Jpos Custom Gateway
Jpos Custom Gateway
Jpos Custom Gateway
Table of Contents
Create a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Test run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Gateway Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
The jPOS Gateway tutorial shows you how to use an out-of-the-box binary distribution of jPOS to
build an ISO-8583 gateway, but real world implementations usually require adding custom business
logic, for validation, routing, logging, etc.
This tutorial will show you how to do that by creating a Java project that will use jPOS as a
Create a project
Visit the jPOS-template Github page and download or clone the jPOS-template. Let’s call our project
gateway. We use the clone command here, but downloading the ZIP is basically the same thing.
② If you cloned it, you may want to get rid of the .git reference and git init your own.
Test run
gradle installApp ①
build/install/gateway/bin/q2 ②
If you don’t have Gradle installed in your system, you can use the provided Gradle
TIP wrapper by calling ./gradlew instead of your default gradle. It’s a good idea to install a
recent version of Gradle in your development environment, though.
The dist target creates a binary distribution in the build/distributions directory, that can be
expanded in a staging directory and run from there. The installApp target is basically the same as
calling gradle dist and then exploding the tarball in a working directory, in this case build/install.
You can install a handy q2 script like the following in your PATH:
TIP exec build/install/${PWD##*/}/bin/q2 "$*"
Then you can call gradle iA && q2 to build and run instead of gradle iA &&
build/install/gateway/bin/q2. Please note iA is a shortcut for installApp.
Stop the system using Ctrl-C, you are now ready for the next step, but before that, we’d like you to
understand why this work the way it works.
When we call gradle dist to build a binary distribution with a directory structure similar to the one
you’ve seen in the previous tutorial, or call gradle installApp to build the distribution and then
expand it in the build/install directory, the following takes place:
• The src/dist/deploy and src/dist/cfg directories get copied to their destination directory in
build/install/gateway/deploy and build/install/gateway/cfg directories. Same goes for the
src/dist/bin directory that contains the q2, start and stop scripts (and .BAT for Windows users)
• And finally, the main jar in the build/install/gateway directory named after the project name
and version (defined in the main build.gradle file).
If we analyze its content (using jar tvf gateway-2.1.0.jar) we’ll see something like this:
If we expand it and take a look at the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file we’ll see something like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Title: gateway
Implementation-Version: 2.1.0
Class-Path: lib/jpos-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar lib/jdom2-2.0.6.jar lib/jdbm-1 ①
.0.jar lib/je-7.0.6.jar lib/commons-cli-1.3.1.jar lib/jline-3.2.0.jar
lib/bsh-2.0b6.jar lib/javatuples-1.2.jar lib/org.osgi.core-6.0.0.jar
lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.56.jar lib/bcpg-jdk15on-1.56.jar lib/sshd-core-
1.3.0.jar lib/slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar lib/javassist-3.21.0-GA.jar lib/Hd
Main-Class: org.jpos.q2.Q2 ②
① The main jar contains a reference to its dependencies which are available in the lib directory.
That little jar, which for now has no compiled classes is the reason we can launch Q2 just by calling:
which is basically what the bin/q2 script does (it just adds a few switches and defaults).
Gateway Configuration
Now go back to the Implementing a jPOS Gateway tutorial and place the QServer, ChannelAdaptor,
MUX and TransactionManager configurations presented there but instead of using the deploy
directory, you should use the src/dist/deploy directory.
cd src/dist/deploy
cd ../../..
Now, when you call gradle installApp && build/install/gateway/bin/q2 you’d be able to run exactly
the same configuration shown in the Gateway tutorial, with a nice difference, you’re building from
the sources, and you can add your custom code to the classpath.
At this point, we suggest you fire a message following the instructions from the gateway tutorial,
just to make sure everything works alright before moving to the next section.
Adding your custom code
Adding your custom code is simple now, just create a directory src/main/java and place them there.
You probably want to use an IDE, so you can try something like this:
mkdir -p src/main/java
gradle idea # (or gradle eclipse if you wish)
<participant class="org.jpos.transaction.participant.QueryHost"/>
<participant class="org.jpos.transaction.participant.SendResponse"/>
Just the QueryHost and SendResponse participants. Let’s add a SelectDestination participant that
would allow you to route a transaction to different endpoints.
mkdir -p src/main/java/org/jpos/tutorial
package org.jpos.tutorial;
import org.jpos.core.*;
import org.jpos.iso.ISOMsg;
import org.jpos.transaction.Context;
import org.jpos.transaction.ContextConstants;
import org.jpos.transaction.TransactionParticipant;
public int prepare(long id, Serializable context) {
Context ctx = (Context) context;
Now go back to 30_txnmgr.xml and add a new participant just before QueryHost:
<participant class="org.jpos.tutorial.SelectDestination">
<property name="bin.411111" value="MYMUX" />
Now if you send a regular message to port 8000 as instructed in the Gateway tutorial, the message
would go to the configured jPOS-AUTORESPONDER MUX, but if you care to add a field 2 (Primary
Account Number) with a value of 4111111111111111 (valid LUHN, configured BIN 411111), then you
won’t get a response, but if you check the log/q2.log you’ll see something like this:
[MISCONFIGURED_ENDPOINT] o.j.t.p.QueryHost.prepare:66 MUX 'mux.MYMUX' not
The system tried to route the transaction to a non existent MUX called MYMUX.
If you add it (20_mymux_mux.xml pointed to a channel), you should be able to get the router going.
How to get help
If you have questions while trying this tutorial, feel free to contact, we’ll be
happy to help.
If you want online assistance, you can join the jPOS Slack, please request an invite.