve corresponds to the tem-
perature coefficient of the spectral lines. The changeover to the next
part of the curve corresponds to the hopping to the neighbour mode
caused by the shift of the amplification profile. However, at lower
powers the index guided Fabry-Perot laser shows several modes in
most cases (fig. 16).
With DFB lasers the shift of the envelope curve can be neglected
since the envelope curve is very wide and the distance to potential
further modes is rather far. This means that the temperature depen-
dency of the spectrum of the DFB laser is only determined by the shift
of the single spectral line.
A breakthrough in reducing the temperature dependency was reached quantum well laser
by using the so-called distorted Quantum-Well (QW) layers as laser
active zone. These structures enable an operation without cooling up
to +85°.
The laser diode, the monitor diode, the thermistor and the TE cooler
are installed in an hermetically closed package (refer to chapter 7).
The complete device is called laser module (fig. 17).
Laser diodes can either be driven unmodulated, i.e. continuous wave - analog modulation
(CW) or modulated. For analog transmission the modulation is done in
the linear range of the characteristic curve. The operating point has to
be chosen accordingly.
So-called pulse laser diodes are driven in quasi continuous wave (QCW). QCW laser diodes
Rather long time intervals are between the single pulses. Duty cycles
of less than 1:100 are typical.
Since the average power decides how much a laser mirror can stand,
with QCW laser diodes much higher pulse powers can be achieved
than with modulated or unmodulated CW laser diodes.
If a QCW laser diode is driven cw, this will inevitably destroy the laser
due to overheating as the QCW laser provides a bad thermal contact
to the heat sink.
(a) (b)
Laser diodes are sensitive against noise resulting from various origins. noise sources
Most of these noise sources can be controlled and thus the total noise
in the laser system can be limited. The four main noise sources are:
mode hoppings, amplitude intensity noise, optical feedback and
speckle noise.
When selecting the current source to operate the laser diode, special
attention should be paid to low noise specifications.
Optical feedback results from back reflection of laser light into the la-
ser resonator at optical components as, for example, connectors. An
external resonator builds up, competing with the internal laser reso-
Table 1 compares the most important properties of LEDs and laser di-
odes. Table 2 compares some properties of Fabry-Perot lasers to DFB
With a typical 5 mW laser the light intensity at the emitting area (2µm x
2 4
4µm) is 625 W/mm . A damage will occur when the intensity is 10
W/mm or more.
The required protections are substantial and should be adhered ac- protections
cording to the instructions given by the manufacturer. The electrostatic
discharge caused by human touch is the most frequent cause for the
premature failure of the laser diode.
Figure 19: Current source LDC 210 and temperature controller TED 200
of Profile for safe and stable control of a DIL-14 laser diode
Profile GmbH offers a wide variety of suitable current sources for low,
medium and high-power laser diodes. To stabilise the laser wave-
length several temperature controllers are available.
7 Packages 21
Basics on laser diodes
8 Literature
8 Literature 22
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